Repairs Design Furniture

What to glue MDF - features of mounting work. Installation of MDF panels: two ways to fix wall panels on MDF walls on liquid nails

Glue for MDF panels must have a grip of a fighting dog to ensure the reliability of the installed finish. But this is still not all put forward requirements for high-quality composition. Further, I call them, as well as analyze the current proposals of this product, put forward by manufacturers.

Mandatory qualities

More often, you can find the installation of the medium density fiberboard panels on the cavale, but this is not a mandatory rule. It is quite possible to mount them and on glue, which in some cases is even more convenient and easier.

But the adhesive solution should have a set of certain qualities that will allow the new cladding to serve for a long time and qualitatively:

  • Possess a narrow specialization. Annotation to the composition should indicate that it is universal or intended for fixing wood products;

  • Guarantee a strong and reliable "grip" when contacting, both with mineral types of bases, including stone, brick and plaster, and with organic, which are chipboard, OSP and CSP;

  • Have an excellent adhesion and high speed Throy. Usually, the presence of such qualities is emphasized by adding to the name of such words as "strong", "supersyl", "superproof", "multi" and so on;

  • To be resistant to temperature differences, as well as to the effects of moisture, alkalis, acids and salts. At the same time, it is not about frost resistance, since MDF panels are not used to facilitate external facades.

Excessive requirement

Due to the lack of experience, some beginner masters are trying to choose transparent adhesive compositions. Such a choice is justified by what they say if a part of the substance is extruded at the junction, then due to transparency does not break the aesthetics of the entire finish.

But there are two reasons why I do not recommend to rush with such a step:

  1. All panels made of medium density fibreboard are equipped with a "comb-groove comb" fastening system. That is, at the moment of their docking, the end of the end of one section enters the crest of the end of the neighbor, which absolutely eliminates the extrusion of glue from the back side to decorative;

  1. Transparent adhesive compositions are usually designed to glue the plumbing from glass, stone, ceramics, faience or acrylic, but when working with them is undesirable.


With the requirements, everything is clear, now I will go to specifics, and consider the products offered by manufacturers that can be divided into three conventional groups:

Group №1: Universal compounds

Beautiful products from such materials as stone, metal, glass, wood, rubber or polystyrene are perfectly bonded.

That is, they cope with almost any fixation. Here are the most vivid representatives of this group:

  1. "Titan Wild" is used to glue almost any building materials. His approximate price It is 164 rubles per bottle of 1 liter. Technical data:

  1. "Titebond Multi-Purpose" also has a very wide range of applications. Its cost begins from 130 rubles per three-gram tube. Technical data:
  1. "Moment-1". In this case, for the bank, the capacity of 750 ml will have to pay from 190 rubles. Specifications The same composition has the following:

But before deciding on the question, which glue glue MDF panels should also be thought about their own skills in this area. So, for example, the above described group although it has high efficiency In use is not the simplest. So, I turn to the analysis of the following adhesives.

Tip: In the process of sticking finishes from tree fiber plates of medium density with their own hands, be sure to take care of the presence of a draft indoor and respirator on your face.
Otherwise risk obtaining serious poisoning to toxins.

Group number 2: "Liquid nails"

This option is particularly popular, both among professional builders and among home masters, thanks to ease of operation.

Tip: I recommend immediately when buying " liquid nails»Buy immediately and special iron constructioncalled "gun".
Thanks to this adaptation, the application of glue will be performed quite simply and quickly.

Here are the main proposals in this direction:

  1. Makroflex MF220 superproof. Four-gram tube stands in the area of \u200b\u200b158 rubles. Technical data:

  1. "Liquid Nails LN-910". The price of such a composition in specialized stores is usually about 220 rubles. Technical data:
  1. "Moment Crystal." There is a tube with a volume of 125 ml stands within 110 rubles. Characteristic:

So it can be bolden to say that "liquid nails" is a great answer to the question: what to glue the MDF to MDF, brick, concrete or other building materials people who concern construction work Only during periods of home repairs.

