Repair Design Furniture

Panel board houses. Do-it-yourself frame-panel house. The advantages of prefabricated houses are obvious

Some developers assume that the construction of a panel house does not justify itself in either cost or effort. But with the right approach, it is not at all difficult to build a panel house with your own hands. A verified project, availability of drawings, selection of materials and you can start building. The main thing is that the developer gets a house that he made for himself, combining all the requests and requirements of comfort and convenience in the project.

Panel construction: design features of technology

A panel house is a structure assembled from flat parts fastened with additional elements. The complete assembly of the frame takes a little time, after which you can start finishing work of an internal and external nature. Frame houses are a technology that is widespread in many countries of the world, and in some regions only this method is used due to the simplicity and efficiency of all processes.

The assembly of the structure is carried out from ready-made elements at the construction site. The stages of work are simple, except for pouring the foundation, the processes resemble the usual assembly of a constructor, so building a frame house with your own hands is not only economical, but also practical.

By type, frame houses differ as follows:

  1. Wooden frame collected from lumber. At the same time, the price of the "box" is extremely affordable. It is especially important that it is easy to work with wood, no special tools are required for sawing, a saw, a hacksaw is enough. Fastening is done with a screwdriver. The disadvantage is that you will have to pre-treat the entire lumber with antiprenes, compounds against fungus, bugs.
  2. House on a metal frame implies the arrangement of a "box" made from a corner, square pipes. Processing requires the use of heavy tools, a welding machine to hold all the elements together. The cost of a steel structure is higher than that of lumber, however, if the technology is followed, the construction of a frame house on metal is more profitable - the building turns out to be more durable and stable.
  3. A house made of LSTK is a structure made of light steel structures of special strength. The LSTK profile is lightweight, perfectly resists the effects of the external environment, does not require additional processing, and at the same time, destruction occurs within 200-250 years, a good service life! It is easy and simple to work with the material - it is cut with a hacksaw for metal, fastened with self-tapping screws. The price of LSTK is high, but the practical qualities of the frame will be ideal.

Advantages and disadvantages of frame houses

A lot has been written about how good a country house or a mansion built using frame technology is, so let's dwell on the pros and cons. So, the advantages of this technology over other options for striotels:

  1. Efficiency of construction. You can build a panel house with your own hands in 2-3 months.
  2. Reduced construction cost.
  3. High structural strength. Despite various reviews, the houses are durable and withstand not only hurricane winds, but winds up to 7 on the Richter scale.
  4. Variability of projects. If you take the construction of a panel house into your own hands, then you can embody all your ideas in it, no matter how fantastic they seem. In addition, there is always an option for external, internal decoration in accordance with the chosen style, the tastes of the developer.
  5. Hidden laying of communications. Therefore, you do not have to put various boxes, lay highways. But this should not be abused, since many communications require timely inspection.
  6. Small mass of buildings. This feature allows you to perfectly save on the creation of a load-bearing base. Frame construction technology allows the use of a pile, strip shallow foundation.
  7. Resistant to deformation. Frameworks resist changes in shape, even if the house is not heated during the cold season.

Disadvantages of frame houses:

  • The tree is susceptible to rodents, so extra protection should be taken into account.
  • Difficulties in redevelopment of finished buildings.

Advice! If you are building a frame panel house with your own hands and you know for sure about the subsequent changes, it is worth using frame-frame technology.

  • The second floor in such buildings is not always convenient, but you can make a comfortable residential attic.

Many developers complain about the low thermal qualities and high sound permeability of the houses. But the use of modern materials allows you to achieve perfect insulation and make the house absolutely soundproof.

Construction stages

Do-it-yourself construction of a panel house begins with preliminary preparation.


This is one of the most important processes, since the further assembly of the entire structure depends on it. Self-development of a project is not always available to an ordinary developer. It is best to take a typical project and consider it in detail. This method is also convenient in that planned projects, as a rule, are given with drawings, according to which it will be easy to build your own house. What is taken into account: number of storeys, the presence of the attic, the layout of the interior, the presence of balconies, attic, verandas, type of roof. When building a frame house with your own hands, there is no need to limit yourself in choosing a roof. It can be pitched, multi-pitched, multi-pitched or any other, depending on the preferences of the owner.


Arrangement of the supporting base does not require a large investment of finance. The easiest and fastest way to make a pile foundation or a shallow strip foundation. But a house on screw piles turns out to be cheaper, and you can screw in the piles even in summer, even in winter. When choosing the type of foundation, the complexity of the soil, the filling of the soil with water, the number of storeys of the future house are taken into account. For a one-story structure, either a pile or columnar foundation is just suitable. The installation of piles is as follows:

  1. The construction site is marked, and the pile burial sites are marked with a step of no more than 1.2 meters.
  2. Small indentations are made in the places of the future screwing of the pile elements.
  3. The piles are screwed in with the calculation of the depth below the freezing point of the soil or at least 0.8-1.5 meters.
  4. To strengthen the structure, you can pour a cement composition into the cavity of the piles.
  5. The heads are closed with roofing sheets to prevent moisture ingress.
  6. The elevated ends of the piles are aligned horizontally.
  7. A strapping is being constructed from a frame or pouring a grillage, on which a plank floor is laid.
  8. It is best to lay out the floor in two layers; for the first, untreated lumber is good. The boards are laid out so that the markings of the wall structures are visible. The floor is attached with anchor bolts in increments of no more than 2 meters.
  9. Logs are thrown over the floor, the space between which is filled with mineral wool insulation.
  10. The second floor layer covers the inside of the subfloor. Moisture-resistant plywood is well suited as a flooring.


