Repairs Design Furniture

Calculation of the width of the curtains on the records. How to calculate the distance between the chiefs? Metal or plastic rings - what better

Sooner or later, but any housewife and needlewoman can face a question, and how much do you need to buy cloth to sew curtains? How to make the correct calculation and make right measurements? Today, the curtains on chalk are especially popular. Such curtains fit well into any interior, be it kitchen, living room, bedroom, even bathroom. We will consider in a stages of the whole scheme of work on calculating fabrics on curtains with chamoices.
We will need:

  • roulette,
  • paper,
  • pencil pen.
The length of the fabric can be measured by 2 ways.
The first way we measure the distance from top edge Rods to floor level.

The second method, we measure the distance from the lower edge of the rod to the floor level, as well as measure the diameter of the rod and we fold these 2 values.

It is advisable to make measurements at the edges of the eaves and in the middle, because in our apartments floors and ceilings, sometimes not perfectly smooth. When there were 3 measurements, choose the youn least smallest. For example, at one point you got 250 cm., In another - 251 cm., And in the third - 250.5 cm., Then we choose 250 cm., Because this value is the smallest.

Curtains on the chalivers have on top of scallop, which is equal, as a rule, from 2-4 cm.

So Calculation of the length of the curtains in finished video It will look like this:
By the distance from the bar to the floor level + 2-4 cm. (This scallop) is 2 cm. (the distance from the floor level so that the curtain does not come into contact with the floor). In my case, 250 + 3 - 2 \u003d 251 cm.
Although, if someone loves the curtains to go down to the floor and spread over it, then it is necessary to subtract 2 cm., And add from 10-50 cm., Depending on the model of the curtain.

So, we made the calculation of the length of the curtains in the finished form, but remember, there are no allowances for the processing of seams, more detailed information on the processing of the lower and side seams can be viewed. When processing the top edge of the curtains on the chalks, you need to remember that it is necessary to make an increase from the fabric equal to the double width of the lubricant tape.

Curtains on chalters can be made with a cuff, how to sew such curtains look
Now we define the width of the curtains. Why do measure me working surface Cornise. And now, just remember 2 rules:

  • the minimum width of the tulle \u003d the length of the working surface of the Karnis X 2,
  • the minimum width of the curtains \u003d the length of the working surface of the karnis X1.5.
Who loves the puff of folds, then it is necessary to increase the coefficient. We also do not forget about the processing of lateral seams.
When calculating the width of the curtains on the records, it is necessary to determine the number of chalks and with their location. I do so that the number of chalks was even, then the edges of the curtains are directed in one direction if the amount of luveras is odd, then the edges of the curtains are directed in different directions.

It is also necessary to remember, the principle of the position of therapy, the distance between the lover must be in the range of fromces15 to 22 cm. From the edges treated, the first and last lover ride at a distance of 5-7 cm. From the edge, see below.

After you multiply the working width of the eaves on the 1.5 coefficient, draw the chart of the champs, perhaps you have to add a little width or drop a little.
I hope the calculation principle is clear and you can now calculate the desired and necessary amount of fabric for curtains on the charters.

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In this lesson, it will be about installation of lover On the curtains with their own hands.

Difficulties in installing chalks as such, and the curtain itself can get very cute:

However, novice craftsmen, and even moreover, customers do not know that the champs can be easily installed in the manual. And the salons curtains do not try to uncover this secret.

A variety of chalks is very high. They differ in the material from which they are made, in shape, in color, by the diameter of the inner hole.

Typically, the champs are installed in the tone of the cornice or material from which the curtains themselves are sewn. Reverses in the shape of a wheelchair or dolphin use for children's curtains in sea style.

The diameter of the chief opening should be larger than the diameter of the cornice pipe by 1.5-2 cm. This is to move freely on the cornix.

The number of chalks on the curtain should be even. If the number of chalks is not even, then its side edges will be directed in different directions from the window, which looks not beautiful.

Before installing On the chart, sew the Skut itself (Gardina, Porter).

The drapery coefficient of curtains on the records take 2 - 2.5. In this case, there will be beautiful, volumetric folds. This must be taken into account when calculating need quantity Fabrics.

