Repairs Design Furniture

Production of caterpillars with their own hands. Homemade caterpillars with their own hands. Homemade caterpillar from ribbon do it yourself

Residents of the Russian depths are familiar with all the "joys" off-road not obscure. Often, even quite powerful SUVs are not able to overcome numerous rods and bouanes, which are replete with our expanses.

Rus has always been famous for its craftsmen who can find a simple, and, at the same time, an effective solution to the apparent insurmountable technical problems. So in this case, the folk craftsmen did not pumped up, upgrading the serial cars and translating them to a tracked move.

Machines on a tracked go look unusual, but the main goal of such a rework is not to give a car of a brutal appearance, but an increase in its passability in harsh road conditions.

It is no secret that one of the most popular and affordable models of SUVs in Russia was also the old good "Niva", and it is precisely these machines that are often becoming an object of "Kulibin" experiments, inventing all sorts of tracked "shoes".

Advantages and disadvantages of cars on a caterpillar

Installation of caterpillars on an SUV, including "Niva", makes it possible to achieve the following advantages:

  • High passability, the restriction of which can be only ground clearance. Clearance "Niva" on the caterpillars is about 30 cm, which allows it to be compared for the passability with wheel tractors "Belarus".
  • Quite high speed when moving on snow-covered roads, sands and wetlands. In such conditions, the car can develop speed up to 80 km. at one o'clock.
  • More comfortable conditions for the driver and passengers when moving on off-road in comparison with a wheelchamber.

Naturally, the caterpillar move for a car is a compromise solution, and along with the benefits, not deprived of the disadvantages, to which the following are true:

  • For tracked car insurpose of roads, diluted with trees trunks and similar obstacles.
  • Crawler "Niva" is not suitable for movement around the terrain with a large height difference, abundance of skiors and hills. In such conditions, a transmission can be a weak link, since with such a dimension of the car, the area of \u200b\u200bthe tracked module is insufficient.
  • Quite high cost of tracked kits and the complexity of their independent manufacture.

From the above it follows that the re-equipment of "Niva" on the tracked move should be linked to the financial capabilities of its owner and the conditions for its operation. If the car is mainly used to travel through highways, and its transfer to a tracked course is caused by single departures for hunting and fishing - re-equipment can hardly be justified both with financial and technical point of view.

But in cases where "Niva" is a lion's share of time to be operated in off-road conditions, its transfer to a tracked move to a large extent will increase the possibilities of the car and will become a real help for the owner of the car.

How much costs to buy caterpillars for Niva

Currently, several auto parts manufacturers have established mass production of tracked sets for passenger cars. These products can be purchased in specialized stores and on Internet sites. However, making a decision on such a purchase, it should be understood that it will cost you somehow. Suffice it to say that their cost is comparable to the price of a budget car. Thus, the cost of the cheapest set of caterpillars starts from 286 thousand rubles, and for better and durable designs, the buyer will have to lay out up to 360-380 thousand rubles. In many ways, the price of tracked kits depends on their design, quality and thickness of the metal, the diameter of the axes and bearings.

As for the installation of caterpillars on the car - everything is much easier here. This is a simple procedure that can be conducted independently in one hour. However, it should be borne in mind that before the installation of the caterpillars it is recommended to strengthen the bridges of the SUV, welding special triangular jams to them.

How to make caterpilts for the Niva do it yourself

First of all, it should be emphasized that it may not be any experienced automotorist independently. This is a time-consuming process that requires the presence of skills for designing and excellent ownership of a plumbing tool. The manufacture of caterpillars in the garage should not even think, since to pull the hubs, assembly and installation of bearings, shafts and stars, a wide range of special tools and machines are needed.

However, there are several of the most simplest designs that can be made independently. Of course, they cannot be called full tracks, but they can replace them in some extent.