Group number 3: Mounting foam

Construction foam, as a rule, is used most often to seal the seams or filling out voids, but experts can and to adjust it for mounting sections of medium density stoves to the walls and even. As an example, you can consider the "Orra" brand:

A little about the process itself

Since I started talking about the glue, then it is worth a few words to pay and its operation:

  1. Degreasing the surface. First of all, I wipe the back side of the acetone section to eliminate any dirt or dust, which can prevent high-quality adhesion.

Also check for the presence of drops and the wall itself:

  • Small irregularities can be compensated for by an additional amount of glue;
  • If there is a significant "waviness", then it is better to apply the leveling plaster first, as it will continue to use the adhesive solution for this purpose will be too expensive financially.
  1. Applying glue. Then a zigzag line nano glue;

  1. Installation of the slab. After the detection of a certain technical break, which is specified on the package, a bank or tube of glue used, apply the slab to the installation site and align the tapping of the rubber hammer. The result is checking Waterpas: if the section fastened exactly, then turn to the next section;

  1. Removal of excess. Outlied outdoor fragments removing a damp cloth. If you have for some reason at some reason it was not possible to do this, then it is possible to easily cut them off with a sharp knife.

Also in the process of performing internal finishing work Sometimes the question arises: is it possible to glue the wallpaper on the MDF panel? This option is allowed, but at the same time it is very important to pre-perform a thorough primer of the fibreboard, so that in the process of the facing it does not absorb glue.


Dooming is not the only method installation MDF. Panels, it may well come down and glue. The main thing about to choose a solution, whose grip will not be worse than that of the bull terrier, or even better. Today, such "good" is quite a lot on the shelves of specialized stores, well, I tried to familiarize you with him at least.

The video in this article contains some materials that can provide you with familiarization. additional informationconcerning the topic considered.

In case of issues, set them in the comments.

As a material for interior decoration The walls are now widely used by MDF panels. They became very popular due to their ecology, attractive appearance and row positive characteristics. The use of MDF panels is simple, relatively inexpensive and fast way Finishing of the room. Most often, the material is used to repair storage rooms, hallways or loggias.

What is MDF panels

This is manufactured finishing material Of the fibreboard of the medium density of density as a result of hot pressing of wood fibers. As a result of pressure and high temperature of the lignin, from which the wood consists, becomes elastic, its fibers are connected with each other. In the manufacture of material, toxic components are not used, for example, phenol or resin, so the MDF panel is absolutely safe and environmentally friendly.

The external coating of facing plates is three types:

  1. Laminated film repeating the surface of marble, tree or other natural materials.
  2. Thin veneer from valuable wood.
  3. Relief coating varnish.

When buying MDF panels should pay attention to their thickness, moisture resistance and durability.

Pros and cons

Of course, as in any construction and finishing material, the MDF panels have their strengths and weaknesses.

TO obvious advantages You can attribute:

  1. Simplicity and convenience of mounting. They can be attached to the frame, which is easy to make, horizontally or vertically, it is not necessary to pre-apply the layer of plaster.
  2. Good noise insulation.
  3. Attractive appearance, a rich selection of colors.
  4. Easy to care to maintain the walls in a neat condition, it is enough to wipe them with a periodically damp cloth.
  5. Affordable price.

Among the disadvantages can be allocated:

  1. Walls under the panels remain after attaching hollows, if something needs to be hung, it is important to use special dowels.
  2. Instability to external mechanical stress and dampness.
  3. The material is easily flammable and lit.
  4. MDF panels do not form a smooth solid surface, in the joints of the joints are always noticeable.
  5. The material is more suitable for the interior decoration of corridors, pantry, loggias.

Preparatory work

Since the MDF panels can be mounted on uneven surfaces, they will not need special preparation, but due to their instability to moisture work, it is better to carry out in a dry room during sunny weather.

