Repair Design Furniture

Which timber is best for a residential building. What kind of timber is better to build a house from - comparison of materials. Log house: construction technology

A solid log house, where it will be comfortable to rest or live permanently, is not only the beauty, coziness and charm of natural wood, but, first of all, warmth. It is not surprising that one of the main questions of those who decided to build a dream home is what thickness of timber to choose. After all, the cost of materials, the need for insulation and the effectiveness of heat conservation in cold winters will depend on this. Well, let's figure it out.

Warmth in the house is a relative concept and depends on many factors. If you wish, you can heat almost any building, the only question is how much will have to be spent on it (time, money, fuel). If the walls give off too much heat to the street, in fact it turns out that you mainly heat this very street. This will not happen only when the walls are thick enough, correctly calculated, processed and insulated.

What is the thickness of the timber?

Today, several types of timber are produced: solid, profiled and glued. The first is a log sawn from all sides and, in addition to its low cost, cannot boast of many advantages. The width of the beams ranges from 150-220 millimeters. However, it should be noted that even the thickest solid timber will retain heat worse than profiled ones, since, due to the absence of grooves and spikes, the inter-crown seams do not adhere so tightly to each other and are more blown out.

Profiled timber is much warmer, more practical and easier to assemble houses. It can have several tenons and grooves. The more of them, the better the bars adhere, the warmer and more reliable the wall becomes. The same can be said about the glued profiled timber, which, among other things, is not susceptible to cracking. The width of the logs can be very different, but sections of 100x100, 150x100, 150x150 and 200x200 are most suitable for building houses.

What determines the choice of the thickness of the timber?

First of all, you should focus on the purpose of the building - they will live in it permanently or only during the summer season. For temporary use in the summer, the ability of walls to retain heat is not so important, therefore, a profiled bar thickness of 100-150 millimeters is quite enough. If you plan to live in the house all year round, we recommend a bar with a section of 200x200 millimeters.

It is also important to take into account the climatic features of the region. The Moscow region is located in the middle zone; winters here are not as severe as in the north or in Siberia, but not warm either. The value of the resistance to heat transfer in the reference books is denoted as 3.0.

There is a formula by which you can calculate the required wall thickness in the house, depending on the climatic zone. The value of the heat transfer resistance in the climatic zone is multiplied by the thermal conductivity of the material (for wood it is 0.15). That is, 3.0 * 0.15 = 0.45 meters. In other words, 450 millimeters. The only problem is that timber of this size is not available.

And if with insulation?

We were faced with a problem: according to the formulas and SNiPs, the thickness of the wall of a wooden house in the Moscow region should be 450 millimeters, but such a bar cannot be found. The only way out is to keep warm. It is considered that 50 mm of insulation = 150 mm of ordinary timber. Accordingly, suitable options are:

  • timber 150 mm thick + 100 mm insulation (similar to 300 mm timber);
  • timber 200 mm thick + 50 mm insulation.

In the first case, exactly the desired SNiPom 450 millimeters comes out. In the second - 350 mm, however, as practice shows, they are completely enough to preserve heat if a profiled beam is used. After all, the degree of its blowing by the wind is much lower, warm air does not leave the house through cracks, and cold air has fewer opportunities to get inside.


Wherever and for what you build a house, it will be warmer and more comfortable if you choose a profiled bar. For temporary residence, a section of 100x150 or 150x150 is sufficient. For permanent residence in the Moscow region, a profiled bar 150x150 is suitable, provided that a 100 mm insulation is installed, or a profiled bar 200x200, provided that a 50 mm insulation is installed.

The specialists of the company "Venga" are always ready to advise you on any issues related to the construction of houses from a bar, give their recommendations and implement them!

Many of those who live in stuffy apartments, and when they go out into the street, find themselves in gray smog and deafen from the noise of cars, they want to change their living environment. Live in a wooden house, breathe clean air and enjoy the silence. And those who decide on this often ask themselves how to choose a timber in order to build a beautiful and reliable house for their family.

Today, the construction market presents a variety of types of timber, differing in geometric parameters, profile, grade, production method. Choosing the best one is not an easy task, especially if the financial possibilities of the buyer are not limitless.

From this article you will learn about all types of this material, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as how to save money on a purchase without sacrificing quality.

