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Facing at home by plastic panels under the stone. Facade panels for outdoor finishing at home: view review. Advantages of facade panels

After construction, the house cannot be left in this state. It will take external wall decoration. It is designed not only to improve the appearance, but also provide some protective functions. Making facing with natural stone is very expensive, but the appearance will be awesome.

There is one more solution that will cost much cheaper, but it is unlikely that someone can see the catch. It is carried out using decorative. What best to choose and what are they good? The discussion of these moments is dedicated to the article.

Than good

Facade finishing with natural stone can take not just days, but for whole months. This is due to some complexity of technology and a selection of required components. If we talk about panels, then the whole process is very quick. This is explained by the modular design of the panels. When installing such decorative panels there are no special requirements for weather conditions. Rather, we are talking about the comfort of the master itself.

For some species of natural stone, only dry and warm weather is required. Otherwise, he over time simply fall off. Cutting panels occurs without a large amount of dust. With natural stone, such a number will not pass. Cleaning after its laying is a good time article. Some types of panels do not require the use of glue.

With regard to decorative panels there are no special requirements for what state is the wall of the house and what it is made from what it is. Often panels are made of polymeric materials. They have a slight weight, which means they will not have loads both on the walls themselves and the foundation. Corner treatment delivers one pleasure. Typically, the manufacturer provides additional modules for panels that do not require a scrupulous output of angles. Another plus of some decorative panels is an additional sound insulation that they provide living in the house.

Requirements for panels

Although many are guided solely by the appearance when choosing a material for finishing, but this is not the only purpose of it. Another factor is that the protective properties have panels. They must be capable of compensating for sharp fluctuations in temperature, as well as provide protection against moisture penetration. This is especially true of the structures that are collected by the frame method, of wood or from another hygroscopic material. Another important point that may be decisive when choosing panels for the exterior decoration is how they will behave when exposed to open fire. Some products are made using a underlining lining material that can instantly flare up.

It would be unpleasant if after a while the color of the panels was sweetened or burned out at all. That is why they must have resistant to ultraviolet rays. Such products do not require special maintenance and perfectly cleaned with water. Modules must be fixed in such a way that the wall surface can be freely ventilated. This will make it possible to eliminate the formation of condensate and the growth of fungus.

Types of panels

To make the best choice, it is necessary to understand well what kinds there are decorative panels for the exterior decoration. The main types of modules with their features will be listed below.

Under brick

Many elite houses are decorative bricks today. It looks just wonderful. But many stops the figure that turns out after calculations only for the purchase of material. If you take into account the delivery, additional materials and services of the master, then just becomes bad. The solution will be the use of finishing panels that have a drawing, which is almost impossible to distinguish from real bricks. This is possible only with very close examination, and sometimes just tactile. The cost of such panels is several times cheaper. In terms of its qualitative characteristics, the modules for facing brick are practically not inferior.

This rather large group is divided into two main subspecies. One of them implies the presence of modules with a homogeneous structure, and the other with the combined one. The difference concerns the cake layers from which modules are made. Additional structure involves the presence of a fixed insulation, which eliminates its additional purchase. If the house is already insulated with foam or inferno, then modules with a homogeneous structure are suitable, which can simply be mounted on top of the insulation. Some types of modules with insulation are fixed by the hot method without the use of classic glue or solutions.

Facade modules for external finish with a picture of a brick significantly reduce the facing time. Bricks need to be laid in rows, and on one module there are already several rows. The material from which they are made can easily carry even harsh winters. Some types of bricks over time accumulate salt from rainwater, which protrudes white spots. As a rule, they wash them quite difficult or impossible. With regard to the modules for finishing such a problem is not observed. Many stop their choice on the combined panels, since two tasks at once performed at once. An example of mounting such modules can be viewed on the video below.

Tip! Facade modules that are decorated for a brick can be used not only for wall decoration. Someone acquires them for fences or other buildings. They perform their function as well as on the building.

Under a stone

It is difficult to find a person who would not like finishing with natural stone. The "savage" stone acquired great popularity. It does not require any service and is ready to stand in centuries. But everything rests on the price. Panels for natural stone are similar in their structure with those that are performed under the lining brick. They can also be with or without insulation. The front side is most often performed from polymeric materials.

Facing modules do not lose their color in the sun and do not crack in the cold. Installation of such external cladding panels can be made in two ways. The first one implies the use of a special crate, which is attached to the wall. And the second is direct contact with the wall through glue. The latter is more suitable when the walls are perfect. If they need to be aligned a little, then it is better to mount on the crate.

Note!Facing modules under stone often have a non-standard and incorrect form. This is an important factor that allows you to achieve maximum conformity with natural stone.

The price of such finishing panels is quite democratic. The effect on its formation can have the size of the module, its shape, thickness, as well as color. Mounting works do not require ideal weather conditions. Elementary construction skills are usually enough to perform work independently. They can be used both to finish the plane of the walls and the base level.

Under clinker tiles

Clinker tile has already managed to love many owners. It has a pleasant appearance. Most often it is made with a soft color without pesting inclusions. It allows you to create a calm atmosphere. The tile has good characteristics regarding the conservation of heat. The finished product perfectly transfers sharp temperatures. In addition, it is rather durable. It does not lose its properties when used on panels for finishing facades. The method of manufacturing such panels is very interesting. Tile is laid out on a special base and poured insulation, which then acquires the required parameters.

