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Salmonellosis is "a disease of raw eggs. Can I get infected with salmonelle from chicken eggs

Salmonellosis is by no means "disease of raw eggs." In fact, there are no bacteria in eggs, but they can be infected with chicken litter on them. Learn about the most common myths about Salmonella and raw eggs.

Myth 1. Salmonellet source are eggs

Actually source salmonelleza They are chickens, and in the fresh eggs Salmonelle is not, even if they look very good. So why can you get salmonella when eating eggs? The thing is that particles of chicken litter (which contain salmonella) can enter the shell and infect an egg. That is why before use they advise the eggs thoroughly.

Cutlet with egg skey

Myth 2. Salmonella can only be infected with domestic eggs

This is a big misconception. No poultry farm can guarantee you the full safety of products. This is physically impossible.

Fried eggs

In addition, Salmonellosis suffers a cattle, goats, sheep and even pigs.

Gogol-Mogol from egg yolks with milk and sugar filled five minutes from Evil Olive Food

Myth 3. Salmonella dies in the freezer and in thermal processing

Salmonella is a very hardy bacterium. In the water she lives up to 6 months, in sausages and meat - up to 4 months, and in a frozen bird - up to a year and more.

Irice cooking time and readiness stage

However, during thermal processing, Salmonella really dies. True, she dies, provided that you boil the egg screwed or fry an omelet from two sides. The sick or glazing egg carries the same danger as (if it is originally infected with Salmonella).

Myth 4. Quail eggs do not contain salmonella

Perhaps this is the most common myth of Salmonella. In fact, any bird can be infected with salmonella if it is wrong to feed and contain in too hot and warm. Therefore, if in such conditions contain quail, then they can easily become infected with salmonella.

Myth 5. It is possible to recover from Salmonellize yourself, it is enough to take antibiotics

Note that salmonellosis is a rather severe infectious disease. With improper treatment, salmonellosis may even go into a chronic form. That is why, if suspected Salmonellosis, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, and in confirmation of the diagnosis, complete treatment should be treated in the hospital.

Note that most intestinal causative agents of infections resistant to many antibiotics. If you yourself will choose an antibiotic, then risk becoming a hidden infection carrier.

What do we know about Salmonellosis? Basically, this is a dangerous infectious disease that can be infected by eating raw eggs, as well as poorly failing or roasted chicken. But quail eggs, as some people believe, you can eat raw, because Salmonella do not live in them.

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However, the majority of such opinions are recognized by physicians with frankly delusion. What are the most common myths about Salmonellosis? About it told the main freelance infectious player of Kiev Tatyana Egorova.

Myth first. The source of infection is eggs

The source of infection is chickens. There are no fresh eggs. However, particles litter chicken containing bacteria can get on the shell. After some time (from 4 hours to 5 days), the bacteria penetrate through the shell inside the eggs and infect it. Therefore, before using the egg, it is necessary to thoroughly wash with water with soap.

Myth second. The source of infection is only poultry

It's a delusion. In addition to chickens, salmonellosis transfer cattle, sheep, goats, and even pigs. Also, the reservoir of infections are rodents, wild birds (sparrows, pigeons, seagulls, bullfinches), oysters, snails, caterpillars, cockroaches, flies, bees, frogs, turtles, fish, snakes.

Myth Third. In the freezer Salmonella dies

Very hardy. In the water, they can survive 5-6 months, in meat and sausage - 3-4 months, in the freezer can be maintained about six months, and in frozen carcasses of birds - even more than a year (very low temperatures, on the contrary, canning salmonella, leaving them viable) .

Myth fourth. Fried eggs can be without fear to get infected

Indeed, as a result of thermal processing, the pathogen dies. But the scrambled eggs can only be bold if you fry it from two sides. But the glazing remains as dangerous as fresh eggs.

Myth fifth. Quail eggs Salmonella do not contain

the scrambled eggs can only be able to fry it from two sides.

In reality, birds are infected due to poor-quality feeding and improper care. In most cases, the main source of infection - the feed, which includes a recycled animal raw materials (mainly large and small cattle, pigs). Therefore, if such feeds give quail and if they are contained in the poultry house, where the microclimate (very hot) is broken, then salmonella may appear in quail eggs.

