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Excursion tours on the train to Europe. Secrets of budget travels in Europe by train

If you look at railway warriors by the eyes of a false pragmatik, who appreciates every minute of his time, then the train will lose the aircraft through all the articles. Traveling by train, it will not be possible to save time, moreover, most of the trip will have to devote to passive observation in the window and reading. But there is, of course, pleasant moments: Thanks to the railway tours, horizons will be expanding for you and unprecedented mystery of nature will open, you experience the most beautiful corners Planets and get acquainted with life in large megalopolis and tiny villages.

IN last years Excursion tours on the train became incredibly sought-after wishing to master the geographical space of our planet with the help of railways appear more and more. Partly this contributes to the diversity of proposals. Railway tours covers a variety of destinations: these are traveling in Russia and the CIS countries, European voyages and the Baltic programs and even exotic routes - China and Mongolia.

Railway tours in Russia

Depending on the time you have, you can go to short two-three-day railway tours or choose a program designed for 10-14 days. Tours are very popular in the cities of the Golden Ring on the retro-survey, in which you will visit Vladimir and Suzdal for 2 days, and then you have time to walk around Kostroma and Yaroslavl.

An excellent opportunity to get acquainted with our immense country gives tourists a cruise on the train "Golden Eagle": in two weeks in the way you will change 10 time zones and erupt more than 9 thousand km! The train leaves from Moscow, passing through Murom, Arzamas, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Omsk and finishes his "marathon" in Vladivostok.

Traveling by train, you can enjoy the beauty of the cities of the Volga region, Kazan, Pskov, Veliky Novgorod, St. Petersburg and many other Russian cities.

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European routes

The main feature of European railway tours is the opportunity for one trip at once in several countries: trains following Russia to Europe are usually held through the territory of transit states. Some programs suggest a stop in these countries for one or two days (you will be offered sightseeing excursions or free time), in others you can see strangers Only from the train window.

In the old world, the railway message is well developed, thanks to this, you are open almost all european countries. From Russia to Europe, several direct trains run to Europe, for example, the train number 23 "Moscow - Berlin", the train number 21 "Moscow - Prague", train No. 17/18 "Moscow - Nice". In addition, there are many combined tour tours With a change in Brest for the bus (to Brest, tourists get on the train).

Going away by train to the tour of Europe, prepare for the fact that there will be no time to miss: usually such programs are very saturated and include overview hiking and bus tours, visiting museums and art galleries, trips to the famous castles and walks along the sophisticated parks.

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By train to exotic countries

Railway tours to the East is a real find for tourists sophisticated on travel. You can try to comprehend the soul of Asia, by going on the railway to China. From Russia to the Middle Kingdom, there are as many three direct trains, which get to the end station for 130-145 hours. Tour operators offer several sightseeing routes, which include the sights of Beijing, Harbin, deleted and other cities.

In addition, such tours are also developed during which you are traveling by China too by train.

We try to surprise each time and please our customers with something new and unusual, offering unique tours such as excursions by train. Tourist train It is several comfortable wagons that move through the locomotive of the mid-20th century time. Excursions on the locomotive are unique offerallowing you to plunge into an entertaining past of your state and get a lot of unforgettable impressions.

Tourist train

For 2018, our tour operator offers its customers the following versions of travel trains in Russia:

  • Multi-day excursions on the steam locomotive, duration of 13-15 days. These include:
  • The train "Imperial Russia", which follows the route G.Vladivostok - G. Yulant-Ude - Baikal - Iirkutsk - Novosibirsk - Ikaterinburg - Kazan - Moscow. The time spent on the train will also be sufficiently fun and filled with entertainment programs.
  • The train "Imperial Russia", the second option. Estimated route: Moskva - Kazan - Ikaterinburg - Novosibirsk - G. Iirkutsk - Baikal - G. Nalan-Ude - Vladivostok.
  • The train "Imperial Russia", option is the third. Shutter by route: Moskva - Kazan - Ikaterinburg - Novosibirsk - G. Iirkutsk - Baikal - G. Yulant-Ude - G. Yulant Bator - Earland - G.Eekin.
  • The train "Imperial Russia", option fourth. The route is as follows: Pekin - Erlyan - G. Nalan-Bator - G. Toul-Ude - Baikal - G. Iirkutsk - Novosibirsk - Ikaterinburg - Kazan - Moscow.

Excursion programs, lasting from one day with races in any time:

  • Tour "Sergiev Posad and Aleksandrov". The program involves a tour of the city to the Holy Trinity Lavra, a visit to the Alexandrovsky Kremlin and historical tea party.
  • Tour "On a visit to the farmer" with a gastronomic orientation. The program includes a trip to the farm located at the Petushki station, with cheese tasting, master classes, entertainment program and lunch.
  • Tour "Romantic Adventure" with Dates of Check in February 13-14. The program includes a trip to Vladimir with a fascinating walk around the city, a visit to the Assumption Cathedral, the Palace of Andrei Bogolyubsky, an excursion to Suzdal, a visit to the Eviefimyian Monastery, the Savior-Preobrazhensky Cathedral and the Church of Boris and Gleb.
  • Tour "Farry Walk" begins with a visit to the museum railway transportThen follows the trip to Art. Red Baltic, an excursion for the depot "Moscow region", familiarization with museum expositions.
  • The tour "Train Stations of Moscow" involves visiting the Museum of Railway Transport, a walk to Perrons Riga Station, a trip to Paveletsky Station with a visit to the museum railway.

It is far from full list Wonderful excursions on the retro train that you will be able to offer travel Agency "TURGLOBUSYUZU". For each traveler, we use an individual and attentive approach, and the excursion program is selected in accordance with preferences and interests. You can find out all the details of sightseeing tours and their cost, as well as choose a trip to the taste and wallet you can thanks to our qualified and experienced managers.

No matter how popular travel by aircraft, Europe's movement on the train has whole line Undoubted advantages:

  • cheaper;
  • the weather, even the most terrible, can not affect your plans;
  • you can reach hundreds settlementsto which no transport is no longer going;
  • the ability to see not only metropolitan beauty, but also a truly interesting province;
  • movement strictly on schedule, finding - rarity;
  • comfort and speed;
  • the ability to buy a ticket is not for a specific train, but a suitable 24 hours;
  • unlike flights, traveling by the train does not affect your health and has no contraindications;
  • trains - Reference Bureau, Experts on Economy Experts. It's not a joke. Working with tourists is one of the responsibilities of European conductor on the railway.

Especially traveling by train is suitable for those who want to see the country, is interested in its culture and history. In addition, if you stop at some distance from major city Or the capital, accommodation will cost cheaper, like meals. Advantages set, it remains only to take into account some rules and features of the old light railway.

We buy tickets

Option A (conservative)

You can buy in Europe railway tickets in different ways:

  • Internet - convenient and cheaper than everything;
  • At the ticket office of any station of the country where you are traveling (it is important to pay cash is cheaper than with a bank card);
  • In the timing of tickets (cash more profitable);
  • Conductors (the most expensive version).

Tickets for sale several types:

  • single (from paragraph A to paragraph B);
  • reverse ticket (there and back, saves up to 30% of the cost);
  • temporary ticket (sent time of movement, not the distance).

When you have decided on your route, got a Schengen visa, insurance and calculated your budget, you can start buying tickets for trains. Most companies sell tickets on the Internet, but not earlier than a month before the trip. In this case, act regular rules - What they used to buy, the less paid. Moreover, if you buy tickets in advance, then you have an excellent opportunity to choose the most inexpensive of them. The price difference depends on how quickly the train moves, how many stops do how comfortable. The most ordinary local train will provide your movement to the right point is not too fast, but quite comfortable and for small money.

Example: Two walks of Warsaw-Krakow, depart with a difference of 25 minutes, the first on the road 2 hours and 20 minutes, the second - 2 hours and 35 minutes, a ticket for the first one - 27 euros, on the second - 11 euros.

