Repairs Design Furniture

The best live fence in the country. Living fence in the country (44 photos) is a beautiful and practical solution for the site: the types and order of their landing. Living fence from elderberry red and black

Many words were devoted to various types of fences - wooden, stone, metallic ... However, there is another one that is no less attractive and decorative is a live fence.

Despite the complexity of its creation, it gained widespread among the owners of the houses. The story of her appearance is the same ancient as the fence.

And today, a live fence is a fashionable element of landscape design. In addition to the functions of the fence, it has numerous capabilities that you can appreciate the dignity by building it on its site.

We will try to tell, from which it is better to make a living fence, from which the choice of plants depends and how to plant them in the site.

Assortment of plants from which you can make a live fence in the country

The choice of one or another plant depends on several factors, the main of which - Type of alive hedge. It is also important to take into account the climatic conditions of the terrain, in a sunny or shady spot will be located a live wall, its purpose.

Live hedges are cut and freely growing. In the first case, you need to choose species that are well tolerated the figure of the curly haircuts hold the form. Such plants should have a dense crown, good damage. If the form is selected rectangular, then only shadow-like types will be suitable (HRB, TIS).

Optimal is the trapezoid (SCOS at least 10˚) and the triangle (the side sides have a tilt 70-80˚). You can still make a rounded form, which more corresponds to the natural growth of many species, but it is difficult to cut.


It is very nice to create a cutting hedge by mixing different breeds -, tees, hawthorn.

If the first view has a compact outline and is suitable for small sites, it will take a lot of space to create freely growing hedges, because its width can reach 3 m or more.

For these purposes, there are beautiful-flowing species (, pots, ditch), plants with compact crown forms (spruce Canadian, juniper ordinary). Plus such a hedge is the lack of need for a haircut to maintain form.

There is also a division in height:

1. Borders up to 1 m. Plants must be compact, slow-growing, finely. Japanese bearing and honeysuckle is brilliant, for example, suitable for a furious border. For freely growing - Quince Japanese, Magonia, heather, Japanese spiroia.

2. Medium height (1-3 m). Not only shrubs are suitable, but also small trees. Such a hedge can be made from the Tui Western and its forms, the bubble is suitable, turquish ordinary, hawthorn, Barbaris, Chubushnik.

3. Live walls whose height is more than 3 m. It is designed to protect against wind, dust, noise, serve the protection of the boundaries of the site. Trees are suitable, which are well tolerated haircut - Grab ordinary, spruce, linden, Wava white (spherical shape), thuja.

It looks very beautifully a live elevation in combination with metal, wooden and stone fences. In such cases, the hedge should not be very thick. Liana (hydrangea curving, ivy), beautiful shrubs (lilac, rosehip, spirea, roses) are suitable.

Fast-growing views are unsuitable for cutting hedges, but if you need to quickly create a living wall, then such plants are indispensable.

How to plant a live fence?

The first stage when creating a green wall is the preparation of soil. On the estimated landing site it is necessary to remove all weeds. This can be done by stepping and loosening with the subsequent removal of the above-ground and underground parts of weaving plants. Another method is chemical, with the use of herbicides (for example, a round).

If the soil is clay, heavy, then sand should be added to it, and if it is represented by sandy, they add loam. To lower the acidity, make lime, and in the alkaline soil - peat. Soil also need to focus. If you are not constrained in the means, you can buy a ready-made soil in the store and use it.

Next We make marking for planting plants by pulling the rope. Depending on the number of material landed, you need to dig a trench (manually or using the technique) or individual landing pits for each plant. So, for a single-row living hedge, it is enough to dig a trench with a 50 cm wide, for a double row - up to 90 cm. Depth - at least 50-60 cm.

The planting material must be high qualityTherefore, take it in nurseries or in specialized garden centers and shops.

Landing deadlines - autumn or early spring (to the dissolution of the leaves). Frost and precipitation are important indicators to pay attention to. Therefore, in southern areas it is better to plant in the fall, and in the northern - spring. Moreover, if the plant was implemented in the container, it can be placed at any time of the growing season.

If the root system is open, the landing must be made in the shortest possible time, otherwise the roots are dried, and the plant does not fit. Save roots for a while will help placing them into a plastic bag with moisturous sawdust.

Slow-growing species, shadow, With a narrow crown you need to plant more tightly than light-minded, fast-growing with an empty wide crown. It is also thick in the creation of molded living walls. Thus, when landing, the distance between the plants should be 0.4-0.6 m for a short and 0.8-1.0 m - for a freely growing living hedge of medium height. Between the rows, it should be 0.6-0.8 m and 1.0-1.5 m. For borders and living walls, these indicators need to be reduced or increased by about 2 times.

When plants are planted, the soil is compacted, watered, mulched peat, sawdust or crushed bark. If the elevation is provided as protection against wind, it is planted perpendicular to the prevailing direction.

Do not forget to care for your green fence and soon you will acquire a beautiful and functional decoration of your site.

The owners of land plots always seek to designate their borders, trying to make the fence neat and beautiful. The use of vegetation for the formation of a protective structure is an excellent choice. This is due to high decorative qualities, as well as the environmentality of the material used.

What is a green hedge, which groups are subdivided

- This is a protective design that fully consists of vegetation.

Trees, shrubs or grass use as landing raw materials. The choice of what preferred is primarily depends on the purpose of the fence.

There are several options for the application of the fence:

  • denote the boundaries of the site;
  • section of adjacent territories;
  • the division was put on the functional zones;
  • framing of flower beds, tracks, paths;
  • protection against animal penetration or foreign people;
  • hiding insignificant flaws on buildings.

The advantages of living fence are:

  1. No need for additional finishes. Plants do not need to plaster, paint, lacked.
  2. Masking flaws. Green plantings perfectly attract all the attention, and curly and high grades completely hide disadvantages.
  3. Recipient pollinating insects. Flooring, fruiting rocks attract many insects, which will also pollinate other landings on the territory, which significantly increases yields.

