Repairs Design Furniture

How to fix the bracket to the children's bed. What is the Balladahin? Where to locate? Options, Right places

Newborn babes spend most of the time in their cribs. Many parents want to protect this small corner using the Baldahin. Easy cape performs practical and aesthetic
Functions - allows you to protect the baby and decorate the children's room.

For fixing the canopy special holderwhich can be purchased in the store or make yourself. It allows you to install a bed above the bed easily and safely. Modern designs are practically invisible under the fabric, reliable and durable.

Why do you need cavalry?

Between parents have long been a rapid discussion about the functionality of the Baldakhin. Is such beauty in the children's room justified, and is there a need for a similar interior item? Use or not tissue canopy - solve parents. In addition to the aesthetic pleasures and coziness in the nursery, the Baldakhin performs practical functions.

  • Protection. The subtle barrier protects sensitive kids from bright light, extraneous noise and drafts. It is useful to such a subject to animal lovers - with the help of Baldakhina you can disperse the crumb from getting into the cottage wool. In the summer, the fabric will protect the little man from insects.
  • Practicality. Some parents believe that the beautiful subject of the interior is not benefit, but only collects dust. Such a feature is rather an advantage, because the fabric is easily dispersed and protects the bed and bedding of a child from the settlement of dust.
  • Emotional calm. According to experts, newborns feel more cozy in a limited space. With such a "mission", Baldakhin copes perfectly. Children at older feel safer and more independent, because every little man needs his personal place for privacy and rest.

The beautiful element of the decor is not the subject of extreme necessity, however the fact that it is functional and useful, indisputable.

Assembling holder

To fix the Baldakhina above the crib, use a special holder, which is a metal bracket. The rack consists of the following details:

  • straight tube with adjustable length;
  • curved tube;
  • balloon ring;
  • bed clamp;
  • fastening for fixing the rings.

Before starting the construction of the design, determine which height will be the holder. For this, the bracket is assembled in full length, trying on children's furniture and is adjusted to the most convenient position. The shorter bracket, the lower the cake to the bed. As the child grows, it is recommended to gradually increase its length. The assembly process is simple and does not take much time.

  1. Collect the holder in full length, connecting the metal tube with curved.
  2. Purchase Balladahin in an open ring through the holes intended for this (usually hide behind a bow or lace), straighten.
  3. Wear a ring with a canopy so that the tissue covered the bracket.
  4. Insert the stripped ring into the curved tube, fix the special clamp.

With proper assembly, the fabric will close the holder and walls of children's furniture. The collected rack is attached to the crib using the clamp. The bracket is located depending on the size of the canopy, the objectives of its installation and the location of the baby's bedroom in the room.

Installation methods

About where the rack with a canopy will be located in advance. The holder for the canopy can be attached in several ways.

  • In the middle. In this case, the bracket is fixed in the center of one of the beds of bed. The choice depends on where it is. If the baby's sleeping place is located along the wall, it is preferable to install fastening back wall Furniture. The option is considered optimal and allows you to completely close the baby cot with a cloth if necessary.
  • At the headboard. Such option will suit For furniture, located along the room, as well as for a short and narrow polarin, unable to close the sleeping place completely due to its size. The holder is fixed at the head of the head. Baldahin will close the crib only half, without limiting access to space.
  • To the ceiling. Most reliable optionIn which the child will not have access to the rack, will not be able to rely on it, swing and dump. More suitable for those who are confident in the location of the baby's bedroom and long use Baldakhina, because to move the crib in this case it will be difficult. To the ceiling, the holder is attached using a special hook to which the ring is suspended. Using this method, you should pay attention to the length of the canopy - the cloth should close the crib.

Do it yourself

Of course, the easiest way to acquire the holder for Baldakhin is to purchase ready. Purchased rack is quickly going and easily attached to any crib. However, it is possible to build an uncomplicated design yourself, with the help of remedies.

  1. The bracket can be made of a wooden stick or metal-plastic tube big diameter.
  2. Baldakhin holder twisted from thick wire. It can be in the form of a ring, rod or oval. It can be used independently, fixing on the wall or to a crochet ceiling.
  3. Wire ends are fixed with a rubber band based on.
  4. To the crib design is attached using a clamp.

Special attention in the manufacture of a self-made holder should be given security. The design should not be saved under the weight of the fabric, so it is better to choose light and thin materials (tulle, silk, sitherium) for the canchine. The canopy itself is firmly and reliably fixed with the help of rings, loop, seams or in other ways.

