Repair Design Furniture

What are the best aprons for the kitchen. What to make an apron in the kitchen (60 photos): practical options. What material to choose for an apron

An apron in the kitchen is a kind of workwear for the kitchen area. It is able to protect wall surfaces from splashing grease or oil.
As a rule, such an apron is made in the area of ​​the sink and stove. Consider some options for finishing an apron for the kitchen.

There are different options for finishing the apron for the kitchen.
But, when choosing a finishing material, the following should be taken into account:

  • strength;
  • practicality;
  • aesthetics.

Advice. For a kitchen apron, it will be better to choose a finishing material that has a smooth surface without holes and pores. All this will allow better cleaning of the apron cover.

How to decorate an apron in the kitchen

Today there is a very large selection of finishing materials that can be used for an apron in the kitchen.
Materials for the kitchen apron:

  • ceramic tile;
  • mosaic;
  • glass;
  • MDF panels;
  • a natural stone;
  • brick;
  • metal.

Each of these materials has its own properties and functions. They also differ in cost.

Ceramic tiles in the decoration of the apron for the kitchen

Tiling a kitchen apron is a very common option. This method of registration is affordable.
The tile has sufficient strength and heat resistance. That is, when exposed to high temperatures, it will not deform.
Ceramic tiles do not absorb grease and are very easy to clean with any detergent.

  • Do not forget that the tile will fit very well into any interior design. There are various colors and sizes of such a finishing material.
    All of them are widely used not only in the decoration of the apron.
  • Tiling a kitchen backsplash is easy. All finishing processes can be done by hand and save money. But before installing ceramic tiles, you must first level the surface of the wall.
    Such work can be done using drywall or ordinary plaster.
  • You can also use moisture-resistant plywood or chipboard for these purposes.... It is very easy to mount ceramic tiles on them using special glue or concrete mortar.
    The video shows the process of such a finish.

Advice. For finishing the apron, it is better to choose standard tile tiles. They can be easily fixed to the surface and further cleaned.

The use of mosaic in the decoration of the apron for the kitchen

The decoration of the kitchen apron with the help of a mosaic looks very interesting and original. Multicolored small tiles can create an original and unusual interior.
The mosaic can be:

  • ceramic;
  • glass;
  • from decorative stone;
  • from natural stone;
  • metal.

Advice. To clean mosaics made of any material, do not use abrasive cleaners in order not to damage the surface of the finishing material.

  • Ceramic mosaics are small elements, 2x2 cm in size. The installation process of such a finishing material is very laborious and takes a long period of time, since each mosaic element must be fixed evenly so as not to spoil the aesthetic appearance of the kitchen area. There are different colors of the mosaic.
    With their help, mischievous drawings on the walls are created.
  • Glass mosaic is made from glass of different thickness. Using this finishing material on a kitchen apron can help create a very original and sophisticated look for such a space.
    Glass mosaic can very quickly change its color when the light changes, which makes this finishing material even more unique.
  • A mosaic made of natural or decorative stone is not often found... All this happens for the reason that such options for finishing the kitchen apron are quite expensive and not very practical.
    This type of finishing material is not afraid of high temperatures, but it may be difficult to clean it.

Metallic mosaics are usually painted with polymer or powder coating. She does not have a huge selection of colors and shades.
For its manufacture, only stainless steel is used. It is quite difficult to clean metal mosaics, as the top layer and the appearance of the finishing material can be damaged.

Glass in the decoration of the apron for the kitchen

This way of decorating a kitchen apron is relatively new and not everyone has yet been able to appreciate its advantages.
Glass apron properties:

  • strength;
  • practicality;
  • resistance to cleaning agents;
  • does not lose its appearance.

Despite the fact that glass is characterized as a fragile material, an apron made of it will be very practical and durable, since glasses of a certain thickness are selected for it. The photo shows an example of such a finish.
Today's manufacturers offer a very large selection of this material. The price for it is different.
The cost of glass for an apron depends not only on the thickness of the finishing material, but also on the drawings or ornaments that can be applied to it.

In the process of kitchen renovation, few people pay attention to trifles, nuances and details. Often they think globally, taking care of the correct waterproofing, sewage and the choice of the color of future furniture. Without this, of course, nowhere, but negligence in relation to trifles can turn into disastrous consequences.

Kitchen aprons are often referred to as such "optional" things. This is not a wardrobe item that the hostess ties over clothes so as not to get dirty. It will be about the space between the lower and upper tiers of kitchen furniture.

