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Dates of planting pumpkins in open ground. How to grow a pumpkin at the cottage in the open ground: immediately in the ground or seedle. Swimming and thinning

Pumpkin is an incredibly healthy vegetable, which is not at all difficult to grow, so it is located almost on any garden. The easiest way for this is landing pumpkin seeds in open ground. Of course, if spring is warm enough, and the summer is long, so that the harvest manage to grow to frosts.

How to choose and prepare seeds to land

Pumpkin seeds for landing can be bought in the store or collect pumpkin seeds, which was planted on his garden in previous years and ripe completely. How to collect seeds - everyone knows: you just need to take out and rinse them after cutting a ripe fetus, and then dry and fold on storage in the bag of natural fabric the entire assembled material for the future sowing. They are considered suitable for use of the whole 4 years, but fresh seeds do not sit, it is better to hurt them for a couple of years, then the germination will increase significantly. A large full-length grains will give a healthy plant, so the planting material is calibrated in size, unwitted. To do this, it is enough to soak the seeds of pumpkin before planting in salted water - the worst of the seed will remain on the surface.

Vegetable breeding often suggest how to properly prepare sowing material. It needs not only to take away, but still to decapitate, stimulate germination. To protect your future plants from diseases, seeds are treated with different substances. Most often, for several hours, they are placed in a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate, but you can use potassium humate, cetacin, wood ash infusion.

All these events are designed to protect the plants after planting pumpkins in open ground. Is it possible to do without it? Sure. Do you need to soak the pumpkin seeds before landing, each owner decides himself. But, as a rule, all preparatory troubles take some time and attention, while increasing the germination and quality of plants.

We germinate and descend seeds

Before planting a pumpkin in the open soil seeds, clumsy seeds germinate or wait only for sprouting sprouts, and then harden. It will help rather get germs, which means to reduce the total growth time, that is, time to grow a crop, even if the summer ended early, especially since the pumpkin is growing better with a light day less than 12 hours, being a rapid daylight. And the hardening will increase the immunity of plants, will make them stronger in conditions of changing weather.

In order for the sprout to easier to overcome the skin of the seed, the seeds warm up 8-9 hours at a temperature of + 50-60 degrees. You can use the oven for these purposes or simply hold them into the sun, periodically turning over for uniform warming up. After that, they are placed on 12 hours into an ral solution (2 tablespoons of wood ash and 1 liters of boiling water insist, while the temperature does not become acceptable - about +50 degrees) or simply wrap a well-wedded molar solution, pre-folded several times.

Before planting, sprouted or tapping seeds are placed on the last day in the refrigerator, leaving on the bottom shelf. Sometimes they simply alternately hold 10 hours in the room, 2 - in the refrigerator, but only then planted.

Feeding and other soil preparation

Place for pumpkin beds are chosen by sunny, although many varieties grown in the half do not lose when it comes to collect harvest. The soil should be a nonclicat, fertile, loose enough so that the water is not stuffed, and the air fell to the roots. The best option will be fertile sovereok or loam. At the same place, pumpkin cultures plant no earlier than in 5 years. Great predecessors are grain, legumes, cabbage, sita and perennial herbs.

Before planting the pumpkin by seeds to the garden, it is worth conducting some preparatory work. Plot is better cooking from autumn. It needs to be released from weeds, to divert the shone to the depth of the shovel, to make a humus and compost, you can even a non-peculiar korovyan, a total of up to 10 kg per square meter of the square.

Add Superphosphate and potash fertilizers (up to 20 g each), 1-liter wood ash jar. If the soil is too heavy, sawdust (better semi-proverse), sand, in too sandy is worth adding loam. If the soil is acidic, then the fall in it is made by dolomite flour or even lime. Those who did not have time to enrich the soil in the fall, usually make fertilizers before landing directly to the bottom of the wells.

Dates of landing

The dates of planting pumpkins are determined by the climatic conditions of the region. Sow pumpkins in the soil in the south is usually in early May, a little north - by the end of May, in the summer (if the weather does not allow me to be better) it is better to grow this vegetable that is not directly from seeds, but through seedlings. Before planting a pumpkin in open ground, you need to make sure that the earth warmed up at least 10 cm to +12 degrees. At a lower temperature, they will heat very slowly, and may even be contrary.

The landings are calculated as follows: it is necessary to remove the harvest before the arrival of frosts, from the appearance of spheres to ripening fruit usually passes 3.5-4 months, the prepared seeds are germinated less than a week, unprepared - from 10 to 14 days.

Knowing when cold come in the fall, when the earth is heated to the desired temperature in the spring, it is possible to navigate with the seeding time.