  1. A tracked kit can be collected from the conveyor ribbon with a flush chain. A tape is suitable with a thickness of 8 to 10 mm, used on agricultural conveyors. To enhance the conveyor belt and prevent the springs, its edges are recommended to flash the fishing line. Connect the ends of the tape using a hinge. The most simple will be the combination of ends by flashing, but this method is not reliable enough. It is worth noting that this simplest design is quite durable and repairable.
  2. 2. Another simple and popular among the "self-relocked" structures are caterpillars from automotive tires. For this purpose, overall tires from trucks or tractors are suitable with a tread characteristic, replacing the primer.

First of all, it is necessary to carefully cut the tire board. The only tool for this time-consuming and pretty heavy process is sharply compatible shoe knife. To facilitate cutting blade, a knife is recommended to be wetted in a soap solution. Some crafts for cutting board use an electric batch with a small-scale sawmill.

In case the tire track is not elastic enough, it is necessary to remove several layers from the inner ring.

The design of the tire is more reliable in comparison with the first option, as it has a closed rings circuit, and there is no need to connect the ends.

  1. Another relatively simple in the manufacture of structures is a caterpillar of belts.

In this case, wedge-shaped rubber belts are assembled into the tracked canvas by means of soils. To connect them, it is recommended to use rivets or small bolts. Between the belts should be left the interval corresponding to the size of the leading sprocket. The ends of the resulting caterpillar cloth are fixed using rivets.

About the possibilities of Niva on the caterpillars Find out of the video:


Of course, the above-mentioned constructions of the caterpillars are in no way able to replace the products of the factory production. However, they can be considered as their alternatives for single trips to hunting or fishing, provided that on home-made "shoes" do not have to overcome extreme off-road.

One of the problems of our Motherland is very bad roads. And so some enthusiasts are trying to solve this problem on their own.

Just a huge number of roads connecting various villages and villages for their state are so bad that sometimes it is sometimes problematic to drive them on a regular car.

And when the autumn-winter period comes, it is almost impossible to move on them. You can of course get out of the position and order all-terrain vehicles from abroad, but it is very expensive and therefore you have to do what is available.

Homemade tracked all-terrain vehicle

This all-terrain vehicle is a high passability, for him is not an obstacle off-road, as well as any water obstacles. The body is made in the form of a box design. The drivers are caterpillars.

Tracting ability - taking the trailer weighing about 900kg.

The hood has such a form to move through the algae, squashs and moss. Exhaust gases are removed up. Homemade all-terrain vents on a tracked move equipped with a swan, located in front. The body bottom is rather sealed, plus on the sides are pneumatic rollers, which positively affect the buoyancy of the all-terrain vehicle.

Managing all-terrainy

All-terrain control is the same as on the tractor, carried out by levers. Differentials located on the sides were implemented from Vazov disc brakes.

In the cabin, in the middle of the floor there is a pneumatic bag - the tensioner of the caterpillars. The ideal option would be to use a mechanical tensioner, as it is more unpretentious in repair, but the author of this all-terrainist decided otherwise and installed a pneumatic tensioner.


The designer was created excellent chassis. Attention should be paid on the tracks: they are cast, manufactured independently. The caterpillars outside there are primrates made of metal pipes welded to the metal canvas. This has played a positive role in terms of passability and grip with soil.

Such technology is not used in foreign all-terrain vessels due to the complexity of execution and increasing financial costs. The rollers are made of wheels from the motorcycle, they are protected by the rollers with a rubber reflector. Also over the tracked propulsion, there is a "sedator" made in the form of a rubberized semi-hand.

Engine of all-terrainy drive

A vazov engine with a gearbox was used as a power unit. The compound of the rear axle gearbox is carried out by means of a clutch made of rubber. The reducer is connected to onboard differential shafts.

As mentioned above, differentials are made of vazov disc brakes with conventional calipers.

The resource of the gearbox is not at all reduced due to the low speed of the all-terrain vehicle. The main advantage of this model of the all-terrain vehicle is a small weight. When the all-terrain vehicle moves along the swampy terrain or on the lake, the body is immersed by 30-40 cm.

Video homemade tracked all-terrain vehicle.


