Repairs Design Furniture

How to clean the sofa and other upholstered furniture at home. How to clean the sofa at home can be cleaned furniture at home

Most people change upholstered furniture extremely rarely, it concerns both wealthy and average population layers. Furniture is often dumping, it does not matter, it is made of leather or velor. The question of cleaning sofas, puffs, chairs remains relevant at all times. It is for this reason that the mistress resorts to some tricks that help to clean the interior items without damaging the structure of the fibers. We have collected a collection of effective methods for any wallet.

How to make wet furniture cleaning

If there is dust on the furniture, minor stains appeared, we recommend using a unified technology of wet cleaning. It is suitable for all types of fabric, does not take much time and gives an effective result.

Necessary materials:

  • kitchen sponge (foam);
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • means for washing carpets;
  • bristle for carpets with a bristle one length;
  • capacity with warm water.


  1. Moisten the sponge in warm water, squeeze a little to the water did not flow with it. Treat polluted places.
  2. Prepare cleaning solution: Pour 1 cap of the fluid for cleaning carpets at 3.5 liters of water, prevent foam to rose.
  3. Moisten the sponge in the cooked solution, press and wipe the soft furniture.
  4. Take a brush for carpet cleaning, soda pollution. If you have furniture made of artificial leather, do not press the brush too much.
  5. Pulk the sponge into clean water and remove the residues of the foam. In order not to leave the spots after local processing, evenly distribute the soap solution over the entire surface of the furniture. Let the brush, without applying special efforts.
  6. Reduce the sponge into a basin with clean water, remove the foam. Repeat actions several times until you make sure the cleaner is completely removed.
  7. In cases where the surface of the upholstered furniture is made of textiles, it must be allowed to prevent the formation of mold. Turn on the device on the middle power, change the nozzle on the soft brush, pass throughout the coating. If the room is dry, this stage can be skipped.

  1. The use of a vacuum cleaner as the only cleaning tool is ineffective. To get a good result, use the compress. Divide 35 gr. Grinding salt in 1.2 liters of water, wait for the crystals dissolving. Fold the gauze into several layers, moisten it in this solution and wrap the vacuum cleaner nozzle. Such technology is not only struggling with spots and dust, but also refreshes furniture, supporting color.
  2. It is allowed, but it is categorically not recommended to vacuuming upholstered furniture with velvet or velor coating. A hard brush can spoil the pile, due to which the subject of the interior will seem old, seamless.
  3. Clear furniture from dust is not only standard wet cleaning, which involves the use of a vacuum cleaner. Take advantage of the "grandmother" method: Mix 45 gr. Food salt with 25 ml. Acetic solution (9%), pour a mixture of 1.2 liters of warm water, wait for the dissolution of the granules and the cooling of the solution. Take the old sheet, lower it in the cooked remedy, look good and cover up the upholstered furniture. Choose the chair / sofa until the fabric becomes dirty. After that, rinse it with running water, drop into the solution and repeat the manipulation. After the time, the sheet will stop getting dirty, it will be a signal that the furniture is cleaned.
  4. In furniture stores you can find special means designed under a specific type of fabric. One bottle is enough for half a year, while the products are characterized by a favorable pricing policy. The composition is produced in the form of tablets that need to be breeded with water. There is also a powder, gel, spray, aerosol. Choose what you like more in the soul, evenly distribute over the surface, wait for a complete drying and remove the surplus with a vacuum cleaner. Important! Before using purchased tools, draw a preliminary test on an imperceptible piece of upholstered furniture. After 30-50 minutes, appreciate the result. If you prefer two or three products of different brands, apply them to furniture with an interval of 3-4 hours, do not allow mixing.
  5. If the furniture is already old, and there are salted places on it, prepare a neutral solution. Pour 20 ml. Dishwashing liquids in 1 liter of water, moisten cotton fabric and wipe the object of the interior in one direction. At the end of cleaning, collect foam and treat furniture with a sponge dipped in clean water.
  6. Clean the contamination on the upholstery of the skin or leatherette will help 10% medical alcohol. Moch the gauze in a small amount of the drug, attach to pollution places and leave for 10 minutes. Well do the surface, wash the remains with a clean damp cloth.
  7. Upholstery of nubuck, flock, velor, sinilla or suede clean in the same way as in the case of leatherette products. However, it is necessary to immediately rub the surface with a special rubber brush (the shoe is suitable), after which we flush with clean water.

It is important to understand that soap water or carpet cleaning gel does not always effectively remove complex contaminants. It is for this reason that professional coheshers have developed folk remedies for the removal of stains. They are absolutely safe, so they find approval from most users.

  1. Spots from berries and fruits. Mix in an equal proportion of ammonia alcohol and table vinegar (take 50 ml. Each product). Moisten the foam sponge in clean water and apply on the stains (if the contamination is fresh this step can be skipped). Then swing the gauze or the bandage in the solution of the ammonia and vinegar, process the pollution sites, wait 10 minutes. Now wet the fabric in clean water again, remove the surplus of the solution. Come on the surface of the vacuum cleaner, putting on its nozzle gauze, moistened in water.
  2. Spots from coffee. Connect 50 ml into one composition. filtered water, 40 ml. table vinegar (9%) and 45 ml. Gel for washing dishes. Mix, cover the tank with a mixture with a film or package, wait about half an hour. At the end of the term, again, jump out a little means on the foam kitchen sponge, evenly distribute the places of contamination. Carefully sweete a toothbrush or rigid soup, leave for 5 minutes. Remove the foam, rinse the composition with filtered water and dry the upholstery of the furniture in a convenient way. Optionally, you can use the vacuum cleaner. In the same way, stains from spilled wine are displayed.
  3. Spots from beer and kvass. Pour into the capacity of 1.3 liters of clean water, bring the composition to boil. Stodit a small square of children's soap without fragrances (size about 2 * 2 cm.) On a shallow grater, lower the chips into the water and let it dissolve. Mix before the formation of thick foam, fold the bandage or gauze in 4 layers, lower the tissue into the solution. Squeeze a bit, well soda polluted places. Look at least 15 minutes, after which you wash the foam and remove the remnants of the product with clean water. Capture and not across the area so that there are no spots from detergent. After that, prepare the solution to eliminate the smell: pour 75 ml. 9% vinegar solution in 1 liter of filtered water, mix and gently wipe the processed places. Remove the composition with a soft cloth moistened in clean water.
  4. Spots from chewing. Pour 400 ml into the enameled pan. filtered water, bring to a boil and pour 40 gr. Chamomile flowers. Tomit on medium heat for 10 minutes, then turn off the plate and allow the composition to cool. Strain through or 6 layers of marlevary tissue, so that there are no small particles of the plant in the solution. Pour the prepared mixture into ice molds, freeze. Attach several cubes to chewing gum, wait for it hardening. Remove the ice, try to offend the upholstery cheese, without damaging the structure. Do not use sharp objects. When the chewing is removed, wipe the surface with acidified solution: Run 25 ml. vinegar in 450 ml. Clean water.

How to clean the covers of soft furniture covers

First of all, it is necessary to remove all small particles from the surface of the covers, whether it is crumbs from bread or beads. To do this, use the vacuum cleaner with nozzles of different shapes to penetrate into the recesses of the seams and bends. You can handle covers, removing them with upholstered furniture, if it is more convenient.

After processing with a vacuum cleaner, it is necessary to unscrew the covers inside out and place them in a washing machine. Choose the temperature mode, based on the type of fabric. If the upholstery consists of natural fibers, exhibit 40-45 degrees. If the surface is leather, synthetics, leatherette, velor, velvet, batista, give preference to the low temperature regime (30-40 degrees). At the same time, pay attention to the degree of spinning, it should not exceed 500 revolutions.

At the end of the washing, get covers, smooth them and dry in a convenient way. You can cheat them on the dryer for clothes or the wooden back of the chair. After the final drying, put on the furniture covers and arrange hands.

The fifth from lipstick, fat, felt-meter and other firmly surrounding products remove 10% medical alcohol or ordinary vodka. The tool is suitable for surfaces from any material, it is important to know the measure in everything. If the contamination is not strong, clean the soft furniture with soap solution by adding carpet washing gel.

Video: how to clean the sofa at home

Upholstered furniture creates comfort in the room and makes life comfortable. Since it is bought for a long period of operation, it requires a regular monthly care. Even a covered sofa or a chair cannot avoid various contaminants. Therefore, it is very important to know how to deal with stains on upholstered furniture.

Choosing a cleaning method based on soft furniture material

Before you proceed to cleaning, it is sure to find out what material it is inhabit. For each type of upholstery fabric, their means and purification methods are suitable:
  • Velor, Flock, Shenille - Frequently used materials for upholstery. Before cleaning them, they first wipe with a dry cloth, and then treated with soap solution. Clean the material against the pile, and then wipe the dry old rag.