The disadvantages may be called:

  1. Large time costs. Trees and shrubs grow long enough, most subspecies take at least 5 years to formed a hedge.
  2. Fruiting. Although many berries are edible, they often fall on the tracks and just grass within the land plot. On the ground, the process of rotting, which is accompanied by unpleasant flavors, and also attracts flies, midges, beetles.

The length of the trunk is distinguished by three main groups:

  1. Shorty. This includes varieties of plants that grow up about 50 centimeters long. Saplings are used to design a kayma tracks, flower beds. Otherwise are called border plants.
  2. Average. Trees and bushes with a height of 0.5 to 2 meters create green medium-sized protection. It is allowed to land a barbed subspecies, like a thorns, which will only increase the protective functions of the fence. But it is not recommended to plant close to the passages: high risk of injury, damage clothing. Fruit grades should also plant a little in gave from the tracks so that the berries do not pack clothes.
  3. Tall. Bustard and trees from 2 meters long create real living walls. Thick crowns, fully covering trunks, create impassable natural protection.

If the owner of the landell wishes to preserve the decorative type of site throughout the year, then it is necessary to pay attention to evergreen rocks. Some deciduous and coniferous varieties are able to maintain their greens all 12 months, not barrels.

Fallpad vegetation looks decorative only in the warm season, and in the fall resets its foliage, which will only be updated in the spring.

When the owner of the territory cannot choose only one grade of greens, it is perfect for the option of annual landing. Green defense will bloom the whole season, after which will fade. Next, the remnants of the fence are removed, and the next spring it is possible to plant a new defense.

It is possible to create a combined alive hedge. For these purposes, seedlings are selected, taking into account the time of flowering, fruiting, the ability to hold the leaves: the best if they will coincide as much as possible.

It is allowed to land at several rows, but then the seedlings should be seeded in a checker order to provide each tree and a rustling of light, moisture, fresh air.

You can still make a multi-tiered protective design. For example, the first tier will consist of trees, the second - from the shrub, and the fencing of curb vegetation will complete.

There are varieties that perfectly hold the form, do not hurt, look beautiful without mechanical processing. But most subspecies need to be carried out regular haircut in order to control the height, maintaining the state of health. Also, a living fence can be given almost any form.

It is necessary to take into account how much time the owner of the station can pay for vegetation. If there is no possibility to regularly care for plantings, choose the most unpretentious species.

Universal vegetation can not be planted in shady places, only a light shadow is allowed. Varieties, better growing when shadows, are not placed under the sun: direct lighting can cause tremendous damage to seedlings.

Plants for green hedges

Low vegetation, with which the edges of the paths are drawn up, make flooded floors.

"Bagatelle" - This is a leafy shrub with a low growth rate. The krone is formed from a purple or brown leaflets in the shape of a ball, the foliage grows very tightly, but in 12 months it increases no more than 2-3 centimeters. The beginning of flowering falls on June-July and is accompanied by small inflorescences consisting of flowers of a gentle pink shade. Sometimes the flowers do not form inflorescences, but grow separately. Fruit Barbaris in October with bright red berries of an elongated view that can be eaten. The light-lubbile buns develops well in places from the pity. Beautifully worries frosts, drought, unpretentious to the composition of the soil. Adults are thinning early in the spring, and young people do it. Watering makes moderate, in view of the fact that the bustice does not tolerate the stagnation of water. Young seedlings for the winter are covered with a sweetheart.

"Golden Princesses" It is a leaf falling grade that grows about 50 centimeters above the ground. The foliage is collected in a lush crown, having a shape of a gun, growing up to 100 centimeters with a diameter. Initially, leaflets grow a bright yellow shade, but as they develop their color becomes more calm, saturated, at the time of autumn replaces the flower gamut on orange or red. Spirae flowers with pinkish flowers with a diameter of up to 5 centimeters collected in palate inflorescences. Space spire on well-lit parts of the territory. Frost-resistant breed, unpretentious to the composition of the soil. It grows best in moderate moisture, loose, fertile soil. The haircut is carried out in the spring, cutting a bush almost under the root, leaving literally 15-20 centimeters from the ground level. To maintain the decorative type of shrub, the entire summer period is necessary to dry out fading, drying parts.

It is an evergreen breed of low shrubs. The foliage has the form of an extended oval, and the color is difficult: the green middle part with a yellow cantic. It can grow 30-200 centimeters, but height is controlled by mechanical processing. Quickly grow on places with light shadow or scattered light. But if the rebel is planted into the shadow, then the leaves will quickly lose their appearance. The unpretentious vegetation of the average growth rate, which must be fed every spring. If the owner is regularly and thoroughly to care for the belch, then the bush will look the most decorative. It may get sick under conditions of high humidity, so watering is carried out only moderately. Also in order to protect against excess water, the soil drainage will be made at the stage of planting.

Otherwise, called shortcase acacia. The blacks are very frost-resistant, is well experiencing dry times, grows perfectly even under urban conditions. Prefers well-lit places, reaches a length of 30 to 250 centimeters, which is perfectly adjusted with a haircut. Blossom occurs throughout the summer, consists of small bright yellow flowers. Later, very many berries are tied, which are not edible for a person, and birds consume them with great pleasure. We bring to Kargani through seeds, but it is necessary to do it immediately after collecting seeds. When everything is done correctly and on time, you can expect the first shoots in the fall of this or in the spring of next year. The tops of the bush are easily frozen, so it is necessary to cover them for the winter, and seedlings are placed where there are no through cold winds.

Shrubs and trees of medium height are used to create alive hedges.

Refers to the family of heather. Different subspecies grow at different heights from 30 to 300 centimeters. It is recommended to plant on those parts of the land plot where there is no direct ingress of sun rays, but it grows well with a small shade, does not lose flowering. Poor tolerate outdoor places with wind gusts, moisture wet. For the landing of Rhododendron, you can make drainage of soil from the crumple or rubble, and as they grow moderately water. Planting a shrub is spent early in the spring to increase the chances of seedlings for survival. Unpretentious to the composition of the soil, grows almost on any territory. The root system of this breed is characterized by its sensitivity, therefore it is better to maintain its state of embankment from the mulching material.

