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Fixture for sharpening knives professional. Nowhere is it: we study the most effective fixtures for sharpening knives. How to put a knife at home Bru

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Regardless which guarantee gives the manufacturer of knives to the fact that in the process of use they will not require sharpening, it is still sooner or later this question arises before the user. It does not matter, it concerns kitchen utensils or hiking accessories, because A sharp knife is a guarantee of fishing and hunting, while traveling and cooking. Fixtures for sharpening knives - types and rules of use, as well as how to make with their own hands - this is the topic of today's editorial review site.

The simplest device for sharpening the cutting tool is a bar, and a fixture for its use - the location of the coal surface

Knives can be classified according to the following indicators:

Bruks and grinding stones

The bar (grinding stone) is an abrasive tool used to sharpen the cutting faces of household appliances and kitchen utensils, a joinery and plumbing tool.

The industry produces four types of stones for sharpening knives:

  • natural - Novakulit and Japanese aqueous stone are distinguished by a high price and complexity of use;
  • diamond - The most popular type of product is distinguished by a variety of both geometric sizes and graininess. Differ in wear resistance and efficiency of use, as well as low cost;
  • ceramic - the modern type of grinding tool, is distinguished by combining the positive qualities of natural and diamond analogues;
  • artificial - All known types of electrocorundum or carbide are distinguished by low cost, but in the process of use, chosen and are not suitable for the finish finishing of cutting faces.

Manual devices

  • Musat for sharpening knives.

What is Musat, they know almost everything, but that this is the so-called this product, many do not even suspect. The reason for this is that Musat, as a rule, comes with knives sets offered to implement through trade organizations.

Musat is a rod made from various materials equipped with a handle and characterized by the rudeness of the hood of the working surface.

The rudeness of the hood is the size of the notches deposited on the rod, and it is it that determines the degree of roughness of the cutting knife surface after processing it. Musat is equipped with a rod with a certain degree of magnetization, which ensures the ingress of metal particles formed when used, products and kitchen utensils. Musaty are classified by:

  • shaped rod - round and oval, flat and quadruple;
  • used materials - Ceramics and metal, diamond and mixed design.

Each type of certain advantages and disadvantages that determine the possibilities of using the device and its purpose are characterized.

  • Manual machines.

Household hand grinding machines for sharpening knives differ in their design, but in any of them, a bar or a grinding stone acts as the main element. The impact of the abrasive tool on the cutting surface is carried out with the help of the use of the user. The main task that the manual machine performs is the creation and maintenance of the optimal angle of sharpening cutting faces for the entire period of performance of work, which is achieved by a rigid fixation of the knife in a given plane. The industry produces various models of similar equipment, differing in size and methods for fastening abrasives and processed knives, as well as materials used and cost.

Hand screws for knives can be used not only as home equipment, they are successfully used by professionals. The only difference of models of the household and professional use is their value depending on the type of abrasive materials that guarantee the quality and speed of the sharpening.

Professional and household cochers for knives equipped with electric drive

The presence of an electrical actuator greatly simplifies the process of using knife sharpening devices, it concerns both models for home use and professional destination.

Distinctive features of models of various types of use are:

Household electric sharpeners do not occupy a lot of space and quite functional, because In their designs, as a rule, various fixed sharpening angles for different types of knives and other cutting tools (scissors, screwdrivers, etc.) are provided. The ability to quickly and high quality cutting the cutting faces of the knives is very important for catering enterprises, where the speed and quality of cooking depends on sharpening. Professional knife sharpening machines are functional devices equipped with an abrasive tool for high quality execution that allows you to perform not only coarse sharpening, but also by adjusting the cutting faces of the knives of various purposes.

Professional models, besides,, as a rule, have several modes of operation, allowing sharpening with different efficiency necessary for knives made of their various metal or ceramics.

How to sharpen the knife at home

That the knife should be sharp, and for this it is necessary to put it, everyone knows, but how to do it correctly, it is often known to each user. It should be noted immediately, it is necessary to: for proper execution of work:

  • Know the angles of sharpening for each type of knives and other cutting tools.
  • To be able to work in various equipment or using the available devices.

Cover of sharpening knives for various purposes

For knives used for different purposes, the angles of sharpening cutting faces are different, due to their purpose and the nature of use.

This value is for:

  • table knives - 55-60˚, because Ready dishes are soft enough and cut easily, moreover, with a smaller coal, the sharpening there is a chance to damage the dishes during the treatment of food;
  • hunting and folding models - 40-45˚, which is explained by their versatility;
  • kitchen knives - 30-35˚;
  • used in the professional cutting of vegetables - 35˚;
  • used in the professional cutting and meat lifting - 25-30˚;
  • used in professional cutting fish - 25˚.

