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Symbol of Scotland Heather - Shrub of Immortality. Plant Heather - Use of Home, Medicine and Magic North Yorkshire, North York Moors National Park

Heather (Calluna) belongs to the heather family, and is represented by one type of heather ordinary. IN wildlife This evergreen shrub is common in Europe, Asia and North Africa.


An unpretentious plant is a slow-growing shrub with fluttering shoots rising above the surface of the soil for 30 - 40 cm. Small leaflets of heather can be painted in different colors: green, silver, red, bronze, yellow. The bloom of heather falls in August - October, the plants blooms a lot of small fragrant flowers of white, pink, crimson or dark blue.

Interesting! Heather is a national flower of Norway. And in the Polish, Belarusian and Ukrainian languages, the autumn month of September is named after this plant (Vessel, Virizen).

Version varieties

There are over 300 varieties of peers who occurred from the only species of an ordinary heather. All varieties can be divided into groups:

  • zelenoliste;
  • with silver foliage;
  • with green leaflets and snow-white flowering;
  • with bronze or yellow foliage;
  • with the terry structure of the flower.

For the climate of our country, the following varieties of heather were the most appropriate.

They are of interest of a variety with bronze and gold coloring foliage: Gold Had Haze, Arran Gold, Boskup.
You can admire the photo of the plant to appreciate the beauty of the heather.

Features of growing Verek

The plant is lightless, it grows perfectly on open sites and sunny slopes. You can plant your heather near the trees so that part of the day he was covered from the sun shadow from the tree crown. In a dense shadow, the bloom of heather is scanty and short.

To the nutritional soil, heather is undemanding. He needs acidic or neutral, well-drained soils. This is a plant of rocky embankments, sandy edges. coniferous forests. To create comfortable conditions for height height, mix sand, sour riding peat and garden ground with conifer opeglades, in proportion 1: 3: 2. On the bottom of the holes, when planting hens seedlings, drainage from crumbs, crushed or pebbles must be poured.

Heath roots get food from the soil using special view Mushrooms, forming symbiosis with them. Therefore, it is impossible to transplant the plant to new places, depriving it the familiar medium.

Important! When buying a sapling of heather, you need to pay attention to its appearance: the shoots should be flexible and elastic, the leaves are well held on the branches; The land into containers should not be too raw, there should be no mold and moss on the surface of the soil.

Methods of breeding

Methods of breeding

The plant can be multiplied with cuttings, seeds, the division of the bush and grain. The seed method is the most difficult and long, and not every gardener. Sowned to the nutritious and loose substrate seeds of heather spare around the month. Heath seedlings are growing in pots, with bright lighting and low temperature 2 years. Only seedlings on the third year of life can be planted in open sad.

Having in the garden adult herase bush, you can get planting materialBy making drag from the maternal bush. To do this, at the beginning of summer, 2 - 3 sprinkling escapes of heather pinch to the soil with a wire, and a little sprinkle the earth. During the season, in place of contact with the soil, the roots will grow. Next spring, Escape is cut off from the bush, and transplant to a new place.

The cuttings from the heath are cut in the middle of the summer, harvesting the twigs, at least 10 cm in length. Cuttings put on a prepared bed, with loose soil. Water and loose ground around the plants, not allowing the formation of soil crust. The next spring, the rooted heather seedlings can be transplanted with a large room of land permanently.

The division of the bush, the easiest and most affordable way to propagate the heather. In early June, it is necessary to start preparing a bush to divide. The soil around the plant is mounted with a layer of peat, falling asleep the root neck of the heather per 1 - 1.5 cm. Thus, the bush provoke on the extension of additional roots. At the end of the summer, the heath knocker is completely digging, the root part is cleaned from the soil, and is divided into parts. Each deleted should have top shoots. Cut roots are dismissed by charall.

Landing and care

Put the heather in open ground can be at the beginning of autumn or spring. Spring landing It is considered more favorable for the plant. The placement scheme of heather depends on the magnitude of the bush of this variety. Usually, per quarter. Meter Square Are accommodated up to 12 seedlings miniature varieties, and 6 - 7 large plants.