The vacuum cleaner is not used, as it can damage the pile.

  • Natural or artificial skin Wipe with a damp cloth and immediately dry. With difficult stains, the use of vodka or alcohol solution is allowed. And also do not forget to carry out polishing.
  • When cleaning suede or Nubuka It is better to use dry cleaning, however, in extreme cases is allowed to apply soap foam. After cleaning, you will need a special rubber brush to restore the volume of the pile.
  • To Tapestry and Jacquard Apply dry cleaning, including allowed to use foam. In emergency cases, if the sofa has a tapestry cover, it can be wrapped.

The advantages of such a upholstery include the fact that it is poorly absorbed dust.

  • Silkova Upholstery is very capricious. A steam cleaner leaves tracks on it, and such as Vanish, for it is contraindicated. It is cleaned with a soft brush, which is turned into a cotton napkin moistened in a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide or ammonia alcohol. In more difficult cases, do not do without the help of specialists.

And, of course, follow the chief rule - when using new funds, check them on the invisible area of \u200b\u200bthe material.

Upholstery cleaning upholstered furniture from dust and spots

First, the sofa and chairs are delivered from dust. This prevents the appearance of dust mites in the apartment. Therefore, it is recommended to make such a cleaning regularly. From dust will help to get rid of the vacuum cleaner. It is more efficient to use this electrical appliance with a function of wet cleaning. A positive result is also achieved by the Deadov method - knocking:
  • Prepare a special solution - in 1 liter of pure water stir salt (2 teaspoons) and vinegar (1 teaspoon).
  • Wash the old sheet in the solution and squeeze well.
  • Cover the sofa or chair sheets so that the dust is not raised and does not spread indoors.
  • Embossing furniture until traces of dirt remain on the sheet.
If stains remained on the furniture after such a cleaning, then they are wiped with soap solution. It is prepared from ordinary economic or liquid soap. The solution is wetted by a cotton fabric, which wipe the spots. This method is suitable for upholstery, which can be powered by wet cleaning.

Also, a good result gives cleaning with a steam cleaner or steam generator. Hot steam displays many types of contaminants, including soased.

Methods for cleaning complex spots on upholstered furniture

Although the soap solution copes with many spots on the "Hurray", there are some traces with which you need to fight special methods:
  • Wax, candle . The stain is laying a paper napkin and stroke her warm iron.
  • Wine . Fresh spot sprinkled with salt so as not to give fluid to abscess. After drying, it is treated with an alcohol-containing solution.
  • Berry juice . The stain is applied a solution of vinegar - 1 tablespoon of vinegar mixed with 1 tablespoon of ammonia and leave up to dry.
  • Coffee . The stain is rubbed with economic soap and give it to absorb. Then remove the foam and wipe the wet cloth.
  • Chewing gum . The loose lay on the package, wounded in the package. Hold until it breaks down, and then carefully scrape hard and thin object.
  • Beer . Remove the stain easily with a soft soap, much more difficult to get rid of the smell. To do this, a weak acetic solution is applied to the location of pollution (2 tablespoons of white vinegar are taken to 1 liter of water) and wash the dry napkin, removing excess moisture.
  • Chocolate . The stain is gently cleaned and closed with soapy.
  • Blood . The stain is removed only with cold water, otherwise it will not be able to get rid of it, since the proteins that are in the blood are folded and finally enament into the tissue.
  • Ballpoint pen and lipstick . Traces from them are cleaned with a 10% alcohol solution, which are then closed with clean water and dried with napkins.
In the next video, the girl uses 4 different ways to clean the stains on the soft upholstery of the chairs:

Dry and deep cleaning of upholstered furniture

Dry cleaning of sofas and seats implies not only knocking out and cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, but also the use of foam and powders. However, the foam should be so dense that the material is not a wet. Clean it with dry napkins or vacuuming.

Soft furniture cleaning foam

Well proven itself foam for cleaning furniture Vanish. Relying on the recommendation of the manufacturer, it is prepared, they are applied to a dirty place, and then removed with dry napkins or vacuum cleaner.

If there was no vanish at hand, then apparent means come to the rescue. For the preparation of foam use well-foam detergents. For example, they take equal amounts of shampoo and bath foams, mixed and whipped the mixture with a mixer to form a dense foam with a minimum amount of moisture.


The powder also struggles well with pollution, but provided that it is applied on a fresh wet spot. Otherwise it will have to be saved additionally. Apply both ready-made powders and remedies - a grinking chalk, talc, salt or soda.

Chalk or talc are good absorbents. They will help save the upholstery from fat spots. Fatty place sprinkle immediately and wait for it when it absorbs fat. Carefully brush with a brush and sprinkle with chalk spot again. Repeat the procedure until the dirt disappears.

Cleaning upholstered furniture steam cleaner

The dry cleaning is better to finish with a steam cleaner, since it not only removes the dirt, but also copes with bacteria, ticks and viruses. And also restores the freshness of the upholstery. But not all fabrics are suitable for steaming. Recommendations for care indicates a furniture manufacturer, do not ignore them.

Deep cleaning upholstered furniture

It must be carried out 1 time in 3 months. In this case, not only the upholstery, but also a filler of upholstered furniture. Vacuum cleaner, steam cleaner or manual knocking come to the rescue. The main task with deep cleaning to get rid of dust inside furniture and disinfection it to avoid the appearance of insects. Of course, you can remove large old spots. How to do this home method, you can see on the video:

Professional tools for cleaning upholstered furniture

The chemical industry does not stand still. Today on store shelves you can find a lot of special tools for cleaning upholstered furniture. For example, Denkmit, Gallus, Prochem, SAMA brands line. They are presented by a number of products and for humid, and for dry cleaning, as well as there are special means to remove stains. When used to achieve the best result, all manufacturer's recommendations are performed.

When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the following factors:

  • The origin of spots is biological or chemical.
  • Type and type of fabric.
  • Cleaning type - wet, dry.
Exist universal meanswho help get rid of water-soluble pollution and specializedCoulder with more laborious spots - ink, glue, chewing, excrement and pets, protecting the upholstery from burnout.

High-quality professional tools will help to remove not only fresh, but also solar stains. At the same time do not spoil the structure and appearance of the material.

Video: Selection of soft furniture cleaning methods

In the next video, the girl will clearly show how to spend deep wet furniture cleaning and how to deal with different stains:

Refresh and clear upholstered furniture with the help of specialized and folk remedies for any hostess. However, they necessarily hold a test of a new detergent on a small area of \u200b\u200bfurniture. In the case when the type of upholstery is unknown or there are no manufacturer's recommendations, it is better to be restrained and caused by the cleaning service professionals.

How to clean the sofa From dirt or stains quickly and efficiently, so as not to spend a lot of time and strength? This question is asked by many people who support cleanliness in their home. Of course, if you have extra money, you can give the furniture in a dry cleaning or order the cleaning service to the house. But, most likely, after our article you will understand that it is easy to cope with this task on your own at home.

In order not to aggravate the position and remove pollution correctly, we present to your attention several effective sofa cleaning tips at home.

Let's start with the fact that the sofa, like any furniture in the house, should be cleaned no less than once a month. In order not to pay some attention to him, you can do it during a planned cleaning in the house.

Permanent care will save the furniture element from the accumulated dust, which will not only refresh the appearance of the product, but also will have a positive effect on your health, in particular. After all, a good microclimate in the house is the key to the fact that many diseases will bypass you.

The cleaning method largely depends on the material from which the coup is made. Therefore, we consider the features of each type separately.

Genuine leather and eco

Sofa made of genuine leather or leatherette to clean at home is quite easy, especially if you sometimes wipe it with a damp cloth. If this is not done, the dust is deeply clogged into the pores of the skin and spoil the appearance of the furniture, the surface cleaning of which then will not bring any results.

You can clean such sofas with the help of washing vacuum cleaner, as well as special napkins for natural and eco-leather. You can wash them with a cloth moistened in a small amount of water. It costs it infrequently and in gentle mode so as not to damage the surface of the sofa, do not leave scratches on it and avoid sweating of the color of the upholstery.

An excellent option will be the cleansing of a dirty, felling sofa with a steam cleaner (for example, Karcher), especially if you gathered to clean the kitchen sofa, the dust on which is hard to remove because of the caution of a bold floor. A steam cleaner greatly saves time, dissolving the pressure of the dirt on the pressure, after which you will need to just collect her cloth. Moreover, steam cleaner nozzles can usually get into the most hard-to-reach places. However, this method is applied not more than once a year, for example, during general cleaning.

In order to return the natural glitter of the product and get rid of divorces, you can go through a cosmetic vaseline or a piece of batter (for example, cocoa oil). The main thing is not to overdo it, because we want to achieve the effect of polishing, and not the effect of the lumpy sofa.