Some types of knives are raised with other sharpening angles, such as, for example, intended for cutting bread (an angle is 15˚), but it is a narrow-controlled use, in which sharpening must be performed quite often, because With a decrease in this indicator, the resistance of cutting faces is reduced.

How to put a knife at home Bru

In order to properly put the knife using the bar, it is necessary to follow several rules for performing the work:

  • it is necessary to select the optimal sharpening angle corresponding to the purpose of the knife;
  • the blade should be located relative to the plane of the bar strictly in the set parameters of the sharpening angle for the entire period of operation;
  • you can not allow harsh and abrupt movements, they must be smooth and sliding;
  • when performing work, the bar must be rich in water, diluted with soap or detergent.

How to sharpen with Musat

The process sharpening a knife with the use of Musat is shown in the following figure.

The work is performed as follows:

  • musat is installed on a flat surface strictly in the vertical plane;
  • the upper part of the device is combined with a knife sharpened by the knife near its handle, after which the arcuate movement directed from top to bottom, the knife moves along the Musat rod;
  • movements are repeated several times on both edges of the knife.

I would like to note that experienced users can perform this operation and weight, without rigid fixation of the rod used.

How to get a knife on an electric sharpening machine

When using models equipped with an electrical drive, the basic requirements for the performance of work, allowing to perform the correct sharpening, similar as in the case of the use of a bar or a grinding stone.

But, in addition, there are additional requirements that can be formulated as follows:

  • water should be made without abrasive, but the surface of the processed knife, which is explained by the fact that the water is not preserved on a rapidly rotating circle;
  • it is impossible to allow the blade overheating, which can lead to its damage occurring at a strong press of the processed faces to the surface of the abrasive;
  • for rigid fixing an angle of sharpening, additional devices installed hard to the cooker case or in the hands of the user can be used;
  • when working on sharpened industrial machines, it is necessary to use individual means of protection, which are gloves and safety glasses.

In the case of using small devices intended for home use, the main requirement for sharpening is the execution time of the operation, all the others (fixing the angle of sharpening, protection and other) the machine performs itself, according to its design.

Typical errors when performing work with your own hands

With self-sharpening knives, many users admit typical errors that can be formulated as follows:

  • Creating an irregular cooling angle does not allow the use of a knife in its direct purpose or narrows its functionality.
  • Expandable clamp when working on electrical models or incorrect orientation and nature of movements when using a bar or a grinding stone contribute to damage to the surface of the knife, the destruction of its edge.
  • The sharpening of the cutting surface without preliminary purification from dirt and foreign substances leads to the absorption of abrasive and damage.
  • Using only one Musaty when sharpening cutting faces. This device is intended only for finishing or editing knife blades, it is not intended to perform the main sharpening.
  • Not to bring the operation to sharpened to the end leads to the rapid bunge of the cutting faces.
  • Using abrasive (bar or grinding stone) only one grain degree.

Making a machine for sharpening knives with their own hands

Although currently you can easily buy the necessary devices and equipment designed to sharpen knives and other cutting tools, however, needlework citizens continue to make elastovers with their own hands in their free time. In the manufacture of sharpeners for knives, it is necessary to determine its type (manual or electric) and the type of abrasive materials used (bar, circle, grinding tape), as well as with the available materials that will go for the manufacture of the body of the collected device, its framework. Consider the variant of the manual sharpener using the abrasive bar and plywood as a framework frame. The appearance of the selected device is presented in the following figure.

It is quite difficult to assign a knife to manually. We have to work for some time to keep the permanent sharpening angle, which is completely difficult. Easy the task can device for sharpening knives. There are factory options. But for good specimens you need to drop a couple of hundred dollars, and this is clearly a lot. The good news is that these devices are easy to make with their own hands. Moreover, many homemade sharpeners for knives are no worse than the functionality than from the famous manufacturers, but they cost many times cheaper.

Basics of sharpening knife

Knives have a different application and not even the usual kitchen are several of them. There is for cutting bread, other soft products, there is for cutting meat, cutting bones, other solid items. And these are only household. But there are still those who take hunting and fishing. If you look around, you will see that they all have a different sharpening angle (this is if their homes have not sharpened). It is the angle of sharpening that is the most important characteristic, which is determined by the appointment of this blade.

At what angle

The sharpening angle is determined on the basis of the main scope of the specific blade:

These are general recommendations introduced on the basis of many years of experience. There is, however, options: some blades have several zones with different sharpening. It wishes them more versatile, but the complexity of sharpening increases many times.