The panels are powered by environmentally friendly, because the insulation itself does not have harmful discharge, and the tile is made of natural clay, without third-party impurities. The sun rays are not able to make the tint tile dim. Facing panels also perfectly carry physical impact. The price of such modules is slightly higher than other options. This is explained by the cost of the clinker tile itself, since it is a natural component. Even with high humidity, fungus and mold do not appear on such panels. Pores in the tile are practically absent, so it does not absorb moisture.

Another name for facing modules from clinker tiles - thermopanels. This is due to the use of one of the best insulation. It is not a penplex, but polyurethane. The latter does not ignite with open fire, it can melt, but no more. Installation of such panels can occur in the fastening method or directly onto the walls. Thanks to clear lines on such finishing modules, it is very easy to withstand the specified level and install yourself. Clapping panels with clinker tiles may not necessarily be smooth. Some types of tiles that are used for cladding modules has some relief.

Note!Although the clinker tiles and is resistant to physical influences, but from strong blows can be burst and crumble. It is worth considering, choosing the places of fastening such a cladding. If one tile is damaged, the entire panel will lose appearance.

Prior to the start of installation of facing panels with clinker tiles, it is necessary to take care of high-quality surface preparation. Walls must be sage and processed by antiseptic composition. If there are old paint on them, then it must be removed. There is always an option to install on the frame, which will simplify the task. Such facing panels are ready for service for decades. At the same time, it will always look like new ones.

Fiber cement

From the title it becomes clear that such facing panels are made of cement with the addition of certain fibers. Most of the solution for the manufacture is plaster. It is mixed with special granules that control the moisture content of the material itself. The protective layer is on both sides of such a panel for facing. It is quite durable, so it is designed for a long service life. Consistent temperature differences do not affect the shape of fibro-cement panels. Such panels for the exterior decoration are quite stable. Their plus is the resistance to fire.

Such decorative panels for exterior decoration can be performed under the stone. They do not have harmful discharge, which is important for those families where there are children. A large variety of pigments can be added to facing modules, which creates unique color solutions. They can also be painted. But for the paint for such facing panels will have to post a round sum. The price affects not only the color, but also the drawing implemented on them. Thickness can also be different, which will affect the cost of the panels for the exterior trim. Some options for cladding modules have special brackets, which facilitates their installation. The composition formula for the production of panels is kept secret by each manufacturer.

Note!It should be attentive when choosing such facing panels for locations, in which rains often come or increased humidity. Modules may be slightly deformed in such conditions.


As can be seen, the house cladding modules are a very profitable solution both with aesthetic and from a practical point of view. If under the panel with insulation, mount another series of insulation, then in the cold season you will have to spend less means for heating. Panels for finishing can be combined. For example, the main plane of the wall can be performed using one type of modules, and the basement is facing the other.

During the construction of the crate for decorative modules, experts advise to comply with the required step of the planks. This will allow to protect the modules from damage due to pushing. Some types of facing are attached, starting not with the modules themselves, but from corner slats and other additional elements. Typically, the manufacturer specifies this in the instructions for a specific product.

The choice of a suitable type of outdoor finish for the house is a difficult question. The very first condition always becomes beauty, elegance and solidity of the appearance. In addition, the outer shell of the house should perform several more different functions, be durable and inexpensive.

Such conditions can put in a dead end and seem incompatible, but options that can cope with such requirements are. In fact, most of the views of the outer decoration are quite successfully coping with their tasks, but the most optimal choice is the use of facade panels imitating stone masonry.

Among all types of siding, they were they who won the greatest popularity, the main cause of which is due to the successful combination of operational and decorative qualities.

Facade panels are a variety for outdoor finish at home. Another name of the material is, but it is at the moment it is not entirely correct, because the front panels have already increased from the role of a highly specialized material to a full-fledged outer coating. The initial purpose of the material was finishing the lower part of the house, more precisely, the visible outdoor part of the foundation.

At the same time, the auxiliary material turned out to be quite capable of fulfilling the main task, and - on a higher decorative level. The aesthetic level of the cloth of the cessing of the base siding is significantly higher than that of the traditional, this is recognized by all users.

The reason for such a situation was the drawing of panels, more precisely - imitation of brick or masonry, which they perform. The level of invoice and color is very high, since most often part of the natural masonry from one or another type of stone or bricks, from which the cast is made for the casting of the material takes place.

As a material for the manufacture of facade panels, uses:

  • Acrylic. etc.

The most common polypropylene and vinyl samples, as they have the optimal value for money are the optimal ratio. The strongest property determining the high demand was the high quality imitation of the stone wall. The realism of execution is such that even close to determine, naturally is a material or copy. If we consider that the price of the facade panels is many times less than that of natural samples of the finishing stone, then the reasons for popularity becomes clear.

In the manufacture, the surface is repeated a certain type of finishing stone:

  • Granite.
  • Bound stone.
  • Slate.
  • Sandstone.
  • Dolomite.
  • Planic, etc.