Of preparatory work You can select the following steps:

  1. Coating the surface of the wall by primer, a special solution to protect wood or antiseptic.
  2. Device crate for mounting panels (if the adhesive method is not used). The frame can be mounted directly to the walls, but it will not be the most good optionSince he will repeat all the irregularities of the wall. It is better to make an independent framework, the elements of which will be located on top of the insulation. The frame is two species: metal and wooden.
    • Metal carcass It is made from a guide profile, with which the plasterboard installation is made, about 50x50 mm in size. Profiles are vertically attached to the floor using a dowel at a distance of about 60 cm, it is important to check before installation. correct location Elements with a construction level. Lower bar should be positioned at a distance of 3-5 cm from the floor, and the uppermost 2-3 cm from the ceiling. Vertical vertical elements are attached between vertical elements. It remains only to securely secure all the elements using the corners that simply make from the profile itself. You can use a barn, a tool that helps to connect the elements of each other.
    • Wooden frame It is done from the elements of the same size, approximately 50x50. Installation technology is the same as in the previous embodiment, the difference is that bars from the tree are bonded with each other using self-samples or furniture corners.
  3. Wall insulation. Frame cells can be fill in a layer of insulation, how to do it correctly will be described below.

Required tools

In addition to the standard set of tools, which can be found in every home, for work on the installation of MDF panels need to be prepared:

  1. Roulette and pencil, they will need to mark the places of fastening the elements of the crate and the designation of the desired length of the materials.
  2. A plumb that can be made from a regular fishing line and nut.
  3. Construction level or metal cornerWith which the correct location of the elements is checked.
  4. Hammer, nails, construction stapler.
  5. Dowel and selflessness.
  6. Screwdriver and drill.
  7. Bouncer.
  8. Manual saw or electrolybiz to trim MDF panels for the desired length.

How to mount MDF panels to the wall

The material is attached to the wall with frame or adhesive methods. Both of these options are equivalent. If you need to hide the irregularities of the walls, it is better to choose a skeleton way if you need to separate smooth surface, it is quite suitable for adhesive.

Preparatory work on the construction of metallic or wooden crate Already made, you can make installation directly by the MDF panels themselves. From which angle of the room start work, the values \u200b\u200bdo not have.

  1. The first MDF panel is installed in the corner in such a way that its spike is located 2-3 mm from the adjacent wall.
  2. The second is installed on the adjacent wall in the same way that its spike is also sent to the angle.
  3. Holding the panel with your hands, you need to install a universal corner between them.
  4. Fix them with special clips - kleimers. They are fixed on the edge of the panel, and then nourished to a metal or wooden frame. Kleimers are made in such a way that they do not prevent insert the next element in the groove.
  5. Upper I. bottom part It is screwed with self-drawers on top and bottom. After completion of their heads, they will not be visible, because they will close ceiling and floor plinths.
  6. The next panel will start with a spike in the groove previously set by the method described above. Straight joints should be covered with special slats.
  7. When all panel installation works are completed using a conventional construction glue, plinth and platband are fixed.

Wall insulation

Specialists advise to make insulation of walls, since under the influence of moisture, the structure of the material may vary, which is not very good to reflect on the appearance of the walls. Cells of the crates are filled with insulation before the direct installation of MDF panels.

Most often, two material is used for this purpose:

It keeps warmly warm and prevents noise penetration. Polyfoam's canvases are attached directly to the brackets for the profiles of the crate, and the slots between the sheets are closed by the usual mounting foam. With this insulation, it is very convenient to work, it is easily cut, the material will suit any density.

Mineral wool. This is a soft insulation, which is located in the intervals between the elements of the frame, slightly subsidence. If it is decided to use this insulation, it is necessary to take care of the processing of the walls by anti-grab.

Installing Panels for Glue

It is important to take into account the moment that glue MDF panels can only be on smooth walls. This method is simpler compared to frame, since the time saves significantly.

Not every glue is suitable for this type of work, it should:

  1. Be plastic;
  2. Smoothing minor irregularities on the wall;
  3. Have a thick texture;
  4. Lie down a thin layer.

Technology performance:

  1. Before proceeding with the MDF panel sticker, the walls need to be cleaned of contamination and apply soil or any antibacterial composition. Be sure to wait until the solution is driving.
  2. You need to start the installation from the angle of the room so that minor errors are less noticeable.
  3. Apply glue to the inner surface of the panel point, that is, in the "chess order", wait a bit to give glue to absorb.
  4. Attach the cloth to the wall, slightly press and smooth down from the center to the edges.
  5. In the same way to glue the remaining panels. They can be fixed with jack or brass, depending on the manufacturer's recommendations.

