Repairs Design Furniture

El Lobzik what is better. Which electrolovka to choose for home use. The best electrolls for professionals

Electric jigsaw - an indispensable tool that each home master is on a par with a drill. The versatility of this device allows you to use it for or as a hacksaw for wood and even metal. Taking into account the versatility, it becomes clear that when choosing such equipment, attentiveness does not prevent. Today we consider the characteristics that the qualitative and imagine the top 10 of the best electrolls on consumer reviews should be posted.

Electric jigsaw is a device, with which from wood, chipboard, and even metal, curly blanks are cut for various purposes. Such equipment is used on furniture production, manufacture of figure scenery, for household purposes (as an auxiliary tool). After all, in the presence of an even bar, you can perfectly cut the boards, PFH or NDF panels. The angle of inclination is configured, which allows you to remove the chamfer or dissolve the DVP along the desired angle. Even work in the garden to remove the dried branches of the trees to him.

Constructive features of electric jigsaw

Lobzik looks like, every home master knows. But how he is arranged, it makes sense to disassemble. The basis of this equipment is an electric motor, which through the gearbox rotates the wheel-eccentric (roller with a displaced center). It is an eccentric that transmits reciprocating movements to the canvas.

Electric wood logs or metal is equipped with an electronic retail for speed adjustment. This is necessary - for different materials, the same speed is not suitable. Some models of household electroldes are installed to illuminate the place of cutting, as well as a bag for collecting sawdust appearing in the process of work.

Classification of electric jigsaws for nutrition and use

Despite the fact that today the line between the professional and household instrument marked noticeably, it did not affect the classification of electroltrol bias. Consider which groups are divided into such equipment. The main can be called:

  • Professional network jigsaws;
  • Professional rechargeable;
  • Household networks;
  • Household rechargeable equipment;
  • Industrial devices.

It is necessary to understand what the difference between these groups is.

Network and rechargeable professional electroballs and their features

Network equipment is more powerful rechargeable. After all, if you imagine the power of the battery, comparable to the power grid, it will be heavy and bulky. There is a logical question: "Why then such a battery?". The only minus network equipment is considered to be the "attachment" to. If you need to produce work on the street, you will have to pull the extension, and this is not always convenient.

Professional equipment is distinguished by advanced functionality, settings of the position of the canvas (pylons), power and endurance (the possibility of working in aggressive environments and hard rhythm).

Good to know! If you need an electrolovka for the house, and it will be used infrequently, it is not necessary to acquire professional equipment, the cost of which is several times higher.

Household electrolovka network and rechargeable type

Household equipment has less power. But it is enough for work on the house. Studies confirmed that such equipment, with a capacity of 350 W, is capable of sawing boards, 70 mm thick. And household jigsaws offered by the manufacturer today consume 600 ÷ 700 W. Make conclusions.

Household electrolls, despite sufficient power, is suitable only for short work. Homemade workshop, where the owner is engaged in the processing of wood "for the soul" - these are their elements. But if planned, the household electrolls will not fit. Here you need a professional device capable of working 7 ÷ 8 hours per day.

Industrial electroballs: distinction from professional

Industrial devices stationary. They are. Wood on them is crucified otherwise than the industrial electric bike - the device is moving, but the material.

Such machines are installed in the workshops and rarely move from the place. They are used in the furniture industry and are able to work up to 24 hours a day. To the home master, regardless of the employment of woodworking, such aggregates have nothing significant costs.

He summarized the information outlined, will answer the question of which it is better to buy a jigsaw for the house: if construction is not planned, and the electrolybiz is needed only periodically, the option with a household instrument is suitable. For construction or small furniture production - professional.

Top canvases for electrolovka: selection criteria

Before buying the canvas, you need to clarify which shank will suit your model of electric jigs. Options are only 4, and now we will look at:

Photo Designation of the shank Explanations

T-shapedThe first manufacturer who introduced such a shank was the company "BOSH". Today, such giants such as "Makita", Metabo, Hitachi, Skil, Aeg, Dewalt, SPARKY, "INTERSKOL" have passed on such shanks of the canvas.

U-shapedShank for boom and screw clamps. Installed on the old models "Skil", "Dewalt", "Wolf", "Ryobi", "Stayer", "Black & Decker".