We process the sides of the curtains

We process the top edge of our curtains as follows: Duplicate the upper edge of the curtains with a ribbon under the chokes, having turned it together with the ribbon twice on the wrong side, as if making the seam in the bending, only with a ribbon inside the seam. We tighten into the edge in length and on the sides. Purchase. You can insert a curtain tape instead of a lupus tape, having previously pulling out of it tightening laces (here we are not needed).

When the top edge of the curtains, then we post our.

The distance between the centers of therapy should be from 15cm to 22 cm. From the side edge of the curtains to the center of the first lover, the distance should be 5 - 7 cm. This distance should be done so that the lover does not hit the side bending. Highly large distance It is not worth doing, otherwise the free end of the curtains will ugly hang out.

From the upper edge of the curtains, we retreat 2-4 cm.

reels, installation

reels, installation

It is also necessary to know that the luber is external and inner diameter:

And so, mark the holes for the chalks on the curtain, for this:

Lay out a ready-made speed on smooth surface. Markup should be produced when the curtain is already revealed and lies on the crossed table or ironing board, smoothly smooth, without dents and folds.

We celebrate the position of the extreme chain. To do this, take the chalome and ride it at the desired distance from the upper and side edge of the curtains. Watch that it does not enter the seams. Exactly in the center of the lover hole put the point simple pencil or marker for fabric. We do the same for another Boca curtains. Please note: the distance we retreated from the top for the first challenge should be withstanding for all other challenges so that all the holes are on the same level.

We calculate the distance between the centers of therapy and the number of chalves we need. To do this, measure the distance between the centers of the marked extreme chalks. In my curtains, the distance between the centers of the extreme chain turned out to be 186 cm. Let's try to make a distance between the lover of 15 cm.

186 cm: 15 cm \u003d 12.4 (luber)

That is, we need 12, 4 lumes. Round up to 12 lover and calculate the distance between them in this case:

186 cm: 12 (lover) \u003d 15.5 cm.

So, we calculated that we need 12 chalks on our clock and the distance between them will be 15.5 cm.

Arriving all the chalises on our curtain, outlining the inner diameter of each chamfer with a pencil or a tissue marker, cut the circumference with us.

Cut circles can be 2-3mm more drawn circle:


Then put one part of the chalch under the stern, which combines its inner diameter with a cutting hole. We cover the other part of the chalomeness from the top of the fabric, and with force press until it clicks:


All, installing the chalks by us. Now we approach the lower edge of the curtains. To do this: Measure the height of the curtains from the eaves to the length of the length. We postpone this size on our curtain from the top edge of the inner diameter of chalks and add 3-5cm (more than) on the treatment of curtains.

I really like the curtains on the chalivers.
They look great both in the living room and in the bedroom.

1. What are the chammetes and what better to choose?

The chammets vary:
According to the material from which they are made (metal or plastic);
in form (round, curly);
in color (transparent, monophonic colored, imitating metal color, wood, leather and other materials);
on the diameter of the inner hole (from 10.5 to 50 mm).
You need to choose the recordings depending on the model of the curtains you want to get as a result of the cornice on which it will be attached. Most often, round champs are installed in the tone of the cornice, furniture fittings or material curtains. But if you want to focus on the champs themselves as decorative element Curtains, you can use curly chalks. For example, reflectors in the shape of a wheelchair or dolphin for children's marine style curtains.
The diameter of the chipper hole must be larger than the diameter of the rod (pipes) of the cornice of 1.5 cm. Otherwise, the curtain will move badly on the eaves, because The lover will be stuck on the rod.
As for the choice of the Material of the Mulese, it is practical to use plastic. They do not damage the bastard of the cornice, moving on the eaves quietly, there is no risk that during washing the metal will oxide and stains rust tissue curtains. Plastic chalters can generally be removed at the time of washing, and then put back. In addition, plastic recordings are cheaper than metal and for their installation do not need a special press.

3. How many chalks need.

When calculating the number of chalks, which will be required for the curtains, we proceed from the following:

Calculation of the number of loverrs.

A) The number of chalks on the curtain should be even (that is, 8, 10, 12, 16, and so on). It is necessary so that both side edges of the curtains are directed towards the window. If you set an odd number of chalks, one edge will be directed towards the room. It looks ugly.

