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How to deal with flies in the apartment. Folk methods of extermination of flies. How to get rid of flies in the apartment: Mechanical Methods


In real life there are no more annoying insects than flies. They not only annoy the buzz and the fact of their presence in the room, but also are able to cause significant harm to health. Therefore, everyone will be interested to know why they appear in the apartment than dangerous how to get rid of them.

Most often, flies penetrate apartments and houses through loosely closed windows and doors. Due to their little size And the ability not only to fly, but also crawl along horizontal and vertical surfaces, to get into the room there is a sufficiently small hole or slit. In comfortable conditions, a single individual produces offspring, which after 9-12 days itself can multiply.

Most favorable conditions For life and reproduction, flies occur at air temperature 22-26 ° C. With its decrease, the activity of insect slows down sharply and the period of winter hibernation occurs, in which they can be up to the arrival of spring or increase the air temperature indoors.

Another way to "invasion" is vegetables, fruits and flowers. Flies often lay eggs in their peel and pulp, petals. In this case, in the apartment of eggs and larvae, enclosed with food, in a few days adult individuals will appear in large quantities. Some consider flies just annoying and non-hazardous insects. This is not true.

  • The body, legs and trumps of an adult individual are covered with small darishes, to which everything sticks with what it comes into contact. And this is not only dust and dirt, but also all kinds of viruses and bacteria. Considering that the flies attract various purulent and dumping masses, feces, one can imagine how much pathogenic bacteria is concentrated on the surface of these small insects. Often flight from place to place, they transfer bacteria from infectious items on food and human body. Most dangerous when they sit on damaged areas of the skin, as well as forever, lips, nose.
  • The peculiarity of the digestive system of the flies is that many bacteria and viruses do not die when it gets into it. As a result, the concentration of bacteria in the intestines of flies is even more than on the body. In addition, during the meal, flies are determined and tighten the contents of the goiter, thereby make food unsuitable for human meals.
  • These facts are confirmed by studies of scientists.

    Experimental studies conducted with indoor flies from different seatsIt was shown that on the body of individual individuals can be from 550 to 6.6 million bacteria, and in the intestine - from 16 thousand to 28 million.

    The body and legs of the flies are covered with small darishes to which bacteria stick

    Muhi carry a threat to human health, so they need to get rid of them.

    How to get rid of flies by folk remedies

    If there is no possibility or desire to purchase professional tools to combat insects, the people's tested methods can be used.

    Self-made fleet for flies

    The principle of preparing such a "delicacy" is to combine the fragrant bait attracting the insect, and the additional substance that this lunch will last in his life. The resulting mixture should be pouring into a glass or a bowl and put in the place of the greatest cluster flies. After a few hours, sometimes 2-3 days, all individuals die.

    Poison recipes:

  • in sugar syrup, honey or jam add ground black pepper and mix well mix;
  • 5 teaspoons food Soda, 3 tablespoons of milk and half of the formalin teaspoon well mix and add bread crumbs;
  • in cooked in arbitrary proportions, a solution of honey and water (for example, 1 tsp for a glass) add saccharin - a substance from which flies die.
  • How to make a trap for insects

    Principle homemade trap It is that the insect attracted by the aroma of bait is immersed in a sticky and viscous substance, and then dies. It is easy to make it yourself:

  • On the bottom of the glass pour a little mixture of water with honey or jam.
  • Make from thick paper funnel.
  • Place the funnel with a narrow side into a glass. The lower edge of the funnel should not touch the sweet liquid.
  • The fly, brought by the smell, will fly through the funnel, but it will not be able to get back.

    Video: trap for flies do it yourself

    Getting rid of insects using insecticides

    Modern production offers a wide selection of insecticidal agents differing in the form of release, price and method of application.

  • Chlorofos, dichlofos, flies, and others. Effective concentrated insecticide is contained in a cylinder under greater pressure. The drug is convenient for use, it is not necessary to carry out any preparatory work. Aerosols are recommended to be sprayed in a closed space using the protection tools. The room after processing should be left, and after 2 hours it is good to ventilate.