Makita shankOnly old models "Makita"

Which of them is better to say it is impossible. If this is not a Chinese fake, then the quality is not disputed. The main thing is that the shank approaches the landing place tool. The length of the canvas varies in the range of 40 ÷ 250 mm. But purchasing the militant, it is necessary to take into account the ability of the tool, its power.

Which electrolybiz choose and what to pay attention to when buying

Before choosing an electric jigger for home, in addition to the power, pay attention to:

  • the maximum frequency of the rod - sufficient to work will be the frequency of 3,000 ÷ 3,200 moves per minute;
  • the depth of propyl - this parameter determines the thickness of the material that the tool can cut;
  • additional functions - it can be adjusting the angle of the sole, smooth start, maintaining turnover under load, blowing chips, backlight or laser metering cut.

By purchasing electrical equipment, it is necessary to get acquainted with the certificate of conformity for the product and clarify the timing and runtime rules from the seller-consultant. The device must be in perfect condition, without chipping, cracks or scratches. Quality equipment is supplied by the manufacturer in plastic cases.

After checking the instrument's performance in the store, the Seller must complete the warranty card, putting the sales date and print. If even one of these conditions is not respected, it is better to refuse to buy. After all, even an inexpensive model can spoil the mood, if the second day stops working.

Top 10 Best Electrologists 2017-2018

In the ranking of electrical jigsaws, consider the brands and models of household appliances that have become most purchased at the end of 2017. We will not give the cost, we will talk about it after. Our task will now understand which of the models are most popular and for what reasons.

10th place - Electrolovka AEG PST 500 x 428260

Despite the fact that this tool in the tenth place, they won't call it bad - others did not fall in the top 10. Love this jigsik not only power (only 440 W). The inclusion button, located inconvenient (at the top of the handle) often fails (according to customer reviews). There is no speed controller, as is the control of the cut line.

Lobzik "AEG PST 500 X 428260" - tenth place, but he is in the top

9th place - Network Bort BPS-800-Q

The "BORT BPS-800-Q" electrolovka could compete for a place higher, but with a power of 800 W and a depth of only 80 mm on a tree, it is impossible. Although steel is 10 mm he takes. Weighs the tool 2.6 kg. Buyers celebrate oddities in work. When sawing wood, the thickness of 50 mm takes away the cloth. Plus - blowing sawdust with cut.

Lobzik "BORT BPS-800-Q" - problems with wood cutting, thicker 50 mm

8th place - electric jigsaw intercol MP-100E

Powerful unit in 705 W. The depth of cutting on a tree is 100 mm, according to steel - 10 mm. Weight about 3 kg. From the shortcomings, the owners note a strong vibration (which will subsequently lead to partitioning parts) and the fact that the tool does not keep the tool on long propils.

7th place - Stylish and Ergonomic Ruobi CJS 180L

The accumulator battery 18 V allows you to work only with a tree, a thickness of 40 mm, which is quite a mediocre indicator. Power frequency - up to 2 100 units / min. Reducer is weak, consists of plastic gears. This means that when a permissible thickness of the material of the teeth can "lick". Plus - a laser reserve pointer and smoothness, softness. Seventh place today's rankings.

6th place - Features Metabo Steb 65 Quick

With a capacity of 450 W, the depth of cutting on wood is only 65 mm, in soft metals - 6 mm. Pretty modest characteristics for network equipment. True, the weight is small - less than 2 kg. Supports the system of instant shift of the canvase, the backlight is missing. Those who acquired this tool complain of insufficient adjustment of the holder of the canvas.

5th place - Rechargeable Lobzik Dewalt DCS331

The frequency of this electric jigsaw above is 3000 units / min. The depth was cut by wood - 135 mm, on soft metals - 10 mm. The backlight of the working area is missing, which grieves. There is no connection to the vacuum cleaner or dust collector, instead - blown sawdust. Weight more than three kg. Fifth place.

4th place - Electrolovka with a powerful AEG BST 18X \u200b\u200bbattery

The battery of this model is 18 V, however, the thickness of the cut is small. It is 40 mm for wood and 10 mm for soft metals. The frequency of the web of the canvas is 2050 movements per minute, weight - 3.5 kg. With such a powerful battery and considerable weight, the characteristics could be better and therefore the fourth place.