It is extremely important to make a strong frame by building a panel house with your own hands. The video material will tell you the technological aspects of the construction, which will not be superfluous. The simplest and most convenient is the "box" made of lumber, since it is convenient to work with wood, and the price is quite affordable. For the manufacture of a frame format, an oak bar with a section of 150 * 150 is useful, but you can do with other types of wood. The corners are connected by the thorn-groove method, and when adjusting the elements, it is necessary to ensure that there are no cracks and gaps. It is undesirable to use metal corners and fasteners, since the oxidation process is transferred to the wood, and it begins to rot. Due to this, the frame house looses and loses its high qualities.

Advice! Braces are bars that are installed in the corners to prevent the frame from losing its rigidity. Any lumber that is cut to size is suitable for use.

Wall panels

As soon as the frame is completely ready, it is time to erect and insulate the walls. If we are building a house without ready-made panels, then the material in the sheets acts as a heater. You should not get cheap, the insulation should be of the highest quality, not subject to deformation and moisture.

The walls are sewn up with boards with a thickness of 100 mm or with pre-prepared shields, and the insulation is fixed with bars of a section of 15 * 20 cm.At the joints of the plates of the material, bars of greater width are shown for use, and it is better to stuff them vertically so that the sheets of insulation do not move during the operation of the house. A waterproofing material must be laid on the insulation, which prevents moisture vapor from entering the structure.

Advice! If prefabricated panels are used, insulation is not needed, all the elements are already in the “pie” of the panels.

Finishing work, installation of windows

Finishing from the inside of the house is carried out at the request of the owner. Such walls are easy to paint, paste over, sew up boards or use other materials. Any flooring is also chosen, but you will have to tinker with the windows:

  1. Be sure to match the window opening in the frame with the dimensions of the window.
  2. To keep your home always warm, it is better to use double or triple glazed windows.
  3. The total area of ​​windows on one wall should not exceed 18% of the area of ​​the wall panel.
  4. To strengthen the structure, it is necessary to provide additional reinforcing bars under and above the opening.

Once the windows are in place, you can tackle the doors and outer cladding.


The built house cannot do without a roof, so we take beams with a section of 50 * 150 mm with a bevel of the edges at 50 degrees. Then like this:

  • Fasten the resulting connected rafters with nails and a crossbar to make the letter "A";
  • Fix each intersection with a pair of kerchiefs;
  • Make a lathing of lumber 25 * 100 mm in 10 cm increments;
  • Roofing material or any other material is mounted on top of the crate, fastened with a furniture stapler;
  • Then the roofing material is laid. Moreover, the laying takes place from the upper rows to the ridge. Sheets are overlapped, excess parts are cut off;
  • On the ridge, the roofing material is fixed with self-tapping screws.

Advice! For the base of the roof, it is most practical to use a Mauerlat.

All that remains is to lay communications and furniture can be imported. Such a step-by-step analysis will tell you how to build a panel house yourself. But still there are works where you cannot do without the help of masters, for example, this is electrical wiring, laying of communications.

If we are building a house ourselves, any good advice and practical remarks will come in handy. Do not neglect the recommendations of professionals when planning to equip a panel house with your own hands. Even if there is a photo, step by step instructions.

  1. After the development of the project, any changes will entail additional financial and time costs.

The construction of a panel house on a frame is a laborious process and requires knowledge. But if the preliminary selection of the house project and the calculation of the estimate were correct, the owner took care of the availability of time, materials and the weather did not disappoint, the result will be excellent. It is very good to talk with experts who know how to build a house: practical advice and secrets of professionals will not be superfluous, because we are talking about your own cottage.

How to build a house and provide yourself with housing with a minimum of effort, money and time? This is possible if you are ready to consider the option of building a panel house with your own hands. Such a house is the perfect combination of quality, investment and speed of construction work. The basis of a panel house provides for the presence, which is hidden inside the structure and is not affected by the external environment. All materials used in construction are reliable and durable. Do-it-yourself construction of a frame-panel house will cost almost 50% less than construction.

And the whole construction process usually takes no more than 6 months.

Before proceeding directly to the process, it is very important to understand the technology - this will greatly facilitate your work. The entire technology is divided into several important stages:

At your choice, you can either create a project yourself, or entrust this business to professional architects. All you need to create a project is to understand the functionality of architectural programs and involve all family members in the process in order to make the layout as comfortable as possible for everyone. It is extremely difficult to make changes to the. Redevelopment of frame-panel buildings is a very expensive procedure. At this stage, it is necessary to plan the supply of all necessary utilities to the house: water supply and sewerage, heating, ventilation and power supply.