- This is a shrub representative of the barberry family. Pretty low-grade racks with very lean foliage, which during the dissolution has a red shade, replacing the green on the summer, and by autumn painted with bronze flowers. With the onset of frost stems of Magonia acquire a purple color. The shrub tends to grow strongly on the plot through a variety of root processes. It blooms the bush is very magnificent, it is impressive, while the pleasant aroma spreads. Yellow flowers create small inflorescences. The fruits are tied with sour-sweet, long holding on branches. Not demanding to the composition of the soil, the level of soil acidity, but it is recommended to carry out systematic irrigation and make fertilizer each spring.

On the land plot will make it possible to maximize it from the penetration of an animal or an outsider due to multiple spines on its branches. Spiny processes can not only damage clothes, but also to cause significant damage to skin cover. A thrannitor is very branching shrub, but most of the subspecies perfectly be machined. Those thorns who have a tendency to grow widely, is allowed to control growth with trimming. Well constrains the impusts of the wind, fruits edible berries, looks most decorative looks during flowering.

It grows up to 2.5-3 meters and creates thick pigs. Flowering time falls on June-July and is accompanied by flowers of white or pink shade. Fruits with edible berries, which contain quite a lot of ascorbic acid, which allows the use of fruits for therapeutic purposes and preservation of products. Aria is easily experiencing freezing, does not require a particularly careful care, comprehensible to pruning, there is no need to often water, feed. It looks most beautifully during the heyday, without mechanical processing. Even with free growth, Aria does not lose its decorative qualities.

- It is an evergreen shrub, reaching a height of 3 to 5 meters. The crown consists of foliage of an oblong pointed species, about 15 centimeters long. The start time of flowering - April or May. Small white tint flowers grow, collected in cystic inflorescences. It is growing rapidly even on the shadow parts of the land, frost resistant. Lavrosishni berries are counted for medicinal fruits, which are edible, and also apply when creating energy drinks. It is necessary to land a laurel or early in the spring, or only in October. It does not have special requirements for soil, reacts very well to feeding. It is distinguished by increased resistance to impacts from pests.

Excellent responds to machining, perfectly holds a view attached by a haircut. A plant with a low growth rate is well evolving on shadow places. Evergreen shrub, very durable. Tees needles has a flat view, a soft texture, a green shade, and the bark is brown-red. During the landing, it is better to pre-make fertilizers. Tis is undemanding to the composition and acidity of the soil, but poorly tolerates the excess moisture. It is necessary to plant the grudges in the spring, it is possible to start from April, withsting the distance from 50 to 200 centimeters from each other, but to multiply with cuttings or seedlings. It is not necessary to systematically cut the bushes, since even with free growth of TIS does not get sick and does not lose its external characteristics. Young plants poorly tolerate negative temperature and frost, so they are better to strengthen them for the winter.

- This is a kind of shrub that has a well tolerate frost, but will not survive the strong ice winter winds and the rays of the early spring sun. Slowing grade with shiny thick crown. Very fuel to machining, perfectly keeps the uniform that he gave him. It blooms very decorative and fruits black seeds. It is better to grow on shaded spaces, but it is capable of developing in conditions of complete shadow or full lighting. Unpretentious to the composition of the soil, the level of acidity, loves moderate watering.

Real living walls are created from tall breeds and trees.

It is a tall tree that reaches a length of 15 to 70 meters. Evergreen plant retains decorative characteristics all year round. A spruce does not require particularly careful care, unpretentious to the composition, the level of acidity of the soil. The breeders are derived fonders, differing in color of the needles, shaped paws, the number of cones, their size.

- This is a representative of coniferous trees, spectacular looking in a living wall. There are about 70 subspecies of juniper, characterized by height, density and pomp crown. The least demanding varieties are: Virginsky, Cossack, ordinary, Chinese, scaly. Juniper is distinguished by increased resistance to pest attacks, weather changes, winds, diseases. It does not have special requirements for the land, where it will be planted, but on weighted soils it grows noticeably worse. In such a situation, it is recommended to make the soil drainage. The planting material should be taken by the age of 3-4 years so that the seedling is better to survive. Prefers sunlight, but it develops perfectly with a slight shadow. Sit in spring, but it is allowed to plant in the fall.

For living hedges should be very resistant to cold, frost. Unpretentious in care of a tree with branches that are not filled. Mountain, ordinary and Weimutova pine are most decorative. It is impossible to acquire pine seedlings where it fell: there are many very similar subspecies that sellers provide for the purpose of deception or by ignorance. The difference in the development of the root system, that is, inside the same breed, different subspecies either come down on the site, or will often be sick, otherwise they will die at all. To create green walls, only varieties are used with well-developed roots.

Disgustingly poorly grows under urban conditions, but is an excellent option for landing outside the city or in the country area. The tree perfectly carries out, grows well, perfectly tolerates bad weather if it is remotely from the city. Cone-like crown, powerful root system, flat needale form - distinctive fir characteristics. Very nice, carefully looks still due to vertically growing cishechs, which ripen already in the first year of growth. Fertilizers inside the soil will be introduced first when planting a tree, and the next feeder is carried out already after 2-3 years of growth. Watering the fir is needed very abundantly, but it is enough 3 times a season. But one should not overdo: surplus moisture can lead to a plant disease.

It is a very popular kind of vegetation for creating green hedges. Distinctive features of the Tui are:

  • frost resistance;
  • drought tolerance;
  • experiencing negative temperatures;
  • perfectly mechanically processing.

It is unpretentious to the type of soil, but it is best grows on loam, soup or sandy land. Very resistant to diseases, wind gusts, pest attacks. It develops well at sunny places, parts of a plot with a light shadow. Cleans the surrounding airspace, ionizes it, saturates useful phytoncides. In height can reach 4-15 meters, and for living fences, it is withstanding the length no more than from 1.5 to 3.5 meters

Step-by-step instruction landing green hedges, further care

Before starting to the landing works, a detailed scheme of the location of the future living fence is compiled. The drawing takes into account the landing line, the width of the step, the depth of the coppe, the amount of the required material, the estimated timeout time.