Suede and Nubuk

Sofas from suede or nubuck need to be cleaned with special porous sponges, terry towels or brushes for suede articles. It should be done delicately not to damage the sofa upholstery. You can process suede upholstery by a vacuum cleaner.

There are also special sprays to protect suede and nubuck coatings from spots. However, do not hurry to handle the new sofa, since it is likely that, in this case, you can lose warranty service.


To quickly and effectively clean from dust velor sofa, you need to take into account some features of this tissue. First of all, it is possible to clean the velor cleaner with a vacuum cleaner with a rubber nozzle. If there is no one, it is possible to moisten a piece of gauze in salted water (1 tsp. Salt on 1 liter of water) and wind on any other nozzle. Vex Velur needs along the pile, so as not to climb fabric.

Another cleaning option is to put a moistened fabric from above and knock out a sofa clap, avoiding sharp movements and use of rough strength.


It is necessary to clean the sofa from the practical flock, since the pile glued to the fabric can be easily damaged by mechanical exposure. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to clean it with the help of funds, which contains chlorine.

Flock upholstery can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, the nozzle of which represents a soft pile brush. You can also use a wet cloth, as in the case of velor's upholstery. A steam cleaner will become an assistant, however, when working must be observed a certain distance between the cloth and the nozzle.

Tapestry and Jacquard

Tapestry and jacquard upholstery are distinguished by high wear resistance and durability. To brush the sofa from these types of fabrics, you will have to use extremely dry cleaning. The feature of the tissue is that when exposed to water, it can be fastened or sacrificed.

If the furniture appeared difficult stains, it is possible to remove them with a foam from the shampoo diluted in slightly warm water. Another option is to remove the sofa cover and wipe it.

Consider the fact that when cleaning any upholstery tissues of the sofa, it is important not to rearrange in order not to spoil the material. It is better to fulfill the task again than to detect a break or tissue damage on the spot.

For deeper cleansing, you can resort to the Vanish stain. In the line of this product there is a wide selection depending on the type of use and the purified material. The peculiarity of this fund is that it is safe for use at home, does not contain chlorine and has good economic indicators.

However, consider the fact that when cleaning the Vanish sofa copes far from all spots and is absolutely not suitable for leather, velvet, silk and velor upholstery.

The ruler presents several options for cleaning the furniture:

  • Vanish powder - suitable for dry cleaning of sofas, in which it is not necessary for the solution itself, namely its foam. With this powder, you can also carry out planned cleaning of furniture.
  • Vanish Spray is like to remove surface spots. The peculiarity of this type of Vanish is the convenience of applying.
  • Vanish Shampoo - the most potent, in comparison with the rest of the form, the means. Used to remove forged spots.

Cleaning with Vanish can justify your efforts in all cases, so do not be upset if it is not possible to clean the surface immediately. At any time you can contact the proven homemade tools to clean the upholstery of your sofa.

If you adhere to these effective sofa cleaning tips at home, the shelf life of the interior items will increase significantly, and you do not have to replace the furniture set every three to five years.

We remove stains and dirt by folk remedies

For those who do not want to remove spots and dirt from the sofa at home with the use of chemistry, folk remedies are well. This information is especially important to lovers to drink a cup of coffee or snack on the sofa in front of the TV.

The first thing to be done is not to wait until the stains will be dried and become hardwood. The second important moment is not to forget to take into account the features of the materials, of which the coupling is performed.

Now we can consider in detail all the reasons for the occurrence of spots and lifehaki by their elimination.

  • Before cleaning the sofa from the fresh stain of urine, you need to remove moisture as much as possible, so that the foam rubber, excessing unpleasant amber, should be changed. You can get a stain with napkins, an old towel or dry a hairdryer. Alternatively, you can apply a filler for a pet tray - it perfectly absorbs moisture.
  • The next step will prepare a water vinegar solution (1/3). After applying, the solution should be left for 3 hours for complete interaction. After working the solution, pour the stain with soda so that it absorbs excess moisture. Now you need to apply pharmaceutical peroxide on a contaminated sofa, and sprinkle all soda again. Then simply speaking the sofa upholstery.
  • In the case of a children's sofa, you can remove stains and smell of urine using iodine tincture (10-15 drops per 1 liter of water). It must be cleaned with this solution with a stain on the upholstery, while the sofa foam rubber is maximally impregnated. This method is only suitable for dark and black sofas.

  • Another method of purification - with the help of a shampoo, dissolving it in water (2-3 cent. L. Per 1 liter). After you dried down, apply a solution on it and clean the soft side of the porous sponge. Seeing the stain again, and treat it with a weak solution of manganese. This method is not suitable for white and bright couplings of the sofa, since mangartee paint surfaces.
  • Unfortunately, from the old stains of urine on the sofa to get rid of it is very difficult, especially for the urine of animals. In such a case, we advise you to seek help from specialists.
  • To quickly remove the fresh spot of blood from the coup of the sofa, it is desirable to rinse it right away with a large amount of cold water, then flush the fabric with a dry napkin. Do not use warm and hot water. Thus, you only aggravate the position, because protein compounds in the blood turn into and their cleansing will become problematic.
  • If the water did not help, we advise you to use the salt solution (2 hours l. Salts per 1 glass of water). Spray the solution on a stain and collect it with a dry napkin. To secure the result, you can repeat the action a couple of times.
  • It is possible to lose the stain soap (72%), after which it was a little warm water.
  • Large spots can be removed by hydrogen peroxide. Apply the pharmaceutical peroxide to the contaminated part of the coup of the sofa and collect the blood remnants with a cotton disk.

  • If the mark from the blood is old and managed to dry, an ordinary aspirin will come to the rescue. We will need two tablets dissolved in a glass of water. Sutitate the mixture of pollution, after which to fix the effect, wipe the stain with soap solution. Making these operations is easiest with a cotton disk or ordinary kitchen sponge. This method will not help you with a one hundred percent probability, as the frozen blood stains are the most seriously extent from pollution. However, it is worth trying!
  • If the oversight occurred on a light sofa, it can be cleaned with a fresh blood stain with a solution of 9% vinegar (1 st l per 1 liter of water). To do this, make a solution on a stain, wait a few minutes, and then rinse with a stain with cold water and put it with its economic soap. We wash the soap and enjoy the purity of the light sofa.

  • To remove the fresh wine stain, to begin with, blot it with a dry towel or napkins so that it does not fit into the inner filler of the sofa. After that, we will help the usual cook salt. Sprinkle it on a polluted area, leave for a few minutes and clean the stain with a soft bristle brushed. Then moisten the napkin in the alcohol and wipe off the upholstery.
  • To avoid divorces from salt on the sofa, you can grasp pollution after the wines of the shop soap and go through it with a brush.
  • To effectively get rid of fat spots on the sofa by home equipment, it is advisable to immediately sprinkle the place of pollution of the dining salt or children's talc. When the fat is absorbed, you can clean the upholstery with a brush and, if necessary, repeat the procedure.
  • In this case, the folded chalk will also help you, however, it should be borne in mind that this method will not cope with old spots.
  • After the proceeded procedures, you can use the detergent. Take it in water and apply for a dirty foam plot, pull it out before dissolving the stains and wash the soap with warm water. After that, dry the coupling of the sofa and check whether pollution has passed completely. If not - you can try to repeat the task again.
  • If the fat stain has eaten the coupling of the sofa, you can use the Vanish powder.

Tea and coffee

From hot spots and tea can be easily eliminated with the help of household soap. To do this, print a contaminated area with soap, wait a few minutes and brush with a soft brush. Rock the remains of soap with warm water and dried up the upholstery.

  • If you need to clean the sofa from beer spots, you should not postpone the task in a long box. After all, the solar stain will not get out at home. Therefore, if you are not going to use dry cleaning and cope with your own, it is better to hurry.

  • At first, the stains need to be carefully dried with paper towels or hairdryer.
  • After drying, apply a solution of vinegar (3 st. L. Vinegar per 1 liter of water). This solution will help not only remove the remnants of pollution, but also remove the traces of the unpleasant odor on the coupling of the sofa. After a few hours, under the action of the solution, the spot should disappear, and you will only remain thoroughly leaking the upholstery of the sofa.

Spots from ballpoint pen

When removing ink spots clean the sofa will help the ammonia alcohol. The stain is not to rub, so as not to dissolve the dirt throughout the courtyard of the sofa. You just need to get into the mark from the handle of gauze or cotton swab and, if the first time the alcohol did not affect, repeat the procedure. For a better effect, you can change the tampon as it is contaminated.

Juice and fruit

To remove spots from natural food dyes, you can also use the ammonia, repeating the procedure for removing stains from the ink of the ballpoint handle. Do not forget from the toxicity of this folk agent and, for security, wear during the work of the gloves.