B) Optimal distance There is 18 cm between the centers of the chalks - 18 cm. If it does not work exactly 18, not scary. You can make a little more or a little less. The main thing is that the distance between the centers of the chalks was not more than 22 cm or less than 15 cm. Then folds will be beautiful and even.

Location Lover

C) from the side edge of the curtains to the center of the first lover distance 5 - 7 cm. This distance depends on how wide the sideways of the side edge you do from the diameter of the lover. It is necessary to make it enough so that the lover does not hit the side bending. Otherwise, he will not close due to too much tissue thickness. It is not worth doing a very big stretch, otherwise the free end of the curtain will be ugly bending.

Calculate the number of chalks:

1) n1 \u003d (L - 2a): 18 + 1, where N1 is the calculated amount of challenges,

L - the width of the finished curtains to which chalks will be installed, in centimeters,

A - distance from the side edge of the curtains to the center of the first challenge, in centimeters.

2) N2 is an even number coming to N1, that is, the amount of chalks that we want to know.

Diameters of lover

Example: Your curtain has a width of 2 meters (that is, 200 cm). The chammetes that you will be put, have a hole diameter (inner diameter) 45 mm (4.5 cm), and the outer diameter is 75 mm (7.5 cm). You want to make a side edge of the side edge.

Then the distance from the side edge of the curtains to the center of the first challenge you need to take this: the width of the side bending + half of the outer diameter of the challenge + indentation from the bending: 2.2 cm + 7.5 cm: 2 + 0.3 \u003d 6.25 cm.

Thus, L \u003d 200 cm, and \u003d 6.3 cm. Calculate the number of chalks:
N1 \u003d (200 cm - 2 x 6.3 cm): 18 cm + 1 \u003d 11.4 pcs.
But we need an even number of chalks, so N1 we round up to 12 or up to 10. And if we take 10 lover, then the distance between their centers will be:
B \u003d (200 cm - 2 x 6.3 cm): (10 - 1) \u003d 20.82 cm,
And if we take 12 chalks, the distance between the centers of the lupus holes will be:
B \u003d (200 cm - 2 x 6.3 cm): (12 - 1) \u003d 17.04 cm.
What is better to make a distance to solve you. But keep in mind that the larger the distance between the chief, the larger the folds. So proceed from the kind of loose curtains you suits you more.
By the way, if you have two curtains, do not forget to multiply N2 by 2.
4. What will be required to install chalks.

In addition to the champions themselves, you will need a duplicate material to strengthen the top of the curtains. It is necessary to strengthen the fabric of the curtains, otherwise the lover will not hold on due to the displacement of the material. In addition, the reinforced top of the curtains are more beautiful, the folds are cleaned more clear.

Luber tape

It is most convenient for this to use a special lubricant tape, which is a ready-made band of a thermoclaim material. The lubricant ribbon is produced of different widths: 5, 7, 10 and 12 cm. Choose a tape of such a width, which will be larger than the outer diameter of the challenge plus 2, see. For example, if you put the champs with an external diameter of 7.5 cm, then you will fit the lubricant 10 and 12 cm. And if you want to put small champs, with an external diameter of 3.6 cm, then you can use a lubricant tape 7 cm. For transparent tissues, a transparent lover is produced.

To strengthen the top of the curtains under the chalks, you can also use a tight Dublerin, but it is less convenient because it will have to cut it, and because of the need to dock the bands will be less neat. If you still decide to use Dublerin, place the joints of the strips of the adhesive material between the places of installation of chalks, where the curtains will bend towards the wall. This will avoid excessive tissue thickness, because of which the lover may not close, and hide the junction place.
You still need an iron for gluing a lover tape or doublerin, a centimeter tape and a pencil or marker for marking, scissors or a displacement for cutting holes for lover.

5. How to prepare the cloth to install the chalks.

The chammens are installed on a fully finished chart. That is, all edges must be processed. If the curtain on the lining, it must also be sewn.

The top of the curtains must necessarily be duplicated by a lover ribbon or dublerin.

