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How to make lysun without glue read. How to make lysuun at home: the simplest and safe ways. How to make lysuan from shampoo with your own hands

All kids love to play lysun. Not only, this mass, thanks to his plasticity and drig, allows the child to create anything with him, so it still allows you to develop a fine motility of hands. And this, in turn, is favorably reflected on the kid's intelligence. Such a product is also called Slime or Handgam.

If Kroch wants such a toy, then there will be no problems with his purchase, because it is almost universally sold. But why give extra money when Lizuuna can be done at home with your own hands. And for this you will need the simplest materials that are also cheap.

How to make lysuan from plow glue

In the house where there are small children, finding PVA glue is not a problem. But besides appliqué, it is still useful for creating lysuine. The main thing is that it is not "stagnant".


  • pVA glue - 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • salt - 3 h.;
  • glass container.

If there is a desire to make color lysun, then the component is still needed by the food dye (1/3 tsp).

Preparation method:

  1. In the dishes pour hot water and add salt, after which, everything is well stirred. It is best to use a fine salt, as it quickly and well dissolves.
  2. Next, stirring the liquid, dye adds to it. By the way, if it is not at hand, you can use an ordinary gouache (1 tsp).
  3. As soon as the water cools down a little, all glue without mixing and leave for 20 minutes.
  4. After the specified time, the mass starts to slowly mix with a tablespoon. This process will make the glue gradually separated from the water, while its consistency will begin to gain the desired appearance.
  5. As soon as the entire substance gather around the spoon, you can take it in hand.

The proposed version of Lizuun will have a slightly rigid consistency. But if you want to make a softer version of Slim, then you should use the following recipe.

How to make lysun from sodium tetraborate at home

The specified substance is easy to purchase in any pharmacy. Also, it is also called a bug, which allows you to soften the toy. To create lysus required:

  • 1/2 h. L. sodium tetrabrate;
  • 30 g glue PVA (it is recommended to use transparent);
  • 2 tanks;
  • 300 ml of warm water;
  • optionally, the culinary dye.

All the process is as follows.:

  1. A glass of water is poured into one of the tanks, into which the bug is gradually poured, stirring constantly.
  2. 1/2 cup of water poured into the second capacity, add glue.
  3. If the manufacture uses the dye, then it is added to the diluted glue. For intense color, it is recommended to use 5-7 drops. You can also experiment with a gamut, for example, add 3 drops of green and 4 drops of yellow.
  4. As soon as the glue and dye get a homogeneous mass, it is added to the first container. You need to do it with a thin jet, while stirring constantly.
  5. As soon as the desired consistency is achieved, the lysun is taken from the tank. Toy ready!

Another option of lysen from the tetraborate

Based on the sodium tetraborate there is another manufacturer's recipe. But in this case there is still a polyvinyl alcohol in powder. All work is as follows:

  1. Powder alcohol is boiled on fire for 40 minutes. On the label there is a detailed instruction on its preparation (each manufacturer, it can differ slightly). The main mixture is constantly interfered, in order to form a homogeneous mass and do not giving it to the merger.
  2. 2 tbsp. Sodium tetrabrate is mixed with 250 ml of warm water. The mixture is stirred until the powder is completely dissolved. Next, it is filled through a small gauze.
  3. The purified solution is slowly poured into the alcohol mixture and are carefully stirred. Mass will be gradually thick.
  4. At this stage, 5 drops of dye are added to give lizenu bright color. But the gouache will not give an intense shade, so it is better to use the food dye.

Important! Sodium tetrabrate is sufficient toxic. Therefore, the main task of parents is to control the kid not pulling Handgam in the mouth. If this happened, you need to rinse your mouth with a child and it is desirable to clean the stomach. And also urgently apply for advice to the doctor!

The lysun made from the tetraborate is more suitable for children from 4-5 years old, as it is easier for them to explain the safety of the operation of the toy.

Lizun from Starch

If there is no possibility to buy a sodium tetrabott or just want to make a safer version of lysun, then the recipe with starch easily solves this problem. Perhaps every mother in the kitchen there is:

  • 100-200 g starch.
  • Water.

Method of manufacture:

  1. Both ingredients are taken in equal proportions. So that the starch is easier to dissolve, water is recommended to use warm, but not hot. In the opposite case, the starch will begin to turn it hard, which will violate the correctness of the substance.
  2. In order for the consistency to be elastic, powder is added gradually.
  3. To enable it is convenient to use an ordinary spoon or a span. Thus, the whole mass will coach around the item, after which it will be easy to remove it.

To give lizenu, in the water, you can add food dye, gouache or even green.


Handgam can be prepared from shampoo. It is even more convenient, because modern funds have not only a pleasant smell, but also different colors. And this means that you can save on food dye.

  1. To create a small toy take 75 g of shampoo and detergent, which put in order the dishes (or liquid soap). It is desirable that they coincide in colors.
  2. Components are well mixed to homogeneous mass. But! Here the main thing is not to overturn them, so all movements should be slow.
  3. The resulting mass is placed in the refrigerator on the lower shelf.
  4. After the specified time, the lysun is ready for operation.

