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Perhaps the most famous and popular river among tourists in the Polar Urals is the river. It flows through the territory of the Uralsky district of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The first mention of the river dog dates back to the XI century. In those distant times, a river path to Ugra through the "Stone" was held (as the Ural Mountains were called before).

The river does not originate on the eastern slopes of the Polar Urals and flows through the broad intergoregous valley. Overcoming 185 km from its origin, she flows into the river Ob. The width of the river from 30 to 60 meters, in the lower reaches it expands. Waterboat Square is 5890 square kilometers. The flood on this river comes in June, when snow melts in the mountains.

The main tributaries of the river - River Hanmey, Big Pipedyna, Nuthegan, Haramatolow.

Water in the river is crystal clear, transparent and cold. Frequent. Here is a good fishing, you can catch the smoke, Taireya, Pike, etc.

Surrounded by the mountains are very beautiful. You can make radial exits from the river to the high mountains of the Polar Urals rising nearby. In the vicinity of the river, for tourists, such beautiful natural objects are most interesting as a waterfall on the stream of Northern Vocalomeshore and Plateau Riiz with mountain lakes and jade waterfall. From the river, there are all-time roads to them, so it's not difficult to get to these tourist sites.

To admire the Ural Mountains with snowflakes with the snowflakes and during alloy.

On the banks of the Sovie grows the larch forest. Firewood for the fire is enough. In the second half of summer, a lot of berries (cloudberry, lingonberry, blueberries, etc.) and mushrooms.

The river alloy starts from the stations "110 km" (Polar) or "Both" on the Vorkuta railway - Labnyangi, and usually finish in the village of Harp. Route length - 46 kilometers (two days alloy). Throughout the route on the left bank of the river there is a railway.

If you wish, you can significantly lengthen the route and swim further - to the mouth of the river at the village of Katoveno. There you can agree with the locals about the slack on the boat to Salekhard or Labytnangi.

At the beginning of the route on the river a lot of chalks. It may be necessary to manually wiring the vessel on shallow. To do this, it is necessary to have high boots (since the water in the river does icy). After the lifting of the left inflow of Sobi - the River Big Pipedyna - water becomes more.

Near Harp (at the bridge) on the river there is a relatively uncomplicated Harp threshold having three steps. Due to this threshold, the river has a second category of complexity.

From Harp, you can go on the Labnyangi - Moscow or Labytnangi - Vorkuta.

Going on the alloy to the Polar Ural, it is worth taking warm clothes, because the climate is cold here. In addition, because of the abundance of mosquitoes and the midges in these northern places it is recommended to take apparel with them and insect funds.

It should be borne in mind that the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District is not so welcome to guests. The fact is that the YNAO is considered to be a border area (due to the proximity to the Arctic Ocean). For entry, it is necessary to make a pass in the border control of the FSB in advance. This unpleasant procedure for foreigners is especially complex (Volokita takes about 60 days).

How to get to the river?

You can get on the river in the river only by rail - on the train Moscow - Labytnangi. If this option is not very convenient for you, you can first get to Vorkuta (there are trains from Adler, Novorossiysk, Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov), where to transfer Vorkuta to Labnyangi train (walks time per day).

Photograph: Laem
Photo by: mijivem

Photo by Ypluchin
Photography: Baranovagalina
Photography: Baranovagalina
Photography: Baranovagalina
Photo by: mijivem
Photo by: mijivem
Photo by: mijivem
Photography: Baranovagalina
Photography: Baranovagalina
Photography: Baranovagalina
Photo by: mijivem
Photo by: mijivem
Photo by: mijivem

River Both - River, taking his origin on the eastern slopes of the Polar Urals. Both passes through p. Harp.

Both is the left influx of Ob and flows into it about p. Katoveno. Dahl in the "explanatory dictionary", referring to the "Permytsky language", pushes like a balking, influx (large river)

Length 185 km,

Water collection area 5890 km2.

Power river mainly snow. Forewide in June - July.

The average long-term annual water consumption (calculated) is about 50 m³ / s,

Mouth - 322 km from the mouth of Ob, coordinates: 66 ° 19'23.88 "s. sh. 66 ° 09'43 "in. d.

Proceeds through the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District

The volume of annual flow is 1.5 km.

Major tributaries: Left - Hanmei, Big Paypudina, right-reasoned and haramatolow. The flood - in June, when snow melts in the mountains.

River is rich in fish: Harius, Tymen, Pike.