Samples of imitation of a particular rock of the stone there are many, and each of them has a lot of color options - from light to dark. In total, a rather impressive range of panels is obtained, the choice is so wide that it requires some time on simple familiarization with all offers. In this, the facade panels have significantly ahead of traditional types of siding, which cannot boast such a variety of colors and textures.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the facade panels are:

  • High realistic imitation of natural materials.
  • Wide selection Options for texture and color.
  • More convenient for installation size than normal types of siding.
  • Small weight (Light), not overloading supporting structures (except fibrotental materials).
  • The relatively low price (does not apply to fibro-cement samples).
  • Savory for atmospheric manifestations, ultraviolet rays, low temperatures.
  • It does not appear mold, fungus, the material is not subject to rotting.
  • Easy installation, the ability to independently perform installation.
  • There is no need to care.
  • Long service life.

The disadvantages include:

  • For fibro-cement samples - high prices, high weight panels.
  • Plastic types of material become fragile at low temperatures.
  • High expansion coefficient when heated, which requires the execution of certain requirements when installed.

Different types of source material make their own pros and cons, characteristic of only certain types of facade panels and atypical for everyone else.

Specifications and sizes

Specifications depend on the material, so numerical dimensions may have significant discrepancies:

  • Length - 1-1.25 m. (Some species can have up to 6 m panel lengths).
  • Width - 0.45 m (there are samples with a width of 0.26 m).
  • Thickness - 1-1.2 mm (fibro-cement panels have 6-12 mm thickness).
  • The temperature range during operation - from -50 ° to + 60 °.
  • Service life - on average, manufacturers declare 50 years, although these data have a purely declarative nature, there are no practical confirmation capabilities today.

Types of facade panels for stone

Each manufacturer has an impressive list of varieties of facade panels under the stone. Many of them are similar to each other, but never completely repeated. There are some discrepancies in size or configuration, but the main variety is the rock of the stone that is repeated with the skin.

At the same time, often the name of a specific line is called, only indirectly named material, for example:

  • Rocky stone.
  • Wild stone.
  • Canyon.
  • Naples stone.
  • Fake diamond.
  • Stone Florentine, etc.

This position is caused by a large number of similar samples in need of their own non-repetitive names to avoid confusion.

In addition, different materials from which panels are manufactured will bring their own properties that allocate this type of facade panels among the like. Thus, fibro-cement and vinyl samples differ significantly from each other, which also gives grounds to calculate them to different subgroups.

Main firms manufacturers

The high demand and popularity of the material is largely due to mass production. Of the most famous firms engaged in the manufacture of wall panels under the stone, you can call:

  • Holzplast.
  • Fineber.
  • Nordside.
  • Technosta.
  • Dolomite.
  • Yu-Plast.
  • Alta profile, etc.

The full list of manufacturers is too wide and is constantly increasing, it makes no sense to bring it. The listed firms are the most famous, their products have all the necessary certificates and fully complies with modern technical and sanitary requirements, so when choosing a material, first of all, you should navigate to these brands.

Installation of crates

The siding shap is a carrier design. It performs several important functions:

  • Serves as a support for the trim.
  • Allows you to combine the insulation and the trim.
  • Provides ventilation gap.

There are options for installation directly on the wall, without a crate, but such methods are not typical and serve exclusively for decorative purposes.

To create the crates are used:

  • Wooden bars.
  • Metal guides.
  • Specialized designs manufactured under certain types of panels.

By the ratio of price and quality, metal guides are leading, which are suitable for any type of panels.

The order of installation of the crate:

  • Cleaning Wall surfaces from foreign objects, sealing problem areas, primer. In difficult cases - complete shuttering of the wall.
  • Marking, Definition of installation points of direct suspension (brackets).
  • Installation of suspensions. Laying insulation and waterproofing layer.
  • Installation of slats of the crate on top of the insulation. It is made on protruding petals of suspensions. It is necessary to make careful control of the position of the planks so that they formed as much as possible plane.

If the insulation thickness does not allow one layer of slats - lacks the length of the petals of the suspension, then the installation of two layers is made:

  • After installing the brackets, the first layer of the crate is made. The direction of the planks corresponds to the position of the facade panels, the distance from the wall to the top point should be no less than the thickness of the insulation.
  • The insulation is installed between the lamps of the crate.
  • The first layer of slats in the transverse direction is established a counterclaim - a second layer combining the functions of the supporting structure and the ventilation gap.

The second method is less economical, but the need for the right and effective insulation of the house has a major priority, therefore always guided by considerations of exploitation, and not savings.

How to fasten the panels

For fastening panels or component elements are used nails or, more often, selflessness. They must have a protective coating that protect fasteners from corrosion. Usually used galvanized screws.

The installation of the panels is made according to the rules, the observance of which is mandatory - otherwise the geometry of the casing will be broken or its destruction will occur.

The main condition for the correct installation is the observance of thermal gaps. The change in the linear dimensions of the material under the influence of temperature, which during one day can significantly increase or decrease, causes the need to ensure a certain space compensating for excess volume when heated.

When installing the material, the following conditions must be observed:

  • The longitudinal docking of any elements or installation in the grooves of challenges is not done close, but with a gap from 3 mm in the summer to 6 mm in the winter.
  • Self-tapping screws no longer, I need a small (1 mm) gap so that all the elements have the ability to move freely when expanding or cooling.
  • The installation of self-tapping screws is performed perpendicular to the supporting surface exactly in the center of the oval holes, this will allow the elements of the casing to move freely in the desired side.

Instructions for finishing

How to see the house with facade panels? The procedure for facing the following (photo below):

  • Installation of the starting plank. To do this, note the horizontal line, which will denote the lower edge of the canvas. It uses the starting plank. We must not forget about temperature gaps and a loose fastening of self-tapping screws.


