Repairs Design Furniture

How to make your own wardrobe bed. Wardrobe bed: drawings, schemes, assembly instructions with their own hands. Furniture fittings shop

Such modern development, like a folding bed, built into the closet with their own hands, is well complemented by the interior and frees a lot of space. Folded-type beds are installed even with sufficient space, they are more convenient than on the folding glass, laying the guests at the time of their arrival.

It is not too difficult to make it, if there are basic skills of skills, the necessary tool and there are funds for the purchase of materials from which the bed is made. If the experience in the development of carpentry skill was and the memories of it are rather positive, then make a bed transforming into the closet will not be difficult.

For work it will be necessary:

  • galla line;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • marker or pencil;
  • small saw on a tree or pubsik;
  • drill or perforator;
  • plywood;
  • metallic profile;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • furniture legs;
  • lifting mechanism.

Before you start work, calculate the overall dimensions that will have a folding bed. It is also necessary to calculate the quantity and location of fastening elements and all nodes, the lifting mechanism and determine the use of materials.

Folded bed, built-in cabinet: design elements

The main elements requiring special attention, three: still vertically fixed base, base bed with a mattress and connecting their hinge. The fixed base, fixed on the wall, should have greater strength, as the folding bed and the lifting hinge weigh a lot. Fastening is carried out to the ceiling, floor and wall. Most often, the base looks like a hollow box to the cabinet, but with independent making options there may be a set.

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Vertical basis

The wall to which the bed built-in will be fixed, should have a width of at least 2 bricks. If the wall is made of drywall, then the fasteners are used long, so that it passed through the plasterboard and fastened behind the wall, brick or concrete. Otherwise, the likelihood of the entire box from the wall is very high. Predestly, the furniture is made from the chipboard, but in this case the basis, namely, its vertical walls should be increased by adding metal corners or boards from solid wood array. The chipboard is strong enough under standard loads, but in this case the load is significantly increased.

It is possible to strengthen the basis of the pair of vertical racks from boards or old metal pipes fixed on the floor and ceiling. By placing the base all the elements of the attachment, the marking of the planting holes is especially careful, since its functioning depends on it. Self-tapping screws, with which the box is fastened to the wall of the room, should be located from each other by no more than 25 cm. The design of the box base must be based exclusively on the smooth floor and be a smooth rectangle, all the angles of which are 90º - otherwise the strength is will be reduced.

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Device of the lifting mechanism

Folded bed built-in is driven by a special lifting mechanism that provides a compound of a mattress with the base. It is rather difficult to make it quite difficult, and the strength of the finished product should be significantly higher than will provide manufacture with your own hands, so the lifting mechanism is desirable to purchase from a reliable company engaged in the manufacture of furniture.

In some cases, mechanisms are used, designed not quite for furniture, for example, the bed built-in can be equipped with a garage curtain or passing through the entire width of the bed with a solid axis connected to the sidewalls. But it should be engaged in the manufacture of the lifting mechanism independently, only being completely confident in its forces and strength of materials. Such a heavy object, like a bed with a mattress, without keeping in a vertical position, can cause very serious injuries.

The frame with the mattress should not only be easily climbing, but also fixed in this position for the required amount of time. Gas shock absorbers are used in homemade mechanisms, counterweight on durable cables or several twisted springs. To reduce the load on the basis and in general, not weighting the design, it is desirable to make the lifting mechanism as easy as possible.

With small-sized apartments, in which a large number of people lives, the need for saving space arises. The issue of furniture placement can sharpen in the children's room, especially if it is alone, and some children of school or preschool age are forced to sleep in it. For substantial savings, you can buy a folding bed. You can create a drawing and make a wardrobe bed with your own hands. This will significantly save financial spending and will create a bed of the desired dimensions, taking into account the color design of the room and the decorative elements available in it.

Before starting the process of manufacturing the bed, it is necessary to have a drawing, following which, you can make a wardrobe bed with additional shelves or without them. A detailed layout of the details will help create a high-quality bed as quickly as possible, which will function correctly.

Such schemes most often suggest the manufacture of beds with dimensions of 1800 * 2000, 2120 * 1715, 2040 * 2200, 1731 * 2020. Those make double beds. Single rooms most often are intended for children's rooms, so they have smaller sizes. Since their installation is made independently, it is possible to create a drawing of the size of the bed depending on the availability of free space, the age of the child and the possible use of this bed younger children after the growth of the elders. To create a bed transformer, drawings must be as accurate as possible and clear.

To make a wardrobe bed with your own hands, you will need such tools:

  • Drill;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Electrolovik;
  • Saw;
  • File;
  • Pliers;
  • Roulette;
  • Level;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Joiner's pencil;
  • Sandpaper with different figures of abrasiveness;
  • Furniture screws;
  • Saws.

This is a minimum set of tools, others may be required during the work.


It is also necessary to have such materials:

  • Furniture plates or chipboard plates;
  • Wooden brushes;
  • Wooden boards;
  • Hinges for fastening;
  • Corners;
  • Hinge mechanism;
  • Materials for decorating;
  • Materials for the manufacture of legs.

It is also a minimum set of materials. Cut is made according to the drawing. This is done like this:

  1. With the help of a roulette and pencil, all the details of the future cabinet are made in the form of patterns according to the data from the drawing;
  2. For melts, the connected sheets of Watman or Wallpaper can be used;
  3. Each item must be signed;
  4. Denote the connection and fastening of the transformation mechanism.


Assembly of the carcass

To assemble the frame, you need to know the clear dimensions of the proposed bed. They depend on the size of the bed and from the bed type: single or double. For the frame, you need 2 side slabs located along the frame, 2 side slabs for fastening in the width of the bed, as well as the rear base. The back wall will occupy the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe so-called closet, so it should be more in size than the mattress that will be on the bed. Based on these considerations, it is recommended to produce a frame for 15 cm large in the width and 40 cm large in length (the reserve in length is necessary for the possibility of folding).

Deciding with the size of the sideboards and the rear wall for the frame you need:

  1. Make a cutting on the chipboard panels or on a furniture plate, using for this pamal;
  2. Cut the jigsaw details, carefully polish them, edges elastic;
  3. Prepare markup under fastening, transferring data from global on the plates;
  4. Connect the shield with furniture screws, for the reliability of the attachment of which in advance to drill a hole with a drill with a drill with the possibility of preparing a groove for a hat and fasteners (the connection of screws should be carried out every 25-35 cm).

We carry out the cut

Spin coating

Connect the elements of fasteners

Box for mattress

To create a box for the mattress itself - the most difficult thing in the manufacture of a wardrobe bed. With stronger, cutting parts from furniture plates (or from other materials) should be carefully followed by the numbers specified in the drawing. Thanks to this, it will be possible to create a box that will correspond to the sizes of the frame.

For the manufacture of the box you need:

  • Two side walls that can be diagonal;
  • One side wall;
  • The bottom (the most suitable material for the manufacture is plywood).

How to make a box:

  1. It is necessary to cut out and cut the plywood bottom as well as the rear wall for the frame;
  2. Make the back and side walls, treat their edges with sandpaper and edging ribbon;
  3. With the help of furniture screws to attach the side and rear wall to the plywood bottom. It is worth sticking to the distance of 25-30 cm between screws;
  4. On the perimeter of the resulting design, it is necessary to put a wooden bar, which will perform the support function for the magnetic. It is advisable to use a timing of 50 * 50 mm. It is mounted on a tree screws to the side walls;
  5. To create a device of the magazine, edged boards are used, which are attached screws to a wooden bruus. The length of one board should be so to get from one edge of the bar to the opposite. They are placed in the same plane as the plywood bottom. Distance between boards - 10-20 cm.

We carry out the cutting chipboard

We make the side and rear wall

We put the lamella

Installation of the transformation mechanism

The lifting mechanism performs the function of the control of the box with respect to the immovable frame.

How to mount:

  1. The loop of the hinge mechanism is screwed to the bed in the bed and on the frame. The main support should be on the frame, because it is immovable;
  2. The sizes of the box and frame are seen in each other, and the mechanism is connected;
  3. This work should be carried out with an assistant;
  4. After installing the transformation system, it is necessary to raise the box, check its compliance with the sizes of the frame;
  5. For a smooth installation of the hinge mechanism, it is necessary to use the level so that the bed is rising smoothly and thus reliably held on the same plane with the frame. A single line should be achieved at the site of connecting the upper edge of the frame and the lower edge of the box.

To facilitate the transformation, you can use additional details that simplify the course of the mechanism (gas shock absorbers, counterweights). Especially necessary such mechanisms in the event that a children's bed or adolescent is manufactured. It is not recommended to allow children to put on their own tolay and lay off the folding bed, but even in this case it is necessary that the children can independently decompose a sleeping place without any help, so the transformation system is built into the closet should be easy.

Create headboard

The headboard of the cabinet transformer must be made of soft material, especially if the bed is designed for children. It is desirable to make not only the headboard, but also the bottom of the side walls of the frame. The easiest version of the soft headboard, which can be made with your own hands, is a soft foam upholstery. The role of foam rubber can also perform a synthetic procession.

How to make a headboard:

  1. Mitigating material to be folded in several layers;
  2. This material must be seen a beautiful cloth with decor elements or quilted line;
  3. For ease of care, you can create a fold of removable, with hinting lightning. It will be convenient to remove, wash and wear again;
  4. The height of the soft headboard must be at least 60-70 cm, and it is better about 1 m. It will ensure the presence of a soft upholstery under the back of the sitting man at the head of the bed. For the same reason, you should prepare the same softening upholstery for the side walls of the frame;
  5. The height of the foam pillow on the side walls of the frame should coincide with the height of the same upholstery at the headboard;
  6. Prepared upholstery can be attached to the frame or to the wall with the help of screws and fabric (or made of gum) loops. If the upholstery is not removable, then the back of the tissue coating can be attached by the stapler.

We drink lips

We make holes under the buttons

Printed foam

Fresh upholstery

Mount Buttons


The legs for such a bed must be movable and turn the minimum of 180 ° C. In such cases, it is convenient to use metal legs, connected together and is a metal bar with appropriate bends.

How to mount:

  1. Make measurements of the height of the box above the floor, determine the height of the legs;
  2. Measure the width of the box. Calculate the length of the metal plank;
  3. Cook, stall, cover with a lacquer leg or order ready;
  4. Prepare holes for fastening on the box and on the leg;
  5. Such legs are attached on the bottom of the box so as to attach to a wooden bruster in the middle;
  6. Check the turnover of the legs.

When laying out the transformer legs, it is necessary to scroll through 180 degrees and put a bed on them. When lifting the box, the legs are converted to be hidden inside the so-called cabinet. In addition, the metal plank, connecting two legs (or straight layout of the cast leg) simultaneously performs the setting of the mattress on the magnetic. Thus, its movement is excluded during the folding and laying of the bed. For the same purpose, you can install limiters from the top edge of the magazine. The limiters can serve as horizontal strips. The legs can be somewhat, but in this case the folding process is complicated. The leg should be strong to keep the weight of the box, mattress, bed linen and sleeping people.

Measuring kluts

Acquire special legs

Making holes

Fresh leg

Decorating and fittings

With the help of decorative elements, you can completely hide the presence of a transformer bed in the room. There are many decoration ideas of the lower bed plank, which looks into the room. One of the most beautiful and simple options is to create a three-door or four-door cabinet imitation.

The imitation of the doors can be done using wooden planks and handles, allegedly intended for opening such doors. On one of the doors you can put a mirror.

Another good option to hide the presence of a transformer bed in the room is to build this wardrobe in the furniture wall, creating a bed from furniture plates of the same color as the wall. Next to other parts of the wall, the cabinet will look quite natural, especially if you add decorative elements, such as handles and planks. At the same time, adjacent lockers in the wall can be used for storage of bed linen, which will significantly simplify the cleaning process Bed every morning.

Think about what kind of interior is the most place in the room? That's right, it is, of course,.

This problem is particularly sharpened in close rooms and many are resolved for the purchase of a folding sofa. But agree that no sofa in the world will be able to fully replace the real bed.

It is for such cases that faded beds were developed. As you already guessed the title of the article, today we will talk about how the bed is made with their own hands.

Video Presentation - Wonderful Folded Bed 3 in 1 DIY

Disappearing bed do it yourself

Yes, that is how it is sometimes called it. In most cases, such a bed is placed in the closet and is intended to save you free space.

There are two types of such products and before we find out how the folding bed is done with your own hands, consider and all that, it is necessary to figure it out in all the intricacies of the design:

What is a folding drawing bed

Let's look at what will be a folding bed with your own hands, the drawings for which are presented in this article. Perhaps the most important element can be called a mattress.

Fortunately, such a bed can "take" almost all known varieties of mattresses, but better, of course, choose an orthopedic model.

Also in bed will be special mechanisms designed to raise or lower the design. From their quality will directly depend on what efforts you will fold the bed in a niche. If it is high, the model practically occupies the starting position.

To date, there are three varieties of mechanisms:

  1. Mechanical.
  2. On springs.
  3. On gas shock absorbers.

Folded bed - start building

If you are planned a bed with your own hands, the folding and place it you will be rational, then during the day it will not occupy space. Consider the main stages of its manufacture.

First stage.

We determine what we need to work: framework, lifting mechanism and, accordingly, the bed.

Second phase.

It should be started with a frame, or a box. It may have a form of both the details and a separate design of the room. When choosing a material for a box, remember that your efforts will be applied to its uplift, following the bed. That is why the wall to which the whole design will be attached should be built out of concrete in order to withstand a similar load.

Stage Third.

Breeping a box to the wall, based on the top horizontal and the axis of the turn of the structure. In this case, the thickness of the walls located vertically, it is usually 2.5 centimeters, and horizontally - from 1.5 to 2.5 centimeters.

Stage fourth.

What, actually, is the box? Of the two main parts: plinths and shelves for stop. Regarding the back wall, then it is not necessary to do it. Well, except that you want to give your bed some completeness, or something. If we want us to get a high-quality bed with your own hands, we need to use only chipboard.

Stage fifth.

All parts are fastened with self-pressing, located 25 centimeters from each other. The back wall (if it is) is pushing to the box even before we fix it. You need to install the box on a smooth floor.

Stage Sixth.

We calculate the size of our box. Several factors will affect this process: the sizes of the mattress and the bed itself, the thickness of the back and so on.

Stage seventh.

For the manufacture of Lodge, we will need two side boards, two backs and headboard. In order to fasten the mattress on the bed, you can use strong belts. For the rest of the parts, mounting corners are used.

The eighth stage concluded.

Connect the box with a box by means of a lifting mechanism. We recommend that you do not invent the bike and purchase a factory lifting mechanism equipped with a gas spring. This item will allow you to fix the design in almost any position you need.

So, we looked at how the folded bed is done with your own hands, the drawings are also given in the article, it remains only to give you several concluding advice. So, for the box, the base from the old bed is perfect - it will save you strength and time.

But before assembly, you should consult with professionals, so that your design soon did not crumble.

If a person lives in a small apartment, the lack of space becomes a serious problem. The folding bed literally disappears in just a few seconds! Having done a wardrobe bed with your own hands, you can resolve the question related to the lack of square meters: expand the children, freeing it for games, turning the room for guests to the home office, the living room is in a mini-hotel, considering the frequent conventions of relatives, and the bedroom can become a grooming room .

About serious and funny

So what is such a fascinating in the design of the bed "invisible"? Is this a bed? Or is it a wardrobe? A huge mattress can be carefully hidden, is it really easy to do? Yes! And the transformer was invented not yesterday, and the minimum of the century ago. According to the legend, the inventor of the device William L. Murphy lived in a studio apartment in San Francisco. The moral code of those times did not approve of women who are decided to enter the bedroom of a man, so a cool guy turned a bed into the closet, and his room in the living room, not forgetting to get a patent for the invention in 1900. However, at this very moment Thomas Jefferson already had his beds hanging on the ropes and hooks in the bedroom niches. It is said that Murphy married the very girl who inspired him to transform an apartment.

Changing the living space today is considered as a choice of lifestyle, and the transformer bed is decides the multi-task. Modern versions of a variety of models can have glass, mirrors and beautiful backlight, as well as shelves for computers, TVs and music centers. Some apartment owners decorate the walls above the bed of expensive artwork.

Combination of elegance and ergonomics

Folded transforming bed can serve up to 60 years! Starting from the first model, a lot of structures were created: the bed can be folded horizontally and vertically, to be bunk and have additional features. For example, the beds are popular with tables and models with sofas.

The vertical version of the bed is considered traditional. The horizontal bed is well suited for narrow rooms and rooms with low ceilings, for example, it can be installed in the attic.

After mounting the bed-cabinet room turns into:

  • bedroom office;
  • bedroom living room;
  • bedroom-Children's.

Concreting the decision to make a bed "Invisible", should look at interesting ideas:

  • The transformer can be complemented by comfortable book shelves.

  • The horizontally located folding bed is easily attached to low modular furniture.
  • It is quite interesting to the solution when the room is made in a Japanese minimalist style and the built-in bed looks like the walls of Sedzi.

  • Transformer in the teenager room can be part of a cozy corner cabinet.
  • In the children's wardrobe, sometimes it is convenient to make bunk.

  • The transformer may have an unusual image if you make the decor with your own hands. Space in retro style charming!
  • The cabinet bed may appear in the apartment made in any style. For example, with the appropriate solution to its design and decor, it will look good in the sophisticated French atmosphere of Provence. Gray sliding doors will add the necessary factory contrast.

What do you need to know?

The transformer reported by the simplest drawings consists of 4 key components:

  • lifting mechanism;
  • heavy duty magnetic fastener protecting bed from falling out;
  • bed frames;
  • cabinet.

Any modern mechanism designed for a bed-cabinet provides easy folding.

The lifting system can be:

Spring mechanism. As a rule, it consists of heavy-duty compressed steel springs in a bed frame that make lifting and lowering easy. But after several years intensive use, the spring needs to be adjusted.

Piston mechanism. Unlike a spring device, the pistons are safer, much longer serve and break less.

Each mechanism is designed for a certain weight. A pair of metal springs or piston elevator make it easy and safely placing the bed box in the frame. Reliable latch will keep furniture in a closed position.

It is important to remember that the mechanism in creating a modern Merphy bed is the most important thing. Installation of equipment is likely to be the most time consuming part of the work. Only the correct installation according to the instructions guarantees the reliability of folding. If the cabinet bed mechanism is purchased in furniture accessories, installation scheme in which it will be easy to understand, will definitely be applied to the kit.

A person who ever did with his own hands a wardrobe or a similar large-scale piece of furniture probably has all the skills in order to integrate the transformer into the wall.

The process of manufacturing the most furniture item includes:

  • creation of a cabinet having a form of frame;
  • bed box to which the legs are joined.

Beds that hide in the closet do not have heavy spring mattress designs. As a rule, an orthopedic or ordinary mattress lies on a wooden platform, a wire mesh or lamella and fastened with elastic belts that hold it at the moment when the device is folded vertically.

How to make calculations?

To create a bed, the most attractive option is to use a high-end plywood combination and wood array. As already mentioned, on the sides of the cabinet, designed to hide the bed, you can add bookshelves, and in the upper part of the frame to build halogen lighting. The front panel of the design may look as simple as a sheet of plywood, or be as complex as the object of old furniture.

Height of legs, sides and height protruding over the sides of the mattress - the overall height of the bed, from which the depth of the cabinet design depends. It is usually about 450 mm (the standard stool height) is convenient to sit down.

Given the thickness of the lifting mechanism, it is possible to produce simple calculations. If the mechanism has a thickness of 32mm, then the gaps between the beds and the sidewalls of the cabinet will be 32 mm from each side. Accordingly, when calculating, take into account the width of the bed, the thickness of the base of base, the gaps for the installation of the mechanism and the thickness of the sidewall of the cabinet.

The height of the cabinet depends on the length or width of the bed.

Order of work

The largest obstacle for many people is becoming a search for joinery. Therefore, it is worth considering the assembly issue in the garage or rent a special room.

To make a transformer, you need to prepare such tools for work:

  • centimeter roulette;
  • construction level, square;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • electrolovik;
  • machine for grinding;
  • keys (hex);
  • screwdriver Set.

In addition, you will need quality materials. Based on the size of the size of their list.

Mattress, ordinary or orthopedic, it is worth purchasing right away to check the size of the frame of the bed and the cabinet. Pillows, as a rule, are stored in the closet or in the dresser, and not on the mattress when it is hidden.

  • Assembling frame bed

The frame consists of 4-boards of the same height, which will serve as side beds. It is important to create a smooth rectangle with an angles of 90 °. The frames are connected using wooden pins with melted glue. After drying the glue to finally copold the sides, apply the screws and furniture corners. In the perimeter, you can navigate a residue with a cross section of 100x50 mm, it will serve as a limiter for the mattress.

The base can be made from a solid piece of plywood or, for example, it can be shot down from the ski. Many options. Important! Sometimes additional stiffeners may be needed. At this stage, you can make decor.

  • Assembling frame of the cabinet

The details of the cabinet frame are bonded by the same principle as the details of the frame of the bed.

When folding it off the bed, the wardrobe can just fall on the floor. To avoid this, you need to attach it to the bearing wall using metal corners. Fasteners have as high as possible on the sides. If the folding bed hides in the design of the furniture wall, the weight of the wall will be a good insurance, in the case when the cabinet is located "Vosphor" between the ceiling and floors, it will not be able to fall theoretically.

  • Feet for bed

The legs can be made independently, ensuring their embedding with the help of furniture loops, and can be purchased with the mechanism.

  • Installation of mechanisms

Spring or piston mechanism is set according to the manufacturer's instructions.