After all the calculations were carried out, you can proceed to the preparation of the territory. To do this, clean the garbage, weeding weeds, applying markings. You can make markup as follows: In the ground on the line, the seedlings are knocked out pegs, which wrap the rope. On this rope will dig.

In general, it is permissible to dig individual wells or a common trench. But experienced gardeners are recommended to dig a trench, as this will make the depth of the same. The lack of drops will not only allow to make a living fence careful, but also will not allow too much immersion of seedlings inside the soil.

Next to the bottom of the dug space poured the sand layer and make the soil drainage. Drainage will not allow moisture to accumulate much, as most plants are destroyed. Ceramzite or crushed stone can be used as drainage raw materials. The average height of the drainage layer ranges from 10 to 20 centimeters.

Before dipping seedlings, it is important to carefully straighten the root system. When the seedlock was upset at another place, it was planted with a lump of land on which he developed.

The free space between the vegetation and the edge of the trench is filled with local land or buy enriched ground.

The soil around the seedlings will slightly tram and produce a watering under the root.

The width of the coppes under seedlings is calculated on the basis of the number of rows of landing. In depth digging by 0.5-0.6 meters.

At the stage of procurement of planting material should not be chased for savings. The acquisition of young people in unverified places may entail the substitution of similar species. You should buy seedlings in specialized stores and nurseries.

If the owner wants to save the construction budget, he is better to choose shrubs. It is allowed to purchase one magnificent grown upshochka, followed by dividing it into several small bushes, which will fit well on the land plot.

Putting vegetation falling, almost always, in the spring after the first frosts. To increase the chances of the plant for shoots, the root system of the feeder of the clay and the crust solution should be processed.

Plants, well-developing in shadow places, which have low growth rates, allowed to plant tight towards each other. If greens prefers sunlight, the landing makes it better.

Be sure to make fertilizers in the soil during the planting of young to ensure the sufficient level of nutrients. Fallen trees, bushes, grass are better growing, the lisher is blooming, is richly fruitful if they were originally fed. Further fertilizers contribute in the earth every spring.

The first 2-3 years of growth do not conduct mechanical processing. Next, in accordance with the breed, greens. It is possible to do only a sanitary haircut: the faded flowers dry out, dried branches, sick shoots. Freely growing varieties perfectly retain their decorative characteristics even without haircut. The remaining types of pruning are designing character. You can give almost any shape - green protection will be perfectly held it.

To carry out manipulations on the molding of the crown follows in the evenings so that the bare branches do not receive solar burns. Immediately after the haircut, the plant must be abundantly moistened and cover the landing site by straw.

Young bushes are cut to the maximum, that is, leave literally 5-10 centimeters from the ground, but the vegetation is completely rejected, the crown will become thick and denser.

The fence is necessary to hide from an extraneous eye our small country world. However, today daccias want not just to get a barrier, but to surround their charming garden is no less beautiful hedge. And maybe someone wants to simply make track or. And in this case, a live fence will come to the rescue. What is better to make it so that the care is minimal, and the effectiveness is the highest?

Living hedge - what is better to do

Livestore is a kind of "flowerbed", planting plants, which serves to designate any particular zone or to protect it. Often performs aesthetic function. A live fence by tradition is created from shrubs or trees, but you can meet natural barriers from herbs and even Lian, but such usually still serve to add and decorating stronger versions of plant "fence".

The history of the living ingreders is calculated by the centuries, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that they have a large number of species of forms and sizes. First of all, they are classified in height.

Table. Classification of barriers depending on the height.

Type typeHeight, M.Description
Border Up to 1.This is the lowest version of the living barrier, a kind of chain. Usually used for framing garden flower, paths, tracks. For cultivation, such cultures are used as heather, quince Japanese, smorodine alpine, rosehip, sea buckthorn. The most important thing is that the plants are slow-growing, small and had small leaves.
Medium height 1-3 Shrubs are used to create such living ingots and - sometimes low trees. For example, the Churbannik, Barbaris, Western Thuja, Acacia, Beeller, Juniper, Lilac, and others fit. Typically, such hedges are beneficial to share the garden to the plots - it is for this that they are used.
Living Wall More than 3.Such living "fences" are the most real defenders of the garden plot from wind, noise, dust and exhaust gases from roads. Used to grow such walls IVA, spruce, thuja, housing, apple tree. The main thing is that the trees be those breeds that calmly carry the haircut. Such hedges are planted around the perimeter of the site.

Note! Almost each of these options will be completely harmoniously combined with stone, iron. That is why often living fences are not solid - some of their sites are an ordinary, non-natural fence.

Another "dimensional" option of the classification of living ingredients is their inquiry or width.

  1. Single row - In this case, all plants forming the hedge are planting in one row and at an equal distance.
  2. Double row - Accordingly, there are two rows of plants lined with several lines, most often tiers.
  3. Multi-row - Three and more of a row of plants. Usually in this case, cultures are planted in a checker order, taking into account the distance from the trunks and crowns in the future. Multi-tiered hedges are often made cascading.

Other types of alive hedges

The care technique is distinguished by two types of alive hedges - these are freely growing and condensed (or formative). The first usually form their crowns without the help of a person, grown as it is convenient. The second, on the contrary, can take the appearance of various figures at the request of the gardener. Require regular trimming of shoots. And plants from which such hedges consist, should calmly carry the cutting process and have a thick dense crown.

Note! Most often, the hedges are divided into the form of a triangle (the slope of the side of the sides is 70-80 degrees) or trapezium (SCOS more than 10 degrees). Often you can see and rounded hedges are the most difficult cutting option.

Also isolated, depending on the types of cultures, such types of hedges:

  • blooming;
  • curly;
  • evergreen;
  • falls.

There is another classification of alive hedges:

  • self-femoral - form from trees of one species;
  • combined - include various types and varieties of plants;
  • topellers are formed from plants whose branches are intertwined.

Purify the wave-shaped wall - so a live fence will look more dynamic

Advantages and disadvantages

Any live fence, whether it is a multi-row or lined in one line, unborn or combined, has advantages and disadvantages. And those and others need to know to understand whether such a fence is needed on your summer cottage.