Chewing gum

  • I think, everyone has long known that it is easy to get rid of the chewing on any surface is possible only after it is frozen. Therefore, if in your case it is possible to remove the cover from the sofa and put it in the freezer for an hour - you are very lucky. After freezing the chewing gum, she just turn into a crumb, to remove which will not be difficult.
  • If there is no such possibility, you can attach a couple of ice cubes and wait until it freeze. After that, you can spare it with an unshakable item, raising from the edges to the center. The remains can be lost by the stationery eraser, gradually removing the struts, so that they do not stick to the clean parts of the upholstery.

Furning from wax

Wax can be removed with a preheated iron. To do this, put a sheet of clean paper on the spot and swallow it. When the wax warms up, remove it from the upholstery.

Such simple actions you can save the upholstery of your sofa in emergency cases. Using any of the listed tips, do not forget to try out the remedy for hidden from the eyes of the sofa section to make sure that the solution or substance does not change the upholstery color or its appearance.

In order to protect furniture from extraneous pollution, in many specialized stores sell covers for sofas that can be removed and wrapping at any time. With the help of covers, you can significantly increase the service life of furniture and facilitate your life. This option will be especially useful for a family with young children or pets.

What to clean white or bright sofa?

In order to clean the white or bright sofa correctly and without consequences, the owners of such furniture should take into account many factors. For example, the coupling material is the sofa and the quality of the elements of the interior of light tones. It depends on how the cleaning method can be used in self-leaving the sofa and whether it is possible to clean it at all without using the services of cleaning companies.

Care for a white leather sofa will deliver much less trouble than care of the same sofa from textiles. Therefore, when choosing furniture in the apartment, take into account not only its compatibility with the interior style, but also how high-quality and frequent care you can provide it.

White leatherette and eco-skinned sofas are considered the most short-lived. When they were operating, the owners often face problems of wiring fabric, which then bursts, giving the product an untidy appearance before the designated period. Therefore, it is better to give preference to sofas, the upholstery of which is made of genuine leather with elements of peel inserts on parts that are not permanent mechanical effects.

This furniture is easy to clean with simple water and a foam sponge. It just once a month to pay for a few minutes and thoroughly wipe the coupling of the sofa.

If you need to wash the dirty or fearful light sofa from the skin, it is better to take advantage of special means that are sold in household chemicals and furniture stores in the form of sets. The set includes several means for cleansing and humidifier for the skin. Moisturizing leather sofas is a very important factor that significantly improves the life of furniture and its wear resistance.

Sofas made of white and light fabric It is advisable to buy with a special impregnation, which is resistant to pollution and allows you to delay liquids on the surface without penetration into the foam rubber and lower layers of upholstery. Such sofas can be easily cleaned from stains if you delete it immediately after the incident.

Another advice is to buy sofas with removable covers for the convenience of cleaning and washing.

To clean the light sofa from dust, you can use the vacuum cleaner, while the nozzle should be with a soft bristle, so as not to damage the fibers of the fabric and do not spoil the appearance of the furniture. Alternatively, you can use a sheet moistened in acetic solution. The shower of the sofa, you need to slightly beat it with a chapperier for carpets. If necessary, repeat several times until the desired result is obtained.

To purify strongly contaminated white textile sofas, the hostess is advised to use proven means of household chemicals. These include:

  • powders for dry cleaning sofas;
  • powder "Vanish";
  • the "5+" tool, intended for carpet products, however, successfully used for the white upholstery of sofas;
  • stain remover "Dr.Beckmann", which can be deleted sustainable and old pollution;
  • spray "Bagi Stickyon".

If you are the owner of a light or white sofa, do not forget that the purity of such furniture depends largely on how neat it is used.

Get rid of unpleasant odor

Get rid of the unpleasant smell emanating from the sofa after festive gatherings in the hall, quite simple. Another question is if it is the smell of animal wool, constantly fighting for this sofa jump. In the first and second case, we can try to fight odors yourself with the help of folk remedies or purchase special means to destroy them. Such sprays and powders you can buy in car dealerships or pet stores. There are also household ozonizers that easily clean up the soft furniture from smells.

Let's start with the fact that before removing an unpleasant smell, you need to deal with stains on the coupling of the sofa so as not to put them. Only after that we can proceed to work with the complete confidence that we carry out the cleansing of the sofa, and not exacerbate the situation.

Provide freshness of furniture and remove unpleasant ambit can be in several ways:

  • Using a solution of acetic acid (2 tbsp. Acid acids per 1 liter of water). The solution can be processed by the coupling of the sofa partially or completely. To do this, use a cloth from the microfiber and after applying, dry the back, armrests and the bottom of the coup of the sofa.
  • Using a table vinegar and a clean unnecessary sheet. You should prepare a weak solution of vinegar and wet them a sheet. After that, cover the sofa and beat it a bit. If necessary, rinse the sheet, if dust from the upholstery dust on it, and repeat the procedure, this time simply leaving the sheet for several hours to stretch extra aromas from the sofa. In the same way, you can clean the smell of the sofa pillow and other soft furniture accessories.
  • With salt. For neutralization, you can use a conventional cook salt or salt aromatic for the bathroom. Evenly sprinkle a sofa salt and leave it for half a day. Salt will absorb all unnecessary smells, and after that you can collect it with a conventional vacuum cleaner. It is important to pour the tool on dry furniture items to avoid the formation of divorces on the upholstery fabric.
  • In the same way, you can remove odors from the sofa, applying food soda instead of salt and potato starch (1/1).
  • With liquid soap and ammonia alcohol. This method is effective for skin sofas. We need to prepare a solution (on 1 liter of water 2 hours l. Soap and 1 tbsp. L. Alcohol) and, using a porous sponge, thoroughly wipe the upholstery and armrests of furniture. After that, the sofa should be wiped with a damp cloth, and then dry - up to dry.

If folk remedies did not help, we can resort to the help of chemicals (such as DulftAfresh), which are presented in household chemicals in a wide range.

Well, finally, if you tried to get rid of smells and spots, but the result did not please, then, most likely, to save your own forces and nervous system, the element of furniture should be changed. The problem is that the fluid that falls on the sofa in large quantities can penetrate all the layers of upholstery up to a wooden base, an unpleasant smell of which can be removed only by replacing the old upholstery. Therefore, even the services of a cleaning company cannot guarantee that unpleasant smells from the sofa will not return again, after a while.

Types of pollution

With the question of how to wash the sofa at home, sooner or later there are all owners. Even the most accurate owners of upholstered furniture over time notice that scuffs appear on the surfaces of the upholstery, dark spots. Sitting on the sofa, a man leaves dust from clothes on the couch, skin fat and so on. This over time leads to contamination of surfaces.

The situation is complicated if there are children or animals in the house. They can significantly speed up the need for cleaning. Moreover, pollution in this case may be the most diverse. After all, the sofa becomes a favorite place of rest of all the inhabitants of the apartment or at home.

On the sofa, many owners love to eat. In this case, crumbs, traces of randomly spilled coffee, tea or fallen food can leave laborious spots. In this case, the earlier measures will be taken to eliminate pollution, the better the result will be. Soased spots output much more difficult.

Cleaning from dust

Periodically, the sofa needs to be purified from dust. It is necessary to do it at least once a week. If the owners love to have a snack on the sofa before the TV, this procedure should be done more often. It should also be taken into account that the furniture easily absorbs the nagar, which is contained in the exhaust gases of machines (if there is an auto), construction trash (if neighbors make repair), technical particles (if there is a lot of production), etc.), etc.

There are 2 methods that allow you to get rid of dust on furniture covering. The first is to use the vacuum cleaner. The second is more time-consuming. How to wash the sofa at home, if there is no vacuum cleaner? There is a whole technique. Dust need to knock out upholstery. It will be necessary to prepare a sheet. It is wetted in water and pressed. Then the cloth is covered with a sofa. Next, you need to prepare a conventional plastic knocker. With it, you need to flip over the surface. Wet fabric absorbed dust. If necessary, the procedure is performed twice. Sheet between approaches rinsed.

With the help of a vacuum cleaner, clean the sofa can be faster. To do this, apply a slotted nozzle. If it is not, just with the help of the hose you need to go through all the folds of the fabric. An ordinary nozzle vacuuming all smooth surfaces.

Fat stains

The attention should be paid to technology that allows you to understand how to wash the sofa at home from dirt and fat. There are simple, but effective folk recipes. When using them, you need to move from the edges to the center of contaminants. Otherwise, the divorces will remain, and the stain simply spreads over the surface of the fabric.

It is very important to remove bold pollution from the surface immediately after their occurrence. This guarantees high surface washing. To remove the stain it will take a piece of white chalk. It needs to be frozen and sprinkled with a crumb of the place. You need to leave it for a few minutes. Mel well absorbs fat. Then the crumb sweeps with the help of a brush. The procedure is repeated several times.