Landing seeds in the ground

Now it's time to talk, actually about how to plant pumpkin seeds. On the selected and prepared section of the garden in the spring, the arranged weeds are cleaned, they jump (or just loose) a garden, at a distance of 80-100 cm, the shallow wells with a diameter of 30 cm are digging from each other. Between the rows leave the distance from one and a half to two meters. It is best to place the wells in a chess order. If fertilizers were not made in the fall, then at the bottom of each well (which dumps deeper) are placed at least 5 kg of organic and 1 tablespoon of complex mineral fertilizers, wood ashes. All this is slightly stirred from the ground. 1-1.5 liters of hot (about +50 degrees) of water are poured into each well (about +50 degrees), and after it is absorbed, you can plant seeds.

It is placed in each well to 3-5 things to a depth of 5 to 8 cm, it is not nearby, and at the highest possible distance from each other. Then they pour out earth, sawdust or humus. After all the plants go up, they will have a pair of real leaves. Leave only two plants. What pumpkin to choose, will show their condition, the rest plunder at the earth itself.

Video "Planting Pumpkins in Open Soil"

In this video you will hear useful tips on planting pumpkins.

Pumpkin is a traditional food product on our table, very useful, rich in vitamins. And this is an unpretentious plant that can be successfully grown in our climate. However, it is important to know the rules and nuances of working with this plant. Consider how to plant pumpkin seeds in open ground.

Selection and preparation of seeds

Before talking about how to plant seeds in open ground, you need to consider how to choose the right seeds. Since all success depends on the right choice and preliminary processing.

There are several ways: seeds can be bought at any store for gardeners, or you can collect seeds from the pumpkin that you grow in your garden. Of course, the pumpkin must be completely ripe. Collect seeds are quite simple - for this you need to remove seeds out of the fetus, rinse them, dry and fold it. It is recommended to store them in a bag of natural fabric. This will be sowing material.

It is noteworthy that the seeds are the more horsesh, the more they are stored. Optimal for landing is considered seeds that are stored for a year or two. In general, you can store them four years old, and all this time they will maintain their germination.

Next, the seeds need to be sorted - and this stage should not be skidding, because large, full seeds will give you a healthy, strong plant. If the planting material is small, damaged, then it is not worth using it.

There is a simple and reliable way to determine fit seeds - this is enough to soak them in salted water. Unique seeds for sowing will remain on the surface of the water, and they should be discarded.

The next stage of seed preparation is germing and hardening. Keeping seeds need to germinate or wait until sprouts begin to slander. Then they temper them. Why do it? Such a study of seeds significantly reduces the growth period, and you will be able to get your gear faster. Thus, you will significantly increase the chance to grow your own even in the case when the summer ends early.

In addition, hardening has a positive effect on seeds by strengthens the immunity of plants, makes them stronger, strong, allows them to carry changing weather conditions.

How to properly rolling the seeds so that the sprome make it easier to break through the seed skirt? For this, pumpkin seeds need to be warmed at a temperature of 50-60 degrees for 8-9 hours. The most convenient method for this is the oven. Please note that the seeds must be evenly properly protected, so they must be turned over.

After that, they must be held in the ash solution. The solution is made easily - 2 tablespoons of ordinary wood ash insist in a liter of boiling water. In this solution, the calcined seeds hold 12 hours.

Before planting a pumpkin with seeds into an open ground, you need to do another process with sprouted seeds - put in the refrigerator for 24 hours. And only after that you can go to disembarkation.

Preparation of soil

Experienced gardeners know that for pumpkins it is necessary to pick up a good place for her growth. It is advisable to choose a sunny place. Pumpkin loves fertile and loose soil, because its roots need air. As for acidity, the soil must be not acidic. The perfect option is loamy and sovereok. Remember that the soil must be fertile.

There is another important nuance that must be taken into account - the pumpkin (no matter what kind of grade) is planted at the same place only after 5 years. Well, if the perennial herbs, cabbage or legumes grew to this place - such a soil is very good for pumpkin.

Preparatory work for pumpkin landing start from autumn. The site should be well prepared, namely remove weeds, add compost and humus. Also, the site should be accurate. If you have made a decision to plant seeds, into acidic soil, it is better to add lime to it (you can also use a dolomite flour). Remember that it is necessary to enrich the soil. If you could not do it on time, then fertilizers can be made before landing.

    Do you try pumpkin in your garden?

When planting seeds

Now consider how to plant pumpkin seeds in open ground. As with most other cultures, the term depends on the weather conditions of the region. If it is a southern region, then usually landing can be started in the first days of May; North - in the last days of May. If the weather of your region does not allow me to plant before summer, it is recommended to grow a pumpkin not from seeds, but after seedlings.

Before planting a pumpkin by seeds into open ground, make sure that the heat of the freeze is at least 10 cm. If there is no (its temperature is less than +12 degrees), then the seeds will be extremely slow to sprout. Moreover, they can be contrary.

