Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a handicraft fireplace from cardboard. Fireplace from boxes: a big dream with simple ways. Materials for manufacture and necessary tools

If there is a big desire, minimal construction skills and creative start, then make a portal of the fireplace from various materials with their own hands will not be a lot of work. When there is no need to install a classic wood fireplace, then decorative will become the most acceptable alternative and in material, and in the aesthetic plan.

For artificial foci, you can use various materials:

  • plasterboard;
  • wood;
  • polyurethane;
  • brick;
  • plastic;
  • carton boxes.

No matter how incredibly it sounded, but a decorative portal of a fireplace from cardboard boxes can really be done. It will be the most budget, but no less beautiful option. The only disadvantage of the structure is its strength, since the source material has a tendency to see, be curved, exposed to strain with minor shocks.

Fireplace from cardboard can be left without imitation of fire, and put on decorative or natural stones, firewood, decorative or natural stones, firewood, can be put, but in this case, during their burning, do not leave the center without supervision.

Also in such a design you can not install gas furnaces and a burner with biofuels, since the cardboard is easily flammable material and you need to limit the contact with open fire. But the electrical screen will be the most acceptable option.

Modern models are able to recreate the most realistic picture of fire, in dynamics, that is, flame languages \u200b\u200bwill move. The screen is controlled by a remote control, which greatly simplifies its operation. It is clear that about the heating effect of such a fireplace of speech can not be, due to low fire safety.

Necessary materials

In order to make decorative fireplaces from cardboard boxes, you need to decide on the place of its installation, make a drawing yourself or use this master class. The next step is the preparation of materials. In order to make a fireplace from cardboard with their own hands, you will need boxes. The ideal option will be a box from under a flat TV with a large diagonal, but if there is no one whole box, you can use various pieces of cardboard, only they must be predetermined with each other.

New Year's fireplace from boxes

Since such material is not distinguished by strength, metal profiles are can be installed on the inner corners - rigidity ribs, they will help strengthen the design of the fireplace from the cardboard.

  • stationery knife;
  • polymer glue;
  • malyary Scotch;
  • construction spatula;
  • pencil;
  • line.

As well as additional materials:

  • polyurethane borders;
  • plaster stucco;
  • corners;
  • moldings;
  • putty.

It will be elements of decor, so their choice is completely dependent on personal preferences and common style to which the portal of the fireplace is responsible from cardboard boxes.

Master class on the manufacture of a used version of a decorative fireplace from boxes

To begin with, it is necessary to transfer, using a ruler and pencil, a scheme of the future fireplace on a cardboard box. Then, armed with a stationery knife, cut the necessary elements - furnace in the construction center. Cropped edges bend inside and glue to the rear wall, so it turns out a niche.

In the center of the upper side squares, you can place decorative elements made of plaster stucco - flowers, angels, pigeons, other figures - there is no fantasy limit here.

The fireplace portal from cardboard boxes can be made with a lid in the form of a shelf, in which case it is advisable to further strengthen the design of the foam or several cardboard sheets. They need to be born reliably with the help of glue. From above and on the sides of the future shelf glue a wide ceiling plinth.

So that the places of the joints do not stand out (they are usually uneven), it is necessary for all angles to crack the assembly tape.

At the next stage, the master class assumes a decorative finish. It can be done with the help of waterproof paint, but still it is better to pre-cake the entire surface with a solution for drywall. After that, to withstand the day, so that the putty is dried, and start decoking. You can use white-colored water paint or any other, depending on the interior style of the room. Paint must also dry and can be fixed with a layer of varnish.

If the room is made in a classic style, Provence or Ampir, then the fireplace can be made vintage - artificially form material. This effect is easy to achieve, if you apply a thicker layer of putty, and then dry it with a hairdryer - small cracks will appear. You can use two kinds of paints: bottom to apply darker, light, and lighten in some places with sandpaper.

It is worth noting that the same design collection procedure can be used in order to make a foam fireplace.

Corner option fireplace from boxes

When the room is a small area, then you can make an angular fireplace from the boxes. First you need to decide on the place where it will be installed. If one of the adjacent walls is the side of the cabinet, then it is necessary to calculate the sizes so that the finished design is to flush with the cabinet and did not drank.

This master class involves the use of such materials:

  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • assembly tape;
  • metallic profile;
  • building film of two types - under the brick and under the tree.