In the soil, the complex of mineral fertilizers is made before planting, and drainage is poured onto the bottom of the landing hole.

Soot heather so that the root neck is at the ground level. After planting, the bush is abundantly watered, and mulch the surface of the earth peat.

The plant does not tolerate drought and long-term heat. Therefore, watering is needed by a regular, but not excessive. At the time of summer heat, it is useful to irrigate the foliage of heather with warm water in the evenings. The surface of the earth around the plant should always be covered with a mulch from peat or pine crust.

Undercores are added twice a year: in spring to stimulate the growth of green mass, and at the end of summer for abundant flowering. Apply integrated mineral fertilizer (for example, Kemira-suite).

Since the third year of life, heather's bushes are subjected to forming pruning. The tops of the shoots are plugged, to stimulate the reflection of the side sprigs, the glands of the sprigs are shortened.

Diseases and pests heather is stable. Only, with an excess of moisture, can sow gray rot, muced dew. If on time to handle the landing of the foundazole or copper vigorous, the disease can be defeated.

For the winter, some varieties of heather and all young plants are recommended to cover. With the establishment of stable small frosts, in November, bushes fall asleep or wood chips. A pine yard is laid on a bush on top, or shelted Loutrasil layer. The shelter is removed in April, not forgetting to cut the mulch from the root cervix.


In the garden, with the help of heather, you can create wonderful colored and fragrant compositions. Combining different varieties Heather, you can create a color carpet under the trees, decorative from spring to deep autumn.

Plants of heather harmoniously look in rockers, on alpine Gorki. Beautiful combination You can get, planting heather next door with dwarf conifers, azalia, cereals.

But, the decorative properties of the benefits of heather is not limited. This is an excellent honey, valuable by its late bloom. From him, the bees collect amazing fragrant and thick heather honey.

Mustache in taste, gives Mödu piquancy. Vitamins and active substances included in the plant are fully stored in a sweet concentrate. Heath honey takes at bronchial asthma, disorders in the work of the stomach, inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Interesting! In Scotland, El, in which dried flowers, instead of hop. Heath El acquires a special floral fragrance, appreciated by the connoisseurs of this drink.

The drug properties of the heath of ordinary are known. Its leaves, flowers and roots have disinfectant, soothing, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. Vegetable raw materials are harvested since the end of summer, until late autumn. Champs, infusions, teas, baths and compresses are used with such a littleness:

  • insomnia;
  • ulcer;
  • rheumatism;
  • cold;
  • stomatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • gout.

Vitamin tea from the colors of heather, rosehip leaves and strawberries. It will help heal the cold, will calm down. For relaxation, baths with infusion of peers are used (50 g of flowers insisted in 10 liters of boiling water half an hour), it will help such a bath with skin manifestations of allergies.

In diseases of the joints, rheumatism, help relieve pain compresses from alcohol tincture Heath. For her preparation, dry chopped roots of the plant poured 70% alcohol. The tincture matures 2 weeks in a dark place, store the medicine in the refrigerator.

Summing up the article, you can say, heather is not only beautiful decorative shrub, but also useful medicinal plantcapable of saving a person from many diseases.

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According to the ancient legend of the Scottish people, God asked against plants, who of them want to be on bare mountain slopes, which are mercilessly blown away by the wind? The only one who responded to the question was heather. For this, God awarded him endurance, beautiful lush flowering and beautiful aroma.

Heath ordinary - is a representative of shrubs from the family of heers. The leaves have a tetrahed form, scaly. The height of the heather reaches about 25 cm. Types of shrubs are separated by the shade of its leaves.

Leaves are the most diverse color: green, silver, yellow, orange, bronze and even brown and red. Blooms in the form of a hand in which is going to a large number of Small fragrant flowers pink, Purple, White, Cherry or Raspberry Shades. The flowering period falls on July-August. At this time, the heather is inconspicuous at first glance turns into a multicolored fragrant carpet that can decorate the most gloomy stone wasteland.