Which bar is better

If you are not faced with the question of what to choose - a timber or a frame, if you have already decided that you will build a wooden house, then the first step is to study the range of local construction markets and hypermarkets. As a rule, they offer three main types of timber: planed, profiled and glued.

Let's consider each type separately with all its disadvantages and advantages.

Planed timber

The material is obtained by trimming a log, in the process of which a product is obtained that has a rectangular or square cross section. The main competitive advantage of planed timber over glued and profiled timber is its low price. Compared to a log, it is easier to assemble into a blockhouse, and compared to a brick, it requires less effort and cost for the device.

However, in addition to the tangible advantages, this type of timber also has serious disadvantages that you need to be aware of and with which you need to reckon with if your goal is a strong, durable and warm house.

The planed timber is made from wood with natural moisture content.

It gradually decreases, as the tree dries up, and this can lead to the following unpleasant consequences:

  • Deformation. You can buy a perfectly flat, beautiful timber, but after a while amazing metamorphoses will begin to occur to it: it can bend or even be turned out by a "helicopter";
  • Cracks. This is the most common defect that worsens not only the appearance of the material, but also its operational properties;

  • Rot, blue, mold... If raw timber is stored in improper conditions - in poorly ventilated rooms or in stacks close to each other, such manifestations are inevitable;
  • Shrinkage. When building a house with your own hands, it is important to remember that over time the timber will dry out and its geometric dimensions will decrease. As a result, the entire structure will shrink, which depends on the initial moisture content of the material and the surrounding conditions.

Note. If it was only about the loss of a few centimeters in height, this nuisance could have been ignored.
But as a result of shrinkage, window and door openings can be deformed, the outer and inner wall decoration can be damaged.
Therefore, the log house must be allowed to settle for several months, preferably under the roof, before continuing with construction.

  • Slots. Ordinary planed timber often suffers from inaccurate dimensions, therefore, when erecting walls, it is difficult to avoid gaps between the crowns. They also increase as the wood dries. They must be repaired: put sealing materials between the crowns, caulk the walls in order to exclude the penetration of cold and moisture.

The planed timber itself does not differ in the ideal shape and surface, and when the described defects are superimposed, it loses at all to the externally profiled and glued ones. Therefore, it needs additional external finishing.

Profiled timber

You can avoid the appearance of some of the listed problems if you purchase a profiled beam. It differs from the planed one in the shape of the section: the front sides of it are smooth, and in the workers a selection is made of the type of thorn-groove or comb.

Which timber profile to choose depends not so much on personal preferences as on the moisture content of the material.

  • The thorn-groove connection involves the use of insulation, laid between the crowns in the grooves. Even if the timber shrinks during drying with the formation of gaps, it will prevent blowing.

  • The “comb” profile protrusions fit very precisely to each other and do not require the use of insulation. But when the moisture content of the wood changes, the comb parameters may change. Therefore, when choosing such a profile, you need to be sure that the timber is dry and will not shrink much.

For reference. The advantage is that the wood is dried until it reaches a moisture content of no more than 22%, otherwise the processing quality will be low.
Therefore, it gives less shrinkage than planed.

Many woodworking enterprises produce profiled timber according to the size, according to the customer's project, immediately cutting into it "cups" for joints and corner joints. You no longer have to think about how to choose a groove in a bar - a log house is assembled like a children's designer.

But this material, nevertheless, is not devoid of such disadvantages as the appearance of cracks and shrinkage, which requires arranging a technological break in construction.

Glued laminated timber

This type of timber has the best performance characteristics, but also the highest cost. Its main advantage is low humidity and, accordingly, the absence of all those negative aspects that arise when the material shrinks and the finished log shrinks. You can build a house out of it in one season, without waiting for natural shrinkage.

You will learn how glued laminated timber is made from other articles of this resource. We would like to point out that the technology of its production allows obtaining a high-quality product at the output, practically devoid of the disadvantages of raw wood, but possessing all its useful natural qualities. In addition, it has an impregnation against decay and fire, does not need additional finishing.

As in the case of profiled timber, glued timber can be made to order in accordance with the chosen house project. And some manufacturers offer ready-made kits, which come with assembly instructions.

Note. Not so long ago, a new product appeared on the market - a D-shaped glued beam, the convex face surface of which imitates a rounded log.

How to save on timber construction

The budget deficit for building a house does not always allow choosing expensive and high-quality materials. But, if you know how to choose the right timber - an ordinary one that has not undergone special processing, and how to prepare it for work, you can save a lot and get a solid and beautiful structure. Our tips will help you with this.

So what to look for when buying?

  • The evenness of the timber. Determined visually and practically. The product must be placed on a flat surface alternately with all edges and make sure that it is not bent or twisted by the "propeller".
  • The distances between the annual rings, visible at the end of the timber, must be the same. If they narrow or widen on one side, it means that over time the bar will "lead" and it will bend.
  • The surface of the wood everywhere should be of a uniform uniform color. Visually noticeable color contrast at the ends or side faces indicates the presence of layers with different internal stresses, which will also lead to deformation.

It is much more difficult to determine the moisture content of the material. But even if you see that the timber is completely fresh, but of good quality, you can independently bring it to the desired condition. True, this will take time.

Not sure what size of timber to choose when building a house? But this indicator is of great importance. If the information is relevant to you, read and find all the necessary answers.

People who dream of sustainable housing are faced with many nuances that affect the performance of a building. Even at the design stage of a wooden cottage, the owners ask themselves: what size of timber is best for building a warm, comfortable house?
After all, the main qualities that a living space should have are good thermal insulation and moisture resistance, and they depend on criteria such as:

1. The density of the timber, depending on the type of wood:

  • larch;
  • Pine;

2. Type of wood by production technology:

  • rounded log;
  • profiled lumber;
  • glued laminated timber.

3. Method of drying raw materials:

  • chamber method - hot air;
  • in a natural way.

4. Thickness of the bar:

  • 50 mm;
  • 100 mm;
  • 150 mm;
  • 200 mm;
  • 250 mm.

Whatever material is used, for example, glued laminated timber from kiln-dried larch in the construction of a cottage, you must choose the right size. After all, this will affect the comfortable indoor temperature.

In order to understand what thickness the timber is best suited for building your home, you can use the formula:

S is the thickness of the lumber;
R is the heat transfer coefficient of the walls of a certain region;
Kt - an indicator of thermal conductivity, depending on the type of wood.

All values ​​can be found in the corresponding reference book.
Let's calculate the required thickness indicator for building a house in the Moscow region using the example of the above-mentioned glued larch material:

S = 1.26 * 0.18 = 0.23

We obtain the optimal dimensions of the cross-section of laminated veneer lumber 230 × 230. You can use lumber 200 mm thick with a 50 mm insulation.

What sizes are lumber

Important indicators when choosing are the height and width of the timber, they are also called thickness or section. The length affects the consumption of building materials, it depends on the size of the house. The following forms of lumber are divided:

  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • multifaceted;

Standard dimensions of the timber used for the construction of a house or other buildings:

How to choose the right size of lumber

It is necessary to choose the size of the timber for construction, first of all, according to the purpose of the material: houses, summer cottages, baths, other buildings and finishing work. Secondly, on the climate of the region:

The length of the building material does not have a definite framework, in some cases there may be joints. However, it is important to use a solid building unit in wall binding and floor overlaps. When laying a log house, it is also necessary that each of the walls has several monolithic beams. In any case, the manufacturer takes into account the wishes of the client and can produce the material with the most suitable dimensions.

Among private developers, a house made of 9 × 9 timber is in demand, the usable area in such a dwelling is from 100 to 150 sq. m. The building is being erected one-story, two-story or attic. A 9 × 9 log house can become a permanent residence for a family of 4 people. Along with such projects, small-sized buildings made of 6 × 6 timber are also popular. It is an economical option without complex structures. The total area of ​​the premises is 50–70 sq. m. According to such a project, dachas or small dwelling houses are being erected, they can be made on one floor or with an attic. Log houses are built from various types of wood.

Consider how the size of the glued or profiled timber affects the thermal conductivity of the house.

Selection of the section of glued laminated timber

This lumber is produced by gluing alternating fibers in the direction. It is made from processed, dried raw materials. Therefore, such a bar has excellent characteristics: good density, high insulation, no deformation, insignificant shrinkage. Using glued lumber during construction, you can count on its original dimensions, which will not change over time.

The prices for glued beams are the highest, so you need to choose the most suitable size for the construction of outbuildings or a house. Manufacturers offer lumber with a thickness of 40 to 270 mm. The cross-section of laminated veneer lumber is classified according to its purpose:

  1. For walls, material is used with a height of 140 to 170 mm, a width of 160 to 270 mm, the length is taken depending on the building project.
  2. For overlapping floors and ceilings, the height is usually 100–150 mm, thickness - from 100 to 250 mm.
  3. For the installation of windows, the average dimensions of the timber used in construction are 80 × 85, 80 × 115.

The choice of the section of the profiled beam

Lumber is made from solid raw materials or by gluing lamellas. It is produced in the following profile configurations: Finnish, comb, double, triple, etc. Due to the strong joint of the structure, the walls will not let moisture, wind and cold pass through.

Profiled beams are produced in standard sizes ranging from 100 × 100 to 250 × 250, the length of one unit is most often 6 m.

Classification by the section of the profiled beam:

  1. Beams 100 × 100, 100 × 150 are intended for outbuildings, verandas, baths. A material of this size has a profile: two spikes, two grooves.
  2. 2. Beams 150 × 150, 150 × 200 are suitable for summer cottages or permanent residence in southern areas. For such dimensions, a comb profile is used, which protects the structure from wind and moisture.
  3. Beam 200 × 200 is the most common in the construction of residential buildings. A building made of such lumber will be reliably protected from freezing and cold air penetration due to the technical characteristics of the profile. It has a design of 3-4 pips and grooves.

The price is set per cubic meter of material. The thicker the bars, the fewer they are in the cube:

In the construction industry, there is a wide range of beams of different types and breeds. It is necessary to make a competent approach to this issue, to make your own calculations depending on the purpose and construction project in order to avoid overpayments and the negative impact of weather conditions. With the correct consideration of all the criteria, "the weather in the house" will only delight you.

And so you are planning to build a house, and now you have a question what kind of timber to build a house from... First of all, you must decide on the size of the timber. This is very important, because if you choose a thinner beam than you need, your house will be cold in winter, in addition, you will have to additionally sheathe the house from a bar for insulation, or insulate the house from the inside. All this will not only entail unnecessary waste, but also add a lot of hassle. Therefore, first, the most important thing is to determine the thickness of the timber. Then you need to decide on the type of wood and the type of timber.

For your information, cedar timber is considered the most environmentally friendly and useful, by clicking on the link you will find out its properties, main application and what experts say about this timber.

What kind of timber to build a house from - types of timber and its thickness.

If the house is planned only for summer residence, and in winter you will not live, then it is better to choose a thinner timber in order to save money. 100x150mm is quite suitable for these purposes. For full-fledged living in the winter in the house, the timber must be chosen thicker. Here you also need to focus on your winters, if it passes gently, then a 150x150 timber may well be enough, for colder winters take 200x200mm. Still it would not be bad to consult the owners of similar houses in your region, they will certainly tell you about the thickness of their timber and the comfort of living in the house in winter.

Now let's decide on the types of timber from which you can build a house. The cheapest option is a regular solid timber. Of course, you can build a house from it, but the only advantage of this material is only the price. A house built from ordinary timber is subject to strong shrinkage, in order to minimize this, it must be well dried, it is advisable to buy a chamber drying timber. Further, such a bar should be very even - so that there are no cracks, and this is a rarity.

There are always gaps between the beams, therefore, having chosen such a material, get ready to systematically caulk it, and treat it with various impregnations every year to increase its service life. Therefore, it can be used if in the future you plan to sheathe the house both inside and outside.

Profiled timber is a more suitable material, due to the grooves on the material, crevices are significantly reduced. In addition, such logs are sold in a more dried form, which reduces the size of the building's shrinkage. But nevertheless, over time, shrinkage will occur, and this is the main problem of houses from a bar. For a longer operation, such a bar also needs protective impregnations. You will also have to fill up the cracks with tow or other suitable material.