This area of ​​the wall is often "forgotten" to improve with materials that are resistant to temperatures and moisture, because of which the plaster can simply crack and crumble. Often everything is limited to decorative plaster, wallpaper or paint.

Kitchen apron materials

It is worth remembering that the kitchen is not a decorative room. Everything here should be as functional as possible. Splashes of juice from a bottle, grease from a frying pan, and water from a sink are common. The same can be said for the increased temperature from the hob.

One way or another, the operation is partially "reflected" in the space of the apron in the form of splashes, stains and other far from aesthetic elements that are extremely difficult to remove by conventional means.

The main property of the apron is resistance, hygiene and durability. So you will secure the wall and save on further repairs. In addition, the apron can be given almost any texture using various building materials, which we will talk about.

Elements such as are often used:

  1. tile / tile
  2. mosaic
  3. steel
  4. glass
  5. a natural stone
  6. fake diamond
  7. wood
  8. plastic

Remember that for MDF, plastic, tiles and mosaics, you should additionally purchase a special skirting board that is attached between the wall and the countertop. So you will protect yourself from moisture and dirt getting into the cracks of the surfaces.

MDF panels

Perhaps the cheapest and most economical way to decorate a wall. Some manufacturers offer ready-made kitchens, the design of which is initially supplemented with protective plates of the required dimensions.

Even if you order the panels separately, they will not really affect your condition. The advantages of the material are obvious: cheapness, imitation of any texture, a variety of colors and more. They are not demanding to install, so it will not be difficult to mount such an apron.

It is believed that MDF is resistant to mechanical stress and aggressive cleaning with household chemicals. But in fact, the decorative laminated coating quickly loses its presentation, even in a gentle mode.

Tiles and tiles

Another representative from the classic "collection" of materials. This method of finishing requires careful preliminary preparation of the wall for installation.

The installation process is the same as for ordinary tiles, but the quadrature is limited to a verified area that needs to be closed.

The tile is practical in all respects, because it is not afraid of temperatures, liquids or chemicals. It looks much more expensive than MDF, and you can play with the design.

Some tile manufacturers even create individual landscapes that look great in almost any room. The main thing is that such a move does not stand out from the general ensemble of the room.

Separately, it is worth mentioning and mosaic, as a subspecies of tiles. These are small tiles 1.5-2 cm in diameter, glued to a mesh base. Due to their structure, they can "adapt" to any wall texture, but most often it is mounted on a flat, pre-prepared surface.

The process is quite laborious, since after laying it is required to carefully seal and wipe the seams so that moisture and debris do not get into them.



If you want a loft or high-tech kitchen, or are trying to recreate a nautical design, then steel will help you like no other. The main thing is that it must be pre-hardened and, of course, not rusty.

This material has a number of advantages:

  • hygiene;
  • durability;
  • practicality;
  • firmness;
  • ease of installation.

There are also disadvantages. In particular, steel aprons will be inappropriate in small rooms, because the air gap between the panel and the wall will resonate quite well, causing an annoying "metallic" sound. Any preparation will be reflected by increased hum and thump.

It is more appropriate to use it pointwise, to protect the wall near the stove and sink. All other surfaces are easier to decorate with the same tiles. The only exception is the initially conceived "steel" concept, but this is a matter of taste.


This material became popular not so long ago as everyone else, but quickly caught on and won its own niche. Such kitchen glass is called skinali.

It is a sandwich panel with a thin film between the layers. The second name is triplex.

They can be both transparent and textured, from drawings. To do this, the print is initially applied to the film, after which it is pressed with two sheets of tempered glass.

The finished picture looks very beautiful and unusual.

Often skins are mounted on an unplastered wall to imitate rough brickwork or sloppy plaster, only without the characteristic drawbacks.

As for the cons. Despite the heat-resistant surface, washing this pleasure is quite problematic, since stains are common for glass. Treat the cleaning of the triplex in the same way as to washing the windows, there is no other way.

A natural stone

Those who can afford such material will certainly not be exchanged for tiles and MDF. The same goes for ecology lovers, as well as admirers of Provence, boho and the modern Middle Ages.

The advantages of agglomerates do not need to be scrutinized. It is enough that in terms of strength the minerals are not much inferior to precious stones like emerald, and the service life of the surface is calculated in decades.

It is enough to recall the marble fireplaces of the 18th-19th centuries to understand what is in front of us.

Heat resistance and water resistance are also out of the question. The surface of the same marble and granite has its own hydrophobicity, however, experts additionally open the stone with a special glue, which seeps into the pores, preventing moisture from “pulling on”.

Perhaps this is the only type of aprons for which you need to select the color and texture of all furniture, as well as decor. The finished ensemble looks extremely impressive.

