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Excursion tours Komodo. Excursion to the island of Komodo on the ship

Associated from Bali, since only tourists who want to relax with Shikom are like to fly there. But not so long ago, I visited my husband on the island of Komodo, and only then I saw the true beauty of nature. This island is included in the National Park, which is the name of the island. You know, probably, it was for the first time so that my husband and I took on a trip to the minimum of clothes, and more things that could be needed on the island. The most important thing is that there is no single store on the island, so you need to take care in order not to need anything on arrival :)

Bali Airport - Denpasar

Almost all tourists who want to get to the Komodo must drive through the city of Labuan Bajo, this, I would say, the second point of shipment. Since the first will be at Bali Airport, if you have a desire to get to this island, you first need to buy a ticket for flight to Bali, and only then you can already get to Labuan Bajo. So, and we were docked up to Bali and landed at the airport. You can call simple and modestly - and you can Ngurai Paradise or Denpasar, the essence will not change from it. Buy tickets are best in just a couple of weeks to the outlined departure. As practice has shown, the tickets in the season are indecently becoming more expensive and besides, they quickly disassemble, despite the high cost.

If you know when about flying, then you can start preparation with ticket search. When you arrive at the airport, you will be put before the fact, they will say the actual price and the only thing you can do in this situation is to buy tickets at the suggested price. If you search for tickets on a variety of resources, where you can buy them, then there is a possibility that you will find something at a discount, or just stumble upon an interesting offer, which may allow you to save. The sites for the search for airlines and tickets are full, they can be easily found on their own, but you can see and buy tickets for the desired flight :) As I said, after you get to Bali Airport, then you will need to get to Labuan Bajo, Other The method, alas, no. So, now I will explain in more detail the procedure that you have to do. From the airport to the Komodo can be reached by plane or ferry. However, not so simple, you will have to face a little to enjoy the beautiful views of the island. Every way I will tell you separately, so that you can choose what you like more.

How to get to Labuan Bajo by plane

As soon as you arrive at, you will need to immediately buy a plane ticket to Labuan Bajo, it features a small airport that only domestic flights receive. In the media, it is often possible to hear that the authorities are planning the airport to make international so that the path to the island has become much easier, however, the promises remained promises. Flight lasts 1 hour and 30 minutes. Flights are performed daily, but to learn more about how flights often fly can be found at the airport or the airport site. When you land at Labuan Bajo Airport, then you will need to transfer to a small ship, which free of charge for you to the National Park Komodo.

The cost of the flight

Flight from the airport to Labuan Bajo will cost $ 170 from one person

Where to buy tickets

Ticket to Labuan Bajo must be bought in ticket office Bali Airport.

How to get to Labuan Bajo by bus

This option is for those for whom flight to Labuan Bajo is too expensive, but if you allow finances to buy a plane ticket to reduce the time on the way, then it is best not to use this option. So, when you arrive at Denpasar Airport, you will need to get to a small bus station Ubung, which is a couple of kilometers from the airport.
Before you, you can walk on foot, which I do not advise, but you can take a taxi "Blue Bird", which you need to take outside the airport. Just get out of the airport, a little walk along the way and there you will see a lot of blue taxis.
When you get to the Ubung bus station, you will need to buy a ticket to Labuan Bain, fortunately, there are direct buses, this good news, And here's the fact that almost two days will have to go - so-so news, to put it mildly. Despite the fact that it cheap optionYou need to go very long, though, buses, in principle, are quite normal, but still the thought that you have to spend two days on the bus - scares. The bus will come to the seaport to Labuan Bajo, from which it will be possible on the ship to get to the Komodo. Buses depart twice a day, at 08:00 and at 15:30.
The ship from the port of Labuan Bajo goes daily, a couple of times a day, approximately every 4 hours. Time in the way takes about 4 hours, so you have to suffer a little. True, I do not know how to be to you, for example, if you suffer from a maritime disease, because 4 hours you may seek hell, and there is no other way to get to the commodo, no.


  • Taxi travel to Ubung station will cost 3 dollars;
  • The cost of a bus ticket to Labuan Bajo will cost $ 20 for one person;
  • The cost of crossing the ship to the commodo will cost about $ 150 if you arrived by bus.

Where to buy tickets

  • Ticket to Labuan Bajo must be purchased at the Ubung bus station.
  • A ticket for ship will not need, and crossing will be free if you flew on the plane.