Plant for a long time Saws for inflorescences, which even in the dried form remains bright juicy shades to late autumn. At first glance, it is not even impossible to think that the plant hungf.

On the title photo. Modern variety of heather of ordinary Peter Sparkes.

It is impossible to determine the exact place of origin of the plant. It is distributed in the north-west of America, as well as throughout the European continent with the most different climatic conditions: from Siberia to the Mediterranean, in Morocco and the territories of the Azores.

There are several versions of how heather was brought to American mainland. One of them states that in ancient times the plant was used in a dry form to stinging the mattresses. Traveling, they could easily get on the ship from Europe to America. The ancient legend of the Scots contains and a certain proportion of truth: heather is able to survive and affect beautiful blossoms on the most lifeless harsh corners of nature with a complex climate: empty, peatlands, mountains, waste, swamps - any such territory can be its habitat.

Stems and flowers heather found their use in everyday life from ancient times. So the word itself translated from Scottish literally means "cleaning" due to the fact that the broom did from the plant. The leaves were used for the manufacture of a yellow dye. From herasska even prepared alcoholic drink - heath El. (beer analog).

Views of Veska

His name heather leads from greek, Word kalunei. means "clean". The name of this plant can be found in Varensky, then he was called "Varesnets" or "Inimes".

The plant is presented in its kind in one species - Heath ordinary (lat. Calluna vulgaris)But it distinguishes about 500 different varieties that differ from each other with decorative differences in the characteristics of leaves and colors. Due to their numerous varieties, it is customary to divide into 6 groups on general grounds:

  • with green leaves;
  • with green leaves and white flowers;
  • with a silver raid on the leaves;
  • with a golden raid on the leaves;
  • with a terry structure of colors;
  • with a non-expanding structure of colors.

For cultivation in the Russian climate, not all shrub varieties were suitable. Consider the most popular among them.

  • Sort "SARMEN" - he was led in 1968 in Holland, refers to a group of plants with green leaves. Initially, he was considered to be mutated, but then registered in a separate variety. The shrub is evergreen, has a rounded shape and a height of up to 40 cm. The spherical form is achieved due to the width of the bush about 50 cm. Leaves of a dark green shade, bark - brown. Flowers belts up to 20 cm long, flowers pink-purple. The flowering period in different territories of Russia is different due to the variety of climatic conditions. In the European part of the country, the flowering period falls on the middle of August-End of September, in Moscow and the region - from September to October. Heather Sort "Sarmen" is best to plant on a brightly lit plot. The plant is frost-resistant, but it will not be superfluous with the help of a fabric.
  • Version's variety "Hammondii"It is a representative of a group of plants with green leaves and white flowers. The homeland shrub is England, where he was led in 1850. It is an evergreen shrub of a spherical shape (height - 40 cm, the crown width is 50 cm). Leaves small. Bark brown color. Bills with flowers reach the length of 20 cm. It grows well on a bright illuminated area. The maximum increment of shoots shows on fertile peat soils. The variety is often used by landscape designers to create compositions or as part of the heather gardens. Shrub frost-resistant, but to protect against too low temperatures It will be worthwhile to cover it with a sweetheart.

  • Among the varieties with silver coloring leaves highlight heather "Jan Dekker"which is valued for the compact size (the height of about 15 cm, the crown width is about 30 cm). Color brushes are dense, the flowers themselves have a pink-purple shade. The leaves are slightly pubescent, due to which silver color is achieved. The flowering period falls on September.
  • Heather Melanie (Calluna vulgaris "Melanie") - evergreen shrub of a compact form with a height of 50 to 60 cm. Leafs reach a length from 1 to 3 cm, a needle shape of a light green shade. The flowering period falls on the autumn months - September, October. Inflorescences consist of white flowers. Lightwater shrub, but can carry light half. It is well tolerating heat, but may suffer from early coming autumn frosts. Trimming the bush is made in early spring.