Stages of work

  • glue the cardboard in the form of a triangle, according to the necessary dimensions;
  • cut the center for imitation of the firebox of a rectangular shape, it can be made from above semicircular;
  • for strength inside, install rigidity ribs;
  • all the place of the joints and the corners must be saved by assembly tape to hide irregularities;
  • cut the portal of the fireplace from cardboard with a construction film that mimics the brick or stone;
  • from the sheets of cardboard, form a shelf cover, they need to be born tightly among them;
  • crack the shelf with a film imitating a tree;
  • install a ready-made fireplace from cardboard in the room;
  • place candles, decorative or real stones in the furnace, firewood, other elements.

On this master class on the manufacture of a decorative fireplace from cardboard boxes is completed. You can admire the result. But it is worth remembering the safety - if he beaged inside the candle, then do not leave them burning unattended.

Video: How to make a fireplace from cardboard

This article is atypic for the site, where the issues of heating and ventilation are considered, since it will be discussed about the popular homemade homemade - imitation of the fireplace in full size. Of course, the mooring is not able to fully replace with flaming firewood. But a beautifully decorated portal fits perfectly into the interior of the apartment and can decorate the free space along the wall or in the corner of the room. So let's see that from affordable materials will go to the manufacture of a false fireplace and how to make it with your own hands.

What can make decorative focus

To answer this question, we collected disparate information, photos and videos published on the Internet by homemade masters. If you put a goal to make an artificial fireplace yourself, you will surely find the appropriate material from the drawn list:

  • cardboard boxes (for example, from a TV) or a sheet cardboard, used as a package;
  • Chipboard, plywood usual and OSB, fiberboard;
  • plasterboard sheets (GLC), fixed on the wood frame or steel galvanized profiles;
  • facing brick.
So look simple crafts from corrugated cardboard

It's easier and faster to make a fireplace portal from a box from a TV or other household appliances. Bottic foci shown in the photo are unsuitable for many years of operation, but easily installed in the right place. As a rule, a fireplace of cardboard serves as an ornament for the new year and in other holidays, after which it is removed into the storage room.

From other materials, including foam, stationary models of false fireines are manufactured, capable of listening to many years. They are drawn up according to the interior of the apartment and in various ways create imitation of fire or furnish with candles. We propose to consider the manufacture of each option separately.

Council. Whatever the way of manufacture you choose, first determine the place for an artificial focus and sketch the drawing with sizes. This will simplify the calculation of the number of materials and selection of the design style.

Carton box

To work, you will need a simple set of tools - scissors, roulette with a ruler and a stationery knife. From additional materials, prepare PVA glue, old newspapers or paper and scotch. The homemade false fireplace is manufactured in different ways depending on the source material:

On the left, the uniform from the solid box, on the right - from 9 identical boxes
  1. A large box from the TV is driven by the desired size, as shown in the photo. In the middle carries out the opening to imitation of the hearth, and the former facial packaging panel, divided by half, now serves as the walls of the niche - the butt fuel chamber.
  2. Of the several cardboard boxes of the same size, it is easy to assemble a portal in the form of the letter "P", gluing them between PVA and Scotch.
  3. Corrugated cardboard sheets will need to glue individual elements of the decorative fireplace - the framing, the premutoral platform with the base and the upper shelf, and then collect them into one. How to do it correctly, demonstrated below in the diagram.

To hide joints in the corners and in the middle of the portal, take them with old newspapers or paper. Another option is to buy polyurethane imitation of plaster stucco and close with decor elements all distressed places.

If it is necessary to strengthen the homemade design so that it does not "evolve" along and across its axis, install the cardboard ribs in the back side, putting them on the glue. The strengthening of thin walls is easily performed using the strips of the same corrugated cardboard, folded by the "accordion", as done in the photo.

Enhancement options - gluing internal ribs (left) and harmonic windows on a sheet (right)

Note. The technology of manufacturing the corner version of the fireplace is not distinguished by a used model. Only a large package will have to be exhausting otherwise, and from the same type of boxes to form sheets, and even then - the elements of the portal.

It is necessary to bend a large box to get an angular pseudocamin

The finished housing of the false fireplace remains to be separated by any selected way, for example:

  • clear with wallpaper imitating brickwork;
  • lining with bricks cut off with their own hands from thin foam;
  • decorate polyurethane or foam stucco;
  • encourage plastic panels with imitation of artificial and natural stone, masonry and so on.

For reliable fastening of finishing materials, use a polymer adhesive composition or an inexpensive adhesive gun. The final design is the staining of the product in the desired color (or several) acrylic or silicate composition intended for internal work. Master class on how at home is a decorative fireplace from the boxes, look at the video:

Fireplace portal of wood and plywood

In this case, you will need the following timber:

  • bar wooden cross section 4 x 4 cm - on basic (angular) frame racks;
  • the same, measuring 4 x 2 cm - for jumpers;
  • table top made of wood solid or laminated chipboard plate - on the upper shelf;
  • any cheap plywood - on the trim;
  • suitable finishing material - artificial stone, plastic panels, polyurethane moldings, tiles and so on.

The toolkit is also used available - hacksaw, drill, measuring devices. For fasteners, take ordinary black screws, if necessary, perforated steel corners and stripes. If the false fireplace is planned to be painted, acquire the acrylic composition of the desired color.

Wooden frame assembly with a fireplace board
  1. Squeeze and cut the bars in size. At the same time, consider the thickness of plywood, otherwise the product will be more than you expected.
  2. Collect the framework of the product, twisting the bars with screws and withsting 90 ° corners between the racks and horizontal elements. Make an extended base from below, and at the top of the rack immediately attach to a wide board playing the role of the shelf.
  3. Install on the sides of the rigidity in the form of jumpers or shusin. Form the portal arch, attaching a horizontal bar at its upper point.
  4. Attach the frame to the wall or the floor in the selected place and cut the plywood, including niche. If you want to get an arched arch, cut the corresponding rounding on the frontal sheet.

Finishing plywood sheets

Important moment. In the case when it is necessary to put an electric firebox with an imitation of the flame inside the artificial fireplace, the dimensions of the opening must correspond to its dimensions. Still a nuance: rear between the wall and the housing of the furnace, be sure to withstand the distance of at least 5 cm.

The easiest and most inexpensive version of the facing is to smear the slot between the plywood sheets with putty, clean it with sandpaper, and then paint. Another cheap way is to finish the PVC panels that imitate the brick, which is shown in the photo. How to fix this material correctly, it is described in the relevant article.

The fireplace shelf should be polished and covered with varnish if it is made of wood massif. Then it remains only to make a portal to make the impression of burning in the pseudo-fuel. Briefly and understand the assembly process is shown in the video:

We make a false coaming fireplace from drywall

Here you can go in two ways - to collect the portal on the wooden frame, as described in the previous section, or on the frame from steel galvanized profiles. Since the future construction carries minimal loads, the choice of material for the frame does not play a special role.

But the sequence of installation changes - the racks of this capital structure are initially attached to the wall. The procedure for such:

  1. Using the drawing, apply the outline of the future decorative fireplace on the wall with a pencil wall.
  2. With the help of dowels, attach over the lines applied on the wall, horizontal and vertical profiles (wooden bars).
  3. Collect the frame of the wall and ceiling profiles for the installation of HCL, ranging from the side walls. Lastly, a niche of a fuel is formed.
  4. We cut the frame with plasterboard and make all the joints with putty. Do not hurry to install the fireplace furnace - it is mounted after the finish finish.

When installing electrical stoves, the outlet in the niche will be very powerful

Note. In principle, nothing prevents the frame at first to collect the frame, and then scun her to the wall and to obey Glk. But there is one point: the angle between the floor and the wall is probably different from 90 °. Then one of the planes of your product will not learn to building structures.

The false fireplace, lined with plasterboard, has one important advantage - it can be separated by anything, including tiles, which looks very presentable. Therefore, we will not list the ways to finish the portal (from too much), and we will be offered to get acquainted with the next video on its assembly:

Almost real fireplace of bricks

Despite the complexity in the construction of such a structure and its cost, the brickwork will give the maximum approximation to a natural living hearth. Plus strength and durability - unlike GLK, the stone is not afraid of random shock loads.

Reference. The designs described earlier are fire-hazardous to one degree or another. It is worth the child to overturn the burning candle in the niche, and the cardboard or wooden product will quickly ignore. The decorative candle fireplace, built of brick, will not marry under any circumstances.