Recipe of lysen from shampoos and salt

There is another way to prepare lysuine, but here the detergent is replaced by a pinch of shallow salt. In the container, all ingredients are mixed and placed in the refrigerator.

But in contrast to the above option, for the "frozen" of Lizuun, only half an hour will be required. If you judge objectively, this toy is suitable more like an antistress. Or even for the warm-up of fingers, as it has increased stickiness.

Important! This option is although it is easy to manufacture, but requires certain operating and storage conditions.

  • First, after the games it should be placed back to the refrigerator, otherwise it "melts".
  • Secondly, it does not fit for long games, since at elevated temperatures, it begins to lose his plasticity.
  • Thirdly, you can not forget, from which it is done by Slim, that is, after each game, the baby needs to wash a hand.

And this is not to mention that parents must follow so that he does not take a toy in his mouth. Well, if, Lizun gathered a lot of garbage on himself, it would not be able to clean it - it is better to throw it out and make the manufacture of a new toy.

Lizun from toothpaste at home

In this case, the main ingredients will be the floor of a tube (approximately 50-70g) toothpaste and PVA glue (1 tbsp.).

Immediately it is worth saying that the first time the lysun will be smell, but he will disappear enough, so the mother can not worry about this.

Both ingredients are placed in the container and mixed well. If the consistency is not enough plastic, then the adhesive is added to the container. Then the mass is placed in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.

Such a slim performs two roles:

  • if it is played when it is warm (at room temperature), it will be lysome;
  • while the product remains cold, the adult can use it like an antistress.

There are also two more ways to make a lease from toothpaste:

Method 1: Water bath. The saucepan is placed in the paste (the amount depends on the desired volume of the toy) and put on a container with boiling water. After that, the fire is reduced to a minimum and begin to stir. The whole process takes 10-15 minutes.

As moisture to leave the paste, it will acquire a more loose consistency. Before you take a substance in your hands, they are lubricated with ordinary sunflower oil. Mass need to knead well until the product acquires the desired appearance.

Method 2: In the microwave. Again, the required amount of paste is placed in the container. But in this case it is better to use glass or ceramic dishes. The timer is installed for 2 minutes.

After that, the paste gets and mix well, then the mass is placed once again into the microwave, but for 3 minutes. The final stage is the same as in the previous one: pre-lubricated oil with hands carry out the mass of mass until complete readiness.

Since this lysun is slightly fat, the mother must control how the kid played. In the opposite case, wash and cleaning will be much.

How to make lysuan from shaving foam

And this option is great for creative fathers. The main advantage of the method is that the shaving air foam allows you to create large solids in volume.

Required components:

  • shaving foam (how much dad is not sorry);
  • bura - 1.5 ch. l.;
  • stationery glue;
  • water - 50 ml.


  1. At first, the borate powder is completely dissolved in warm water, so that the crystals are no longer visible.
  2. After that, a separate bowl is placed foam and stirred from 1 tbsp. glue.
  3. Now the first solution is poured into the resulting mass. The mass will gradually begin to thicken, thanks to which it will lag behind the walls of the container.
  4. As soon as Lizun stops sticking, including to the hands, it can be finished.

Tip! The bora is gradually in a foam, as it is difficult to say what kind of foam itself. It is possible that it will take more solution for her thickening, or the dad will simply do not regret his means. Therefore, during cooking, it is best to keep the Buru at hand to have time to prepare another portion of the solution.

Making Lizuun's houses from detergent

Above the recipe was already presented, where the detergent appeared. But there is another way to use the specified ingredient in the manufacture of lysuine.


  • detergent - 1 tbsp.;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • hand cream - 1/2 Article.;
  • at the request of the food dye of the desired color.


  1. In the glass container poured the detergent and add soda, after which everyone is thoroughly mixed. It is prevented so that the mixture does not foam, but at the same time gradually acquired a more dense consistency. If, in sensations, it became too thick, then it is diluted with water - poured on a teaspoon.
  2. Further, cream is added to the container and again stirred to a homogeneous mass.
  3. The following is the selected dye - 5-7 drops.
  4. The solution will be thick, but for better plasticity, it is recommended to pour it into the bag and place a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

Immediately it is worth saying that as the mass is cooling, the color of Lizun can change somewhat.

How to make a simple lyson from salt

Salt can be used not only in cooking, but also in the preparation of home toys. The striking example of this is not only dough-plasticine, but also lysun. For such work, other than salt, it is still a little liquid soap and dye.

Stages of creating the following:

  • liquid soap (3-4 cl) mix with dye;
  • to the resulting mass add a pinch of salts and stirred;
  • the substance is placed in the refrigerator for 10 minutes;
  • after the specified time, one more mixing is carried out.

In this case, the salt acts not as the main ingredient, but as a thickener. Therefore, with its number you need to be careful not to get rubber.

How to make lysuine from sugar

Sugar, like salt, can be found in any house. The following way will make it possible to create a transparent lysuine. True, provided that no dye is used.

Two main ingredients - 2 h. Sugar on 5 tbsp. l. thick shampoo. If there is a desire to get precisely transparent lysun, then you should choose the shampoo of the same color.