Instead of chalk, you can use Talc. It can be kindergarten or cosmetic. Cleaning technology is the same as in the case of chalk. Well absorbs fat is also a cook salt. It is necessary to abundantly pour it on a stain. It is able to imagine not only fat, but also an excessive liquid. This is a universal cleaning method.

Blood stains

Considering how to wash the courtyard of the sofa at home, it is necessary to consider the procedure for getting rid of persistent contaminants. So blood spots may be. If they have not had time to absorb and dry, you need to wet the cloth with cold water and put it stain. In no case can not apply hot water, heat. From this blood will come. Get rid of stains will be extremely difficult.

When the fabric passes a little on the surface, it is removed. The surface is wedged with a dry napkin. Then the procedure is repeated several times.

If the blood has not been removed from the surface right away, you need to add salt into water. It is added to a glass of cold water in the amount of 2 teaspoons. Processing procedure will be the same. Alternately need to moisturize and dry the fabric. You can use for cleaning hydrogen peroxide. It is treated dried stain and wet it with a dry napkin. Do not use the ammonia alcohol for cleaning. He can spoil the upholstery.

Stains urine

Many young parents ask how to wash the sofa at home. From the urine of a child, the furniture is not easy to wash. These are persistent contaminants that require quick removal. Children's urine will smell on the fabric only if you have time to absorb and dry. If the four-legged pets left the sofa spot, the situation is complicated. Watering animals is characterized by a more caustic, concentrated smell. In this case, cardinal measures will need.

If the stain did not have time to absorb, it first needed to get dry with dry napkins. Next, you should prepare a cleaning agent. The usual vinegar is mixed with warm water at a concentration of 1: 3. The composition is applied to the surface and leave for 3 hours. Next, you need to pour out soda. Powder will absorb excessive moisture. Then they sweep it with a brush.

The treated area of \u200b\u200bthe upholstery needs to wipe the hydrogen peroxide. Then the wet spot again sprinkles soda. When the stain dries, soda looks like a sponge or rigid brush. Then the sofa must be spent. If the watering of the animal dried, only dry cleaning will help get rid of the smell.

Other types of pollution

There are other ways to make a sofa at home. From dirt without divorces you can get rid of. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the type of upholstery and the substance that has left the stain. If traces from the ballpoint handle appeared on the surface, help them remove the alcohol. With the help of a cotton disk, the fabric is treated. It is impossible to rub the stain, otherwise the divorces will remain. You need to often change your cotton wheels, wetting them with alcohol.

Complicated pollution are spots from fruits or juice. In this case, wool and alcohol also apply. You can't rub the stain. This will lead to the appearance of divorces.

If tea, coffee was spilled on the sofa, you can use a simple soap solution. In warm water, you need to leave a piece of soap. When it is risks, the stain is treated with water. You can immediately wash pollution. Then the solution is quickly removed using a wet tissue. If you knead yourself, divorces will appear on the couch. The soap solution is rapidly applied, and then a simple wet fabric. Then the surface you need to get a dry napkin. The procedure is repeated if necessary.

General sofa care rules

There are general recommendations how to wash the sofa at home. Experts argue that the furniture will not lose the long time of its attractive look if the owners will properly exploit it. If there are small children in the house, animals or buyers just love to eat, sitting on the sofa, do not purchase models with velvet, plush upholstery.

Regardless of what type of upholstery has been chosen when buying, it is important to store furniture. You can purchase special covers or bedspreads. They are simply in the process of cleaning you need to wash in a typewriter.

It is also necessary to conduct periodic prophylactic cleaning. The sofa is knocked out, remove animal wool, dust, hair, etc. It is possible to complete the procedure for caring for wet cleaning furniture. To do this, prepare a wet cloth. It is carried out on the surfaces of the sofa. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid impregnation of fabric moisture. This is superficial cleaning.

There are special recommendations how to wash the leather sofa at home. This is a special material that is characterized by a porous structure. In his folds are clogged with small garbage, dust, crumbs. Large abrasive particles scratch the surface. She quickly loses his original gloss because of this.

Leather upholstery care is not as folded as it may seem at first glance. It is enough to give time cleaning with a certain frequency. First you need to clean the surface from dust. Then the upholstery should be wiped with a damp cloth.

Then you need to take a vaseline or a fat cosmetic cream. The tool is applied to the sponge and rub the surface of the furniture. After such a processing, you need to remove excess with dry napkins. It is important to carefully remove the bold glitter. After processing with dry napkins, the sofa must acquire a noble gloss. The surface becomes smooth.

Fabric upholstery

There are also certain recommendations, how to wash the sofa at home, the upholstery of which is made of fabric. These are reliable, durable materials. However, with improper processing, they can also quickly lose their attractive appearance. Even dense tissues do not tolerate moisture fibers.

The fluid that has impregnated the sofa can lead to the destruction of the internal filler. In this case, an unpleasant smell of mold appears, and in the material begins to develop a fungus. This leads to the establishment of an unhealthy atmosphere indoors. Therefore, it is impossible to water the sofa. If some substance is broken, it immediately needs to be removed from the surface.

In order not to damage the upholstery, you must first test the tool selected for cleaning. It is applied to an invisible piece of fabric. If the material does not lose color, it means that the means is used to remove stains. It is impossible to use when cleaning wet rags. They should be slightly wet.

Purchased funds

Considering how you can wash the sofa at home, attention should be paid to purchased compositions. Many hostesses use unpredictable to clean the means (for example, detergents for dishes, plates, even gels for the soul, etc.). This can not be done. Cleaning is carried out only with special means for cleaning upholstery, for example, special line "Vanish", "Faberlik", etc.

Proper cleaning of sofas is a whole science. Given the advice of specialists, you can preserve the beauty of the upholstery for a long time.

How to clean the product from velor

Salt the velor sofa from pollution is not so difficult. You will need to gradually perform the following steps:

Important: In order not to make mistakes with what the means you can clean your sofa, it is recommended to carefully examine the manufacturer's recommendations for cleaning the product. They will help you decide which domestic chemistry can be used to remove stains from a similar product, and which means will only spoil its surface.

How to put a leather product

Leather sofa need to be cleaned with soap, warm water, as well as microfiber rags. It is necessary to work with such furniture like this:

After that, you can move to the question, how to clean the sofa from complex spots at home. This question must be considered in more detail.

How to get rid of stains with household chemicals

The easiest way to remove pollution from the sofa by vanishem or another similar means. Most often, these are produced in powders. It is recommended to work with them:

  1. To begin with, you should beat the water with water so that it turns out a dense foam.
  2. The resulting foam should be applied to the stain and wipe it well with a special brush.
  3. Next, you should wait 15 minutes until the mixture works, after that it will need to be washed with cool water.

Important: Such a cleaning method is usually quite expensive. In addition, it does not suit hostess suffering from allergies, and even more so - bronchial asthma. In such cases, it is recommended to fight with folk stains.

How to remove dust

You can get rid of dust in various ways. So if you have a vacuum cleaner at your hand, you can make such a clean using this device using a special nozzle. In hard-to-reach places you can walk the hose. Such manipulation is advisable to spend once a week to avoid the accumulation of dust on upholstered furniture.

If you do not have a vacuum cleaner, you can come in a different way. You will need to take an ordinary wet sheet, to be displayed with this bedroom sofa, and then knock it out by the usual knocked out. Dust during such knockout will fall on the sheet, and you will just just stretch it.

How to remove forged stains

How can I remove complex pollution? Most stains, including traces from dog paws and food, can be removed using an ordinary shampoo and ammonia. To do this, act like this:

Tip: If the first time you failed to extract a dirty sofa, you can repeat this procedure. After 2-3 Myneus, you will certainly be able to remove even forged stains.

How to bring coffee, tea, wine and juice

What to clean the sofa from the fabric, to which you by negligence spilled beer or juice? This can be done with the help of an ordinary soap solution. To do this, you should wet the spot with the help of a wet sponge, then gut it well in its economic soap and hang this soap with a special brush for cleaning fabrics. The foam must be left on the surface for 10 minutes, after which its excess will need to be carefully removed with cool water.

If your sofa was in wine, you will need to first soak the spot, then sprinkle the pollution with salt and leave it on the surface for 15 minutes - during this time it must completely absorb moisture remnants. After that, it is necessary to remove the salt to remove the salt, moisten with alcohol with a rag and wipe the place for which the wine broke out.

Important: To get rid of divorces after such a cleaning, it is necessary to prepare a soap solution and clean the sofa with it. The remains of this solution must be removed with a wet cloth.

How to remove stains from blood

It is also not difficult to clean up how to clean up the upholstery. This stain is recommended to clean immediately after its appearance. To use any additional detergents is strictly prohibited - you should work with such contamination using an exceptionally ordinary sponge and cold water. The stain must be wiped until it delete.