A kitchen apron is the part of the wall between the wall cabinets and the countertop surface of the kitchen unit. No one can say which kitchen apron is the best, and what exactly you should choose from a huge variety of building materials. This is solely a choice of your taste and the possibilities of your wallet. But we will try to tell you about what kitchen aprons are, what are their pros and cons, as well as how to make such an apron for the kitchen with your own hands, how to install an apron in the kitchen, how to fix it.

Functionality of the apron for the kitchen

The kitchen is perhaps one of the most beloved revenge in the apartment. In the kitchen, family members gather for breakfast, in the kitchen they have lunch, and family dinner usually takes place in this room.

At the same time, all kinds of appliances are in the kitchen, water is pouring, the stove and oven are working. Smells, moisture, fumes - all these properties of the kitchen space cannot but lead to the fact that the requirements for finishing materials used in kitchen renovation are quite strict. And among all the finishing materials, the apron stands out, to which the most stringent requirements are imposed.

This is understandable - splashes from pans standing on the stove, drops of water from the tap fly onto the apron, it has a temperature effect, and in different parts of the apron it is different - the closer to the stove and oven, the stronger this effect. The smallest particles of food and traces of gas stoves leave stains on the surface of kitchen items. And if you do not protect the kitchen wall from harmful effects with an apron, it will quickly become unusable.

Therefore, the functionality of a kitchen apron consists in the following requirements for it:

  • the apron must be durable, and easily endure both temperature effects and mechanical damage;
  • it must be moisture resistant, do not allow water to pass through, and not be afraid of exposure to both hot and cold water;
  • the apron for the kitchen should not react to chemical compounds, organic and inorganic acids, alkalis and other compounds that make up detergents;
  • the kitchen apron should be easy to wash off any dirt;
  • it should look beautiful in the interior of the room.

The choice of facing material for a kitchen apron

When choosing a material, one should take into account not only the factors that were indicated above. It is necessary, taking into account the interior and illumination of the kitchen, to determine the color scheme.

If your kitchen windows face north. And the sun does not get there, it is better to have an apron in bright colors to revive the interior of the kitchen. If your kitchen space is flooded with sunlight all day, then this interior detail may have light, muted shades, or, conversely, be glossy black.

And one more very important advice - observe the measure.If you have a kitchen set and walls made in calm light (or dark) colors, then an apron for the kitchen can be made in some crazy color or material.

But if the kitchen is bright, with walls painted in some kind of life-affirming color, multi-colored cabinets, and curtains with butterflies of all sizes, then it is preferable to make an apron for it a solid color.

Considering the necessary criteria (ease of maintenance, strength, moisture and heat resistance), when choosing a facing material, you should pay attention to:

  • ceramic tiles;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • a natural stone;
  • fake diamond;
  • mosaic;
  • PVC and MDF panels;
  • metal surface;
  • strained glass;
  • laminate;
  • parquet.

Popular materials for an apron in the kitchen

The most popular material is, of course, ceramic tiles. With a variety of sizes, shapes, colors and textures of this facing material, it easily fits into a wide variety of interiors.

The tile is not afraid of moisture, easily tolerates high temperatures, is easy to clean and serves for a long time. The latter circumstance can be negative for those who like to make changes to the interior often.

Porcelain stoneware is even more durable material than tiles, and with high-quality installation it will serve you faithfully for many years. Especially organically porcelain stoneware tiles will look if the tabletop is made of the same material. By choosing matching shades of material for decorating countertops and walls, you can achieve a very interesting color effect.

Natural stone is an expensive material, and it is rarely found as a facing material when installing an apron in the kitchen. Nevertheless, some lovers of sophisticated interiors choose natural stone as a finishing material. We must pay tribute to him, the natural stone looks just luxurious. Unless, of course, he was put to bed in the five-meter kitchen of the apartment - the Khrushchevs.

Artificial stone is cheaper, although it looks no worse than natural, and even easier to care for. Countertops, kitchen aprons, and even sinks are made from this material. All together, in the right color scheme, will allow you to achieve a very interesting and harmonious kitchen design.

Artificial stone apron

Mosaic kitchen aprons can be either single-color or multi-color. From a mosaic, you can lay out a picture, an interesting pattern or ornament, or you can simply lay it down with a solid canvas of the same color. The mosaic is made up in a variety of combinations, combined with a variety of materials, it depends solely on your imagination and on what result you want to achieve. A kitchen apron made of elegant mirror mosaic looks very beautiful and original. But all the pollution, even the smallest, will be visible on it. A kitchen with a glass mosaic backsplash looks stunning, but it is very impractical.