And the fruits ripen in 3.5-4 months after the appearance of the first sprouts. If the seeds are pre-prepared, they germinate until the week; If not prepared - from ten days to two weeks. Take all this to determine the landing time.

How to plant pumpkin seeds

First, on the future pumpkin garden, the wells dig up, in each of which is poured hot water (approximately liter-one and a half). When the water is completely absorbed, you can land seeds - in each 3-5 seeds. Then the wells must be filled with land. It will stay to wait when plants will go up.

You only need two plants - choose those that are in the best condition. Of these plants will grow a good pumpkin. Plants need to regularly loose and water, fertilize organic, for example, chicken litter or mineral (ammonium nitrate) feeding.

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It happens that women's flowers bloom before male, then it is possible to pollinate with the male flowers of a different relative plant - a zucchini or patisson is suitable. The fruits will be perfectly angry, but the seeds use for landings will not be impossible, so if you want to sell or plant seeds, then you only need to pollinate the colors of the same plant.

Landing seeds in the soil

Before sowing, it is desirable to prepare the soil. On 1 square meter of the pumpkin section, 2 buckets of the humidiation are made, half a view of sawdust, a glass of nitroposki and a liter tree of wood ash. The site is picked up at a premise at least 40 cm and spill with hot water.

Dates of planting pumpkins - the second decade of May

The web tick is a pest that creates a thin Putin on the back of the leaf of pumpkin. Measures of the struggle: spraying with a solution of garlic, in the silence of onion husk or even simple water.

The first (after a week and a half after the seedlings landing or 21 days after the seeding of seeds): dung alone, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 4;

One of the most important components of pumpkin care is

Immediately before landing seedlings in the wells, 2 kg of compost are made, watering it with warm water. After planting plants, the wells sprinkle with dry ground in order to avoid the formation of a crust. The first week is the most responsible when the delicate plants need to cover the paper caps or cropped five-liter plastic capacities.

Plant seeds in open ground follows after the soil warms up to 11-12`s. The beds are prepared as follows:

Growing pumpkin in open ground: choice of varieties, landing, care, harvest -

Mediterranean varieties with maximum yield

Before boarding the soil, pumpkin seeds is desirable to withstand in the ash solution of 10-12 hours at a temperature of up to 40 degrees. Plants are sown to a depth of approximately 5 cm, 4-5 seeds are put in the well. There should be approximately 1.5 m in a row between plants - 1.2 m.

Popular varieties

The edible pumpkin exists about 100 varieties. It can have a round, pear, oval, turbathoid and other shape. The fruit color is also diverse. To be able to consume all winter this vegetable, you need to put it correctly and grow.

  • After planting pumpkins in open ground, you need to think about protecting it from pests. So that the Medveda does not have the roots, several granules of a special preparation with the name of Medvedox are put on each well when planting. The seeding time is determined by the vegetables themselves, it depends on the weather and variety features. The crumpled seeds of the large-scale and hard screw pumpkin plant in the soil when she was already warming up to 10 degrees at a depth of 10-12 cm. In the suburbs it usually happens at the end of May.
  • Bahch wave - manifests itself to twist the leaves, followed by their drying. Measures of the struggle: the processing of beds with a 10% carbofos solution, regular weeds. Subsequent (2-4 times a month): 50 g of a garden mixture or a glass of wood ash on 10 liters of water.
  • WateringSometimes gardeners grow pumpkin seedlings in plastic cups. In such cases, before landing in open ground, the plants need to be removed without damaging the root system. Otherwise, grow a good harvest will not work.

Preparation of Grokery

Make holes at a distance of 50 cm from each other, with aisle 1,5-2.0 m wide;

Each dacket has its own seed preparation recipe. In order to obtain viable seedlings, it is possible, for example, to hold the seeds within 24 hours in the fertilizer solution "Sodium humat", after which it is covered with a damp cloth for one or two days, while wasting the tissue with water. At the same time, the air temperature in the room should be + 22-23 `C.

. These include pumpkin almond, marble, barn. All this is very sweet, evenly ripening and unpretentious grades with a sugar content of 7-13%.

Pumpkin is considered to be the queen among the Bakhchy cultures, because she has the largest fruit. Farmers of Central America still participate in contests for the largest pumpkin. Some "record holders" reach weights of 100 kg and more, and the pumpkin listed in the "Guinness Book of Records", weighed 300 kg.