Some types of facing panels do not need a starting bar. For such species, it serves as only an even reference line, which after mounting the first row of panels is removed.

  • Then the installation of angular planks. They are installed on the outer corners of the house and around the perimeter of window and doorways. Doblyo elements are used, corresponding to the main panels or, as an option that have differences in color, texture and drawing, which makes an additional decorative effect.
  • Installation of external panels begins with the lower left corner (usually). The first panel is cut by vertical to form a level edge, which is necessary for installation in the groove of the corner panel. Fixation is made in the lock lock lock, the upper part is attached to self-reserves in the oblong holes of the nail strip.
  • The following panels are fixed in accordance with constructive features. - Usually the subsequent panel is inserted into the special nests of the previous one to maximize the side joint and make it inconspicuous. The lower part is fixed in the starting bar, the top is attached to the self-tapping screw.

  • Similarly, all the following panels are attached until the installation in the opposite corner profile. To do this, the edge of the corner panel cuts into the desired length, is inserted with one end in the nest of the previous panel, the other in the grooves of the angular profile. The lower part, as usual, snaps into the lock lock, the top is attached by self-drawing.
  • The following rows of panels are set in a similar way., Only instead of the starting plank uses the bottom panels lock.
  • Completes the cloth Installation J-Plankmaking up the upper cut of the end of the panels.

Useful video

Video instructions for finishing the facade with decorative panels:


The facade panels under the stone are one of the most attractive and spectacular species of the outer sheath, which performs in addition to the function of protection of wall materials from atmospheric manifestations and conducive steam output from under the trim. With all the qualities of the material, the cost and procedure of the installation are quite accessible to all and allow you to perform work with your own hands, not attracting expensive specialists.

The panels have a large selection of drawing, color scheme, allow you to use combinations of two or more colors, forming original design options at home. The popularity and demand for such a material is steadily growing, manufacturers update the range, develop new variants of drawing, colors and textures of panels. The front panels under the stone constitute a serious competition to traditional siding, in many respects overtaking it and confidently occupying a leading position among finishing materials.

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For the outer finish of the facade, plastic facade panels are most often used. Sometimes they are called. This material has greater strength and is quite simply mounted. It is recommended to install it with insulation: this will allow the house to hold heat inside as long as possible.

Installation features

Most often, conventional wooden rails are used to mount vinyl siding. Sometimes they are replaced with a special metal CD profile. The same profile is used for mounting plasterboard indoors. Given that the panels will be mounted on the street, it is better to use metal products, as the tree has a property to absorb moisture, which significantly reduces its life.

Select a CD profile with a cellular frame: it will make it easier. Post profile should be vertically; Each band is mounted at a distance from the adjacent part of 35 cm. Only the upper and lower band is installed horizontally.

In order to establish a profile, metal suspensions are often used. They are flex with the letter P and attach to the wall with the help of screws or dowels. The distance between the dowels should not be more than 50 cm. Optimally arrange them at a distance of 40 cm from each other.

Panels will be located at a short distance from the main wall, creating a decorative surface. These voids can be used by placing the insulation in them. The insulation often use mineral wool or foam. When mounting siding with imitation under the stone it is important to take into account so that there are no gaps or cracks.

Often siding is not suitable in height ideally, and the last row has to shorten yourself; But the mounting holes on the panel will not be. Fasten the sheet in such a way that the screws take place on a decorative seam. For one sheet, there are enough three points of fixation.

To finish the facade under the stone, it is best to use the facade panels, since they are especially designed. The price of the material is much lower than that of natural stone, but, unlike the latter, siding always looks perfect, and it is easy to mount.

In addition to simplicity, siding has the following advantages:

  • It is easy to wash, and it does not require any additional service.
  • The use of siding will reduce the wall without additional costs and hide the insulation.
  • The material does not miss moisture and can protect the walls from it.
    No cement solutions are required that are quite expensive.
  • The material itself is much cheaper than natural stone and has a convenient shape for installation.

Install vinyl siding is quite independently. This will require a little time, the minimum set of tools and some patience. Even the amateur can cope with the installation.

Not every homeowner allows his financial condition to reflect the house by stone tiles or decorative bricks. It is not only in the cost of materials, but also in difficulty, high cost of installation. For insulation and giving the house more aesthetic species there are special front panels. Such panels have many advantages, including a low price.

The main of the advantages is a slight solution in building a building. Panels are very simple products that have become popular thanks to their external qualities. They are able to turn the usual building in a beautiful and well-kept home.

The first thing worth paying attention is the price. Facade panels are made of high-quality and inexpensive polymer. The production of such panels costs much cheaper than the production of facade bricks and decorative stones.

There is a way to install. If there are several fasteners and screws for panels, then for bricks and stone it is necessary much more. Stone and brick are laid out much longer, due to the features of their installation - cement, sand, water is needed. In addition, the stones need to be customized to each other. Panels are installed on a preset frame. Under them can be installed various insulation from mineral wool and foam.

What are the panels for?

First of all, the panels invented not only as a means to decorate the facade of the building, but also as a way to hide additional insulation. Their main plus is in the space between the panel and the wall, where there are frame empty, you can additionally put a layer of insulation.