Cooking is very simple:

  1. The two main components are mixed well in a cup.
  2. After that, it is tightly closed, for which cellophane and gum can be used.
  3. Capacity is removed in the refrigerator for 48 hours.
  4. How will they pass, the toy will be ready for use.

Made from sugar Slime is also sensitive to temperature, so it is better to store it in the refrigerator.

Lizun from soda at home

There is another recipe for making lysuine at home, where the soda will be used. It adds a liquid soap or a means for dishes to it, and the amount of the last ingredient directly depends on the desired volume of lysus.

  1. In the saucepan, the detergent (soap) is poured and stirred with soda.
  2. Next add one or several dyes at once.
  3. Mix until the mass becomes sufficiently thick and ready to use.

How to make lysun yourself from flour

This option is suitable for the little ones, since the Lizun formulation does not include anything dangerous to health. If the baby tries to taste in a taste, then the mother will not be very worried. Although, for the sake of justice it is worth saying: a flour toy will not be plastic long.

For the manufacture of lysuine from flour it will take:

  • wheat flour (not necessarily take the best grade) - 400 g;
  • water hot and cold - 50 ml;
  • dye.

Council. If you want to do a completely natural lysun, then for painting you can use boiled onion husks, beet or carrot juice, spinach.

Cooking It has several main stages:

  1. Initially, the flour is sieved into a separate container.
  2. Next, it is first added to the cold, and then warm water. In order not to suffer with lumps, it is best to pour a thin flowing fluid, constantly stirring the resulting mass.
  3. Now add dye or juice. The amount of paint directly affects the color intensity.
  4. Then the mass is allowed to cool through 4 hours. Best of all on the bottom sheal in the refrigerator.
  5. When the cooling time is over, the lysun is getting out of the tank. If the product is slightly lipnet, it is slightly rotated with flour or lubricated with sunflower oil.

Ready Sliem retains its elasticity of 1-2 days, and if they store it in the package, it will last a couple of days. But, despite such a short term, this lysun is the safest for the baby, as it does not include any chemistry.

The lease toy has become popular after entering the screens of the artistic painting "Ghostbusters". She received the name thanks to one of the heroes of the film, bringing the hunters nicknamed lysun.

A scene from the film "Hunters for the Provisions" 1989. Left Lizun, thanks to which the toy Lizun became popular in children

The toy quickly gained popularity among children around the world, as a result of which it began to be produced on an industrial scale. It can be purchased in the store, but it will be more interesting to children if parents will make it with their own hands lysuen, which can take a variety of forms, spread, stretch.

There are many ways to make a toy from various materials yourself. In the article, consider several common and affordable methods, thanks to which you can give a certain color toy and density.

Below, show the best 9 ways to make lysun at home. And before you start reading, look video from YouTubewhich most of all of all views. We found them like this:

Video 1. 3 Liza from two ingredients

Video 2. Lysun from toothpaste without glue

And now, let's try to make this funny toy with your own hands. Choose a convenient way:

How to make lizen without glue

If you do not want the child to have a toy in which glue contains, it can be made from other materials.

For example, you can use the plasticine. In this case, the mass can be given any form that is preserved. To do this, prepare:

  • Plasticine.
  • Gelatin.

In the metal bowl, breed food gelatin in water, according to the instructions on the packaging. Postpone 1-2 hours. After that, you need to put a bowl on the stove and after boiling the mass to remove from the fire.

100 g plasticine to smoke in the hands so that it becomes warm, and mix it in a separate bowl with 50 ml of water, stir and add gelatin. All ingredients thoroughly mix before the formation of a homogeneous mass and send Lizun to the refrigerator. After a couple of hours you can hand the children toy.

How to make lysuan from plow glue

Most often, Lizuun is made of PVA glue. There are many ways using various ingredients, we will look at one of them. For this we will need:

  • 200 ml of warm water.
  • 1-2 bottles of white glue PVA.
  • Food coloring.
  • 2 bottles of borax (salt of weak boric acid).

Before proceeding with work, you need to shake the bottle with glue, after which pour it into a deep container. For this, the usual glass bank is suitable. In a separate dish in water, stir the dye and pour it into a jar with glue. All ingredients mix to homogeneous mass.

Then the boric acid should be gradually added to a melt with glue. As a result, the mixture will begin to acquire viscous and dense consistency. When the necessary drig and thickness is achieved, it must be thoroughly reversed in rubber gloves or in a polyethylene package. Leave the finished lysun on paper, about 30-60 minutes, after which you can give to children.

Lysun do it yourself from shampoo and soda

Consider another option of making lysuine with your own hands. In this case, we will use shampoo, so the child should play in the presence of adults. They need to ensure that he does not lick his hands, and after the game thoroughly washed them with soap. We need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • Shampoo.
  • Baking soda.
  • Water.
  • Natural or food dye.

There is no accurate dosage, so it is necessary to gradually add all the ingredients to achieve the necessary consistency of the mass. To begin with, in any container you need to mix the shampoo with water and dye. After that, add soda, and stir again.

If soda is too much, you will need to add some more water. Therefore, see what it may not be enough for the necessary density of the future toy.

From the first time, Lisun may not work, but some practice and you will already be on the eye to determine the required amount of ingredients.