Metal aprons for the kitchen look quite interesting, unusual and easy to clean. Just remember that the metal cannot be cleaned with an abrasive detergent. And still observe the measure, since the line when choosing a metal apron between the original idea and the kitsch is very thin. However, for lovers of the "techno" style, a kitchen apron made of metal is very suitable.

MDF and PVC panels also look good. They are inexpensive, easy to maintain and imitate a wide variety of materials - wood, stone, brick, and also come in a variety of colors. Such panels are not very durable for the kitchen, although they are moisture resistant and respond well to temperature changes. This material, however, is quite easy to damage. However, given their cost and ease of installation, such facing material is easy to replace, giving the kitchen a new look.

Glass aprons look amazing and easy to care for, but still fragile enough to break. Therefore, they must be handled with caution. Glass aprons 3D for the kitchen, for example, in the marine theme, look very interesting and expensive in the kitchen interior. If you decide to put just such an apron in your kitchen, then you need to understand that the main emphasis in the room will be on this splendor, and you no longer need more unnecessarily bright details in the kitchen, otherwise it will look vulgar and intrusive.

Laminate and parquet flooring as a material for kitchen aprons are quite rare, but they look good, and it is not difficult to care for them. Laminate, thanks to the tight connection of the parts, forms a smooth surface and is easy to clean. A pattern made from pieces of parquet looks beautiful and sophisticated.

Dimensions of the kitchen apron

With a long backsplash for the kitchen, everything is clear - it depends on the size of the kitchen and the length of the surface that is located between the countertop and the cabinets on the walls.

And with height, everything is somewhat more complicated.

The height of the backsplash in the kitchen will depend on a number of factors. These include:

  • height of kitchen furniture;
  • the size and type of the hob;
  • the size of the wall cabinets of the kitchen set;
  • the growth of your household, especially those at the stove.

The apron for the kitchen should be slightly below the level of the table, and slightly go under the countertop. At the same time, there should be no difficulty in opening the upper cabinets, and the hand should reach the lower shelves of the cabinets. For convenience, the height of the lower cabinets on the floor should be slightly below the waist.

The distance between the upper and lower edges of the apron (this distance is called both the height and the width of the kitchen apron) should on average be 50 - 120 cm, depending on the height of the ceilings and the size of the kitchen unit. The width of the apron in the kitchen also includes overlaps (about 2 cm).

How to make an apron for the kitchen with your own hands

Whichever cladding material you choose, laying a kitchen backsplash begins with preparing the wall surface.

For light aprons, such as laminate, PVC and MDF panels, and for heavy ones, such as porcelain stoneware or ceramic tiles, and even more so glass, it is produced in different ways.

Under the tile, porcelain stoneware and glass, you need to clean the wall to the very base, and knock off all the plaster from it.

After that, it is necessary so that the surface to which the kitchen apron will be attached is even and smooth. Differences should be avoided, otherwise the apron will not last long, and it will not look at all as beautiful as you would like it to be.

As for kitchen aprons made of light materials, it is not necessary to clean the wall to the base, it is enough to remove the plaster and slightly level the surface.

Further, under any type of apron, a support of rigid material should be installed under the lower part. It can be either a timber or a galvanized corner. The support is attached to the wall along the entire length of the future kitchen apron with self-tapping screws.

How to lay out an apron in the kitchen from tiles, in general, is clear to everyone. The styling rules are simple:

  • you need to put it on a special tile glue, which hardens quickly enough;
  • this glue is applied from below, immediately above the support, to the width of one tile and the length of the apron;
  • after that, they begin to lay the bottom layer of the tile, leaning on a bar or corner attached to the wall;
  • be sure to insert crosses or wedges into the vertical seams between individual tiles so that these seams are even and identical;
  • the upper edge of the tiles must be leveled as much as possible using a level;
  • twenty minutes later, after the glue on which the first row of tiles is laid has frozen, we begin to lay the next row according to the same rules, using the already laid row as a support;
  • in the same way we lay out the rest of the facing tiles to the upper border of the apron.

A mosaic apron is laid in about the same way as a ceramic apron, only the fragments are not placed on glue, but on a special gypsum-cement mortar, which dries longer and makes it possible to fix the mosaic fragments if necessary.

Glass apron

Glass is a little more complicated, one person cannot cope with this, helpers are definitely needed.

How to fix such an apron in the kitchen, you need to tell in detail. To begin with, it is necessary, having stepped back about 2 cm from the upper edge of the glass, make holes in the wall for dowels at a distance of about 5 cm from each other. Dowels are inserted into these holes.