Unlike ornamental stones and bricks, this method of improving the facade additionally warms and allows you to maintain heat inside the construction. In addition, as already mentioned, the panels are very easily installed by the personnel, without the use of third-party equipment, materials and people.

Advantages of facade panels

This method of finishing the facade was invented as a cheap alternative. In addition, to independently establish this kind of facade and concomitant designs, much easier and faster than lay out the facade of tiles, bricks and other materials. In addition, plastic from which products are made are durable.

Also marked comfort and during operation. This facade is easy to wash with the help of water from the hose. In addition, this method of finishing the facade allows you to simultaneously insulate the building itself. Additional components or special panels are used.

Significant plus polymer panels - giving any form and visual design. Panels are painted under various materials - wood, the same bricks and stones. This is their multifunctionality.

The most important thing is not only the lowest possible panels themselves, but also related materials. For work it will be necessary to minimize the materials and forces. From the disadvantages, you can highlight the exposure of certain products to mechanical damage. Another disadvantage - in the event of a damage one of the component of the facade, it will take not only the replacement of the relevant part, but also dismantling the entire facade. However, it is much better and cheaper than replacing and repairing the facade of natural materials.

Basic panel installation rules

Before installing the facade panels, you must select the material from which they will be made, design and form. In addition, the preparation lies in the acquisition of consumables (screws, dowels) and tools (screwdrivers, grinder, screwdriver). Here there is a major advantage over brick and stone - there is no need to purchase cement, sand.

In addition, the panel itself not only can decorate the walls of the building, but also the foundation. Building will look strong and, at the same time, elegant monolith.

Next, you should implement the preliminary measurements of the house itself. This is necessary to determine the square of the panels, the approximate count of the number of screws and dowels. After measurements, the approximate location of the panels will be best drawn, the creation of the frame structure itself. This is a general work scheme for installing the future facade of the house.

Sketchy, preparation is as follows:

The most important rule of installation panels is to follow according to the scheme. The first layer, the first laid panel - the most important part. If it is installed incorrectly, then you will have to redo the whole design. It should be used to determine the angle of installing each panel. Thus it is possible to avoid uneven laying of panels.

Prices for popular models of screwdrivers


Types of facade panels

Choose a material from which panels will be made. To date, except for polymer panels, there are metal, more durable. At the same time, plastic preserves heat better. At this stage, the appearance of the facade is also resolved. Panels can be stylized under wood, decorative brick, stone and much more. Designer solutions a huge amount.

View of panelsMaterial

Stainless steel, aluminum

Panel sheets are made of foam / expanded polystyrene. Tile - extruded polymer

Polyvinyl chloride (simply speaking, plastic)

Pressed tree


These are the most demanded and popular panels. There are certain differences not only in the material, but also the installation itself of the facade. Each of the views of the future facade will differ externally.

Prices for various facade panels

Facade panels

Installation of metal:

It all starts identically: materials are prepared, a schematic design is drawn by a schematic design, installation is carried out. Profiles are installed in accordance with the rolled direction at a right angle to the base of the house with a 50 cm increment. Bearing profiles must be fixed with dowels.

After installing the vertical profiles, it is necessary to establish transverse bulkheads. Here it is necessary on each side of the panel to make paws for fastening to the profile. There are immediately ready frameworks, but such structures have a clear drawback - they must be fixed directly to the walls of the house. If the wall is made of foam concrete, then such a frame can collapse. Also, the frame is not recommended to be installed on silicate brick. Walls made of red bricks also do not go to the finished carcass. In addition, such structures are more expensive than those set by their own hands.

After the bulkheads were installed, the resulting rectangles can insert various kinds of insulation.

As soon as the insulation is installed, the panels can be fixed on the frame. Each panel has holes for screws. This allows you to hide the seams and do not disturb the aesthetic type of facade.

Schematically, the installation looks like this.

Stage 1.. Drawing up a diagram of a house and future frame for panels.

Stage 2.Cleaning the building from unnecessary decor elements.

Stage 3.. Production of outdoor frame on the walls of the building or installing ready.

Stage 4.. Installing the lowrow, starting plank and the very first row of panels. The level is used to determine the correct angle.

Stage 5. The following rows are installed followed by mounting on the framework.

The following panel is inserted into the lock part of the previous one and repeat the installation

Stage 6.. Installation of the final plank, sofit and decor elements.

In the future, such installation elements are saved for each type of panels. It is also plus panels - their installation is similar, which means easily you can learn to install the facade.

Metal: This is a good option for the cottage and one-story house. Such panels perfectly repeat the effect of the tree. In addition, products are perfectly processed without unnecessary tools. Easy care is enough to wash the contaminated part of the house with water.

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Multifunctional cutter

Decorative panels for tile (clinker)

Relatively new material, which gives an aesthetic view of the facade and warming up the house at the same time. Such panels have two components - the base of the insulation and the outer coating. The coating can be stylized under any material - brick, stone, etc.

Such panels are fixed very quickly, due to a simple way. For the attachment you will need a spatula, construction glue, prepared frame. The latter is not necessary, since such panels can be attached immediately on the wall. The frame is used to establish an additional layer of insulation.

The panels are fastened as follows - a solution of construction glue is applied to the toothed spatula. Regarding the solution, each tiles manufacturer indicates the proportion formula necessary for installation. The glue is applied on the product that is applied to the outer wall or frame. After, the panel is broken in three minutes, and is again attached to the surface. This method is necessary in order to increase clutch strength.

