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Death of Mayakovsky Documents Facts version. Death of wonderful people: Vladimir Mayakovsky

There are several facts forcing me to doubt that the shoes "proletariat dictatorship" finished the life of suicide ...

Reconstruction of events As in history with the suicide of Sergei Yesenin, it would seem that everything led to voluntary care from life and Vladimir Mayakovsky. And 1930 was developing for the poet in many ways extremely unsuccessful. Yes, and a year earlier, he was denied a visa to France, where he was going to be engaged with Tatiana Yakovleva. Later he received news of her soon marriage. His exhibition "20 years of work" completely failed, in which he sums up his twenty-year-old creativity. This event was ignored by important state-owned persons and prominent cultural figures of that time, and Mayakovsky made it that they reveal His honor to visit the exhibition. Many colleagues and acquaintances said that he was not only finally screamed, but that he had not been "the most" Mayakovsky, a faithful servant of the revolution for a long time.

Mayakovsky during the exhibition "20 years of work"

In addition, together with the exhibition failed the production of his play "Banya". Yes, and all this year of the poet pursued quarrels and scandals, which is why the newspaper pasted a label "Travel of Soviet power" on him, while he himself adhered to more active positions. And soon, in the morning on April 14, 1930, in a house on Lubyanka, where Vladimir Mayakovsky worked at the time, a dating of a poet with Veronica Polonskaya was appointed. Then they consisted in close relationships for more than one year: Mayakovsky wanted to create a family with her. And then, he started a decisive conversation with her, demanding a divorce from her with an artist Mikhail Yanishin. Apparently, the conversation ended for him unsuccessfully. Then the actress went and, reaching the front pane, suddenly heard a shot.
Testimony of witnesses
Actually, only Polonskaya from loved ones for Mayakovsky managed to catch the last moments of the poet's life. So she remembers this fatal day: "I asked if he spends me. "No," he said, but he promised to call. And she asked if I had money for a taxi. I did not have money, he gave twenty rubles ... I managed to get to parade door And heard a shot. Noticed, I was afraid to return. Then he entered and saw not yet diverting smoke from the shot. On the chest of Mayakovsky there was a small bloody stain. I rushed to him, I repeated: "What did you do? .." He tried to raise his head. Then the head fell, and he became scary to pale ... People appeared, someone said to me: "Run, meet the" ambulance "carriage." Ran out, met. Returned, and on the stairs to me someone says: "Late. Died ... "

Veronica Polonskaya was the last love of Vladimir Mayakovsky

However, regarding the testimony of the witnesses there is one interesting moment, which once indicated a researcher of the circumstances of the death of Valentin Rights. He drew attention to important detailAs held in the fact that everyone came-off after the shot, found the poet lying in the position of "legs to the door", and appeared later - in the other "head to the door." The question arises: what was the need to move the dead body of the poet? It is quite possible that in this confusion, someone needed to present such a picture: at the time of the shot, the poet stood back to the door, here is a poolet blow to the chest from the inside of the room and overturned him to join him, head to the threshold. And this, in turn, already resembles the act of murder. How would everyone look if he stood face to the door? The same blow again would overturn him overnight, but already legs to the door. True, in this case, the shot could not make not only Mayakovsky, but also the killer who acted extremely quickly.
The head of the Agranov headquarters wanted to bury Mayakovsky fast
Also, it can not help but cause doubts the fact as investigators tried to quickly bury the poet. So, the crown on the basis of numerous documents is confident that the head of OGPU Yakov Agranov, by the way, one of the leaders of this repressive body, sought to arrange a suicide hurry funeral, but later changed his mind, considering it very suspicious.

Posthumous Mask Mayakovsky
Also oils in the fire poured the remark of the artist A. Davydov regarding the Mayakovsky's posthumous mask, which was made by Lutsky on the evening of April 14, 1930. And this gives reason to say that Mayakovsky fell face down, and not on his back, as it happens when the shot in himself.
There is also the theory that the poet shot himself due to the fact that he was sickly syphilis. However, this argument does not have any reason, as the results of the autopsy, spent some time later, showed that Mayakovsky did not suffer from this ailment. Moreover, the verdict itself was not published anywhere, which caused a wide variety of gossip regarding the health of the poet. At least in a necrologist published in the Pravda newspaper and signed by other colleagues of the writer, a certain "rapid disease" was mentioned, which led him to suicide.

It is impossible not to notice the difference between the noses of the living and Dead Mayakovsky
Hand OGPU in this business
Lily Bric said that Mayakovsky repeatedly thought about suicide, and Osip Bric some times convinced his comrade: "Re-read his poems, and you will see how often he says ... about his inevitable suicide."
It is worth noting that the consequence was engaged in the highest instances. Initially, it took the above-mentioned Yakov Agranov, and then I. raw. The investigation was then fully called "Criminal Case No. 02-29, 1930, the People's Investigator 2 Uch. Baum. District of Moscow I. Syrzov on suicide V. V. Mayakovsky. " And already on April 14, raws, after interrogation Polonskaya on Lubyanka, said: "Suicide is caused by the causes of personal order." And this post was published the next day in Soviet newspapers.
Officially suicide of Mayakovsky is caused by the reasons for personal order

Mayakovsky very much treated friendship with bricks
When Mayakovsky died, the bricks at that time were abroad. And because Valentine Snorietin, working with numerous materials and documents, put forward the version that Bricks specially left their friend in February 1930, as they knew that he would certainly be killed soon. And according to the approval of the yard, the briquettes could be involved in such organizations as CC and OGPU. They even had their numbers of Chekist certificates: 15073 at Lily, and Osipa - 25541.
And the need to kill the poet, was built on the fact that Mayakovsky was tired of the Soviet authorities. IN last years The poet's life has increasingly appeared notes of discontent and undisguised disappointment.
At the same time, the shot could not make Veronica Polonskaya, because according to the testimony of the actress and neighbors, the shot thundered immediately after she left the room. Therefore, everything from it can be removed all suspicions. The name of the murderer Mayakovsky, if the murder still had a place to be, unknown.

Mayakovsky walked one of the main allies of the October Revolution of 1917
Strange note
You can not pay attention to the suicide note that Vladimir Mayakovsky left. It will be appropriate to bring her text in full form:
In that dying, do not blame anyone and please do not gossip. The dead man did not like this terribly.
Mom, sisters and comrades, sorry, is not a way (I do not advise others), but I have no way out. Lilya - love me.
Comrade Government, my family is Lily Brick, Mom, Sisters and Veronika Witoldovna Polonskaya. If you arrange a bias life - thanks. Give them to bricks started, they will figure it out. As they say - the "incident is fixed", the love boat crashed on life. I am with life in the calculation, and not why a list of mutual pains, troubles and offensive, happily remain.
Vladimir Mayakovsky.
Comrades Vappovtsy, do not consider me intimately. Seriously - nothing can be done. Hello. Yermilov Tell me that it's a pity - I took off the slogan, it would be necessary to rejoice.
V. M.
I have 2000 rubles in the table. Make tax.
Require the rest with the Giza. "
It would seem touching on the first view suicide letter, directly indicates that Mayakovsky planned suicide in advance. This thesis is supported by the fact that the note is dated April 12. But the question arises: why, preparing for a decisive conversation with Veronica Polonskaya, Mayakovsky in advance, April 12, predetermines the outcome of a conversation yet with her - "The love boat crashed ...", how does he write? It is impossible not to pay attention to what these lines are written. And they were drawn with a pencil.

Mayakovsky in the workflow. Photo of 1930.

The fact is that the author's handwriting is most convenient for fake with a pencil. And the suicide letter itself Mayakovsky for a long time Stored in secret archives of OGPU. Comrades Mayakovsky, Khodasevich and Eisenstein, referring to an offensive tone in relation to mother and sister, stated that Mayakovsky could not write something in such a spirit could not. This can be assumed that the note was no more than the fake, compiled in the OGPU and designed to convince everyone as the main proof of Mayakovsky's suicide.
Moreover, the note itself is not mentioned in the protocol from the scene. It appears only in the final conclusion of the case, where it follows that the letter is written "under unusual conditions" in a state "caused by excitement." On this story, the note does not end: Valentin Rights believes that the dating on April 12 is simply explained enough. In his opinion, that day, the murder of Mayakovsky was broken, and therefore, this falsification was designed the next time. And this "next time" fell in the morning on April 14, 1930.
Mayakovsky's death was like thunder among clear sky. Bricks immediately returned from their journey in Europe. The death of the poet became a great blow to all his friends and loved ones. And now it is believed that Vladimir Mayakovsky voluntarily left his life, although some researchers of this case are firmly convinced that he was deliberately "removed." Some time later, Joseph Stalin will call him best poet Soviet Union. And Polonskaya became the last close man of Mayakovsky. It was with her that the poet held the last moments of life.

V.V. Mamikovsky

At one of the concerts to Vladimir Mayakovsky jumped a man of low growth and shouted: "From the Great to Funny - one step!" Mayakovsky stepped towards him: "So I do it."

But the brilliant poet did not only step from the Great to Funny. He crossed the border of life and death. Voluntarily or not - the researchers of life and creativity V. V. Mayakovsky are still actively arguing about this.

His death caused public resonance, became a surprise as for his enemies and friends and relatives. It happened in Moscow on April 14, 1930 at 10:17 am. Vladimir Mayakovsky committed suicide, fascinating himself in his heart.

In that dying, do not blame anyone and please
Do not gossip. The dead man did not like this terribly.
Mom, sisters and comrades, sorry - this is not a way
(I do not advise others), but I have no outputs.
Lilya - love me.
Comrade Government, my family is Lily Brick,
Mom, sisters and Veronica Witoldan Polonskaya.
If you arrange a bias life - thanks.
Give them to bricks started, they will figure it out.

As they say -
"Incident is fixed",
Love boat
crashed about life.
I am with life in the calculation
and nothing to do
mutual pains
And offended.

Happily stay.
Vladimir M, and I k about in with to and y.
12 / IV -30 g
Carefully look at the date of writing - April 12 (Mayakovsky died, remind, 14 numbers). Does this mean that the poet for a few days before the death was preparing "imposing hands"?

Myself or not yourself? - that is the question.

Mysfunds in the death of Mayakovsky a lot. The most controversial question: whether it was selfmurder?

Here, the opinions of the researchers diverge directly in the opposite directions. Some argue that the poet was killed. The main proof, they believe, "the criminal case, initiated by the death of Mayakovsky.

The most confident about the intentional murder said V. I. Rightsin. He conducted independent investigations and came to the conclusion: a ringless killer existed.
Film director S. Eisenstein also spoke about this: "He had to be removed. And it was removed. "

However, officially experts revealed the "indisputable" fact of suicide. The word is indisputable here - in quotes, because this issue Nevertheless, hot spores are underway.

Even more firewood in the "Discussion Fire" raise the disagreements of scientists about the authenticity of the note (suicide letter). Rights County Bases its doubts on the following: First of all, the note was written by a pencil, "although the poet really treated his fountain pen and always enjoyed it only." And with a pencil, it is easy to imitate someone else's handwriting.
All the same S. Eisenstein notes that Mayakovsky did not write anything like this.

Repeat opening of the body. Why, and what did it show?

Already in the evening of April 14, experts made an opening of the body and removed the brain of Mayakovsky. Personally, it seems to me disgusting and unethical, despite the "good" scientific goals.
It is worth noting only that the brain did not have any significant deviations from the norm.

"... suddenly they became heard from his room unceremoniously loud knocks: so they can cut, it seemed only a tree. This happened to open the skull. In Tazu was the Mayakovsky brain ... "- V. P. Kataev even thirty years later, could not forget this story.

On April 17, a re-opened body was made. It was connected with rumors of Mayakovsky's disease (as if he suffered from syphilis). However, the survey results denied all sorts of gossip.

Is V. Mayakovsky's testament violated?

By the way, about gossip. The request of the deceased, marked in the very first rows (which indicates its significance), was not fulfilled: "... Please do not gossip. The dead man did not like this terribly. "

But the rumors flew around in Moscow faster than news reports, and the death of the poet became known even before the official "publication" (not without contrived details, however).

From the agent-informous report:
"The news about the suicide of Mayakovsky made a very strong impression of the public ...
Conversations, gossip.
Messages in suicide newspapers, a romantic lining, an intriguing posthumous letter caused an unhealthy curiosity to most of the categories. "

Strange ... Have you noticed that often the wills of great people not that do not fulfill, but are distorted or ignored?

"God thinks: wait, Vladimir!" Will the poet foreshadow his death?

Vladimir Mayakovsky, like many genius of this world, predicted his own death. They are talking about it, no - it proclaims the lines of his poems:

"I think more and more often - do not put the point of bullets at your end?
"I don't know anyway, I will soon die!"

"And the heart is torn to the shot, and the throat of a razor"
"Loop on the neck Ray Nakin"

"It's only a hand to stretch - bullet Mig in life will draw a grant path"("About it")

"Well, go out.
See - calm like!
As a pulse
Deadman. "
("A cloud in pants")

Not only in the works, but also in their speeches, the poet once mentioned the possibility of suicide.

Why did the great poem of the poetteo come from life?

The exact causes of suicide are still not clear.
For example, A. Potapov writes about the impact personal anxiety Poet on his fate.
He notes that Mayakovsky was characterized by sharp fluctuations in sentiment, impressionability. Success wondered him, the failures were depressed.

Inner tension, exaggerated fear of ill (related to the death of Mayakovsky's father), a frequent mood change, thirst for glory, failures in love sphere - All this largely influenced the tragic outcome of his life.

According to the memories of Lily Bric, Mayakovsky more than once tried to reduce the scores with life. On July 18, 1916, he first made an attempt to shoot, but the weapon gave herself. The second case took place on October 11, 1917, which was also unsuccessful. In the diary of the poet, these dates are noted in the following words: "Immediately somehow it became completely not for what to live."

And only in the fatal third time the ruthless piece of metal stopped the beat of the heart of the Great and Unique Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky ...

But understand: incomparable right
Yourself choose your death

V.V. Mamikovsky

At one of the concerts to Vladimir Mayakovsky jumped a man of low growth and shouted: "From the Great to Funny - one step!" Mayakovsky stepped towards him: "So I do it."

But the brilliant poet did not only step from the Great to Funny. He crossed the border of life and death. Voluntarily or not - the researchers of life and creativity V. V. Mayakovsky are still actively arguing about this.

His death caused public resonance, became a surprise as for his enemies and friends and relatives. It happened in Moscow on April 14, 1930 at 10:17 am. Vladimir Mayakovsky committed suicide, fascinating himself in his heart.

In that dying, do not blame anyone and please
Do not gossip. The dead man did not like this terribly.
Mom, sisters and comrades, sorry - this is not a way
(I do not advise others), but I have no outputs.
Lilya - love me.
Comrade Government, my family is Lily Brick,
Mom, sisters and Veronica Witoldan Polonskaya.
If you arrange a bias life - thanks.
Give them to bricks started, they will figure it out.

As they say -
"Incident is fixed",
Love boat
crashed about life.
I am with life in the calculation
and nothing to do
mutual pains
And offended.

Happily stay.
Vladimir M, and I k about in with to and y.
12 / IV -30 g
Carefully look at the date of writing - April 12 (Mayakovsky died, remind, 14 numbers). Does this mean that the poet for a few days before the death was preparing "imposing hands"?

Myself or not yourself? - that is the question.

Mysfunds in the death of Mayakovsky a lot. The most controversial question: whether it was selfmurder?

Here, the opinions of the researchers diverge directly in the opposite directions. Some argue that the poet was killed. The main proof, they believe, "the criminal case, initiated by the death of Mayakovsky.

The most confident about the intentional murder said V. I. Rightsin. He conducted independent investigations and came to the conclusion: a ringless killer existed.
Film director S. Eisenstein also spoke about this: "He had to be removed. And it was removed. "

However, officially experts revealed the "indisputable" fact of suicide. The word is indisputable here - in quotes, because there are still hot disputes on this issue.

Even more firewood in the "Discussion Fire" raise the disagreements of scientists about the authenticity of the note (suicide letter). Rights County Bases its doubts on the following: First of all, the note was written by a pencil, "although the poet really treated his fountain pen and always enjoyed it only." And with a pencil, it is easy to imitate someone else's handwriting.
All the same S. Eisenstein notes that Mayakovsky did not write anything like this.

Repeat opening of the body. Why, and what did it show?

Already in the evening of April 14, experts made an opening of the body and removed the brain of Mayakovsky. Personally, it seems to me disgusting and unethical, despite the "good" scientific goals.
It is worth noting only that the brain did not have any significant deviations from the norm.

"... suddenly they became heard from his room unceremoniously loud knocks: so they can cut, it seemed only a tree. This happened to open the skull. In Tazu was the Mayakovsky brain ... "- V. P. Kataev even thirty years later, could not forget this story.

On April 17, a re-opened body was made. It was connected with rumors of Mayakovsky's disease (as if he suffered from syphilis). However, the survey results denied all sorts of gossip.

Is V. Mayakovsky's testament violated?

By the way, about gossip. The request of the deceased, marked in the very first rows (which indicates its significance), was not fulfilled: "... Please do not gossip. The dead man did not like this terribly. "

But the rumors flew around in Moscow faster than news reports, and the death of the poet became known even before the official "publication" (not without contrived details, however).

From the agent-informous report:
"The news about the suicide of Mayakovsky made a very strong impression of the public ...
Conversations, gossip.
Messages in suicide newspapers, a romantic lining, an intriguing posthumous letter caused an unhealthy curiosity to most of the categories. "

Strange ... Have you noticed that often the wills of great people not that do not fulfill, but are distorted or ignored?

"God thinks: wait, Vladimir!" Will the poet foreshadow his death?

Vladimir Mayakovsky, like many genius of this world, predicted his own death. They are talking about it, no - it proclaims the lines of his poems:

"I think more and more often - do not put the point of bullets at your end?
"I don't know anyway, I will soon die!"

"And the heart is torn to the shot, and the throat of a razor"
"Loop on the neck Ray Nakin"

"It's only a hand to stretch - bullet Mig in life will draw a grant path"("About it")

"Well, go out.
See - calm like!
As a pulse
Deadman. "
("A cloud in pants")

Not only in the works, but also in their speeches, the poet once mentioned the possibility of suicide.

Why did the great poem of the poetteo come from life?

The exact causes of suicide are still not clear.
For example, A. Potapov writes about the impact personal anxiety Poet on his fate.
He notes that Mayakovsky was characterized by sharp fluctuations in sentiment, impressionability. Success wondered him, the failures were depressed.

Inner tension, exaggerated fear of getting sick (associated with the death of Mayakovsky's father), a frequent change of mood, thirst for glory, failures in the love sphere - all this was largely influenced by the tragic outcome of his life.

According to the memories of Lily Bric, Mayakovsky more than once tried to reduce the scores with life. On July 18, 1916, he first made an attempt to shoot, but the weapon gave herself. The second case took place on October 11, 1917, which was also unsuccessful. In the diary of the poet, these dates are noted in the following words: "Immediately somehow it became completely not for what to live."

And only in the fatal third time the ruthless piece of metal stopped the beat of the heart of the Great and Unique Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky ...

But understand: incomparable right
Yourself choose your death

85 years ago, on April 14, 1930, in Moscow, Mayakovsky was shot in Lubyansky passage. Such was the official version: the poet himself picked up a pistol to the chest, exhausted with problems with women, creative failures and syphilis (it was written in a necrologist: "rapid disease", although analyzes were made later, and the disease was not confirmed).

"Many classified documents and annoying questions are prompting without answers: True truth was distorted and hidden. Outstanding work done by the Russian explorer Valentin Yuristin, forces it in a new way to look at the version of the suicide Mayakovsky, " - spoke at the conference on Mayakovsky American professor Albert Todd.
Than more Materials The death of the poet found Rights, the more he noticed inconsistent and oddities.
Several people gave testimony that Mayakovsky was not going to consider on April 14 the last day of his life. On August 10 or 12, the poet promised that the May Day slogans for the Central Committee would help, but asked to postpone work for several days due to flu.

A little earlier, on April 4, he made money in housing cooperative Rzhskt them. Krasina. And asked acquaintances to the autumn, while the house is built, he was helped to rent housing. Threesome S. Bricks Mayakovsky's painted, he wanted to have a normal family, made a sentence Veronica Polonskaya.
After the death of the poet in new apartment We moved bricks.
Lily did not hide from his puppy that became a mistress Agranov, Chief of the Secret Department of the OGPU. Bloody investigator, who was called the execution of the Russian intelligentsia and who personally sanctioned the execution Gumileva, Agraded was not jealous to the predecessor. I even gave him a revolver. Mayakovsky was Leftche, but for some reason the gun took the right, uncomfortable hand for him ... Years later, studying the protocol of the investigation, Rightstin noticed that the weapons were replaced. Instead of Mauser No. 312045, recorded in the protocol, discovered Browning No. 268979.

Many questions left and a suicide letter of Mayakovsky. Why did the poet write him a pencil, and not a handle? It is known that Mayakovsky was terribly disgusting and his handle would not give out an outsider. In addition, it is almost impossible to fake a handwriting with a reference point, but the pencil fake pro from the department of Agromov made without difficulty.
Yes, and the content of the letter looks strange. How could it happen that a very decent to lovely People Mayakovsky, defining the heirs, put the mother and sister after Lily? The right to the inheritance was consolidated by the RSFSR WCCI and SNK decree: 1/2 part - Lile, 1/6 - mother and sisters. V. Polonskaya, in violation of the will of the poet, is nothing. Interestingly, the original letter immediately took the Agranov. Members of the Government under the Inheritance section were guided by a non-original, but newspaper reprint.

Agranov Pool rushed into the Mayakovsky room and immediately took a consequence in his hands. Perhaps this with its help the consequence of "did not notice" the testimony of people who ran into the room immediately after the fateful shot. They argued that the poet fell to the door to the door. Those who came later saw the body in another position headed to the door. The position of the body someone has changed, so that there was no thought that the poet was shot.
Studying a posthumous mask, the researchers noticed that the poet was broken. It seems that Mayakovsky fell face down, and not on his back, as it happens if a person shoots himself.

Apostle or Judas

Michael Bulgakovwho knew Mayakovsky well, did not believe in official version Suicide. Marina Cherkashin, Researcher Creativity Bulgakov, noticed: "Bulgakov was so shocked that he resumed work over the left novel about the prince of Darkness. In his eyes, the drama was played by truly biblical scale. "Caesha in this drama - Marx and his "omnipotent teaching", the procurator of Pilate (the governor of Caesar in the USSR) - Comrade Stalin, Head of the secret service of Yersshalaim Afrana - Head of the Special Department of the OGPU Yakov Agranov (even the surname is consonant!) With Berry. "A preacher of Yeshua was a master crucified on newspaper stripes; Finally, the ruddy change from Kiriaf (braked for 30 coins) - the talent of Baghdadi, who trained talent on the party Agitprop, - writes Cherkashin. - It was necessary to have untreated courage to in the country where the well-established car of political killings - OGPU-NKVD, reveal and show the secret mechanism of such murders in the novel. Bulgakov did this in the sad example of Mayakovsky.

And no one deceived the biblical entourage episode. Under a white cloak with a bloody approach, under the shakes of Afran and his girlfriend, the Chekist Frencie with blue buttercups appear clearly.
Bulgakov emphasizedly emphasized: Biblical events of the novel took place on the 14th of the spring month of Nisan. Direct reference to the date of the death of the poet, on April 14, 1930, the 14th of the head of the secret service of Yersshalaim, Afran, talks with the procurator of Judea Pilat. On the same day, Judas dies, having received a knife in the heart. With Mayakovsky dealt without knife. He was shot.
In the novel, the Pilate raises a glass with red, like blood, wine - ceckobe. The name of this brand is very consonant with a familiar abbreviation of the Central Committee (b) - Bolsheviks. But toast Pilate, addressed to Cesare: "For you, Caesar, Father Romans, the most expensive and the best of people!" Only one single person called the most expensive and best of people in Bulgakovsky times.

From the novel "Master and Margarita":
- Yes, Afranny, that's what suddenly it occurred to me: did he not committed himself with himself?
- Oh no, the procurator, - even leaning away from surprise in the chair, answered Afrana, "forgive me, but it is completely incredible!
- Oh, in this city everything is likely! I am ready to argue that after a short time, rumors about it crawl throughout the city.
Rumors that someone helped suicide, really as the same day crawled in Moscow.
But isn't it too hard to imagine a living suffering person, what was Mayakovsky, in the form of a biblical traitor? Why in the eyes of Bulgakov, the proletarian poet could only be Juda?


Ivan Bunin:
- I think that Mayakovsky will remain in the history of the literature of the Bolshevik, as the lowest, most cynical and harmful servant of the Soviet cannibalism in terms of literary praise.

Riot failure

Mikhail Bulgakov, the son of Professor of the Spiritual Academy, a leaving from a religious family, looked at the guy of Mayakovsky. He could only be in his eyes only Jew, exclamation: "I would throw in the sky of blasphemy." Little not in every verse, Mayakovsky is voiced by obsessive thoughts about God, literally leads a personal rivalry with the Almighty, hoping to take his place in the hearts of people.
I, chasing the car and England,
maybe just
In the ordinary gospel
the thirteenth apostle.
And when my voice
slakbno rustle -
from an hour to hour
the whole day,
may be,
Jesus Christ sniffs
my soul is forget-me-not.

Back in 1916-1917, he writes the poem "Man", where the life of the lyrical hero builds (whom Vladimir Mayakovsky's name is without false modesty) according to the gospel canon. Speaking about the birth of Mayakovsky, the poet beating the plot of the Nativity of Christ. The following chapters - "Passion Mayakovsky", "Ascension of Mayakovsky", "Return of Mayakovsky", "Mayakovsky centuries".
"As the same
i don't sing yourself,
if all I am -
solid unprecedented
if every movement is mine -
inexplicable miracle. "

I did not accumulate lines

Marina Cherkashin notices: "In the eyes of Bulgakov, Mayakovsky could only be Jew, because he betrayed his" attacking class ", becoming a new proletarian bourgeois: foreign trips, big fees, currency gifts Misover - all this little knitted with the image of a fiery" agitator, Gorlana-Raster ".
"Be curses! - Screams the poet to all the well-nights in the 22nd hungry year. - Let it be so that each swallowed sip of the stomach Zheg! So that scissors turned into a bipfstex juicy, plowing the walls of the intestine! " "All-Russian Old Town" KalininHaving visited the southern regions, the facts of cannibals witnessed. And Mayakovsky traveling on Berlin, orders huge portions in the most expensive restaurants. In Paris, goes in an expensive atelier on the Vandom Square, so that the shive of Sejl Portnik.

According to the Lilina request, it brings from abroad to Moscow "Ford" of the last release on reinforced tires-cylinders. Soviet Barin wore silk linen, rested in best houses Recreation, filmed cottages, hired a housekeeper.
"Mayakovsky's statements to the tax allow you to create an idea of \u200b\u200bits income. Its ordinary income per half of the year was about 6 thousand rubles, that is, 12 thousand per year. Compare this amount with the annual earnings of the worker, which made approximately 900 rubles. Mayakovsky earned almost 13 times more, "writes Swedish literary critic Bengt Yangfeldt.