Preparation of seeds

Pumpkin is valued for their healing and taste. From it prepare cereals, soups, juices, salads, pancakes, casseroles and even jam. You can use the pulp in culinary purposes, and solid bonding - as an attribute for Halloween. Then you need to put a round-shaped variety with yellow or orange color. If you want to surprise people coming to the house, put a pear-shaped grade. Like many others, it carries to spring at room temperature, if you lay the intact fruit. Such specimens can be decorated with your home. If you want to get an early harvest, plant seeds to seedlings, and afterwards it in an open ground. Pumpkin should grow at home no more than 25 days, otherwise the seedlings will stretch, so start the pre-sowing processing of seeds a month before the end of spring frosts. In the middle lane, they begin to rinse them in the mangartan on April 20-25. Make a weak solution. Pouring 3-4 crystal in 100 water, stirring it. Then put pumpkin seeds there for 20 minutes. After that, rinse them and put it enriched with nutritional elements. For this you need a bandage and a rig. Wrap the seeds in the double layer of the bandage, put it in the container, pour the growth stimulator. After 10 hours, drain it, put a flap on the refrigerator. After this time, hold the day of wet seeds in the bandage at room temperature. Then put each seed into a separate pot with a nutritional mixture, it is better to use peat. Don't replete the earth, grow seedlings on a light window sill or a balcony at a temperature of + 15 + 20 ° C, then it will not stretch. At the end of May, pumpkin seedlings plant in an open ground.

In crude rainy weather there may be slugs that are able to destroy the pumpkin. Bahch wave, web tick, gentle flies and shortcuts - the pumpkin has many enemies. To avoid danger, you need to loosen, do not overgrow the soil, do not leave the exhaust weeds, because many attract plant residues. No wonder the gardeners often inspect their plants, at the first appearance of pests, it is necessary to spray the plant with the infusion of onion husks, ash, soapy.

Growing seedlings

In the light permeable soil, the seed is laid by 8-10 cm, and if the earth is hard, then - by 4-5 cm with a keyboard or sprouting down. If the landing is shallow, sprouts can take, without dropping the seed shell, then they can shove the birds. So that it does not happen, you can close the crops or simply check more often and remove the shell manually. The spray pumpkin is planting at a distance of 80 cm from each other, and the plenty is better to plant with an interval of 1 m.

Pumpkin collection begins in September and ends after the first frozen. The degree of maturity of the fruit is determined as follows: if, when pressed on the skin, it retains its integrity, it means that pumpkin ripened. Relying the fruits should be carefully so as not to hit and not drop them, because Mechanical damage reduce pumpkin storage.

In order to grow a good harvest, you need to protect the beds with a pumpkin from diseases and pests, which the pumpkin has a lot.

. Even a short drought can play a fatal role. The fact is that this vegetable culture has a significant leaf surface with which quite a lot of moisture evaporates. Consequently, the pumpkin need to regularly water the entire period of vegetation and maturation, reducing watering only during flowering.

Landing seeds

Pumpkin - a native of the tropics. This can be seen even by how it grows: the leaves are developing more intensively than the fruits. With cold summer, this vegetable culture needs help in maturation, and now we will focus more on how to do it.

  • In each hole, half-water, a glass or two ashes, 20-25 g of nitroposki are added to each well;
  • Inexperienced garders often allow such a mistake: the old, unprepared seeds are sown and are surprised why there are no germs. In order not to lose the time of time, you can go as follows: Soak simultaneously a small number of seeds of different varieties and leave them for germination.
  • Late-weighted varieties
  • In addition, the pumpkin is an integral part of the Halloween's unclean power. On the surface of the fetus freed from the pulp, the Americans cut out faces inside the lamp and a funny company go home.

If you do not have the opportunity to raise seedlings, you will quite have time to get large fruits, putting seeds immediately into open soil. The optimal term for this May 15-20. Start germinating the seeds proposed above in two days before planting. The culture, like all representatives of the Pumpkin family, love to grow on a light soil rich in organica. Moreover, the latter can be seized. Plot for pumpkin cook is easy to avoid extra effort, start digging from the middle of the ridge. At the same time take a little land, postpone it into the left and right side. You will have a trench width of 60 cm. Put the grass in it, dry leaves, semi-fold compost, manure. On the meter Square pour 2 tablespoons of nitroposki. Stir all this shovel. Top to cover the ground, which lies on both sides of the trench. Groat the garden with warm water. Put pumpkin seeds with a square-nesting method in 2 rows after 50 cm. Blank with a nonwoven material from above. If the weather is warm, the first sprouts will seem after 5 days. If cool, you have to wait 7-9. After that, remove the nonwoven material, water the occasionally, shallow loosen the upper layer, water as needed. Each bush leave no more than 1-2 marks, then the fruits will grow large.

Planting seedlings

The larvae of the sprout flies can only damage the planned seedlings if they will attract the smell of fresh manure. Nutcan (wire) can remain from previous crops of perennial herbs. Musture landing will allow good soil processing and thoughtful crop rotation.