When implementing this project of homemade all-terrain vehicles, such tools were used: welding machine, Bulgarian, various keys. Clamps, a machine to give this or that form of sheet metal, especially this is relevant in the manufacture of the cabin and the bottom of the all-terrain vehicle. Various bolted connections. Glass cutter for the manufacture of windshield and side winds. Drill for drilling holes.

In rural life, the tractor is an important unit. It is especially necessary when farming is being conducted. Without him, as without hands. Bags with grain, harvested hay, potato harvest or just building materials - all this way you need to transport. Manually move similar cargo very hard, and a small mechanical assistant can cope with it quite easily. Today, buy such an aggregate for the farm for many expensive pleasure. There will be a lot of easier and cheaper to collect such a small-sized tractor on caterpillars with your own hands at home. Especially since the details for him can have long been lying forgotten on the economic yard and expect their own hours.


The main structure on which the entire load lies, any mechanical unit is a frame. As can be seen from the video, creating a solid metal base for a mini tractor on a tracked move is an important stage. It is easy to make it yourself, if you competently perform calculations, and take into account the load.

As shown on the video for the manufacture of the frame, a welding machine will be required. The reinforced stiffness of the base of the base of the unit on the caterpillars creates spars made of durable material. Usually they make it with their own hands 3-speed - exterior of durable channels, and internal with iron square pipe, increased rigidity.

It is worth remembering that the front traverses need to be constructed shorter from the rear counterpart. The video shows that if the front traverts are made from the channel along the number 12, then the back of the frame must be made from the 16 size chaserler.

Force aggregate

The second important stage in creating a home assistant on a caterpillar chassis is the choice of engine. As can be seen from the video for the mini tractor created, any motor will come down if it is suitable for power and corresponds to a torque. Here the ideal option will be the installation of a diesel engine with a capacity of 12 hp, with four cylinders and water cooling.

Not a bad option in solving this issue there will be a motor from the Sadko Motoroblock. To reduce revolutions in such an engine, you will need to install additional pulleys. Such homemade constructs reduce the speed of rotation of the crankshaft of a mini tractor by 3.5 times.


Typically, the installation of the bridge does not cause any difficulty. To do this, you will not need to make additionally changes in the constructs in the frame of the unit. Here the bridge is perfect, filmed from any model of the domestic car.

For example, for a mini tractor, a rear axle from GAZ 21 "Volga" can be used. It will have to do it only to shorten up to the width of 800 mm and cut the rivets on the locking stockings are removed so that all the mechanical elements can be placed.


Homemade aggregate chassis is quite easy to make at home. To do this, you will need a set of wheels, such as a trolley and an old tire from the wheel of a large machine. The dimensions of the specified elements for the chassis mini tractor should be chosen based on the dimensions created by the machine. Homemade caterpillars are simply manufactured. It is necessary to cut the cooked tire on the sides and put on the mounted wheels. It is important not to be mistaken in size.

Other mechanisms

Each mechanic understands that the constructable caterpillar unit will not be able to move independently without the clutch and gearbox. As the last element, you can use a switching device, removed from the gas truck - 53. The grip taken from the gas gas - 52, perfectly structures in the design of the future home assistant.

Assembly process

Principle of operation

Homemade units usually add up in a specific algorithm. This is important to follow, since some parts will come to customized for other details. Without the established assembly, it will be difficult to implement.

Accessories for miniatrum
Billet sprocket
Leading spars are ready
Rama with caterpillars assembly

View from below - installation of caterpillars

Side view
Front view

The design sequence in practice is as follows:

  • Collecting frame elements in a solid design. Establishing leading wheels and support rollers on it.
  • Installing the motor and connecting it to the gearbox.
  • Placing brake nodes and differential element. Mechanical connection of specified elements with gearbox.
  • Construction of the control unit and driver seat equipment.
  • Assembly and installation of caterpillars, as well as additional auxiliary elements.
  • Check the working state of nodes and assembly systems. If necessary, their refinement.
  • Tractor running.

If we consider the principle of the logging mechanism, you can easily establish that it differs little from the serial production analogs. In short, all major functions are performed as in conventional tractors on the caterpillars. Only there is one difference - a simplified system of unfolding.