3 place - famous Makita JV0600K

Powerful apparatus of 650 W. The possible thickness of the saw blade is 90 mm, soft metals - 20 mm, steel - 10 mm. The maximum speed restrictions are installed (wheels behind the handle). Weight - 2.4 kg. Instant shift of the canvas, the possibility of connecting to. The disadvantage is the lack of backlighting the place of the cut and the third place of the rating.

2nd place - Electric pubsik Hitachi CJ 14 DSL

Battery package with 14.4 V. Dropped depth - 135 mm on wood and 10 mm on soft metal. It is possible to connect a vacuum cleaner to collect sawdust. Replacing the canvas is simple - you only need to press two buttons on the sides and the retainer is removed. Equipped with bands. Weight 2.6 kg (with battery). Honored second place of today Lobzikov 2017-2018 rating.

1st place - as always ahead German quality- Bosch GST 65B

Tree, plastic and aluminum for this tool is not a problem. Correctly selected canvas can easily masce these materials. When testing, this electrolybiz, although with difficulty, but coped with a straightened and metal of 3 mm, which is already talking about many. Possible thickness of color (soft) metals - up to 12 mm, and a tree is up to 65 mm.

The power of the electric jigging "Bosch GST 65B" is only 400 W at a rotor speed of 3,100 rpm. Comfortable tool, durable in work, deserved first ranking place.

In the arsenal of this owner, there must be some high-quality, universal tools with which you can quickly and easily complete any repair work on the house. You can safely be boldly to make an electrolybiz. In the article we will look at the scope and design of the instrument, its main characteristics and possible additional functions, as well as give Tips which electrolovik choose for home and highlight the most suitable models.

1. Brief specifications and scope

Electrolovik, it is a logged saw, refers to an electric manual tool used for sawing different materials. It has low weight and modest dimensions, thanks to which the duration of continuous operation does not depend on the need for a periodic leisure of the performer. Any cut occurs with a saw blade that performs reciprocating movements. Picking out one or another type of saw, there is an opportunity to process different materials on density and thickness, perform complex sharp and much more. And we are not only about the ability handle such familiar materials as a tree or metal, but also , a rock, Plastic I. glass.

Electrolovka scope is quite extensive:

In fact, this is not the entire list. Upon learning of all the possibilities of the electrolovka, you yourself make sure that it is really practically indispensable in the farm and multifunctional.

2. The design of the electrolovka

Most often, the owners of several serious units of the working tool prefer to eliminate small malfunctions independently and can accurately determine when not to do without the help of a specialist and which item is subject to replacement. It is not possible that such knowledge directly depend on the understanding of the devices and the principle of operation of a particular instrument. Consider in detail the design of the Electrolzka shown in the figure.

Separately, I want to stay on handles jigsaw. It can be of different shapes, from which the ease of completion of certain works directly depends. There are three options:

Also, depending on the design, the jigsaw can be divided into two large groups:

3. Advantages and disadvantages of work with the help of jigsaw

Any tool has both advantages and some shortcomings. Perhaps knowing everything advantages Electrologist as a hand tool, you will be easier to make your choice or you finally make sure that it is necessary to purchase it:

Among disadvantages You can allocate:

  • The maximum power of the tool is a limited parameter that directly affects the weight of the jig. The more powerful you need a model, the more it will weigh. Although, this deficiency concerns all tools;
  • Limited is the maximum thickness of the material being processed;
  • Short course of cutting canvas;
  • Given the fact that the saws are attached for one edge, they must have enough thickness so that they simply do not break every time they have to face solid materials. And, as you know, the thickness of the canvas, the lower the indicators of its flexibility. This may affect the possibilities to perform figure cutting;
  • With thick parts, the chip output is noticeably deteriorating, which in turn leads to a decrease in the speed of the saw.

4. Basic specifications

It is obvious that the model is more powerful, the more faster and more productive, that is, it is capable of cope with a greater thickness of the part. But this is not the only important parameter:

5. Overview of additional functions

In addition to the main characteristics, there are a number of useful functions that modern manufacturers generously endowed their products. Naturally, the more "frills" at the instrument the higher will be it cost. However, to operate with a well-established stereotype "the more expensive, the better", in this case it is not worth it. Perhaps some of the features are for you will be absolutely unnecessary and useless, so why overpay?