In each well, 3-5 seeds are laid at a distance of several centimeters. The soil after sowing is mulched, many are still advised to cover the film or nonwoven canvas from spring cold. When sprouts appear, they leave 2 of the strongest, and the rest plunder. Pumpkin has a very developed root system, small sprouts have already twisted the roots to not damage them (with the slightest damage to the pumpkin root will not grow), unnecessary do not break off, namely press off.

The collected crop is well stored at a temperature of + 4 ... 8 `C. Some hybrids can save consumer qualities for a long time at room temperature.

How to care for pumpkin

Bacteriosis - manifests itself with ulcers and brown spots on fruits and leaves. Disease develops with temperature and high humidity drops. Measures of the struggle: Processing Grocery Bordeaux liquid or zinc sulfate solution.

The plant needs to crop all the shoots except three, the strongest. On the main stem, there are 3-5 barriers with a diameter of about 15 cm. The smaller the strings left, the larger fruits can be obtained. It should be noted that the most tender and tasty flesh in the pumpkins of the middle sizes. In addition, they are easier to collect and transfer to the place of storage. The contents of the wells are stirred, shed a warm heatman solution (1 g by 8-10 liters of water);

Two ways to grow seedlings are practiced: in greenhouses and at home, on the windowsill. Since we are more interested in the second way, we will dwell on it in more detail.

. It is a dawn of the East, winter sweet, mushroom winter with terms of technical ripening from 140 to 160 days and sugar content 11-12%. In Russia, the pumpkin is also very loved. It is so easy to grow it that even beginner vegetables will be successfully coped with this task. It does not require the construction of greenhouses and greenhouses and perfectly fruits even in the northwestern regions of Russia. Pumpkin - the plant is not very capricious, however, to get a good harvest, it is necessary to adhere to some rules when landing it. First, the pumpkin is preferably desirable after leguminous plants: the beans, peas, it will be not bad to feel and in the garden, where in the past year they grown beets, tomatoes, potatoes. To obtain a good crop, it is necessary to take care of making organic and mineral fertilizers. You can enter directly in the hole, in the amount of roughly horsepord, the stack of ashes and 50 Gy of superphosphate. All components before bookmarking the seeds need to be thoroughly mixed with the ground.

There are many chemical preparations saving from pests, it is not difficult to find them, but it must be remembered that ripening fruits may afford and harmful substances too. It will not be superfluous to plant onions, dill and velvets.

After landing into the open soil seedlings or germination from seeds, the pumpkins quickly form lateral shoots, they need to be removed, leaving the main scourge for another two side. The number of umbins also need to be limited, leaving 3-4 on each branch: after counting 5 leaves after the last zeroze, the beach should be pricked, then the plant will not waste forces, but will direct them on the ripening of fruits. Many delicious pumpkin varieties can be raised by seeding seeds In the open ground at the end of May, but not nutmeg - they simply do not go, they are better to grow with a seaside way. Seeds need to take only fresh, it is desirable to check them on the germination to know what to expect after sowing into the ground. Seeds rejected, which surfaced in soaking with salt water, sowned to the bottom prepare for sowing. White rot - fungal disease, striking the whole plant as a whole. It looks like a white flare on the fruits and leaves, after the appearance of which the pumpkin gradually rotates. Measures of the struggle: the twist of the beds with lime-fuzzy, copper vigorous, crowded charcoal.

  • Pumpkins are demanding of the fertility of the soil, love
  • A few words about pollination

Diseases and pests

It is planted for 2-3 germinated seeds into each well, with a blowout up to 5 cm.

  • The first thing should be prepared by a pottery with a diameter of 15 cm and fill them on a 2/3 mixture of the turf (1 part), humoring (2 parts) and peat (1 part). Three weeks before the estimated landing in the garden, the sprouted seeds are sipped into a pot, sprinkled with a mixture of a cowboy and ash. When shoots appear, seedlings are put into room with a temperature of + 13-14 `C.
  • To secure a good harvest from pumpkin beds, you need to plant this culture in loose fertile soil on a well-lit plot located on the elevation. On swampy soils and in lowlands, it does not grow.
  • Of the existing 800 varieties and pumpkin hybrids, only 35 are sweet and suitable for growing in the country or in the garden. We will list only the most popular of them.
  • Muscat varieties of pumpkin are recommended to plant a sediment. Seeds are pre-soaked in the ash solution, then sized into the cups with damp ground. In this case, the dates of planting pumpkins for seedlings are calculated in such a way that at the time of the plant landing it was 25-30 days. On the germination of seeds and the appearance of shoots add 5 days.
  • Pumpkin is planted into a fertilous soil, and then it is still feeding with liquid organic and mineral fertilizers. If the soil is rich in fertilizers, it is enough 2-3 times in all the time to increase the liquid diluted bird litter or a cow with 1 spoon of full mineral fertilizer.
  • In order for the wind does not turn the vacuum, they are sprinkled with wet soil, in this case additional roots can be formed, which will still enhance the plant. Wide pumpkin leaves evaporate a lot of moisture, so watering is simply necessary, and only warm water. After planting to open ground, each plant is watered with 1 liter of water, and the older, the more water it needs, so at the end of the summer, each should receive at least 10 liters. When the fruits have comprehended its maximum value, watering stops.