The material used for the frame should be high-quality and solid. Invalid the presence of cracks, dents, corrosion and other damage. The bracket is not recommended to cover enamel - a specific smell can cause discomfort and even allergies in the baby.

Baldahin creates a special, magical atmosphere in the children's room. He does not just adorn the crib, but performs practical functions - protects and calms the little man. Provide a comfortable sleeping place to your baby - the natural desire of each parent, which helps to implement a canopy. The main thing is that the design for its deduction is durable and reliable. Then the cozy corner of the crumbs will be not only beautiful, but also safe, which is of paramount importance.

Bowls on the bed of the newborn buy many happy parents to protect the baby from external stimuli and create a comfortable setting. But most of the shops are offered to purchase an elegant canopy only with other bedding. Because of this, some of the cost savings are solved on the creation of a bed for a bed with their own hands.

Easy and beautiful curtain over the cradle helps to solve several tasks set in front of parents:

  • Translucent bedspread allows you to protect your favorite child from bright light, drafts and dust.
  • More Baldahin protects against attacks of various flying insects, for example, mosquitoes.
  • Such a cape allows you to protect the baby from prying views.

In addition, the canopy on the bed stands decorative detailthat decorates the nursery. Quite often, young mothers themselves seize such a curtain, taking into account their own preferences and individual requirements for this interior element.

Choosing the length of Baldakhina

Similar sheds for a crib May be long, medium and short. In the first case, the canopy comes to the floor. This type of curtain perfectly protects the newborn, however, it is easy to get confused in it, especially when she boils off the whole cradle. At night, in the semi, you can easily turn into such a long bedspread.

Baldahin, having an average length, as a rule, comes to the center of the mattress. It is not only convenient for use, but also perfectly protects the baby. Such products are enjoying great demand. Short canopy are used mainly as decoration, not protection.

Used Baldachene fabric

Curtains, covering the crib, dense tissue are very practical option. Most often they use them when the cradle of the child is in the common room or the bedroom of the parents.

Dense Baldahin It will help to securely cover the baby, and also protects it from dust, microbes and lights. Another type of curtains are often used for additional protection from the cold. If the temperature in the apartment is often not too comfortable, it is better to buy a tight fabric cave.

Carnation for a cribMade of air and light textile canvases, creates a feeling of weightlessness and fills the room with warmth. True, such a basalchin is considered not too practical because it is sewn from translucent or transparent tissue that cannot be protected from light and other external stimuli.

In order to make high-quality cavity on a crib with their own hands, only natural fabric should choose. Remember that polyester, synthetics and other artificial products can not be applied, because they are not hygroscopic and can cause allergies in children. To all other things, they are not very pleasant to the touch . Children's canopy Best sew from:

  • Silks. Bowls from it is quite dense and attractive. He will give the children's room a noble barcode.
  • Organza. From this luxury fabric will be weightless cavity.
  • Sitz. So natural but a budget option Used for making pleasant to the touch and hygroscopic curtains.
  • Velvet. It is better to apply it in the cold season, since such a material will keep the heat in the cradle and help protect the baby from the draft.
  • Tulle. In this case, the curtain will be air and light, besides quite attractive.

Color of canopy

Before sewing the canopy to the crib with their own hands, you must first decide with his color. It is worth considering that the baby is better to fall asleep, seeing before the eyes is not too bright colors. Otherwise, he will be in an irritated state all the time, as a result of which he will have problems with sleep. That is why it is better to mount the curtains of calm shades on baby cots. Only in this case the child will sleep hard, and nothing will distract him.

When choosing a Baldakhina, do not forget that this product helps to protect the newborn from external negative factors and is aesthetic.

Fastening for Baldakhina

Baldahin can be fix in different ways.

From the head of

This method is suitable not only for babies, but also for kids older. Such a type of device is interesting because it closes only the area of \u200b\u200bthe head, while the rest of the bed remains open. In addition, the newborn can look at the world around.


This option involves fastening the bulk curtain, which is completely closed by a children's cradle. To this method resorted if the baby is sleeping most of the time.

Throughout the perimeter

This canopy for children's beds is often called royal, as he reminds the luxurious interiors of the palaces with his refined view. Fix such a canopy is heavier than others. For this purpose you will need holders placed at the same distance from each other. It is distributed by the fabric of the curtains, and it is going on top in one place. After that, the canopy decorate the monogram, a bow or crown. The advantage of such a canopy is the ability to close the cradle partially or completely.