Important: In the event that you want to clean a light sofa, you will have to wash it longer. To simplify this task, you should add a tablespoon of vinegar to the water to zine and wipe the tissue with such a solution. After that, you will remain closing the residues of the stains and after 10 minutes to remove the remains of the soap solution with cool water.

Remove the traces of urine

If you have small children or sleeping patients in the house, you will also need to get rid of urine traces from time to time. It is not difficult to do this, to act in a similar case it is necessary:

Important: Wash this solution is not needed, you can leave it on the fabric. If you have a white sofa, you need to restrict ourselves to soapy water.

We fight with chewing

How to effectively remove your fabric chest? You can do it with ice. To do this, you will need to take several ice cubes, lose the hardened gum, and then carefully remove it with a blunt knife or a nail file.

IMPORTANT: In order for your product to be left from the gum, after cleaning, be sure to wipe the surface with a wet cloth. If the stain will still remain, you can read it later by an ordinary soap solution.

How to remove traces from ballpoint pen

Clean the sofa from the stains left by the ballpoint handle can be using acetone-based means. Such, in particular, are funds for removing nail polish. You will need to simply type such a means on the mash, and then this cotton can erase the remnants of contamination. If the spexy is completely fresh, you can remove it by the usual stationery eraser.

Important: If you have a leather sofa, do not try to delete such stains yourself. Acetone you just spoil such a thing. It is better to immediately pass such a product into cleaning, whose staff will not be difficult to clean the sofa from the spots.

Video: How to remove the handle from the skin?

How to cope with an unpleasant smell

Having understood with complex stains, you can go to get rid of your furniture from smell. You can do this with various means:

What can still eliminate the unpleasant smell? It copes well with such a task and ordinary soda. You will need this soda to spill all the fabric, leave it for an hour so that the tool absorbs the smell, after which it is to remove her remnants with a vacuum cleaner. After such manipulations, your product will not be worse than the new one.

How to clean the sofa with fabric upholstery

Before you start cleaning the sofa, read the following guidelines and cautions.

  • All tools for cleaning upholstered furniture must be previously tested on invisible areas (for example, under the sofa or behind it).
  • Before cleaning the sofa from the flock, make sure that the selected means does not contain alcohol. After cleaning, walk throughout the upholstery with a brush with a soft bristle to straighten a pile.
  • To clean the sofa from the microfiber at home, use only dry ways. Wet cleaning is possible only in extreme cases.
  • To clean the bright sofa, use only white rags. Color fabric under the influence of detergents can paint light upholstery.
  • Do not use bleach and undeveloped vinegar.

See also Material: Sofa expert - choose a sofa to the kitchen.

Step 1. First of all, you need to get rid of dust. This step can be skipped if only local pollution is worried. However, if you take care of it thoroughly, first the upholstery of the upholstered furniture must be cleaned from the accumulated dust, and at the same time, and from the wool that swallowed crumbs, etc. You can do this in two ways:

  • Method 1. With a vacuum cleaner: If you have a vacuum cleaner at home, it is excellent, you just need to spend the upholstery, paying particular attention to all the joints and corners. You can use a special nozzle for furniture (better with a brush) or one dusting tube.

  • Method 2. Without a vacuum cleaner (for darous fabrics): If there is no vacuum cleaner in the house or if the coup is made from velor, velvet or any other porous fabric, then the dust is simply knocked out. Prepare an old sheet and knocked for carpet. Moisten the sheet in the water (in the soap solution) and exit (you can do it with a washing machine in the rinsing and washing cycle). Next, cover the fabric furniture and proceed to actively knock out dust, not passing any corner. So you can clean the sofa from dust without polluting the air, because it will remain on the fabric.

Step 2. Manually remove hard pollution if they are. If necessary, scrape the dirt can be a knife with a spatula or other object with a stupid edge.

  • With fabrics having a pile (flock, velor or shenill), hardened pollution can not scrape. They need to be swollen in soap foam.

Step 3. Finally, get rid of stains.

If the soap with the spot did not cope, but you can determine its origin, then look for your case in the next selection of cleaning recipes:

  • Urine. This is one of the most complex organic pollution, which may not be noticeable on the tissue, but exudes a sharp smell. As a rule, over time, the inhabitants of the house can get used to it and do not feel at all, but the guests capture the specific fragrance immediately. How to clean the sofa from child urine or urine animal? As soon as this trouble occurs, blot the fan with napkins, so that urine has absorbed. Next, dry it with a hairdryer so that there are no divorces left. If the fabric is color upholstery, then we are cutting the stain with a solution of 9% vinegar (in proportion 1: 5) or a weak solution of manganese. How to clean a bright sofa from urine at home? In this case, the stain must be treated with citric acid solution (in proportion 1:10). After 30-60 minutes, rinse the portion with soap / shampune and, finally, wash the upholstery with clean water and dried.
  • Fat stains. Freshly sprinkle with a shallow salt and let it absorb all fat (3-5 minutes). The remaining trail is supervised in Fairi foam or any other means for washing dishes for 10-15 minutes, then rinse the site well and dry.

  • Red wine. Freshly blocked with a napkin and cover it with a shallow salt. Give salts to absorb moisture, repeat the procedure if necessary. Shake the salt with a soft bristle and flush the stain with ethyl alcohol, and then soap foam. Next, remove the remnants of the soap with water and dryness. Get out the plot with napkins.
  • Gum. To remove the gum from the upholstery of the sofa, it needs to be frozen. To do this, put a couple of ice cubes alternately on it (you can in the package). When the chewing harness harms, it is neatly slapped. If, after removing the chewing, the upholstery remains a stain, apply methyl alcohol on it and wipe it completely.
  • Flomaster, ballpoint pen, traces from lipstick, nail polish. Apply ethyl / ammonia alcohol or acetone on a stain, then rinse the site completely.
  • Candle wax. Give the wax to frozen, then break it and scrape. Sex mark from wax Cover fine x / b-cloth or two and three paper napkins and move several times. If necessary, repeat the procedure again.
  • Blood stains. Fresh blood stains need to quickly wet cold water to their complete disappearance. If the stain is solar, then it is necessary to hold it under the ice cubes, soak out the weak solution of vinegar (2 st. L 9% vinegar per 1 liter of water) and, finally, rinse with a pipe with soap solution.
  • Juice of fruit or vegetables. Apply a solution of ammonia and 9% vinegar on the spot, then rinse the fabric with a clean damp cloth.

Step 4. If the upholstery of your sofa swept or become unpleasantly smelling, and the simple cleaning from dust did not solve the problem, then you can wash all the upholstery:

  • Soap solution: Warm water + soft soap;
  • Shampune solution: warm water + shampoo;
  • A weak solution of 9% vinegar with water (1 tbsp. L per 1 liter of water);
  • Alcohol (for example, vodka) can be cleaned with soft furniture with microfiber upholstery.

To clean the light sofa from the smell, you can sprinkle all the upholstery of soda, leave it for 20-60 minutes, and then remove the vacuum cleaner with a furniture nozzle with a brush. Soda must absorb unpleasant sutus.

  • After cleaning the sofa, the upholstery of which has a pile, go through the entire tissue with a brush with a soft or medium-rigid bristle. This technique will allow "fluffy" the fibers and refresh the color.

Finally, we suggest seeing the following video plot on how to clean the sofa from dust and dirt at home.

See also Material: how to clean the washing machine machine from dirt and scale for 5 steps.

1 step: What is the upholstery of your sofa?

First of all, you need to know which material is made of a sofa. If he is from tapestry, then there will be no problems with him, but for more modern materials, you need accuracy and control in choosing tools for cleaning.

So, what types of upholstery are the most popular today? Next, we will describe them and show them in the photo, and you probably recognize your own.

Tapestry and Jacquard

The simplest materials in caring.

They can be rubbed, any chemistry - nothing will be.

The only thing, remember that the fabric can simply take shade from some means. Suppose if you have a dark sofa, then in no case use the means with bleach.


Such a upholstery is a big rarity. If you have a silk sofa, then you should know about it, as this is one of the most expensive coatings. It is very difficult to care for the fusty.

It is in this case that it is better to call specialists for dry cleaning. But this is not a guarantee that there will be no divorces on the sofa.


This material is easy to find out, it is fluffy. The bottoms are based on the threads that create the volume. Such a sofa is very pleasant to the touch, gentle and soft.


Velor exactly, sign to everyone.

It is rare with what you confuse, as this is one of the most common options. If you have fierce places on your sofa - this is exactly velor.


This material is similar to half-branch. Vilki is stuffed so tight that the water is not absorbed into the material at all.

If you pour something on the sofa, you can quickly smeared moisture. Of course, then water is absorbed, but at first it keeps on the surface.