How from Labuan Bajo get to the Komodo on the boat

The vehicle will be free if you arrive on the plane. But if you arrived by bus, as I described above, then, alas, you stay to get on a small boat, to which it is scary to sit :) No, she will not figure out and nothing happens, just a place in it so little that will have to happen Sit on the floor, if there are no places, and they are most likely not. If you arrive at the port and put the ship, then you can easily get to it, this is if you are lucky to get on it, and if not, then the boat, but even here there are nuances.
The boat goes to the dresser only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and once a day. The shipping time of the boat between 08:00 and 11:00, that is, you need to come at 8 am and sit until the passengers appear. And the time in the way takes up to 5 hours, it all depends on weather conditions and wind, therefore, you know, time can delay for a long time. If you will go back on the same boat back, that is, from the Komodo to Labuan Bajo, then the boat goes on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Resurrections, remember this to not confuse days. A boat is sent from the port in the place where the fish market is located on the corner, you will notice it.

Cost of crossing

And here is a big injustice :) For locals, it will cost about $ 150, while for us, foreigners, about 350 dollars.

  • Location: Eastern Small Stern Islands, Indonesia
  • Water territory: Indian Ocean
  • Area: 390 square meters. KM
  • The highest point:823 M.
  • Population: 2000 people.
  • Population density: 5,128 people / sq. KM
  • Founding of the Park: 1980
  • Website:

Between the islands and, in the warm waters of the Indian Ocean, is the island of Komodo. It glorified his famous lizards - Dresser Varana. But not only fauna is famous island. Let's find out what else attracts numerous tourists here.

Geography and population

The dresser is considered the territory of the same name and belongs to the Small Sunda Islands. This is where is the island of Komodo on the world map:

As for the local population, it is mainly the descendants of prisoners who have once landed on this island. Gradually, they mixed with the Bugis tribes living on. The entire population of the island (about 2,000 people) is concentrated in the large village of Kampong Komodo.

There is a beautiful legend of the inseparable communication of the Aboriginal with Dragons of Komodo. She says that at the beginning of everything there were 2 eggs. The person was hatched - "Orang Komodo", and he was named elder brother. And the Dragon appeared from the second - "ORA", and began to be called the younger. The fate itself connected them, and they cannot exist without each other. True, this or fiction is unknown, but in favor of the legend says the next fact. When the government tried to cross people from the territory of the National Park to the neighboring island of Sumbawa, the dragons followed them. And then people had to return.

Flora and fauna

The most famous representative of the fauna of the island of Komodo is the Komodsky Varan - the largest lizard existing on Earth. They relate to the family of varanans and grow up to 3 m in length. Adults weigh about 80 kg. These animals are predators and are extremely dangerous for a person. Admire the photo of one of the dragons of the island of Komodo:

In addition to the inspection of terrestrial fauna, tourists are offered to descend into water. The commodo makes it possible to see coral reefs and underwater mountains, admire the secluded bays. Here are reef sharks, dugoni, sea turtles, dolphins and several types of whales.

Due to volcanic origin and arid climate of Flora Islands, the Komodo is quite poor compared to other, overgrown with jungle. The main interest is mangrove forests.


Most organized on the dresser are sent with. Visiting the Park is relatively safe because it is accompanied by an experienced guide. Tourists will visit the habitats of Varanov and will be able to see the huge lizards who look threatenly on people who often prove the split languages. Such an excursion promises unforgettable impressions!

The entrance ticket to the territory of the National Park Komodo costs 150 thousand rupees (on weekdays) or 225 thousand (on weekends). This is $ 11.25 and $ 17, respectively. Additional costs - tracking and guide services, they are not included in the price. Going to the island yourself, tickets should be purchased at the Park office in the town of Loch Liang.

Where to stay?

Since the island is a protected area, building hotels, restaurants and entertainment facilities are prohibited. Tourists most often come to only 1 day, but if desired, you can stay in the village of Kampong Komodo, at the locals. There are several guest houses here (HomeStay).

How to get to the island of Komodo in Indonesia?

You can get on the island in two ways:

  1. By purchasing a sightseeing tour on the island of Bali or V.
  2. Arriving in Labuan Bajo, from where the Public boat goes to the island of Dragons three times a week. On the island there is a convenient way to get along with air.

So it's time to discharge stereotypes that rest on the island of Komodo is available only to well-secured layers of our society. No no and one more time no! Everyone can visit this island, it is only worth wanting. Prices here practically do not differ from the general consecutive, but the nature is unique! Are there many more places on the planet, where can I look at the Dresser Varanov and swim with gigantic martals?

Organized tour

Most tourists get to Labuan Bajo take an organized tour of 1-2-3 and more nights and not so much. If you have extra 100 and more bucks per person per day, you can go this way. Here are such beautiful ships in the Labuan Bajo bay a lot - enough for everyone.

It is on them that such cruises are performed. Inside the cabins, all the conditions, food and entrance tickets to the National Park are usually included in the price.


It all depends on your eloquence and scores of the pass. I think the minimum price of the charter on the Komodo is 600-800 thousand rupees.

Public boat.

Opened the public of Dina Huseyn-Zade, for which her big gratitude. This boat from Labuan Bajo is sent to the Komodo on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Price for local 20-25 thousand rupees. For foreigners - how to agree, count on 50000. Time path depends on the wind and waves, usually 4-5 hours. From Labuan Bajo boat sails in the area of \u200b\u200bthe fish bazaar at the corner. Departure time between 8 and 11 in the morning. Boat of such a plan.

Places only seating, on the floor.

Where to live

The territory of the island of Komodo is entirely owned by the National Park, UNESCO Heritage and the Biosphere Reserve. Therefore, build hotels, cafes and other objects of the tourist infrastructure are categorically prohibited. Visitors are allowed to stop at the post by the locals in the village of Kampung Komodo. The most enterprising local residents opened homestay in their homes. We will look at them.

The cheapest and simple. It is located to the right of the pier, almost on the very edge of the village. Conditions Spartan: mattress and mosquito net. Everything.

There are manty and toilet.

Outside it looks like this.

Price 150000 rupees per person per day, including 3 meals a day and free coffee tea during the day.

Official Hombus from the government. Conditions are noticeably better than the previous one.

There is even a price list.

Outside there is no signboard, it looks like this, located in the center of the village, on the main street.

Price 180000 rupees per person per day, including 3 meals a day and free coffee tea during the day.

It is considered the best on the island. Pure, cozy, but, again, everything is simple.

Here the most beautiful Mandy, it can even be sfotkat, not risking to shock the wide public.

View outside.

Price of 300,000 rupees per person.

There are also good, pleasant rooms.

You can identify on the signboard, from the previous one from the previous one.

Price are the same 300,000 rupees.

Unnamed homestay.

Located next to Ecoflores, looks like this.

Also quite civilically.

Price of 300 thousand rupees.

In addition to these, there are several other options, but I did not like it there.

If you are ready to help teach children english language At school, you can go and live for free, volunteer. Join this group vk..

Attention: From each visitor to the island of Komodo, the elder of the village takes a contribution of 10,000 rupees. Plus you need to sign up in the guest book.

Where to eat

Cafe and even edged for local there is no.

If you settle in Homestee or Pak Hayrula Volunteer, tomorrow will be fed. In addition, in the morning you can get a delicious baking, ponchikov, baboons cakes. Prices are usually 1000 rupees for a thing. There are several shops in the village, there is also edible. And not only: shampoos there are all sorts, soap, different small things.

What to do on the island of Komodo

Watch the life of local residents

Very fascinating occupation. The local people of the Komodo and Bim live very simply, poorly, but do not lose, smile wide and loudly laugh. More about local residents and what they do I wrote in.

Watch the life of local fauna

It is no secret that the main trick of the island is the Dresser Varana. They are so common here that they often come straight into the village, or roam somewhere in the surrounding area. I wrote more about the fauna of the island of Komodo.

Ride a kayake

An afternoon of a single sea kayak per afternoon costs 500,000 rupees, for a whole day - 80,000. The thing is quite stable, I even got a Lusa Island on it, although there was a good such wave in some places, I had to rhythmically and strongly ridges, so as not to turn over.

Hire a boat

You can agree with local fishermen (with the help of an English-speaking local) about the trip to the beautiful beaches with a spray or white sand, the island of Pulau Kalong, the island of Pulau Kalong and Manta Point. I traveled half a day on Pink Beach and Pantai Namo for 300,000 rupees. On Manta Point will be more expensive - sailing quite far. But the impressions will be for life!

Go to tracking in the National Park

It is now quite expensive pleasure: the entrance ticket on weekdays costs 150,000 rupees, on weekends 225,000 rupees. 5000 rupees for tracking and 500,000 rupees of some tax. For a guide, you need to pay extra 80,000 rupees from the group. If you are in contact with this adventure, take the maximum: tracking from LOH Liang in Loh Sebita. It is about 5 hours on foot. Calculate the time to come to Sebita during the evening activity of animals in 4-5 pm. Until LOH Liang can be saved from the village on the backway boat with Rangers or merchants well, do not forget to agree that you are met in the extent of time in Loh Sebita. In Loch Liange is a park of the park and all tourists go there. Varanov in the district is not much, and those nims. Here Loch Sebita is a distant cardon. There is not far from the Poreng Valley with huge quantities of boars, deer and buffaloes. Wild Varana is often visiting hunting.

Another option: in the morning it will go to Manta Point, and after lunch in Loh Sebita. Just do not forget to pre-buy tickets to Loh Liang, they are not sold in Sebita. You can in front of the manta Point off to buy.


1. general description



The Komodo National Park includes territory between the two large islands of Sumbawa and Flores, which are located in Eastern Indonesia. Administratively National Park is included in the province of Eastern Small Stern Islands, the nearest city of Labuan Bajo in the field of Manggaray Barat. It is Labuan Bajo that is the starting point on the Komodo. The National Park covers an area of \u200b\u200b1.733 km², it was created to protect the Dressers of Varanov and other measuring species (including marine animals), he is included in the world's list of UNESCO.


2. How to get

90% of National Parks visitors fall there through the port city of Labuan Bajo, which is actively developing due to the popularity of National Respark Komodo. The city has an airport that serves direct limits from Denpasar, Kupanga, Ende and some other cities in Indonesia.

And so, the majority of trips to the Komodo begin with Bali Island. Airfare Denpasar-Labuan Bajo-Denpasar costs from $ 160 and lasts about one and a half hours one way. The press voiced plans to make the airport in Labuan Bajo international, but while you need to fly from abroad.

You can also go to Labuan Bajo: Labuan Bajo's port arrives 2 ferries from the port of Sap, which is at the next island of Sumbawa. From the sappa to Labuan Bajo Ferry goes about 6 hours and the ticket costs $ 5. If you decide to choose an alternate airline Method of Dobernia to Labuan Bajo from Denpasar The shortest route will look like this: Denpasar- (land) -port Padang Bay- (ferry) -port LEMBAR Lombok Island (ground) -port Kayangan, East Lombok-ferry "Toano, the island of Sumbawa-Ground-port Sare-ferry-port Labuan Bajo.

From the Ubung bus station, near Denpasar, there are direct bus tickets to Labuan Bajo, which come on the same route (landport) and spend about 2 days on the way. Selecting this option (bus) you spend a ticket about $ 20 and you will not have to deal with logistics issues in each of the ports on the islands. At the same time, if you like to explore or want to drive this way on a mopedhemotocycle car, then nothing is difficult in dealing with no, ask people from people to send me points and willing you willingly. Yes, each of the ferry crossing allows you to immerse on board a moped or even an auto. It will cost much more expensive than a passenger ticket. Unfortunately, I can not share the prices for transportation of auto and motor transport, I will only say that we met one driver of the jeep, who said that he was sometimes driving by car from Maumera (East Flores) to Malanga (East Java) and ferry tickets, gasoline , Food it costs about $ 500 in one direction.

3. How to move around Natparka Komodo

To visit the National Park there are two alternatives to Daily Tours or Safari

Daily Tour.- This is a day trip to Natparka Komodo, which begins early in the morning and ends before sunset. More popular among divers, although it is also acceptable for those who want to walk through the little islands and raise. The price of such a tour ranges from $ 40 to $ 200 per person per day, depends on the additional services that you order (diving, trekking) and service level (boat quality, meal, etc.).

Safari- This is a multi-day buster from 2 days. As a rule, it suggests a boat (in cabins or on deck), the organizer provides three-time nutrition. The price of such a tour begins with $ 40 per person per day and can be infinitely high.

On the main street of Labuan Bajo, you can find offices touring firms that offer such services. Workers of these offices speak English. If you do not speak English, nor in Indonesian, communicate with the staff will be extremely difficult as soon as few of them speak German or Spanish. I have not met Russian-speaking workers Tour firms in Labuan Bajo.

It is also worth remembering that in addition to paying directly for the tour you will need to pay for the entrance ticket to National Park: $ 15 per day per day on weekdays and $ 20 on Sunday.

4. What to look in Nataria Komodo


Finally, you were despair from the port of Labuan Bajo and your ship holds a course to the West. Among the places, which visit and options than there really recommend:

*** Trekking on the islands of Komodo, Rinch, Padar: a) Most visitors to Natropark Komodo seek to see the Dresser's Varanov-the largest lizards on the planet. Varanov can be seen on the islands of Komodo and Rinch. Any single or multi-day tour of Oversch includes visiting individual sections of these islands, where the conductor accompanies groups during the trekking. On the island of Komodo, you need to pay about $ 15 per person, $ 5 per person-on Rinch Island, for the entrance ticket to the Varanov zone and the support of the conductor. These places attend all tourists, but there is another way to see Waranov-gutting to the village of Komodo you can walk around the village and see Varanov in more " natural environment" Since the Varana is dangerous for a person, in any case, it is worth paying for escort.