Advantages of ingredients from plants:

  • natural aesthetics;
  • protection of plantings and soils on a plot from erosion, exposure to strong wind;
  • the best deduction of moisture in the ground;
  • shelter from the stern summer.

Disadvantages of alive hedges:

  • complex care - haircut, fertilizer, watering and much more;
  • covering large areas of land;
  • long the term of incarnation in the life of the idea to acquire a living fence.

Live hedge plants

Plants from which you can form a living fence, there is a lot. However, there are several principles that are important to comply with their choice: for example, it is worth choosing those cultures that are suitable for cultivation in specific climatic conditions. It is also better to use plants that are not afraid of cold weather, feel good haircut and do not get sick after it. The foliage should be thick, and shoots - fast. Consider the main cultures that are used for growing alive hedges.

Living fence from popular high plants: 1) Hawthorn Siberian, 2) Elm Mellilar, 3) Common Grab, 4) Maple Tatarsky, 5) Golden's honeysuckle, 6) Lipa mellite (Nizhny tier - Kisser), 7) Topol Berlin


This charming shrub is familiar with everything thanks to fragrant lilac flowers. Lilac feels great in moderate climatic belt, frost-resistant, light-minded, loves fertile soil, copes well with drought, long-liver. The plant has a lot of varieties and species, and therefore among this diversity is easy to choose the one that will have to do (lilac Amur, Hungarian lilac and others).

Active bloom is observed in the summer and lasts about 2 weeks. During this period, Lilac is particularly beautiful. In general, this is a rather large and lush plant.

Prices for lilac seedlings

saplings of Lilan.

This maple in horticulture is already applied for about two centuries. It is a small tree with a thick crown, which is excellent for growing as an element of a living hedge. Especially beautiful in the autumn period, when the leaves are painted in bright crimson colors. In this case, the tree is easily cutting and grows quite quickly.

Minus Maple Ginnal, and indeed any maple is a tendency to create a rich root piglet, and in the shade of the leaves of the plant losing their bright color.

Rock juniper

Juniper refers to the family of cypress. Beautiful plant with a narrow pyramidal crown. Used as cultural from the last century. Juniper loves a lot of light, on the shaded areas loses its charm and beauty. The main disadvantage - does not like cold weather and badly resist frosts. Also needs regular irrigation in the summer, and for the winter the crown should be tied with a rope, so that the branches are not broken due to a silent of snow.

Prices for juniper seedlings

saplings juniper


This shrub is not only beautiful and accurate, it is also useful - berries growing on the branches of IRGI, very tasty and suitable for cooking jams and jams. The duration of the life of the plant is high - up to 70 years, on average, while adult culture quite in appearance can resemble a tree. In general, this plant is unpretentious, calmly transfers some shadow and the zehanness of the city, as well as drought and wind. Winter hardiness at Irgi is very high.

On a note! Yagy berries allocate juice, which is capable of staining everything around and is poorly dispersed. That is why near the parking lots of IRGU as a living hedge is not used.

Western Thuja

This evergreen coniferous plant is also called a vital tree. Widespread in North America. Thuja winter-hardy, perfectly transfers the conditions of the city, unpretentious, and therefore is now widely used in gardening. This is a tree that grows very slowly, it has a crown-pyramid or an egg-shaped crown.

Brilliant Kizlin

This shrub is used to form low alive hedges, as itself is quite low (maximum 3 m). If the growing conditions do not like, the caticker grows very quickly. The plant has small leaves covering branches with a solid green carpet. The Kizlist is not afraid of the shadows, not capricious against the soil, is not afraid of frosts, but needs timely and regular trimming.

Table. Cultures for alive hedges, which are grown in the middle strip.

Prices for Kizilnik Saplings

saplings Kizinsk

We grow a live elevation

Methods for creating in their area of \u200b\u200bliving hedges depend directly on the type of fencing and crops used to create it. But there are general points of instructions that are suitable for all options.

Step 1. Choose a place where a live fence will be held. This is usually the perimeter of the site or place along the garden path or flower beds. The place must be well lit.

Step 2. Given all the rules, we choose the plants from which we will form a living fence. We buy seedlings.

Step 3. On the plot where the living fence will be planted, we remove all weeds, pumping the ground.

Step 4. Be sure to face the plot by adding some fertilizer to the ground.

Step 5. Look at the plants, taking into account their requirements for transplanting, soil.

Attention! Do not forget when landing to withstand a certain step between cultures. Step planting for shrub plants - at least 50 cm, for trees - 75-100 cm.

Step 6. Along the line we sprinkle a little soil mulch, watering plantings.

Step 7. Plants forming a live elevation, careful care - watering, feeding and so on.

Step 8. Approximately once a year of the plant cut with special secateurs scissors.

It is worth remembering that the live fence will not appear at one moment. Approximate terms of its development and formation - 3-5 years.

Clutters from annual schemes

The flowers are grown, the rule is not chaotic, but on the flower beds, in beautifully decorated flower beds. At the same time, they are selected in color, crop varieties and many other factors. And to make flowerbeds from annuals, the schemes of which you will find in, on your own, you do not need to have the skills of the landscape designer.

Planting a hedge depending on the type of plants

The technique of planting the hedges in some way depends on which plants will disembark. For example, a leaf falling hedge is often formed from the purchased seedlings of trees and shrubs. Their root system is usually cable, and therefore it is important to inspect it before landing and, if necessary, remove fallen or sick roots. The well is done in such a size so that the plant can easily fit. In this case, the soil from the pit is mixed with the compost and then returns to the well.

On a note! If very tall plants are planted, then for their support and garter to the bottom of the wells, a wooden count is driven.

Plant coniferous a little easier. I dug a hole with a diameter of two times more than the roots, the plant is lowered into it and bury it with a compost.

The heat hedge is one of the most complex in the formation. In this case, all plants are planted close to each other. After a couple of years, it is not hygienic, but a total trimming of trees, after which the strongest shoots remain - they begin to intertwined with each other at an angle of 45 degrees. In those places where the bark comes into contact, it is cut with a knife. It turns out a diamond pattern, which, if necessary, can be tested on a split pattern.