The drapery coefficient of curtains on the records take 2 - 2.5. Otherwise, they look ugly. That is, in order for the finished draped curtain on the karnis, it occupied 1 meter, in the straighted state it should have a width of 2 - 2.5 meters. Consider this when calculating the required amount of tissue.

There are two main ways to finish the top of the curtains on the chalk.

In the first case, the canvas curtains represents a single integer. In the second - the upper part of the curtains is finished with another type of fabric.

The combination of tissues in the curtains on the chiefs is used both from aesthetic and practical considerations. For example, if the curtain on which you are going to install champs, from lightweight material (tulle, veil, organza, grid), then perform neat processing of the upper edge will be quite difficult. This is due to the mobility of the fibers of these fabrics and their transparency.

Top curtains on chubules with contrast finish

Second frequent cause The finishes of the top of the curtains on the chief of the tissue of the tissue are the insufficient height of the material of the curtains. For example, if the height before the top of the rod of your carnis is 250 cm, then the height of the material for the curtains should be: 250 cm - 1-2 cm (the distance from the floor to the bottom edge of the curtains) + 250 * 0.02 (on shrinkage) + 2-5 cm (curtain scallop) + 20-24 cm (double bending of the vertex) + 4-15 cm (Niza treatment) \u003d 279-298 cm. And the height of the inner tissues is most often 280 cm.

Scallop curtains on the charters

1. Conduct the material of the future curtains. To do this, the fabric needs to wet, dry to a wet state and carefully stroke the iron. This is done so that the material of the curtains give the shrinkage to cutting and tailor, and not after the first washing, and the finished curtains did not unexpectedly shorter on 5 cm. Especially important for natural fabrics: cotton, flax, wool, silk. Some synthetic fabrics do not sit, but it is still worth a decation, because in advance, as a rule, it is not known whether the material will give a shrinkage and how big. After decatting, measure the height of the material again.

2. Decide which niza bending and what scallop you want to do and calculate what the height of the material is required for your product. If after the deca, you have enough fabric, you can begin to sewing the curtains on the church of the solid canvas. If not enough, you will have to combine the cloth of the curtains.

Sequence of tailoring curtains on the records Such: South Top Top Merchant

Treatment of the top of the curtains on the chief.

1) Measure 2 width of the lover tape from the top edge (the edge of the tissue is not taken into account, it must be cut carefully). Besso on the wrong side and start.

2) Instruct the lubricant tape into the fold, edge the width of the bending from the side edge of the tissue. Beat the fabric again so that it turns the lubricant tape and go gently with the iron.

Treatment of the top of the curtain on the chalks

Gift in small sections as the iron platform captures: align the site, put the iron, press, wait until it sticks and go to the next site. You do not need to drive the iron on the glued area, because the fabric can shift and stick unevenly.

It is necessary to glue the tape so that the thermocons can melt, but not leaked through the cloth curtains outside. Therefore, you need to know what time and with what pressure is to keep the iron on the processed area. To find out for sure, you need to experiment before you begin to handle the top of the curtains. Buy fabric and lubricant tape with a slight margin and practice. A small overpayment pays off in a lack of risk to spoil a large product.

Not to burn the material curtains, use the train (thin cotton or linen Materialwhich is put during iron between the cloth, which is ironing, and iron).

Treatment of the top of the curtains on the record Machine line

3) When you punish almost all the top of the curtains and come to the second side edge, cut off the residue of the lupus tape, retreating the edge of the lateral bending width.

4) Secure the upper marker with the machine line, retreating from the edge of the bend 1-2 mm.

Processing of sides and niza curtains on the chalks.

In general, the processing of the lower and side edges of the curtains on the chalks does not differ from such a processing of other types of curtains. Exist various methodsThe selection of this or that processing method depends on the type of fabric, your wishes to the appearance of the curtains and the level of your skill. About how the sides and the bottom of the curtain are processed, we will talk in the following articles.

6. Place the holes for the chalks on the curtains.

1) Explodulate the finished chart on the smooth surface. All measurements and markup should be made when the curtain is revealed and lies exactly.

2) Follow the position of the extreme chalks. To do this, take the chalome and place it at the desired distance from the upper and side edge of the curtains. Make sure that it does not enter the seams, otherwise the lover may not close due to too much tissue thickness. Exactly in the center of the lover hole, place a point with a simple pencil or marker for fabric. Do the same for another Boca curtains. Please note: the distance you retreated from the top for the first challenge, you need to withstand for all other challenges so that all the holes are on the same level.