The most suitable material for building a house is glued laminated timber. Its quality, of course, largely depends on the manufacturers. After all, from what kind of glue was used, how dry the timber is, depends not only on its durability, but also on the size of the shrinkage of the house, crevices and more. The price of glued laminated timber is not small, so not everyone can pull such a building material. Manufacturers of laminated veneer lumber say that a house built from it has no shrinkage, but this must be treated with caution. And in the future, if you want to do interior or exterior decoration, you better wait a couple of years after the construction of the building until it shrinks completely. You can read about the disadvantages of laminated veneer lumber by clicking on the link.

What kind of timber to build a house from, you already know the answer - the desired thickness is 20x20 cm, the timber should be profiled or even better glued. Instructions for the construction of a small wooden house -.

Building a house from a bar - video

Selection of wood for building a house.

Now let's decide on the type of wood, which type of wood is better to use.

    If your money is more or less normal, you can use Siberian cedar, this is one of the best materials for building a residential building or a bath. He is an excellent antiseptic, therefore, living in such a house made of cedar, people get sick less, he is also a natural aphrodisiac, has a crimson-red hue. A house built of cedar will give off a pleasant invigorating scent. You can read more about this wood.

    Further, a larch timber would be a good option for building a house, the positive aspects are a beautiful texture, wood is stronger than oak, and very durable. Having a high density, the material is resistant to moisture. The tree has medicinal properties, a house filled with the scent of larch will have a positive effect on your health. For your confidence in the choice of this material, I would also like to add that in Siberia there are houses built from this tree that are more than 300 years old. True, in order for the timber to be of high quality, it must be made from wood that is at least a hundred years old.

    Pine timber is the most common material. Its main advantage over other breeds is its low price. Also, the not bad quality of this material contributed to its popularity. Of course, it is not perfect, but it also has healing properties, and is resistant to moisture, and the structure of the tree looks good.

    Oak timber can also be used in the construction of a house. Its main advantage is resistance to moisture and durability of the material. There are also minor disadvantages - high price, high weight and, due to its high density, it is difficult to handle. Some people use it only for the lower crown where there is a high probability of moisture ingress.

Now you know from which timber to build a house, you have the opportunity to choose both by the type of timber and by the type of tree. If you build a house without sparing money, then your choice should fall on glued beams made of larch or cedar.

The first and budget option is sawn wooden beams. The dimensions of such a bar are standard six meters, since the timber is delivered to the sawmills on timber trucks of a standard size. Saw bar sections - 100x100 mm and higher. Non-planed timber does not undergo additional drying, so the appearance of cracks cannot be avoided. Also, buildings made of sawn timber require shrinkage, and to prevent the appearance of "cold bridges", caulking of joints will be required, and additional insulation of the house from a bar inside, followed by finishing the walls. Prices for sawn timber from 6000 rubles / m3.

Profiled timber is a good material for the implementation of the project of a timber house. It is planed using precision equipment, which allows observing the geometry of the walls being erected. The thorn-groove connection prevents the appearance of "cold bridges" and after shrinkage, does not require caulking the walls, interior and exterior decoration. Due to the tight fit of the profiled timber to each other, the material has a low coefficient of heat loss. Planed timber, when shrinking, gives a smaller cobweb of cracks, thanks to rational cuts in the grooves. The length of the profiled bar is standard six meters. A bar with a section of 190x140 mm corresponds to a log with a diameter of 32 centimeters, while it has a smaller cubic capacity, and, as a result, cost than round wood or rounded logs. Prices for profiled timber from 7500 rubles / m3.

Dry profiled timber - made of kiln-dried wood. After drying, the moisture content of the raw material is 12-18%. The material is processed on a machine. The walls give a minimum shrinkage, 3 percent, which means that you can immediately build a turnkey house, which has definitely become an advantage. Dry planed timber practically does not crack, because moisture came out of it in the factory. Price for dry profiled timber from 13000 rubles / m3

Glued laminated timber has appeared on the wooden housing market relatively recently. Manufacturing requires the use of high-precision equipment. The selected material is dried in drying chambers, and then spliced ​​together along the length and processed with a special glue. Under the press, the glue impregnates the wood. The material is then passed through a machine where the profile is cut. In size, such a bar reaches a length of up to 14 meters and a cross-section of up to 26 centimeters. Glued laminated timber does not shrink and almost does not crack, therefore it does not need wall decoration, turnkey work can be done immediately.