The choice of material for the construction of the frame

The technology for the construction of panel houses allows you to use almost any frame material: you can choose a bar (150x150) or thick boards (more than 150x50).

From the point of view of professionals, the most suitable material is pine, which is not expensive and at the same time quite durable. It will significantly speed up the work process and make it easier for you to purchase dried blanks. If the climate permits, then the frame can be erected from metal profiles.

Site selection and foundation arrangement

When choosing a construction site, it is necessary to assess the structure, the level of its freezing, the level of groundwater, the level of freezing of the soil. When building panel houses, there are no restrictions on relatively weak soils. For convenience, it is better to choose a flat area, but if this is not possible, take into account the unevenness of the site in the project: change the basement of the house. Another option is to artificially create a site by changing the relief.

The technology of panel construction of a house allows you to build it on a lightweight foundation. You can choose one of three types of foundation:, or.

  • The first thing to do at the stage of pouring the foundation is to dig a trench. Its depth should be about 2 meters, or one should be guided by climatic conditions: the depth of the trench should be at least 100-200 mm. below the freezing level.
  • The next step is installation. It needs to be made of edged boards along the width of the trench, the height of the board is more than 40 cm above the upper edge of the trench you dug. Use edged boards for formwork. Choose 1 or 3 grade, the length should be 3.4-6 meters, and the thickness should be 20-25 millimeters.
  • After that, the bottom of the trench is laid: both stones or other materials are covered with a layer of sand of about 20 centimeters and everything is filled with water. The procedure with sand and water must be repeated 3-5 times.

When the sand level stops changing, you can start creating a frame from a channel, etc. And then produce. Pour concrete gradually, in layers 20-30 cm thick, while the mixture must be carefully tamped.

Erection of the frame of the house and fastening the shields

The next stage after creating the foundation: the construction of the walls of the frame-panel structure and the construction of the building. It is necessary to install the lower harness on. After that, the process of installing the racks begins at a distance of about 1 m.

Before insulating the walls, be sure to lay a waterproofing layer.

After you complete the insulation procedure, you can proceed to the interior cladding of the room.

As for carrying out all the necessary communications, this is the kind of work that should be entrusted to specialists. If you nevertheless decide to do it yourself, the most important thing, in addition to the technical part, is to obtain technical conditions from local authorities for connecting a house to heating, water supply, sewerage and power supply systems.

In modern conditions on the market there are a huge number of different tools and materials that will help you in construction. The technology of building a panel house is quite simple and, having studied all the stages, you can easily cope with this process! Such a house is not only easy to build, but also very comfortable to live in.

Panel houses, distinguished by their lightness, low price and ease of assembly, are especially popular today. These inexpensive buildings are the best solution for the construction of a country house, a bathhouse and even a residential building. They can be built in one season.

Pros and cons of prefabricated buildings

If you decide to order a frame-panel house, you are probably interested in what are the pros and cons of such a construction. Among the advantages are:

  • speed of construction.
  • relatively low cost
  • durability
  • environmental friendliness
  • variety of designs
  • do not need heavy foundations
  • are erected all year round
  • can be built on any soil

Read how to turn the minuses of frame houses into pluses.

Frame-panel houses can be built with your own hands, which is very cheap. Having ordered ready-made shields according to your plan, you will only have to assemble the house like a constructor. However, panel houses also have disadvantages:

  1. No matter how well the wood is processed, it will have a shorter service life when compared with stone, brick or concrete.
  2. The slightest non-compliance with technology leads to distortions.
  3. Even treated with fire protection, wood is more fire hazardous than other materials.

Construction technology

Despite the seeming ease of erecting frame-panel houses, this process requires certain knowledge and skills. Let us consider in detail how to assemble this house on our own, for this we will consider what such a construction is.

Panel construction refers to an improved frame construction. The main elements of these buildings are the frame, panels, roof, floor, exterior and interior decoration.

As far as Canadian technology is concerned, the design of shields (or SIP panels) includes a frame, insulation, vapor barrier, and wind protection. The assembly of such a house resembles a panel connection of walls. The walls of the shield are OSB boards, between which the entire filling of the wall is located.

For better thermal protection, the insulation is attached (under pressure) to the plates so that they protrude slightly around the perimeter of the expanded polystyrene layer. What are the typical sizes of sandwich panels? Based on the plan of your house, you can choose 12, 14, 15, 16, 20 cm in thickness, 125 cm in width. The length of the panels can also be 250, 280 or 300 cm.

Where to begin?

What can be built with ready-made panels? Yes, almost any building, both simpler and atypical. Typical garden houses are a one-story structure with a gable roof and possibly an attic. Country houses can be for permanent residence or only seasonal (garden). They can be made by yourself or ordered on a turnkey basis.

Any construction, including frame-panel construction, begins with a plan. The plan can be drawn by yourself, but it is advisable to do this for simple buildings. If you want to have a full-fledged residential building, it is better to order a plan from special organizations. The price of the plan can range from several hundred rubles to several thousand.

The second stage of preparation is the construction of the foundation. Panel houses need a foundation, but what they are good about is that the foundation can be lightened. Read more about foundations.

We purchase ready-made panels

After installing the foundation, you can make an order for the sip panel. After calculating the required dimensions of the panels, agreeing on the price, form your order. Companies engaged in the construction of such turnkey houses can help you with the calculations.

A house made of vulture panels does not imply the construction of a frame, as in traditional frame construction. The panels themselves are already both a frame and insulated walls. The role of the frame is performed by rigid timber frames. Later it will be possible to make a veranda, porch or any other extension based on the frame. Sip panels are placed on prepared bases. The base for the house is made of timber. The roof can be of various options - single-pitch, gable, from a variety of materials.

If you want to save money, after purchasing the panels, you can assemble the house yourself. Check out the video on assembling such a house, and you will see that everything can be done by hand.

We contact developers

If you do not want to waste your time, and are not too constrained financially, you can buy a turnkey ready-made house from a company. A huge number of companies offer fast and high-quality construction of both private residential buildings and industrial buildings, garages, retail and warehouse premises based on SIP panels using modern frame technologies.

Turning to specialists using modern construction and finishing technologies, using high-quality heat, hydro and sound insulation and fire protection, you will receive a finished building within two to three months. A lot of competition has significantly improved the quality standards of such houses. The big plus is that firms have specialists whose practice can be envied.

If you have a summer cottage, and you want to put a small house on it, for example, 6x8 or 6x6, frame-panel construction suits you perfectly. Country houses can be of any size and shape.

Money question

Residential buildings

Before ordering construction, you need to figure out how much this or that house will cost. Naturally, the price of a bathhouse, a garden and country house and a residential building will differ. The price depends on the size of the house, the complexity of the design and functionality. The most popular buildings are 6x6 and 6x8.

Approximate prices for the most demanded buildings:

1. Dimensions of the house: 4 by 6 m

  • building area: 24 sq.m
  • interiors: 37 sqm
  • the cost of the panel house: 240,000 rubles

The price of the same frame house: 320,000 rubles.

The foundation is ordered separately, the cost of the monolithic tape is 120,000 rubles. The pile screw foundation will cost 66,000 rubles.

2. Dimensions of the house: 5 by 6 m

  • building area: 30 sq.m
  • interiors: 48 sqm

The price of a panel house is: 270,000 rubles

Frame house: cost 350,000 rubles.

3. House dimensions: 6x6 m

  • building area: 36 sq.m
  • interiors: 56 sqm

Price for a panel house: 290,000 rubles.

Frame house: 385,000 rubles.

4. House dimensions: 6x8 m

  • building area: 48 sq.m
  • interiors: 65 sqm

Price for frame house: 420 000 rub

Shield house: cost 340,000r

If the size of the house is more than 100 m2, then the price immediately rises several times. For example, a residential building with 2 floors with an area of ​​184 m2 with dimensions of 9.6 × 11.6 m has a cost of 2,278,000 rubles. On average, the price for 1 square meter is 12,378 rubles.

Steam room lovers

What are the prices for frame-panel baths today? Let's consider several projects. Let's start with the simplest options.

1. Bath for 195,000 rubles.

The smallest model, 4 meters long, can fit anywhere. Area 10 sq. m. Its price is 195,000 rubles. Premises: steam room, changing room. Designed for 3 people. There is lighting in each compartment - glass bath lamps. There is a socket in the dressing room. All electricians are led through a cable channel and connected through machines 16 A - to the light, 16 A - to the socket. The cable duct and all accessories are made in the same design and have the color of wood.

2. Bath for 240,000 rubles

Compact sauna model with a terrace and 2 compartments: a dressing room and a steam room. The package includes two-tier aspen shelves, a metal sauna stove "Wasp" with a built-in hot water tank, a chimney from the stove with a spark arrestor and fire protection, a folding table, 2 chairs. Lighting and electrics are typical.

3. Bath for 370 rubles

Premises: rest room, washing room, steam room. There is also a table and two benches for steam lovers. It features a spacious layout. Has an area of ​​17.5 sq. m. Turnkey.

The cheapest bath that I could find cost 99,000 rubles and was on a promotion. Consider now the most expensive frame-panel baths.

1. The total area of ​​the bath is 127.62 m2

1st floor area - 79.82 m2

Veranda - 14 m²

Tambour - 1.54 m2

Wardrobe - 1.54 m²

Rest room - 26.1 m²

Steam room - 8.33 m2

Shower room - 7.51 m2

Kitchen - 10.8 m²

Attic area - 47.8 m²

Billiard room - 36.2 m²

Room - 14.9 m2

Balcony - 6.7 m²

Price: 1,168,400 rubles. Full construction.

2. Spacious and functional sauna with a swimming pool.

On the ground floor: hall, living room, steam room, pool, shower and toilet.

On the second floor: a recreation room (billiard room).

1st floor - 76 m²

2nd floor - 47 m².

Price RUB 1,131,600 Full construction.

Thus, you can order a large and chic frame-panel bathhouse, or you can limit yourself to an inexpensive budget option. Read about how to build a bath yourself.