In order to save time, the glue can be immediately applied for several crafts until it is filing, start mounting the first. While working with glue, you need to be very neat, since it depends on this.

The process of installing MDF panels is extremely simple, if you follow the recommendations of specialists and pay attention to some nuances:

  1. When installing the first MDF panel, be sure to use a plumb and construction level.
  2. The material is not flex, so closer to the corners of the walls of the panel you just need to trim, and then close this place with special corners.
  3. The bottom element of the cage is closer to the floor to fix the plinth to securely.

The MDF panels are attached to the wall in two ways - using the crate and glue. And if there is a lot of information about the first way of information, then they speak extremely rarely about the second. One of the most important aspects work when attaching glue - this is just a choice adhesive compositionwhich provides fast and reliable fixation of the plates to the base.

Requirements for glue for panels

Manufacturers of construction chemistry offer customers a huge assortment of adhesive compositions that differ not only at the price and volume of packaging, but also by basic characteristics.

Glue for MDF must comply with the following criteria:

  1. Have a clearly defined purpose. The label should be indicated "Universal" or "Designed to work with wood plates."
  2. Provide strong I. reliable fastening To the base of mineral (stone, brick, plaster) or organic (chipboard, OSP, CSP) type.
  3. Enjoy the level of adhesion and quickly capture. As a rule, manufacturers try to highlight this characteristic in the title with the words "strong", "supest", "multi" and so on.
  4. Demonstrate resistance to moisture, chemicals (salts, acids, alkalis), temperature and humidity drops.

Some buyers make another requirement for glue - transparency. Inexperienced masters are afraid that there may be drops of adhesive composition at the joints and pouches the overall picture. However, this is excessive precaution. The MDF panels have a standard puzzle compound system, convenient for mounting using traditional crate or glue. And on the corners and along the perimeter of the joints, it is closed with decorative fittings from MDF, PU or PVC (corners, plinth, cornily), so any defects will hide behind overlays.

We add that transparent silicone-based formulations are produced mainly for sanitary work, distinguished by water resistance, cost-effective consumption and are intended mainly for stone, glass, ceramics, faience, acrylic and other such materials. It is not recommended to glue the panels from chopped and treebreaks.

Types of adhesive compositions for mounting MDF-slabs

So, what kinds of adhesives provide best fastening Panels to the wall? Conditionally can be divided into three groups:

Not too much experimental masters for mounting MDF panels on the wall better suitable Composition "Liquid nails". The glue is easy enough to operate, the mount is obtained solid to the separation, applied with a thin or thick layer, so that you can align small surface defects.

After drying mounted composition It remains flexible and elastic, due to which resistance to deformations and vibrations is ensured. This is especially important for plates from chore materials, since they are characterized by changing linear sizes With different temperature and environmental humidity.

Features of the use of glue for MDF panels

The most durable mount is achieved on flat, dry, low-fat surfaces. The universal or mounting compound is applied point to large drops or zigzag movements, after which it is necessary to wait for a while (the duration of the technological break is indicated on the label), attach the panel to the wall, press and tick over the entire surface with a fist or rubber image.

For fitting the masters, there is from 5 to 15 minutes, after which the composition is polymerized and freezed. Surplus glue should be removed immediately with a damp cloth or alcohol, and after the frozen can be cut off with a sharp knife.

Glue to the wall of the panel can be used construction foam. The technology is slightly complicated. The base should be moistened from the spray gun, apply the mounting composition with a thin layer, attach the panel, press, then tear off and reinstall. Carefully catch up the surface and leave up to full pouring.

Warn! Any building glue is a poisonous chemical multicomponent connection. It has toxic smell and negatively affects health, so when working, ensure an intense influx. fresh air, constant ventilation, and even better - exhaust ventilation. As soon as signs of poisoning (dizziness, nausea, suffocation, etc.), it is necessary to stop working, to exit the premises and before the doctor's arrival to take sorbents.