Terminal rules

And finally, several rules of shrub trimming. Fall cultures are cut off immediately at the beginning of the procedure. At the same time, about 15 cm plants remain over the surface of the soil. And after a year of plantations, it is necessary to cut about 3-4 times during the season.

But the juniper, cypress, coniferous and others do not completely argue - usually they remove individual branches in such a way that the crown is triangular.

Makita UH6570 - Brush Resort

Video - Create a live elevation

This is how it is possible to get a live swelling site. It is worth being prepared for the fact that it will require a lot of time and effort. It will not hinder to master the haircut technique, to then perform this procedure alone.

Good Living Hedge - it's beautiful!

Living hedge fast-growing, long-term, evergreen ─ is a good option for replacing the usual fence on your own country site.

Such a hedge will have to do people who live in their home all year round.

In order for her to please the owners, it is necessary to choose to choose and plant the plants, so that after it did not have to suffer to give her beauty.

Pros and cons of living hedges

Evergreen Livestore will help to give the site an attractive look and save a family budget on the construction of fence and care for it (staining, applying an anti-corrosion product). Live fence has the following advantages:

  • good protection of a plot from curious passersby;
  • cash savings;
  • permanent oxygen production;
  • positive effect on the mental state of a person;
  • protection of a plot from dirt, noise, dust, wind;
  • the ability to divide the area into zones (summer kitchen, beds, bath, etc.);
  • obstacle to penetrate the plot of foreign people and animals;
  • improving the microclimate;
  • giving a plot of an attractive form.

In addition to the benefits, there are disadvantages:

  • permanent care is required;
  • it will take time that the plants have grown.

You can acquire already grown plants for a living fence, but in this case you will have to pay more expensive for them.

Vegetation requirements for hedges

In modern landscape design, vegetable fence is widely used in the design of the plots. With its help, the zonal separation is produced, used as an element of scenery around some buildings, produce the framing of paths and paths on the plot. Recently, such a hedge began to apply as an alternative to a conventional concrete, metal or wooden fence.

When there are evergreens for living hedges when working, there is an opportunity to carry out experiments and grow high, compact or low fencing.

You can create a tall, live fence from plants with spines, then no hooligans will definitely not get to someone else's plot. When choosing a height of the site, the restrictions section does not have, as for the width, it should not exceed 0.8 m.

Thick high hedge can be a full fence

When choosing vegetation, it is necessary to take into account some parameters: with a large perimeter, the fence must be taken care that the selected plant is not so good and did not need constant care. The owner will be very difficult to care for each planted plant, if there are 100, and sometimes much more.

With the wrong choice, you will have to spend all your free time to care for the fence, and not on vacation or beds and fruit trees.

People living in cold climatic conditions need to choose not only unpretentious plants, but also resistant to frosts so that in the future it did not have to dig out the extinct plants and instead of planting new ones. In this case, the owner will have to constantly spend money on the purchase of bushes.

In addition to the above parameters, you must pay attention to both:

  • how long will the chosen plant grow;
  • is it possible to give him a form;
  • whether there are fruits or flowers on it;
  • number of growth seasons;
  • and it is desirable that they were constant care.

You can choose plants for fencing, which go or weave. For them, trellis are built or just leave to the present fence, thanks to these binds it turns out a beautiful green fence. About what Tzorod is better to choose, somnite in this video:

A curly fence will take a small amount of width space. There is still no time to increase this plant for growth, after about a year it will start and completely hobs the site from curious neighbors. Much popularity in the creation of living hedges have deciduous, curly and coniferous plants.

Curly plants

Binders ─ the fastest growing plants, which for the season are able to grow out not 1 m, and form a dense fence. For people living in harsh climatic conditions, the choice of curly vegetation is quite small, because most Lian are not able to transfer frosts.

In cold latitudes, it is better not to use bills for the fence

An abuse has a large number of varieties varieties, among them there is a wing plant. You can pick up and varieties with original coloring leaves. This plant needs a loose soil and watering in sufficient quantities. This plant does not tolerate overflow and stagnation. When choosing a non-altar variety with motley shades, you should choose a solar place for landing. If planting a plant in the shadow, it does not acquire the motley shades, and it will be green.

If the choice fell on a variety with yellow or white leaves, they must be planted in the half-hearted side so that the leaves are not burned in the sun.

No need to choose this perennial with the presence of children in the family because of his poisonousness.

When landing, you need to wear gloves to protect your hands. Before planting a grinding stalk to the soil, it must be subjected to rooting (about 2 months) under film shelter and only after this procedure is placed on the prepared place. When disembarking, you need to keep the distance between plants about 0.2 m and set the supports for which the becklett will have. In the summer period, the binds must be reinforced once every 2 weeks with fertilizers of mineral origin. Pruning plants must be carried out at the beginning of spring. In the winter period, the believer is imposed on the beckon, in the first few years it is necessary.

For bleeding from Barwinka, you must need

Barwinka ─ This is a curly semi-staple, which is widely used to create high hedges (1.5 m). This is a frost-resistant plant that always looks great. Barwin usually blooms large, blue or blue flowers, but you can find another color gamut. The plant feels perfectly in any soil, can carry arid weather. When trimming the stalks, they can be put into wet land, they will root and grow.

The best time for landing is considered to be the beginning of September.

To create a hedge, you must necessarily build the trenches of the necessary height so that Barwinka does not harm on the ground. In order for the plant to have an attractive look, the ground when landing must be braid and make feeding fertilizers of organic origin. Between the seedlings you need to leave a distance of 0.2 - 0.3 m. To cover the binding only in the first winter season, the shelter is not required in the subsequent winters. The feeder is recommended to be made every few years. The plant is well tolerating trimming, but it is better to quit it.

Ivy. This binding grows up to 3 m in height, has many varieties, with a variety of shapes and shades. To maintain beauty ivy needs regular watering and feeding. It does not tolerate overflow and drought, it is impossible to overpay, otherwise Liana will not look attractive. Pruning and cleaning plants from old, damaged leaves and shoots is made in the autumn period.

Some varieties are not able to endure cold weather, they are suitable for warm climatic conditions.