Chromites are mined by Kongor-Chrome, the Mountain Arrays of Paradise, at the Kharp railway station, is shipped and transported. Natural gas.

In the river basin, unique fields of jade, uranium, marble, barite, jasper were found.


Both, the most beloved vodniki river in the Polar Urals.

It flows in the Uralsky district of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

A thousand years ago, a river way to Ugra through the "stone" to the Samoyames was held here. Chinese, Persians, Rusichi, Europeans visited here. Vikings hunted here for the idol Golden Baba.

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District is a border area (because of the proximity to the North Arctic Ocean), it is more difficult to enter here than some countries.

To enter the entrance, it is necessary to accomplish in advance in the Border Department of the FSB in advance, for Russians - the pass is made up for 1 month, for foreigners 2 months.

You can get on the river in the river only by rail - on the train Moscow - Labytnangi. If this option is not very convenient for you, you can first get to Vorkuta, trains from Adler, Novorossiysk, Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov, Perera Vorkuta - Labytnangi (walks time).

The river does not originate on the eastern slopes of the Polar Urals and flows through the broad intergoregous valley.

Water in the river clean, transparent and cold. Frequent. Here is a good fishing, you can catch a smoke, Taima, Pike

Surrounded by mountains covered with the whole year with non-letters, sparkling snowflakes in the sun, they are very beautiful. Landscapes resemble Yukon, grief and river Alaska. The alloy can be diversified with the climbing on the top of the Mountains of the Polar Urals.

You can admire the waterfall on the stream of the Northern Vocalomeshore.

Climb from all-time roads to Plateau Riiz with mining lakes and jade waterfall.

On the banks of the Sovie grows the larch forest. Firewood for the fire is enough. In the second half of summer, a lot of berries (cloudberry, lingonberry, blueberries, etc.) and mushrooms.

Start from Stations "110 km" (Polar) or "Both" on the Vorkuta Railway - Labytnangi railway, and usually finish in the village of Harp. Route length - 46 kilometers (two days alloy). Throughout the route on the left bank of the river there is a railway.

If you wish, you can significantly lengthen the route and sail further - until the mouth of the river at the village. Cathed me. There you can agree with the locals about the slack on the boat to Salekhard or Labytnangi.

At the beginning of the route, the meli, sometimes the vessel has to be done manually, compulsible marsh boots, water in the ice river!

After the imposition of the left tributary column - r. Big Pipedyna - River becomes full.

Near the village Harp before the bridge on the river there is a Harp threshold having three steps. Due to his river, there is a second category of complexity.

Recently, the village of Harp became known to the world, since one of the most famous political prisoners of modern Russia was contained in the local colony - Plato Lebedev.

Harp - "Northern Light", Nenetsky.

In the 1950s, the village of Railway workers "Podgorny" appeared here, then the development of the village began, the prisoners, a crushed room and a crushing factory, a concrete plant appeared.

In the surrounding area found unique fields of jade, uranium, marble, barite, yasm.

From Harp, you can go on the Labnyangi - Moscow or Labytnangi - Vorkuta.

Going to the alloy remember - the polar circle is close here!

Take warm clothes, climate, water in the cold river.

Remember the meeting with ferocious polar mosquitoes and midges, easily liquefying deer. Take the towing towers and insects.

Canadian landscapes in the Urals.

A favorite place for travelers in the Polar Urals is the Valley of the River. Unbelief exposure, affecting imagination, semi-sized nature, cold, but crystal clear water and a lot of fresh air - that's what the travelers are waiting, the first time we decided to go there.


The river is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Its origins take their origin from the eastern ridges of the Polar Urals, passing the intermountal slopes through the village of the city type Harpi further flowing into Ob, being her left tributary.

The Polar Ural River is divided into absolutely different from each other by the geological structure of the parties. The reservoir is located just in its central part. The width of the mountainous area from the north comes up to 125 km. It is characterized by the separation of valley with the height of passages in the region of 200 meters. The western side has sufficiently sharp and steep slopes. Southern vertices such as Payer, Telpos-from reach a height of up to 1617 m.

A bit of history

Previously, the mention of the reservoir refers to the end of the XI beginning of the XII centuries. The etymology of the name has kept older roots in itself. In the ancient-Novgorod adverb, the word "such" denoted "belongings, cottomics, property."