  • AVR - anti-vibration system. The presence of this function significantly reduces the vibration transmitted by the Contractor from the engine through the case. Thus, it contributes to less fatigue and labize more controllability. Also increases the durability of the tool. It is advisable to purchase models with ABR if you plan to perform work often and for several hours in a row;
  • Frequency adjustment The stroke of the saw blade. This feature is very useful if the jigscription is expected to work with different materials. Also this moment determines and the ability to achieve pure cut. After all, wooden blanks are better to handle at high speed, while avoiding the formation of teeth at the edges of the sheet metal, it is possible only at low speed;
  • Pendulum. The presence of this element makes it possible to move the saw not only up / down, but forward / backward. This significantly speeds up the speed of the cut, but impairs its purity and reduces the handling tool. Most often, the model with such a function is acquired if it is necessary frequently saw a large number of wooden parts;
  • Saw at an angle. The ability to carry out oblique cut is possible only if the tool's sole can change its position. In this case, the angle can be 0-45 degrees. Set the desired angle will have to be independently focusing on the corresponding marks. More expensive models have a clearly fixed sole position at an angle of 15, 30 or 45 degrees. After tilting it to the desired angle, the built-in limiter will occur. It is advisable to purchase jigsaws with this feature if you are engaged in the production of furniture or, for example, window strokes;
  • Smooth start. The possibility of smooth launch, firstly, will allow you to maintain the integrity of the workpiece at the beginning of work, and not to pull out pieces at the beginning of the cut. Secondly, protect the engine from a large start current;
  • Opportunity connecting a vacuum cleaner. In such a case, a special nozzle for sawing out will be connected to the jigsaw sole. The function is useful even, which allows "clean" work and minimizes the amount of wood or metal dust, which the user inevitably breathes during operation;
  • Backlight Saws to drink. A comfortable trifle that makes markup more visible, which means that the cutting will be more accurate;
  • Laser marker. Can be implemented as a point or line. Makes it possible to provide the direction of cutting and prevent its deviation from markup;
  • Quick replacement system Saw blades. Allows you to remove the wear or broken saw with one touch of the lever;
  • Fooling dust And sawdust from the cut line. In some models, the fan that is necessary for cooling the engine during operation can be performed and an additional function to fading garbage from the workpiece;
  • Protective screen. It is intended to protect the organ of vision from the diplocks or chips in them, and their transparent plexiglass is performed;
  • Table for fastening. In the presence of this element, the usual portable tool can turn into stationary.

6. Factors affecting the choice

After you have familiarized yourself with all possible additional features and technical specifications, you must sum up and allocate the main factors Which should affect the choice:

7. Top 3 most "Lobby" jigsaws for home

Of course, after such a thorough selection I would like to acquire a really reliable tool for long-term use. The variety of products offered is unrealistic. And the more you look directories, the more you can get confused. It has long been known that in order to acquire a really thing, you need to pay attention to the proven manufacturers and do not bother. We picked up for you several models of electroballs, which confirm their durability and reliability of the large number of positive reviews of real consumers. Notice - the sequence number in the role list does not play.

  • All start their reviews from Makita, etc., we did not even annoy this trademark, but I decided to start with the manufacturer, from Simferopol, which is famous for its successful models of electroloviki. Many professional workers note that the firm model "Fiolent" PMZ-600 E Operated by them for a long time in a fairly intensive mode and has never gave failure. The jigscription copes with a thick billet up to 85 mm, with steel thickness up to 10 mm and aluminum, up to 20 mm thick. The engine power is 600 W, and the frequency of the saw blade is 2600 times / min. Specialists celebrate high quality tool fillings, which definitely has a margin of safety. The tool sole is made of thick stamped steel, and has the possibility of inclination at an angle of 45 degrees. There is a function of adjusting the number of revolutions and the pendulum move, which can be disabled if necessary. TO disadvantages You can attribute the weight of the model that reaches 2.4 kg. May be the first time you will not work very comfortable and hard to work;
  • Makita 4351 FTC. The jigsik from the well-known manufacturer of high-quality tool has a mushroom shape of the handle and is more suitable for those who organized a small carpentry workshop in their garage, rather than for one-time domestic use. At the same time, people testing this apparatus noted that the housing of the jigsaw is quite overall and wide. Cut tool with one hand and at the same time secure it can be fixed. The engine has a power of 720 W, and the frequency of movements of the saw blade can be adjusted and lies in the range of 800-2800 times / min, the course of the canvas is 26 mm. High power reflected on the weight of the tool, which reaches 2.4 kg, as well as the previous model. Lobzik works quietly, does not create strong vibrations, it easily copes with large thicknesses in accordance with the technical characteristics specified manufacturer. The sole is very good, made of aluminum, has a fixation in a zero position and at an angle of 45 degrees. Included there is a plastic anti-slip and protective pad on the sole. The cartridge is quick and reliably fixes the cloth of different thickness. Of the additional functions are present - a smooth move, a pendulum three-mode move, the illumination of the working area;
  • Bosch PST 650. A very convenient and compact logs with a D-shaped handle from a well-known German manufacturer immediately bribes its weight, which is only 1.6 kg. At the same time, the engine power is 500 W, and the maximum number of reciprocating movements of the saw element is accurately 3100 times per minute. Due to such high speed, the maximum thickness of the wooden billet, according to the data from the manufacturer, is 65 mm, the steel is 4 mm. The tool sole is made of durable steel, has a rigid fixation in a zero position and at an angle of 45 degrees. The cartridge is also quick, however, fixes not all the thickness of the saw. The jigscription is equipped with a function of cleaning the working area from sawdust, which can be adjusted. You can confidently say that this is one of the best and trouble-free models for home use.

It is a wide variety of working equipment and makes an electric bissing so universal and indispensable. Probably, you could not help but notice that all saw blades have different labeling on shanks. It not only speaks from which material the canvas is made, but for what it is best to apply it.
Consider standard labeling:

  • HSS. - saw made of high-speed alloy steel. Designed to work with various stones at high speeds - with or, or with metal. It is characterized by increased strength, hardness and resistance to high temperatures;
  • BIM. - The canvas made of bimetallic material. Suitable for cut solid wood, laminate, ceramic tiles or plexiglass;
  • HCS. - Cutting element from high carbon steel. Suitable for the processing of almost all wood breeds, except for particularly solid, or plastics;
  • HM. - A particularly solid canvas from the alloy of tungsten carbide. Most often used for cutting ceramic tiles or fiberglass;
  • CV. - Saw, made by their chromovanadium steel. It has increased characteristics of plasticity, viscosity and elasticity, which makes the canvas ideal for work with soft materials - plasterboard, chipboard, fiberboard and some tree rocks.

In addition to the material and destination, the saws differ in shape shank And maybe:

  • T-pieces;
  • U-shaped;
  • With two holes - MA marking.

To work with the tool it was easy, and its service life was maximum, it must be observed non-case rules:

10. The most frequent malfunctions

Frequent and continuous or not quite correct operation of any tool sooner or later will definitely lead to some faults. Consider the best common mechanical types of breakdowns Electrologists, in which the engine itself continues to work normally, but it fails to achieve accurate or pure cut:

  • Curve drank. It happens that the saw blade will significantly take during work from the planted line. In this case, either the stem itself, or the saw fastening mechanism can be faulty. It is also not worth excluding the possibility of wear of the parts or their excessive pollution. To begin with, it is worth trying to remove the above elements and clean them thoroughly. If the problem is not gone, the replacement of fasteners or rod is inevitable;
  • Too tangible vibration and noise. If you have noticed that over time, the device began to make the sounds not characteristic of it before and vibrate is very strong, it may be a consequence of the failure of the gearbox. There may be no lubricant or a teeth collapsed on the gear. To accurately determine, it is necessary to remove part of the housing on the side and inspect the mechanism. If there is a breakdown, the mechanism must be replaced;
  • Strong shoes When working. If you feel that during the cut, Lobzik began to beat hard, it can be associated with the failure of the pendulum mechanism or rod that will have to be replaced. Before replacing, try promoting and clean and lubricate the mechanism, sometimes it happens enough.

Not always a malfunction can be a consequence of failure or breakdown of one or another design detail. Sometimes faulty Maybe I. electronics. Then the characteristic types of breakdowns will be:

If you decide to replenish your set of "homemade master" with such a useful tool as an electrolovik, this article is for you.

The electrolovik is indispensable in repair work, it is used to sawmaking many materials: soft and coarse wood, plywood, laminate, plastic, drywall, sandwich panels, thin-leaf metal products, aluminum and others.

In fact, the electrolybiz is a universal saw for a sheet material, the main thing is to choose the right saw blade. The principle of operation of the unit is simple: the cutting of the canvas in motion leads the pendulum mechanism and the electric motor, according to special sponges or supporting rollers, a reciprocating movement occurs. In order not to shift the web, the electrolovka is equipped with a support sole or plate - then the heap edge is neat and smooth.

Advantages of electrolovka:

  • Saving time: sawmilling of the building material with an electroller requires much less forces than a manual analogue;
  • Universality: The manufacturer often indicates a list of materials with which you can work with a particular unit;
  • Reliability: break the blade of the manual jigsaw is quite easy, the sawdust for the electrolovka is characterized by greater strength;
  • Convenience: There are a wide selection of this tool in stores, so you can choose a model that will be perfect in your hand.

Criteria for choosing an electrolovka

1. Type of electrolovka

Two types of electrolybikes are isolated: manual and desktop.

The first type is more common, the tool is used mainly for simple cuts. The workpiece is well fixed, and the electrolybiz needs to be freely moving along its surface.

For "jewelry" works are used desktop jigsaws - with their help you can perform various patterns, make cuts of any form. They are installed in workshops, since the tool is distinguished by impressive dimensions, however, the accuracy of the cutting will be significantly returned. In this case, the billet itself is moving, and the tool is fixedly fixed.

Manual Electrolzik

Desktop Lobzik

2. Household or professional?

If the tool is needed exclusively for rare homework, it is better to give preference to ordinary household aggregates. Pay attention to the power of the device: it is from it that the ability to cut thick sheets without overload depends. Household electrolovics are distinguished by a capacity of 250-500 W, in professional models this indicator is more than 700 W. Of course, the weight of the professional tool will be more. On average, household jigsaws can cut wood up to 7 mm, steel - up to 5 mm. Professional - steel up to 10 mm, aluminum - up to 20 mm, wood - up to 15 mm.

On the photo on the left, professional electrolybiz, right - household

3. Powder frequency and cutting depth

Such a parameter as the frequency of the stroke shows the speed of the saw blade per minute. It can be changed using a fixing button: the higher the frequency of the course, the greater the performance. The maximum indicator is up to 3400 movements per minute. The maximum possible depth of the proof also indicates a tool power, for each material its value, it is indicated by the manufacturer on the package or on the device itself.

4. The weight of the aggregate

Basically, the mass of the electrolovka varies from 2 to 3.5 kilograms. Professional models will weigh more due to an additional battery. Light models (up to 2.2 kg) have less productivity, but on the weight they work much easier. Heavy devices (more than 2.2 kg) operate from the battery, so they are more difficult to keep in hand.

5. Electric pubzing handle

The three main shapes of the handle are isolated: braceband - it allows you to hold the unit with one hand. Mushroom - used for curly cutting, hold the jigsaw with two hands. The hybrid is the rare form, adapted both for conventional cutting and for figure.

Selecting the type of handle depends solely on the personal preferences of the wizard.

6. The sole of the electrolovka

May be stamped and cast. Stamped lighter and thin, she is equipped mainly inexpensive models. The cast sole is more rigid and less prone to deformation, there is a tool with such a sole. The tilt regulator of the sole is also desirable - it is more convenient to perform oblique cuts with it. Corner clamps are adjustable by 15, 30, 45 degrees.

On the photo possibility of fixing the peel at different angles

7. Pilking for electric bison

Pilking for electric lobby is selected depending on the type and strength of the cutting material. As a rule, their purpose is indicated on the package.

First of all, pay attention to the labeling of the pyline, it is universal:

  • HM - from solid alloys,
  • BIM - Bimetal,
  • HSS - from tempered steel,
  • HCS - carbon steel.

The shape of the saw blade can also be different if you buy an aggregate with a rare nozzle, then torture spare parts to it. The sizes of the saw blade are also different: length from 50 to 155 mm, with different widths, shape of the teeth. Pinks with a spraying of diamond crumb or solid alloys are used for cutting ceramic tiles or glass. With color marking, not everything is so rosy: each manufacturer is individual, there is no common standard.

8. Removing sawdust

The function is convenient and useful: the fan produces a jet of air, which simultaneously cools the engine and removes the sawdust from the cut line. Such aggregates are convenient when working in closed rooms. However, in order not to carry an uncomfortable hose behind you, many manufacturers equip the electric jigsaws with a special bag for collecting sawdust.

9. Additional features of the electrolovka

These include:

  • Working from the battery is convenient, but the power of such jigsaws, as a rule, is small, and they are not calculated for long work;
  • Fast clamp of the pink - it is more convenient to change consumables with it;
  • Laser pointer - increases the accuracy of the cut, the laser beam must be combined with the line on the material;
  • Illumination - improves visibility, especially convenient with poor lighting. Can be enabled automatically or button;
  • Anti-vibration system - reduces the vibration of the jigsaw during operation (demplining elements, counterweight, and so on);
  • A table for an electrolovka - with the help of a stationary tool to work with small details much more convenient;
  • Case - convenient for carrying and storing the aggregate.

10. Manufacturer of Electrolovikov

The most famous and high-quality products are presented under brands: Makita, Aeg, Bosch, Black & Decker, Hitachi, Kress, Metabo, Stern, DeWalt, Watt. Budget and less wear-resistant tools - Ryobi, Interskol, Einhell, Monolith, Proton, Zenit and others. When buying, check where you can buy parts, whether the company has a service center in your city, which guarantee gives the manufacturer.

So, in order to choose the electrolybiz it should be held in your hands. You should be comfortable! Specify the cost of the lips for your model. A good help will be the presence of additional functions like a laser pointer and an anti-vibration system, as well as a storage case. You can prefer already proven brands or buy a cheaper model of a less well-known manufacturer.

Among the household (and industrial) power tools, the electrolybiz occupies an honorable place. After buying an electric drill, the jigscription is next in popularity.

Its opportunities are difficult to overestimate: without unnecessary physical effort, you can cut any products of their wood, plastic, and even ceramic tiles. Colored metals are processed by any model, more powerful copies are able to cut even steel structures.

Of course, he will not replace Bulgarian, but but a good junk performs curious cuts. Many owners face the problem of low quality cut (in comparison with a disk saw).

Perhaps the reason for this was the wrong selection of replaceable nozzles. But most likely, when buying, you just did not know which electrolybiz should be chosen for your tasks.

Best Electrologies, price and quality

To the question: "What jigscription is better to choose?" There is no universal answer. The variation of the price offers is the same as the difference in the possibilities and quality of application. To understand how to choose an electrolovka for home - you need to set four main criteria:

  1. Maximum purchase budget.
  2. Types of work performed.
  3. Intensity of use.
  4. Terms of use (stationary, with reference to an electrical outlet, or portable on the battery).

Additional criteria to help choose the optimal electric logger:

  1. Universality application. There are two sides of the medal: on the one hand, you get the "All in one" tool, on the other hand, a profiled product quality will be higher.
  2. Availability of consumables. Despite the definite standardization of the nozzles, it is still better to take consumables of the same company that produces power tools.
  3. Deliability service center. When breakdown, you hardly want to take an electric bike to repair to the next city.

The main problem of choice: by price and quality

Despite the popular opinion, it is possible to buy inexpensively with a completely high-quality electroball. Secret in the localization of production.

  • Many manufacturers have subsidiaries purchased into heavy times for recent times. This is a normal absorption phenomenon with strong weaknesses.
  • As part of marketing tricks, well-known and expensive brands produce part of products for developing countries. These are the same in the quality of the model, but with another commodity index. Perhaps the assembly is established on the territory of the country of the importer. Such electrolovka can cost 2-3 times cheaper.
  • The emergence of many Chinese brands in the market. Technology Next: A major concern is building a factory in the PRC. The contract provides for additional production for the Chinese market under a different brand. At the same time, the jigsaw are produced on the same conveyor.

It remains to find analogue, for example, an inexpensive professional Electrolovik Bosch GST 65B, the price begins from 2800 rubles.

Another important point is a household or professional tool. Often, the functionality will be the same, simply models for the workshop have an order of magnitude more resource. If there is a task of daily processing of material for several hours continuously - it makes sense to take an expensive electrolybiz, like Makita 4350ct, the price of it starts from 8,200 rubles

And when the tool is used for a maximum of once a month, or for holding one or two apartment repairs - you are quite enough household model at a low price.
This does not mean that the economy class model will definitely cut crookedly, and spoil the workpiece.