Exactly the same holes are drilled along the entire length of the support for self-tapping screws, stepping back from the edge of the support bar or corner by the same 2 cm as in the upper part. Special devices are prepared for both the upper and lower self-tapping screws, with the help of which the glass will be held (most often they are included in the apron kit). After that, you need to clean and degrease the wall again, as well as the part of the glass that will adjoin the wall.

The glass apron is glued to the silicone. In this case, the silicone is applied to the wall surface in waves, with a loop width of about 3 cm, rather tightly. Then the glass will firmly adhere to the wall. In this case, the waves must be applied vertically to the wall. Silicone hardens rather slowly, which is good, because the glass must be installed carefully and carefully.

Two people carefully lift the one-piece glass apron. Lifting the glass, you need to install it on the lower support. After that, the glass must be pressed tightly against the wall over the entire surface. A third person should screw in the screws and press the glass with the holders. You can release the glass only after all the screws - both the lower and the upper ones - have been tightly screwed on.

Immediately, we note that the gap that forms between the apron and the countertop must be closed with something, otherwise dirt, food particles and splashes of water will get there. The gap can be closed with a PVC edge.

It is difficult to say which material is better to make an apron for the kitchen, since in each specific case you need to be guided by a lot of circumstances, and first of all - the preferences of the apartment owner.

However, having an idea of ​​certain facing materials for a kitchen apron, you can get an idea of ​​the pros and cons of your choice.

The name "kitchen apron" came from the association with the overalls, which were usually worn while cooking. Having a similar protective function, the surface between the work table and the cabinets also bears a decorative focus in addition. Often it is also a bright accent element of the room. The questions of which apron to choose for the kitchen, which material is best suited for these purposes, we will consider in this article.

An example of a kitchen apron with bright fruit accents

Requirements for a kitchen apron

An apron in the kitchen is an area located in a narrow strip between the worktop and wall cabinets. Moreover, the zone is problematic, daily taking on drops of water and splashes from cooking food.

Apron with laconic ornament over the working area

There are different types of aprons that can make this part of the wall beautiful and practical. But they all share common requirements:

  • heat resistance and moisture resistance;
  • immunity to chemicals;
  • strength;
  • ease of care.

The use of mosaic ceramic tiles for the backsplash

No matter how neat the hostess is, you still have to wash the kitchen apron. It is not always possible to clean it with plain water and a sponge. There are a number of chemicals available to remove fat. Therefore, the surface of the wall must withstand well the effects of water and cleaning agents.

Metallic coated apron

It is worth taking care of the joints of the work surface and the apron. To prevent dirt and water from getting into these places, they are treated with silicone sealant and covered with a plinth, plastic or ceramic. And to protect the seams, a moisture-resistant grout and a special varnish are used.

This is how the grouting of ceramic tiles occurs.

Important! Traditionally, an apron is used to cover the entire strip of the wall between the work surface and the upper cabinets. But at the request of the owners, individual parts can also be made out in the area of ​​the hood and sink.

Colorful apron over the working area in a linear kitchen set

Types of aprons by materials

When deciding which apron to choose for the kitchen, it is worth considering several types of materials. The operational and aesthetic properties of the area next to the work surfaces, as well as its durability, depend on them.

Kitchen apron made of mosaic ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles are one of the most popular finishing materials and can be used in kitchens with different stylistic trends. And a huge selection of colors and textures allows you to make a stylish room even from an ordinary kitchen with modest furniture. The service life of a tile is different: ceramic will last 15 years or more, glazed - more than three decades, double firing will allow it to retain its qualities for half a century.

Apron made of ceramic tiles of the same texture, different shades

The tile is known for its fire resistance, which is important for a kitchen with a gas stove. It is water resistant and practical to clean, easy to clean and clean, and dried drops of water and grease are not as noticeable as on other materials. Moreover, for cleaning, you can use almost any chemical reagents.

Ceramic tiles as ideal surface protection above the kitchen work area

Among the disadvantages of tiles, the difficulty in laying is noted. Often, in order to lay out an apron from such material, you have to use the services of specialists. And there is a high-quality tile from a renowned manufacturer is very expensive. But all costs will pay off with ease of use and long service life.

Laying ceramic tiles for the future apron


Natural stone is rarely used for wall decoration in the kitchen. Such material is expensive and heavy. Its artificial analogue allows you to create a solid surface of the desktop, smoothly turning into an apron. Usually acrylic stone is used for it, which is hygienic and durable. The surface of this material will fit well into any kitchen style from minimalism to country.

Exquisite natural stone kitchen apron

Among the advantages of artificial stone are a large palette of colors and a variety of decors. Imitation of natural material, such as granite or marble, is often chosen. Such an apron is easy to maintain and can be easily refurbished in case of scratches. Moreover, for repair it does not even have to be removed, the master can do everything at home.

Artificial stone as an apron and countertop for the kitchen

You can complement such an apron with a sink, a window sill and a bar counter made of the same material, which will create a stylish and effective interior.

Artificial stone as the main material for countertops and apron

Artificial stone in the interior of a light kitchen in the style of "Provence"


Such an apron, which is a thin sheet with a top furniture film, is popular because of its inexpensive price. It is easy to install. To do this, you only need to fix it on the frame or stick it on liquid nails. MDF panels are easy to dismantle.

Apron made of MDF for the kitchen

Among the positive qualities, it should be noted versatility, since the apron fits well into any design. Kitchen furniture manufacturers offer panels in the color of the countertop with an additional corner skirting board in the same design. It is moisture resistant and perfectly tolerates mechanical damage.

Kitchen apron made of MDF panels

One of the disadvantages of an MDF apron is its fragility: constant exposure to elevated temperature and moisture will gradually render it unusable. Unlike ceramics or glass, the material is flammable and can release toxic substances when ignited.

Apron from MDF above the work surface


A mosaic apron is an unusual, but at the same time, traditional option for decorating walls in the kitchen. It is made of the same material as large-format tiles, but has its own operating characteristics and a spectacular appearance. The mosaic panel consists of small elements glued to a special base.

Bright mosaic tile for an apron in the kitchen

Note! The price of such an apron will be quite high. But having a huge variety of colors and patterns, you can choose the option that will perfectly fit into the style of the kitchen.

Mosaic tiles in the style of a kitchen unit

Apart from the price, mosaic surfaces are difficult to install. It is imperative to pay attention to the seams, of which there are quite a lot, otherwise they can quickly lose their original appearance. The mosaic is also difficult to dismantle.

Laying mosaic tiles on a kitchen backsplash


A mirror is considered an extraordinary choice of material for a kitchen apron. A long strip above the work surface will visually enlarge the available space. It will create a feeling of infinity and freedom. And on a sunny day or with the lamps on, it can also fill the kitchen with additional light.

A mirror as an apron in the kitchen visually expands the scope of the room

Caring for such an apron is easy. The material usually undergoes special processing, therefore it tolerates chemical influences well. It can be washed with normal kitchen products. The mirror withstands well and temperature extremes, and the manufacturing technology gives it sufficient strength.

Mirror surface of the kitchen apron

Of the shortcomings, it should be noted that with high humidity, such an apron sweats quickly. And all spots and splashes will be very clearly visible on it.

Mirror mosaic kitchen apron


This material for the apron is a novelty among other finishes. It is made of glass panels with a thickness of over 6 mm. And it is decorated at the request of the customer: it can be color photo printing or artistic matting. Such a material is also safe in use, the glass is specially tempered so that sharp fragments do not appear if the surface is damaged.

Tempered glass apron with built-in lighting

The glass apron is convenient in everyday life. It is easy to clean, and today there are a lot of special products to prevent stains. Such a material is able to withstand the high temperature from the hob. The glass surface looks like a single canvas. This is done by sanding the edges and carefully joining the panels without visible seams.

Apron made of white frosted tempered glass

The disadvantage of a glass apron is its price and constant surface polishing.

Glass apron as an important decorative element in the kitchen


This option suits many in that it has a beautiful appearance of a kitchen apron at a low cost of money. Its service life can be five years. Plastic is installed and removed very easily, without requiring special and careful preparation of the walls. As options, such panels can be seamed or made seamless.

Exquisite deep red plastic kitchen apron

The design of a plastic apron can be very diverse: one-color, with a picture, photo printing; imitating various materials. You can also choose a different surface texture of the sheets: glossy or matte, with or without embossing. Such an apron is easy to maintain, but you need to fix it at a sufficient distance from the stove or cover it with glass. Over time, scratches and damage appear on the plastic, so no hard brushes are used for cleaning.

Purple plastic kitchen apron

Apron design

Thinking about which apron to choose for the kitchen, some owners want to make a bright accent spot in the kitchen, while others prefer not to worry about the aesthetic side, relying on practicality and usefulness.

Mosaic multi-colored apron for the kitchen

There are the following design options:

  • Neutrality. The chosen option fulfills a purely functional task. But it happens that the combination of an apron plus a countertop, made in a single decor, becomes the highlight of the kitchen;
  • Contrast. The purpose of this finish is to attract attention. A contrasting apron can dilute the monotony of the kitchen color scheme and focus on this particular area;
  • Brightness. The wall above the work table in a similar color sophistication will create a heightened mood in the interior. Various accessories are selected to support him: curtains, cabinet handles, towels;
  • Style. A kitchen apron can become an indispensable element that supports the style of the room. For example, a story panel for a classic, an imitation of an old tree for Provence, a metal base for techno - such a design creates the right mood in the design.

Thinking about which material for the kitchen apron is better to choose, plastic, tile or glass, get acquainted with other options. The building materials market can also offer aluminum, wood, decorative bricks.

Aluminum sheet metal backsplash for kitchen

Wood panel as backsplash and table top

But when deciding to buy, think that you will only have to purchase 3-4 square meters, and the requirements for such a surface are quite large. Therefore, you should not save on material, especially since housewives have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. And not only to look at these walls, but also to monitor their integrity and cleanliness.

An apron is the covering of a part of the wall between the upper and lower cabinets of the kitchen unit. Its task is to protect the wall from moisture, hot steam, grease, splashes and any dirt. To make your choice easier, we have compared the most practical and effective work area finishes according to five important criteria. Professional advice on what to make an apron for the kitchen, a comparison of the best materials and real photos of beautiful aprons - in this article.

Correct dimensions

  • Usually kitchen apron height ranges from 45 to 60 centimeters. How high it should be in your case depends on the height of the household, the type of stove and the type of headset. It is more convenient for a low hostess to hang the upper modules lower, leaving 40-55 cm between the tabletop and the lower edge of the cabinets. The edges of the finishing material should go under the lower / upper cabinets for a couple of centimeters.

  • As for the width, most often the entire wall is covered with a decorative coating along the worktop - from edge to edge of kitchen furniture. If you wish, you can limit yourself to small protective inserts only in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe sink and hob.
  • In a kitchen with a gas stove, the distance between the hob and the hood should be at least 75-80 cm. Consider this protrusion in the kitchen design.
  • The apron of a kitchen set without upper cabinets should be brought to the very ceiling.

We select the color and design

  • Decide in advance which apron is better to choose for the kitchen - a bright accent or neutral, which will only become a background for a beautiful headset.
  • White apron (plain or with mosaic inserts, bright tiles and ceramic decors) is easy to combine with any kitchen color. Other neutral tones are also popular: milky, creamy, beige, light gray, champagne and ivory.
  • A dark glossy finish is impractical; water droplets and splashes of grease will be particularly noticeable.

Photo of aprons in the kitchen: top 5 best materials

Ceramic tile

The best option in terms of price, quality, durability and convenience. In the decoration of the apron, glazed wall tiles are more often used, less often thin and lightweight porcelain stoneware. The most popular formats are 10x10, 15x15, 20x30 and 20x40 cm, as well as a different-sized "hog".

In the photo: an example of a stylish apron made of 10x10 cm tiles with a patchwork pattern (Batik collection from Bayker)

The tiles have many decors for different tastes and every budget. The surface of ceramics can imitate the texture of stone, wood, metal, concrete.

When choosing a kitchen tile for an apron, take a closer look at its texture: rough and embossed is difficult to keep clean, so you should give preference to glossy smooth.

Price. Making a ceramic apron will cost more than plastic, but much cheaper than glass and acrylic stone. In addition to the cost of the material, do not forget to include in the calculation the costs of the leveling mixture, glue, grout for joints, sealant and the work of craftsmen.

Mounting . Laying should be entrusted to a professional. The work area in a kitchen of any size is always the center of attention, and tiling flawlessly without experience is not easy. An important point: ceramics is for a long time. If you don't like the design, it won't be easy to change it.

Durability. It will easily serve you for 15 years or more.

Moisture resistance. ★★★★★

Care . ★★★★★

We have collected modern design ideas and photos of aprons for the kitchen from tiles in real interiors in the selection below:

The original idea of ​​an apron on the wall in the kitchen-living room with a modern interior
Traditional Provence style kitchen design

Options for a bright kitchen with a photo tile apron


Strained glass

When choosing a picture or a photo in the catalog for an apron for a kitchen made of glass, take into account the color of the facades

A beautiful and practical material that is not inferior to ceramics in many properties. A glass apron is easier to care for than people think, and heat and moisture do not spoil its appearance.

The kitchen uses durable tempered glass with a thickness of 6 and 8 mm with different designs: transparent, colored, tinted, frosted and decorated with photo printing.

Price. Such a finish can hardly be called budget: glass panels with photo printing (skinned) are much more expensive than tiles and mosaics, not to mention plastic. In addition to the cost of manufacturing an apron, glass and the necessary fasteners, you will have to pay extra for the design (the photo from the catalog will probably need to be finalized), color proofs, installation, cutting out holes for sockets and other services that are not obvious to an inexperienced buyer. The most inexpensive option is a transparent protective screen, the wall behind which can be painted with paint or pasted over with beautiful wallpaper.

Mounting . The main advantage of the glass apron is the speed of installation and the absence of "dirty" work - the whole process takes a couple of hours.

Durability. Contrary to the fears of many, such an apron can decorate your kitchen for a long time without losing its attractive appearance. Some companies provide a 5-year warranty. Of course, we are talking about a quality product with UV printing with good ink.

Moisture resistance. ★★★★★

Care . ★★★★

Fingerprints, water and grease marks are more noticeable on glass than on tiles. But a smooth panel without seams is much easier to clean than cleaning multiple seams. It is enough to regularly wipe it with a damp sponge and soapy water and use a glass care product from time to time.

By choosing a light glass apron for a small kitchen (as in the photo), you will visually expand a small space



The best choice for economy class headsets and temporary repairs, especially if you are going to do it yourself.

There is a good assortment of inexpensive plastic kitchen aprons in Leroy Merlin, OBI and other construction hypermarkets.

There are two finishes:

  • Furniture board made of MDF, chipboard and fiberboard, faced with decorative HPL plastic - plain or with wood, ceramics, stone, mosaic decor.
  • PVC wall panels. Flexible screens are attached to the wall using glue and aluminum profiles. In terms of practicality and durability, they are inferior to MDF and chipboard: they are thinner, they lose color faster, they cannot be installed in kitchens with a gas hob - they are deformed.

Price. The most budgetary option in our selection. A three-meter plastic panel in the same Leroy Merlin can be purchased for an average of 1.5-2.5 thousand rubles.

Mounting. An important advantage of a plastic apron when renovating a kitchen is its easy installation, which even a beginner can handle. It is easy to make holes for sockets and rails in it right during the installation process.

Durability. Of all the materials in our review, this type of apron has the shortest lifespan. Compared to other options, he will lose his "face" the fastest and is unlikely to last more than 3-5 years. But it is easy and inexpensive to replace it.

Moisture resistance. ★★★

According to this indicator, it seriously loses to competing materials. But if you take a high-quality MDF apron and close the joints with the countertop with a plinth, you should not be afraid of problems.

Care . ★★★★

It is enough to wipe the apron made of plastic with a damp microfiber cloth or a soft sponge. Make sure that water does not flood the edges, otherwise the base of the slab may warp and swell.

An apron for a kitchen made of MDF with photo printing is best complemented with neutral facades and monochromatic finishes

The wood-look laminate worktop and apron are easy to combine with a white kitchen



The contrasting finish of the mosaic backsplash will make the kitchen design bright and modern: the chameleon material looks different depending on the lighting and perfectly brings the interior together.

Price. Compared to ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware, mosaic is a less profitable option for decorating an apron. The laying work and the necessary materials will also be more expensive: you will have to buy special glue and grout. If you want to save money, choose a mosaic tile. It is cheaper and makes installation much easier.

Mounting . Grouting numerous joints is a laborious process: it requires experience, time and great care.

Durability. Will serve without complaints for many years. The normal service life of a quality material is 20-25 years.

Moisture resistance. ★★★★★

Care . ★★★★

Examples of real kitchen aprons made of mosaics (glass, ceramic, stone, metal), see the photos below:


Fake diamond

Most often, an apron made of artificial stone is combined with a countertop made of the same material.

Price. Perhaps the most expensive design option for a work area in our selection.

Mounting . Requires the work of experienced craftsmen, but there will be no dirt during installation.

Durability. With careful handling, acrylic stone will serve you for a very long time, but over time, micro-scratches appear. To the credit of the material, it is easy to restore it: grind cracks and build up chips. After polishing it will be as good as new.

Moisture resistance. ★★★★★

Care . ★★★★★

You can learn more about this finishing material.

Corian Shaped Wall Panel
An apron made of stone is more often chosen for a classic kitchen MORE 7 PHOTOS CLOSE

Did you like the expensive finishing material, and you are not planning to do new renovations soon? Do not deny yourself the pleasure - you will admire a beautiful apron every day! Count the different options. Moreover, quite a bit of finishing is needed for a typical kitchen.