Myth Sixth. The knife after they cut the raw meat, it is enough to wash with cold water

Thus (through the kitchen inventory) salmonellosis to get used very easily. After all, the raw meat may contain bacteria. Therefore, it will be insufficient if the knife and cutting board are cold with cold water. To neutralize the causative agent, the kitchen inventory needs to be boiled. But it is better to single out a separate knife and a separate kitchen board for meat.

Mythseventh. Cure from salmonellosis can be alone, enough to take antibiotics

Salmonellosis is a severe infectious disease that, with improper treatment, can go into a chronic form. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo a full course of inpatient treatment. In no case should not engage in self-medication and take antibiotics - most of the pathogens who cause them to be resistant. Therefore, as a result of improper treatment, a person can turn into a hidden carrier of infection and infect others. Therefore, if there are signs of the disease, be sure to consult a doctor.

Symptoms of salmonellosis

Salmonellaz symptoms are similar to the symptoms of most other acute intestinal infections. The incubation period is an average of 12-24 hours (but, it happens, continues to 2-3 days).

The disease begins sharply: high temperature (up to 38-39 degrees), chills, general weakness, malaise, headache, grabs-like pain in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting. Chair in most cases liquid, watery, foam, greenish color, frequency from 5 to 10 times a day. On the 2-3rd day of the disease in the chair, you can detect impurities of mucus and blood. There is a disease from 3 days to 2 weeks.

Abdominal infections are extremely unpleasant consequences after eating contaminated and incorrectly cooked food.

Most often, eggs eaten in cheese (including creams, desserts, drinks, mayonnaise, home and industrial production) become the culprits of infection (including creams, industrial production) and a semi-formation (glazing, skey house). Also, Salmonella infection can occur from the meat of horned livestock and birds, dairy products and fish.

In addition to the food salmonelles, it is possible to get sick from the outside, without changing your hands after the street, ignoring wet cleaning in the apartment (bacteria can live up to three months in dust) or hoping in the lake.

The probability of salmonella in chicken eggs is well known. At the same time, relative to quail and cesarine in society there are erroins that they cannot be infected with Salmonella bacterium.

It's important to know! Regardless of the type of poultry (chickens, ducks, cesters, quail, geese, turkey) with incorrect feeding and content there is a risk of infection with herd salmonella.

After infection, the birds become carriers of a bacteria that lives in their intestines.

When the chickens or other homemade feathers demolish the eggs of the infection remaining on the shell along with the litter particles.

If you do not wash the eggs, then after a while bacteria penetrates through the shell and infects the contents.

When they say that salmonella in quail eggs And Cesarine cannot be - excuses a dense egg shell and a high body temperature of birds, however, it is only a delusion.

On the forums on the Internet you can find a question: " Where is Salmonella in the eggs? ". It is impossible to see the bacterium, it does not affect the color of the shell or the contents of the egg and at the same time it strides all the contents inside the shell.

Safety of products does not last depend on their purity and degree of processing.

Eggs need to be examined in the store, the contents of the package must be without traces of litter and cracks. Before using the egg, it is necessary to wash with soap or gel for washing dishes suitable for food.

How to kill Salmonella in the egg?

So that the eggs are safe they should prepare at least 75 degrees for 10 minutes. If the yolk remained liquid or mild to talk about the destruction of the bacterium will not work.
Some dishes (for example, custard) can be prepared at a temperature of from 60 degrees, but 80-90 minutes.

How to destroy Salmonella in meat?

Cooking in boiling water (100 degrees) small pieces of meat destroys the bacterium almost instantly. However, if the philus thickness is more than 8 centimeters and high weight, then the ward should take 3 hours.

Warming up the finished meal should be at a temperature mode above 70 degrees 10 minutes.
Some types of salmonelle have high heat resistance.

By the way, Salmonella in the poultry meat or a frozen egg will not die, so freezing even for a long time will not protect from the bacterium.

Symptoms of salmonellosis infection

The insidious disease manifests itself 6 hours after the spread of the bacterium in the body, but sometimes the incubation period is drawn up to 48 hours.

The preferential manifestation of infection in gastrointestinal form, so the patient shows the symptoms:

  • temperature increase,
  • liquid stool of unnatural color,
  • nausea or vomiting
  • pain in the epigastric, medium and suprapic region,
  • with severe intoxication, pain in the liver and pancreas may appear,
  • with strong poisoning, the cardiovascular system is affected.

A number of bacteria has resistance to some antibiotics, so the prescription of drugs should be carried out by a doctor. With light poisoning, the treatment is carried out outpatient, with medium and heavy form in the hospital.