If you get the glue can cause irritation, so the affected area needs to be washed large quantity Water with soft detergent and treat symptomatic means.

MDF panels - very popular both in private and professional developers finishing material. In most cases, such sheets are attached to walls and ceilings mechanical method - Through the frame. But sometimes the material of this species is fixed with the use of glue. For MDF panels, of course, similar compositions should be chosen correctly.

What glue is best to use

One of distinctive features MDF panels are that they, like any other material containing wood, are afraid of moisture. Cover with such sheets in most cases concrete surfaces. Both of these factor when choosing glue for MDF panels consider, of course, it is necessary. The acquired fixing composition should not primarily contain water. Also, the tool must be designed to work with both a tree and concrete.

Most suitable options Liquid nails are considered to be fixing compositions for MDF. For finishing MDF panels both wooden and concrete walls A very good solution will be, for example, use glue from the Titan Wild group. Also, it is also excellent for fixing such sheets on any surfaces, the "Moment Installation" and "Crystal" means are suitable.

What is Titan Wild

This tool refers to a group of universal liquid nails and is professional. In essence, Titan Wild glue is a chemical alternative to screws, nails and self-drawing. You can use this composition to fix MDF panels on surfaces made absolutely from any material. It is not allowed to use such a means for polyethylene and polypropylene.

If you need to glue the MDF panel using Titan Wild, it is allowed both from the side of the premises and on the street.

Glue "Moment Installation"

Liquid nails of this brand for gluing MDF panels are also suitable just perfect. Use the "moment" of this variety when finishing the walls with such sheets, as in the case of Titan Wild, is allowed from the inside, and outside. Praise consumers this glue including for optimal combination Prices and qualities.

This tool is packaged in a special tube, when working inserting such a tool allows you to dose "Moment installation" with high accuracy. And this, in turn, excludes the possibility of recalculation of the means.

To the advantages of this glue for MDF-panels, consumers, among other things, are also believed that it has no unpleasant odor. In addition, it is possible to work with this tool at ambient temperature from -20 to +70 ° C.

Reviews from consumers, including from professionals, "Moment installation" deserved just great. Many masters believe, among other things, that it is different better qualitiesthan even many import formulations of the same group.

"Moment Crystal"

Liquid nails of this variety also deserved good feedback from consumers. With the help of the "Moment of Crystal" glue, fix the MDF panels on the walls or, for example, on the ceiling can be maximally securely. A distinctive feature of this fund is, among other things, and the fact that it does not leave absolutely no traces on the surfaces connected.

Use the "Moment of the Crystal" is very convenient, for example, in cases where on top of the MDF panels are not supposed to stick any additional finishing. Thus, in private houses, for example, mansardes, attic and of different kind outbuildings.

One of the distinguishing features of the "moment" of this type is also the fact that the degree of it is not depends on the duration, but on the force of the clamping panel. The advantages of this tool, consumers, among other things, include moisture and frost resistance.

The main stages of labeling panels

Thus, we found out which glue for MDF panels is best used. But how to correctly install such sheets? The procedure for installing MDF panels using liquid nails on this technology is performed:

  • the preparation of walls is performed;
  • marked;
  • panels are pasted.

At the final stage, when cladding the walls, MDF panels are performed trim and corners.

How preparation is made

At this stage of work, it should be done as carefully and in compliance with all laid technologies. If the walls to glue sheets will be prepared incorrectly, the MDF panels will not last on them.

Before mounting sheets, from the surfaces first should be removed old finish. Also, the walls must be cleaned from dust, dirt and fungus. Next, when preparing panel sticking:

  • frams close in the walls;
  • it is thoroughly aligned;
  • the surface is ground.

Before priming the surface of the walls, you can additionally sand.


What glue to glue the MDF panels is thus understandable. But before proceeding to such a procedure, the walls should be made on the walls. In order for MDF-sheets to get rid of smoothly and kept firmly long years, Before they are installed on the surface, the vertical lines should be applied. Placing the walls when gluing such panels, you can, for example, using a plumb or level. But it is best to use the level for this purpose. With this device, the line of the line can be applied as accurately as possible.