    Aerosols are convenient for use and effective in combating flies.

  • Small (Masha and other species) are a simple and inexpensive means to destroy insects. They are applied lines on different surfaces, crossing which insects will soon die. It can also be used in a dissolved form, but it is not recommended to apply indoors where there are small children and animals.

    Masha - a simple and inexpensive means for the destruction of insects

  • Granules (agita, flies byte, byte fly). The product has insecticidal activity, easy to use and ideally suited to those who save time. To destroy flies, the granules are placed in the corners of the room, so their use is possible if there are no small children and pets in the house. For processing window Rams And they can be brewed in a small amount of water. After contact with the preparation, flies die for a few minutes. The residual action is preserved up to two months.

    Insecticidal powder Before use, it is necessary to dissolve water

  • Fuligator (Raptor, Help, Flop, Taiga) - a special device in which you need to insert a plate or a flask with a poisonous liquid. When heated, the active ingredient applies to the room, the flies die. Non-hazardous for people and animals.

    Fumigators - good way get rid of flies in the apartment

  • Other ways of destruction flies

    You can also get rid of insects using other popular and inexpensive means.

  • Muchwan during the times of our grandfathers was the most common mechanical adaptation for the destruction of flies. The lack of a factory-proof sample often replaced old newspapers and magazines fired by a tube. The method is effective and today, but has a very big minus: insect corpses, smeared on expensive wallpaper, leave unattractive spots and spoil presentable view premises.

    The most famous mechanical device for the destruction of flies - fly swatter

  • Mosquito nets - effective devices To protect the room from insect penetration. Modern plastic windowsAs a rule, they are equipped with them. If not, you can purchase a mesh and install on the inner surface of the frame. This will protect the room not only from the penetration of flies, but also other insects.

    Mosquito net prevents insect penetration into the room

  • Sticky tape - simple and available tool. Fly attracts the smell, they sit on the tape, stick to her and die. The big advantage of the device is environmental friendliness, and a significant drawback in the fact that the tape stuck insects looks inestic and spoils the appearance of the room. There is one more minus: touched by negligence to the sticky surface, you can steal hands, face, clothes. And such pollution is very difficult to wash away.

    Sticky tape - simple and safe method Remedy flies

  • Briefly about prevention

    So that insects do not get into the room, observe sanitary and hygienic standards and the requirements for the residential premises.

  • Eliminate all the holes and gaps through which flies penetrated the apartment before.
  • Install mesh mesh on windows.
  • Make general cleaning, eliminating the sources of attraction of flies and disinfecting the surface. A little turpentar or kerosene can be added to the water for washing the floor and windows: flies do not tolerate these substances.
  • Repair cranes, eliminate all water leaks.
  • Store food in sealed packages, use special grids.

    Store food is necessary in fly protected

  • More often, take the garbage and observe the purity in the apartment, that is, create in your apartment the conditions unacceptable for insects.
  • Flies dwell within a radius of 100 meters from the place of its origin. Mouse over to outdoor territoryRemove any rotting garbage. With the onset of cold weather, turn the lawns to destroy the larvae and flies, hidden in the soil on the wintering.

    Recall that insects are food for birds. Hang near the house of the feeders to attract the feathery to its territory.

    Birds - the best assistants in the fight against insects

    Prevention of the appearance of flies can be held aromatic methods. Plant at home B. flower pots such houseplantslike geranium, mint, eucalyptus, myrta. For pricework Well fit bay leaf, wormwood, elderberry, currants, cherry, walnut tree. Tomatoes, basil and fern can be grown at home and on open plot. The smells of these plants scare flies.

    The smell of mint scares flies

    Flies are not only annoying and unpleasant insects, but also carriers of pathological bacteria, many of which are dangerous for a person. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of flies. Use for this any of the proposed methods and observe elementary sanitary and hygienic requirements.

    No one of us like flies. They are the most common insects around the world. Russian scientists were numbered about twenty thousand species of these insects. The unconditional leader among all species is the room fly. Everyone is familiar with this annoying insect. They are very fast, it is impossible to catch them. They fly due to the presence of a powerful thorax muscles system.