3) Calculate the distance between the centers of therapy. To do this, measure the distance between the centers of the extreme brows marked and divide it on the number of chalks, reduced by 1. For example, if you have a distance of 187.4 cm, and the number of chalks 12, then the distance between their centers will be:
187.4: (12-1) \u003d 17 cm.
4) Follow the centers of all the remaining chalks, putting the points with a simple pencil or marker for fabric.
5) Mark the holes for the lover. To do this, take the lover and, imposing it to the markup of the center, circle the inner hole. Previously, the poppy point should be located precisely in the center of the lover hole.
7. Cut the holes. The most convenient to cut the lover holes with a special displacement. But you can use conventional scissors.
Cut holes for lumens need, retreating 1-1.5 mm from marking. It is necessary for the edge of the holes completely hid inside the challenges. There should be no longer any hole, otherwise the lover will be kept strong enough.
Try to cut holes carefully so that the edge does not wrap up and do not feel. Holes in all layers of tissue must be the same.
8. Install the records. Verify the half of the champs with the facial and the wrong side of the curtains. Make sure that they are located exactly, and push the characteristic click. Special equipment It is not necessary to install plastic champs, they are installed manually.

In modern life, the convenience and rationality of living conditions are becoming increasingly relevant. Also occurs when choosing a curtain. Using curtains with chamoises will be worthy alternative Massive cornices. And how many chalks you need to look at the slope of different lengths below.

The advantage of the use of loverrs.

  1. The presence of rustling sound during the jogging and spreading the curtains like many;
  2. Beautiful and uniform wave will not be broken even by washing;
  3. The fabric from which the curtains are made are less susceptible to abrasion, in contrast to fasteners in another way;
  4. High-tech or minimalism in design will be perfect with such curtains.

Reversion and their varieties

Before sewing the curtains using fastening on the chief, you need to make sure that you exactly want to do it yourself. So, the chalks, what do we know about them? This is usually called round fastening (but it is possible to selection and other options), plastic or metal with a design that creates the illusion of using wooden, leather and other materials. Rings can also be of different shapes: oval, oblong, triangular and suitable for children's rooms.

How to calculate the fabric?

Consider in more detail how much you need fabric for curtains on recordings. When the removal of the standing window is completed, you can proceed to the choice of fabric in a specialized store. This process itself is quite fascinating. The value of chalks, primarily in uniform waves, which increases the amount of tissue. As a rule, such calculations will be observed: the width * 2.5-3. Those. For curtains with a width of 3 meters, you need a 1.20 meter window. With a more economical approach, such elegant waves may not work. For example, a 1.5 meter window will need an average of 4 meters of tissue.

Correct the fabric correctly

Than more window, the more fabric will be required for its design. But excessive maximalism using a 4-fold number of tissue with respect to the width will not give the desired effect, giving a massive appearance. The length is selected based on individual preferences, especially when you select curtains for children or kitchen. For such a room, you can choose a length of 2 meters, because compliance with its standard magnitude is not so fundamentally.

List of essential materials and tools

For self-sewing, curtains go back to fabric, champs, scissors, a pencil, a special lubricant ribbon (successfully replaced with a fliesline or doublerin), iron to glue it and work on a sewing machine.

So that the wave is uniform need to use chammetes in even quantity.

Previously determine the right interval from one to another lover, it depends on which the depth will turn out. To obtain relief, deep folds need a 22 cm interval, and it is enough for softer and 15 cm. If the distance is a large tissue, more often dense, can be saved, and the smaller will not be noticeable. As a result, how many challens need to be 3 meters on the chart? If you comply with the average interval of 18 cm, we will need 16 challenges.

The room design will be defective without curtains. Beautifully designed window completes finishing touch interior. From set modern species The porter premises will decorate the elegant and strict curtains on the chalivers.

Curtains on challenges can be sewn with their own hands. Observing all the instructions and features of sewing, you can decorate the bedrooms, living rooms and kitchen with chic curtains.