This material is nonwoven, the villus is simply glued to it. He is very velvety and pleasant to the touch, but you need to be neat.

Aggressive chemistry can simply dissolve glue and "propellars" will appear.

Leather and leatherette

This is already accurate with anything and no matter and skin care will be special.

Just below, you will find a separate block for leaving and cleaning leather furniture.

After you have decided on the type of upholstery, go to the second step.

2 Step: Cooking Inventory and Cleaning Means, Based on Upholstery View

Type of upholstery Inventory Tools for cleaning What can not be applied
Tapestry and Jacquard Brush, you can even rigid, sponge, soft clean fabric for damping, vacuum cleaner. It is best to take a ready-made, shop, but for the absence of it, you can use a weak acetic solution, ammonia, soapy, on the basis of a pitch, means for washing dishes and even vodka. Means that can whiten: chlorine-containing preparations, bleach, acetone. Oil solutions are also not suitable, as they leave new spots, instead of bringing old.
Silk Vacuum cleaner, soft rag, type of microfiber and soft sponge. You can only rub the soft side, otherwise, "hooks" are formed on the row. It can be cleaned exclusively foam from soap or special Vanish foam. Vinegar, alcohol, acetone.
Shenille Shenille can be cleaned only by a dry way, pressing the sponge as much as possible and immediately vacuuming so that moisture does not fall inside, otherwise the divorces will remain. The best works "Vanish". Washing powder, aggressive detergents, acetone, alcohol, etc.
Velours Special brush for suede. You can take a shoe, rubber. It is needed to raise a pile. An ordinary school gum (eraser) and a simple, clean cloth will also come in handy. As in all other cases: you can apply the finished remedy or homemade, but in a very weak concentration. Acetic, ammonia, alcohol solution. And, of course, a soap solution made from a squeezed economic soap. In no case do not apply anything aggressive, type of bleach, acetone, pure alcohol. Some hostesses manage to clean the sofas "toilet cliff", and then surprised why the cloth crawled. Velur is a gentle material, while synthetic.
Microfiber Vacuum cleaner, relaxed brush (can be quite rigid), a rag of microfiber and a sponge. Microfiber is not very capricious, therefore, it is possible to use a means for dishes, a soap solution from the economic soap, an alcohol or ammonia solution, any finished tool for upholstery. Acetone, alcohol, chlorine, undiluted acids.
Flock Vacuum cleaner, soft brush (not scratching), wet napkins without alcohol, dry clean rag. It can be cleaned with a solution of household soap, alcohol solution, in proportion 1 to 10. Any alkaline tools for cleaning, acetic and ammonia solutions are suitable, but very weak. Shopping facilities, type "Vanisha", the main thing so that they are written that they can process the flock. Do not use pure alcohol, solvent, aggressive cleaning agents, as well as oil based oil and petroleum products. This will lead to the fact that the pile will clean and the bald spot will remain on the upholstery.
Leather and leatherette Here a soft toothbrush is useful, a rag from microfiber, cotton discs, possibly school eraser. It is best to take specialized funds, and not experiment. But, if you still have neme, you can use a weak vinegar solution. Washing powder, chlorine-containing means.

3 Step: We carry out an experiment on a small square from the back of the sofa

Do not hurry, here is the most important advice.

Before you take and treat some means a dirty armrest, be sure to try it back of the sofa.

Little, suddenly it's not that fabric, what do you think? Or, the remedy is not so gentle as written? You understand that we can have anything!

When you apply a cleaning agent to the back of the sofa, wait for an hour. If there is no terrible reaction, there is a pile in place, you can postpone chemistry for a while and start the fourth cleaning step.

4 Step: Clean Wooden Elements

If there are some wooden elements on your sofa, then first clean them. There is no need for a lot of mind, just wipe them with a sponge, and that's it. Extermine the dirt from the varnish.

It is necessary to do this before sticking to clean up the upholstery, because, then, dirty drops can fall on clean cloth.

5 step: knock out the sofa through wet sheets

And now proceed to the preparation of the sofa to clean the stains.

1. Wet sheets with water, squeeze it to be almost dry and shook her sofa.

2. Bate on it is broken for carpets, very intense and not missing a single centimeter. You yourself will see what gray will become a sheet.

3. Then rinse it in water, press it back well and repeat the procedure. Do it until the sheets are not white after knocking and dust will no longer go to the surface.

4. After this procedure, you will see how fresh your sofa has become cleaner. And now there will be very well visible stains on it, to the elimination of which and we need to start.

For a consuming effect, you can make the sheet not with simple water, but with some kind of flavoring or soap solution.

If, for example, your sofa has a smell of urine after a child or animals, then you can smoke the tissue with a weak acetic solution. Vinegar will fall into the foam rubber, then it will begin to evaporate and take an unpleasant smell with it.

But, the evaporation process is not like that and fast, about 2-3 days. If you are ready to use the furniture these a couple of days, then use vinegar. This will allow you to get rid of the unpleasant smell and from dust cheap and efficiently.

6 step: get rid of stains and glossy armrests

Of course, it is best to buy a special means to remove stains. But, if for some reason it is impossible, you can try to do it yourself. Select the type of your stain from the list below and try apply the recommended tools.

We draw your attention to the fact that our ways are suitable only if the stains are fresh.

Stains from urine - mounted with a conventional soap solution. Instruct the household soap in the water, the surface of the surface is pretty, sweetened, and then wash the clean cloth to dryness. You can use the product for dishes, it will also remove the smell.

Blood stains should be washed with cold and clean water, without soap. If you heat the blood, it will be wound, will darken and then you will not bring it at all. Therefore, wash off the cold, and then apply soap to remove spots.

Fat stains need to be filled with salt, she will absorb fat. Then you can rinse with acetic solution, alcohol or again, a conventional refinery or soap solution.

Spots from coffee, juice and tea - it is best to wash with a soap solution or a tool for dishes.

Spots from beer - beer very merzko smells, if it hits upholstered furniture. It is necessary to wash such a stain soap, first, and then the vinegar solution so that the evaporation of the vinegar is pulled out with them the smell of beer. Let it be better than vinegar smells than beer.

Spots from wine - wine is extremely difficult, therefore, it is better to buy a ready-made means. At home, it is hardly possible to get rid of the wine spots.

Spots from ballpoint handles are well removed by scotch. If you glue the tape for a fresh spot from the handle many times, then the paint will go to it.

Spots from the feltwaster is also hard to remove. Sometimes it is better to leave a thin screet than washing it, because, the stain can break and become just huge. This is especially true of bright sofas.

Spots from nail polish - lacquer must be carefully dismissed, there is no other option.

Spots from glue - glue can be heated with a hairdryer and gently remove the sharp object, for example, a knife.

The stains from paraffin or chewing must be prettier to freeze so that they become fragile and dismissed. This is done with the help of a hood in which the ice in pieces is laid.

Old stains of unknown origin - it is best to use ready-made means and stains. Try all our recipes on one spot - stupid, you can just damage the surface.

7 step: once again knock the sofa through wet sheets

This will be the final stage. If you have a vacuum cleaner for wet cleaning, you can assemble the excess moisture, turning off the wetting mode. If the vacuum cleaner is usual, then the vacuum is impossible in any way.

There is another good thing: steam generator or steam veter. If you have it, then process the sofa. It will save from the gloss and from the smell, and from the ticks of all sorts of different.

Features of cleaning leather sofas

The leather sofa is better to clean with special means. Nothing better is invented, believe me.

If you do not want ugly divorces on your beautiful sofa, it is better not to save. Otherwise, it will have to use the cover all my life later. You can watch the video about how to clean the leather sofa.

Features of cleaning bright sofas

Light, especially white sofas, in no case can not so much water.

They do not even need to knock out with the help of a wet sheet, because it may be slightly marking the filler, and it will simply paint the upholstery. Only vacuum cleaner, nothing more. And so that there is no gloss, then just in time vacuuming furniture, do not allow insoles.

And finally, we suggest you watch the video on the topic of cleaning upholstered furniture, and you will not only hear, but also see how to clean the sofa with a fabric upholstery at home, while - with screwdrivers:

How to Clean Upholstered Furniture at home How to clean the fabric sofa at home How to Clean upholstered furniture

Timely dry cleaning of furniture at home Allows you to return her initial look and extend the service life.

Furniture cleaning From our company's specialists is a guarantee of quality, security and an excellent result.

Handling furniture upholstery with the help of an extractor machine allows you to remove not only superficial hydration, but also deeply emerged dust and imperceptible microorganisms.

How do we clean up home furniture at home - processing steps

The process of dry cleaning of furniture at home can be divided into steps:

1. Remove stains and local contaminants using stains.

2. Deep cleaning by extractor method: the detergent composition under pressure is evenly distributed on the upholstery surface.