Between the joints of the panel can be sealed with construction glue, and for additional strength panels are fixed with screws. The only drawback of such panels is their high cost. In return, you get not only a beautiful facade, but also a warm house.

Most likely, this is the optimal option not only to improve the type of facade of the building, but also insulation. Such panels look most attractive because they take the form of various materials and products from them. The house can turn into a stone fortress.

In addition, in the case of damage one of the parts of the facade, there is no need to disassemble the entire design. It is enough to choose the desired panel size, remove the damaged and install a new one.

The main recommendation is to establish in a warm course of the year, since the glue may be incorrect at low temperatures, and the entire design will not firmly hold onto the wall. Each manufacturer indicates a package, at what air temperatures most correctly fix the panel.

Video - Installation, insulation of thermopanels

Video - Installation of facade thermopanels (PPU) with clinker tiles

Fibro cement panels under the plaster

These products have several advantages over others:

  • the weight of such products is insignificant, there is no load on the walls and frame;
  • high thermal insulation. In addition, you can additionally install insulation between the frame and the panel;
  • good condensate conclusion. The walls of such a facade seem to be "breathing."

However, such panels are not devoid of flaws. The most important one is fragility. Products are subject to mechanical damage. At the same time, the replacement of one panel entails the processing of the entire frame.

The pluses include the installation method. Such panels are installed in the same way as the above metalyading.

Step by step, the whole setting is as follows:

Video - Instructions for mounting facade panels

Perhaps one of the most expensive types of panels, but the most beautiful. The panels are made of pressed sawdust, processed by special solutions for strength and durability. However, if not to care for such a facade regularly (every two seasons), it quickly comes in disrepair. In addition, this method of finishing is suitable only for single-storey houses, since the panels are heavy, the frame may not withstand.

As in the case of metal &iding, wooden panels are attached to the prepared frame. Installation methods identical:

The above panels can be replaced longer. The advantage of such panels - they are fixed immediately to the wall at each other in a row. The length of such products is 6 meters. This is a faster installation method. But in order to perform work on the facade, you must at least two people. One person will not cope with such work, because the panels may be incorrectly installed.

In order to cut off the unnecessary part of the panel, it is recommended to use the grinder. It will most quickly cope with such a product and smoothly cut the part of the panel.

The complexity of such products is their mass. For installation, it is best to call an assistant. So, the process will be optimally rapid and correct.

Polyvinyl chloride panels

PVC Siding is the easiest and cheap way to separate the facade of the building. Such panels are popular for several reasons: simplicity of installation; low cost; Huge colors. From the flaws it is worth noting that such panels are made of plastic and any facade will look like plastic even at the furthest distance.

This type of panels is set exclusively horizontally. For work, it will take a construction or any other knife. In addition, the perforator will be needed. It will also need a level to determine the corner of the panels, as well as a hammer for climbing nails.

The initial step of installing PVC panels is a preliminary inspection of the house. It is necessary to determine the location of the first row of panels. In the case of a new building, it is recommended to install the panel from the beginning of the foundation. Also, PVC panels can be installed from the initial row of old finish.

Next, you should install the initial framework, namely: angles, both external and internal, platbands, first stripes for fastening panels. Starts installation with corners. The gap between them and the eaves should not be more than 6.5 mm.

The most responsible stage on which the further fate of the entire facade will depend on the installation of the first strip of panels. It is important how it can be more correct to install the first strip of fasteners, since it depends on the mount of the panel itself. If the strip was laid exactly, then the panel will be smooth.

On windows and doors it is necessary to install platbands, fits and lining. And after the stages done, the installation of all other rows of the facade begins. The top panel is inserted into the profile and clogged with a nail, but not completely. Between the panels must be an interval of 0.4 cm, and between other components - no more than 6 mm. In order to avoid vertical adhesions, it is recommended to install the panels for half the factory mark. So the joints will not be visible from the facade side.

When installing panels, you must remember that parts of the products will need to cut off. For this, a construction knife is used. Also need a ruler and a level for more accurate measurement of the angle and the straight line on the product. We draw the line on the panel in the place where you need to cut off a piece, gently spend a knife several times. Plus plastic - it is ideal for such manipulations.

You must be extremely careful because mechanical damage is very visible on such a material.

Such panels are most in demand due to the simplicity of their installation and low cost. In addition, PVC products are installed on the various heights of the building, since very easy. Installing such panels is simple and will not require a lot of time.

The final stage is to install the upper row of panels. For the top row, only the entire panels are needed. In addition, the last panel is closed by a special profile for water flow.

Video - Installation of base siding

Prices for thermal insulation materials

Heat insulation materials

If you pay attention to the installation methods, the principal differences are not observed. There are certain nuances that should be considered when installing panels independently:

  1. The lower layer is the most important. Exactly laid or installed panel is a guarantee of proper and successful work. In the case of improper installation, the likelihood of replacing the entire design is large.

  2. The frame is an important component. In addition to the clinker panels, the rest of the products need a framework. It will minimize the load on the walls of the house and distribute it correctly. In addition, a variety of insulation can be installed in the space between the wall and tile. Thanks to the frame.