Salmonellosis can not be ignored, since there is a high risk of complications for the whole organism, for example: septic complications, inflammation in the urinary system, heart failure and other severe diseases.

Chicken eggs are an indispensable product in any kitchen. He seems quite harmless, but this impression is deceptive. He can act as a carrier of the hazardous bacterium Salmonella, which provokes the development of a heavy illness called Salmonellosis. The disease affects the digestive system, calls colitis, ulcers, abdominal typhoid, gastritis. Salmonella in eggs is a common phenomenon that everyone needs to know.

The infected egg is not different from the usual

Source of infection - egg or chicken?

Experts claim that Salmonella bacteria are sick chicken. The causative agent of the disease lives in the intestines of birds and does not show itself, but it stands out with the feces.

If you get littered on the shell of enough 3 days to penetrate the infection in the egg. As a result, the product freshly becomes dangerous for the human body.

Eating eggs in the first 2 days almost completely reduces the risk of infection.

What does Salmonella look like in the egg?

Visually to distinguish a healthy product from infected - impossible. The appearance does not have any differences. The only thing that is worth paying attention is the presence of avian litter on the shell.

What the virus pathogen looks like, you can look at the photo, but not to consider it with a naked look.

See salmonella unarmed look impossible

Where does Salmonella live in the eggs?

In the fresh product there is no infection, but it may be present on the shell. After some time, the bacteria penetrate the eggs and live there for quite a long time.

Some people believe that there can be no infections in home products. In fact, an outbreak of the disease in one chicken coop with a lightning speed applies to the entire farm. Poultry lives in isolated conditions. In this case, no guarantee that they cannot catch the infection, no.

How not to infect salmonelle?

Good conditions for the detention of chickens and the use of high-quality feed are not a guarantor of their health and safety of demolished eggs.

Each person who wants to protect his family from Salmonellosis must adhere to several important rules:

  1. It is worth using eggs demolished only with healthy churars. When buying in the store it is impossible to check, so it remains only to count on the vigilance of sanitary services. It is they who carry out control of the goods entering the implementation.
  2. It is not recommended to make a purchase from strangers, as well as in natural markets. Trust only proven sources.
  3. Much depends on freshness of chicken eggs. The stamp with the date is usually placed on the shell, be sure to check it out.
  4. A broken product is not suitable for use. Integrity disorders, leakage of the contents, blood stains and litters - sign up for possible infection.
  5. Avoid infection with bacteria on the shell, will help washing with flowing water with soap. At the time of breaking, the virus will not fall into the dish.

Thermal processing allows you to kill Salmonella. For this food should warm up to 75 degrees for 10 minutes. When boiling, the virus dies 2 times faster. Well roasted or welded boosted eggs are absolutely safe.Glazunya and not fully failed product represent a potential danger.

Glazunya does not receive sufficient heat treatment, so salmonella can live in it

In the dried form, the infection is preserved for a long time, during freezing survives up to 13 months.

From raw eggs should be refused, so the risk of infection will be much lower. Often they are used in the process of cooking creams for various confectionery products. In the refrigerator, the cream cream is stored up to 36 hours, whipped cream - up to 7, custard dessert - not more than 6 hours.

There is another advice, as not to infect a dangerous disease. Immediately after working in the kitchen, you need to wash your hands and all the surfaces that were in contact with the raw product. Salmonella do not die for a long time and retain activity about a week.

Always wash your hands after working in the kitchen

Is there Salmonella in quail eggs?

Many sources argue that there are quail eggs in the raw form. The normal twinkle body is considered to be the indicator of more than 40 °. In such conditions, the virus is not able to survive. Birds are not sick of salmonell, so their eggs cannot be infected. This opinion was widespread, but is it truthful?

There is a direct opposite point of view, which is confirmed by scientific research. Quail, like chickens, are sickly salmonell, so eggs are infected and require treatment before use.

Quail eggs contain many nutrients that are destroyed during cooking, but in raw form they are dangerous, especially for children. Consumers have the right to independently make a choice: to disinfect the product either there is it fresh.

The main threat to health is Salmonella bacteria. Most exposed to infection people with weakened immunity and children. The latter disease takes an acute form. A healthy organism is able to independently overcome Salmonellia, but not worth the risk. Buy the goods only from proven sellers, expose it to heat processing as much as necessary for complete cooking. So you can protect yourself and your loved ones from serious negative consequences.