Types of holders for installing curtains

Such products can be different, for example, ceiling. This stationary product is often used in children, it provides for the use of the longest canopy.

In addition, there are bed holders. They are attached directly to the cradle, usually similar fasteners go along with the curtain in the kit. A further instruction is attached to them, which helps to fix and install the canopy.

Also there is outdoor clamps. The design of these products is attached on the floor. If necessary, they will be easy to dismantle and move together with the cradle to another, more comfortable spot. Wall fixtors allow you to equip a canopy for a baby cot any length.

The sewing process of children's canopy with their own hands

If you are going to do something unusual for your child, you can independently produce Canopy on a cot. Moreover, it is not so difficult to create it. The main thing is to purchase the desired amount of fabric and jewelry for the Baldakhin. You will also need a set of tools for sewing.

The appearance and model of the canopy depends on the financial capabilities and imagination. Moreover, with such parameters, it is necessary to determine first of all to know how much the tissue is required to be used.

For the sewing of the Baldakhin on the crib will be needed:

  • Natural fabric of about 3 meters;
  • Ribbons or lace for decorating about 6 meters;
  • Material for creating a row of at least 3.5 meters;
  • Fittings for decorating a homemade canol.

First you need to take the fabric and turn it over the entire length of 10 cm. Such a width will be enough to leave a place for fastening. The material first must be noted, and then it can be searched on sewing machine. As a result, it turns out the basis of a simple canopy, for which the pattern is not required. After that, as a rule, go to the decoration of the curtain closing the children's bed.

For such purposes, the tape is used, which is sewn from below and on the Bikes of Baldakhin. It can also be used to decorate the top. True, in this case, it is better to retreat 5 cm from the top, after which the decorative element can be set.

How to decorate a cot?

Baldahin will become present children's decorationIf it is decorated with various applications in the form of cartoon heroes, animals or fairy-tale characters. Often for this use a variety of bows. In addition, a canopy above the crib, made with your own hands, decorate embroidery. The curtain for a small princess warmly and elegantly will look with additional ruffles and ruffles.

Assembling holder

Before hanging a canopy for a children's bed, you need to collect and install a tripod. In the upper part of such a device there is a curved aluminum tube and loop from a similar material for fixing the canopy. First of all, it should be determined which side of the cradle is better consolidated.

When installing the holder on the long side, the protective fabric will be distributed evenly along the crib. And if you collect and fix the system in the headboard, then the canopy will be able to protect the newborn only partially.

It is equally important to choose the right height for a canopy. And it can be adjusted by setting low part Holder on the wall of a baby bed. When installing the tripod, the tube with a loop is better to disconnect so that it does not interfere.

Other Methods for installing a canopy with holder

The principle of fastening the curtains above the bed depends on the type of ring. When it is all-in-point, the material of the protective fabric can simply be tied to it. To do this, in advance the ribbons to the canopy or fasten it on the velcro.

In the event that in the nursery already spent overhaulAnd they are not going to rearrange the crib to rearrange, then the Bedalchin is better to hang to the ceiling. This option is perfect for griming girls who dream of becoming princesses. Bracket, mounted in the ceiling, is considered a reliable fastening. It is difficult for bolts in it, because it is difficult to get to them.

The installation process of the canopa On the crib to the backup on the ceiling Next:

In general, there are many ways to attach a canopy. It is possible to use various for its fixation to the frame decorative elements. Moreover, such a fastening will be very reliable.

There is a lot of dust on the curtain that weighing over the baby cot, so it is recommended to clean it more often. Canopy from organza After washing, it is not necessary to iron, besides, it will dry quickly. Baldahin, made of more dense tissues, will have to smooth out and clean it hard.

Initially, the canopy is perceived as an element that helps create a kid in the first crib feel of a cocoon, security, comfort. It was assumed that in such a nest, the newborn would feel like a mom in mom. Not all parents believe that Baldahin is really needed. They call his dust collectors, argued their refusal from it that it only interferes with putting the baby. But this opinion is quite controversial - perhaps such parents simply did not see the pictures with models of very comfortable Baldakhin.

If you move away from all practical arguments, just one simple reason to acquire the canopy. Many future mothers prepare dowry babies in advance. I want to sew the mommy itself, knit, embroider for a baby. Someone sews sides for a bed, someone adorns the baby's room, someone makes the shutters for the cradle. And there are mothers who put a task: "We sew a beautiful cavity!" And it really can be sewed with your own hands.

And the Baldahin can be hung for:

  • Protect the baby from persistent light and drafts;
  • Insect barriers;
  • Installation filter for dust, which can be an allergen.

But even if you decide to install a beautiful baby, constantly sleeping the baby under him should not. He needs to breathe fresh air In a regularly ventilated room. And he needs, including, to get acquainted with dust, and with other allergens in a reasonable degree. After all, the sterile atmosphere around the child, the less training its immunity.

What is the difference between the cavalry on the bed for newborns

Conditional classification can be made, which will form the basis of the differences between the canopy. Of course, models are very much, they will differ in such criteria as design, way to attach, sizes, fabric, holder, etc.

How to fasten the canopy:

  • Construction, fully closing bed. Installing such a Baldakhina falls on the center, on a special holder, in connection with which he can cover the whole bed.
  • Fastening the head of the head. This is an older child. It covers only the top of the bed, and can only decorate it. So a certain protection of the child is created, when limited from external influences is only partially.
  • Mounting around the perimeter. So called royal beds, they look very similar to adult beds with a canopy. You can create a bed princess using such a canopy.

What will be fasteners, depends on the preferences of the parents and age of the child. The teenage bed is so decorated, maybe it does not make sense, like the bed of a grown boy. But installing such a baby on the baby bed is a beautiful solution.

Instructions Stephane: Fastening for Baldakhina on a crib

First, it will be correct to determine the exact position of the Baldakhina above the bed. If the bed is located along the length of the wall, the fasteners are placed on one of the long sides of the feet of the crib. If the crib stands in width along the wall, the holder is usually going to the head of the head. If the holder can be fixed on the ceiling, then the bed is then no longer rearrange.

How to collect and install the holder:

  • Bedalchin pre-wash and intend;
  • On the smooth surface Spread all the elements of the metal bracket;
  • The direct part of the rod is inserted into the fasteners;
  • Design to attach to the place scheduled earlier, and fix the rod on the side of the screws;
  • The ring of the holder to stretch in the scene of the fabric from the two ends of the rim, to gather Ryushi;
  • Keep the ends of the holders inside out the capes so that they are covered with cloth;
  • The curved and direct part of the rod are bonded among themselves;
  • Align all design details, adjust the holder height regarding the crib.

From the tapes on the Baldakhin you can make a bow - it will be an additional decoration. Correct the birth. If everything is done correctly, the cape will simultaneously cover both brackets and sides. This will remain space for air intake in the crib.

Homemade design: how to hang caustic chin on a cot

If a we are talking Not about the factory product, you can make a retainer-rack yourself. On the wall you need to consolidate the simplest wooden frameA light tulle or chiffon will be attached to it. And already under such a canopy, the crib is installed.

Work will be carried out like this:

  • On the wall, at an altitude of 1 m marvel over the head of the cradle, the place under the mounting bracket;
  • Drive in the wall of the hole, and the dowels to it horizontally attach a wooden thick bar;
  • At the edges of this bar, it is imperative at right angles to the wall, fasten the rails with self-draws;
  • At this frame sketch, sagging the fabric should be between the slats to balance the composition.

The curtain is a small corner of the child. Sometimes they do even over the sofa, picking up suitable material. Even psychologists assure that such a canopy is sometimes necessary to be a doubtful child, the child is long separated with Mom, etc. This is not a toy, but in some sense, even psychological protection.

Simple cauldron on a crib do it yourself

If there is a pattern, and some ski skirt skill and lingering, sewing beautiful cavities can mom itself. If you are not sure about your abilities, practice do something similar for a puppet crib. Any stick-retainer is taken, and you can see the cradle of the doll. And then it is already taken for a real cape for a cot girl or a little boy.

Standard calculations are as follows:

  • 3 m natural not very dense fabric;
  • 5.5 M. decorative ribbon for frills, or just lace;
  • 3.5 m tapes for creating scenes;
  • Pretty dense wire frame.

The process will not be very complex. On the output that can be found on the Internet, all the details are stitching. Decor - at your discretion. Then the wire frame is made, which then you need to put on the crib. And already on it is fixed by Baldakhin.

Decorating Baldakhina do it yourself

Each mom wants not only to wear his child beautifully beautifully, but also to create a beautiful space around him. So that the walls, and the ceiling, and the floors in the children's room are harmonized and liked the baby. In the room, the teenager should also be cozy, but the child of this age often chooses the situation.

You can decorate any element of the room, whether the playpen or the same canopy. Even a ready-made shopping diet can be interesting to decorate. It can be, for example, butterflies from a gentle flying tissue, lace, ruffles. You can buy and finished thermoapplication.

Bands and drop-down ribbons can also be decorate the canopy. And sometimes it is a manual embroidery with champions for kid. It all depends on the style and design of the Baldakhin itself. It is sometimes fantasy played in the decoration process.

How to sew cavalry on a crib (video)

Baldahin is a good attempt to make the Mirook of the kid even more comfortable. And the more the mother's energy and labor of her hands, the warmer, and more comfortable will be kids under such a cape.

Successful solutions and luxurious results!

Design of Bedachina on a crib (photo in the interior)

To create a coziness and comfort in the bedroom there are many interior solutions. One of the simplest ways to transform the room is to make a cable over the bed with your own hands.

You can purchase a ready-made model or spend on a new bed, but the accessory created to your own taste will look original and no less decorative. The mood, where there is a bed with a canopy, will acquire oriental motifs.

In addition, the Baldahin saves from sudden temperature drops and obsessive insects in the warm season. Such an element in the bedroom will be not only an ornament, but also a useful addition to the interior.

Varieties of Baldakhinov

The main types of Baldakhin are only three:

  • classical;
  • dome;
  • semicircle.

Classic cavity is suitable for beds with supports to which the cloth is attached. Such a canopy model is applicable if the bed is equipped with plastic, wood or metal racks. Later, the classic canopy looks on beds located in the room center or by the wall. The bed at the same time should be with a high back.

Semicircular canopies are suitable for beds in the corner. Holder for the domestic domestic form - a special frame, fixed above the bed. From the spa-tent on the sides, the wedges of light cloth are diverged.

Fabrics for Baldakhina

To sleep under the canchine was comfortable, it is worth choosing a light and transparent fabric that allows free access to the cover. Organza or veil are perfect. Heavy velvet gestures may look stylish, but sleeping under the baldichene from heavy matter will be difficult. Over time, such a canopy accumulates dust, moisture, the particles of the skin are settled on it, and the microclimate under the canopy is created not the most healthy.


Clean the canopy from dense matter is also difficult.

A coffee bed is better to do from thin natural materials - silk, flax or sither.

How to sew a cavalo?

To make the canopy with their own hands, you will need:

  • the cloth;
  • fasteners;
  • sewing accessories.

The length of the canopy fabric is chosen with such a calculation so that the canopy gets from the point of attachment to the floor, and several centimeters remained for the pent. In length, the cut should be slightly exceeded the size of the bed.

Sewing a canopy - the process is not too complicated. The fabric is cut out by the selected sketch, the edges are shot, the loops are sewn to the top, with which the canopy will be fixed on the basis.

You can refuse the Baldakhin "to the floor" by choosing a "shortened" model. In this case, the cloth must cover the mattress and drop another 10-20 cm.

Choosing a carcass

If the sewing can not create problems, then problems may arise with the preparation and assembly of the carcass. To simplify the task, you can purchase a ready-made basis, but to start you should decide on the skeleton type.

The mounting for the canopy is several types:

  • the system around the perimeter assumes the presence of special racks on the bed, but it can be replaced by the corn area attached from the ceiling;
  • the arcuate fastening is a semicircle of metal, which escaped into the walls, the tissue on the attachment is fixed in the same way as the curtains;
  • "Corona" (ring-shaped mount) - a circle, fortified on the ceiling above the bed, through which the cutting of the tissue is passed;
  • fastening on a straight pipe (the rod is fixed on the wall in the middle of the bed, the fabric of the canopy is moved through the metal base).

The selection of the mounting option depends on the style of the bedroom and the selected model of the canopy.

Materials for bracket

The selection of the material from which the holder for the canchine is performed depends on the type of construction. You can do with appliant means, but for the construction of the most reliable attachment it is better to purchase additional materials.

The bracket for the canopy should be strong, durable, but at the same time sufficiently light, and in the event that the holder is performed with their own hands - also enough plastic to create the right bend it has no excessive effort.

Most often, hollow metal tubes are chosen as a material for fastening. For trimming of joints and angles, connecting elements may be required - they can be made of metal, plastic or wood, giving the design of aesthetics.

For a bracket, which is equipped around the perimeter of the bed, the profile cornice is suitable - flexible, light, but durable. The shade of such a material can be chosen under the color of the fabric.

Build mount for canopy

After the choice of fastening is made, another question arises. How to assemble the holder for the Baldakhin of the model you like? There are two simple options Mounting.

For the first, a metal rod will need. It must be bent semicircle (for fastening the appropriate form) or the letter "P". Then the prepared material is attached to the rod, after which the entire design is fixed above the bed.

An easier way is to use undergraduate tools. As a holder for the canopy, the hoops are suitable for embroidery of a large size. The outer circle is worn onto a canopy, on the inside of the facet, the cross will fasten the cord and closed the hoops as hard as possible. The resulting design is fixed above the lie - the fastening for the caustichene format "Crown" is ready.

How to fix the Baldahin

The finished canopy remains firmly locking over the bed. On the ceiling, the design is attached using suspensions, you can do the walls on the walls.


The mount should be durable and reliable, to withstand not only the weight of the tissue itself, but also additional loads.

The canopy above the bed will not be idle - the material will be moved on the frame, the polarity itself is easy to hurt or pull in a dream.

How to wear cavalo on the holder is an easier question. For fixing, the fabrics will be required on the frame, the loop or rings for the curtains are mounted on the edge of the canopy. The framework of them is the framework before hanging the design to the ceiling.

You can replace one-piece loops with ribbons to the tone of the main fabric. In addition to the additional decorative effect, such a "assembly" allows you to quickly remove the cavalry for washing and cleaning.

Dense Fabric Baldachin

Benefits of Baldakhina

The presence of an isolated "space in space" - a bed with a canopy in a spacious bedroom - creates a feeling of intimacy and comfort. Often, such a solution looks like in large spaces, but even in with the help of the Baldakhin, the room can be zoned.

Sew the cavity is also worth a purely functional reasons. The canopy protects sleep from bright light, maintains a stable temperature, protects against midges and mosquitoes in summer.

Color made with your own hands - unique designer solutionwhich is minimum costs It will help to update the interior and make romantic notes into the atmosphere.

Lightweight Baldahin

Disadvantages of Baldakhina

Not devoid of such a solution and minuses - most of them concern not only Baldakhinov, but also the entire textile used in the interior.

Magnificent canopies collect a significant amount of dust. If the fabric for the canvas is molded light, wash will not be too difficult. However, it is necessary to clean the canopy regularly, as it will have to "face" every day. For the period of drying, the Bedakhina bed will remain "naked", and the fastening will be explicitly distinguished against the background of the ceiling. Hang the Baldahin in the bedroom means to come to terms with some periodically emerging difficulties.

Visually a room with a canopy over the bed seems smaller, and the ceilings are lower. Not every room will "stand out" such a style.

Baldahin over the bed with her hands video:

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It all depends on how the bed will be located. If it costs the wall with its length, then the fastenings for the canopy are located on the same back side. But if the cot is located in a narrow side to the wall, then, of course, the option will be more preferable at which the rack for the canchine is attached to the rear back. Both ways of design look beautiful and make the "nest" of the baby very cozy. Traditionally, the flights of pink tones are usually chosen, and for, respectively, blue shades. Although light beige, yellow, pale orange and lightweight colors look at least refined.

The fastening for the canopy is a metal hollow tube (rack) and a metal rod, bent by oval and having a curved "mustache" that are inserted into the opening of the rack. The rack is screwed to the upper crossbar using screws. However, practice shows that better drill Make holes through which tightly attach the basis for the Baldakhin. Otherwise, the omnipresent smaller, pulling the edge of the edge, risks getting injuries with torn metal rods.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Fastening for canopy is preferably fixed tightly


  • cottage

The bed is a place in which the baby spends most of the time. Therefore, it is necessary to make it the most comfortable, comfortable and safe. Currently in stores huge selection Bedding sets. And in many kits included canopy. This baby cot decoration causes many disputes among parents. Opponents canopyob call it a "dust collector" and "non-functional thing." However, most parents do not refuse to use this kind of decoration of a cot.

You will need

  • Baby Cot, Baldahin


Baldakhins Add a room with a coziness, enveloping the bed and create a romantic mood. The most difficult when construeding is the framework. Of course, you can buy a ready-made frame or entrust it to making specialists. If you are planning to make a frame yourself, boldly make it possible.


The technology of fasteners is the same as in the construction. Hollow metal pipe Carefully bent into a small circle, attach the ends to the wall and hang on the rings tube. To these rings and will be fastened by the Baldahin. It will look original if you find the Baldakhina in the upper part of it at an equal distance from each other ribbons in the number of rings. Grind ribbons in the rings and make a strong bows.