An alleged explanation of this name is the transport function of the river in those times. Past of the mountainous arrays of the Urals or "Stone" (former name) passed the waterway from Europe to Asia. Here the Chinese, Europeans, Persians, Rusichi, Vikings were held here - looking for traces of the idol "Golden Baba". In winter and in the summer, the river was crossing over people carrying their belongings, property, other all sorts of cargo. The people of the river do so so far and is called "Kotomnoye". Later along its bed, railway tracks were built from the Seian station to Harp.

Main characteristics

The river does be enveloped from the east and up to the sign in Ob. The length of her bed reaches 185 km. The width of the reservoir is not sources all over, and ranges from 30 to 60 meters, expanding to the lower. Up to the bottom of about 1.5-2 m. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe pool -5 892 square kilometers.

Food is basically snow. The period of floodings falls on the hot days of June and July, at this time the melting of snowy mountain peaks occurs. After the prolonged rains are often spilling. Most often freezing occurs by the end of October.

The water is very cold, smooth and quite transparent. The upper and middle is a typical mountain river with a rapid nature of the flow, with a multitude of focate. Its speed reaches up to 5 km / h. One of the most steep threshmes is located near the village of Urban Type Harp. The lower part has all the qualities of the plain river, having a canopy coastline, a wide channel, a slower flow.

The hydrography of the river is represented by a variety of different tributaries. Their number is more than 20, among which Zemazygan, Evalchegan on the left side, Garosimm, Lupaygan - on the right. However, the main tributaries are considered a nut (83 km), Hara Matolow (74 km), adjacent to the right, as well as Hanmey (93 km) and Big Paypudne (153 km), on the left.

Riveroba: climate and nature conditions

It is no coincidence that this corner of nature is very popular with many tourists. Surrounded from all sides by the peaks of the mountains, with occasional snow-white cover, the river bought - fascinatingly beautiful. Low shores and numerous island zones are mainly covered with a dense forest massif. In these places, ate, larch predominate, there are often birch groves and thickets. Walking through the forest will not leave anyone indifferent, especially in the second half of the summer months, when Tundra is rich in abundance of lingers, blueberries, cloudberries, fresh mushrooms. The steep slopes of the valley are mostly represented by a bell.

On the territory of the pool there are deposits of unique natural fossils, such as uranium, jade, marble, barita, jasper and others. Periodically, high-quality gravel and sand is produced.

The river does be united by the harsh climatic conditions of the Siberian Anticyclone and European air vortices. Therefore, this region has cold, but very snowy winters. A constant strong wind determines the nature and speed of the river. Temperature indicators are also unstable, and can be different in the mountains and on the plain. In winter, the average temperature is minus 20 ° C, however, often the scale on the thermometer is lowered to minus 40 ° C. Spring, autumn and summer are very short. Several pleasant summer days can abruptly interrupt with heavy rains, hail and unbearable cold.

Despite the fact that the water here is almost all year round, life boils in the reservoir. A variety of river fauna, where the most valuable breeds of fish are located, is a permanent place as summer, still fishing. The nature of the National is capable of using its fruits not only by local residents, but also numerous travelers and tourists.

Types of tourism

Possessing a truly picturesque coastline for most of its presented mountainside, the river does not have a great popularity among adventurers.

The journey is of particular interest for ecotourism lovers. Grand landscapes and polar landscapes allow resting to evaluate truly wild and practically intact beauty. Having accumulated along the river, you can estimate the unique types of surrounding natural objects. Most often, environmental tours include expeditions to mining vertices located along the coastal area. From a height, a special fascinating view of amazing expanses and an ice water surface.

One of the most famous hills where tourists love to be like is a paradise plateau. Here, among the mountain lakes and jade waterfall, it remains only to forget about everything and enjoy beauty. Another natural object, which will also not leave anyone indifferent, is a waterfall on the stream - the Northern Vocalomeshore.

An essential interest for tourists is the water fauna of a given area. It is represented by a variety of fish species, among which there are many valuable and specially derived rocks. With regard to water fishery, this area is particularly interesting.

However, the Polar Exotica of Yamal attracts resting not only fishing. She manites tourists and extraordinary purity of water bodies and fresh air. One of the most popular and exciting types of pastime can be attributed to the river alloy. It is usually performed on catamarans.

Everyone can choose for itself a tourist package. It is necessary to prepare documents and make an exciting journey under the sensitive guidance of an experienced guide. According to the river, such a single swim is also possible.

The most suitable time for this type of rest is the seeding season, which falls on the first numbers of June. At this time, there is still practically no gnus, water takes well, the weather is not so Surov. And if you plan a trip in the last summer months, you can enjoy not only the beautiful nature, but also stock on the winter with berries and mushrooms.