Portals from various types of bricks

Of course, for brickwork, a reliable basis is necessary, so that residents of apartment buildings are built on overlaps, such false fireplaces are categorically not recommended. Another thing is the first floor of a private house, where in the process of repairing floors you can lay the foundation in the form of a concrete slab.

To work, you will need a standard tool - trowel, a wide spatula and a construction level with a plumb. To beautifully put a decorative brick "in a wastelife", rent a special masonry pattern shown in the picture.

The template allows even a newcomer to lay the stones beautifully - in a wastelife

The brick imitation of the fireplace is laid out in such a sequence:

  1. Determine the structure of the structure and pon it under the standard brick length - 25 cm. Recalculate the number of building materials and buy a ready-made construction mixture based on cement.
  2. Clear the base, prepare the solution and lay out the first solid row, observing the horizontal along the entire plane. Then put the second row with the dressing, using the template. Podium part of the focus is ready.
  3. Constantly controlling the vertical, build the walls of the false fireplace to the height of the furnace (approximately 60-70 cm), then overcase the opening with steel corners.
  4. Put the last 4-5 rows of bricks and give a solo in the masonry to frozen for 3-4 days. Then set the top shelf of the tree or other material.

An example of a masonry scheme of the English fireplace. Such a big lingerie to you for anything, but here the principle of the construction of a stone hearth is displayed.

Council. You can build such a fireplace from any brick, including the used and old. Only it will have to clean well, and at the end of work - to paint either to cover with colorless varnish. As a basis, take the apartments of the real English fireplace, but without chimney and internal partitions: we only put the outer walls and the pseudo-fuel.

In conclusion - about imitation of fire

The manufacture of a decorative fireplace cannot be called completed without creating the visibility of the burning flame in the furnace. We offer a choice of several options, how to organize such an effect:

  • a popular way is to place a mirror mirror near the rear walls and put burning candles;
  • take advantage of new technologies - LED ribbons or candles (there are such);
  • hovering into the portal electrocamine, decorative furnace or biocamine with a real flame;
  • build small lamps;
  • put an electronic photo frame in the opening, equipped with a large liquid crystal display, and upload the image of a burning fire into its memory.

New-fashioned LED devices imitate heat, most importantly, - to make everything right. The photo shows a good example with a luminous ribbon decomposed on the perimeter. The composition can be supplemented with artificial firewood and other accessories are available.

Make a decorative fireplace can be made from a variety of materials. Carefully collected products from cardboard, decorated with decorative plaster or painted acrylic paint, will be externally indistinguishable from the real fireplace. The only drawback is excessive ease, so such products should be firmly attached to the wall or semi.

Materials and tools

To create an artificial fireplace from cardboard, you will need:
several durable cardboard boxes (preferably of three-layer cardboard);
wide construction scotch on paper basis;
PVA or liquid nails;
ruler, pencil;
stationery knife;
Accessories for decorating;
Any finishing materials (acrylic or water-emulsion paint, a kel for its breeding, wallpaper, foam for masonry imitation, polystyrene foam ceiling moldings, etc.)

The main stages of manufacture

When creating even the simplest design, it is better to pre-calculate its size and draw the assembly scheme.

Caminage schemes

Important! In order for the product is strong enough, each workpiece must have one or even two copies. Parly glued parts will give structures reliability and durability. On such a fireplace, any accessories can be placed, without fearing to engage the design.

Blooming blanks

1. Cutting cardboard is better than a stationery knife or a conventional sharp knife. To get a perfectly smooth cut, a ruler during cutting should not be removed from the line.

Cutting cardboard

2. Cardboard blanks are better bonded between themselves bilateral scotch tape or window paper and glue. The seams should be crossed from both the external and inside. For the strength of the island inside the design you can provide corners of bent cardboard strips, PVA cursed.

Cardboard corners for sizing inner corners

Important! For bonding blanks should be used only scotch on paper-based. When finishing a false fireplace from cardboard, a putty with acrylic scotch will turn, and foam or polystyrene moldings, imitating stucco, will stick out indefinitely.

3. The foundation There must be a little more fireplace both in width and length (by 5-10 cm). To strengthen it, ribs are inserted into it (several bands from cardboard), and then such a box is closed with a sheet of cardboard.