Summer cottages

Summer houses are a great option for those who like to spend the summer months in nature and move to the city in winter. The cost of country houses can also vary. Consider the cheapest and most expensive options.

Garden houses Kashtan 4X5.5 m have a price of 168,000 rubles. The Sokol garden house 3X5.8 m costs 180,000 rubles. Two-storey houses start at 260,000 rubles. Houses with an area of ​​48 m2 and more have a price of 350,000 rubles.

What do you get by placing an order for the construction of a turnkey country house?

  • foundation (columnar or pile)
  • strapping ring
  • frame of the house
  • walls
  • warming
  • clean floor
  • ceiling
  • floor slabs
  • attic floor
  • partitions
  • doors
  • roof
  • ladder

Popular projects

The most popular projects of summer 2015:

  1. Frame-panel house "Gardener 1". Dimensions: 6x6 m2. Area: 61m2. Price: 350 750 rubles.
  2. "Gardener 2". Dimensions: 6x6. Area: 61m2. Price: 350 750 rub.
  3. "Gardener 3". Dimensions: 6x6. Area: 61m2. Price: 350 750 rubles.
  4. "Gardener 6". Dimensions: 6x7.5. Area: 74.15m2. Price in September: 419,750 rubles.
  5. "Cosiness". Dimensions: 4x5. Area: 31.29m2. Price in September: 276,000 rubles.
  6. "Forester". Dimensions: 6x8. Area: 73m2. Price in September: 447 350 rubles.
  7. "Khutor". Dimensions: 6 * 8. Area: 73m2. Price in September: 447 350 rubles.
  8. "Darnitsa". Dimensions: 6x8. Area: 78m2. Price in September: 431 250 rubles.
  9. "Hearth". Dimensions: 6x6. Area: 66m2. Price in September: 362 250 rubles. Price in August: 315,000 rubles.

Quite often, among the desires of modern youth, and not only, one of the first points is the construction of your own home. Often the choice falls on. One of the main advantages is that you yourself can choose the place where the building will stand. If you build a frame-panel house with your own hands, then you yourself will be responsible for the quality and know its structure.

Construction of frame-panel houses

Recently, in Europe, and in our country, the most popular type of construction is the construction of frame-panel houses, and it is with our own hands. How to build with your own hands, the advantages of such construction:

  • The shortest construction time - even without experience in construction, you can build in 1-2 months;
  • Buying building materials on your own significantly saves the budget;
  • Simple enough, the frame of a panel house can be built by studying photos and articles on the site;
  • You can get by with minimal costs compared to other building materials or buying a finished home;
  • The ability to freeze at almost any stage without prejudice to future construction.

The only drawback, if you wish with your own hands, is that if you buy all the building materials yourself, some elements will not fit perfectly together. You can buy a ready-made kit for construction from the factory or order a turnkey frame-panel house. But if you have at least a little experience in construction or you are confidently holding a hammer in your hands, then this will not be a problem.

Installation of a frame-panel building using a crane.

Consider the construction of a frame-panel house in stages. We already have a project for a frame-panel house and a plot of land for construction. What to do next?

The foundation of the frame-panel building

The choice of what should be the foundation of a frame-panel house, it depends on many factors:

  1. The nature of the soil on which your frame-panel house will stand.
  2. Number of storeys of construction.
  3. Location - the possibility of strong winds, if the area is open, floods.

Most often, a pile-grillage or tape foundation is chosen. Consider the first option, as more reliable and widespread in the construction of frame-panel houses.

Pile-grillage foundation

Wells for piles are drilled using a manual or motorized drill, asbestos-cement or pvc pipes of the required size are selected as formwork. You can also choose hand-rolled pipes made of roofing material. Reinforcement rods are installed inside - from 3 to 4 pieces, fastened together in the form of a square or triangle. The iron rods of the reinforcement must stick out of the piles so that they can be tied to the grillage.

The piles are tied with reinforcement and filled with concrete.

Next, the piles are poured with concrete. After the installation of the piles, a formwork is made for the grillage, into which the same reinforcement rods are placed, connected to each other. At this stage, the main thing is not to forget about the future installation of communications and leave the opportunity to do them in the future. Lay the pieces of plastic pipes across so that the foundation for the frame-panel house is made according to all the rules.

For the subsequent installation of the lower strapping, we fix the studs in the foundation strip. In the corners of the foundation - with steps of 300 mm, in all other areas - with steps of up to 2 meters. The studs will connect the frame of the panel building and the foundation in the future.

On a note

The drying time of the foundation can also be different, from 5-10 days in the summer, and up to several weeks in the winter. Most often, the foundations of frame-panel houses are made in the fall and left to "stand" until spring, covering the upper part of the foundation with polyethylene.

Waterproofing and bedding

The foundation of the frame-panel house is ready, but so that it does not get damaged over time, an upper layer of waterproofing is needed, usually bitumen, waterproofing or roofing material is chosen. You can combine bitumen with roofing felt, here at your discretion.

Waterproofing with bitumen in the pile-grillage foundation.

Next, we install the bed. A dry timber or board is selected, which is installed along the entire perimeter of the foundation, the edges are aligned along the outer edge of the foundation. Where the studs are installed, holes are made with a drill.

Installation of strapping and lag

According to the video instructions for frame-panel houses, we install a strapping of boards of 150 * 50 mm, on the edge, we nail it to the installed bed, with a step of 400-500 mm. To this harness, we begin to attach logs for the floor - the same boards of 150 * 50 mm, installed on the edge and fixed at the end with three nails on both sides. The installation step of the lag is from 300-500 mm, depending on the future load.

Lower piping of the pile-grillage foundation.

Installation and floor insulation

After installing the base for the future floor, it must be insulated. The thickness of the insulation should not be less than 150-200 mm. And here, although experts do not advise choosing economical foam or expanded polystyrene plates, they admit that they are not afraid of moisture and can be installed without installing a subfloor.

Diagram of the pile-grillage foundation.

Therefore, you can choose absolutely any insulation - whether it will be polystyrene or mineral wool. Next, we lay the first floor of the boards and cover it with a sheet of plywood.

Installation of a frame-panel wall

It can happen in two ways - parts of the frame-panel wall of the house are assembled on the ground, and then they rise and attach to the lower harness, fasten together with the upper harness. This is an easy way to assemble frame-panel houses, the photo demonstrates the ease of installation of a house without much effort.

Installation of frame-panel walls.

The second way - a set of ready-made frame-panel-board walls is bought at the factory, where ready-made panel-panel houses are made. It is important that you do not violate the geometry of the frame-panel house.

The choice is yours - the first way is fast enough, because the assembled elements are mounted immediately. However, if the finished fragment of the frame-panel wall is heavy enough, it will be difficult to lift it yourself.

On a note

The dimensions of the corner and side posts will depend on the size of the insulation and the number of storeys. If we build one-story frame-panel houses, a 100x50 mm board is enough. The installation step is selected according to the width of the insulation.

Overlapping frame-panel building

We install floor beams on. Two of the preferred methods are ribbed or support brackets. You can choose a convenient way of fastening floor beams, if you are building, frame-panel buildings have a high margin of safety.

Ceiling beams in a frame-panel structure.

If you are planning a 2-storey building, then it is better to take thicker beams and make the step between them not so large. It is advisable to calculate the load so that the floor beams can withstand the weight with a margin. On the installed beams, you can immediately lay a sub-floor or a future ceiling.

Installation of rafters and roofing

The device of the roof - a gable or a mansard - will not differ much from each other. The only controversial moment you will have when installing the roofing - it should not be made of massive material, so that the wooden beams and floors of the frame-panel house can withstand it without problems.

It is better to assemble the rafters on the ground, they must be pulled together with a bolted joint and a wind beam. For better bonding with the Mauerlat, the joints can be reinforced with additional plates.

Building insulation

In addition to polystyrene and expanded polystyrene, insulation of a frame-panel house can be done with basalt wool. Mineral wool has a fairly high heat and sound insulation characteristics, but it can easily get wet from rain and moisture. Therefore, it is important to close it on both sides with moisture-proof layers of protection.

Diagram of the wall device of the frame-panel structure.

Mineral wool should be protected on both sides from additional moisture and vapors using a protective membrane.

After the frame-panel house is insulated, the walls are clad and the roof is installed, only finishing work and the installation of communications remain, and here there is a lot of room for your imagination and design ideas.

Do you need a warm home, but don't have a lot of time and money to build it? Then your choice is a frame-panel house. And after reading this article, you will learn about all the features, advantages and disadvantages of such buildings, as well as the stages of their construction and the necessary materials.

Frame-panel houses are built from wooden beams and OSB slabs. OSB (Oriented Strand Board) is a board consisting of layers of wood shavings (most often aspen, spruce), which are glued together using a special resin mixture. The production process involves pressing the components under pressure and high temperature. Chips in each layer have a clear orientation: in the outer layer - longitudinal, in the inner - transverse. This feature explains the increased strength of the material.

Scope of use

OSB is quite popular and the area of ​​its application in construction is large. It is used for:

  • construction and installation works of varying complexity and number of storeys;
  • construction of frame houses;
  • constructions of roofs, subfloors, partitions and interior ceilings;
  • erection of structures that will be loaded (for example, steps);
  • formwork system construction;
  • wall cladding, ceilings and decoration;
  • design of furniture, pallets, racks, packaging production.

Advice! When carrying out external work, be sure to monitor the humidity. Most often, the standard for swelling from moisture is no more than 10%, but still it is relative and depends on the manufacturer and the batch. If you overlooked, and the material swelled, then after drying, the plate will remain so that it will create a noticeable difference at the junction. When carrying out internal work, such consequences should not be feared.

Types of slabs

There are 4 main types of OSB boards:

  • OSB-1 have low strength, are used for interior decoration and in the manufacture of furniture.
  • OSB-2- a high-strength material with low moisture resistance, from which internal partitions, ceilings and load-bearing elements are constructed.
  • OSB-3 has high strength and moisture resistance, designed for outdoor use.
  • OSB-4- heavy-duty and moisture-resistant material, suitable for the construction of load-bearing structures, walls and roofs.

In addition to the standard classification, slabs are available with a varnished or laminated surface. Such products are reusable, for example, for the manufacture of formwork.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the accolades, promises of super-reliability from manufacturers and ubiquitous advertising, the OSB is not so simple. The main frightening fact is the presence of formaldehyde and toxic resins in the adhesive components. Such dubious environmental friendliness with its potential danger to others has already been eliminated by many manufacturers. Buyers are offered the so-called Eco or Green OSB categories, in the manufacture of which they use safe adhesives that do not produce harmful fumes.

What is so good about OSB:

  • low price - due to the use of woodworking waste for the production of OSB;
  • high strength, reliability and elasticity (the material holds nails and screws, does not deform when they are abruptly pulled out);
  • ease of installation and processing (grinding, cutting, drilling);
  • low weight of the slab (especially important for roofing work);
  • the possibility of subsequent processing with special resins, glaze and other protective agents;
  • low vapor permeability;
  • resistance to mechanical deformation and high temperatures;
  • cracks and cracks will not appear in the slabs;
  • they are not afraid of mold and mildew;
  • nice appearance.

Advice! Pay attention to the quality of the material offered to you. Not all products stand up to criticism in terms of strength and moisture resistance. Often these indicators do not correspond to reality. If you want to avoid the purchased material from creeping, crumbling into chips after the first rain, give preference only to trusted brands and suppliers. Do not be lazy and ask a company employee for a certificate of quality and compliance with government norms and standards.

Briefly about sizes and manufacturers

The leading OSB manufacturers are Canadian, American and European plants. "Canadians" are produced mainly from deciduous varieties of trees, and OSB from Europe - from conifers (more moisture resistant). It is easy to distinguish them: the ends of the Canadian OSB are always covered with paint to avoid swelling. Standard sizes for Canada are 2440x1220, for Europe - 2500x1250. Large Russian manufacturers are located in Karelia, Kirov and Vladimir regions. Their standard sizes range from 2440-3125 millimeters by 1220-2000 millimeters.

Advantages and disadvantages of frame-panel structures

The main advantages of buildings from OSB:

  • the main advantage of such houses is their low cost (they are almost twice cheaper than brick houses);
  • high speed of construction of such a structure - it can be built in less than six months;
  • low weight of OSB boards can significantly reduce the load on the base, thereby making it cheaper.

Negative sides of frame-panel houses:

  • short service life - such a dwelling will last a maximum of 75 years;
  • it is impossible to build a building from OSB that has more than two floors;
  • you cannot build such a house without special equipment - the shields, despite their light weight, can only be lifted with a crane;
  • it is impossible to redevelop the premises in the future.

Although disputes about the expediency of buildings from OSB do not stop, nevertheless, such buildings have proven themselves well in the construction of tourist bases, summer cottages and small buildings, where there are no special requirements and there is a need for their quick and cheap construction. But, if you really want a house for centuries, then it is better to choose a brick or a log as the main material.

The main stages of building a house from OSB

The stages of construction of frame-panel buildings are similar to the stages of construction of other buildings. They are divided into:

  • Designing the future home.
  • Preparation stage.
  • Erection of the foundation.
  • Floor arrangement.
  • Installation of walls.
  • Roofing.
  • Insulation and cladding.

This stage is the first. It determines how much and what materials you need.
For an individual project, it is recommended to contact a specialist who can competently draw up a drawing of the house. But, usually, all houses of this type are made according to already standard plans, so it is easier to use a ready-made project. This action will significantly reduce your construction costs.

When designing, it is important to take into account the climate of the region, as well as the characteristics of the soil. Therefore, even if you took a ready-made project, you still need to consult a specialist who will help you plan the work correctly, choose a foundation, insulation and facing material for your future home.

Preparatory actions before starting construction

First of all, after developing all the drawings, you need to take care of the acquisition of building materials and tools. It is highly desirable at this stage to agree with the company about renting a truck crane, without his help you will not lift the plates yourself.

List of tools:

  • level, plumb line and rope for marking;
  • hammer;
  • electric planer;
  • chisel;
  • jigsaw;
  • nail puller;
  • drill;
  • saw;
  • screwdrivers;
  • ladder;
  • pencil and brushes.

Required building materials:

  • ready-mixed concrete for pouring the base;
  • fittings;
  • waterproofing;
  • pine boards, necessary for arranging floors (usually material is used with dimensions of 5x20x400);
  • boards for the construction of load-bearing walls (the most commonly used 5x15x400);
  • boards for the installation of internal partitions;
  • insulation (you can use both foam and stone wool);
  • OSB slabs (their thickness must be determined at the design stage);
  • wind protection;
  • facing materials: it is better to use drywall for internal walls, and clapboard, siding or something else for external;
  • roofing material;
  • timber of different sizes for strapping;
  • other materials for communications - pipes, wires, and so on.

Selection and construction of the foundation

Before starting work on the construction of the foundation, you first need to prepare the place. To do this, it is necessary to remove all debris and vegetation from the surface of the earth.

Experts recommend using a columnar foundation for this type of house, but you can also fill in a strip or monolithic one. The first will cost significantly less, but not suitable for every type of soil. A monolithic base is durability and strength, but it is expensive, and an OSB house will not last so much time.

How to build a columnar foundation

First, make the markup, marking the edges of the future home. Then you need to dig rectangular holes 60x80 centimeters and a depth of 10-20 centimeters below the level of soil freezing. Then install the waterproofing, reinforcement and formwork. When these works are completed, concrete can be poured, and at the same time tamping it. Pillars are made every 80-120 centimeters. When they are all ready, you need to make pickups.

Erection of a monolithic foundation

This process is not complicated at all. It is necessary to mark first the perimeter of the house, and then dig a pit of small depth over the entire area. After that, it is poured with concrete. When the base is ready, you need to cover it with roofing material in two layers.

The strip foundation has not gained much popularity in the construction of frame-panel structures, since it is similar to the columnar version, but more expensive.

Also, for the construction of houses from OSB, a pile-screw base is sometimes used. It is similar in design to the columnar one. The only difference is that you make the pillars yourself, and the piles are delivered ready-made.

Railing and subfloor

To perform strapping, a bar of 150x150 millimeters, 200x200 millimeters and 200x250 millimeters is used.

Before installation, the bars are treated with antiseptics, smeared with mastic, then roofing material is placed on them in two layers.

The material is installed on piles or foundations (whichever you choose) around the entire perimeter of the house. The bars are connected with nails (it is better to use 120mm nails).

In the corners, the joints are reinforced with metal corners.

Next, the harness must be fastened to the base. This can be done using the mounting screws. After the strapping is completed, boards must be laid on top of it, which serve to overlap the joints of the beams.

The strapping itself can serve as a rough floor in the house, but you can also put a bar of 150x100 millimeters in size on top of it in half a meter increments.

Important! Between the lags or timber in the harness, you need to lay insulation, and on top of the vapor barrier film.

Erection of the frame and walls

Before starting this stage, check with the level and diagonal markings that the floor is even.

The first step is to erect the lower harness. It is made from a bar with grooves (their pitch is 500 millimeters).

Since a frame-panel house is, one might say, a designer, inaccuracies in the markup can lead to the fact that all the work will have to be redone.

After the lower harness is ready, vertical beams are installed in the prepared grooves. Their length corresponds to the height of the ceiling of the future home.

Stages of the construction of the frame:

  • In places where future racks will be located, steel pins are installed. For them, holes are drilled in the end part of the board.
  • Vertical corner beams are mounted.
  • The bars are inserted into the dowels, then fastened with jibs.
  • In the same way, the beams are attached to the intermediate grooves.
  • The upper harness is mounted.
  • The whole structure is fixed with nails.
  • Ceiling beams are installed, for which a beam of 50x150 millimeters is used.

When erecting the frame, observe the maximum accuracy, since minimal distortions can adversely affect the entire structure.

When the frame is finished, you can attach the panels to it. This is also done with nails.

Roof construction

In frame-panel structures, a flat or gable roof is most often used. It all depends on your personal preference, though.

Roof erection stages:

  • The first step is to install the rafters. They are attached to the upper strapping with special roofing nails, self-tapping screws, corners and metal plates. The rafter pitch can be within 0.4-1 meters. The support for each rafter is a Mauerlat (10x10 centimeters).
  • Erection of the lathing. If you use a tile as a roofing material, then a continuous sheathing is made, in other cases it can be done with a small step.
  • Installation of waterproofing and wind protection.
  • Installation of roofing material.

Important! The rafters are installed at the same pitch as the beams in the frame of the house.

Internal and external works

Despite the statements of OSB manufacturers that this material is resistant to external influences and moisture, it is imperative to do the facade wall decoration, since in practice OSB shows itself differently - it crumbles under the influence of aggressive media and swells from water.

A cheaper option for external wall cladding can be vinyl siding, more expensive options are block house and clapboard. By decorating the frame-panel house with such material, you will protect the OSB boards from destruction, thereby extending the service life of the entire structure.

If you need to save money, you can use decorative plaster for external decoration. True, it will protect the walls much worse than siding or lining.

The walls of the frame-panel house are insulated from the inside. For this, you can use both foam and mineral wool. But whichever option you choose, it is imperative that a layer of waterproofing is laid before installing the insulation.

On top of the insulation, you can install plasterboard sheets or decorate the walls with wood.

A frame-panel house is not a dwelling for centuries, but only a cheap and pre-fabricated structure. Such a structure is not entirely suitable for harsh climates, but for warmer regions it is a worthy choice.

If you are not chasing durability and do not impose a bunch of requirements on your home, then buildings from OSB are quite suitable for you. They have also proven themselves well in the travel business.

It is not difficult to build such structures, you just need to observe the accuracy of the markings and get a truck crane.

Video: Technology for the construction of a frame-panel house

Laying a wooden floor on logs: device, installation technology, insulation