  3. The panel seams are perfectly hidden each other when the installation is properly.

  4. The minimum number of tools is needed construction (preferably) a knife for cutting off the extra parts of the panels, a screwdriver, level, line. In addition, the installation of the panels will not take much time.
  5. If it is difficult to install the panel independently, without a specialist, it is enough to hire one person. In the future, watching work, you can easily repeat the entire work done and for other buildings.
  6. Big field for designer decisions. Most products are stylized under stone, wood and decorative brick. The house will look rich and elegant.

This is what you need to know a person if he independently decide to install the panels. The process does not differ technical complexity. It is necessary to act gently and carefully to achieve the desired result.

Comparison of various panels

There are both the pros and cons of each of the type of facade panels. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.

Panel typeprosMinuses

1. Take a different form.

2. Easy to install.

3. Strength.

4. Average price.

5. Stylization.

6. The most durable.

1. For a home no more than one floor, which is associated with weight.

2. Metal is easy to sleep. When replacing one component, you will need to process all the installed design.

1. Light material.

2. Complete insulation.

3. Ease of installation.

4. Installation speed.

5. Various decor options.

1. High cost.

2. are subject to mechanical damage.

1. The cheapest of all.

2. Various colors of panels.

3. Light material.

1. are subject to mechanical damage.

2. Not the best option for decor.

1. Durable and beautiful material.1. The most expensive version of the facade panels.

2. For one-story house.

1. Acceptable price.

2. Excellent heat saving quality.

1. are subject to mechanical damage.

The fundamental differences will be to enter the price and strength of products. Of course, each of the above options has its own individual characteristics, for which these panels are chosen.

It is worth noting that the panels are created not only to improve the appearance of the building, but also hiding various kinds of insulation. Moreover, the panels allow you to hide not alone, but even two and three layers of the insulation. It all depends on the type of product, the height of the frame and the correctness of its installation.

In addition, the panels can and need to be insulated not only by residential premises. Such a move as insulation and the use of panels for the facade of the building is used in industrial enterprises. For large premises, this is a huge plus as a heat saving inside the building. PVC panels are most in demand for industry because of the price and quality ratio.

First of all, it is necessary to prepare place of work. It is necessary to dismantle the elements of the storm system, lamps, and so on. This is necessary in order not to damage the panels themselves and the corresponding products.

Installing panels must be neat. They must move on each other to easily install the corresponding panel in the correct position. After all panels are installed and secured, the result is obvious - smooth and beautiful wall.

Formed allen sealing not necessarily. Most correctly will not use such sealants, as they will disrupt the heat exchange and conclusion of condensate from the construction.

The knife is one of the most necessary tools. With it, it is necessary to adjust the length of the panels. In the case of metal rolling and wooden panels, the knife is replaced by a grinder. It must be remembered that smooth angles are necessary for the correct joint of the panels.

After installing the facade, the most important thing is care. If you take care of the panels properly, the design will not lose the appearance and will serve a very long time.

Video - House of Casing House

Reading time ≈ 9 minutes

An integral part of the construction and repair work is to finish the house outside the front panels, for example, under the stone (as in the photo). Today you can find a wide range of facing materials, the most common panels are the most common characteristics and aesthetic properties. Before ordering this option for the design for your home, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all its features, advantages and disadvantages.

Beautifully decorated facade of a private house "under the stone"

Features of external decorative panels

Wall panels have found wide use in the processing of the outer surface of various building structures, residential buildings, country mansions and cottages, shops and shopping centers, as well as training, sports and medical institutions. Such cladding performs a number of important functions:

  • the construction works of the building should be cheaper;
  • prolongs the service life of buildings;
  • is a protective barrier for each wall from the effects of sunlight, sharp temperature differences, rain, snow, frost and mechanical damage;
  • makes the facade of the house stylish and attractive.

Sometimes the panels "under the stone" are used for cladding fences and fences on the site. Also it is also optional to cover the entire house of the whole, it is possible to separate its individual parts, inserts and elements of the walls.

Modern facade panels are visually practically different from natural materials.

What are the advantages of this finishing material:

With this material, you can create a unique design of a private house, give it an impeccable appearance, aligning several different textures and textures at once, as you can see on the video.

What are the facade panels

The basis of the manufacture of panels for the facing "under the stone" is to copy the natural masonry of various shapes and volume. You can imitate different stone rocks: slate, dolomite, limestone, sandstone, buttone, granite and many others. To make the plates of realism, the surface is painted into natural colors, and also lay out in a special way to repeat the shape, drawing and face relief.

The most popular types of outdoor wall panels by type of material:

  1. Smooth plates from PVC;
  2. Thermopanels with outdoor cladding from clinker;
  3. From fibrobeton (fibro-cement);
  4. Of the steel, which has passed hot bilateral galvanizing, with a polyester in the form of finishing coating.

This type of facing material is used both for residential buildings and for commercial real estate and production facilities. Beautiful finish at home outside the front panels "under the stone" is shown in the photo.

The combination of various textures when wearing the house with the front panels, gives a wonderful effect.

By structure, they are:

  • composite - in the construction of the plate there are several separate layers: inside - thermal insulation in the form of polystyrene foam as an additional artificial insulation, outside - protective decorative lining;
  • uniform is a flexible panel with a single-layer coating, the outer surface of which is not subject to deformation, all elements are connected to the monolithic surface of the finish. Uniform slabs have low weight and a small cost, which facilitates installation work.

The choice of plastic or metal plates is a matter of taste. The assortment of plastic panels is represented by a wide range of shades and colors, and metal structures are distinguished by increased strength and reliability.