    Scientists have found that the wings are familiar to us of the indoor fly work with enough high speed, Approximately two hundred crackling in one second. Some species can wave the wings even with greater speed. They have rear wings, which are called buzzing, so, thanks to this particular wings, it supports the balance and highlights all the tricks without falling at the same time.

    According to statistical data, the fly is the cause of more than 100 hepatitis epidemics in the XIX century in Russia. Now, thanks to modern medicine, this indicator declined noticeably. About five epidemics arises per year.

    It is possible to infected the above ailments in the event that there are products available insect. Any disease, in case of ignoring it, can cause irreparable harm to the status.

    In addition, the functioning of the stomach and liver will disturb, the patient will have problems with a chair, an increase in body temperature will be noted. In extremely severe cases, the stomach is covered with cracks and ulcers and the liver increases.

    That all of the above does not touch you, wash more often, do not leave food outdoors outdoors, and make sure that you eat. Help in the fight against these annoying insects will help folk remedies. Recipes of funds are very simple, moreover, you do not have to pay big money for them.

    Super-method of deliverance - cheap and easy

    Get rid of insects with folk recipes

    The process of getting rid of flies is divided into several main steps.

    1. Detection and cleaning of places where insects are multiplied.

    Try to always close the garbage buckets and make waste in time. Wash them with acetic solution, flies this smell does not like, and accordingly, they will not fly there.

    Another cereal place for these insects is a garbage disposal. Wash it, of course, is not included in your duties. Just try to rapidly tie the garbage bags when throwing garbage.

    2. The process of getting rid of adults.

    To do this, you can use repellents that are sold in stores. But you should know that they are dangerous, and besides, not quite cheap. Much more efficient, safer, and besides, it is cheaper to easily fame, you can simply use the means "from the people."

    The most effective folk remedies

    All the funds below are triggered by centuries. They also used our ancestors to our emergence.

    Getting rid of flies with. Insects are opposed to this smell. You just need to spray vodka in the house or elsewhere where they live.

    The use of essential oils, for example, lavender, lemon will help you get rid of these unpleasant insects.

    Carnation in the fight against insects. Put several colors on a saucer in the kitchen. Also can use clove essential oil.

    You can also take advantage of the homemade flavoring. To do this, you will need a pair of lemons and carnation flowers. Cut the lemons into two parts, in each of them stack flowers. Put them in a vase or on a plate and put on the table.

    Homemade velcro. Prepare a strong sugar syrup with jam and honey. Then make some paper strips and soak them in the cooked syrup for a couple of hours. It is preferable to use craft paper. After that, dry and sweat in problem places (where flies are most often inhabit).

    Cooking sugar traps. First you need to make a sugar solution. Then make a cone from paper and insert into it a jar. Just so that the cone remains dry. Since Muhi love sweet, they will fly on the smell, and, threaded to the jar, they will no longer be able to get out. it general principle All such traps. If you wish, you can pour beer instead of sugar syrup.

    Recipe for cooking poison. Take two sugar spoons and one spoonful of black ground pepper, mix them thoroughly. Slow out this mixture into small containers and arrange them all over the dwelling.

    Plants - the best assistants

    Not everyone knows about the existence of colors that feed on these annoying insects.

    As you can see, there is a large number of funds that will help in getting rid of flies. Try, because it is not hard, safely and besides almost free.

    Flies in the house? Not the most pleasant company. In the spring, the number of insects in the apartment increases, and the question of how to get rid of the flies and make it no longer appear. Before starting to combat these flying insects, it is necessary to determine where they appear, otherwise all efforts will be in vain. So, we'll figure it out.

    1. In the warm season, they can fly from windows, balconies, doors and even from ventilation holes.
    2. It happens that the street has not worked yet, and they are already flying in the house. These are insects, which in the fall disappeared in the slots, secluded places for hibernation, and in the spring they again come to life and begin their "mission" on annoying people.