Can I kill yourself with chicken eggs? It turns out that it is possible - in the usual for each mistress, the Microbe Salmonella Enterika lives. According to Salmonelles statistics, it takes a leading place in the number of fatal cases caused by food poisoning.

Bacteria is especially terrible for people at old age and people with a weak immunity. Yes, and strong people every year heal becomes harder - Salmonella lost sensitivity to a whole row. Therefore, you need to remember the danger when you want to eat a chicken egg.

Where is the causative agent?

He is a resident of the intestinal tract of homemade poker - chickens, ducks, geese. But since geese and ducks are rarely eaten, the infection occurs to a greater extent due to the crude nurses.

Among the poultry salmonella is infected with about a quarter of chickens and percent of 70 geese and ducks. The birds themselves do not hurt - they are carriers of the microbe.

Salmonella may be contained in eggs and poultry meat. The egg is covered with a porous lime shell. It is, due to the fact that the egg passes through the poultry clock, is contaminated with a huge number of microorganisms, including Salmonella.

Eggs are infected not only outside, but also inside. Salmonella penetrates the shell and, falling into the protein, begins to actively multiply.

How is the infection been transmitted?

Summer, raw products always represent a danger. But eggs with salmonella can be dangerous not only in the summer, but also the most severe winter.

How much the product is neither cooling, bacterium will not die - in the refrigerator it can live and multiply up to 12 months. Sew a crude product, prepared on the basis of a protein cream for cake, a person risks to get pathogenic salmonella.

Interesting fact! Salmonella penetrates the human cells so rapidly that scientists offer to use it when combating viruses - a microbe can become a kind of transport delivery of medicines with sick bodies.

But this will be embodied in the future. Today, Salmonella is a dangerous bacterium from which you can die, and which it is almost impossible to detect for some signs on the product - infected meat or egg may not smell and not change.

The main danger is that Salmonella amazes the products and walls of the refrigerator adjacent to harmful eggs.

A person can be infected with salmonellosis in the occupational grounds where sanitary standards are not always observed and eggs are purchased cheaper from unscrupulous suppliers.

Eggs can be bits and not passing sanitary processing. Of them are preparing all sorts of desserts, dishes, pastries, and people risk picking salmonella, just revealed a portion of ice cream hot afternoon.

Is salmonellosis in quail eggs?

Quails the body temperature is significantly higher than chicken (40 degrees), so Salmonella practically does not live in quail meat - it is very difficult for her to multiply. And if it lives, the bacterium does not succeed in the egg - the thin, the fragile shell has much smaller pores, unlike chicken.

Fans of Gogol Mogoli, Glazuny or creams are better preferred quail eggs.

They are useful chicken, containing three times more trace elements and vitamins, young children are recommended quail eggs due to hypoallery.

How to check the product for the presence of infection?

Detect salmonella in the product only in. But the risk of picking up the bacterium is much lower if the purchased eggs are fresh. The term of their fitness at a storage temperature of 0-25 degrees is, according to GOST, 25 days from the day of sorting.

The marking purchased on the elementary market does not have, but their freshness can be checked in a simple way - to omit in the container with cold water. Non-letters turn over, and raise a blunt end up, very old can even emerge.

If, breaking the egg, you see that the yolk is very smeared, lost the form and broke up in protein, that is, the probability that it has long been demolished.

Preventive measures against infection

The bacterium kills boiling and roast at temperatures above 70 degrees. At 100 degrees, it dies for 3 minutes. Therefore, it is not necessary to risk and racking eggs "in the bag" or the ovarian-glazing.

For eggs, the temperature processing must be at least 10-15 minutes after water boiling. When cooking, scrambled eggs can not try not roasted dish, lick the shovel.

Other prevention measures must be observed:

  • for cutting raw foods, use a separate board and knife;
  • keep raw and ready on different shelves of the refrigerator;
  • chicken meat boil at least 1.5 hours;
  • whole milk be boiling;
  • eggs before use must be washed with detergent.

The beginning of the disease salmonellosis is very similar to the symptoms on the flu. High temperatures appear, bone lubricants, headache. At the very first signs of malaise, you need to call a doctor, and then yours, in time the diagnosed disease will not turn into unpleasant complications.

Video on how to check eggs for freshness and protect yourself from Salmonelleza: