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Traveling in Latin America. Go there where you are good ... Interview with Galina Romanova

This article has a special mystery. Anyone who is guessing her will take part in an additional ticket drawing from Air France to one of Latin America.

There were few people here, and if it was - told little about it. So it is not surprising that the countries of Latin America are becoming some terrible stereotypes and legends about endless disassembly of local, witchcraft and dangers on the street.

Nagiyev would say that this is Longridis. Before you - our guide (written in conjunction with Air France) throughout the countries of the region, including the dependent territories of the United States and France, with explanations that you have forgotten there and what they are mistaken.

By the way, most countries from the list are visa-free to Russians. Is it not a reason for the nearest leave to go to learn new directions?

List for navigation:


Where everyone goes and why

  • Buenos Aires - the capital, the largest city (and there is dancing tango).
  • South Patagonia - Glaciers and Beautiful Lake Lago-Argentino.
  • Fire Earth - South Archipelago with Penguins.
  • Cordoba is a steep alpine skip.
  • Iguazu is the most powerful waterfalls in the world: this Your Niagara is simply pleuts compared to them.

Myths and legends

They are all arrogant.

Neighboring countries (especially football Brazil) can not tolerate Argentina. As one Brazilian explained, Argentina in Latin America - like France in Europe, a rich "aristocratic" country, which everyone envies and, therefore not like. But in fact, the Argentines of Cuties.

There are many blacks, among which you will be unpleasant.

Not. Argentines are descendants of European immigrants and therefore have no more exotic appearance from the point of view of the average Russian appearance than the same Spaniards. Slightly challenge - and now you are one blood.

7 reasons to visit here

  1. Try to dance tango right outside, disgrace and understand that for rivalry with local needs to train for a long time.
  2. Drink a real mate.
  3. Going to football in a country that soccer fans nesting all the rest of Latin America. Have you heard during the World Cup "América Latina, Menos Argentina"? Here.
  4. See the Penguins of Fire Earth.
  5. Drive on the most long-playing tourist attraction - the 14-hour "train in the clouds". Photos can be viewed (Caution: The site is not very able to in English).
  6. Nourish fried pies Empanadas.
  7. Go to the most southern City Planets - Ushuaia.

What they say

In Argentina, I was twice last year, mainly in Buenos Aires. The first trip was conjugate with the journey to Chile, so it did not work far away, and the second turned out to be a sophisticated disease. So I have nothing to tell about fantastic glaciers, fiery ground and rumbling waterfalls Iguazu. But I was gone and cried with Buenos Aires.

I was surprised at all similar to the city of city, you can go to the new district every day and open all the new and new faces of the capital. The Argentines were warm, sociable, very cheerful people - equally to Southerners, Northerners and Portenos (Buenos Aires).

For the second time, Buenos Aires conquered me: peach foggy sunsets, siest and musical fairs in San Telmo, romantic and relaxed evenings in Puerto Madero. In Argentina, not everyone dance tango, although on the street you can meet dancers, but drove, the exciting mood of the tango is impregnated every street. In this city it is very easy to be in love - at least in life itself.

Behind the privacy it is worth going to the Tiger Valley. In the city, it is better to buy Empanadas and Alphahores, of course, with Dulce delets - local condensed milk - and watch the course of Argentinean life in the respectable and quiet Palermo, a crowded La Boca or at all at the inspired tragic cemetery of the recruit. The cemetery, perhaps, became the main artistic shock. Even the unmatched dome of the Color Theater does not overshadow him.

In this city, everyone has a place: and quiet provincials that grew up on farms, and passionate fans of the "stone jungle", and free artists, and West-Oriented careerists. There is no life there only to those who do not like football. He is in Argentina - in fact religion.

Julia Oneera

journalist, Russia / Japan


Where everyone goes and why

  • Well, of course, in Rio!
  • Brazilia is the capital of the country, which is not a secret for those who watched the housing horror "I still know what you did last summer." This city, built on an empty place, is similar to the aircraft.
  • Sao Paulo is a huge megalopolis with festivals and museums.

Myths and legends

In Favel, Rio is dangerous.

Yes. It's true. But you can - you will be surprised - just do not go. In other cities, the country is much safer, and the tourist zones of Rio de Janeiro are quite pleasant for idle walks. Here a bunch of police officers who follow the tranquility of visitors. No need to wander around the city after sunset and climb on the territory

There are many wild (read: mad) monkeys.

Soviet cinema is not lying - monkeys in this country are really found. Wild, that is, living outside the city feature. So do not be afraid that you will bite or poke the camera during your tourist exercises.

7 reasons to visit here

  1. Penitate your trip to the carnival and see a bunch of women in feathers.
  2. Plant routing on Copakabane
  3. Take pictures with the statue of Christ.
  4. Climb the funicular to the mountain with the stupid name sugar head.
  5. Check out in what condition sports facilities a few years after construction.
  6. Drive to coffee plantations.
  7. Go to the club in São Paulo, and then the carnival will come to you himself.

What they say

I was in Brazil, more precisely, in Rio, during the World Cup. Not sure that this is an indicative experience; Moscow was not like herself.

Our girls tried not to walk themselves, and do not advise anyone to do it. But I would not say that there was scary or even unpleasant. Ordinary city. Brazilians are very loud, probably, they are better not angry - too blood is hot. But here is very fun. Tourists from Russia were all glad, photographed with us. If you do not want to offend them, do not speak with them in Spanish. Here is Portuguese. This is me in case not everyone knows.

Evgeny Makeev

system Administrator, Russia


Where everyone goes and why

  • La Paz is the most high-mountain capital in the world with palaces and fairs.
  • Sucre is the second most popular city of Bolivia, it is considered the most beautiful here.
  • Cochabamba is a place where one statue of Christ is less popular, but higher.

Myths and legends

There are permanent state vents.

Not that this myth is - they really happen more often than anywhere. At the same time, the city is quite well maintained, and local is very open and friendly.

There are all strange and go to national costumes still.

In Bolivia, there is really a layer of people, incredible manifest traditions. These are the women of Cheolitas who go in dresses and with hats on the head. But they are not so much, and it is quite modern country: There's even the Internet there! True, only in hotels.

7 reasons to visit here

  1. See the ancient city of Tiwanako.
  2. Visit the witch market in La Paz.
  3. View on the endless La Paz from the watchout Killi Killi.
  4. Go to the huge Solonchak uin.
  5. And from there - immediately in the valley of Sol de Makana geysers. There are still crater with mud, as in cartoons show.
  6. Watch for flamingos.
  7. Cheer the leaves of coca. Well just. Only be sure to spo!

What they say

There we fell by chance, from Chile. Bought an excursion on jeeps for 3.5 days from the city of San Pedro de Atakama. Even on the car, this journey is not simple. From 2500 m above sea level with a moisture content of 0% You start over one day to 6000 m with a humidity of 15-20%. There is no snow, the heat is incredible, strong wind. We did not know where we were driving. The leaves of the Coca helps well from the mountainous disease, but I could not chew them, very vile taste. He drank cola, never saw it so much, but bubbles help. All excursion you ride natural park, spend the night in the village houses "Hostels" from shit and sticks (clay and twigs) and everything else flows there, and in the winter it will be cold. There you are fed with a delicious bean praise and chicken) simply, but nutritional.
All this trip, the case, when, besides Nature, you do not look, but even the most large fan of art will not bother! Here and ostriches, and donkeys, and flamingos, abandoned railroad station, Local beer, desert of Uyuni, meeting the dawn on the mountain in the Salt Desert of Uyuni. Types of unique, here the photo only work, and there is nothing to write.

Anna Chitsunova

producer, Russia


Where everyone goes and why

  • Caracas - the capital of the country.
  • Merida - Mountains, cable cars and everything is so beautiful.
  • Margarita Island, where the city of Asuncion is located, is the duty-free area.
  • Angel Waterfall, the highest in the world.

Myths and legends

There are many Motorisado - robber motorcyclists with pistols.

Yes, there are. In order not to deal with robbers, many tourists advise to exist within the so-called urbanizations. Or have some trifle with you, which is not sorry to give in case of anything.

Do not shift in Barrio!

Barrio is like Favels. Scary and impossible. But local authorities do not always agree with this, and even established a few years ago the San Agustin Aereo graffiti culture festival in one of the poor areas of Caracas.

7 reasons to visit here

  1. See Tempui - Mountains with a flat vertex. They need to go to the Canaim Park.
  2. There is also to be at the bottom of the Angel's waterfall and feel like a jungle conqueror.
  3. See the largest assortment of ice cream in the world. To you in the city of Merida, in the cafe Heladeria Coromoto. Order Pistachio!
  4. Staging on Andes from Venezuela.
  5. See anaconda (better not in the wild).
  6. Try happiness in paragliding in Sierra Nevada.
  7. Go down on the Canoe on the Orinoco River.

What they say

South America for the most part very comfortable continent for traveling. This applies to the most developed countries, of course, and popular tourist routes. Venezuela is unlikely to be attributed to this list. Before traveling there, we, reading feedback about theft and robbery, decided to protect themselves and contacted an English-speaking guide in advance, which organized us transfer to the planned route. As a result, no incident overshadowed our trip.

Of course, we traveled to the highest Waterfall Angel on Earth. The road to it takes a bunch of time: you get to the point, you are planted on a small boat, on which you float the camp for 4 hours, they sleep in a hammock there, and you go to the waterfall on the next morning. An alternative version is a helicopter, but we really wanted to sit at the foot and feel all the greatness. But we traveled in August, and this is a wet season. Rain went exactly when we sailed, and lasted all the way. Raints were not saved. It seemed to come apocalypse.

Very well remembered a trip to the Canaim National Park. As soon as we arrived at night, we saw a hammock in which someone was lying. It turned out that this is not a child, but a children's child! He was found alone in the forest and decided to save. Approaching the person, he climbed him and hugging, falling asleep on his chest.

Venezuela is not about gastronomic delights, not about museums, not about ruins, not about the city and architecture. This is an amazing beauty country in which you need to go to those who are not afraid to dive into wildlife And suffer all inconveniences (as they say, get out of the comfort zone). And there is very, very, very cheap gasoline, almost cheaper drinking water!

Julia Zavarzina

editor, Russia


Where everyone goes and why

Port-O-Prince is the capital of the country. In principle, you will have enough.

Myths and legends

This is a poor country.

Truthful stereotype. Unfortunately, this is one of the poorest countries of the world. Therefore, you leave your overestimated expectations from the service - it will not be here at all. On the other hand, there are even pluses in the form of a unique cultural experience. Among the prosperous people, it is even fashionable - to leave at such a notched corner of the planet and see life on the other side. In addition, in such countries you can always go volunteer - so as not to just turn around, but also help people.

There are zombies here.

We will not divide. Who knows all these people on the streets - are they at all? Look before the trip a couple of films about zombies. Just in case.

7 reasons to visit here

  1. To push in Creole language and understand that they are not talking here, but in French Surzhik.
  2. Walk through the ruins of the Palace San Sust.
  3. See local pagan rites.
  4. Fall home to hospitable local with something useful and understand how everything is arranged here.
  5. Learn to rejoice in trifles.
  6. See the Grand Citadel La Ferier.
  7. Climb Mcaian Peak.

What they say

Haiti leaves an indelible impression. This direction is only for very advanced travelers. It is very peculiar here. In the countries of Central Africa, about the same. But it is interesting, even if not for everyone. Just understand right away that you are here - a white crow. Do not be surprised and do not go. And so everything is OK.

Gregory O'Connor

programmer, USA


Where everyone goes and why

  • Guatemala is the capital of the country.
  • Lake Atitlan is the deepest in Central America.
  • Tikal is an ancient city of Maya.

Myths and legends

Here they have cholera.

Not really myth. As in many warm countries with a low level of living, there are outbreaks of cholera, malaria, dysentery, typhoid, yellow fever and other not the most beautiful sores. Therefore, before the trip, it will not be superfluous to make vaccinations, but in place - do not drink water and beware of the bites of anyone.

7 reasons to visit here

  1. Not to get lost in the architecture of the capital Guatemala.
  2. Visit the ruins of the city of Maya Kamalgoy.
  3. Get acquainted with the possible descendants of those who built it.
  4. Drink beer "Ketzaltec".
  5. And the Roma Cocktail "Rompto" with milk and egg, unpacable resembling about Aibolit.
  6. See prison for stratum animals.
  7. Buy handmade wallet from openers of tin cans.

What they say

A very small country in which there is everything for Tru-travelers: volcanoes, lakes, mountains, the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. And also - Super Male villages, where the descendants of Maya live in national costumes and speak at a super suspension, colonial cities with catholic churches And cruising backed backpackers. Not from Russia! 99% that you will be the first and only.

Daria Clazova

communication Manager, Russia


Where everyone goes and why

  • Tegusigalpa - Capital.
  • Fuck is one of the best places for diving on the Caribbean.

Myths and legends

Good Country Honduras will not be called.

The most funny, of course, but stupid stereotype. Here you and diving, and nature, and beaches, tropical forests, the ruins of the ancient buildings - what else do you need?

7 reasons to visit here

  1. See the hieroglyphic staircase in Copane.
  2. View on Maya's graves, Las Seppulturas.
  3. Purchase all day for birds on Lake Johoa.
  4. Arrange the batting on local bars.
  5. And in the morning - by the numerous churches of Tegucigalpa.
  6. Climb on the flea market and buy a bunch of unnecessary, but from Honduras.
  7. And what the opportunity to say "boys, I was in Honduras" not the reason?

What they say

Honduras was a little different compared with the countries of Central America visited by me. I did not have a lot there to see. I went to the ancient ruins of Maya, saw some cities and pink bushes throughout the country. My main stop was the Caribbean island womb. There was immensely beautiful and cheap. People from all over the world come there to get a certificate of diving. All because it is one of the cheapest places on the planet for this.

Glenn McDonald.

musician, Canada

Dominican Republic

Where everyone goes and why

  • Punta Kana - behind the sand, sea and all sorts of joys of all inclusive.
  • Santo Domingo - Capital.

Myths and legends

Here is dangerous!

Only in some (very small) degree. Brave guys with automata, duty around the hotel, is not a bug, but a feature.

The tourist area is not only safe, but also very nice, and flights from Air France make this country almost the most attractive of all about which we write here.

7 reasons to visit here

  1. Admire the most affordable (from a tourist point of view) with snow-white beaches on the Caribbean.
  2. Learn to dance Bachata and Merenge. Or at least try, if the tango in Argentina did not come out.
  3. Bring home "Mamakhuan" and a million species of Roma.
  4. Go to the beacon of Columbus.
  5. Buy something with a local Larimar stone.
  6. Get to the park of three lakes.
  7. Feel yourself with the Pirate of the Caribbean.

What they say

For me, much was very unexpected. I thought Dominican was the country of the Third World, the Banana Republic. But in fact it turned out that this is a very civilized advanced country. Poverty and danger - this is in Haiti; Actually, all draft workers from there.

Upon arrival I found a Russian guide who lives there for many years. He gave us an extensive tour and told that in the Dominican Republic there is a bunch of natural attractions. From the mountains with pine forests (!) To pink lakes. I thought there was only under the palm tree and there is a coconut, and there - do not ride it!

You can come to the public beach, and there are local kebabs, and in the parking lot from this public beach there are Chevrolet Tahoe (in general, the most popular car there) and Ferrari! And yes. Stereotypes about rum and cigars were confirmed, they are true of the Divine! You still need to take "Mamakhuan", she is also super.

Alexey Blazenov

montage Director, Russia


Where everyone goes and why

  • Bogota is the capital of the country.
  • Letia is a tourist area with monkeys.
  • Cartagena - is considered a hairdresser resort.

Myths and legends


The main, fundamental, zone-forming stereotype about Colombia. But no - they do not bathe in cocaine here, and they do not fit to you on the streets to offer drugs. Most likely.

Here all robes.

Locals are really recommended to be careful - in general, this is true for most Latin America countries. Do not shine iPhones, wear bags and backpacks in front, do not shine at night. Especially in poor non-cereal areas (there is better never shy there).

7 reasons to visit here

  1. Taki to debunk in your head the fundamental myth about Colombia.
  2. Make friends with a monkey on Isle de los micros.
  3. Go to all churches of the colonial popoyana.
  4. To drive into some city in the mountains in the steel cable - here is a vehicle.
  5. With the conductor or guide to go to Andes.
  6. Buy something emerald local production.
  7. Try to figure out the values \u200b\u200bof ritual masks.

What they say

This is a country where my pension goes! There are all who waited for cocaine, shooting and hell, can just stop reading.

Colombia is very different. Relief, nature, standard of living, oceans, types of recreation, everything is different (like us). Colombians do not sit in place, go to the ocean, ride on the only train, which is actually exclusively tourist. People here are very open. Having learned that you are from Russia (you yourself do not understand until you say, our little, and they usually do not realize), they download Russian in the Google translator, will definitely say about what is still laundered from bad reputation, but they will ask for vodka, Bear, Putin and World Cup (we were before Mundial).

Very pure. There are almost no courtyard dogs on the streets, but those that are, festes, enchanted and with a collar. We have not yet figured out how they achieved it. Toilets (in each country would have delivered it in a separate point!) Almost everywhere paid and everywhere sterile! Everyone is trying to leave everything as it was. It's nice!

Divine food. And alcohol they do not drink! This is serious, maximum 0.3 beer, similar to lemonade.

On the border with Ecuador is scary. The kids rushed with stones to buses, throughout the blocks. On the ocean itself there are hard-to-reach villages. Movement only by boats. If you are there, get ready to be the only white kilometers by 500.

Guahira, desert in the very north belonging to the Indians deserves attention. There they mined a seaside salt (they have an excluser to it), sell gasoline from Venezuela to eggmarkets and taxes do not pay.

Anna Chitsunova

producer, Russia

Costa Rica

Where everyone goes and why

  • San Jose is the capital of the country.
  • Guanacasta Province is the coolest beaches.

Myths and legends

This is a typical Latin American country.

If you understand the "Typical" "beautiful" - definitely yes. But it is advantageous to the peacefulness of local residents. It is safe here, and in general they are so pacifists that they do not even hold their army.

7 reasons to visit here

  1. Make a bunch of photos of volcano arena.
  2. Swim in two oceans in one vacation.
  3. To visit Los Angeles (so called Basilica).
  4. Fleece on an inflatable boat along the mountain river.
  5. Buy home a couple of bottles of Cafe Rica Liqueur.
  6. FROM safe distance To drag on the eruption of the volcano (there are more hundreds here, half - existing).
  7. Search someone lost treasure.

What they say

Marina Bogoda

internet entrepreneur, consultant, blogger (@marinabogoda), Russia / Bulgaria / Costa Rica


Where everyone goes and why

  • Havana - a corner of the winning socialism with the most photogenic houses and cars.
  • Santiago de Cuba - an old bacardy (founder, not rum) lived there.
  • Varadero is the main tourist beach region of this not very large country; With discos, but almost without the charm of the rest of Cuba.
  • Kayo-Coco - a little less main beach region, which is starting to actively unwind tour operators.
  • Matanasas is a city of bridges, caves and comparisons with other cities in the world.
  • Santa Clara - Mecca fans Che Guevara.

Myths and legends

Cuba is like the USSR.

Yes. There are grocery cards here, in stores it is often possible to see empty shelves, as in the time of deficiency, everywhere queues. In addition, in Cuba, contented people with good free health care, an effectively working police and old cars (in this case, this is also a plus - it is painfully beautiful).

Crime and fraud flourishes here.

In Cuba, as we have noticed, the police work well. Therefore, the likelihood that you will be attacked in the middle of the day in the sake of a couple of dollars, seeks to zero. Now ask you for the goods 2 times more - this is yes, it is possible. And to rob or criminal out in vain - hardly.

7 reasons to visit here

  1. Buy packaging of real Cuban cigars.
  2. And a lot of Roma.
  3. Go to the House Museum Hemingway.
  4. On joys from what they saw to go to drink Mojito in the famous (among Hemingway and Cuban fans) Bar La Bodeguita del Medio.
  5. Rent Cadillac.
  6. See the Mattan caves of Belyamar.
  7. To visit where the history of the country was peaked - on Monumento a la Toma del Tren Tren Blindad, where he knocked off his armored trap.

What they say

Cuba is a very tuskie place. Everyone is dancing and drink rum. And it is not a stereotype! We were surprised when, on excursions, the musicians played Despacito, the waitress rushed the plates and ran to dance. Only after the end of the song we were driving food. In clubs, Cubans teach girls to dance. It turned out that I am a very harmful student, because I wanted to behave myself in dance, but not accepted.

Food, to be honest, tasteless. But you can eat and rum that we did. Excursions are good. We went to Havana - I was impressed very, we were sent to many cities, where awesome nature, they were injured on the tobacco factory - unusual. We went to the valley where the jungle. Here is such a different cube! By natural scenery - a slightly mixture of Thailand and Cyprus.

And, of course, flavor! This is a museum of retro cars on the go, Favels and Cubans themselves. Many of those who are older, know Russian - Soviet school.

No service - for this in Dominican Republic. To live in one bathroom with ants, we are accustomed to the end of your holiday. They themselves live like this, and it can be seen that they are trying very hard for tourists.

Bogdan arrival

journalist, dancer, Russia


Where everyone goes and why

  • Cancun is the main place on the coast, the point of attraction of people from all over the world (and to attractions relative to nearby).
  • Mexico City - Capital.
  • Acapulco - ahhhhhh.

Myths and legends

And here are also Bangangans!

In Mexico, safer than in many US states! The farther from the border, the better. In Cancun, everything is so calmly (not counting, perhaps drunk lyrics of visiting youth in numerous nightclubs, but that we have not seen there).

A terrible kitchen, some burrito will have to eat.

Of course, the cake here is the whole head, and Mexicans can wrap anything in the cake. But there is both wonderful meat on the grill, and soups on the recipes of the ancient Indians, and Nachos are tastier here than in your favorite cinema. You will find myself food, in short.

Sombrero is here?

Yes you guessed. Sombrero - National Hat is not Peruvians and not Bolivians. But do not think that everyone is knocking on the fields of Sombrero in buses. There are no idiots here, there are only sellers from all sorts of tourists.

7 reasons to visit Mexico

  1. Do diving.
  2. Listen to Mariachi.
  3. Do not miss the celebration of the Day of Dead.
  4. Collect all the historical sights in the head and memory of the phone (Ruina Tarochtitlan, Templo Major, Chichen Izu and the rest) and stop them to finally be confused.
  5. Try to get up on the sirf.
  6. Drink a lot of tequila.
  7. Buy some very beautiful cropped skull, because why not.

What they say

At the time of the trip I had only one association with this country - the show "Vacation in Mexico". I did not look at him, but at that time it was hearing, and everyone understood everything that in Mexico should be like in TV: snow-white beaches, bars, villas, etc. Fortunately, everything turned out to be completely wrong.

For me, Mexico is a country with some kind of wild, animal power and energy. These are acoustic secrets Chichen-Itsi, the dark bodies of those whose ancestors were real Maya Indians, cool cactus spinage juice in the heat and warming bitterness of tequila in the evening.

My favorite place in Mexico is a warehouse eco park. This is a huge reserve where you can feel like a real savage, getting lost in all these thickets. To swim in the blue waters of local lagoon, feed the giant turtles, stroking the parrots of Ara, watch the flamingos - what can be more beautiful?

Elizabeth Shornikova

journalist, Russia


Where we go and why

  • Managua - the capital.
  • Granada is one of the main tourist regions of this not very rich country.
  • San Juan River - a lot of interesting living creatures are found.

Myths and legends

Feminism here did not win

Unfortunately, the truth is. And we are not about flash drives in Instagram (although they are not satisfied here), but about the real problems of having etched women. Here such a dense patriarchy that the girls without escorting men are better not to go here. Although, again, how lucky - you can spend a vacation quite calm.

7 reasons to visit here

  1. Aware of the unexpected scales of their own unpretentiousness.
  2. Cheap (inside the country, the truth is all a kopeck) to join the ecotourism.
  3. Fish in the San Juan River.
  4. Surfing in places where, most likely, none of your acquaintances.
  5. Buy hammock, so that the neighbors in the country envied: Nikaraugan hammocks are the best!
  6. Enjoy the local Las Vegas in Managua.
  7. Relax from a very pure lake overlooking a very dormant volcano.

What they say

Nicaragua is my favorite from all the countries of Central America, where I was. I easily started a bunch of friends, survived exciting adventures, and I was never bored. Starting from parties in San Juan-del Sur and ending with jumps from the cliff in the north of Canyon Somoto, it was an incredible experience. The main transport is yellow school buses who will take you anywhere for the singer of penny. There are infinite fun and inexpensive entertainment like volcanic and ordinary surfing. 10 out of 10, I will go!

Glenn McDonald.

musician, Canada


Where everyone goes and why

  • Panama is the capital.
  • Balboa - place of start cruises over the Panama Canal.

Myths and legends

This is a backward country where there is nothing but the channel.

Have you seen photos of Panama? The business center there is a twist "Moscow-City" - and more at the fifty. Despite the low buildings of the old part of the city, on all these bare people, Panama is quite a decent metropolis.

7 reasons to be in Panama

  1. Snorkeling in Portobella.
  2. See the same Panama channel, about which everyone speaks.
  3. Look at the ruins of the Old Town in Panama and surprised by the two-year Cathedral.
  4. Hide in the ruins of medieval structures briefly from adulthood.
  5. Learn to bargain with local taxi drives and hone skill to unprecedented heights.
  6. To retire (what you want) in the Bastimentos National Park.
  7. Conduct a whole day on the coffee plantation, decide never to drink coffee anymore and surrender the next morning.

What they say

Panama seemed a little strange to me. This is such an agrarian country of essentially, poorly looking, if you leave the capital, but at the same time being actively under construction. The capital is very different. I somehow came to Baku, it seems to me that they are a bit like. The same strong contrast between poor houses and steep skyscrapers.On the channel I advise you to go purely for a tick. I did not see anything beautiful or interesting there.

Gregory O'Connor

programmer, USA


Where everyone goes and why

  • Asuncion is the capital.
  • Ibique National Park is even more beauty.
  • Pottina ITAYPA - for fans of man-made miracles.

Myths and legends

This is not a reference

Truth. Do not expect neat urns for garbage and carefully marked streets even in Asuncion. Here people do not very much bother with such things. Just accept and try not to litter yourself.

7 reasons to visit

  1. Rent a jeep and go to drive through the plains.
  2. Try a local mate (by the way, he is different in all countries, here it is fond of cold and call him "Terre").
  3. To be caught up with local ceramics (and referring sellers, raising them with the economy from the knees).
  4. Drive up to the dam on Itaypa.
  5. Buy Aho Po'i Embroidery T-shirt.
  6. To buy herbs yourself on the street to make a mate at home.
  7. Get acquainted with Mennonitis (they live quite far from the capital).

What they say

Pretty poor country. She was one of the first, where I consciously went, it is even difficult to explain why. I was only in Asuncion, there is peculiar, deserted and not very clean, but sometimes some interesting buildings come across. This is one of those countries where you need to go either strongly adventurous, or a strongly wishing to stand out, or simply bored with a common tourist happiness to the traveler.

Gregory O'Connor

programmer, USA


Where everyone goes and why

  • Lima is the capital.
  • Machu Picchu is the place of attraction of rich travelers from all over the world.
  • Arequipa is a beautiful southern city not for everyone, but if you came - it is worth a visit.
  • Amazon, or, as correct, Amazon River Pool.

Myths and legends

It's horrible dear country

Absolutely not. This is a country that is terribly expensive to fly, but here inside there are completely adequate prices (not as in Norway, for example). Therefore, if I have accumulated on the flight - count, half added.

It is always overclosure

In your hometown Always overcast? Well, here is about the same. The capital of the country, Lima, is the usual city, with different times of the year.

All Peru - a village in which there is nothing

Encurses, there are everything in stores. Everything is like everywhere.

7 reasons to visit Peru

  1. Climb to Machu Picchu.
  2. View from above on the plateau of Nask.
  3. See the main lake of all schoolchildren - Titicaca.
  4. To be in Trujillo, the town of the colonial era.
  5. Meet Shaman.
  6. Stroke the alpaca and catch the sweaters from wool.
  7. Fodder in traditional national costume.

What they say

Our journey to Peru was the most unforgettable adventure in life. It was one of the dream countries, and we decided to make it impossible. For 3 weeks of staying in the country, we traveled almost the whole country accompanied by a local guide. Our trip included: Lima, Cusco, Nasque (and flights above it), visit Picchu Machu, Parakas, Iquitos, stay in the tribe 80 km up Amazon from Iquitos, Arequipa, Coca Canyon, Puno and many other most amazing places in Peru . Traveling with a personal guide The event is not very cheap, but it completely pays off by delight and with nothing comparable to unique impressions. Probably the most incredible for me was the Parakas Reserve - as if another planet! First you go 7-8 hours through the desert, the sands of which consist of different rocks, from which the effect of overflow from the gentle pink to saturated blue is created. And then you come to the cliff, and the whole desert merges with the saturated ocean. In general - fire!

Svetlana Krapivina

senior Eymer Editor on Radio, Russia


Where everyone goes and why

  • San Salvador - Capital (on the background of the villages so in general).
  • Ruta de Las Flores route is a little bit that can surprise in the country.

Myths and legends

There's nothing to do here

In general, this is a frequent stereotype that can be applied to many countries. And which, that most importantly, does not depend on the country, but only by the uttering person. Yes, Salvador is not the richest in the attractions of the country of the world. But it does not make it uninteresting. In any case, if you have not visited the countries of Edak 180, you will be interested in the novel here.

7 reasons to visit here

  1. Drive to the crater lake near the city of Alegria.
  2. Build in the village of La Pearl in the south of the country.
  3. See another statue of Christ the Savior - on the central San Salvador Square.
  4. Stroking the animal in the National Park Montecristo El Trifinio.
  5. Try to admire the architecture of Ar Deco, carefully hidden behind the baza carrier, in which the streets turned.
  6. Go to the unusual Church of Iglesia El Rosario with stained-glass windows.
  7. Eat the pupus (it's just cantilenery with filling).

What they say

It looks like poor California: warm, palm trees grow. Climate is just approx. But a socially stoned place. I do not advise you to go there girls. Only large groups with guys.

Gregory O'Connor

programmer, USA


Where everyone goes and why

  • Montevideo - Capital.
  • Punta del Este is the main beach region of the country.
  • Cabo Polonio is a charming coastal place with a lighthouse.

Myths and legends

Uruguay is not noteworthy and nothing to do there.

For a minute, one of the richest countries in the region! Uruguay combines all the best from the neighbors. There was already a bright future with completely insignificant corruption, freedom of printing and other blesses of civilization. And they also have Natalia Oreiro.

7 reasons to visit Uruguay

  1. See the main building of Montevideo - Palacio-Salvo. By the way, the three lower floors symbolize hell. Adochk. Adishko.
  2. To see the local La Ramblah in Montevideo (in general on Bars, not like).
  3. See Sea Lviv in Cabo Polonio.
  4. Take a picture of the storuba bill on the background of the Solis Theater and count how many friends will not come to the joke.
  5. Hanging Cambio Dolor in the homeland of Natalia Oreiro.
  6. Try me meat - "Asado A La Parrylla".
  7. Buy honey tincture "grappamil".

What they say

Uruguay cool! I was little in which countries South AmericaBut Uruguay, in my opinion, just luxurious. Beaches are good, people are wonderful. Highly recommend!

From the councils - the House of Artist Carlos Paus (this is such a white house, called Casa Pueblo). Go on an excursion or take a local guide, he will tell you much more interesting than Wikipedia.

I taught Spanish at the university, but in Uruguay he is phonetically complicated. Not immediately get used to his sounds. Although, in general, they speak quite right.

Veronika Simonova

content Raiter, Russia


Where everyone goes and why

  • Atakam's desert - for fantastic lunar and Martian species (here and the truth is the valley of the Moon and the Mars Valley), photographs with the hand of the desert.
  • North and South Patagonia - Mountains, Forests, Reserves, Sawing Nature.
  • Fire Earth - Glaciers.
  • Region of lakes, the region of rivers - in principle, is understandable.
  • And, of course, Easter Island with famous statues of Moi. If you get to chili for a long time and far, then here even longer, further and more expensive. But for the sake of this one you can upset and suffer.

Myths and legends

Here is terrible Spanish

Terrible truth. Even if you have already become a professor of Spanish, his Chilean version you will not begin to understand once or twice. Here is an incredible number of regional modes, idioms and words present in the conversation and absent in your academic textbook of Spanish. Plus pronunciation features. In general, if I was going to silently, as in Barz, you are not here.

Yes, this is a solid desert!

Atakama, the most dry desert, really large. But if you expect to see here one big sandy nothing, then go to your dear somewhere in another place. The desert in Chile is the richest and most interesting place. Otherwise, it would not come here from around the world to look at volcanoes and cacti.

7 reasons to visit Chile

  1. See the Istukhans of the MOAI.
  2. Make friends with lama or alpaca.
  3. To drink a wonderful local wine carmeter variety.
  4. Find out that the Chilean youth prefers wine beer and a local cocktail with caressing the name "Pickler" (Pisco + Cola). Cheer and try. Get out of the local
  5. Go to Cape Horn and not be blown out terrible local winds. Well you are not Mary Poppins, to fly.
  6. Visit the incredible size of the glacier
  7. To observe the magtellae pins.

What they say

Chile is a country where a lot of vertical movement and so little - horizontally, which is sharpened within the borders of the Andes and the Pacific Ocean - however, in Chilean latitudes it shows a rapid character.

From north to south, like pearls on a thread, the regions with a stunning climate diversity - from the most dry desert of the world of Atakama with
Volcanoes 6000 meters to Patagonia glaciers and fiery land. In between them, the regions of the Araucania, rivers, lakes with evergreen emerald forests and again ... Snow-covered volcanic macs were attracted. But already in a completely different framing.

In the north you meet fluffy lamas, in the south - penguins colony. In Valdivia, sea lions impose on the pirs, and sometimes they deepen the streets to the city. Once than Valdivia shook the strongest earthquake in history - this is another Chilean sign. The central region gives a meeting with the Pestrem Port Valparaiso, wine valleys and sharp leisure peaks.

But there is another direction in Chile, in 5 hours of flight to the west of the capital. The famous point in the ocean, Easter Island, she is the only piece of tropics in the country - stone idols around the perimeter of the island, the crater of the volcano, and the Polynesian culture, seasoned with South American rhythm.

Chile is a country of ringing contrasts.

  • Guayaquil - big City with colonial buildings and ruins of Indian settlements.
  • Myths and legends

    This is a banana republic and a third world country.

    Banana Republic - yes. Here bananas fry, dried and actively exported. But do not worry, local is aware of the existence of another food. And about the countries of the Third World - well, no. It is quite a European civilization (and level of service).

    7 reasons to visit here

    1. See how mango grow.
    2. Going to a well-known (at least among the fans of Latin America) the market on de Ponchos Square in Otavalo.
    3. See turtles.
    4. See whales.
    5. Buy carpet from Indians.
    6. While Chile and Peru are fighting for whose pisco is more correct, drink it in Ecuador.
    7. To visit the park of Sangai, where three volcanoes are immediately located near each other. One of them with a lake inside.

    What they say

    The pearl of the banana republic is Galapagos. Sea lizards, sneezing salt, cormorants moving by blue paws in incredibly funny marriage dancing, pelicans of all stripes, frigates, inflating the red bag on the chest and playing the bears on it as on the drum ... and everything, of course, endemics. Stroking a semi-one-year shark in an underwater tunnel and watch the sea cat played with them, - the usual thing.

    Flights to Islands cost Nesh - Fortunately, we learned Lifehak: you can come with things to the airport early in the morning and buy the remaining tickets right before departure. So it turns out much cheaper than buying in advance. And Galapagos has more cheap analog - Small Isla de la Plata. In the waters around him in August, you can often see whales. On the way back, we were lucky: whales actively allowed fountains, waved with tails and even jumped out a couple of times not far from the boat.

    I really want to return to see Albatrosov and Kozatok, as well as reiterate the most delicious Sevich (people with sick stomach you need to be careful, as it has a lot of vinegar), buy Panama in the homeland of these hats (yes, through Panama They were only taken to Europe), try to get up on the sirf and simply to steal in the relaxed atmosphere of this iris.

    Julia Zavarzina

    editor, Russia

    Puerto Rico (territory of the USA)

    Where everyone goes and why

    • San Juan - Capital.
    • Wieques and Culebra Islands - Paradise Islands.

    Myths and legends

    The entire criminal world of the United States hangs out here.

    Yes, the musical about modern Romeo and Juliet "Westsida Story" is not that she served a good service country. About her, of course, they learned (thanks to the main heroine Puertorican), but also the disassembly of different clans began to attribute to Puerto Nationalians when so in vain. It interferes with travelers, and the main tour of the country provides Americans. In fact, for half a century everything has changed.

    7 reasons to visit Puerto Rico

    1. To see that people are not like in the "Westside History".
    2. Going inside the old Fuerte-Saint-Felipe del Moro fortress.
    3. Not to understand anything in the Indian Ceremonial Center Tibs in Ponce (or understand everything at all).
    4. Drink up right pine Kolada.
    5. Take a visor around the country (the benefit is small) and see all the variety of animals.
    6. To spend the night on the beach, which glows (on the island of Vieques, is called Mosquito Bay).
    7. And the day - on the beach flamenco on Cull with rusty tanks. Well, where else will you see this!

    What they say

    This is a completely special place. I am constantly returning here. In Puerto Rico so much life! But although I came here once over time, and then I moved at all for two years, one place remained, where I was not. This is Vieteks. For my birthday I was there. I felt the real release! There I met people from all over the world and just a few days hanging out. He became a place for me. I believe Puerto Rico can cure from some mental problems. I advise everyone!

    Sean Singh

    producer, Freelancer, United States

    Guadeloupe (territory of France)

    Where and why go

    The main attraction and beauty is the island of Bas Ter. There is another second island, Grand Ter, there is also beautiful.

    Myths and legends

    The beaches are not very.

    The beaches here are very - but very crowded. On bass ter more chances to lie down.

    7 reasons for the trip

    1. Soak on white sand, and then immediately on black. And then again on white. And so a hundred times.
    2. Go to a sugar factory.
    3. Constantly stumble on some waterfall when walking.
    4. Go through the Grand Cemetery of Morne-A-Lo in the PC Channel.
    5. See how local lives.

      Where everyone goes and why

      • Saint-Pierre - with the Museum of the Gaugaen field.
      • Caravel Reserve - Cutout Views.
      • Botanical Balatian Gardens - Other Cutout Views.

      Myths and legends

      Here are all the unemployed lazy.

      Not all, and a third. Since this is the overseas French territory, a whole carriage of the benefits and social buns of the French. Well, when you are european, you can and feudgefully, probably.

      7 reasons to visit here

      1. See how bananas are grown in Belfort.
      2. Eat maybe these same bananas with cod. This is called the nutritional perversion of "Ti-Nayn-Lan-Mori".
      3. And cod with avocado ("Trempzh").
      4. Climb the operating volcano Montan Pele.
      5. Chat with battle mice in caves.
      6. See the estate Josephine, Napoleon's wife.
      7. Try rum, which is considered the best many French, - St. James.

      What they say

      Rum! Be sure to buy a local rum!Well, in general, I was on Martinique once, at sea. It seems you are so driving to Turkey. Well, we are on Martinique. It seems that you have Sochi, and we have Cote d'Azur, and fly somewhere far more interesting. Here cool beaches, very beautiful naturewhich in France is not.

      Nicolas Daniel Transort

      sound Director, France

      Saint-Martin (territory of France)

      Where everyone goes and why

      Since this is the smallest inhabitable island in the world, to share it in the regions a little pointless. But if I want to - you can use the border of the island divided between the two countries and allocate the French city of Marigo and the Netherlands Philipsburg.

      Nominally, Latin America includes only the French part - but seriously, what to bother if the territory is only 87 squares.

      Myths and legends

      There is nothing there.

      In terms of infrastructure, there is a little difficult there is a bit more difficult - Saint-Martin last year almost completely destroyed the hurricane. But the island is actively tuned back. The locomotive is small, but strong.

      7 reasons to visit Saint-Marten

      1. To see the landing of the aircraft in the very airport of Princess Juliana (WFP of which closely adjoins the beach of Macho).
      2. Play casino on the Dutch side.
      3. Climb on peak du parades.
      4. Ride a yacht.
      5. Drive to an underwater marine reserve on Orient Bay Beach.
      6. Go to the farm butterflies.
      7. Go from the Netherlands to France and back.

      What they say

      I thought Saint Martin would be the same as Martinique or Guiana. French. But no! It is almost like the United States. Here normally speak English and you can pay dollars. But I was in this country until last year, to a strong hurricane. I hope that now everything is fine there. I would like to return there someday.

      Gregory O'Connor

      programmer, USA

      Saint-Bartelemy (territory of France)

      Where everyone goes and why

      • Gustavia - the capital, where the most interesting is concentrated.
      • Saint-Jean - a fashionable area of \u200b\u200bthe already fashionable resort.

      Myths and legends

      This is another destroyed island.

      Yes, the hurricane "Irma" did not spare anyone. And the islands here are too small, there were no chances. But they are tuned as fast! In just a few months, they were ready to take tourists. And now everything looks almost as beautiful as in photographs from long-time advertising brochures.

      7 reasons to visit here

      1. Going to a nudist beach, where you can theoretically meet someone very wealthy.
      2. And managed not to burn on the snow-white sand to bright red.
      3. Look at how indecently rich people live.
      4. See the house of Rockefeller.
      5. Explore the ancient Swedish forts.
      6. To do diving in Grand Kyu de Sak.
      7. Climb Morne Du-Vita to see the whole island and with a clean conscience to go back.

      What they say

      I spent little time on Saint-Bart. We were in a press tour, and although for our flight, we certainly gave space money, it was almost no time to shifted from a beautiful life. I myself never do that, and if you fly far, I try to stay in the country longer, well, well.

      I am at the atmosphere of Saint-Barthelemy reminded Monaco. Many yachts, there is a feeling of some rich life. But I'm not sure that I would go there myself, after all, far and expensive. Only if there is a lot of money or the ability to combine visiting the island with trips to some other places.

      Veronika Simonova

      content Raiter, Russia

      Guiana (territory of France)

      Where and why go

      • Cayenne is the capital with tropical jungle and mild wildness tribes.
      • Kau is a region where even more jungle.
      • Il-du-Salo (Salvation Islands) - Paradise Islands who served prison for criminals.
      • Kuru is a cosmodrome (though, why do you need Russia and Kazakhstan when you can point to look at the rockets in Guiana).

      Myths and legends

      There is still a gold fever.

      Not. She fell on the middle of the century, so now no one no one fears. Although fanatics of prospectors, looking for gold, can get caught in Guiana and now.

      7 reasons to visit Guiana

      1. Nouring shrimps to be less than exported.
      2. Try Cayenne pepper straight from the bush.
      3. Go take a walk in the jungle. Just gently.
      4. Try to catch a dry season (he is short here).
      5. Go to the local carnival if you arrived.
      6. Look at the launch of the spacecraft almost at the same equator.
      7. Buy butterfly in the frame and prove to everyone that you are an entomologist, and they just do not shit.

      What they say

      I did not spend a lot of time in Guiana. It's small but very rich country. They consider themselves to be French here; Perhaps it is. I was still in Guyana and Venezuela, and I am sure that it is much better here. A kind of country, it may be inconvenient, but it is accurate to relax here and meet this piece of France on the road!

      Gregory O'Connor

      programmer, USA


    A collective term for countries that speak Romance languages \u200b\u200b(Portuguese and Spanish) who occurred from Latin actually from here and the name. Latin America is often associated with Catholicism, Roman legal and cultural traditions are strong here. Latin America is often in the West called Latin Europe, as well as Hermann Europe or Slavic Europe. South American countries began to call Latin America 19 in the century, when there was a very strong influence of Romanesque Catholicism, in this region the contribution of European Romanesque countries regarding culture, language, religion, as well as at the genetic level. Most of Latin Americans of Latin European origin, in particular, immigrants from Italy, Spain, France and Portugal. North America as opposed to called Anglo-Saxon America, but the Americans themselves are Americans and residents of Latin America are not other than the Americans, Canada is just Canada, but the residents of Canadians.

    Population of Latin America

    Today, Latin America's population is estimated at more than 610 million people.

    Ethnic groups

    Latin America is the most diverse region of the world in terms of the presence of ethnic groups and races, the ethnic composition varies from the country to country, the majority of the Latin American population are methuses, descendants of marriages by Europeans and local Indians. In most countries, the Indian population prevails, in some countries, there are countries where the majority of the population are black or mulatto. Nevertheless, about 80% of Latin America's population have European roots.

    Latin American countries

    In addition to the countries of Latin America, the countries of the Caribbean region are included in the list of Latin America countries: Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Cuba. Often, countries in which countries speak French, the former and current colonies of France are French Guyana, Saint-Martin, Haiti, with the exception of Quebec, which is located on the territory of Canada, is also part of Latin America.

    Many Latin American countries belong to North America, so the concepts of South America and Latin should not be confused. North America includes Mexico, most of the countries of Central and South America, the Caribbean, Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico.

    Countries in which the majority of the population talks in English Zyanka traditionally in Latin America do not include - this is Guyana, Belize, Bahamas, Barbados, Jamaica and others.

    Latin America is picturesque and quaint, despite its unfavorable for white man climatic conditions is popular tourist MozHere is the highest in the world angel waterfall, the largest mountain lake Titicaca and the biggest functioning volcano Kotopakh, the longest on Earth System of the Mountains of the Andes, the greatest River Amazon. There are many natural fossils here, many countries live through the sale of oil and gas.

    Languages \u200b\u200bin Latin America

    Most of Latin American countries arepanic, Portuguese speaks the largest country in the region - Brazil. In Suriname, talking in the Dutch, in French in Guiana, in English in Guyana, Belize, Bahamas, Barbados, Jamaica.

    60% of Latin America's population with their first language considers Spanish, 34% Portuguese, 6% of the population speak other languages, such as Kechua, Maya, Guarani, Aimara, Naiathl, English, French, Dutch and Italian. Portuguese speaks only in Brazil (Brazilian Portuguese), the largest and most densely populated country in the region. Spanish is the official majority of the rest of Latin America, as well as in Cuba, Puerto Rico (where it is equal along with English), and the Dominican Republic. In French, they speak Haiti and in French overseas departments in Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guiana, the French Zamorsk community Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, also spoken in Panama. Dutch is the official language in Suriname, Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles. Dutch is a relative German language, so these territories are not necessarily considered part of Latin America.

    Indian Languages: Kechua, Guarani, Aimar, Naiathl, Lenguas Maya, Mapudongun is widespread in Peru, Guatemala, Bolivia, Paraguay and Mexico, to a lesser extent in Panama, Ecuador, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina and Chile. In Latin American countries, the population of native native native natives, as a rule, is negligible or not at all, for example, in Uruguay. Mexico is the only country that can boast a wide variety of indigenous languages \u200b\u200bthan any other Latin American country, the most common Indian language in Mexico is Nasual.

    In Peru, the language of the Indians of Kechua is the official language, along with the Spanish and any other language of other indigenous peoples of the country, where they prevail. There is no official language in Ecuador, and Kechua is a recognized language of the indigenous people in accordance with the country's constitution, but only a few groups in the mountainous location speaks to Kechua. In Bolivia, Aimar Indian languages, Kechua and Guarani have official status along with Spanish. Guarani, along with Spanish, is the official language of Paraguay, where the majority of the bilingual population, in the Argentine Province Corrientes official only Spanish. In Nicaragua, Spanish is the official language, but on the Caribbean coast of the country official English and the languages \u200b\u200bof indigenous peoples, such as Miskito, Sumo and Rama.

    Colombia recognizes all the indigenous languages \u200b\u200bon which local residents say, but only 1% of the country's population are carriers of these languages. Naiathl is one of the 62 native languages \u200b\u200bof the indigenous man in Mexico, which are officially recognized by the government as " national Languages"Along with Spanish.

    Other European languages \u200b\u200bthat are common in Latin America - English, they say some groups in Puerto Rico, as well as in neighboring countries, which are not considered Latin America, this is Belize and Guyana.

    German is common in South Brazil, southern Chile, parts of Argentina, Venezueus and Paraguay.

    Italian is distributed in Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and Uruguay.

    Ukrainian and Polish in the southern part of Brazil, in the southern part of Argentina.

    Yiddish and Hebrew are common in the vicinity of Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo.

    Japanese is common in Brazil and Peru, Korean in Brazil, Arabic in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela, Chinese throughout South America.

    In the Caribbean region, Creolesky is common, including Haitian Creole, who is the prevailing language of Haiti, this takes place primarily due to the mixing of French with West African languages, Indian, with the influence of English, Portuguese and Spanish.

    In Garifuna, they speak along the Caribbean coast in Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Belize.

    Latin American countries

    The country's largest area in Latin America is Brazil with an area of \u200b\u200b8515767 square kilometers, then Argentina 2780400, Mexico 1972550, Peru 1285216, Colombia 1141748, the smallest region is the overseas territory of France Saint-Martin with an area of \u200b\u200b25 square kilometers.

    If you look at the number of people, then again the largest state is Brazil 201032714, hereinafter Mexico 118395054, Colombia 47387109 and only on the fourth place Argentina 41660417.

    Cities in Latin America

    The largest proud in Latin America is the Mexican capital of Mexico City 20631353, Next Sao Paulo Brazil 19953698, Buenos Aires Argentina 13333912, Rio -de- Jeanoiro Brazil 11968886, Lima Peru 10231678, Bogota Columbia 8868395, Santiago Chile 7023767, Belo Horizonte Brazil 5504729 , Caracas Venezuela 5297026, Guadalajara Mexico 4593444.

    The richest city of Latin America Buenos Aires with GDP per capita 26 129 US dollars, further Caracas 24,000, São Paulo 23 704, Santiago 21393, Mexico City 19 940, Lima 17 340, Belo-Horizonte 17 239, Guadalajara 16 855, Rio de Janeiro 16 282, Bogota 15 891.

    Religion in Latin America

    90% of Latin American Christians, 70% of the Latin American population consider themselves Catholics of the Latin rite. As we noticed in Latin America, Catholicism prevails in contrast to Protestant North America with the United States and Canada.

    Latin and migration

    For example, about 10 million Mexicans live in the United States, 29 million Americans today can boast of Mexican roots. 3.33 million Colombians live today outside of their homeland, 2 million natives of this country live outside Brazil. In the US, there is a half million Salvadorians and as many de Dominicans, 1.3 million Cubans.

    0.8 million Chileans live in Argentina, USA, Canada, Sweden and Australia.

    Education, school and literacy in Latin America

    In Latin America today there are big problems with access to education, nevertheless in recent years the situation has improved, most children are already going to school. Do not have access to the formation of children who live in remote regions, as well as children of black families who can live in extreme poverty. Only 75% of the poorest youth at the age of 13 to 17 attend school. Currently, more than half of children with low income or residents in rural areas cannot complete nine years of study in high school.

    Crime and violence in Latin America

    Latin America is synonymous with the word crime. Latin America and the Caribbean are the most dangerous city of the world in Latin America, which can be justified by the highest level of social inequality in the population in Latin America. The problem with crime will not be solved until the social disappearance between the rich and poor will be smoothed. Therefore, the prevention of crime, an increase in the number of police and prisons will not lead to anything. The level of murders in Latin America is the highest in the world. Since the early 1980s before the mid-1990s, the kill level increased by 50 percent. The main victims of such murders are young people, 69% of which aged 15 to 19 years.

    The most dangerous countries in Latin America

    The dangerous countries themselves in Latin America are: Honduras 91.6 murders per 100,000 inhabitants, Salvador 69.2, Venezuela 45.1, Belize 41,4, Guatemala 38.5, Puerto Rico 26.2, Dominican Republic 25, Mexico 23.7 and Ecuador 18.2.

    For example, the average global level is 6.9. In 1995, Colombia with Salvador broke the world record in Pale of Crime - 139.1 murders per 100,000 inhabitants. Crime and violence in Latin America are the main threat to the health of people and carry more lives than AIDS or other infectious diseases.

    Economy of Latin America

    nominal GDP at $ 5,573.39 million. Human Development Index (ICR) in Latin America

    All countries of Latin America belong to countries with a developing economy. If we estimate the countries of the region in the human development index (ICR), then the leader here is chili with the coefficient of 0.819, then Argentina 0.811, Uruguay 0,792, Panama 0.780, Mexico 0,775, Costa Rica 0.773, Peru 0.741, Colombia 0,719, Dominican Republic 0,702, Bolivia 0,675, Paraguay 0,669, Guatemala 0.628, Honduras 0,617, Nicaragua 0.599, Haiti is an outsider 0,456.

    Poverty in Latin America

    The poorest and rich countries of Latin America

    If there are people in Uruguay, it is best to evaluate the country in Uruguay where only 3% of the population is located outside the poverty, then there is chili with a coefficient of 3.2, Argentina 3.7, Costa Rica 3.7, Cuba 4.6, Mexico 5.9, Venezuela 6.6, Panama 6.7, Colombia 7.6, Ecuador 7.9, Brazil 8.6, the worst rate of Haiti 31.5. For example, 54.9% of the population lives per day in Haiti, in Guatema, 16.9, Nicaragua 15.8, Honduras 23.3, Salvador 15.1

    Malnutrition affects up to 47% of Haitians, 27% of Nicaraguans, 23% of Bolivians and 22% of Honduras.

    Life expectancy in Latin America

    Life expectancy level is one of the most important quality indicators. So from this point of view, it is best to live on Cuba, in Costa Rica and Chile where the indicator is 79 years old. In Mexico and Uruguay, 77, in Panama, Ecuador and Argentina 76, the lowest indicator of Haiti 62 years.

    The best countries of Latin or South America for life

    So, the palm of the championship shall be divided into Chile and Uruguay, the Chile has a maximum for the region to show the human development index, GDP, lifespan and the lowest crime rate. Uruguay boasts the lowest income inequality, here the lowest level of poverty, extreme poverty, as well as this country has the highest indices of peacefulness.

    Panama is characterized by the highest level of real GDP growth. Cuba boasts success in education, here the lowest level of illiteracy of the local population, as well as in Cuba, people live for a very long time, Costa Rica also boasts a relatively high life expectancy of their citizens.

    The worst rates of Haiti, live in this country scary. Nevertheless, surprisingly at Haiti is a very low level of crime, despite the extreme poverty of the population, the level of murders is only 6.9 per 100,000 people per year of approximately the same level of crime in a prosperous Uruguay. But it is already very dangerous in Honduras, Salvador, Venezuela, Guatemala, Colombia, Mexico.

    The best country to live in Latin America

    Popular countries of Argentina and Brazil show averages as for the entire Latin American region. So, the most best country To live from our point of view, these are Chile and Uruguay, then Argentina, Costa Rica, Mexico, Venezuela, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil are followed. Data on misfortunes in Cuba can be distorted.

    Ecology in Latin America

    The highest ecology in Costa Rica, Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador. The lowest in Haiti Mexico, Peru, Guatemala, Chile and Argentina.

    Tourism in Latin America

    Among Latin American countries, the Plan of the International Trym of Mexico, this is due to the close geographical location to the United States and a large number of archaeological attractions, it is worth mentioning such a resort as Cancun.

    Mexico annually visits 22.3 million foreign tourists, the following pursuer is very far behind, it is Argentina with an indicator of 5.2 million people, further Brazil 5.1, Puerto Rico, from 3.6, Chile from 2.7, Colombia 2.38 , Dominican Republic 4.1, Panama 2.06.

    The most visited cities and attractions in Latin America

    The most visited cities and attractions in Latin America: Cancun, Galapagos Islands, Machu Picchu, Chichen Itza, Cartagena, Cape San Lucas, Acapulco, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Margarita Island, São Paulo, Salar de Uyuni , Punta del Este, Santo Domingo, Labadee, San Juan, Havana, Panama City, Waterfalls Iguazu, Puerto Vallarta, Paras National Park Volcano, Punta Cana, Vinya del Mar, Mexico City, Quito, Bogota , Santa Martha, San Andres, Buenos Aires, Lima, Maceio, Florianopolis, Cusco, Ponce and Patagonia.

    If we talk about the effectiveness of tourism in Latin America, the leader here is the Dominican Republic where the greatest arrivals from the tourist sphere from the country's GDP, but here are the highest in Uruguay from tourism. Very high revenues from tourism in Venezuela, however this is due to space local prices. A trip to Brazil is considered very expensive, Panama Dominican Republic.

    The most attractive countries for tourism in Latin America are: Haiti, Paraguay, Venezuela, Salvador - in his journey in South America such countries can be skipped.

    Latin America is worth visiting at least because life, culture, nature, cities, attractions, food there are different from the usual Eurasian. And, of course, I want to look more than just, since it was going there.

    In two months I managed to do the way from Havana to Magellanov Strait on Panarican (Cuba, Ecuador, Peru, Chile), and return to the Atlantic coast and the center of the Continent (Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Cuba).


    If you are going to Latin America, you will be exactly useful:

    • Insurance for all countries that are planning to visit.
    • At least a small amount of cash dollars (and better euros for Cuba).
    • Electric adapter (there is universal for any country).
    • Activated coal (or strong alcohol) for disinfection of the digestive system. I still had vaccinations from hepatitis and yellow fever.
    • Preparations against malaria (it is better to buy in the terrain, where this attack is possible, I was not useful).
    • Guide, such as such.
    • Goodwill, skill smile and negotiate.

    Most countries of South America are visa-free for Russians, which greatly facilitates the life of the traveler.

    Flight to Latin America

    You can also consider tickets Moscow - Casablanca - São Paulo or Moscow - Lisbon - Sao Paulo. Popular tourist destinations for Russians are Mexico (need a visa) and Dominican Republic, try finding charter tickets.

    Cuba is an island from which you can not float, you can only fly away. For example, in Quito.


    It is very budget way movements in Latin America.

    In poor countries, buses will be late. Strong. For example, in Bolivia, I somehow failed transport three hours.

    Have time to booked buses, as tickets are not returned.

    Moving on buses, keep in mind that transportation is carried out by private companies, and centralized bus stations are not everywhere. If they are, you will have to pay a little over pay for the platform to the landing site, as well as for luggage. Therefore, specify where the transport is sent in the selected direction.

    The buses themselves most often old, can break on the road, there is no toilet in them. On mountain roads (and they are all mountains there) will be cold upstairs. If you came out to stretch your legs at an intermediate stop, do not be surprised that your place will be engaged, and the things you left (even garbage) will disappear. Just inform the invader that this is your place, and ask to return the property.

    All the way will show movies. Loudly. Even at night. If there is a task, choose sleeping places on the bus, called CAMA.

    In Chile (and Argentina, too, do not remove with distances. The country is long, 40-hour bus - the usual thing. However, this is not the best solution, although you can choose sleeping places and hot food included in the price. Just the body needs to walk away, and not to sit by the window.

    The border between Peru and Ecuador should not move on international buses. It is better to get to the border itself, cross it and go on another transport. Specify in advance the time of work of posts. Some can close due to weather conditions.

    Moving to more economically developed and expensive Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay is accompanied by multiple border checks and the withdrawal of products prohibited from the prosecution of poor countries.

    Spanish language

    Thanks to the conquistadors in most Latin American countries, except for Portuguese-language Brazil and some French colonies, people speak Spanish. Of course, in different localities there are some words and something may differ. Accents are very different. My, for example, was ideal for Chile: there are many immigrants from Eastern Europe.

    Before a trip, you can see the course of 16 video clocks for 45 minutes:

    In principle, if you know only English, then do not disappear. I came across travelers who did not speak on it, but only, for example, in native Japanese or Italian, and nothing, somehow moved and absorbed new sensations. But personally for me the inability to discuss everything that I want is discomfort and the motivator to teach a new language.

    In my experience, an excellent idea is to go to learn Spanish in the capital of Ecuador. There are many schools, very humane prices and programs. Language schools are still good because they organize events for students. There you can get acquainted with excellent guys, have fun and talk in Spanish. I took an individual intensive for three days, and then, moving off the buses in a bright time of the day, repeated the material, practiced in a conversation with the neighbors and could not go anywhere from loud films.

    If you travel one, learn a new language is much easier, because you have no other options on it to speak.

    When I met the compatriots several times in two months, tested the language orgasm: it is so cool when you understand absolutely everything you say, and you can answer.


    Great idea - . It is not necessary to live by the host, you can simply talk about the city with someone from the local or take a walk together at interesting places.

    I traveled alone, so I used hostels: there will always be a company of interesting people, and safely.

    Latino - friendly people who will always show the road, will warn about the dangers, and if they have time, they will chat.

    Having moved from Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia to the countries where the ethnic composition is diluted with convergence from Europe, you will feel that you have stopped staring and from moving attractions you have become just a traveler. And you are still happy to speak with pleasure, but conversations become more relaxed and highly intelligent.

    It is better not to give the right and left your personal data and contacts if you do not want to get a crowd of sudden guests at home.


    1. Under no circumstances, I would not advise visit Venezuela: it is very dangerous there.
    2. Be careful in the dark time. The company of the same male travelers, which took place, for example, from a hostel or language school, is a good idea for evening walks.
    3. Be prepared for the fact that hot water - This is a luxury. And who the first rose, that sneakers - it does not matter, in the hotel you stopped or in a hostel.
    4. Carefully with ATM: Your credit card can scan and try to steal money from it. Insurance from theft in your bank is a good idea.
    5. Be morally and informationally ready to block bank cards. Have a spare card at hand, a bank support service number, a little cache in dollars.
    6. Let there always be water and some small (at least cookies) in a backpack.
    7. In the poor, have toilet paper with you.
    8. Always specify how much time in the city where you arrived: there may be a difference in time zones. Once my own carelessness was worth 100 dollars (the price of a ticket for a missing bus).
    9. Be careful with pies and fresh juice in bags of beautiful grandmothers in poncho and felt hats. It is delicious, but fraught, even if everyone else is calmly absorb. They are accustomed to such food.
    10. Listen to the reactions of your body on unusual climate, food, as well as height differences. Take care of health, do not overdo it. For example, all the time at the height (and Latin America is Cordillera, solid Andes and records in high quality in the Guinness Book of Records) pierced on sweets, although I do not like desserts, and I had to feed myself with carbohydrates. In Bolivia, I have a slightly and blossomed eyes.
    11. Ecuadorian and Peruvian jungle, which are called "Selva", is a great place for different extreme adventures. But go there in the company of proven people, see reviews.
    12. If you managed to participate in the volunteer program, be prepared for the fact that, most likely, the Internet and electricity there will not be completely or will be a bit, and housing conditions will be worse than the stated.
    13. If, let's say, in Ecuador you have a laptop, do not throw away: in Peru, it is likely that he needs him.

    Features of different countries

    Cuba is good in itself and in order to acclimatize, get used to another way of life, start absorbing Spanish.

    From the Havana airport can always be cheaper, finding the same passengers. They are most likely to go somewhere in the old Havana district.

    In Cuba, be prepared for the fact that people are very sociable and to stay with themselves almost impossible. But any problem of introvert is a new opportunity. For example, to find out that Cubans think about the USSR, their revolution, education, to visit the guests, to dance the Salsa on Malekone and feel the life of such as those who feel fun and temperamental Cubans. They are very open people - Before the hand and the heart is offered and immediately will discuss their move to you.

    Cubans are not spoiled by the benefits of civilization, so please to please them easily, giving a washing powder, shampoo, USB flash drive or simply paid by dollars.

    For tourists Cuba - an expensive country with a special currency of Cook. But, becoming your own, you will understand how incredibly cheap can live on local pesos.

    In Havana, you can live in a hotel, and even better - in Casa Particular (hotel at home). Even if you did not find a place in advance, where to stay, walk through the streets in search of the Casa Particular icon will definitely bring the result.

    Not far from Havana there are excellent beaches. A bus or taxi in the form of a rare car dominates you there in 20 minutes.

    In total, I spent seven days in Havana, and I was not bored. Also in Cuba you can see other cities and beaches. For this there are public transport (which will be late), taxis, car rental.

    Compared with the Havana, the capital of Ecuador, which does not waste, dancing and drinking cocktails, will seem a hyperactive baby in the cradle from the mountains. There is a beautiful old town, the mountains around and the mass of different interesting places, where it is easy to reach the buses per hour or two. Very cheap and varied in every sense.

    In the budget Ecuador, the most expensive place is the Galapagos Islands, but they are worth it. Airplanes fly from Quito or Coastal Guyaquil. Near the coast a lot of beach resorts for every taste.

    Ecuadorian Switzerland - Banos town with thermal sources, volcanoes, jungle, waterfalls, spa weight and extreme adventures.

    Mancot next to the Ecuadorian border - beach-Tusovka. In general, the Peruvian coast is perfect for surfing. It is believed that here the longest waves.

    Next to Trujillo a lot of interesting prehistoric ruins and monuments in the open sky.

    In Lima, according to my feelings, they produce fog. There are inexpensive vintage hotels in the center of the Old Town and the beautiful modern Miraflores area. Cocktail "Pisco Sauer" Start tasting in the capital of Peru.

    Cusco is a very ancient and beautiful city, from which the transport starts to Machu Picchu, Titicaca. Machu Picchu is the most expensive tourist attraction of the country, which must certainly see! Lake Titicaca is wondering for familiarizing life and just very beautiful.

    Arequipa - the third largest city of Peru, in which a stunning old center. From here or from Iki go to the canyon of the ring.

    Try tea from Coca's leaves, it tones, helps to adapt to the highlands. Sevich is cutting fresh raw fish and seafood under lemon-pepper sauce, super! And the Peruvians eat guinea pigs and llamas.

    It seemed to me that the Chileans (Chileos) on the mentality are very close to us.

    National parks are here - a separate spectacle with deserts, geysers (San Pedro de Atakama), volcanoes, glaciers, marine quotes, penguins, purest lakes (Patagonia).

    Very please, visit Valparaiso - this is a multicolored city in two hours from the capital of Santiago. I fell in love with him at first glance. Next there are some more authentic on the coast.

    Do not neglect by fishing markets: they are preparing a great simple food from a fresh catch, complementing the drying glass of dry Chilean.

    On the Magellan Strait, the wonderful city of Punta Arenas is located. From him or Argentine Ushuaia can be designed in Antarctic.

    When you find yourself in Argentina, Eat and Burgers, even New York compared to them - younger brothers. And the Argentine wine, in my opinion, was invented just for their meat: there are a lot of tanins, but the tartness is very suitable for dishes.

    If you want to visit the Valdez peninsula, listen to whales. Visit Mendoz winery.

    Take to such a spacious, with good winds, tango and architecture brought from everywhere, Buenos Aires. Be sure to get to the waterfalls of Iguazu, they are not in vain, they consider the miracle of the world.


    Having all the pros and cons, go to Bolivia, even if the arguments against ransom. You will no longer see anything like anywhere in the world.

    Do not pay attention to the fact that there is no asphalt, buses are late for several hours and they can transport pets. Look out the window for fantastic landscapes changing every five minutes and remember.

    After all the Bolivian transshipment, the tourist joy next to the salt desert and La pass will become a luxurious reward for funny money. There you can eat and relax in human. And then again make a feat, riding on a large on the road of death, or pick up the abandoned mine.

    And you can just walk through the large city in some weekend with an indispensable holiday in honor of the Catholic saint, elegant Bolivians and folk music.


    When you come back home, you will be happy to remember the trip and do not believe that it happened to you. However, some of my acquaintances were so imbued with South America, which remained there to live long and happily.

    Traveling on new places is an excellent opportunity to expand the horizons, get wonderful impressions, meet with wonderful people, make a stock of exciting stories and take excellent time. Good luck! BON SUERTE!

    Text: Anastasia Melnikova

    "There is a desire to work in Ecuador? We need people with knowledge of Spanish and English, "I would miss such a proposal by ears, but behind my shoulders were a hard year ended with a torn wedding. At the time of complete despair, when I wanted to quit everything, I was offered work at the other end of the Earth.

    The company in which my friend worked, gained translators to the project for the construction of the TPP in Ecuador. I did not have special EducationAlthough I learned Spanish, I did not understand anything in the construction or in the energy sector and was not going to change the job. But it is the absurdity of the idea - this is how drastically change your life - and the timeliness of the proposal made me go to the interview. "Yes, I just look at what they offer there," I thought. And then everything was like in the fog: documents for a working visa, grafting from yellow fever, transformers, waste boilers, bypass pipes, PSU, GTU, PPR and other amazing abbreviations.

    A month later I flew over the Atlantic, still not believing in what is happening. At the airport I was met by new colleagues and taken to my new home in the Merchal. I had to live there next six months, after which I had the right to leave, which I wanted to spend in Moscow. But everything went wrong. Relations with the director did not work out, and in two months I was fired and handed the return ticket. I made a decision quickly. "I really flew fourteen thousand kilometers in order to return back in two months, without even visiting the equator?" - I thought and decided to stay - in someone else's country, at the other end of the world, without work, housing and ticket. I thought a couple of months to devote a trip to Ecuador, and then go home.

    A month after that I shot an apartment and taught local Russian. Then he got a choice: either to extend costly rental, or finally implement his plans - and I stopped at the second. The question is where to go, I decided quickly: I lived almost on the border with Peru, so it was in order to get to Machu Picchu. On the Internet, it is full of information on how to get there and how to save on transport. I dragged the suitcases to the former colleagues, lent a backpack, threw a pair of t-shirts, jeans and a toothbrush, put on a T-shirt with the inscription "Today I Will Be Free" and went to his first trip in life without pre-purchased tickets and booked hotels.

    First step

    Life always tells you where to move on. During my trip, this thought was repeatedly voiced by different people, and I myself understood it in the first trip. I carefully planted the route to Machu Picchu, going to return the same way, - no more than two weeks should be taken to everything. But when I came from Lima in Cusco, the closest city closest to Machu Picchu, my mountain disease began. Cusco is about three thousand meters above relative to sea level than Lima, and from a sharp pressure drop seemed that the head was about to burst. In addition, at night, the bus was blowing from all the cracks at night, and the temperature outside the window was slightly above zero - so cold I was probably never in life. In general, on the first day in the mountains, the only thing that remained for me is to fight snot and dine wild headache with candies with Koko. Heated in the park in the sun, I talked with an Australian who photographed local residents. Saying good, he made a few of my photos.

    The next day I went to Aguas Caltentes, a small village, where everyone will start to visit the city of Inca. V Aguas can be reached in two ways: on a tourist train in four hours - quickly, expensive and comfortable - or on buses and local combo, clogged with locals, mattresses and churars. Then you still need to go a few kilometers on foot along the railway through the jungle - in general, cheap, angry and with adventures. Because of the fog in the mountains, the bus was driving too slowly, and soon it came to me that I had to do the last cut in the dark, one, without a lantern. I urgently needed a fellow traveler - and about a miracle, when I made a transplant in one of the villages, the German came to me, who said: "Yesterday a neighbor in the hostel showed me your photo, I recognized you in my eyes. Do you also go to Machu Picchu? " Then we went together.

    For the first time in life, I felt freedom from clearly thought-out plans, fixed dates and booked hotels

    On the way from Lima, I had a thought to go to Bolivia. It turned out that my new acquaintance has the contacts of a person who traveled by the car in Latin America and just could throw me up to the border - so I decided on a further route. In PUNU, where I was delayed to get a Bolivian visa, I met a Ukrainian couple, with which I drove to La Paz, and in the bus to La Pass, I talked to the Mexican, with whom we decided to risk and in two days try to get to the largest In the world of Solonchaka Uyuni and return back.

    I was returning to Ecuador, going to the cities, which casual acquaintances were told. For the first time in life, I felt freedom from well-thought-out plans, fixed dates and booked hotels: I was driving where I wanted and could stay in any city as you like for a long time. Back to Ecuador, I returned not in two weeks, as planned, and a month, inspired and thirsting for new travels. Threw out worn jeans, lined the sole on the "conversions" and began planning the next trip.

    We used to paint everything around the hour, because unknown scares us. But it seems to me that sometimes it is worth trusting fate. Once, staggering in the park "Mitad del Mundo" in Quito, thinking something to do the next day, I met the Russian guys from Cirque du Soleil, who came to tour. As a result, I fell for free to the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich my former colleagues enthusiastically told me about the other day. Another time, already in Colombia, when I walked in Santa Marte, a journalist came to me, who wrote an article about how foreigners travel through his country. We talked all day, he taught me to dance Salsa on the main square, play Guyro and treated national sweets. Once, when I, in advance, without thinking about the water, descended from the mountain, I barely dragged my feet from the heat and died from thirst, a bus slowed down next to me - the driver opened the door, handed me a bottle of water and drove down. There were many such stories, and they taught me that there is a way out of any situation. The main thing is not to be afraid of anything and take the first step, and the life itself will tell you where to move on.


    Of course, to travel need money. First, on the passage, secondly, you need to spend the night somewhere and there is something. At first I spent the money that earned in the first three months. Then, when I realized that they ended, I asked a girlfriend to pass my apartment in the suburbs. This allowed me to stay in Latin America for another six months. I traveled in mostly shades - periodically returned to Ecuador to relax and sink money.

    Hitchhiker in Latin America do not use: due to the high level of crime, people do not trust each other; Rurateurfing is poorly developed for the same reason. True, I did not try to use any other, because I quickly get tired of communication. Opened mainly in hostels: the longer I traveled, the way it was, how much a room is designed for the room and what color in it walls. When the fatigue in the evenings raises, you realize that the main thing is a bed and a hot shower (or cold, if you are on the coast), the rest does not matter.

    Most often I moved on buses, less often on airplanes. The most economical countries - Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador: Here, twenty dollars you can drive a half-edge, and if you find a cafe where local people eat, then two dollars can simply be frightened. South countries are sometimes cheaper to fly by airplanes than to travel on buses. In order not to waste time and save overnight, I often chose night buses. Over time, when I learned to fall asleep in any uncomfortable postures, soft seats began to seem to me the best place to relax. I still remember how I could not fall asleep, looking out of the window to an incredible sky, while the bus was in a deserted road from San Pedro de Atakam to Santiago. So many stars so low above the earth I have never seen ever.

    I still remember how I could not fall asleep, while the bus had a deserted road from San Pedro de Atakam to Santiago. So many stars so low above the earth I have never seen never

    Tickets for buses - a separate story. Even if there is an official website with prices on the Internet, it does not mean that on the bus station the cost will be the same. First, pay cash is always cheaper than the card. Secondly, at the box office you can bargain. Sometimes the price may turn out to be higher if the cashier decides to work out on the tourist.

    Once in Colombia, I decided to spend the day on the half-day beach approximately a couple of clock driving from Cartagena. Snow-white sand, the Emerald Caribbean Sea did their job - in the end I spent the week on the beach. For three dollars a day, I rented a hammock on the shore, I woke up every morning under the noise of the surf, had breakfast with fresh juice and cooked fried eggs, and dinner had just caught a doodle. After a couple of days on the beach I had the feeling that I was here at least a month. The local seller treated me in the morning by Oysters with Lemon, the owner of the neighboring hostel knew what an omelet I eat for breakfast, and when I tried to steal the phone, I caught the whole village. In the neighborhood of simple lackers was a five-star hotel, but against the background of houses of local residents who voluntarily left the cities and chose to live by the sea, forgetting what a fuss, traffic jams, office work and chase for financial well-being, the hotel was associated with a golden cell . It does not matter how much money you spend on your holiday, it is important that you take with you in the shower. I took the feeling of dimension and serenity.


    It is impossible to be indifferent to Latin America: you either endlessly love it, or she is terribly infuriated, and more often both at the same time. In the morning you hate the local transport system for false buses, road services - for unexpected repair, weather - for landslides, locals - for the inability to explain the road. In the evening, thank the fate for the fact that a leisurely road workers did not rake in time, the fallen bus picked you up in the mountains and brought to a warm hostel.

    Tourists always attract the attention of local residents, and if you speak Spanish, you can count on their help. Often, I had only a list of places I wanted to visit, and when I came to the city, I just asked in the hostel, on the bus station or in passersby, as it was better to get to them. A couple of times the police briefed me on a motorcycle, and one day a local resident turned me a bus ticket for half a power.

    People were amazed as in my backpack, which was more like a bag for a laptop, all the necessary things are placed. I am still wondering how little it turns out, you need a person to life. Local did not believe that I was traveling alone. "Girls are very dangerous here," they said every time. I was always warned so that I did not talk to strangers, did not take gifts, I didn't sit in other people's cars, did not eat on the street - and they ourselves asked me about Russia and how I was here, gave me anything in memory of myself, drove me To the places they need, treated dinner and always asked to stay in their country.

    But this does not mean that you can relax and trust each oncoming. Once I have broken a chain from the neck right in the city center, I heard many stories about how they were left without wallets, documents or expensive cameras, a couple of my colleagues robbed right on the street. Of course, no one canceled the banal security rules (on the dark streets do not walk, do not shine the phone, do not store money in one place). But do not believe those who say that in Latin America cannot be traveled to one.


    For the year I visited Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina and Brazil. In each country, citizens of Russia can be without a visa to ninety days. For entry into Bolivia, I had to make a visa, but the day after I crossed the Bolivian border, a visa-free regime between Russia and Bolivia came into force.

    I am often asked what country I liked the most. Honestly, I do not know: each is good in its own way. But I know for sure where I wanted to return. Because of the limited budget, I did not have the opportunity to ride through the paradise beaches of Brazil and see the wild Amazonian nature. I would definitely returned to the Patagonia, but already with a tent, warm clothes and trekking shoes. I would have returned to the uin, but it is necessary in the rainy season, when the sky is reflected in the water covering Solonchak, and the feeling of reality is completely lost. I'm not talking about San Andres, Galapagos and Easter Island.

    All my life I dreamed of going somewhere, but after that year I realized that I would never leave to live abroad. I madly missed the snow, a dearer with black bread and buckwheat, on clean streets (if you are still confident that in Russia everything is bad, you do not compare with that), on security on the streets and the opportunity to get a phone from your pocket Without fear that it will be cut out of the hands. According to a working Wi Fay and the rapid Internet, and in principle, if possible, find any information on the Internet: in most Latin American countries, people use the Internet only for social networks. And how I missed people from Russia! Never before I have experienced such love for my homeland.

    It is impossible to be indifferent to Latin America: You either endlessly love it, or she is terribly infuriated, and more often both at the same time

    For a year, so much happened to me as much as it did not happen in a lifetime. Once, my friends and I decided to spend our weekend in a quiet Ecuadorian village, and arrived there, learned that the volcanic eruption was announced ten kilometers from her and the orange danger level was announced. Have you ever seen the volcanic eruption live? I - yes. Another time it was not slammed by us: in the six hundred kilometers from us there was an epicenter of an eight-ball earthquake, and I felt the first time like this - when the earth leaves from under his feet. One day we flooded with tropical rains, and people in the city moved by boats. And once a neighbor in the apartment he himself prepared a fish Fugu: he accidentally shot her, studying underwater hunting, and, googling a recipe, prepared her for lunch. He first tried her himself, and we spotted twenty minutes and carefully followed its condition. And imagine the situation when the first case of infection with the Zika virus is registered, and you just returned from Colombian jungle, and then suddenly you begin to twen in my throat.

    This year made me an adult, stronger and at the same time easier. And in Latin America, I found my love. All this time I was waiting for me: in Ecuador he sheltered my suitcases in Ecuador, and in the interruptions between journeys, he watched my movements on the map and prepared the borschy for the arrival, worried when I did not go to the connection, and again, though reluctantly, let me go Wherever I gather. Last spring, we have returned to Russia together: he is straight from Ecuador, and I am through Chile, Argentina and Brazil with a stop in Casablanca. A year later, this man became my husband. It's funny, but I needed to go to the other end of the earth, so that I still find the happiness at home.

    → Traveling in Latin America

    The experienced traveler, in detail who studied the european beauty of Europe, will certainly want to visit the places more deleted, attractive to his mysterious unresoluteness on everything, seen earlier, get new experience And to touch the ancient monuments of architecture, which served not only and not so much condition for the eyes, but also in place of power, the energy centers of the ancient world. Latin America is abounding with pearls, the many-sided motley continent, which gave the beginning of a multitude of powerful civilizations. Today we will tell you how to organize a journey in this direction.


    Beach recreation lovers are better to draw their eyes to the side of all the same Mexico, Dominican Republic and Cuba. Snow-white beaches, luxury hotels, high-class service - all the Attributes of Paradise on Earth are at your service, it remains only to make a trip document.

    When planning a trip to one of the countries of Latin America, the following points should be taken into account in the independent traveler:


    Time in the way will be at least 12 hours. To date, there are direct flights of Transaero to the Dominican Republic and Mexico, and Aeroflot flight to Cuba. Such a small number of direct flights is explained by the geographic remoteness of the continent, in most cities of South America, direct flight is simply impossible.

    The duration of the landing in one of the cities of Europe will be from 16 to 20 hours, the most successful docking and reasonable price policy offers the Spanish airline "Iberia".

    The biggest obstacle to Latin America is the cost of air tickets. Usually the cost of flights varies from 1000 to 1600 euros in both ends, depending on the country you choose. Tickets are better to buy in advance, a month or two to the trip, because so you can purchase tickets at the minimum rate.


    In recent years, Russia's relations with Latin American countries have become very warm, which was the reason for the abolition of the visa regime for the Russians by the majority of the countries of the region. The exception is Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica and some Islands of the Caribbean region. The list of documents and the terms of registration will need to be found on the site of the Embassy of the country of interest to you. Note that in some embassies, the decision to issue a visa is made for quite a long time, so, when making the Chilean and Paraguayan visa, you will have to wait 3 weeks.

    1. Brazil does not actually relate to Latin America, on the other hand, geographically, it lies in the continent of South America.

    2. In all Latin American countries, the main (or one of the main) language is Spanish. And if you alone speak a little in Spanish, to understand Mexicans or Colombians are much easier than the Spaniards themselves.

    3. National dances are everywhere. For example, in Argentina - Tango, in Mexico - Salsa, in Cuba - Boat.

    4. Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia have access to both the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans.

    5. The most important thing is that you do not plan a beach holiday in the Gulf of Mexico in the 2010 season. As you know, oil explosions and fires led to contamination of this region.

    6. Latin America is very popular with its "soap operations", or so-called telenovella. The most prolonged of them were filmed in the 60s in Argentina and consisted of more than 600 episodes.

    7. The first champion of the world football was the national team of one of Latin America. This is not Argentina and not Brazil, but today Uruguay, who has become the best team of the planet in 1930

    8. In total, Latin American countries often organized world football championships: they took place in Mexico (twice), Uruguay, Chile and Argentina.

    If you are planning excursion tour According to Peru, Mexico or Colombia with sightseeing, it is better to join one of the groups recruited by Moscow tourist firms for certain dates. This will allow you to significantly reduce costs and ensure safe travel through the country.