    If there is even the slightest hint of antisanitia in the apartment, then the flies wipe this place, because they are attracted by smells of rotting and dirt.

    An annoying buzzing, flights from one place to another, "Travel" on food products and your body are irritated and psychological discomfort. It would be easier if the harm from insects was limited only by unpleasant emotions. They may be very dangerous for a person.

    What is the danger of home flies?

    Flies are double insects, very small and lungs. They are powered only by liquid food, sucking it through the proboscis. For them, various sweet liquid products are extremely attractive: compote, juice, tea, jam, honey. If these products stand in an unclosed form in your kitchen, then they will definitely attract insects.

    No one knows where insects flew to your home. Perhaps they sat on the decaying corpses of animals, rotting fruits, human feces, and now they are pacing bread and fruit. Very impressive picture! Therefore, the question of how to get rid of flies in the house should be decided immediately!

    Insects are transferred on their paws thousands of bacteria causing cholera, dysentery, tuberculosis, helminthiasis, conjunctivitis, diphtheria, Siberian ulcers. They can also postpone the larvae in food and food that you can eat. This is fraught with intestinal disorders. Some flies bite and can cause severe irritation on the skin.

    In order not to solve the problem, how to get rid of flies at home, you need to take care in advance to make your home unattractive for them. What methods for this exist?

    1. To keep the house and the apartment clean, immediately throw out the trash so that it does not spread the smells: sweet - for flies and unpleasant - for us. If it is clean, there is no antisanitarian, then the flies here and there is nothing to do.
    2. You can use folk remedies. It is known that Muham is unpleasant smell of geranium. Putting pots on the windowsill with this room flowerYou will exclude their flies in the apartment through the windows.
    3. If you add a collection of house-sized pots with seedy tomatoes, it will also scare the flies.
    4. In the spring, when insects are activated, you need to equip windows with mosquito nets.
    5. From countries Latin America The method came, who do not win from the aesthetic side and to which residents are hardly resorted modern apartments. If you hang in the room with polyethylene bags filled with water, then flies in the room will not come together, as the environment that they see through the water suspended in the bag, scares them and they prefer to be returned.

    Popular ways to deal with flies in the apartment and house

    Fly traps are very popular and effective in fighting insects. They can be made of remedies. The following types of traps are most common among the population:

    1. IN glass jar It is necessary to place the bait, which can be taken honey, syrup sweeten with sugar water. A cone from paper is inserted into the jar so that the wide part is located on top, and the narrow part is from the bottom of the cana, but not close to it. Insects attracted by bait will fly into the jar through the hole in the cone, and they will not be able to get out.
    2. The most elementary trap - open beer bottle, in which there is a little drink. Flies fly to the smell, they will not be able to fly into the bottle and fly away.
    3. The following trap is also effective: in glass jarpour a bit of vinegar with a few drops of dishwashing liquid. From above the bank wrap the food film and make a hole in it, which will fit an adult fly. The fly flies to the bank will not be able to break out and drown in the cooked mixture.

    Finished devices and instruments for fighting flies

    To combat hated insects, you can use a special device for the destruction of flies. Manufacturers offer various modelswho facilitate life.

    • Insecticidal lamps There are different shapes and sizes: in the form of sconce, floor or desktop devices. They work from electricity, absolutely harmless to people and can be used indoors around the clock. How is the fight against flies? The devices emit ultraviolet rays of a certain spectrum attracting flies. Insects that are close to them are dying from the discharge of the current. Many models are equipped with adhesive sheets or a special design that do not give the dead insect to fall on the floor, on the table, providing high hygiene.

    • Exist devices that attract flies with UV radiation and then suck Falling insects. Silent work, hygienic and security make it possible to use devices in the house and apartment.
    • Insect shredder - Effective and unique device against flies. It is very simple in the installation and the radius of their action is area of \u200b\u200b4000 m2. It cannot be installed in the room, so it is one of the popular models for private houses. Having installed it in the courtyard, you can enjoy the rest without being distracted by annoying insects. Also, many times the likelihood of flies into the house through windows and doors is reduced. How do this device act? It produces carbon dioxide, moisture and heat that attract flies. Falling insects suck in the grid and dying there from dehydration during the day.
    • Velcro or sticky ribbons - Effective trap. It is a ribbon and a sticky leaf. It is enough to hang in the room where the most flies. They will attract insects with a specific smell. Severing fly on them will no longer be able to push and die.