Montaja technology

After the markup is applied, proceed, actually, to the main stage of work using glue for MDF panels. Liquid nails are worthy of all the varieties considered quite expensive. However, the consumption of them when installing MDF panels is usually not too large. Installation of such material on walls or ceiling is made according to the following technology:

  • the glue strips are applied along the perimeter of the sheet without interruptions;
  • the same strips are carried out with glue and diagonally panel;
  • additionally, the glue is applied to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe panel with thick drops with a step of no more than 20 cm.

The latched panel is further tightly pressed against the wall, after which it takes off sharply from it. This is necessary in order for the strips and points of liquid nails slightly twisted. Next, the panel is pressed again to the wall, this time already comes. After the first sheet is recorded, it is embarking on the installation of the second. MDF panels small sizes On the separated surfaces, it is necessary to dispel with the displacement in the rows.

When using reliable glue for MDF panels and while compliance with all the necessary technologies, it will be possible to fix the sheets on the walls and the ceilings as securely as possible. When attaching such a material, it is important to press it to the separated surface as stronger as possible. This will be a guarantee of reliable fixation of panels and the durability of the trim.

In the modern world, when you need to quickly fulfill the walls of the walls, it has special popularity mDF panel (Middle Density Warfather). The advantages of this material is the average cost, as well as high ecology. For own installation The MDF panels of many years of experience is not required, enough:

  • know the features of handling material;
  • understand the principle of holding such a type of finish;
  • to be able to prepare the surface, accurately count and make marking.

For information. MDF is a synthetic mixture of wood sawdust, mixed with glue and compressed in sheets standard sizes. Material has the power of plywood, rigidity and high quality. Products from this material are designed to create home interior in the form: panels, pre-sacred decoration, decorative partitions.

MDF fastener panels to the wall can be performed on frame design or on glue. For a second method, an adhesive mixture of "liquid nails" is used. When it is used, it should be borne in mind that the ready-made MDF leaf panels have their own color. Therefore, the sales consultant should show to select the samples of the frozen adhesive mixture.

There are various tools used to install MDF panels. They are used depending on the type of construction fastening. In addition to the standard instrumental set, the level is often required, electric logsik And drill with nozzles.

Important! In the process of exercising interior decoration, the question often arises: "Is it possible to glue wallpaper on MDF products?" This is quite possible, but before working, tree fiber sheets should be carefully unloaded, so that when installing they cannot absorb glue.

Methods for fastening panels

Famous ways to attach MDF panels to the wall, is a frame and adhesive. The last installation sets the need for flatness of the wall. For a unwarked surface, you can first put on the screws of the sheets of GLK and already glue the sheets.

Panel mounting nuances

Regardless of the installation method used, the preparation is almost always beginning with cleansing walls. The more carefully they will be cleaned, the better the basis for finish finish. However, you do not need to clean the walls to the very concrete base Just delete enough old painting As much as it is removed. It is easy to perform chemical, thermal or mechanical methodswhich in our time is very available. With their choice should not be problems.

For information. If the paint does not want to scrape the paint when removing from the walls, it can be left - this means that it has become akin to the wall.

Bold the wall panels on the adhesive mixture is quite possible, but the main thing:

  • be able to prepare the surface;
  • know what to glue the MDF slab;
  • glue MDF panels with adjacent to the wall to avoid air from entering the construction;
  • check the evenness of the attached panel.

If the MDF wall panels are decided to mount onto the crate, then for the process of pinching the crates, it is recommended to choose a convenient time. Should not be engaged in the fastening of the crate in the early morning, late in the evening, on weekends or holidays - Since it is extremely unreasonable to grow neighbors.

The next step is the priming that protects the walls from mold. It is important here to note that the oversight of the primer for the wall is unstable. But insufficient priming can be further affected by the quality of the trim. Spores of fungi, appearing in one place, can gradually spread further.