From said it follows that the device for sharpening knives should be able to exhibit the desired sharpening angle. And this is the main difficulty in its design and manufacture.

Than to sharpen

For sharpening knives use grinding stones of various grainies. They are conditionally divided into coarse, medium and small. Why conditionally? Because in different countries, grain designation is made. The most convenient classification is in the number of grains per unit area. It is expressed in numbers: 300, 600, 1000, etc. Some firms duplicate English terms. Here is an approximate division:

In addition to grainability, the grinding bars also distinguish between the origin: there are natural origin (shale, corundum, etc.), there are ceramic and diamonds. What better? It is difficult to say - a matter of taste, but natural faster steps and rarely be fine-grained.

Natural winding in water before use or simply wet it. They absorb water and, when sharpening, from water and separated particles of abrasive particles on the surface, an abrasive paste is formed, which increases sharpening efficiency. For the same purpose, it is possible to use a special little (Honing Oil) or a mixture of water and soap (someone else like). In general, with each of the grinding stones you need to try all these options and choose the best.

A shape of a grinding stone for sharpening knives - bar, and it is desirable that it is his length much more than the length of the blade - to sharpen easier. Convenient bars with double grain - on the one hand is larger, on the other - smaller. For sharpening the knives of the usual purpose, it is enough to have two brus with an average grain (different) and two small (one can be very small).

Order manual sharpening

Fixture for sharpening knives only facilitates the process of guiding the edge, because knowledge of manual sharpening techniques is required. Without them, it is impossible to correct the knife.

The order of sharpening knives is:

This can be assumed that the shaft of the knife is completed. Some still bring the edge on the old belt. A piece of belt can be fixed on a wooden bar (gluing, not to kill), grate the paste of the goow. Further to spend alternately alternately, then the other side, but by turning the cutting edge back. So the last grooves, left by abrasive, are not "cut down" with the belt.

How to make a homemade knife sharpening fixture

All self-made sharpeners for knives solve the main task, they allow you to accurately withstand a given angle of inclination of the bar to the blade, which is very important for obtaining a good cutting edge. There are very simple devices, there is a bit more complicated, but allowing to work with great comfort. Choose your taste.

Some of the options - from the primary means

Simple device for sharpening knives

In essence, this is the holder for grinding bars. All elementary: two triangles of wood, which are connected by studs with "lamb". Between the corners, the bar is clamped at the desired angle. You can set an angle using the transporter, a special program on a smartphone or using the rules of trigonometry (rectangular triangle).

Knife Sharpening Device - Abrasive Holder

When sharpening on such a device, the knife must be kept all the time directed strictly vertically. It is much easier than to hold it at a certain angle.

The same idea has a different embodiment: on a reliable basis, make movable holders in which are inserted and fixed in the desired position of the bars. The corporate prototype in the photo below.

Homemade adaptation for sharpening knives is made of wooden bars. It turns out easy, so as not to move from the place, it must be fixed. In order not to keep your hand, you can use clamps.

Rotary holders allow you to set the specified angle, and then fix it with the help of "Barashkov"

A similar adaptation for sharpening knives, of course, makes it easier to work, but it is still quite difficult to withstand angle: it is necessary to control the verticality of the blade all the time. A similar habit over time is produced, but it is difficult to start.

Advanced on wheels

An interesting variant of the hand cleaner for knives with a fixed bar and a cart on the wheels on which the knife is fixed. It is made on the basis of sharpeners for the knives of the chisels and the Rubankov. With a knife, such a device works well, but it must be adapted to sharpening the rounded edge.

In this embodiment, as in manual sharpening, the stationary bar, and the blade of the knife mounted on the movable trolley is moving. The angle is set by the height of the location of the bar relative to the site on which the blade is attached. Feature of this device - you need to be smooth. It can be a tabletop made of natural stone, you can put the glass on the usual table.

In the above embodiment, the angle varies slightly, which is usually sufficient for sharpening of the same type knives -kohonic, for example. If necessary, the design can be improved by adding holders (in the photo below).

All this is realized very simply, as it reminds the usual constructor: the planks, the holes in them, is going to all on the bolts and screws.

To ensure the fixability of the bar also has a device.

Plus all this design, which is easy to turn the knife while maintaining perpendicularity on the rounded area, and also very easy to handle on the other side: you need to turn the cart. For this, four pairs of wheels are made.

Homemade manual knife sharpening machine

Slightly more complex and much more comfortable self-made devices that are made on the basis of well-known branded devices. They have an adjustable platform on which the knife is fixed. The playground is set at a given angle. The bar is attached on the movable bar attached to the rack.