Excellent imitation of stone and successful combination of natural shades

What is better - metal or plastic:

  • from plastic (PVC) - more features of imitation of various structures and texture of stone, a large number of color solutions, the panels perform a decorative function, do not protect the walls from external influences, prone deformation and damage. It is recommended to use a finish from this material only on a fenced high fence of the countryside;
  • metal is more durable, the decorative function is secondary. Metal panels are durable, resistant to external environmental impacts and mechanical damage.

Since various raw materials, having artificial or natural origin, apply for the manufacture of facing plates. Consider each type separately, taking into account all the features, advantages and disadvantages.

Natural stone in the finishing of the outer walls of the house looks very effectively, such a finish can be a substitute for use in the facing of natural material. Installation is usually made on a glue solution or a metal grid, the complexity and period of work is determined by the thickness of the panels and the complexity of the texture of the face surface.

Ground panels in the finish of the house under the stone

Galvanized steel facade plates

These are metal panels with a polyester coated, having a corrugated or completely smooth surface depending on the design of the facade. Separate components of the structural elements are recorded using a lock connection, which greatly simplifies and speeds up the installation work.

Main characteristics:

  • the thickness of the main galvanized layer is from 0.5 to 0.7 mm;
  • long service life;
  • the polymer layer is a reliable protection against mechanical damage;
  • the ability to select the desired shade of the finishing layer from the standard RAL palette;
  • the length of the individual panel can reach 6 meters;
  • have increased bioscistance and do not require special care;
  • withstand critical thermal changes;
  • refractory and moisture-resistant;
  • installation can be made vertically or horizontally;
  • installing the object is possible in parallel with insulation.

Steel facade panels are used to finish country houses, country houses, cottages, townhouses, shopping complexes and sports centers. Such a lining also finds its use in the binder of the eaves, the basement of houses and pavilions.

Most often are installed to cover hinged ventilated facades of country houses.


  • resistant to atmospheric precipitation and corrosion;
  • represented by a wide range of color palette;
  • practical to use;
  • available because they have the optimal cost;
  • an excellent solution for the reconstruction of old structures and cosmetic facade renewal;
  • the ability to create an original design by using combinations of various textures and elements;
  • lightweight structures, easy to install;
  • easy to care, it is easy to clean, do not damage under the influence of chemical alkaline solutions;
  • eco-friendly and safe for human health.

In compliance with all the rules of installation and proper care, the wall panels from plastic can serve 30 years. The disadvantage of these structures is the burnout in the sun, they are also easily amenable to various kinds of deformations, can create noise with wind vibrations and form cracks under the influence of sharp and numerous temperature differences.

Plastic panels can imitate the relief and the texture of different stone rocks, especially successfully look at the surface "under the butt or wild stone". This facade has antiseptic properties and does not absorb moisture.

This is a reliable multilayer design consisting of a metal alloy (manganese, magnesium and aluminum), vapor barrier and coatings, imitating natural material, in this case any breed of stone.

What is the feature:

C should be treated carefully and carefully, to ensure that there are no deep scratches and dents from shocks. The facade finish panels of this species is shown in the video master class.

Plastic siding

Due to its small cost and easy installation, such a covering of the facade part of the houses has become quite popular today. Allows you to finish surface surfaces, imitating texture and relief of natural natural material.


  • frost-resistant and reliable design;
  • the possibility of mounting on the uneven surface;
  • ability to hide all defects and cracks and native buildings;
  • resistance to sharp thermal changes;
  • it is possible to lay the sheets of thermal protection for the insulation of the house;
  • long service life;
  • panels do not require special care;
  • can be used both vinyl and metallic siding;
  • facing does not lose brightness and does not fade under the influence of ultraviolet;
  • you can simulate even the most complicated and intricate pattern on the stone;
  • vinyl finish has light weight and easy to install;
  • metal siding, in turn, is not amenable to deformation.

To make the design looked complete, many manufacturers produce additional elements and external angles to finish in the form of basic panels.

Polyester fiber optic coating, which allows you to solve any design and design tasks.

Specifications and features:

  • are suitable for any type of landscape and climatic conditions;
  • durability, reliability and durability;
  • excellent thermal insulation qualities;
  • have an anti-corrosion coating, which does not appear mold and fungi;
  • for installation, high qualifications and special construction skills will not need;
  • they have a slight weight.

Such products are made, as a rule, from quartz sand and cement, the cellulose fibers and mineral components are added to the composition. The front panels "under the stone" look more respectable and solid than plates imitating brick or wood.


The modern building market offers panels with a spraying in the form of a stone crumb (for example, marble), acrylic or polyurethane coating, etc. The cover of the house with a fibrocement under the stone is shown in the video.

These are panels made on the basis of clay composition in a specially equipped installation in the form of a furnace.


Laying on the facade can be carried out both dry (with the help of mineral wool) and wet method (use of polystyrene foam in the form of base). Color You can choose any: all shades of brown, sand, gray, smoky and even black tones. The most unusual is considered to design walls in terracotta, malachite, white and turquoise.

A modern range of various wall trimming allows you to choose material of any configuration and design. Using the ideas of finishing the house outside the front panels "under the stone" with examples in the photo and video, you can create a gorgeous design of your home. Today there are no problems with the selection of the desired shade, texture and size, so everyone will definitely find something to their taste.