For reproduction of ivy, cuttings are used, which must be rooted before boarding. The rooted cuttings are planted at a distance from 0.3 to 0.5 m. Ivy is poisonous and can cause itching, redness and swelling of the skin. When working with the pack, it is necessary to observe the skin protection measures and at the end of the work, be sure to wipe out that clothes that in contact with Ivy.

Coniferous vegetation

Conifers grow not as fast as basins, but they have their own advantages. Such plants are frost-resistant, perfectly resistant to haircut and are not very demanding of the soil. These hedges look good in any season, combined with all plant species and styles in which the plot is decorated. Before purchasing a coniferous, you need to decide what place it will be planted. Green plants love halftime, and conifers with a variety of shades on the needles prefer sunny terrain. About how to make a live fence from conifer, see this video:

This vegetation can not be planted in places where the water occurs. The best soil for them is the mixture of sand, peat and turf in the same quantities. The disembarkation is carried out extremely gently, it is impossible to disturb the earth com, in which the rhizome of the plant is. In disruption of the earth coma or root, the conifer will be quite a long time to close, maybe at all the abyss.

The distance between the seedlings ranges from 0.2 to 0.7 m, everything will depend on the intended type of hedge and the crummer varieties.

The fences from the conifer are built in 1 row. It is necessary in order for each plant to have enough light, otherwise the branches below will occur. The landing is produced in August and September, these months are the most optimal for conifers. Healthy and strengthened seedlings can be planted in summer, but only during cloudy weather.

After disembarking in the summer, the seedlings need to be hidden from direct sunlight, these measures will help the plant faster to take care. As soon as young shoots begin to appear, it is necessary to pour them regularly and spray the crown from time to time. These procedures will help strengthen the plant and increase frost resistance.

Deciduous perennials

In a large variety of deciduous plants, you can find evergreen varieties that can very quickly grow. Due to the fact that they are fairly easy to cut, in a short period of time, a neat and attractive fence will appear on the site.

Barbaris is a strong bush, with proper formation with it, you can create an impassable fence. Among the varieties can be found not only evergreens, but also fast-growing. Barbaris can be combined with other handicraft perennials. Evergreen Barbaris needs to plant in a semolio place.

So that the bush looked good, before boarding you need to feel the soil.

Barbaris planted in spring and autumn time, it is necessary that the root is with a lump of land. During the acquisition of seedlings, it is necessary to carefully examine the rhizome: if a seedling with bad, bare and small roots, then it is better not to buy it. From such seedlings will not grow a good plant. During the landing of the earthen com, the root should be located at the ground level. The com will overlook the well and sucks, the soil around the bush need to tightly and pour.

In places with harsh climatic conditions, the bush must be kept after the first frosts. Pruning bushes for removing old leaves and branches are produced at the beginning of spring, and it is necessary to do it regularly. To give the shape, the trimming is done in the summer period 3 times over the season. Share with the choice of perennial will help this video:

Sugit is the most suitable option for creating a living fence. This plant is absolutely not consistently, it does not require constant fertilizer of soil and irrigation. Almost all samsite varieties are very slowly growing, especially dwarf species. If you do not want to wait for a long time, then you need to choose tall varieties. During landing, seedlings must be located in 1 row at a distance of 0.15 m from each other.

After landing, it is necessary to quickly pour and trim shoots on 2/3 of their lengths.

The most favorable time for planting plants is the spring period. In the middle of 1 months of summer, 1 bushes are fed by a fertilizer of mineral origin. You can cut the samshet a year after landing. Mutted bushes should be cut every month from the middle of the spring before the beginning of the autumn. After the haircut, the brushes need to be thoroughly pouring and make feeding.

To choose a suitable plant for a living hedge, you need to know how the climatic conditions will be transferred, in which place it is better to plant a landing, and what needs to be done to preserve an attractive look. Before purchasing a seedling, it is first necessary to pay attention to the state of its roots. With the right approach to planting and leaving the plant, the living fence will delight the owner with its appearance quite a long time period.

Decorative apple tree

Most of the plants are deciduous. In winter, it is impossible to get through the hedge, but she loses his decorativeness.


The name of the hedge determines the care of them. Trees and bushes are constantly cut, giving them the most fantastic forms. From the trees well tolerate a constant haircut of different types of Tui. To create a green miracle in place where the fence should be, a mellular shrub is used:

  • becklecom;
  • kissel;
  • biryuma - Wolf Berry.

To form plants, creating a live fence in the country, it is necessary to constantly, as the branches are growing. The first few years go to the creation of a thick uniform crown. Then the curly trimming is made every 2 weeks and the fence is formed, create an image.

Strong hedges differ in originality. They cause admiration for the neighbors and passing by people, demonstrate a good taste of the owner and the wonderful abilities of the gardener.


Walking plants - Lianam requires a support. They will braid it and repeat sizes and shape. Create a fast-growing live elevation in the country can be from Lian:

  • girl grapes;
  • hop;
  • ivy;
  • chinese lemongrass;
  • clematis.

For curly plants need support

From early spring to late autumn, a decorative view of the curly hedge looks decorative. Change the color of the leaves, appear flowers and fruits. Falls of lianas are blown in early spring and retain foliage to frosts.

Hedge Classification

Depending on the purpose, living fences are made different height and density.

Experts share them on species, and advise if there is a place to plant a multi-row elevation of different levels or use the same type of plants with different color of the leaves.

Living Wall

Green fences with a height of 2 meters called a living wall. For them are suitable:

  • mountain pine;
  • apple tree favors;
  • juniper;
  • liana.

There are high hedges along the border of the site, mainly from the side of the street. Before them you can land decorative shrubs that will cover reliably the lower part of the fence, closure in it.

Living Wall from Tui

Zoning site

Separate the area on the zones and be dissociated. To do this, it is enough to make a live elevation in the country height from 1 to 2 meters. To plant an inner fence, you can buy a decorative shrub of one or more species. The choice is huge:

  • hawthorn;
  • elder;
  • currant;
  • rosehip;
  • honeysuckle;
  • cUBUBUS;
  • kalina;
  • karagan;
  • spirea;
  • tea rose;
  • barberry;
  • lilac;
  • beeskeleton.