The devices made with their own hands are repeated the design presented above, but there are some differences. There are many options. We give some.

Option One: a fixed platform on which the blade is fixed

This device is made of laminate residues (can be used), two steel rods with a diameter of 8 mm and movable fastening.

In this design, there is a fixed base, which the platform with a knife retainer is coming on ordinary hinges. The near edge of the site can be lifted at some angle, convenient for work. But in the rest she is still.

On the vertically installed steel rod, there is a movable installed retainer, in which the side of the loop is coming. A rod is inserted into it, on which the bar is fixed. This loop is simple, but not the best solution: there is no hard lock, which means the angle will "walk".

Particular attention should be paid to the fixer BROUSE. On the rod at some distance from the edge (about 30-35 cm) focus. It will be a fixed retainer. The second make movable, it is fixed after installing the bar using the screw and sliced \u200b\u200bin the body of the thread holder. The second option is to cut the thread on the rod and adjust the installed bar with the nut.

The knife holder is one or two steel plates, fixed on the moving pad. They are fixed moving - with the help of screws and "barashkov". Weave the fastener insert the blade of the knife, clamp it. Shift it very difficult. Then, installing a stilet with a fixed bar in the loop, adjust its height so that the desired angle is set.

You can, as in the photo, make patterns with the right corners and seek the coincidence of the planes. After the transverse bar is fixed, you can work - to carry out BROs in the right direction.

This knife sharpening device works well, that's just moving abrasive along the blade only when the kitchen knife is sharpened. Classic sharpening - movement perpendicular to the cutting edge. On the straight part of the blade this can be achieved. If the blade is short, it will be almost perpendicular, but on the rounded part on a fixed holder, this is not done. And all such devices suffer from this disadvantage. Once again: they are an excellent option for sharpening kitchen knives (below another good version from the same series).

Option Second: with a movable platform and magnetic holder

In this embodiment of the self-made knife sharpening, the problem of previous sharpening solved. Here the stationery remains, which sets the corner of the bar. The bar is moving freely on the guide, exhibited under the desired angle. The knife is attached on a moving table. It is possible, as in the presented version, make a magnetic holder, it is possible - the usual metal plate and "barashkov". The table moves so that the movement of the abrasive is perpendicular to. Actually, everything is in the video.

One refinement: In this case, it is very important that the surface on which a table with a fixed knife is moving is horizontal and smooth. You can put the glass or use the polymer countertop (marble will also go).

Sharpener for knives with your own hands is very useful in the household.

With the help of sufficiently simple, you can neatly and safely assign cutting tools, which is just necessary in the kitchen, fishermen and hunters, in the workshop.

Of course, sharpeners in a wide range are offered in stores, but homemade devices will get rid of extra costs.

The blocked knife is flour for the hostess, when it cuts bread, prepares food, separates meat. Cut them not only hard, but also dangerous, because exactly injuries are more often applied with a blunt tool.. It makes no sense to prove the need for an acute blade for fisherman, hunter, shoemaker, etc. Everyone is absolutely clear that the knife requires periodic sharpening. Another thing is how to ensure it.

Many people use such funds for these purposes as abrasive bars, emery circles and skins, files. Most often, abrasive or grinding bars are purchased for these purposes, and the procedure itself is carried out on the eye. After such sharpening the knife becomes sharp, but also stupid quickly.

Why is this happening? The blade of the knife is made from various steels, has a different thickness and sharpening parameters. The process of high-quality sharpening must fully restore the form of the blade and only in this case its sharpness will correspond to the planned standards.

Provide a uniform sharpening without fixing the position and guide elements is very difficult even for professionals. The task is much facilitated by using special devices that allow you to stabilize the processing mode (load, directions, speed).

For mechanization, quite laborious work is better to use the corresponding sharpening machines. And devices, and machines can be made with your own hands.

The basic principles of sharpening

When carrying out the proper sharpening, the knife must be fulfilled the underlying condition - the formation of the sharp edge of the blade while maintaining its shapeWhat is ensured by removing the metal at a certain angle.

The sharpening is carried out by abrasive material, which has a different grain. It is determined by the strength characteristics of steel. Proper sharpening implies a certain procedure for carrying out work.

Sharpening angle

The effectiveness and quality of the activity under consideration is limited by the fundamental parameter - sharpening angle. Depending on the purpose, the knives have such values:

  • the smallest angle has dangerous razors - (7-11) °;
  • knives for fillet cutting - (11-14) °;
  • kitchen knives for most products, incl. Bread, vegetables, meat, etc. - (16-21) °;
  • hunting tool and novices of general appointment - (21-26) °;
  • universal hunting knives - (21-40) °;
  • a special tool that is used for cutting and cutting (for example, machete) - (29-50) °.