How to make lysun without sodium tetraborate and without glue PVA

The shopping toy contains chemical elements that can harm the child's health. Therefore, it is recommended to make a toy alone without glue and sodium tetraborate. If you want to make absolutely safe lysun, you can use flour. To do this, we will need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • Dye.
  • Cold and hot water.
  • Flour.

It is necessary to sift in a small bucket of 2 cups of flour, add about 60-70 ml of cold water, after which, in the same amount of hot water, but do not use boiling water, as the toy does not work. Now everything is thoroughly mixed up to a homogeneous mass. In the mixture there should be no lumps.

At the next stage, add a small amount of natural or food dye. The mixture is well needed to mix. After that, it should be a sticky. Send a lot to the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. After this time, the child can enjoy a new toy.

Lizun from toothpaste

You can make lysuan from ordinary toothpaste. There are many recipes, but we will look at two ways.

№1 in water bath

  1. In a bowl, it is necessary to squeeze the number of any toothpaste.
  2. Put the pan with water on the stove and wait for the loop of the liquid.
  3. A bowl with paste to put on a water bath.
  4. Prepare for 15 minutes, while the tooth paste must be constantly interfered.
  5. As a result, it should turn out dry, not fluid mass. Leave it to full cooling.
  6. Lubricate your hands with vegetable oil and mive Lisa for a few minutes.
  7. After such procedures, the lysun should be well stretched, become elastic, but do not rush.

The whole process took about 20 minutes.

№2 in Microwave

  1. A bowl with toothpaste needs to be put with a microwave, about 2 minutes.
  2. Extract a plate, mix thoroughly, and again send to the microwave oven for 3 minutes.
  3. As a result, a dry and wrinkled mass should be obtained.
  4. Apply cosmetic oil on lizen and remember.

If necessary, you can add sparkles to the mass, which will love the girls very much.

Simple lysun from water

There is a very simple way to make toys. It does not contain any toxic or chemicals. In order to make Lizuun you need to prepare:

  • 200 ml of water.
  • 200 g starch.

It is necessary to mix ingredients in equal proportions. To do this, it is recommended to use the usual glass. Mix thoroughly mix, if necessary, add one or another ingredient to achieve the required consistency. It's good to remember and lease ready.

Of course, such a toy is significantly different from the store analogue, but it is absolutely safe. If necessary, you can add a little food dye to get the desired color.

Lizun from shaving foam

Consider another option. The basis of the toy will be the usual shaving foam. To make elastic lysuine, it is necessary to prepare the following ingredients:

  • Shaving foam.
  • Bura.
  • PVA glue.
  • Dye.
  • Water.

Now proceed to the manufacture:

  1. In a plate, mix warm water (50 ml) with drone (1.5 ppm).
  2. It is thorough to stir so that crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. In a separate dish, mix the glue with shaving foam.
  4. Add 2 h. Lon of the prepared solution from the borax.
  5. Mail with a blade. As a result, it should be a sticky com.
  6. Then add a small amount of bora again.
  7. Stir the mass until it falls back from the walls of the dishes.
  8. A little to remember in your hands, and Lizun is ready.

To give the color toy, you can add a small amount of food dye.

Lysun do it yourself without starch

Now let's try to make the toy in the most popular way. Such a lysun is practically no different from the store analogue. To make it, we need:

  • 100 g of PVA. It is important to note that the glue should be fresh.
  • Sodium tetrabrate. You can use powder, it is sold in a pharmacy.
  • Color dye.

Stages of creation:

  1. Add 50-60 ml of warm water into the container.
  2. Add PVA glue. The mass of the mass will depend on this ingredient, so in the course of the process, you can change its number.
  3. Add 1 Sodium Tetraborate Bubble. And if you decide to take advantage of the powder, it must be dissolved in water.
  4. After this, add the selected dye.

Now the whole mixture must be pouring into a plastic bag and intermitted it within a few minutes. The child will be pleased with the new toy.

How much is Lizun in the store?

Modern manufacturers are offered to purchase a toy in different versions:

  • Glowing.
  • Solid.
  • Liquid.
  • In the form of animals or insects.
  • In grids.
  • In banks.
  • In packages.
  • Transparent.
  • Other.

It is from this that the price will depend. The minimum price is 15-20 rubles. You can buy lysuuna in the store or on the Internet. To date, you will find a large number of offers.

Hello everyone! In touch with you, I, Tatyana Kashicin. And we will talk about a very popular toy for children with you, which is not only exciting, and also develops a shallow motorcy. But for adults, she acts as a kind of antistress. They guessed what would we talk about? And speech about lysun or as it is also called, Velcro, jag, slide or handgam.

Our conversation will be simple and at the same time cognitive. We will learn to make a lizunchik at home. After all, it will be very cool to please our toddlers toys that are made with their own hands. Moreover, the costs of large will not be, because all the components have every home.

Well, if you don't like the idea with such a product, you prepare and make the pets of animals, is also very useful and entertaining.

Let's start with the most common method, thanks to which your slider will succeed at 100%. True, I advise the starch to use only corn, and not potato.

Well, ready to create your favorite hero of many kids from the movie "Promotions" movie ?? Then get to work.

We need:

  • Corn starch - 1 tbsp.;
  • Warm water - 1 tbsp.;
  • PVA glue - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Dye - any;
  • Sequins - at will.