In the company Gameushnikov

Somehow on the door of the apartment where Mayakovsky and Brick lived, epigram appeared, the authorship of which was attributed Yesenin: "Do you think Brick live here, a researcher of the language? / Here she lives spiche and check investigator. " Osip BRIC was officially recruited by the CC. Soon, Lily had a certificate of an employee of the GPU for the number 5073. The specific audience is going to have a specific audience: Encaved ends, Soviet bankers and state officials.
Parsnip Later will call this house to the "Department of Moscow Militia". Later, I admitted that it was terrible to hear how Lily says: "Wait, we will soon dine, as soon as the axis comes from the CC."

Mayakovsky courted for women with negligence, as if considering their lower order creatures. It could easily describe the girl as a "delicious piece of meat" and loved to talk about his adventures. According to Burluk, Mayakovsky was "little paralleling" in his passion. He was content with "Love of the Meshchanok, who changed his husbands in the villages - in the hammocks, on the benches of the swing, or the early unbridled passion of the cursors." At the same time, I wrote about the "scum, sucking for each double bed."

1. Vera Shechor. Mayakovsky caused disgust and horror from the parents of the girls with whom he was familiar. When the poet began to meet with Vera Shechtel, daughter of an outstanding architect, her father accepted all measures to stop communicating. But in vain. Vera became pregnant, and she was sent abortion abortion.
Then she married another. In 1932 she had a son Vadim thin. The older generation remembers him in the image of the comic Veronika Mauritius.

2. Lily BRIC. From young age Lile Kagan. It was characteristic of acute sexual curiosity. At the age of 17, she became pregnant from music teacher. From pregnancy, Lil delivered a familiar doctor in the "dirty flavor" - the hospital in Armavir.
Coming out married Osip BRICA, Lily and did not think to hide his adventures from him. Roman with Mayakovsky, whom she called punching, smoothly switched to a strange life threesome.
Andrei Voznesensky Later will be shocked by the recognition of Lily: "I loved making love with the axes. We then stored Volodya in the kitchen. He rushed, wanted to us, scratched at the door and crushed ... "
When Lily went to Riga, Osip and Mayakovsky had one topic for conversations: " only person In the light of Kisa. " "I am all the same in your puppy," Muakovsky writes Lila, "I live, just thinking about you, I wait for you and adore you." Every morning I come to the wasp and say: "Correctly, brother Kis, without leaves," and Axkeg says: "Mustly, Brother Puhn, without Kisa."
Once Lilya said Mayakovsky that she loves Osip. That's what happened further, according to the biographer Bengta Yangfeldt: "Mayakovsky sobbed, almost screamed and rushed to the sofa from all over growth. His huge body lay on the floor, and his face burned in the pillow and wrapped his head with his hands. He sobbed. Lily confusedly bent over him. - Volodya, throw, do not cry. You are tired of such poems. - The axis ran to the kitchen for water. He sat down on the sofa and tried to raise his head. Volodya raised his face, filled with tears, and pressed against the masculine knees. Through the sobbing howl cried out: "Lily doesn't love me!" - I escaped, jumped out and ran into the kitchen. He moan and cried there as loudly that Lily and the axis were driving in the bedroom. "

4. Ellie Jones. When Mayakovsky arrived in America, he, not knowing English, when meeting people, I took a note from my pocket. With her, he read out loud an apology that he did not greet his hand. (Mayakovsky was very afraid of infections, even doorknobs Opened through a pocket of a jacket or a napkin.) Being his translator volunteered. Ellie Jones, Emigrant, which fled from Russia after the revolution. In June 1926, Ellie gave birth from the Mayakovsky daughter. Together with the girl, she in 1928 came to Nice - it was the first and last meeting of the Father and her daughter.

5. Tatyana Yakovlev. Lily Bric calmly treated the amure adventures of the puppy, but Ellie Jones caused her terrible fear. The poet did not hide what fell in love. This was threatened by the financial situation of the Brikov, which provided Mayakovsky. To eliminate the rival, Lilya asked her sister Elza, lived in Paris, introduce a poet with someone else. Elsa reduced Mayakovsky with Tatyana Yakovleva. And again a rock passion! The poet fell in love so much that, leaving, left a bunch of money in a flower store - so that Tatyana brought every Sunday to bring roses.

6. Veronica Polonskaya. Fearing that in love is marrying the yakovieva and will come out of the influence of the Briks, they introduce it to the actress Veronica Polonskaya. Polonskaya was married, but the whole Moscow knew about the novel with Mayakovsky, including her husband. On the eve of the death of the poet, the actress promised that he would move towards him. Maybe it was exactly that a lilo, which attached the strength and omnipotence an adulter with Agranov?
No one will not answer what happened in the "room-boat" poet at the time of his death. Yuri Olesha She told that Polonskaya, who was there, ran out with a cry: "Save!" And only then hit the shot.
Polonskaya did not come to the funeral: Mother and sisters of Mayakovsky considered her guilty of the death of the poet. But Lily perceived the death of Mayakovsky without tragedy. After the funeral, the briquettes drank tea, joked, chatted about everything in the world.