    Street flies are also annoying: ways to combat them

    Most of all flies on the courtyard of a private house, in the garden and garden, and they also deliver the inconvenience to man. How to get rid of flies on the street? First you need to determine if there is no clusters of garbage, garbage containers, cesspools, computer coup since they will permanent place reproduction and spread of insects.

    There are several rules, the execution of which will minimize the number of insects in the yard and on the street:

    • Maintain cleanliness in the yard. If a dog walks there, then it is necessary to collect her litter, so that the smell does not attract insects. The covers of garbage containers in the courtyard of the house should be tightly closed.
    • Regular haircut of the lawn And the absence of a heap of grass or leaves.
    • In the yard there should be no places with standing water.
    • Smells of some plants and bushes have a scare effect. If planted buzina or C. yeremhu around the perimeter of the plot, the insects will be in the yard of your home rare guests. If you grow on the flower beds mint, Lavender, Amorph, Basil, pyrcy They will also get rid of their interference in your life.

    To combat, you can use modern devices.

    • Street exterminator insects - Effective remedy for flies on the street. It generates carbon dioxide, warmth and moisture, attracting them. Insects arrive from all over the site, sucking into the grid and after a while they die. The advantages of these devices are that they cover a large radius and harmless to people, soil and plants in the garden and on the site.
    • With a large cluster, flies helps fumigator. The fusion of insects of poisonous gases for them will break away from the unreasonable "guests".
    • One of the popular funds in the fight against flies are pyrotechnic fumigators, or insecticides. They are used to destroy flies on open air. If the spirals and poems are located around the perimeter of the site, it will protect it from the penetration of insects.

    If you need to get rid of flies during the rest in nature, you can do repovelents. They are applied to the skin of a person and protect against annoying bustaches.

    Common ways to deal with flies in the country and in a wooden house

    Usually, in the country and in a private house, the probability of reproduction and increase the number of flies is greater than in apartments. The presence of garbage containers directly in the yard and cesspools, if the house is not connected to centralized sewage. But the question of how to deal with flies in the country may decide also effectively and quickly.

    • All methods described above are suitable for the destruction of flies in the conditions of cottages.
    • Celdictions need to be processed and sprinkled with chloride lime.
    • If there is a restroom and a toilet on the street next to the house, then they need to be systematically often processed with chlorine solution.
    • Effective such folk waysAs lubricating floors in the house of turpentine mastic and wetting window frames vinegar.
    • Help the rooms and drafts helps to get rid of the flies.
    • Many dackets use chemicals from flies. So, prepared from a special poisonous powder for flies (for example, agita) solutions are applied with a brush on the walls, floors, ceilings. These tools are eliminated from the flies and prevent their appearance for another month. And suspensions cooked from the same powder and sprayed in the air, too quickly destroy insects and do not give them to appear for about a month. These means are harmless to people.

    Problem how to get rid of flies in wooden housemay decide the use of the same means.

    Also help:

    • Anti-mosquito nets on windows.
    • Sticky ribbons, both ready and made with their own hands. For homemade tape need resin (or rosin), Castor or linseed oil, for bait - honey, glycerin and sugar. All these "ingredients" melt in a water bath and smear a paper tape obtained by a mixture, then hang it in the room. The effect of this fund will be the same as from the shop sticky tape.
    • Flies will fly to search for another home, if grate everything is loved by the flies of the surface with laurel oil, if you decompose on the windowsill and furniture shoots or fresh fern leaflets, pyzhms, euzins, carnation sticks (seasoning), eucalyptus.