Manufacturing process:

1. Starch powder Personalize in a bowl and pour a quarter of a glass of water.

2. The rest of the water you need to boil and interfere with the operated starch in it. Next, boil our mixture for about a minute, stirring constantly.

3. Now take a tight package and pour a third volume of liquid starch in it, then a couple of drops of dye, glue and sparkles.

If you add a lot of glue, then Lizun is sticky. And if you are overdoing with starch, it will fall apart.

How to make a toy from the sodium tetraborate at home

Well, this is the so-called classic version of the lamp toy. The method is very simple, and in quality is probably one of the best. After all, he sticks well, jumps and even washes.

And the sodium tetrabrate that we will be needed is available in all pharmacies and in the departments of radio services. It is better to buy a ready-made 4% solution, or take a powder and breed yourself (1 tablespoon on a half-table of water).

We need:

  • PVA glue - 100 gr.;
  • Sodium tetrabrate - bottle;
  • Dyes to choose from - gouache, greencraft, acrylic paints, food dyes;
  • Dishes with more than half of the liter;
  • Wooden stick - for stirring.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take the glue and pour it into the container.

2. In the next, send any selected dye and stir.

3. Gradually add a solution of the tetraborate, continuously stirring the mass.

4. The mixture should thicken, remove excess moisture with a napkin. Put our jump in the cellophane package and remember some hands about 3-5 minutes.

5. That's all, our toy is ready.

Slile from shampoos and salt

This option is also not bad, and most importantly practically harmless, but not everyone has to make a toy from these funds. What, try, maybe you will get !!

Instead of shampoo, you can take any gel, but without comprehensive particles.

We need:

  • Shampoo - 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - a little bit;
  • Dye - at will.

Manufacturing process:

Pour the shampoo into a deep tank and add quite a bit salt, stir well. If you move with salt, then Handgam will not work. Well, if all the proportions are observed, then you will see how the mass becomes thick and lure.

Such a drawing is very similar to sticky jelly and with it you can also play fun.

Video about how to make Handgam without glue and sodium tetraborate

And now I suggest you to see all of the first, if you doubt that you will not succeed. In this recipe we will use liquid soap.

Lesuchik from toothpaste with his own hands

We need:

  • Transparent toothpaste
  • Titan glue in powder
  • Plastic bag.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take a robust package and squeeze into it paste, and then add powdered glue.

2. Package button or well typing. Then we shake the contents so that the components are mixed into a homogeneous mass.

Slum without glue and starch

Here is another magnificent in my opinion the way of cooking Handgam. And if you do not add a dye, it is safe, and you should not worry that the child can try the taste toy or will mess around with her in hand.

We need:

  • Flour - 300 gr.;
  • Cold water - 1/4 tbsp.;
  • Hot water - 1/4 tbsp.;
  • Any dye - a couple of drops.

Manufacturing process:

1. Mix flour with cool and heated water.

2. Add dye of any color.

3. Stir the mixture to a homogeneous consistency, and then remove into a cool place for three hours.

That's how it's easy and simple. A couple of minutes and everything is ready!

Easy way to manufacture from foam for shaving

Well, if you have a shaving foam, you can make our anti-stress from it. I looked at the video story, and I say "wow", such a huge slider turned out, climb, I share with you:

And at the end I want to still give a couple of tips for the care of slides:

  • It is better to handle toys with alcohol solution, so they will last longer.
  • But the water is not advised to dip.
  • To preserve the shape, inside the alcohol should be injected with a syringe.
  • It is better to store them in a closed container, and in a week it is better to make a new velcro.

That's it. It turned out everything shortly, briefly, but at the same time and in detail. I think now you will surely want to make lysune yourself, and you will not buy. For me, it's easier to the toys and do not come up with.

Let's talk about your favorite toy toy - about Lizun! A toy with such an attractive title is a lipot-wet, reminiscent jelly a lot of bright color and odorless. The lysun does not matter, like plasticine, although it has a certain plasticity, but it perfectly sticks to the surfaces, slowly sliding them. This ability and pleasant to the touch texture made this seemingly not a remarkable mass of one of the most famous inventions in the gaming industry.

The history of the occurrence of Hendgama

The attorney of the substance known in the countries of the former USSR called "Lizun" was the toy of an acid-green slide that Slime was produced.

The name "Lizun" was glued to the slide after entering the TV screens of the film "Ghost Hunters". Ghost, in honor of which they called this jelly-like toy, had a similar shape with it.

The beneficial effect of Hendgam on the development of a child

Another of the names of this sensational liphole plasticine - Hendgam, which means "hand" and "chewing".

Scientists who studied Hendgam argue that games with him beneficially affect the development of shallow motors of the hands and can serve as a relaxing massage.

So, how to please the child of such a wonderful, developing imagination and motorcycle toy? Of course, you can go and buy it in almost any store, but it is safer and more interesting to make himself.

About how to make Lizun's houses without or with him with her own hands, and it will be discussed in our article.

Security Rules for the manufacture of Hendgam

Before you learn from Sodium Tetraboot, let's get acquainted with the basic safety rules, since their non-compliance may be fraught with serious health problems:

Put on the apron (or clothing that is not sorry) and gloves, since when working you will use dyes.