The principle of work of the self-made mechanism looks like this:

  • The motor transmits torque to the gearbox.
  • The torque enters the differential system, where it is distributed on the semi-axis.
  • Wheels are proceeding with a motor process transmitted to the caterpillars. The tractor begins movement in a given direction.
  • The rotation function lies that there is a braking of one semi-axis, and the entire torque falls to another half-axis. Due to the braking, one caterpillar begins to move around another inhibited chassis. So the aggregate turn takes place.

  1. Before proceeding with the assembly of a caterpillar unit, it is necessary first of all to create drawings of the main and additional nodes containing accurate calculations.
  2. Before starting work, you need to worry about the availability of the welding machine, electric drill with all the nozzles and the grinder.
  3. The assembly is needed with careful accuracy. All bolts and nuts need to be twisted with reliable sensitivity. Each welding seam must be carefully cleaned.

When assembling, it should be remembered that the created tractor will become a reliable and indispensable assistant in solving many issues on the economy.

Dear visitors of the site " Samodelkin friend»Today we will understand how to make caterpillar caterpillar to tracked and what you need? Drove ... Crawler all-terrain It is the most passable among his fellow, and all because the specific pressure on the soil is evenly distributed throughout the bottom plane of the caterpillar, even it is a homogeneous point of support. But on the wheeled all-terrains, the pressure is distributed to 4 points, so they are not rarely visited and dropped. A simple example of you why tracked tanks? Yes, everything for the same reason, to evenly distribute the huge weight of the car on the plane of the caterpillars in contact with the ground, otherwise they will simply be branded in the ground and do not move away.

Caterpillars for homemade all-terrain vehicles They are made mainly from the conveyor belt and promotional rectangular sections, and the tracts are pre-pressed on a homemade machine where they are indulging. Mix the tracks to the tape by bolts and nuts. And so, let's consider in more detail the process of creating the track of the all-terrain costs.


  1. conveyer belt
  2. profdrub rectangular cross section
  3. bolts, nuts, washers, grovers
  4. armature


The step-by-step process of creating the track of the all-wheel drive.

The first thing you should get a conveyor belt, it looks like this.

There will also be needed a profitch of rectangular sections.

Well, naturally fasteners in the form: bolts, nuts, washers, engravers.

First we make the workpieces of the tracks according to the width of the caterpillar manufactured, saw the grinder and put in a stack)

After that, these billets need to betray the desired shape and put it on a special homemade machine. For clarity, let's see how the professional does, 40 seconds on the crimping of one trad - it's not a joke guys)

Preferably ends slightly lubricated oil

After the lattice is predicted the correct form, it still needs to screw the fang-limiters.

At the top additionally, the fittings are welded in the form of the letter " V.»

In general, such a truck should turn out.

Previously need to check and fit directly at the site of the installation of the caterpillar itself.

Then you can already start assembling the caterpillar, but it is pre-needed in the conveyor belt to do holes, mostly uses such a homemade tool. The tube is sharpened from the end, and on the side the hole for the seizure of chopped rubber.

Tracts are also drilled by a drill of 2 holes for each edge.

In this way, homemade caterpillars are made for all-terrain vehicles, as you can see it is quite realistic to do it yourself, which significantly reduces the cost of the all-pass you gather.

Thank you all for your attention!

A homemade caterpillar for all-terrain vehicle, having a small weight, can be made based on the simplest sleeve roller chain and conveyor belt. Yes, and it is very simple to do it, no need to acquire a special tool. In order for such a homemade caterpillar to serve longer, it is necessary to flash the edge of the conveyor belt to the fishing ribbon. Step - near a centimeter. This procedure will help protect the tape from the "Splitting". But you can connect it to the ring any acceptable and accessible way for you. Less reliable is easy to sew the ends of the tape. Most often advised to apply a piano hinge hinge. But the thickness of the tape depends on the power of the engine installed on the all-terrain vehicle. An indicator from 8 to 10 mm will be appropriate if you use a motor from a domestic motorcycle. A device made in a similar way is well suitable for operation on a snowmobile. Plus, such a homemade caterpillar is easily repaired and replaced in case of damage. This greatly simplifies the process of operating your invention.