There are also other types of less popular plants that are easy to buy and resolve the question of what to make a fence for giving relatively cheap.

The photo shows Barbaris Tunberg.

This plant is widely used in landscape design.

Fruit-berry shrub, for example: hawthorn, barbaris and currant, besides beauty, will benefit. They generously give up their harvest in the fall. Tea rose flowers more than a month, spreading the magic aroma. The jam from her petals is delicious, heals from a cold and adds warm summer heat in winter tea.

Borders for lawns and flower

The fences are less meter tall are tested to borders and are used for the framing paths and flower. They are often made from colors - perennials and decorative shrubs:

  • ditch;
  • smorodine alpine;
  • hydrangea;
  • barberry;
  • dend;
  • spirea Japanese;
  • hawthorn.

In curbs such types of shrubs like barberry, dend, currant, hawthorn, should be cut. They will look good at a rectangular form if the growing fence of complex configurations by the summer house has not yet mastered. Example is depicted in the photo below.

Such a green border will look good on the extensive territory

Main types of plants for fence

The fence grown to the garden can reliably protect the plot and look beautiful all year round. It should be properly picking up and planting plants. The multi-row well-kept elevation of several types of bushes and trees looks like a work of arts.

Evergreen plants

For live swelling, more than 2 meters in southern areas are used by cypress. The tree has a thick crown, growing rapidly and tolerates the haircut. In the regions with a cold winter cypress, it is necessary to strengthen the winter. It is possible to do on separate trees. Therefore, they do not apply them in the walls.

Popular coniferous trees for green walls that do not lose their attractiveness in winter:

  • pine mountain;
  • tees berry;
  • juniper.

Tui enjoy the greatest popularity.

Tuya will serve as faithful as a fence

Thuja is a frost-resistant plant long-liver with a thick crown of a pyramidal, colonum or spherical shape. It depends on the variety. The needles has a rich green palette - from lemon to blue. Thuya easily transfers trimming. Not demanding of soils and feeding. Resistant to various diseases.

Pine mountain has long needles on dense branches. Used in free-frequency fences. When landing in 2 rows with a gap of 1.5 m, creates a thick wall from the soil itself. It looks particularly beautiful when it starts blooming. Trimming on the thickness does not affect.

Pine grows slowly, does not like strongly fertilized soils. It tolerates frost and drought. The perfect plant for living hedges in the absence of free time for constant care.

Tis berry is a durable plant with a crown of colonum-shaped. Grows slowly. Used in free-frequency fences and tolerates pruning well. It looks beautiful in the spring while flowering and when red berries ripen.
When landing, ate should be patiently wait for the first 10 years.

Then the growth of the tree increases sharply, and ate quickly form a green wall. Crop is not recommended. Decoratively looks for fences with plants having different shades of needles, from bright green to blue. For borders, a dwarf variety variety-grown with a spherical crown is used.

Juniper can be planted in the form of a shrub and tree. Quickly grow up, easily transfers cropping. Plant recommended two-year plants. The needles have various shades.

Below in the photo shows juniper.

His needles exudes a pleasant smell of forest

On the video below - the subtlety of the device of the living fencing from coniferous plants.

Deciduous shrubs

A cheap leafy shrub for the winter drops the leaves and loses its decorativeness, but still serves as a reliable obstacle. Fruit plants in winter decorate berries - a delicacy for birds. In landscape design, others use others:

  • kissel;
  • turquist;
  • hawthorn;
  • barberry;
  • rosehip;
  • spiray.

The drought-resistant caticker beautifully blooms, closer to the autumn appear brushes berries. It grows slowly and after the haircut has long retains the form. Neutless to care plant easily transfers.

The turquoine is well tolerating trimming and more often than other plants used in urban landscape design. Flowers with white small inflorescences. Because of the black inedible fruits, the bush was called "Wolf Yagoda" and rarely falls on the cottages. The advantage of turquoise in its unpretentiousness to the type and fertility of the soil. It is equally well grown in the sun and in the shade.

The photo shows the turquish ordinary.

Biryuma is perfect for the territory of the territory

The fruits of the hawthorn are not only edible, but are applied in folk medicine and are recognized as pharmacists. They decorate frost-resistant bushes since the end of summer. Decorative species give the fence from hawthorn and carved leaves. If desired, the hawthorn is trimmed.

Barbaris is famous for the rich palette of the flowers of the leaves. The leaf fall plant has spines, which decorate his branches in winter and do not pass through the lively fence of strangers. During the flowering period, a gentle pleasant smell is published. Easily tolerate haircut and can develop in free landings.

Living fence from Rosehip is more reliable than any artificial. Thick branches with large spikes look threatening and at the same time beautiful. Tender pink flowers are pleasantly smelling. Red-orange fruits contain a lot of vitamin C and others.

Spirahu in the people call the bride behind her curved, like a wreath, branches destroyed by white flowers. Spirea blossoms begins in May. Grow shrub free frequency. Pruning reduces its decorativeness.

Decorative shrub fence


Liana cannot raise their flexible stems themselves, so they need a support.

For the formation of elevations, the curly branches are not cut off, but direct on from various materials:

  1. Grille made of wooden plates.
  2. Plastic grid.
  3. Artificial.
  4. Decorative and forged.

On such fences, the blooming liana looks better, conveniently located. Artificial fence can be completely covered with greens or partially peeling out from under the leaves.

In the country area, you can build a gazebo from low-cost materials. Then grow around her maiden grapes and artificial buildings will turn into a fabulous fairy house. Other options are possible.

Girl grapes can hide under himself the most unsightly wall. He clings for the slightest irregularities and independently covers all the supports located nearby. The vine over the season grows by 2 meters and gives many side branches.

Early spring girlish grapes dismisses its light green glossy leaves. They quickly darken, grow. At the end of the summer, the crimson begins to appear. So that the curly fence grew better, at the end of each season it must be cut a little. Cropped branches leaving the hedges.

The video below describes in detail about the Liaans and other curly plants.