The fact of the unquestion remains: a shot in a communal apartment, where Vladimir Mayakovsky's work room was located 85 years ago on April 14, 1930 at 10 o'clock 17 minutes. The bullet hit the heart. Arrived " Ambulance"He stated death. A version of suicide immediately arose. Moreover, a suicide note was found next to the poet:

"All. In the fact that I'm dying, do not blame anyone and, please do not gossip. The dead man did not like this terribly. Mom, sisters and comrades, sorry it is not a way (I do not advise others), but I have no way out"

The testament was not fulfilled

No woven still did not cost. The romantic version of the death of the poet has become the hottest trails of one of the most popular. Shuffling that he refused his last sweetheart, and also that he suffered from a venereal disease. To disprove a completely absurd unhealthy version, I had to even re-autopsy. But no venereal diseases of Mayakovsky did not find. In the personal life of the excitement was indeed, but, rather, pleasant properties: Mayakovsky was fascinated by a 22-year-old artist MCAT Veronica Polonskaya. And, apparently, the young lady answered reciprocity, although he did not agree to leave her husband, as the poet demanded. She was the last one who saw Mayakovsky alive - she came out of the room in a few moments before the shot, hurried to the rehearsal.


Hearing the shot, Polonskaya immediately returned. The main opponent of the suicide version journalist Valentin Svietin claims that Mayakovsky was in love and built plans, it means that he could not decide on such a desperate step. As other evidence of its version, the first testimony of a young actress: "Then none of those present heard that Polonskaya spoke about the revolver in the hands of the poet when she ran out of the room." According to the journalist, it was subsequently forced to change the testimony. In addition, the shooter leads different testimony about the location of the body: Initially, the witnesses argued that the body of the poet lay the "legs to the door", those who came later - that "head to the door." What a journalist makes the conclusion that the body was moving, and did not move by chance - but to take a suspicion that the shot was made by someone else who suddenly appeared in the doorway. As the main suspect, Sorietin is considering the head of the secret department of GPU Agroman. It was he who arrived at the crime scene following the young actress. Researcher of Mayakovsky's death assumes that Agranov could hide in the utility room, and then go out through a black move.

The journalist Svathin did not believe in the authenticity of the will, considered him a fake. According to Svitin, Mayakovsky was killed. For what? For an increasing disappointment in Soviet, it makes the conclusion of a journalist. According to him, "the notes of tragic disappointment broke into his" party records ", and all the spier he chased the reality. But the satirical disdication of the" Dryni ".

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Recent examinations and new secrets

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the version that Mayakovsky was killed, sounded with a new force. At the same time, it turned out that the examination of the shirt, which was on Mayakovsky at the time of death, was never really acknowledged. Until the 1950s, the shirt was kept first by the spouse of the poet Lily Bric, then in the Mayakovsky Museum. Results of the study conducted by experts of the federal center of judicial expertise of the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation were published already in the new century. The main conclusion is the trackster traces and the lack of signs of self-defense are characteristic of a shot produced your own hand. You can imagine suicide, experts recognized, you can resign separate traces. But it is impossible to take into account everything, including single blood drops found on the shirt and characteristic of traces that leave the hand sprinkled with blood when moving down.

However, one question remained unsolved, who and why replaced the gun in the case of Mayakovsky's suicide. The substitution has also become known in our time. The experts were asked by the staff of the Mayakovsky State Museum with a request to explore "Browning", which was transferred along with bullets and a sleeve from the presidential archive, from the materials of the investigative work of Vladimir Mayakovsky. At the same time, in the materials themselves, in particular, in the inspection protocol, the Revolver of the "Mauser" system appears. Examination showed that she shot "Mauser". So who replaced the stagger? One of the plausible hypotheses nominated Alexander Maslov. He recalled about the interrogation in the NKGB Mikhail Zoshchenko and the observation of the writer about Tom, "that the revolver, from which Mayakovsky was shot dead, he was presented to him by famous Chekist Agranov." I don't replace the weapon himself, putting the browning Mayakovsky, concluded a criminalist. Mayakovsky, according to the documents there were two pistols - "Browning" systems and the Bayard system.

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The question "why" also remains unanswered. Part of the researchers sympathize with the romantic version, the part sees the reason for the tragedy in creative torments - on the eve of the public and the press quite coldly adopted his new play "Banya", the "Klop" layout also expected to obviously cold reception, colleagues and power ignored his exhibition. In general, there were reasons for disorder. But what happened to the last straw, the answer to this question is criminalists not to give.