    How to deal with flies in the room: Secrets tested for years

    Do not know how to get rid of flies in the room? And you need to do it locally and without prejudice to your own health? Homemade bait Effective in the fight against flies in the conditions of an apartment and a private house. They can make each and after some time fly, hurt by poisonous treats, dies.

    1. Sweet Fluids Flies adore, but completely not tolerated Sakharin. It is necessary to make a solution of 10 g of saccharin and a small amount of honey. The resulting solution should be wetted the paper napkin and, putting it on the saucer, leave on the windowsill. Flies attracted by a sweet smell and tried Sakharin, after a while dying.
    2. The following type of poison is also easy to prepare. The solution is prepared from 5 teaspoons of soda, 3 tablespoons of milk, 0, 5 teaspoons of formalin. It is necessary to pour the mixture in the saucer, put a piece of bread there. It is possible to place a few meal and wait for the flies to be familiar with such "delicacy."
    3. A solution based on water, sweeten with syrup or honey with the addition of black pepper, is very effective. Bulip it in shallow plates and putting around the house, you can solve the problem, how to get rid of flies. Black ground pepper is deadly dangerous for insects.

    Manufacturers chemicals They offer their ways how to deal with flies in the apartment. Using aerosol It will help to get rid of insects by 100%. The most famous funds are "Dichlofos" and "Chlorofos" Their disadvantage is that they can be dangerous for people and pets sprayed them, it is necessary to leave the apartment, and after reaching the effect of the room several times.

    Less harmful to humans, but adamant in relation to flies fumigators for home use. The plate is placed in the body of the device, which, heating, exudes in the air to poisonous for flies. Usually, the fumigators begin to act 30 minutes after the inclusion and the time of their exposure should be limited, since they are harmful to children and pets.

    Flies indoors: how to destroy?

    Sometimes it is necessary to quickly resolve the question of how to get rid of flies in the room. When the room is small and flies in it a little, then you can do the usual fly swat.

    If the flies are a lot and no opportunity to get rid of them "manually", then you can apply folk remedies. So, flies are very sensitive to essential oils. If we light the aroma with clove, lavender rosemary, eucalyptus oils, then flies are retracted for a long time.

    Environmental and effective are ultrasonic scares Muh. Sound waves, not catchy by man, but destructive for flies, make them leave the room. They are suitable for use in apartments and houses and are absolutely useless in open territories.

    To combat insects, you can put an exotic predatory plant on the windowsill - Venus Mukholovka. It attracts the sweet smell of flies, and when they sit on the leaves, they slam and launches the digestion mechanism. The plant will be a permanent fighter with flies.

    Summing up, say, methods and means of combating flies are many. But they require effort and time. In order for the hazardous "neighbors, it never got rid of the dugbyen" neighbors ", it is better to take prevention measures in advance: to keep the house clean, keep the plants in the apartment unloved by flies, and in private houses you can install flashers of flies, which for several tens of meters not Let the flies to the house.

    The process of getting rid of insects can be divided into two periods.

    In order for this stage to be successful, it is necessary:

    • close the garbage bin and the garbage collector in the entrance;
    • to take the garbage from the apartment in a timely manner;
    • tightly tie a plastic waste bag;
    • do not allow the rotting of food waste, throw out the touched vegetables, fruits and berries in time.

    Also do not forget how the bucket is polluted for garbage carefully wash the container weak mortar vinegar or boric acid. To do this, add a tablespoon of substance to the water. The aroma is unpleasant insect, and they are afraid of him, so they do not delay in your home.

    If there are children and pets in the house, then in the presence of many repellent on sale, it is better to give preference folk remedies. They are much safer and is not inferior to the effectiveness of industrial chemicals.

    Despite the fact that ready-made traps for insects are sold in stores, they can be easily made independently at home.

    In order to build a bait itself, take an empty bank and water into which you will need to add sugar, honey, jam or jam. Make a cone from the sheet of paper and insert it into the container so that the edges do not touch the sweet driver.

    Milk or beer can also be used as a liquid. In addition to sugar, you can add black pepper or vinegar. After such drinking insect even, if it is flying away, it will not live for longer than two days.