B) Trekking on the island of Padar This is an opportunity to see incredible landscapes of chopped offshores of Natpark;

*** Snorkeling in the waters of Natroparka Chemodo no less impressive lesson than a meeting with Varana.


It's amazing, but just wearing a mask and dipped your head into the water, you fall into another world: coral gardens of unimaginable beauty, turtles, squid, octuals, sharks, huge tuna and fish-Napoleon, giant manta rises are swimming under you. The best spaces for snorkeling on the dresser are located near the islands of the ditch, Sebaur, the beaches of Pink Beach, Namong, also on Manta Point. If you do not want to do daving on the Komodo, this is not a misfortune, you still have a chance to see one of the richest underwater worlds in Indonesia. Here is a video that I removed during snorkeling with marts.

Swiming with Manta.

Komodo. National Park., MANTA POINT NOVEMBER 2015.

Labuan Bajo has more than 20 dive centers, many of them have an office on the main street of the town. Standard service of these Time Tour Centers in National Respark Comodo for a maximum of 3 dives. Prices for diving from the center to the center differ little - $ 100 (+ divers pay the same price for the input ticket to the park that and snorkels). The service of such dive centers looks like this: despair from the port about 7 in the morning you are among another 6-20 divers accompanied by a divemaster (usually no more than 4 divers per divemaster), make 3 dives and return to Labuan Bajo before sunset, you must Must get lunch on board. The service can only differ in the quality of food, supporting the divemaster (its friendliness or qualification varying can vary), the number of boat divers (I had to be in a group of 2 divers on a boat, but also 7 divers on the boat, I heard about groups of 20 divers on the ship ), which is also very important.

On the island of Komodo, there are the largest lizards in the world - the Dragon Varana, "Dragons". Locals call him "Ora" and believe that this is a descendant of dinosaurs. The males reach 3 meters long and 150 kg of weight, females are much smaller. The main danger of a meeting with it is a strong tail and poisonous saliva, but for tourists it is not dangerous. A trip to Varanam gives all tourists a lot of unforgettable impressions!

In the journey to the Komodo, the only and most important attraction - Dresser Varana. We recommend that you take advantage of organized Safari excursions with a tour on the Komodo and Flores from Eden Tour in a group or individual tour. The island of Komodo is located in four hundred fifty kilometers east of Bali and the island of Richie, and enters the group of small town islands. This is the only place on the planet, where nature has not changed since the Jurassic period. Therefore, a national park has been created here, which is under the guardianship of the global organization of nature conservation.

Trip to Varanam on Komodo

In the waters of the island there are forty percent of modern marine inhabitants - fish and the brightest corals. On some uninhabited islands, the last dinosaurs have been preserved - Varana Komodo. They live not only on the island of Komodo, but also on the islands of Rinka, Flores. Even on some closest pristine ishes, on which about five thousand individuals live. Dragon Dresser reaches three and a half meters long and weighs more than two hundred kilograms.

Thanks to the created conditions on the island, Varanov has no enemies, so they multiply very well and feel excellent. No one is afraid of anything, which makes it possible to approach them near distance. Giant Varana attract a huge number of tourists. It's one thing when you look at a small lizard, and completely different when you can see the giant Varana Komodo in front of him. From such a spectacle just captures the spirit, you can only feel it only in a tour of the dresser. For this island, more than one thousand tourists come to this island, the purpose of which is to visit the Komodo of the National Park. Where, accompanied by guides, you can enjoy an incredible spectacle - familiarizing with the dragon.

Rest with diving on the Komodo

Around the tour to the island of Komodo, you can find absolutely any underwater landscape. Here are the blurred underwater hills that patrol the sharks groups. Bronze whale, hammer sharks, whiteline sharks and gray reef sharks, tuna and many other large fish. Also, there are sheer walls covered with incredibly beautiful and diverse corals. There is around the island of Komodo and calm reefs - refuge for the hundredth ages of colorful fish and invertebrates. A variety of underwater inhabitants in the area of \u200b\u200bthe island of Komodo is recognized as the highest in the world. Water around the island of the Komodo is still not very studied. Therefore, for experienced divers there are chances to open several woundings. If you want to order a tour to the island of Komodo, call our managers.

At the time when the tropical sun slowly drops behind the horizon and the island of the Komodo, as well as the Flores Island begin to dive into the darkness. The huge volatile "fruit" mice, the largest in the world, are chosen from daytime shelters in tropical forests. This gives a unique opportunity to admire the bloody - red sky intersectable fantastic beings, which are circling in it above the ocean emitting phosphorescence. Truly mystic on the face of fairy tales. Such a sunset on the island Bats, organized by the tourist company "Eden Tour", will never disappear from your memory!