Frame method

Fastening panelsMDF. Performed by two types of methods based on the use:

  • tree crates;
  • metal profiles.

Step-by-step installation of tree crate

The easiest way to mount the MDF panels onto the walls on your own is to prepare the rakes of the form 20x40 mm so that the framework of them. Reiki will need to be fixed on guide profiles using self-tapping and screwdriver.

For information. Convenience modern mounting It is that the docking of parts in the same plane is carried out practically without difficulty.

So, with a drill in hand and a fixed drill in the horizontal knobs, you need to drill the holes of the desired depth. Here the rule is simple: the more often it is to distribute the fasteners, the more reliably the final finish will look like.

As the holes are welcome, it is embarked in the location of the rivers with the help of hammer and fasteners. Placing RECs are planned perpendicular to the direction of mounted plates.

Panels are mounted using:

  • klimmers,
  • self-tapping
  • carnations with a small hat.

As a rule, preference is preferred.

Important! The method using a wooden crate requires protection: the use of antiseptics, painting with special colors.

Fastening panels start with the usual convenient side. The first plate is put in the angle, and the subsequent - set according to the assembly algorithm of the design lego, the so-called "Mama-Dad" builders. The MDF panels are made with a characteristic elongated tongue, thanks to which it is convenient to perform fasteners.

Important! All sheets must be tightly combined enough. Even laser level Do not achieve alignment, if there is no correct dock between them. To achieve the result, a verified Dedovsky method is used - a plumb line.

That is how MDF panels are installed on the wall. It is absolutely not difficult, the main thing is to be patient and take the effort.

For information. The algorithm for the installation of decorative partitions MDF is the same: the installation is performed based on the initial fixed panel.

Molding MDF to Metallic Profile

The strength of the metal profile is considered durability and reliability. This is a universal item used in almost any field of human activity. To install the frame on metallic profile It is necessary to prepare the profile itself. The design of the crate is attached to the wall with self-draws of 4-6 mm. If the wall is carrier, the diameter of the fasteners can be reduced. The holes in the wall are drilled in accordance with the diameter of the plastic "socket" of the fastener.

Adhesive way

However, the metal doom and wooden frame With all its advantages - methods are quite expensive. Fasten the MDF panels to the wall can be glue, providing no less reliable fixation of the design. Installation technology wall panels MDF on liquid nails is the most simple, however, you should adhere to the recommendations for the installation.

For information. Even small finish fastening nails will be noticeable, but with adhesive method You can get a good result - the perfect appearance.

The minimum layer of adhesive composition is only 3-5 mm, therefore defects and deviations are practically not allowed. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to achieve the result - the panels will simply repeat all the irregularities of the walls or dug. Therefore, before gluing the MDF panels, the wall must be aligned.

To use as a finishing of MDF panels, a couple of insulating primer layers are used, and then apply a layer or two putty. After you check that the coating is 100%. This is done to prevent the swelling and the appearance of black mold. If there are hidden, unpainted surfaces, you need to cross the joints to prevent moisture.

Important! Melted MDF on the wall is necessary so as to ensure a dense fit of the panels to the wall surface. Impeccable glue for MDF panels serves as a guarantee that the panel will attach reliably and last for many years.

There is one more option, how to attach MDF panels to the wall, which combines and glue, and the framework methods.

Collect the MDF panels are quite simple: the first panel is attached to the guide, the crest of the second panel is inserted into the groove first. And the process is repeated. Thus, the panels are fixed to the very last, it remains only to install decorative corners.

Installation of decorative corner

Decorative corners are used purely for aesthetic purpose. They are attached at the end of the fixation of all components of the finishes. To install the corner, it is better:

  • first fix the assembly tape;
  • then stick to secure.

It is best for bonding angle to fit the adhesive mixture of "liquid nails", which does not hurt the coating and securely fix all the decorative corners.

MDF panels begin to gain increasing popularity. Among the advantages of this method, the finish has the significance of the fact that such installation may well implement one person without any help. Moreover, special experience is not required for this. You should only get acquainted with how to do molding MDF. Panels to the wall.