Fishing features

Fishing on the river bought as it can not be suitable if the arrival is wondering not only the catch itself, but also an amazing atmosphere around.

The Ural Krai is famous not only to the abundance of mushrooms, berries, but also rich water fauna. Conduct time with the benefit of fresh air and catch a large fish for holidaymakers will not be difficult. Here you can catch Harius, pike, taper. Even despite the popularity among guests of this type of tourism, fish in these places is not translated. Everyone will be able to lead a worthy catch, while not experiencing any competitive pressure.

At the beginning of the route, to the influx of Hara-Matolou, for the most part Harius comes across. However, the fish is quite arrogant, but patience and a special approach will bring a considerable result.

Next, at the mouth, you can arrange a small rest, go up to the thresholds of Gagarin and Titov. Fishing on this gap of the route is noble, smokey floats "right in hand." The reservoirs below the influx will be a real gift for lovers of pike. It is here that you can count on a large catch. The average part weighs 6-8 kg, but often come across enough, weighing up to 12 kilograms.

It is possible that such types of fish can be on the hook as peaks, chir, muscov, Nelma, sturgeon, since the sob'an fishing plant has an increase in the population and the restoration of the most valuable species of the lower o'-oskan basin on the territory of Harp.

Water route

Railway Station "Polar Ural" on the river, or "101" km is the starting point of the water route. The end destination is the village of urban type HARP.

The population length is 46 kilometers and a total of about two days. Along the left shore along the path, there are railway tracks. The supporter is quite small and often you can get a stranded, so, often at the very beginning of the path, the manual wiring of water transport is used. This moment is necessary to take into account and, gathering on the road, take with you the boots with a high-tone, so as not to get wet and do not get into ice water.

Having reached the tributary of Big Pipedyna, you can enjoy the surrounding beauty already sitting in the catamaran.

The left influx of Hamney is even more complete, the width of its bed is up to 60 meters, and the rigs become deeper. Next, on the right side, other tributaries appear, one of the largest - Hara Matolou, reaching 200 meters widely in width.

Features of the river near the village of Harp

Not far from the village of Harp on the river, on the left coastline, there is a so-called Harp three-stage threshold, a long 500 meters long, with a multitude of scattered stones. These features provided the second category in the complexity of overcoming.

All over the water surfaces come across large lonely stones, sewers, small islands from pebble mound. The depth of the river is inhomogeneous, starts with 30 centimeters in the upper horse and reaches two meters along the tributaries.

Making a single rafting on the river, the classic route can be continued to the mouth, where the reservoir flows into the endless water of Ob, to the fishing village of Kathevoz. From there, having agreed with the locals about the boat, easily reach the River Ports of Salekhard and Labytnangi.

Path to Valley

Getting to the cherished route is possible only by rail. Or in other way if you are the owner of the all-terrain vehicle.

Railway transport to the other side is either from Moscow or with Vorkuta. To the starting point of the tourist expedition is best to get in the Moscow-Labytnangi train. Another option, start your trip with Vorkuta. You can also get to it by train, which goes along the way of following from many cities, including Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov, Adler and others. The long-range composition of Vorkuta Labytnangy is sent every day and takes the tourist to the first stop - "Both". Starting from the upwardness by Harp and ending with the mouth near the fishing village of Kathevozozh, the route is more than 150 kilometers. At the boat of local residents can be reached by Ob to Labitanga at the railway station.

It should be borne in mind that the location to the Arctic Ocean in close proximity, makes the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District of the border zone. And this in turn implies for vacationers to comply with certain conditions, namely the design of a special pass. However, this procedure is not fast, and therefore should be worried in advance. The registration of documents is engaged in the FSB border management. For citizens of the Russian Federation, permitting paper is issued within a month, and to foreign persons will have to wait about 60 days.

In order for the rest to become truly memorable, choose to travel to the Polar Ural Summer months - June, July, August.

Providing productive pastime and safety during the campaign is caused by a number of important conditions, including:

  • the presence of comfortable, warm clothes and shoes;
  • glasses with ultraviolet factor and protective body cream;
  • properly selected gear depending on the complexity and duration of the route;
  • anti-mosquito nets and ointments;
  • thoughtful diet for the entire period of stay (in no case alcohol can be used).

On the territory you should move only with clear weather and good visibility. Testing a uncomfortable condition or feeling bad, you always need to stop and make a small habit.