    In addition, you can make a velcro, smearing the paper roll with sugar syrup or honey. Such an adaptation should be placed in the places of the flock of flies.

    In order to prevent and reduce the number of flies in the house, make mosquito nets on the windows. Such simple devices will protect the room from uninvited guests.

    As you can see, with the help of pretty simple methods It is easy to get rid of insects without resorting to the use of chemicals.

    This type of insects is the most common on the planet. These docks are very pleasing to man, so no one loves them and leads a constant fight against them. Naturalists estimated that in the territory of Russia there are up to 20 thousand types of flies, and even more.

    It is almost impossible to catch your mum's hands, because she has a very fast reaction, and she flies quite rapidly. Scientists have determined that fly in one second makes up to 200 crawl wings. Some of the species are capable of making more waves, as evidenced by a rather unpleasant sound.

    Flies in the house do not apply to innocuous insects, so the problems of combating them go to the fore. In addition, they are numerous and annoying, they can carry various ailments. After all, they do not disassemble where they can be seen and can be seen everywhere, as well as the intermediate holes, where various waste thrown out. Having been in front of the place, fly after some time can fly to the kitchen and easily sit on food.

    This article tells about the methods effective struggle With flies invented by our ancestors.

    Fly flies perfectly and feel as beautiful in flight, focusing in space. Some of them can fly at a speed of up to 40 km / h. Fly behaves actively exclusively during the daytime. Fly diet Much make up various liquid substances. Their oral apparatus performs ljug-sucking functions, so they are not able to bite the person.

    There are trampling flies that bite, but they do not have any relationship to indoor flies. These insects are quite prolific and one pair of flies for their life cycle can postpone up to 100 eggs, or even more. Fly Eggs postponed in any place available to it. Life cycle Flies are several weeks. IN winter Flies do not show their activity, but the eggs are postponed in advance, therefore, with the arrival of spring heat, adults appear again in human living space.

    Does fly danger for a person? Yes, represent. Moreover, the danger of this is quite serious, since the bedrooms are a peddler of various infectious diseases, such as typhoid, jaundice, cholera, salmonellosis and others. Muhi is constantly moving from place to place, carrying the eggs of worms. Almost all the epidemics of the jaundice of the XIX century are associated with indoor flies. Thanks to the possibilities of modern medicine, the epidemic managed to reduce to 5 per year.

    The development of the disease is possible when a person uses the products on which flies were visited. Many diseases are associated with violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and other internal organs.

    Therefore! Having found a fly in the house, it should be immediately engaged in destruction. For this, people came up with a lot of interesting and efficient ways.

    Is it possible to get rid of flies in the house? If you try, then you can. Moreover, from flies, you can not only get rid of, but also prevent their re-appearance.

    This method of combating flies is quite popular and tried over the years. The main advantages include the availability of the method and its high efficiency. What is needed for this:

    • The oblong segments of the fabric or paper are taken, for example, old wallpaper and lubricated a mixture of rosin, honey and castor oil taken in equal proportions. The trap will surely interest flies, just fly away they will not be able to. The only minus is the presence of a strip with dead flies that spoils appearance.
    • There is another type of trap, which is made of plastic bottle. To do this, take such a bottle and cut the neck in it. The neck turns over and is inserted into the bottle, and so that it does not concern fluid. Before this, the bottle needs to pour sweet water. A fly will be able to climb into a bottle through the neck, and get out of the back will not be able to get back. Miracles, and only!

    Similar devices used in ancient times, although plastic bottles Then there was not yet. With the advent of plastic bottles, much has changed, since the folk craftsmen do amazing, and sometimes very useful things.