Pumpkin cleaning

Pumpkin seeds before sowing need to warm 2-3 hours at a temperature of 60 degrees. After that, it is necessary to displaced them with a pink solution of manganese. In order for sprouts to break through the firm skin of the seed, they are soaked at 12 o'clock aqueous infusion of ashes or at least just water, which is changed every 4 hours. Those dacities that are not afraid to use chemistry, usually to accelerate germination soak seeds with a solution of fertilizers or stimulant (cescin, epin, humate potassium). This not only accelerates growth, but also protects future shoots from diseases and adverse environmental influence.

Root rot - develops due to watering beds with cold water or sharp temperature drops. With patients with plants come as follows: Out rotten roots and pour land shoots to form a new root system.

How to land pumpkin seeds in open ground

Choose seeds


. Sometimes it happens that men's flowers on a pumpkin are very small, or they are not at all. In such cases, manual pollination of plants by other pumpkin cultures is practiced - for example, by a zabacht or patisson. True, seeds from such fruits are not suitable for seed material.

After the appearance of germs in the wells, no more than 1-2 plants leave. In case of returning frosts, you need to have a film for shelter.

Landing and care

Seedlings need moderate watering and mandatory feeding. The feeding solution is prepared as follows: 20 g of double superphosphate is taken on the water bucket (8-10 l), 15 g of potassium sulfate and nitrate, 50 g of a garden mixture. Each plant requires about the half-liter of the solution. In order to create a pumpkin condition similar to the greenhouse, it should be planted along the fence and walls on the south side. This will create a barrier on the way of cold winds and to ensure the maximum of the warming of the sun.

Early sweet varieties

The best dates of planting pumpkins in the soil seeds - the second decade of May, when the frosts are no longer threatened with young plants, the land is sufficiently fundamentally, at this time already blooms Kalina and peonies bloom.

Plant a pumpkin into a depleted soil - it means to pershe yourself on the weekly fertilizer of plants throughout the season. Only at the end of the summer, when the fruits are already large, you can make potassium as mineral feeding.

If there are few bees or bumblebees on the plot during the flowering of pumpkin, pollinate the plant will have to manually. Men's flowers do not sit on the stem, but grow on a long leg, unlike women's, and women's flowers under the petals have thickening (ovary) - so they are easy to recognize. In the morning (from 9 to 11 hours) you need to disrupt the male flower, carefully cut the petals from it, touch the pestles of female flowers to the boot.

If you have a small plot of land, and you have not decided what to plant on it, make sure to the pumpkin list. Caring for her is not complicated, and the crop is rich. And about how to plant a pumpkin in open ground I will tell in detail in this article.

Growing pumpkin - simple occupation

How to plant a pumpkin: Preparation of the site

If you are interested in the richest harvest, then you need to choose the right place to land. The ridge must be located in a warm place, on the sunny side. The soil can be any, but preferably sandy or sandy, such a soil is better warmed. It is best to sit after winter wheat, corn or perennial herbs. You can also choose the ridge after tomato, onions, potatoes, cabbage or carrots. It is not recommended to plant after cucumbers or patissons. It is impossible to plant in the same place, you need to wait 5 years after the previous landing.

Soil preparation for pumpkin landing

The landing land is prepared from the fall, for this you need to perform the following work:

  • Clean the Earth from the remains of plants.
  • Belt shallow hoe.
  • After 2-3 weeks, the Earth needs to be switched, while collecting weed roots.
  • In the spring, before landing, it is once again to plug, with the addition of nitrogen fertilizers, after which the ridge is leveling robbles.
  • High ridges are made. The hardest land, the higher the ridge. Standard ridge should be 1-1.5 meters wide, 25 centimeters in height. The width of the groove between the ridges should be about half a meter.

Making fertilizers before planting pumpkins in open ground

With the Pacoop of the Earth, they necessarily fertilize the soil. Pumpkin after landing begins to grow rapidly, for this you need a lot of nutrients. The best option for fertilizer is humus or manure. A bucket of manure or humus is made per square meter.

Pumpkin loves abundant manure fertilizer

With heavy soils to a depth of 10-15 centimeters, on the lungs - 15-20 centimeters. If you do not have the necessary number of manure, you can only put on the wells for seedlings - 1..2 kilogram per hole. In addition to manure, 20 grams of superphosphate and 10 grams of potassium sulfate are added. Or use complex fertilizers, on a tablespoon on a plant.