If you make a "smart" plasticine together with the child, carefully follow the glove and the borax in its stomach. If these ingredients get inside, make a washing and consult a doctor.

For a mixture of ingredients, use the dishes, from which after the completion of the process you will not eat food.

The shelf life of the homemade lizen can be from week to two weeks, depending on the ingredients included in its composition.

After the games necessarily thoroughly wash your hands.

How to make such a toy with your own hands at home? Lisun without sodium tetraborate or it is made approximately equally, how will be described below in the article. Safety is the same for all ways.

Making "smart" plasticine from sodium tetraborate

There is a lot of ways to make Handgam yourself, today we will analyze the most common of them.

The lysun from the sodium tetraborate is considered the most durable. To increase its storage, accurately follow the manufacturing techniques and choose the highest quality materials.

By the way, the tetraborate itself is an antiseptic itself, therefore, if the child drops lysuin, which includes this substance, you can not worry.

You can buy a solution of borants in a pharmacy, in business stores, in stores for creativity and even in the construction market.

There are two ways to create Handgam from sodium tetraborate - with water and without water. In the first case, your lysun succeeds a bit transparent, in the second - more matte.

Way without water use

Materials and ingredients that you need:

PVA glue - 1 bottle.

Wooden wand.

Cooking method:

Pour the glue into the container (all or only a part depends on how much and what size of the lysunov you want to get).

Constantly stirring glue with a wooden stick, add a solution of the boos to it 1 drop until the mixture reaches the desired consistency.

Add a couple of droplets of Guoshi or and thoroughly mix your arms in rubber gloves.

The lysun from the sodium tetrabrate, made by such a recipe, if necessary, can be washed with water.

Water use method

Materials that will need to make such a toy like lysun, from sodium tetraborate:

Glass of cold water.

PVA glue - 1 bottle.

Sodium tetrabrate (he is a solution of borax), it is better that it was its solution in glycerin, a few drops.

Food dyes or gouache.

The container in which you will mix everything.

Wooden wand.

Cooking method:

Mix glue and water from the calculation of 1: 1 in the container.

Pour a much dye.

Mix everything thoroughly.

Add two drops of the buras solution and interfere with achieving homogeneous consistency.

If the mass is too liquid, then add some more sodium tetraborate.

The lysun from the sodium tetraborate is stored in the refrigerator, in a package that does not let air. When solidifying your homemade "smart" plasticine, add some water to it.

If you want to get transparent lysun, replace PVA glue on the stationery transparent glue in this recipe.

Lizun, which includes glue and starch

If you consider a toy, which includes a sodium tetrabott, unsafe and unsuitable for playing with a child or you can't buy a solution of borax, then your option is lysun at home without sodium tetraborate.

Materials required to make Handgam:

Liquid starch for laundry laundry (if you did not find starch in a liquid form, divert it yourself in a 1: 3 ratio).

Food dye or gouache.

Dense file.

Cooking method:

Pour into a clean dry file 85 ml of liquid starch.

To the starch, send a little gouache or a couple of droplets of the food dye.

To the resulting mixture, pour 30 ml of PVA glue.

Scroll through your hands the mixture in the file, diligently stirring it.

After most of the composition turns into a thick slippery clock and at the bottom of the package there will be a bit of liquid, get the lizen from the package and remove with it with a paper or a cloth of excess moisture.

Lisun ready.

If you see that Lizun is too sticky or completely non-flammable, then you have incorrectly calculated the proportions (in the first case there is an excess of glue in it, in the second - starch).

Remember that in addition to harmless starch in such a toy, it contains glue, so you follow the child to put it in the mouth.

It is important to know not only how to make lysun without a sodium tetraborate, but also how and how much later to store it: keep it in a closed container at room temperature for no more than a week.

Lizun from soda and detergent

There is a huge number of ways to create "smart" plasticine, similar in its properties of the world-famous toy slot.

If your goal is a lysun without a sodium and glue tetraborate, then we have another pair of options, here is one of them.

Materials and tools required to you:

Dishes washing liquid (like "Fairi").

Baking soda.

Food or gouache dyes.

Wooden wand (perfectly suitable wand for sushi).

Cooking method:

Pour 150 ml of detergent into the container.

Add 1 tbsp. l. soda.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

In the resulting mixture, add water as much as you need in order for the resulting consistency to suit you.

Add a few drops of the dye (this item to execution is optional, because it is often a dishwasher to wash a rather bright color that is transmitted lysuen).

Lizun without glue PVA and Tetraborate sodium ready. Keep it in the refrigerator.

Lizun with the biggest shelf life

As you probably have already noticed, all the above-handed smooth lisuns have a rather small expirational period (no more than 2 weeks), this is due to the fact that there are almost no preservatives and substances in them that will remove them from drying.

If you want to make Hendgam with a longer shelf life, then we have such a recipe. The duration of the existence of "smart" plasticine, the method of manufacturing which we now describe, from 1 to 2 months.

By the way, for this recipe you will need quite a few ingredients, and they almost certainly have at home:

Transparent bright color without granules.

Transparent bright shampoo.