Types of luphertov

Pubertres are uncomplicated fasteners round shapethat are used as openings in the fabric for curtains. They consist of two parts joining each other, which frame the hole in the canvas.

For a long period on the market, the classification of fasteners appeared:

  • In form - the main form of the chief of the oval and round, in the form of triangles
  • By size - the dimensions of the champs depend on the density of the tissue and the cornice.
  • By material - common plastic and metal fasteners.

By design - in the form of a triangle, stars, round shape, with rhinestones, etc.

Advantages of curtains on chalk

The accommodation styles of the apartments are diverse and stitched with their own hands the curtains on the chalks will complement all the styles, such solutions can be viewed in the photo of the curtains on the charters.

Roman style

In Roman style, accents are made on the central part of the rooms, surround it as a rule, corrugated furniture and elegant carpets.

The room looks like arena, in the center of which all events occur. This style is also characterized as symmetry, which is very suitable for curtains with records.

Japanese style

Japanese style with his peacefulness to everyone. Nothing extra furniture, calm, but necessarily with a wall pattern. And the light twilight can create blinds from natural materials. In this interior fits perfectly fitters from natural fabrics on the chalivers.

Ordinary styles

Conventional styles are also not deprived of their attractiveness. Well placed furniture, cozy coffee tables, soft sofas And the tea cup will always reassure our soul after a long working day. The comfort and comfort of this interior will be added curtains on the chalivers.

How many styles, so many curtain solutions, the main thing to choose a suitable cloth, gain enthusiasm and start working.

Master class how to make curtains on chalks

Before conducting master classes experienced mastering By tailoring of unique curtains on the chalivers, you need to prepare the necessary things to work.

List of materials:

  • Curtain fabric
  • Gardin or cornice
  • Fasteners Reverses
  • Adhesive, wide ribbon or can be replaced by the phlizelin base.
  • Threads for sewing curtains
  • Needles, scissors, chalk and hammer.

Calculation of the metrahicle and champs

Do not forget about the bend: they make up 3.5 cm on the sides; bottom 5 cm; Top taking into account the length of adhesive tape from 10 cm plus 3 cm.

How to calculate the number of chalks? So that the waves look beautiful and were directed in one direction, it is necessary to correctly calculate the number of rings. The distance between the fasteners is 14-20 cm, the larger distance makes ugly the fabric. The first fastener is at a distance of 4-8 cm, the remaining after 14-20 cm.

To determine the required number of chalks, it is easier to explain on the example.

Width of the canvase (R) 3 m, i.e. 300 cm. Diameter on the inside of fasteners 3 cm, by outside 5 cm. The first fastening will be at a distance of 5 cm, the distance between the waves (W) 15 cm, the side seams of 3 cm.

The distance (s) from the center of the first fastener to the end is 1/2 of the outer diameter of the fastener to summarize the side bending and indent from the pent (in our case, everything together 3 cm) \u003d (5: 2) + 3 \u003d 5.5 rounded to 6.

The number of challenges \u003d (R - 2 * S): (W + 1) \u003d (300-2 * 6) :( 15 + 1) \u003d 18 pieces of chalks.

Turning process

Common processing:

  • The edge from above is 2.8 cm with 2.8 cm, reinforced by needles and flying.
  • The following bend will be equal to the adhesive tape (lipbert).
  • We glue the ribbon to the treated side bends.
  • We go through the whole bending with a ribbon, through a gauze rag so as not to damage
  • cigarette fabric;
  • For reliability, secure the machine line to the edge edge.
  • We flash if necessary side edges in a closed seam closed.
  • Be sure to move lateral seams
  • We strive the bottom edge.

How to make chalks. For this you need:

  • uniformly decay the curtain on the rigid surface;
  • melt celebrate from the edge of 5 or 7 cm (this will be the first label, then every 15-20 cm note the centers;
  • put fasteners and outlined chalk at the edges of the inner surface;
  • cutting the circle more with scissors than, the size of the markup boundary so that the edges do not look out after fastening the chalomeness;
  • one beautiful part of fasteners apply with external surface The second with the invalid and hammer boost two parts to each other.

All elementary and simple. Curtains on the chalks are sewn with their own hands, you can be proud of our work for a long time.