The sharpening angle determines the blade thickness in many respects. With the smallest corners, it should remind a razor, and at large angles the possibility of manufacturing high-strength, massive knives.

Important. Holding the abrasive element and the knife itself in the hands, it is very difficult to provide a given angle along the entire length of the blade, which leads to uneven manual sharpening.

The main task of the device - hard fixation One of the elements and a clear direction of movement of the second element.

Views and selection of Abrasive

For sharpening knives need abrasive stonewhich will provide the necessary cutting of the metal. Abrasive ability is provided by a certain magnitude of the graininess of the surface, i.e. The amount of abrasive grains per unit area. These parameters are distinguished such stones:

  • very rough abrasives (international classification - Extra Coarse) - have a grainability of less than 260;
  • rough (coarse) abrasives - 310-360;
  • medium (medium) abrasives - 390-510;
  • small (Fine) abrasives - 590-720. This is the main category of grinding stones used for knife treatment;
  • very small (UltRA, Extra Fine) or grinding abrasives. They are used to sharpen the razor and fine surface treatment of knives blade.

By nature of origin, abrasive stones are divided into natural or natural (Corundum, shale) and artificial (ceramics, artificial diamond). In addition, for fine processing, rubber elements are sometimes used. When using abrasives, their surface wet with water or soil water (water tool) as well oil (Oil stones).

In the form of abrasive can be round (discs) or rectangular (bars). Most often used bars, and they are selected so that length significantly exceeded knife blade length.

For complete sharpening tools, it is recommended to have 2 bars of medium and fine grain. The kit is better to add a very small stone. The optimal option is to use bilateral bars, in which one side has an average, and the opposite - small graininess.

Order manual sharpening

Any devices are designed to facilitate the work and improve its quality, and the general order of manual sharpening remains the same:

  1. The process begins with a large or mediated bar, which is placed on the plane. It is advisable to ensure its fixation.
  2. The blade of the knife is supplied to the abrasive surface at an angle equal to half the angle of sharpening. The main task is to ensure the constancy of the angle throughout the event.
  3. Smooth movement with a light pressure blade moves from the beginning to the end of the bar in the direction "From Himself." The edge of the bar must always be perpendicular to the direction of movement of the blade. You can not allow breakdown of the blade on the stone of the stone.
  4. After reaching the edge of the bar, movement is carried out in the opposite direction, while the acute edge must constantly be on the surface of the abrasive. The change in the direction is provided by turning the handle.
  5. The process is repeated until the burr will appear on the back of the edge of the edge of the blade along the entire length. It must be moved to the opposite direction when the direction of movement changes.
  6. Next is the bar of medium grain, but with smaller grains. The sharpening continues, but the movements are first carried out at the beginning "from ourselves" until the gloss of metal on one side is appeared, and then the second side is also processed.
  7. The block of shallow grain is taken and the blade is processed until the mirror surface appears.
  8. If there is a small burr, then the sharpening is completed with the use of a grinding bar with very fine grain. Some experienced people prefer instead of such a bar leather belt. He wipes the knife blade perfectly.

Homemade devices

Home masters make fixtures for sharpening various designs, but they all include 2 main elements - abrasive bar and knife fastening mechanism. The finished abrasive bar is best suited to fit, but you can make it with your own hands.

To do this, the glass thickness of at least 4 mm is pasted sandpaper of different grainability. The connection can be provided with double-sided scotch.

Still fitness

One of the simplest devices is done of 2 wooden triangular bars. They are bonded between themselves with "lamb" screws. Between wooden elements clamping abrasive bar under the desired angle. This corner is set strictly by transport.

When the knife is sharpening on such an adaptation, the blade must be kept strictly vertical. Naturally, it is much easier to provide such a direction than to constantly direct the knife at an angle.

Moving design

To improve the quality of sharpening, it is necessary to fix not only abrasive, but also a knife. Such a device can also be made with your own hands. It is assembled on a flat, horizontal, massive surface. The device consists of 2 parts - rigidly fixed abrasive bar under the desired angle (similar to the fixed design) and trolleys on wheels (rollers) with fixed horizontally knife.

The cart is moving manually on the rail guide. Hand is provided by I. light pressed blade to abrasive surface. Thus, the desired sharpening angle is ensured and the need to ensure the necessary direction manually is eliminated.

Changing the direction can be performed in different ways. The easiest - the manufacture of the carts with wheels at the top and bottom. At the end of the bar, the trolley is simply turned over.