3. Extraction - extraction of dirt and detergent residues.

4. Flushing and drying. After cleaning, the surface of the furniture remains slightly humid. Time to complete drying in vivo 3-4 hours.

Furniture cleaning price

We do not make any surcharges for the degree of pollution, the number of stains. The cost of services will not change on weekends and holidays. Therefore, in our company you can order Dry cleaning of upholstered furniture at home cheap.

  • Chair - 500 rubles.
  • Puffy - 300 rubles.
  • Chair - from 100 rubles.
  • Banquette - 800 rubles.
  • Sofas - from 1000 rubles.
  • Mattress - from 600 rubles.
  • Kitchen corner - 800 rubles.

Examples of our work

Video dry cleaning

Food soda is a universal folk remedy for cleaning. They wash and clean hardly all surfaces. Soda is safe for health, does not cause allergies, leaves no smell, it costs cheaply and perfectly reading a wide variety of pollution. Therefore, it is convenient to use it, for example, for cleaning furniture and carpets in a house where there are small children or people sensitive to household chemicals. We offer 10 proven recipes and councils of specialists on how to qualitatively and safely clean the sofa soda at home.

Precautions and basic cleaning rules

Soda acts gently and may well be considered gentle cleaning agent. But this does not mean that it is always safe for all types of sofa upholstery. Experts warn: Any people's recipe, even if tested by decades, it is necessary to test on the invisible section of the sofa. Increased risk exists for leather upholsters, as well as for tissues with silk fibers, flax, cotton, wool. After unsuccessful cleaning, they can change the structure or color.

Therefore, before cleaning the soda all the coupling of the sofa, spend a trial procedure somewhere in the corner or on the back of the furniture. Make sure that after completing cleaning and drying the material did not become tougher, the pile did not begin to "climb", and the colors did not change. Only in this case, the selected recipe can be used to process visible seats and backs.

In addition, try to comply with the following sofa cleaning rules using Soda:

  • Before the processing, be sure to spend well the sofa (from the leather upholstery, remove the dust soft dry cloth). This will increase the quality of cleaning and prevents the appearance of ugly dirty divorces.
  • If you chose wet cleaning, do not wet the sofa overly. The moisture that fell into the filler will cause the appearance of mold - the fungus settles in wet furniture in the first day. The words "rinse the upholstery" in any recipe mean that the fabric must be gently wiped with a wet sponge, and not to fill with water. The sponge should often rinse in clean water and press well. This work requires a lot of time and effort, but only as your sofa will become clean and will not suffer during the cleaning process.
  • How best to remove soda from the upholstery - rinse or vacuuming it. If the tool remains on the sofa, it is unlikely to hurt him or you. But the soda eventually starts to absorb moisture from the air, it will become a sticky and will "attract" dust. The sofa will quickly pollute.
  • Always dry furniture after wet cleaning. It can be wiped dry with cotton cloth, bite with paper towels, dried with a fan or hairdryer. But never drip the upholstery with iron and hot air. Also, do not put the sofa to dry in the sun - the colors of upholstery fabric can very quickly burn.
  • For upholsters that do not like moisture (silk, tapestry) or very quickly wet (flax, cotton), it is better to choose cleaning with minimal use of water.
  • Many upholstery also do not like excessive friction (Flock, Shenill, velvet, velor, silk fabrics). They need to be cleaned very neatly, soft brushed or flannel, and vacuuming nozzle without bristles.

Folk recipes cleaning sofa soda at home

Type of cleaning Cleaning process

1. Dry cleaning.

To remove weak pollution and unpleasant odors (urine, beer), to clean the light sofa or delicate upholstery, which does not like moisture

  1. Guso sprinkle with dry soda contaminated sofa section or all the upholstery.
  2. Leave about an hour.
  3. Remove the soda with a vacuum cleaner.
  4. If the smell remains, you need to repeat the procedure.

2. Wet processing.

To remove settlement, color refreshing, for processing the entire sofa or separate parts, to remove stains from tea, coffee, dirt, paint, ballpoint handles

  1. Mix the clean sponge in the water and rub the upholstery. The fabric should become wet.
  2. Generously sprinkle a sofa with dry soda.
  3. Leave everything for half an hour.
  4. Soft furniture brush or dry rag to lose the upholstery. Special attention is paid to the most contaminated areas.
  5. Give the sofa to dry completely (it will take up to two hours).
  6. Thoroughly spend the fabric.
  7. Wet sponge or tissue napkin rub the upholstery to remove the remaining soda. Sponge often rinse in clean water.
  8. Clean sofa dry.

3. Cleaning Soda Cashitz

This method also helps to remove hopes, spots from tea, coffee and dirt. It is more effective, but also more complicated in the implementation than the previous one.

  1. Mix soda with water (1: 1).
  2. The resulting cleaner is evenly distributed over the surface of the sofa.
  3. Loose tool to upholstery with a soft brush with a short pile.
  4. Leave everything for an hour. The sofa must dry completely during this time.
  5. Swapping up to the upholstery. If necessary, wipe it with a wet cloth to remove the remains of soda.

4. Cleaning with soda mortar

The way is suitable to quickly clean the sofa soda from weak contaminants. It is suitable only for upholsters that are not afraid of moisture.

  1. Prepare washing solution - 2 tbsp. L soda on a liter of water.
  2. Pour it into the pulverizer and spray on the coupling of the sofa.
  3. More contaminated places can be mixed with a solution stronger and rub with a brush. Then remove the extra moisture with a clean sponge.
  4. Give the upholstery to completely dry and spend it.

5. Common cleaning of soda and detergent.

To remove severe pollution, spots, stoves urine.

  1. Mix in the pelvis liter of water, 2 tbsp. l. soda and 2 tbsp. l. Tools for washing dishes, for example, Fairi. Instead of detergent, you can use a household soap or a colorless shampoo.
  2. Fill a solution with a sponge or hand.
  3. Apply foam on the sofa upholstery.
  4. Leave everything for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Carefully wash the cleaning agents with sponge with clean water.

6. Powerful cleaning of sofa soda, vinegar and Fairi.

Even more effective tool for overall cleaning and eliminating the strongest pollution

  1. It is necessary to mix 1 tsp. Fairi, about 150 ml of vinegar (9%) and half-liter hot water.
  2. The solution is more convenient to pour into the pulverizer, but you can prepare in the pelvis.
  3. Last but add 1 tbsp. l. soda. The mixture is foaming.
  4. Spray a sofa with a solution from a sprayer or moisten with a sponge.
  5. To lose all the upholstery or the most contaminated sections with a brush.
  6. Ruff a dirty solution with clean water.

7. Refreshing cleaning of soda and vinegar.

To eliminate weak contaminants, removal odors, color recovery and mitigation upholstery

  1. Prepare Soda solution - 1 tbsp. l. per liter of water.
  2. Spray them upholstery from the pulverizer and leave up to dry.
  3. Sleep sofa.
  4. Make acetic solution - 1 tbsp. l. Cutlery vinegar per liter of water.
  5. Also spray upholstery and leave to dry. In order for acetic smell to disappear, it should be good to ventilate a room.

8. Cleaning the sofa with alcohol and soda.

To remove fresh fat spots

  1. Pour on a stain thick layer of soda.
  2. Wait one or two hours. If the fat is much, you should remove the soda as soon as it is soaked, and pour fresh.
  3. Remove the dirty soda with a brush or vacuum cleaner.
  4. Wipe the remaining stain with a cotton disk, moistened in alcohol.

9. Cleaning sofa soda and peroxide.

To remove stains from fruits, berries, juices, colored vegetables, wines, tea and coffee

  1. Mix soda and hydrogen peroxide (3%) in a 1: 2 ratio.
  2. Apply a solution on a stain and wait for its discoloration. Be careful, since the peroxide can bleach and dyes of the tissue itself.
  3. Remove the nuts with a damp sponge.
  4. Rinse the cloth and dry the sofa.

10. Cleaning the leather sofa.

For removal of luxury spots from leather, eco-tree and leatherette

  1. Prepare a soda soda solution (1 tbsp. L. Rubbed household soap and food soda per liter of warm water).
  2. Sponge or soft flannel wet in detergent solution, squeeze and carefully drop pollution.
  3. Wipe the processed places with a cloth moistened in clean water, and then a dry towel.
  4. After cleaning, be sure to apply a protective agent (air conditioning) to sofa for skin care.

Now you know how cheaply and effectively clean the sofa with soda. And if the contamination is not amenable to home cleaning, consult professionals. Masters of the Top Dry Cleaning Company qualitatively and carefully make a sofa at home, anywhere in Moscow or the Moscow region. Just call us and name the convenient time for the arrival of specialists. We use safe "chemistry" and completely remove it from the upholstery, so your sofa will be perfectly clean.