Get together or even washed in the river dangerous. The water is ice, the bottom almost all over the perimeter is stony and slippery, and the flow reaches 6 m / s. Also beginners are not recommended to be changed to the path in full alone, since there are no cases of receiving any injuries or guidelines.

During the campaign, it is impossible to create provocative and dangerous and surrounding moments.

In the event of a complex emergency situation and the impossibility of resolving the problem on their own, it is important not to lose composure. To try to quickly find a way to report your position to rescuers and not change locations before their arrival.

Touch the indescribable sensations and get a storm of positive emotions, you can even be an absolute newcomer, without having experience or a knowledgeable conductor nearby.

To obtain certain knowledge of the area, it is necessary to use any available means of modern information technologies. And only having studied detailed reports of permanent tourists, taking with them the necessary things and equipment with them, including navigation, should be changed to the path. The main condition for the implementation of any idea or cherished dream is a strong desire to which the maximum effort is required, and then everything will certainly succeed.

Both broke through the path through the watershed of the Ural Mountains. Starting in Europe, they flow through Asia. Refers to the river basin Ob, being her left influx.

Takes the beginning between two mountain arrays - sobc and paradise. The length of the river has 174 kilometers, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe pool is 6350 square kilometers. The width of the river from 30 to 60 meters, in the lower reaches it becomes wider.

The first description of the river refers to the late XVI century. The name happened from the old-circuit word, meaning property, belongings, kitomka. The Nenets call the Padyaka River - Kotomochny River. This indicates a long use of the river in transport purposes. On it passed through the "Stone" (Ural Mountains) to Siberia - Ugra.

Frozening at the end of October, such a liberated from ice only in late May - early June. In June, it is the most fulfilled. It can also be very spilled after the rains. In their upper and in the middle course, a typical mountain river with rapid flow, thresholds, shivers and rolling. One of the most difficult threshold in the village of Harp with three steps (the second category of complexity). In the upper reaches a lot of chalks.

The river does attract many tourists. The picturesque and fast river is great for tourist alloys. Water in the river is clean, transparent, but very cold. Frequent. Rich in fish, including Harius and Timen.

Before tourists, the Grand Landscapes of the Polar Urals opens. If you wish, you can make radial outputs to nearby vertices and mountain ranges. Popular hiking for a waterfall on the stream Northern Vocalomeshore and the Mountain Array of Paradise.

According to the banks of the river, the larch forest is growing, which solves problems with firewood, often relevant to the broader of the Polar Urals. Many berries and mushrooms.

After the mouth of the left tributary, Hanmey's river falls into the West Siberian Plain and acquires a flat character.

The Valley of the River Docod to the Polar Urals on the northern and southern parts, which differ markedly from each other.

According to the passage in the valley of the river, the Ural Mountains crosses the railway branch of the transpiolar highway in Harp and Labnyangi. Thanks to the presence of the railway, it is easy to get here (including the Moscow-Labytnangi and Vorkuta - Labnyangi) train here. There is a station of the same name.

Tourists start alloys from the village of Polar (stop 110 km), and finish in the village of Harp. The length of this area of \u200b\u200bthe river is 46 kilometers, easily passes in two days. If you wish, you can continue alloy to the village of Katoven, but it is located away from the railway and will need to negotiate the discharge.

Going to the Polar Ural, do not forget warm things, raincoats, money from mosquitoes!

Sate - River, taking his origin on the eastern slopes of the southern Polar Urals. Both passes through PGT HARP.

Both is the left influx of Ob and flows into her near the village of Katoveozh.

Length is 185 km, water profile area 5890 km². Power river mainly snow. Forewide in June - July. The average long-term annual water consumption (calculated) is about 50 m³ / s, the volume of annual flow is 1.5 km³. Major tributaries: Left - Hanmey and Big Pipedyna, on the right - a nut and haramatolow.


The river is popular with tourists, origins are located in the mountainous area. According to the river valley, the main part of the railway branch is held, which is a valid plot of transpiolar highway (currently - the Northern Railway). The acting section of the transpolar highway is entirely the railway branch of the Chum - Labytnangi (otherwise the designated Seian - Labytnangi, because at the station Chum, commodity operations are not produced). The part of the current plot, in the construction of which the advantages of the relief of the river river were used - this is Elletskaya - Harp. Thanks to good transport accessibility, it is popular with vodna tourists who have the routes of 1-4 categories of complexity on it.