Another way to build a frame - a canopy, which is attached to the wall or when the bed is located. To do this, come to the wall wooden railAnd at the ends of this rail at right angles for greater reliability - two wooden rods. When installing such a frame, the lightweight Baldakhin fabric is simply pounced on the rods in such a way that its part hangs. It is important to perform all fastenings without flambers and inaccuracies so that the framework will serve you for a long time and was safe.

A variety of canopy for children is very large. As a rule, you can immediately purchase complete, soft, pillow, linens And the player with the bracket. But if there is no such possibility, you can sew cavity to your taste and build a frame. To do this, bend the metal rod into the ring.

Press the rod through the scene in the Baldakhin and fold the cropped ends of the rod together. Tightly tie them. Score a wooden rail to or to the wall, if the bed location allows. To mount a metal rod with a canopy, use a clip on the bolts, when you screw it with reliable fixation.

Video on the topic

Baldahin for a crib is not only very beautiful and cozy, but also functional accessory. With the help of it, you can close the crib from unnecessary light and even protect the crumb from mosquitoes. You can buy in any children's store or sale of textile products, where they are sold in sets with soft sideboards, blanket and pad, and can be done.


In order to fix the cavalo on the crib, you need to purchase a special tripod - the holder for him. The tripod consists of three parts: a straight tube, a curved tube and a loop, on which the canopy is put on. Two fasteners are also included with the tripod.

Before proceeding with the consolidation of the Baldakhin, collect a tripod in full length and count on what height you would like to secure it. To do this, insert the curved tube into the straight, put on the top of the loop for the cavalry and attach a tripod to one of the sides of the bed. Usually, the Baldahin is presented to one of the long sides of the bed - so if necessary, you can cover the whole bed completely. If you fix this accessory in the headboard, then it will close only a piece of the crib. Trial of the length, secure the bottom straight tube on the crib using the mount, and remove the curved tube and the loop.

Consider a loop for the Baldakhina - it has a small gum. Remove it to turn the loop to Baldahin.

Now take the baldahin himself and look carefully on his upper part. It has two "sleeves", in one of which and you need to turn the loop. If you sell a loop to the bottom of the "sleeves", then beautiful rumble is formed on top of the canopy, and if we sell to the top - there will be no ruffles. I traveled a loop to one of the "sleeves" of the Baldakhina, secure the ends of the loop with a rubber band and distribute the folds of the upper frills. Then insert the loop into the curved tube, thread through its bottom the second mount and put it on the straight tube. Now firmly tighten the mount and spread the floors of the canopy. Canopy for your baby ready.
If you are all done correctly, then the canopy will hold onto the crib and will not fall, even if the baby is trying to pull it out. With a Baldakhin, a cot will look very smart and cute, although some parents believe that he doesn't need a baby at all.

Consolidate canopy Over the baby bed is easy. To do this, you can use a universal frame or self-made frame from thick wire. The fabric is fixed with the help of rings, hooks or beautiful ribbons.

You will need

  • - thick wire;
  • - Baldahin;
  • - rings or hooks;
  • - pliers;
  • - Tools and fittings for hanging a frame over a cot.


Making metal carcass for canopybut. To do this, bend a thick smooth wire in the form of the letter n either in a semir.

Put on the frame of the rings or hooks to which the fabric will be attached canopybut.

Suspend the frame over the center of the baby bed.

Secure in rings or on hooks frame fabric canopybut. Gently straighte the folds of the fabric.


Fasten the frame over a baby cot with a special care. Otherwise, the frame may fall on the child and injure it.

Helpful advice

Baldahin performs not only decorative function, bringing comfort to the interior of the children's room. The fabric hides with an extraneous eye a crib, creates protection against bright sunlightWhat provides, in turn, the rest of the child during day sleep. In addition, Baldahin delays dust, not allowing her to get to the kid.

To avoid whipping a cake with hooks or rings and drop it on the baby, use a more perfect way to fasten the fabric. To do this, from the inside of the canvas, the wide wider fabric strips. Schedule in the resulting pockets of beautiful colored ribbons, after which we entertain these colorful elements on the frame.

Distribute nodes evenly, and ribbon straighten. This will give the aesthetics and reliability of the design.

You can use the ready brackets to fasten the canopy. The instructions for fixing them tissue, as a rule, attached to the product. Similar brackets are universal, suitable for any baby bed. They are attached on the back, side grill or upper / lower strap of a cot.