Mixing capacity.

Wooden wand.

Cooking method:

Pour 150 ml shampoo into the container.

Add to the shampoo 150 ml of the shower gel.

Thoroughly and gently mix the components, see the foam not formed.

Put the container with the future lysun in the refrigerator per day.

Such a lysun must be stored in the refrigerator, otherwise it just melts. As in all other cases, watch your child do not taste Handgam and thoroughly soap hands after playing with him.

The safest lysun

If all of the above methods do not seem safe to you and do not cause you confidence, and you want to please the child, then we suggest you to make a beautiful and interesting toy (lysun) without sodium tetraborate and starch, without shampoo and dishwashing products, without glue and washing powder .

The shelf life of such a toy is not very much, and it is noticeably different from the original in appearance, but it is safe, and you can be sure that nothing happens to your child, even if he takes Handgam in his mouth.

So, here are the ingredients that you need for the manufacture of safe "smart" plasticine:

Wheat flour.

Hot water.

Boiling water.

Capacity for mixing ingredients.

Fork or whine.

Food dye (you can even use beet juice or, for example, spinach).

Cooking method:

Push into the prepared in advance of the capacity of 4 cups of flour, asking it through a sieve.

To flour, add half a cup of ice water.

There will also fill the half a cup of boiling water.

All mix as closely as possible, the mixture should be smooth and without lumps.

Now the dye turn: add a few drops to the mixture and mix it all again.

Put your future safe lysen to the fridge for 3-4 hours.

Lizun is ready, now you can be calm for your child.

other methods

There are many more ways to manufacture lysunov. Here are some of them: from a washing powder, from a solution of borants and dry (but such Handgams should be cooked), from plasticine and gelatin, magnetic, etc.

In this article, we tried to describe several absolutely different ways to describe in the most detailed as possible, but at the same time very simple ways of making lysunov. We hope we were able to answer all your questions.

Do you know who such ghost hunters? If not - I really advise you to view the Cartoon of the same name, insanely popular in the mid-90s. Especially in this cartoon I remember a funny logo, a clockwork melody of entry and two other heroes - ghosts Bugmen and Lizun. Bougiemen we will not touch today, but how to make lysuun at home, let's try to figure it out.

The legendary animated series "Hunters for the leaders" came out on the screens in the mid-90s and immediately won wiping popularity. At the same time, the stream of unpaired toys, called in honor of one of the heroes, was hung on Russian counters, but good and terribly charming solver Lizun. This green miracle firing everything and everywhere left a liquid slippery trail, which all those surrounding were infinite.

The lease toy is very similar to the cartoon prototype, in fact - it is slim, viscous lumps with the properties of Newtonian fluid, elastic, sticky and stretching. The company "Mattel" began the release of this toy back in 1976, but he acquired mass popularity after the "hunters" exit.

Lysuns of that time were made from a guar gum with the addition of powders of the borants (in the chemical language - sodium tetraborate), mostly had a green color and were absolutely safe for children. Unfortunately, we cannot say the same about timely toys. The quality of their components cause big questions. Therefore, we propose to figure out how to make lysun yourself at home.

Main ways of manufacture

There is a lot of elementary and not very ways to make lysune on their own, at home. The selection of the recipe depends on the fantasy, the presence of free time and the handicrafts available under hand.

Plasticine toy

For the manufacture of Handgam from Plasticine, we will need the following materials:

  • plasticine - about 100 g, of any color;
  • - 1 pack;
  • cold and hot water;
  • plastic and metal cups.

The cooking method is quite simple.

  1. Dissate the gelatin in cold water, we use metal dishes for this.
  2. An hour later, put the dishes on the stove to warm up to a high temperature, but you do not need to bring to a boil.
  3. Meanwhile, in a plastic cup pour hot water, put a piece of plasticine there and thoroughly stir it in the water.
  4. Slowly pour in the resulting mixture gelatin, mix to homogeneous mass and remove into the refrigerator.
  5. We remove into the refrigerator, we wait a couple of hours - and you can play!

Such a toy is safe and environmentally friendly, but dirty hands and not long live.

Lizun from Starch

You can make a toy at home without plasticine. In this recipe, we will need corn starch - from it the toy will get more pleasant and more elastic. But if there is no corn, you can use potatoes. The manufacturer's recipe is quite simple.

The following ingredients are needed:

  • starch;
  • water;
  • food coloring. You can show fantasy - sequins and even small rhinestones will make a toy just cosmic.

Connect in equal proportions starch and water, place in the refrigerator, and in a couple of hours your lysun is ready! When cooking, you can add a droplet of perfume or essential oil - the toy will be tasty. And if you add a little phosphoric paint - the toy can glow in the dark.

The advantages of this method are simplicity, environmental friendliness and the ability to show fantasy. Disadvantages - Again, a very small shelf life, just about a week.

Handgam from shampoo and glue

This method is more complicated, but also the slide turns out more like its store relative.

We will need:

  • shampoo without adding - 3 tablespoons (50 ml);
  • polymer glue - 3 tablespoons (50 ml);
  • food dye, sequins, sequins, rhinestones - at will;
  • plastic container.

The method of cooking is such.