Machine for a point

Sharpening machines have a more complex design that allows you to change the sharpening angle. You can bring several options for a constructive solution:

  1. The knife is fixed on the site with the possibility of regulation. It is exhibited at the necessary corner and fixed inpatient. Abrasive bar is installed on a movable rod mounted on a vertical support. It moves strictly horizontally. Sharpening is ensured by the displacement of the abrasive relative to the knife blade.
  2. The fixed frame is fixed, but the bar can shift on the guide to exhibit the desired sharpening angle. The knife is installed in a moving table, and fixed with the magnetic holder, which makes it possible to turn it over.

Example of manufacture with your own hands

As an example, you can bring the technology of independent manufacture of grinding adiolence - analog sharpeners Lanski. It has a standard design.

A knife is fixed on the horizontal base, and its fix provides magnet. The emery element is located on the rod, along which can be moved perpendicular to the knife. The guide is installed in the holes of the vertical rack.

These holes are drilled at an angle to the surface of the rack and so specify a certain corner of the rod. In the vertical stand, several holes are drilled and rearranged the guide can still change the sharpening angle.

Manufacture The devices are carried out in the following order:

  1. On the base plate (, board, metal sheet) with the edge reiki are installed, limiting the knife offset in the transverse direction. One of them is attached in the slots on the screws with the "lamb" to fix the knives with a different blade width. In the center of the location of the knife is fixed magnet.
  2. Empty bar is fixed On two segments of the corner, which are fastened with studs. From both sides of this part, holes for installation on the rod are drilled.
  3. Steel rod A diameter of 10-15 mm is skipped into the specified holes, and on the end is set limiter To exclude the fall of the bar. On the other end rolls thread.
  4. On aluminum p-shaped profile A width of 30-50 mm is drilled 5-6 holes with a diameter, 1-2 mm larger than the diameter of the rod. Holes are drilled at an angle corresponding to the angles of sharpening, taking into account the height of the location on the rack.
  5. The rod is installed in the desired hole and fixed bolts.

It works such a device in the following way:

  • the knife is fixed on the base and attracts a magnet;
  • on the grinding element is installed a bar of the desired graininess;
  • the rod is fixed in the desired hole on the rack;
  • the hand of the bar moves along the rod, processing the blade, and the movement is carried out "from itself" and "to themselves";
  • another hand knife gradually moves in the longitudinal direction.

Check out detailed drawings, description and illustrations of appliances for sharpening knives with a magnetic holder and without it in the video below:

Sharpened for scissors

With the help of appliances for knives, it is possible to sharpen and scissors, but such an event has its own specifics. The sharpening angle is within (60-74) °. The tailorting scissors usually have an angle (72-74) °. The cutting part in the place of contact of both parts is flat, and the bevel is performed on the one hand. Most sharpening held with an external, beveled side. The inner surface is only polished by small bars.

The process is carried out in this order:

  1. Disassembling scissors. To do this, you need to unscrew the screw, fastening the halves, and carefully disconnect them. Used "minus" screwdriver.
  2. With the help of large abrasive is carried out sharpening under the desired angle. Movements are made only in one direction - "To yourself." Half of the scissors for the ring holds, and the sharpening begins with the blade tip.
  3. Using small bar, carried out revision.

Some scissors are not subject to disassembly. They can also be melted, for which they are maximally disclosed. Sharpening halves are made alternately.

How to check the severity?

To verify the quality of sharpening knives, there are several people's ways:

  1. Paper. A sheet of paper is taken (for example, for the printer) and the strip is cut on the edge. If the knife is knocked well, the strip is easily cut off and has smooth edges. A stupid knife fmines the edge and cuts unevenly, with rags.
  2. A tomato. A sharp knife cuts tomato in half exactly, and stupid - sminets.
  3. Hair on hand. The sharp blade works like a razor and cuts hair, and the blotted tool only adjusts them.
  4. Sharp can be checked finger, keeping caution. The presence of burrs indicates poor quality processing. Absolutely smooth edges talk about quality work.

Knives tend to dull, which prevents their use. The grinding devices and machines will help solve the problem, providing the right sharpening of the blade, restoring the specified angle. There are many designs of simple cutters, and what kind of choose should solve the owner itself.

Reading time ≈ 10 minutes

To preserve the cutting properties of the knife, it is necessary to regularly told them, and the fixture for sharpening knives, made with your own hands, will help to contain these tools in proper condition. With a good sharp knife, cooking is significantly accelerating, freeing extra time for recreation. In this material, we will look at the manufacture of special devices for fast and high-quality sharpening knives.