  • Tips for setment of sleeping place for baby

Canopy is not only the subject of luxury. It carries a practical burden. Helps to highlight the space of privacy, coziness and peace. It also contributes to the protection of sleeping from dust, drafts, insects and other inconveniences.

You will need

  • Wire, metal ring, hoop or metal ring of large diameter, ceiling hook, tone tone, balladahin


Divide the circumference of the hoop circle to 4 (or 6, depending on the diameter of the circle) parts. Make holes in the hoop tube on the markups made. In the resulting openings, secure the wire of the desired length.

The remaining ends of the wire fasten each other, attaching them to a small metal ring. On this wire, the hoop will be attached to the ceiling by means of a small metal ring.

Before fastening the free edges of the wire on a small metal ring, a wire can be decorated with a cloth. To do this, cut out of the tissue, selected in the tone of the canopy, strips equal to the length of the wire harness plus 2 centimeters. The number of strips corresponds to the number of wire harnesses.

Collapse on the sewing machine along the long edge folded by the front side inside the stripes. Turn them on the front side. Take them on wire harnesses. Manually handle the edges of decorative strips. You can be copper with glue. And you can lock the lower edges on the hoop, wrapped it. Top sewed among themselves in the place of fastening the ends of the wire.

Directly to the hoop itself will be fastened by the Baldahin. Mounting methods can be chosen different. For example, you can earn the hoop with a special sewing ribbon already with finished loops (the distance between the hinges is up to 1 centimeter). Then, on the upper edge of the canchine, sew a curtain tape and sweep the cavities until the width of the upper edge is equal to the length of the circle of the hoop. Then with the help of curtain hooks attach the canopy to the hoop.

In the right place on the ceiling attach the ceiling hook. On this hook hang a small metal ring with the prepared construction of the fastening of the Baldakhin. Baldahin can pre-evenly place around the circumference of the hoop. And you can hang it on the design attached to the ceiling, given the location of the vertical edges of the Baldakhin.

Canopy Over the bed attaches bedroom Exquisite appearance and at the same time makes it cozy and protected. This will probably enjoy your children who will feel at the Bedalchine as in the fabulous Eastern Palace. To build it above the bed under the power of parents.


Choose a cloth for canopy. For children's bedrooms just fit natural materials calm color. The width of the tissue should be about 1.2-1.5 meters. To cut the length, measure the perimeter of the bed. The length of the fabric for the Baldakhina should be in the press times more.

The bottom edge of the fabric is subject to one and a half centimeters and place. Upper region Suppose with records. To do this, buy ready-made rings (at the rate of 1 ring for 15 cm fabric). The top edge of the Baldakhina is so that the strip width exceeds the diameter of the champs by 2 cm. Between the layers of the wrapped strip, put the lubricant tape and secure it with an iron. Make a pencil or felt-tip pen the same segments of 15 cm: At this distance, the rings will be located apart. Cut out the circles from the cloth under the lover (the hole must be a pair of millimeters wider than the lover) and insert the mounts by clicking on them until it is clicking, which means that halves of the champs are fixed.

Frame Baldakhina Make a metal rod bent into the circle suitable diameter. Also, the P-shaped metal or wood frame, attached to the wall at the cub headboard. Attach the design for the canopy with metal furniture fasteners to or wall.

If you prefer the frame fixed on the wall and equal to the perimeter of the bed, you have a fabric of a half-meter width, which will reach the mattress level. In the case of the selection of the suspension ceiling cave in the form of a circle, take care that the lengths of falling drapery is enough to stretch it to the corners of the bed and fasten, tied with ribbons to the legs.

Canopy - This is a very elegant canopy, a canopy that is attached above the bed on the metal or wooden poles. It performs a purely aesthetic function, makes a highlight to the bedroom of your baby. Baldahin is used to protect the sleeping from annoying insects or dust, from solar and lunar light.


To hang it out, you will need a framework. Take the metal barbell and bend it so that the letter P.

After that, on the bar, it is necessary to attach pre-cooked rings.

Secure the resulting design of its wall.

Determine the required length of the bracket. To do this collect bracket on maximum length And attach it to the children's bed. Adjust the bracket according to your wishes.

Lock the bottom direct part of the bracket on the crib using the clamping bracket and the fastening screw. Remove the top of the bracket along with the ring. The design of the ring is usually supplemented by a bent up "the toasts" closed with rubber band. Remove the elastic band in order to dress the beholder on the bracket loop.