Basis of the fireplace

4. Fireplace shelf Collected from a separate box and installed on top of the structure.
5. The simplest fireplace can be collected from several durable cardboard boxes interconnected by PVA glue.

Fireplace glued from one and several boxes and corner fireplace

6. It is possible to glue the boxes with each other with liquid nails.

Bonding with liquid nails

Important! PVA well glues ordinary cardboard. Glossy surfaces are better to hide inside the design or before sizing to clean them with sandpaper. Glue slightly softens the corrugation, but after complete drying, he again acquires strength.

7. Since the joints of the corrugatingon will have a slightly loose structure, the angles should be sharpen.
8. To get perfectly smooth angles, you can attach to them plastic or metal corners for slopesthat is in any construction store. They are glued with putty. If the false fireplace will be further covered with paint, it is possible to align the covered surface with a slightly wet sandpaper.

Corners for slopes from PVC

Finish Falche Fire Cardboard

It is possible to decorate the created product using acrylic paints, foam, decoupage techniques (sticking appliqués, drawings suitable in color of wallpaper or tissue followed by varnish), self-adhesive film, etc.

Important! In order for the loose cardboard to do not drag paint and glue, it is pre-ground.

1. Lay the brickwork with the help of cardboard strips, gluing it to the surface, while leaving the seams for the seams. The wall of such a "brick" is painted acrylic paint in the desired color or sweeping. You can simulate the masonry between the seams with the help of toilet paper or napkins impregnated with glue solution (Papier-Masha technique).

"Bricks" from cardboard bands

2. Mimic the stucco can be made of polystyrene molding used to finish the ceilings.

Finishing "stucco" from molding

3. More original fireplace portal finish can be obtained using geometric or curvilinear parts cut from cardboard, followed by coating decorative putty. With the help of them you can imitate as stucco, so I. car thread.

"Stucnin" from cardboard

4. So that the false fireplace does not collect too much dust, after the decoration it can be covered with varnish.

Imitation finishing with foam stone

With the help of foam, you can easily imitate the inhomogeneous structure of the stone:
1. On the billet from the foam applied the contours of the stones. Extra details run by a knife.

2. Cut the arches of the arc deepening to imitate masonry. Draw the depressions of laying stones on the rest of the workpiece.

3. Processing the remaining surface, imitating stones of different sizes. With the help of an iron brush, we create irregularities on the stones.

4. Now stain them with the help of a brush, while for the recesses we use a darker paint, and the stones themselves are staining in brighter tones. The top of the stones can be slightly "presidate" with light paint and sand. Finishing for the portal of the fireplace is ready.

5. You can simulate a brickwork from the foam. For this, each brick is cut for a knife and glued to the base with a small gap between adjacent bricks. Next, the base is painted in any color. The seams between such "bricks" are filled with putty, diluted with a darker than.

Imitation of polyfoam bricks

Cardboard fireplace, decorated with "brick"

Make a fireplace from the boxes with your own hands is a wonderful idea for joint creativity with children. Camelk will return the child to a fairy tale, will be an excellent addition to his room. Yes, and the occupation itself can be built in a game form. And sometimes, in Christmas, for example, such a time is simply necessary to create a festive entourage in the house.

Such a false fireplace is able to create an unprecedented homemade comfort

Simple fireplace from a single box

Production of a decorative fireplace from the boxes with their own hands attractive and availability of the material. Almost everything you need for work, as a rule, will be at hand. It may be wallpapers, panels, rails, remaining after repair, not to mention unnecessary packages from shopping.

For the manufacture of the fireplace enough simple boxes and a little patience

Beginner masters can be followed in the work of a step-by-step instruction.

The fireplace from the boxes is done like this:

  1. You need to start with the selection of the place where the stub will stand. This will answer and about the size of the craft.
  2. Next, it is necessary to make sketch of brazier. Clear parameters, engineering calculations are not needed here. There is enough understanding that and how it will be done. To simplify the process, it is worth navigating the finished picture.
  3. Now, when the sizes and style of homemade camel are known, it is necessary to prepare consumables, adjust them if necessary for established requirements.
  4. For the foundation, you can use the packaging such as it is, or disassemble it and re-glue all the corners and connections using the tape.
  5. In the frontal part of the future still cut semicircular for a niche under firewood and artificial fire. Depending on the quality of the main material, it is done using a scissors or a stationery knife.
Fireplace in the corner of the room significantly saves space
  1. The durability of the box is preferably strengthened. From below, you can attach a piece of plasterboard or plywood cut-cut. From the corners to the corners horizontally and the vertical is good to glue the rails.
  2. From the inside and outside the box is covered with paper or wallpaper. Wallpaper, if they, of course, are not "brick", glued in the drawing down.
  3. As soon as everything dries, it's time to start painting or immediately to decorating.
  4. Firewood is better to take real. So the brazier will look natural. But the fire, of course, you need or draw, or glue in the depths of his photo, picture. Elements of a curly grid are easy to cut and glue from remnants of cardboard.
  5. The top of the camel in the last stage can be further reinforced using the chipboard or MDF panel ("under the tree" or any other). It will also perform the role of the shelf on which all kinds of necessary attributes can be positioned.

From this video you will learn how to make a fireplace from cardboard boxes:

The same fireplace from the cardboard can be done for a puppet house. For this, there is enough boxes from under shoes. Additionally strengthen it do not have to

Corner cammel with chimney

If desired and on the basis of a lack of unnecessary fireplace from cardboard boxes with your own hands can be made of angular. And in order to give the brazier, more similarity with the present, it can be added to the chimney. The pipe, of course, should not be made under the ceiling height, it will be decorative.

The stub is made step by step:

  1. The box is cut in half diagonally. At the same time, on each side, leave a small tolerance for the subsequent approach of the front.
  2. Since this design will be less massive, you need to pay more attention to enhancing its hardness.
  3. "Disguise" the distant corner of the cardboard sheet, gluing it parallel to the hole under the furnace. It is best to depict fire in advance.
  4. Slip the circle on a separate sheet. Attach this panel to the main part of the showcase.
  5. You should not cut the hole for chimney. It is better to assemble it from individual sheets, strengthen the rails and stick to the jam. Flags under glue should be located inside the pipe. You can do chimney and foamflast.
  6. Paint, dry the crawl.
  7. Decorate existing means.

False fireplace from boxes can be installed on a separately harvested base. It is easy to make from the same material.

Ideas for brazier design

It's not enough to make your own hands a false fireplace from cardboard. If you approach this process without fantasy, it will be just a box with a semicircular hole cut into it. The crawler needs to decorate, give her a festive look.

Design master classes can be found for all occasions .

Here are some tricks, ideas, subtleties that can be useful to the home designer:

  1. For the main decor of Kamelka, it is tempting to apply the "brick" wallpaper (or the same film), but it will not be very interesting. It is better to stick paper rectangles on a white or gray color.
  2. It is even better to make the walls of pledges from the foam, which will give the effect of volume. They can be painted red, and you can leave as it is, but then you should pay attention to the basis of the base.
  3. If bricks are voluminous, it is good to provide for the design of the seams between them. To fill it, almost any putty is suitable.
Surprise on the fireplace shelf will please your household
  1. To achieve the effect of antiquity, bricks should be made uneven.
  2. The chamber regiment must differ in color from the main structure, go for it the edges. Additionally, it can be decorated with a plinth for ceilings.
  3. The firebox is also needed to decorate. This will help the same plinths or foams.
  4. In the firewood you can put several cones. Light the inside the inside can be lit by flashlight, electric candlesticks or garland.
  5. Brazier can be decorated with tiles. Their role is remarkably performed with neatly carved pieces of ceiling tiles. For beauty, they need to paint brightly, and the drawing is allocated with a separate color.

Thematic decorations, decor for children toys must meet the requirements of the moment. It is clear that under Christmas or New Year can not do without snowflakes and other attributes of winter holidays. But if you try to try well, in the morning on the fireplace shelf you can probably find a real magical gift.

A decorative fireplace from cardboard can be the first step towards homemade creativity. Developing the ability to handle this material, you can create real masterpieces with the child.

Modern fireplaces have long ceased to be exclusively a source of heat, now they have already become a stylish and fashionable accessory. Now this designer element can be installed even in an apartment building, since the alternative to the wood version of the set: electrocheamines, gas, as well as bioflices. It is possible to recreate false fireplaces: polyurethane, drywall, foam and even paper.

Such a fireplace can create with their own hands without much effort. Let's figure it out how to make a fireplace from paper. There are many options how you can make a paper fireplace with your own hands. Consider some of them.

Tip! You can glue several paper layers, but it will be much easier to apply cardboard. Even boxes are suitable for large equipment: refrigerators, televisions and other.

False fireplace simple cardboard or paper


  • box;
  • plinth decorative and figures from foam;
  • drawing;
  • scissors, construction knife;
  • handle, a simple pencil for applying the markup according to the drawing;
  • scotch construction;
  • specialized glue;
  • putty, as well as a spatula;
  • line;
  • pool-emulsion paint: brown or white and other shades;
  • brush.

Production Stages:

  • Creating a drawing in advance prepared sizes.

  • Transfer pattern to cardboard or paper that glued into several layers. A pencil will be required, as well as a ruler.

Electrograms are greatly popular. Installations are several species, the most common - angular electrograms. To give the heart the form of a traditional fireplace, make a plasterboard portal. You can do it with your own hands, following the proposed instructions.

Tip! You can not use markers, markers, as they will shine through the paint, and it will be necessary to apply putty before painting.

  • It is necessary to make slots under the hearth, they will be bent to the rear wall and fastened with scotch. Thus, a portal is formed.

  • When the basis is ready, it should be proceeded. Details made of foams need to be secured based on the sketch.

  • The patternation of a wide size passes from above. It will be the basis of the future fireplace shelf of the paper.
  • Behind the fixed plinth should be the backups from the foam. Top need to put the slab from the same material.

Tip! In order for the fireplace to look beautiful, special attention should be paid to the corners. At the joints should not be gaps. Well, if it did not work, then putty will help to correct the situation.

  • After all the details on the spot, you need to gently apply a putty on the paper fireplace.
  • When the coating is completely dry, it should be applied to the water-free paint. Falsh-fireplace is ready.

  • Top can be put in figurines.

Fireplace from cardboard or paper corner

The model of this type will excellently look at the corner. It will bring the raisins in the design solutions to the organization of the interior. Fireplace of paper, whose master class is presented, make every way.


  • cardboard box or glued dense paper;
  • self-adhesive film or wallpaper with a picture of a brick;
  • scissors or construction stationery knife;
  • scotch;
  • garland, LED ribbon or candles on batteries.

Production Stages:

  • From the box should be made as a triangle.

  • The workpiece needs to be saved with wallpaper or self-tier film.

  • The countertop should be made of several layers of cardboard.
  • The end of the fireplace should be attached similarly.

  • In the furnace you can put the garland, LED tape or candles that run from the batteries.

Tip! The tabletop can also be made of foam or foam.

Cardboard or paper fireplace with secret shelves

The decorative model is not only the interior decoration, while at the same time, in its walls you can create alert or small shelves for trifles.


  • big box or several;
  • glue;
  • scotch;
  • putty;
  • decorative plinths.

Stages of creation:

  • Create a fireplace fireplace fireplace should be starting with the formation of the "base" or "skeleton".

Tip! In creating a skeleton, you need to take into account the necessary size of the shelves.

  • When the basis is ready, it should be placed on both sides with cardboard or glued into several layers of paper.

  • The podium or countertop is made of several layers of cardboard.

Tip! If desired, the cardboard can be replaced with a sheet of foam. The jokes for reliability should be glued with a newspaper using PVA glue.

  • A wide decorative plinth should be glued to the top of a paper false fireplace. His top edge must be in a tabletop.
  • On top of six sheets of cardboard and plinth must be glued seventh.
  • The corners are closed by the building.
  • The furnace can be enclosed with wallpaper with a drawing or cut by a stationery knife with cardboard and paint them.

  • A fireplace from paper should be sharpened.
  • After that, it must be painted. When paint dries, it can be decorated.

Tip! You can glue a false fireplace from several boxes, each of which will be a separate shelf.

Paper fireplace, whose master class is presented in step-by-step instructions, to create easy. This does not require specialized skills and special cash costs.

Video: fireplace from cardboard with their own hands

Modern owners of apartments or houses are increasingly striving for the construction of fireplaces. Of course, it is impossible to install a wood fireplace, but the false fireplace is real. Production options set, they are not difficult. Fireplace from paper, with their own hands created, there will be no worse than others. It will harmoniously complement the interior design. As for the furnace, there are many options here. You can make it yourself or purchase an electrical option that will create the illusion of burning firewood. Modern foci can also reproduce sound and create different effects.