With the factory manufacture of a knife, he is given the necessary sharpness. However, with its frequent use, it gradually loses its cutting properties. To make a knife again sharp, it is necessary to sharpen it, but it is not so easy to do it. Incorrect sharpening will not give the desired result, and time and strength will be wasted.

Manufacturers of knives, responding to the requests of their buyers, provided a number of grinding devices. But factory devices may not arrange owners of knives for various reasons. For example, the inappropriate sharpening angle or the high cost of the device. In this case, it is easier to make the sharpener with your own hands.

What you need for correct sharpening

The most important condition for obtaining an acute knife is the angle of its sharpening. It would seem that the less this parameter, the sharper will be our tool. This is true in part, since too thin cutting edge will be faster and fascinated.

The sharpening angle depends on the functional use of the knife:

  • Up to 15 degrees - razor and surgical instruments.
  • Up to 20 degrees - appliances for cutting vegetables, fillet or bread
  • Up to 25 degrees - knives of multidirectional functionality.
  • Up to 30 degrees - hunting and tourist knives.
  • Up to 40 degrees - cutting tools of special purpose. For example, axes or machete.

Outcome! The whole process is reduced to restoring the cutting ability tool, while maintaining the factory sharpening angle. A corner impairment can lead to a deterioration in the state of the knife.

Devices for sharpening

To sharpen the knife at a certain angle, without having special devices is very hard, and it is far from every professional. They can be purchased in specialized stores, or make it yourself. Below we will look at a few simple and affordable devices that allow to give the sharpness to most of the economic cutting tools.

Easy wooden bars

This method is considered the most simple in manufacturing and use. The grinding material is securely fixed under the desired angle, and the sharpening is carried out, holding a knife blade strictly vertically.

For the manufacture of the simplest device for sharpening a knife will be required:

  • Four identical wooden bars.
  • Bolts and nuts for connecting bars among themselves.
  • Grinding timber.
  • Transportation for determining the angle of sharpening.
  • Drill or other tool for drilling holes in wooden bars.

Bruks are connected in pairs, and through bolt bolts are drilled through them. Couples of bars are installed perpendicular to each other at an angle of 90 degrees. Between the parts of the design, a grinding stone is installed at the required angle extinctable by the transport. The nuts on the bolts are twisted, fixing the abrasive tightly.

The advantage of this device lies in the relative cheapness of the materials and ease of manufacture. Each person can cope with him even without relevant experience. The main disadvantages include the impossibility of smooth adjustment of the desired angle.

Grinding machine from mounting corners

This method of sharpening is considered the most convenient, however, additional efforts will be required to create such a fixture. It is based on the technology of the famous company Lansky Sharpeners. You can buy an original machine in branded stores, but its cost will be quite high. Below we will look at how to make a similar mechanism yourself.

To assemble the design, materials and tools will be required:

  • Two metal corners with dimensions of 90 × 90 mm and a thickness of 6 mm. They are the basis of the mechanism holding the knife blade.
  • Metal stud with a total length of at least 16 cm. It will be the basis for keeping a sharpening timber.
  • Two metal bar needed to fix abrasive.
  • Thin long rod or needle.
  • Pliers. Required for bend.
  • Saw for working with metal.
  • Tool for processing metal surfaces.
  • Nuts and bolts for fasteners and fixation.
  • Drill and set of metal drills.

By purchasing the necessary materials in a specialized store, you can start assembling the design. Without a drawing, it will be practically impossible to make the correct design, since it is necessary to comply with all sizes to obtain the correct angle of sharpening. To do this, use the drawing below.

In the metal corners, the holes are drilled according to the drawing applied above. The edge of the corner that will hold the blade is sophisticated by the steady. It is necessary in order for when sharpening a knife he was not a hindrance. All drives of drilling are processed to remove all possible traumatic places.

In two metal bars, a thread is cut under the diameter of the junction studs and the grooves in which the abrasive will be mounted. The clamp presented below will help quickly and without unnecessary difficulties to collect it.

Metal rod or needles with one of the sides bends the pliers. The sweened end is inserted into the hole of one of the bars. Its purpose is a guide when sharpening to specify the desired angle.

The principle of sharpening on this device:

The main advantages of this machine are compactness, simplicity and sharpening efficiency, the ability to choose and fix the angle. The device can be kept in hand, or install with a holder in vice. This allows you to take it with you to hike and use in the field.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting a limited set of angle parameters and the inability to establish an arbitrary value.