For the movement of most motoblocks, conventional wheels are used. The passage ability of the device in such cases is extremely small. Fortunately, there are several good ways to make the motoblock into the all-terrain vehicle or snowmobile. To do this, it is enough to make homemade caterpillars.

Methods of manufacturing and materials

When choosing a material for future caterpillars, you should consider the type of work for which they are intended. The product must be not only extremely durable, but also easy for convenient work with the aggregate.

First of all, it is necessary to install additional wheels on the fiberboard in such a way that each side is paired. There will be future aggregates, the length of which will be the length of the circumference of each wheel plus the distance between their axes multiplied by two. All wheels must be the same diameter.

The most popular source materials for the manufacture of caterpillars include:

  1. Transport tapes and a sleeve roller chain.
  2. Unnecessary automotive tires.
  3. Chains and belts.

Each method implies its course of action.

Transport tape and chain

The method of manufacturing an aggregate from these materials, according to the majority, the easiest. It will not require a large number of tools and materials. It is recommended to take into account the following tips:

Construction of tires

In addition to the product from the transport tape, you can make a caterpillar from the tire with your own hands. Here you will not have to sew anything and engage with each other, since the tire already has a closed structure with a special clutch tread.

Tires of ordinary passenger cars will not fit. It is necessary to find products for trucks or tractors who have a pronounced relief of the tread.

The procedure for manufacturing such an aggregate can be divided into three main stages:

It is worth carefully examining the tread pattern. It should be clearly pronounced for maximum increase in the passage of the motoblock by increasing the clutch of the caterpillage with the surface.

Belts and chains

This method uses standard straps with a wedge-shaped profile. They are attached to each other with rivets that are placed on them. Such a caterpillar is made of two segments of the same chain and belts. The algorithm of action looks like this:

Thus, you can get a solid and high-quality caterpillar of belts and chains made by your own hands. This method is the most time-consuming of all presented.

Tracks for caterpillars

Tracts are the main part of any caterpillar. Fortunately, it is not necessary to buy them in specialized stores. They are easy enough to make alone from various materials. The main thing is that it is necessary to take into account, this is the level of load, which is planned to have on the fiberboard. Make tracts can be from:

  • plastic pipes;
  • wooden bars;
  • metal tracks.

For the manufacture of tracks from plastic pipes, we will need a water pipe No. 40. It is cut into segments, the length of which is equal to the width of the caterpillars. After that, each such segment is cut along two halves. It will help to cope with a circular saw with a disk for cutting wood.

When all the tracks are ready, they can be cling to the main design. For this purpose, furniture bolts number 6 and large hemispherical caps are used. With these bolts, each segment is attached to the design itself.

Thus, it turns out an excellent embossed caterpillar for a motor-block, which allows to be held in difficult places even in winter.

Caterpillar from wooden bars is suitable for a small load, since the strength of the design is not so large. For the manufacture of caterpillars from this material, birch lumps of the same size and length equal to the width of the caterpillars will be required.

The main advantage of the caterpillars with wooden bars as trackers is the availability of materials, the ease of the whole design, as well as the ability to quickly produce repairs.

It is not surprising that the most common and reliable are precisely metal tracks for the caterpillars, because their strength level is large enough. Most often used metal pipes or profile, which is cut into segments of a suitable length and is attached to the caterpillar in the same way as it was done in previous methods.

The main disadvantage of such a design is a large mass and complexity of repair. If one of the tracks bend while working, you will have to spend a lot of effort to replace it.

It's not so difficult to make a caterpillar for the motoblock with your own hands, even though it takes a sufficient amount of time. It is important to refer to the process with maximum attentiveness and correctly fulfill all the calculations. Also, it is necessary to estimate the degree of the load with which the fiberboard works, and choose the most suitable materials for the product.