    There are several home, but effective tools Fighting flies. For example, such:

    • Special mortar. It includes formalin, milk and sweet water, in a 1: 3 ratio ratio. This tool serves to lubricate the favorite places insects, such as window sills, entrance doors and other places, including containers and dishes. You can take a piece of bread and moisten it in this solution. Fly, who has tried such a food will not be able to fly. At the same time, it should be remembered that in the summer the milk is quickly spoiled, so it is not necessary to prepare a solution. Do not allow the access of animals and children to him.
    • Using black pepper. Black pepper is a well-known seasoning that fights flies no worse artificial drugs. Black pepper is taken and mixed with sugar, after which the mixture is scattered in places of the greatest focus. From a mixture of milk, sugar and ground pepper can be done homemade ribbons. In this solution, the fabric is impregnated and hangs within the apartment. Since the solution dries quickly, the tissue tapes need to be changed as they dry.
    • Application Sakharin. This substance is a real poison for flies. To prepare the active substance, it is necessary to take a glass of water and dissolve 20 ml of honey and 2 grams of sugar. This solution can be soaked with a newspaper or other paper and put it on the windowsill. It is unacceptable that this substance in contact with pets.
    • Application of vinegar. Vinegar is used as a scaping agent. Before climbing on the street on the street, it is necessary to just wipe with vinegar, after which, during 2 hours, no fly will not sit down on the table. Vinegar, you can wipe such places like window sills, doorways, entrance doors, which will scare the flies and save the accommodation from their invasion.
    • The use of kerosene. This furyer substance also effectively scares the flies. To prepare a valid solution, 40 ml kerosene should be added to 1 liter of water. This solution can also wipe all the places in which flies are preferred. Unfortunately, this solution is unpleasant not only for flies, but also for a person. There is a substance for several hours.

    Do not everyone knows that there are plants that help fight flies in the house. They are enough to put on the windowsill, decorating the window, and at the same time using the peculiarities of this flower. These flowers include:

    • Venuska Mukholovka. The flower is powered by flies, clamping them with leaves at the moment when fly sits on a piece of leaf.
    • Having plants around the house as Lavender, Pijm, Wormwood and Basil, it is possible to get rid of the invasions of many harmful insects, and flies.
    • Locking geranium, you can also scare the flies, since Gerani's aroma many insects are not transferred, although the person does not feel it.
    • Tomatoes cope with this task. It is enough to put on the windowsill tomatoes Cherry, or other decorative indoor tomatoes.
    • Mirt and Eucalyptus smell perfectly perfectly, but their fragrance does not less effectively scare insects.
    • No less effective may be fern and eases. Not a problem in the summer period to acquire branches of these plants. Burst branches or fern should be placed around the perimeter of the room. At the same time, the branches need to be constantly changed, because the dried branches do not have such an effect.

    It is better to think in advance that there was no flies in the house, than to fight them every day. So that there were no insects in the dwelling, it is enough to take advantage of some tips. For example:

    • You need to quickly get rid of garbage and waste. Flies are able to determine acceptable space for themselves at a great distance. Especially they attract the smell of meat and fish. From the waste of these products, you should get rid of advance.
    • The trash can also be kept clean, and even better to use special trash packages.
    • All food needs to be stored exclusively in the refrigerator, and in nature they need to cover gauze.
    • Flies just adore dirty dishes. In this regard, after each meal, the dishes need to be washed immediately.
    • With domestic animals, their feed needs to be constantly hiding after each meal. This approach will allow not only to get rid of the flies, but also to teach the animal to the regime.
    • Mosquito nets enjoy great popularity. By installing plastic windows, all owners set mosquito nets. This allows you to solve the issue with the appearance of not only flies in the house, but also other insects. The main condition is the lack of cracks.
    • If not mosquito netsYou can stick to the windows with foil that scare insects.
    • If many flies flew into the room, then they can be expelled using a cloth and the light source turned on. At the same time, you need to open the window.
    • It is hard to get rid of flies in a private house, especially if the owners are bred every living nature. To be less than flies, it is necessary to clean more often in animal cells, and it is better to sprinkle with chlorine lime. Drain Yama It should be covered with a lid, otherwise the flies will multiply.

    Flies accompany the man of millennia. During this time, the person could come up with many ways to get rid of these annoying insects. Some methods of struggle are quite simple and do not require special efforts. So that there were fewer flies around, it is better to adhere to the elementary rules of sanitation.