This video describes in detail how to make a device for sharpening knives with your own hands on Lansky system:

Blade fixing machine

This method is a modified version of the previous method. The knife is fixed on the base of the machine, and its owner itself adjusts the angle. At the same time, the compactness and mobility of the machine is lost. It can be used only at home.

For the manufacture of such a device, it will be necessary:

  • Sheet plywood or chipboard. You can use the details from the old furniture.
  • Stud with carving. She will perform the role of a tripod.
  • Solid wood bar.
  • Metal plate for fastening and hold knife blades on the base.
  • Fasteners consumables - nuts, bolts.

Build construction begins with the preparation of the base. From the wood we make the basis and legs. They are trimmed so that after their compounds, the base of the base was 20 degrees. A thread rave is installed in the lower part. For additional strength, all seats can be treated with a sealant or special adhesive composition.

An metallic plate is installed in the center of the base. Previously, it is necessary to drill the hole with the corresponding hole at the base of the machine. Through it, the plate will be pressed to the plate, and thus holds a knife blade.

It is recommended to purchase an aluminum plate, as it will not damage the blade with a strong compression. Also, for this purpose, rubber gaskets are suitable, which reduce the negative impact of metal on the metal and increasing the friction coefficient, which prevents the random displacement of the blade during the point.

The mounting mechanism for the emery stone is made from the remaining part of the hairpin and two wooden or metal bars. Brucks drill holes for the size of the studs, fasten with nuts on both sides. The fixation of the stone will be carried out by twisting the nuts. This process can be simplified by improving the spring holder from the handle side.

For setting an angle of sharpening, two wooden bar, bonded between themselves, will be required by a hinge mechanism. In one part, it is necessary to drill a vertical hole for the diameter of the hairpin. It will dressed in this part to the tripod, adjust the sharpening angle and at the same time be a turning mechanism along the horizontal axis.

In the second part, a horizontal hole is dried slightly larger diameter. In this hole, the hairpin with sandpaper will move, so it is necessary to completely exclude the possibility of jams.

Sharpening procedure:

The main advantages of this method are the ability to establish any sharpening angle and the fast replacement of the abrasive element. Such a homemade machine will help bring any blade to the perfect state.

The disadvantages include relative bulkiness and increased complexity of manufacture. For the manufacture of some details, special tools may be needed.

If you have any questions about installing and using this device, then this video will help to fully understand the essence of the process:

Select abrasive element

An important role in sharpening the blades plays a grinding stone. Most often, the system of digital designation of grains per unit of measurement is used to determine the rudeness of abrasive.

Depending on the functional necessity, the following gradation is distinguished:

  • Up to 250 - high rudeness. Not used for sharpening knives and other cutting tools.
  • Up to 350 - rough abrasive. It is used to correct physical defects or very stupid blades.
  • Up to 500 - medium abrasive. Apply to fit tools. It has small demand and is rarely used.
  • Up to 700 - small abrasive. The most used type of grinding tool in everyday mode. Allows you to sharpen the blade to acceptable sharpness.
  • Up to 1000 - ultra-small abrasive. Applicable to grinding surfaces and bringing already sharpened tools to perfect sharpness. Not effective for sharpening stupid knives.

Thus, if you wish with maximum efficiency to accurate your cutting tools, it is necessary to combine various types of abrasives. For example, particularly stupid knives are brought to an acceptable state with rude stones, then sharpened with small abrasive. In the completion of the process, grinding with ultra-small stones is carried out.

Newspaper also differs in its origin:

  • Natural. This includes a Japanese water stone, to work with which special skills and tremendous patience are needed.
  • Diamond. The most resistant wear and varied by rudeness. The most efficient and relatively cheap.
  • Ceramic. They are considered to be among the middle, between the stones of natural and diamond origin.
  • Artificial. They differ in their cheapness, but with frequent use they quickly come into disrepair.

The household always has cutting, sawing and planing tools. During the work, the sharpness is lost, and the blades have to restore. You can give knives to the workshop in the workshop, but money is spent on it, and takes up too much. Therefore, home masters prefer to sharpen the tool.

Important! You can only drain the blades with a certain degree of hardening. If the cutting part has a hardness higher than 55 HRC, it is impossible to sharpen it with prize tools.

You can buy a fixture for sharpening knives or other home utensils in the store. Save time, but spend a considerable amount - good sharpening are expensive.

By the way, there are different opinions about how the knife sharpening device is called. Newspaper, dowdow, bar, sharpened, Musat ...

These definitions may indicate the same subject, or different products? About this, and how to make such a device yourself, we will tell in the article.

Since the emergence of cutting objects (weapons, knives, axes), a person was looking for a way to restore the sharpness of the edge. In the bronze and copper century it was just.