  1. Pour the shampoo into the container, add dye and sparkles, mix thoroughly.
  2. Slowly pour the glue, constantly stirring to a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Keep the resulting toy in a dark dry cool place.

Instead of polymer glue, you can use PVA, but this toy stretches worse and sticks hard to hand.

Lizun from PVA, water and sodium tetraborate

If the previous toys can be done at home with the child, then in this method from child presence it is better to refuse.


  • sodium Tetraborate (Bura Solution) - 1/3 teaspoon. Try to purchase a solution of boos in glycerin;
  • pVA glue, better in a bottle, 1 pc. Can be replaced by transparent stationery;
  • cold water - 200 ml;
  • food dyes, sequins, etc.

Manufacturing occurs according to the standard scheme.

  1. Mix glue and water in plastic dishes, mix thoroughly.
  2. Add dyes.
  3. Slow and gently add sodium tetraborate. The greater the borants, the "thick" lysun.

In the manufacture of lysuine in this way, be sure to use the means of protection: gloves, apron, unnecessary clothing. Store the finished toy is needed in a closed container, without access air and light. The sodium tetraborate has a big plus - in nature he is an antiseptic.

Lysun from soda

Another way to make a toy alone from simple girlfriends.

In this recipe we will need:

  • soda - 1 tablespoon;
  • pVA glue - 100 or 200 ml;
  • a glass of cold water;
  • food dyes, rhinestones, sequins, etc.;
  • plastic dishes.

The stages of "production" are as follows.

  1. Soda dissolve in water (1 tbsp. Spoon on 1/2 cup).
  2. Glue mix with dye to uniform color.
  3. We pour soda into the resulting mass.
  4. Mix thoroughly.

Store the toy in the same way as in the previous method - in a dark dry place.

Liquid washing toy

In this recipe, it is a liquid washing powder - a dry substance or a dishwashing agent is not suitable.


  • liquid washing powder - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • pVA glue - 1/3 tube;
  • dye;
  • plastic dishes.

Mix the glue PVA with the dye is the surrender of a homogeneous color mass. Slowly dropping the liquid detergent to purchase the desired consistency. Mix 5-10 minutes (in gloves!). Store in closed dishes.

Lizun from sodium and alcohol tetrabrate

This recipe also uses sodium tetraborate, but already without PVA glue.

We will need:

  • sodium tetrabrate (dry bora) - 2 tbsp. spoons (sold in a pharmacy);
  • a glass of cold water;
  • polyvinyl alcohol in the form of a powder (ask in the economic or construction store "Antimelitel");
  • metal (not plastic!) Dishes;
  • dye.

Stages of manufacturing are as follows.

  1. We dissolve alcohol in a glass with water.
  2. Put the dishes with this solution on the stove and slowly grate, stirring. Heating time is about 40 minutes.
  3. Turn off the fire, give the solution to cool to room temperature.
  4. Fall off the boor, mix.
  5. Add dye.

Hendgam on this recipe will be elastic, not disgusting sticky and very similar to the store.

If you make a toy any way above and add pieces of metal to it, it turns out an amazing magnetic slide.

In order not to crumble the Iron Detail with a file, try to find in the store of iron oxide or order in stores for office equipment Special powder-developer.

Mixing powder with metal particles, we get an unusual magnetic lysun changing the form under the influence of a magnet. And if you add phosphor paint to the toy, Lizun will shine in the dark.

Other recipes

The technology of making toys in all recipes is approximately the same.

We reviewed the most popular and affordable examples how to make lysun at home.

In addition to the above, there are ways to prepare the toys of soda without the use of glue - from flour and Fairi.

How to make lysuan from Fairi?

  • Fairy or other dishwashing agents;
  • soda;
  • moisturizing hand cream;
  • dyes.

We mix half the tablespoon of the detergent with a teaspoon of soda, carefully mix until homogeneous mass, add cream for hands and dye. The resulting mass is placed cool by 3-4 hours.

  1. If in the process of manufacture, the lysun does not work, do not be discouraged. Experiment with constituents. To increase viscosity, add more binding, for waters.
  2. Use gloves.
  3. If your child is still small, do not leave it with a toy unattended - children are all drawn in her mouth, and Lizun is very attractive in this regard.
  4. Try to persuade the child not to throw a toy into the walls, beyond, if you are not going to make repair in the near future.
  5. If the toy dried, it does not matter, it can be reanimated for a briefly in a mixture with water.

How to store lysus?

Toy, cooked with her own hands at home, unfortunately, is short-lived. Proper storage will extend the life to beloved entertainment.

Store Lizuun in a closed container, preferably without air access. It will be perfect if the place is also dark and cool. The best storage place is a refrigerator (but not freezer).


Nowadays, bright, cheap and not very, often unsafe toys overflowing shops. Unfortunately, make an independent Barbie doll or the machine will not work, and not every adult can sew a teddy bear.

But to create an unnecessary, but a cheerful toy alone from the girlfriend is quite bye. Therefore, the question of how to make Lizun himself is quite relevant.

Show fantasy, experiment, set aside the children's electronic gadget and attract the child to the process - the mass of positive emotions is provided to you!

Mother two children. We have been holding a household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I love to experiment, constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, modern, saturated. I love my family.