The most inexpensive tickets to those trains, which go beyond the clock "Peak". Such trains use mostly tourists, they are not overloaded. By time it is after 10 am to 16 o'clock, after 20 hours before midnight.

With the purchase of tickets there may be one difficulty, if you are not stuck in the tickets in advance and you will buy them in automata. Most often outside the capital, electronic devices all instructions and explanations are given exclusively on national languagesthat tasks do not simplify. In this case, it is best to seek the help of the local population or train station services. Help necessarily!

Option in (advanced)

You can practically completely avoid hassle on the multiple acquisition of railway tickets and buy a "travel" for all trains within the boundaries of one country (Interrail One Country Pass) or within the borders of the whole of Europe (Interrail Global Pass). Such tickets are sold for a certain number of days of trips (5 days on the road in 15 days, 10 days in the way for a month, 1 month of trips without restrictions, etc.). With such a ticket, you have the right to sit on almost any train (exception - high-speed super-modern expressions, night trains - they will need to pay extra) and get to the point you need without buying an additional ticket.

It is worth such a ticket that is not suiced, but as a result you can save well, see several countries, get true pleasure from travel. Such a ticket is especially beneficial to young people (up to 26 years), as well as retirees (over 60 years old). Travelers of other categories are better to calculate, it is quite possible that the conservative option will be more profitable.

The price of a "pan-European" travel (5 trips in 15 days) - 170 euros (youth), 202 euros (pensioners), 224 euros (other).

But the price of the passing "one country" fluctuates depending on the level of income of residents of this country (the most inexpensive ticket - 3 days later in the train per month):

  • Germany, Norway, France, United Kingdom - from 131 euros;
  • Spain - from 111 euros;
  • Italy, Switzerland - from 87 euros;
  • Belgium + Netherlands + Luxembourg - from 74 euros;
  • Poland, from 57 euros;
  • - from 48 euros;
  • Serbia - from 36 euros.

Together with the ticket, the passenger receives a "travel list", in which all trips, train numbers and destination (for controllers), as well as detailed instructions on the english language. Usually, together with the first "travel", the passenger receives a discount coupon at 15% for the next ticket.

A similar ticket will be beneficial to those who decided to visit at least 5 cities (or 3-4 countries) and does not plan to linger in one place for more than 2-3 days. For the one who is less mobile and wants to spend a vacation in one place, such a ticket is not needed, it will cost much more than ordinary travel documents.

Inerrail's system includes 29 European countries and Turkey. It is impossible to buy a "travel" in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Moldova.

Approximate routes and prices

Option "Capital Europe"

Countries:, Germany, France, Austria, Czech Republic.

The route looks like this:

  • Arrive in Warsaw, spend 2 days here;
  • From Warsaw, we go to Berlin (on the way for 5 hours, a ticket - 39 euros), we spend 3 days in the capital of Germany;
  • We are going from Berlin to Paris (on the way 8.5 hours, a ticket - from 79 euros), we spend two days in the capital of fashion and love;
  • From Paris we are going to Munich (6 hours on the road, a ticket - from 39 euros), to inspect the main beauties of the capital of Bavaria, we assure one full day;
  • From Munich we go to Vienna (6 hours of the road, a ticket - 34 euros), the city of classical music and the most magnificent baroque we assign two full days;
  • From the capital of Austria, we are leaving for Prague (4 hours on the road, a ticket from 35 euros), we spend two days in Prague;
  • From the Czech capital, we go to Krakow (8 hours on the way, a ticket from 38 euros), to the royal capital we assign a full day;
  • We return to Warsaw from Krakow (less than three hours on the road, a ticket - from 9 euros).

Two-week warhead is hung. You can calculate transportation costs. As a result, we presumably spent 273 euros. Under the terms of the "travel" InterRAIL we moved 5 days from 14 (Warsaw Berlin, Berlin-Paris, Paris-Munich and Munich Vienna (Prague), Vienna Prague, Prague-Krakow and Krakow-Warsaw (one day)) . Global Pass under such conditions will cost an adult in 224 euros. We get savings - 49 euros (the young traveler will save more than a hundred euros!).

Rest in Poland.

Option "Britain"

Country: United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland)

Approximate route:

  • Starting from London, in which spent at least three days;
  • We are leaving the capital in Cardiff, watch the castles, walk along the embankment of the bay and eat cheese croutons (three hours on the road, from 47 euros), in the capital of Welsh, conduct a full day;
  • From Cardiff Go to Liverpool to the Motherland "Beatles" (4 hours on the road, a ticket - from 36 euros), we spend half of the day in the city;
  • From Liverpool - to Manchester (on the way for less than an hour, a ticket - from 3 euros), in the city they are detained for two days;
  • From Manchester we go to Glasgow (on the road 3.5 hours, a ticket - from 15 euros), spend in the city full day;
  • From Glasgow - to Edinburgh (the road takes one hour, a ticket - from 16 euros), we stay in the capital of Scotland for two days;
  • From Edinburgh we are going to London again (4.5 hours of the road, a ticket - from 68 euros).

The trip takes 10-11 days. The total cost of transportation costs is 185 euros. Interrail One Country Pass - 190 euros. Youth ticket - 139 euros.

Save to get only young travelers. Adult tourists will win if they buy tickets to the conservative way.

Option "Azure Coast of Warm Seas"

Countries: Italy, France, Spain, Portugal.

The path can be like this:

  • Start in Milan, who needs to pay for two days;
  • From Milan we are going to the genome (three hours of the road, a ticket - from 28 euros), here we spend a full day;
  • From Genoa we are going to Nice (3.5 hours on the road, a ticket - from 30 euros), bathe all day, you can call in Monte Carlo;
  • From Nice - to Marseille (2.5 hours on the road, a ticket - from 27 euros), we stay here for two days;
  • From Marseille - to Barcelona (road 4.5 hours, a ticket - from 76 euros), we safely stay for three days;
  • After Barcelona - in Madrid (9 hours of the road, a ticket - from 42 euros), we spend 2 days in the capital;
  • From Madrid, we are leaving for Lisbon (on the road 10 hours, a ticket - from 60 euros), we dedicate the city for two days;
  • We fly home from Lisbon.

The trip takes two weeks. Transport costs - 263 euros. "Travel" ticket (out of 15 days 5 days on the road) - 224 euros. Youth ticket - 170 euros. Savings are obvious

Routes can be developed many, it is enough to study the European railways card and develop that path that I have long wanted to make. We will have to work hard to explore all offers from carriers. If within the same country the best prices National companies are offered, with international transportation prices from different corporations may differ significantly. But all preliminary troubles are justified, the trip will be truly exciting and full of most incredible impressions.


Traveling around Europe on trains is not the most cheap view Tour. Buses will cost much cheaper. But the train gives a person the opportunity to normal and comfortably move to long distances. But the bus exhausts, badly affects the vessels in the legs and points out.

In the descriptions of the routes not indicated the costs of suburban trainBut all these costs in the presence of the Interrail ticket are completely covered. Electrics are needed to get to cheap hotels, accommodation in which will help save.

Travelers who choose trains need to remember a few simple rules:

  • never eat in the station institutions (expensive and tasteless);
  • make yourself a cheat sheet with time difference in Europe (in order to avoid delays on the train);
  • clarify the route and ask the councils from the conductor, which will always be near during the trip.

Europe is waiting for its new "conquerors", the train is filed. Have a nice trip!

Railway tours are an excellent option for those who prefer to travel. by train. In this section of the site of the travel company "Club Eight Travels" you can get acquainted with those directions and types of tours, where the main transport that takes tourists to the destination is considered to be the train. The advantages of this type of tourist trips are obvious - speed and convenience. For example, many indicate in cars and buses, and the smooth measured movement of cars on rails does not cause discomfort. Railways trains do not have to stand in traffic jams, it is convenient to sleep at night in them, especially on comfortable places in a coupe or St.

Tours on the train in Russia and the CIS

Direction Prices

Tours to Petersburg by train

You can visit the Northern Capital, arriving there in the night train or on the speed "Sapsan". The duration of sightseeing railway travels to Peter may vary from 2 to 12 days, and include not only acquaintance with the sights of the city itself, but also attending Peterhof, Tsarist village, Gatchina, Vyborg, Kronstadt and other interesting cities and places of the Leningrad region.

Cost from 3 410 rubles.

Tours to Belarus by train

Most rounds to Belarus presented with us on our site suggest moving to Minsk or a comfortable train from Moscow. The next tour of the tour of the selected route within the country, for example, in the worldly and Nesvizhsky castles, Brest, Gomel, Grodno, etc. Takes by bus. Trains departed in Belarus, very comfortable, clean and comfortable, which makes the transfer itself to a part of a pleasant trip.

Tours to Kazan on the train from Moscow

One of the most popular travel destinations among Moscow tourists is invariably to Kazan. No wonder, after all, only night can be reached by train to the capital of Tatarstan and plunge into colorful multiweight of this unique city. Kazan Kremlin, Kul-Sharif Mosque, Sviyazhsk and Raifsky Monastery are just a few of the sights available. Is it worth talking about the delicious Tatar cuisine and the famous Tatar hospitality? So "Surprise me, Kazan!".

Cost from 7,680 rubles.

Tours to Kaliningrad with a railway crossing

Do you want to visit the west of Russia? So why not drive there by train, seeing all the immense beauty of our country from his window. The unique sights of the Kaliningrad region are standing in order to spend this time on the road, because here you are waiting for the beauty of the amber edge, shouts of the chaps and the salted air of the Baltic, the sandy dunes of the Curza Spit and as if revived scenes from the Black and White Movies of the Promenade Sprout Svetlogorsk.

Cost from 6,000 rubles.

Railway tours to Veliky Novgorod

Veliky Novgorod is not the most distant neighbor of Moscow, but also here you can go calmly and comfortably using by rail. If you have long dreamed of seeing Novgorod Earth, and also to visit Old Rousse Or on Valdai, we are pleased to offer you a number of interesting sightseeing tours to Veliky Novgorod.

Cost from 5 228 rubles.

Railway Tours to Nizhny Novgorod

You can also go on the train and in Nizhny Novgorod and other small towns of Volga region, often part of excursion routes. Such tours will not only introduce you to the history of an old merchant city, but will allow stroll on the boat along the Volga or spend time on an excellent recreation center.

Cost from 4 990 rubles.

Tours in Pskov by train

Pskov is another pearl in the necklace of the most beautiful cities in North-Western Russia. Acquaintance with these wonderful places is most often not limited to the piscancy, but includes a visit to Izbork, as well as trips to Pushkin Mountains and Pechora. Vintage fortress And monasteries along with fascinating expanses will leave you a lot of strongest impressions!

Cost from 7,300 rubles.

Tours on the train to Karelia

It is very convenient to get on the train and in Karelia - this beautiful, unique, but very distant corner of Russia. If you want to see the real wonders of the Russian North, then it is easiest to choose a tour from 2 to 9 days on our website to buy train tickets Moscow-Petrozavodsk - and on the road! You are waiting for the incredible beauty of lakes and waterfalls, the legendary hail of Kizhi, the White Sea Petroglyphs, Solovki and the beauty of the White Nights.

Cost from 5 350 rubles.

Tours to Solovetsky Islands (Solovki) by train

No less attractive for real travelers can be one of the northernmost island archipelagos of our country - Solovki. These places witnessed and the great tragedies of the period of Soviet camps, and the great spiritual feats of the Russian people. There is still one of the largest centers of Russian monasses - Solovetsky monastery, carefully storing the memory of the past.

Cost from 5 350 rubles.

Save on buying a railway ticket

How to save on the road expenditures, buying train tickets?

The season of summer holidays, interesting entertainment and travel, which means that it is already necessary to take care of purchase of train tickets. The fact is that the cost of tickets will increase significantly in the warm season.

If you book tickets for one or two months before the trip, then you will be provided with a discount. Of course, the discount is not given on all routes, but for many. For example, you can leave the capital to Brest, Kaliningrad, Vilnius and Voronezh is profitable, buying a travel ticket in advance. The discount applies to the purchase of tickets to the coupling cars, as well as in the suite and St. If you go on a journey on a working day, then travel will cost cheaper than on weekends when those who want to go much more.

If tickets are well sold, then the employees of the railway sometimes offer them for very little money, if only wagons would not be empty. If you take care of the purchase of a ticket in advance, then the chances will be saved. Sometimes even on the day of sending the train, you can "climb" the favorable option, if the demand for tickets is completely low. Discount can be from 10 to 35 percent. Most often, the flexible system of discounts is practiced in the compositions that run from the capital in Belgorod, Anapa, Murmansk and Adler. You can track favorable routes on the official website of the railway.

Teach that the discount is not extended to all places, but only on those that are less convenient. If it is not fundamentally for you, then buy a ticket to the upper shelf in second-class car. Let you refuse comfort, but then save money. It is advantageous to choose the route when the train from the station is very early, either early coming to the departure point. If it is convenient for you to get to the train station, then feel free to send in an early journey. Differences for the train tickets from the platform is 4-5 in the morning and the composition, extending, for example, at 8 o'clock, will be 20-15 percent.

For each trip on the train you will receive bonus points. Buying a ticket for subsequent times, ask the cashier to write off the bonuses. This will provide an opportunity to buy a ticket cheaper. Before starting to smoke points, you need to register on the official Railways website.

Preparation for the trip

What to take with you in the train?

Soon you have a long trip by train, and you do not know what to take with you? This article will help solve this seemingly a simple question.

  • Passport, tickets and money Head the list of things that you need to not forget and constantly keep with you. For the convenience of storing such things you can buy a small bag. The main thing is not to let her out of sight or put in a safe place.
  • Clothing. Comfort is extremely important in the train, so prepare for yourself set of replacement clothes. In the car may be too hot, sports shorts and light T-shirt will fit any passenger. If the trip takes place in the cold season, then a knitted warm sweater will not be superfluous.
  • Food. Some people prefer to eat in a restaurant car, buy different baking and cheap drinks. Other passengers before the trip pre-prepare several dishes or purchased products in stores. Do not arrange a feast and make a lot of salads, hot dishes and desserts. Think what food will not deteriorate during your voyage.

Take care of sufficient water. It is better not to take on the road to gasion and juices, since their use will only cause thirst. For snacks, fresh fruits and a variety of berries, nuts or light cookies are suitable.

If your wagon is filled, then the conductor may not be sufficient number cutlery. Better take your little owner set, as well as a mug of thick plastic, which will not allow it to break during the move.

  • Personal hygiene products. In personal cosmetic bag, put a toothbrush, pasta, comb and soap. Take the face or hand cream. Do not forget about the availability of wet napkins and a small towel, since standard underwear in trains is not always high-quality and neat.
  • Put everything you need medicine In a separate compact handbag. It is worth taking care of their health and emergence of unforeseen situations. You may need pills from pain in your head and abdomen, plasters, agents from allergies, sedative and sleeping pills.
  • If you are hardly falling asleep under outsided sounds, purchase earnings and a special mask for sleep, which will save you from the light of night lamps in the car. Now the loud company in the next coupe will not create inconvenience.
  • Entertainment. To not be bored on the road, buy a book, a magazine with crossword or playing cards. But the best salvation from longing is the presence of a good interlocutor.

Going on a trip in advance, pack things in accordance with a pre-compiled list.

Comfortable trip and good companions!