Planting pumpkin seeds

For a large plot need a seeder. To do this, use Bakhchy Seeders of SBT-3 and SBU-2-4. At the first seeder, seed landing in 2-3 rows, with an interval of 140 or 180 centimeters. For the small gardens, they will not fit, have to plant seeds into manual.

Important: Landing seeds is performed only in early pumpkin grades, such as nutmess and hard. The remaining varieties are planted only through seedlings.

How to put a pumpkin

If you are interested in a good harvest, you need to choose full-fledged seeds. To select the best seeds to prepare salted water, in which the sowing material is lowered, the emerging seeds are rejected. The rest are collected, washed and dried.

Pumpkin seeds are stored up to four years

The duration of storing seeds reaches up to 4 years. For better shoot and healthy crop, you need to conduct preparatory activities:

  1. Heating. This process will give good shoots, is done at 60 degrees, within 2-3 hours.
  2. Quenching. The plant should stand the temperature differences, for this, the seeds for two days are kept at a temperature of +1 degrees.
  3. Increased disease resistance. Diseases may damage not yet faster shoots, and so that this does not happen seeds are treated with a solution of manganese, kumat of potassium or wood ash, infused in water.
  4. Seeding. For this, they are wrapped in wet marla, in a couple of days the first sprouts will appear.

Of all the melting crops, the pumpkin is the most resistant to cold, so it is sacred in the late spring, when the possibility of frosts is excluded. If you hurry and plant early, then the seeds in cold ground are simply rotated, so it is planted when the soil temperature reaches +13 degrees. For one plant you need 1-4 sq. M. soil, for nutrition.

Please note: for early varieties, the area may be less - for later more, so the distance between the plants is very important.

For long-carrying varieties, it is necessary to leave the distance between the wells of 1.5-2 meters, and between the rows also up to 2 meters. The bush grades are planted in a square of 80 at 80 centimeters. On the light soils, the landing depth must be 5-8 centimeters, on a heavy 4-5 centimeter. One hole is placed from 2-5 seeds, at a distance of three centimeters from each other.

Pumpkin need to be planted from each other

Pumpkin landing through seedlings

This method is chosen for late satisfaction with the growing season of 120-140 days. For this, seeds germinate in April or early May. The main thing is to calculate the dates of planting so that the monthly seedlings are already planted into the ground.

Pumpkin planting to seedlings are made in peat pots or cassettes

For planting seedlings, peat pots are purchased, a diameter of 15 centimeters and filled with soil. Earth can be purchased ready or prepare it yourself. For this, they take 4 parts by humus and mix with one part of the turf soil. Prepared soil feats, the bucket will require 4 grams of ammonium nitrate, 4 grams of potash salt, 5 grams of superphosphate. The resulting mixture is moisturized and stirred. Seeds are sown to a depth of two centimeters and covered with a film. The germination temperature should be + 18..25 degrees, after the appearance of the first sprouts, the film is removed, and the temperature decreases to + 15..20 degrees. For this, the room is simply ventilated, if it is not to do that seedlings simply stretch. Watering also not to be done often in order not to get a raised seedlings.

Important: The first feeding is performed a week after the appearance of sprouts. The second is produced before landing, for this any comprehensive fertilizer will suit.

Planting seedlings in open soil is produced with warm weather, during freezing you simply lose seedlings. The landing scheme is the same as when landing seeds. The wells are digged in large to plant along with lumps of land. The wells before planting spill around with hot water. The seedlings are plundered before the leaves, it will make it possible to form additional roots. After landing, seedlings should be pouring.

Video: Pumpkin seedlings in soil

End of spring is the time to plant pumpkins. It can be grown in two ways: sowing seeds in open ground and through seedlings. The second method is more suitable for the middle strip of Russia and the northern part of it.

Growing Pumpkin Seedlings for Open Soil

The most common types of pumpkin for cultivation on household plots are hard, large-scale and nutmeg.

For the experiment and comparison, grow all three varieties to determine the best.

So, the pumpkin seeds better germinate before sowing: spread the fabric or paper napkins on a 4 layer on the saucer, wet and put seeds, cover with a plastic bag and extend about 10 days, opening regularly for air. Indoor temperature 25-27 ° C. Preparedness for sowing seeds you will be prompted by the growing roots (length 0.5-1 cm).

20-30 days before the planting of pumpkin seedlings into open soil, and this is about in mid-May, fill the peat pots of the finished soil, the one that is suitable for growing seedlings of cucumbers, or in advance prepared (peat, humus, overwhelms in proportion 2: 1 :one). Add to the soil "Kemir" or nitroammophos (1 tsp by 1 kg of a mixture). Pour and seitte. In the process of growth, make sure that the leaves do not come into contact with each other (move the pot). Pumpkin seedlings with a height of 10-15 cm with 2-3 real leaves ready for disembarking into an open ground. A week before plant disembarking, we boost, reducing the temperature in the afternoon to 15 ° C and at night to 12 ° C with frequent ventilation.

Soil and place

The soil for the cultivation of pumpkins is required friable, nutritious, soup with a neutral level of pH. Well, if the predecessor was potatoes, tomato, cabbage or beans. Pumpkin is not grown after cucumbers, patissons and zucchini. The place is chosen warm, dry, with a southern slope.

For the landing of the seedlings of the pumpkin, the wells are prepared (1 hole for 1 plant) 10 cm depth, at a distance of 1-1.5 m, and between rows 2 m, since the plant is enough. Before planting seedlings into each well, 2 kg of compost is made and watered with 2 liters of warm water. Plants planted in Cashitz and fall asleep dry ground so that the crust is not formed. In the first 7 days after disembarkation, pumpkin seedlings are covered with cropped 5 liter plastic cylinders or special paper caps.

If the pumpkin seeds were sown in plastic cups, then the plants need to be removed so that the root system is not damaged, otherwise grow a good pumpkin. Ground seedlings of pumpkins plant spinning, the tops in one direction.

Pumpkin care

Watering is moderate, around the stem, since the root pumpkin system goes to a depth of 3 meters and has the ability to enrich itself moisture from the depths of the soil. When barriers, the sizes with a fist can go to the drip watering. The easiest way of drip irrigation is to put a container with water near each plant and lower the edge of the rope into it, and to wrap the lands with the other end of the roots.

If the pumpkin is pamping frequent or abundant irrigation, then the roots will "forget" about their capabilities, and you will be tied to plants.

There is an opinion that the pumpkin is better to water, then it takes it every week at the rate of 20-30 liters of water per 1 square meter. m, starting from the period of germination to flowering, while flowering, watering is reduced for the best fruit, and continue to clean the harvest.

After watering or rain, it is necessary to carry out the ripening of the rivers, until the growth and closure of the leaves among themselves.

Make fertilizers every 15-20 days alternating organic (on 10 liters of water 2 l. Calculation of 1 l on the plant at the beginning of development and 5 liters per plant at the end of summer. Fucks combine with watering.

To obtain large pumpkin fruits, the formation is required, without this, you will not grow a good pumpkin. To do this, remove lateral non-pronomous shoots, leaving one oscillates on the main stem and two side. Over each fruit, 5-6 leaves are left, and the growth point is pouring. The approximate length of the main stem is 1.3-1.5 m, in the side shoots of 0.6-0.7 m. Flowers appear on to remove.

In windy weather, the scourge can be turned over, so it is best to pour them in advance or sprinkle with damp soil.

Under the fruits of pumpkins lay a plank or plywood sheets for and from possible rotting (from caring from the ground).

If the pumpkin forms huge leaves that prevent flowers to pollinate, they should be switched.

If during the flowering period, the pumpkin does not give obsolete or in arid weather forms the fruits of the wrong form, then perform artificial pollination. For this, in the morning we break down somewhat blossomed male flowers, cut the petals and spend anthers along the stilts of female flowers. The procedure can be carried out several times extremely careful.

Damage to pumpkin slugs can be restored. To do this, the entire damaged soft tissue is cut with a knife and the resulting hole is sealed with adhesive plane. For 2 months there will be a restoration of peel and pumpkin will be subject to long.

Grow pumpkin seeds, sow in the open ground in mid-May, when the flowering of dandelions, and necessarily in dry warm weather. It will be better if the seeds are sprouted, with the roots with a length of about 0.5 cm.

Before sowing for each square meter of soil, make humus (2 buckets), wood sawdust (0.5 buckets), nitroposk (1 cup), wood ash (liter bank). Pull up a plot to a depth of about 40 cm, make a bed 70 cm wide and span with hot water for disinfection. The wells are made every 90 cm, a depth of 8-10 cm for light sand soil and 5-6 cm for severe. Throw 2-3 seed into each well. After sowing, make a film shelter, which in a month you can remove.
Sluorrow is carried out when shootings have 2 of the present leaflet. Weak seedlings pinch, do not pull out, due to the possibility of damage to the root system of the neighbor, as a result you remain in the well only one strong plant.

In early September, select a favorable day to collect pumpkin harvest. It should be dry, warm weather. The maturity of pumpkins determine the perishes with a size of 3-5 cm and solid cortex (from pressing a finger is not forced). When cleaning, try not to allow mechanical damage to fruits, as it affects the bleeding.