  • Version "Beoley Gold" Refers to a group of plants with a golden color of the leaves. The shrub has an empty shape, height reaches about 35 cm, the crown width varies from 50 to 60 cm. White shade flowers, brushes reach about 12 cm length. The flowering period falls on September.
  • Version's variety "Kinlochruel" He is a representative of a group of plants with terry flowers. The bush is thick, wide, the height is about 25 cm, the crown in diameter can reach about 40 cm. The variety is valued for snow-white terry flowers collected in lush brushes. Flowering period - September.
  • Vessel's varieties are unusually looking, having unsecured flowers. These include "David Eason" - shrub of the spark-shaped small height (20 cm) and a spreaded crown (25 cm). Dark green leaf leaves, pink flowers with purple, brushes are narrow. Flowering period - September.

Plant breeding methods. Rules landing

Heather can multiply in several ways: cuttings, discharge and seeds.

  1. In reproduction of cuttings For their landing, deep wells are used, dug apart from 50 cm from each other. Do not block the root neck of the plant. The soil in the hole is good to ravage, pour and climb sawdust or peat. If the cutting plant is carried out in heavy soil with an admixture of clay, then a good drainage layer should be put on the bottom of each well.
  2. Split heather outpacing It is quite simple: an adult bush eventually will form a lot of processes embraced on Earth. It is enough to fix one process on the soil, sprinkle it a bit and wait for the early development of an independent root system. Then the seedling will be ready for a transplant to a permanent place.
  3. Growing heather seeds - The longest and time-consuming method. Heath seeds dried on a layer nutrient soil And they are waiting for the first shoots about 21 days. The sprouts obtained are transplanted into spacious boxes. In open soil, heather can be transferred only after 2 years.
  4. The most common method of breeding heather - adult bush rhizoma division. Old stems are removed, each melon is placed in a new well.

Properly implemented landing of shrubs - the key to his future good height and abundant flowering.

You can plant heather in open ground as in spring and autumn.

The experimental way is established that the plant is best forbidden when planting it in spring. Indeed, with this method, the shrub will have more chances to build a powerful root system capable of transferring winter frosts. Additional protection in winter lies in the shelter with a sweetheart, leaves or sawdust.

Heather Dark Beauty

Plant care rules

Heath Care lies in regular abundant irrigation, controlling the level of soil acidity, making annual feeding (about 40 g of feeding on square meter). In the looser of the soil, not all types of plants need - in some species root system It is too close to its surface and may be damaged.

The rules for the care of heather in different territories of our country will contain some differences due to too different climatic conditions. So natural factors The Urals and the Moscow region with possible harsh and frosty winters, spring and autumn frosts require additional presence on the shrub of the underfloor material. Summer in these zones can be both abnormally dry and rainy, so watering mode needs to be adjusted in each individual case.

Planting a pot. Farming

Denote the basic rules for the care of the heather shrub in room conditions:

  1. For watering use only soft dilated water room temperature. Rain water is also suitable.
  2. It is necessary to water abundantly. Multiplicity - as the upper layer drying. Shrub does not tolerate soil drying.
  3. The content temperature of the heather in the summer varies from 18 to 25 degrees, in winter - from 8 to 12 degrees of heat.
  4. The room must regularly ventilate for influx fresh air, But from draft heather it is better to protect.
  5. In the spring and summer period, the heather needs regular spraying with soft water. This will help to avoid pest infections.
  6. Periodically make a substrate more acidic, bringing sulfur or fir bore to it.
  7. As the root system grows, the heather replanted into a large container. Earthman does not violate. Transplant frequency - once a year.
  8. Regular shrub trimming, which stimulates more active growth and flowering.

Heather in Landscape Design

Shrub love all over the world due to the possibility of forming a bright and memorable landscape from it. The color manifold of the shrub allows you to create endless combinations. You can use the landing only from one shade of heather, however, the combined flower bed will look much more effectively. Middle varieties of heather will make it possible to choose a variety different period So that in the end it was possible to get a garden, blooming from early spring to late autumn.

A. Barto

Heather - nonsense, but charming flower. His small lilac-pink flowers resemble the bells and densely planted on the branches. Maths were made to the pinkish-purple clouds, because their flowers and leaflets are rather small, but they are very numerous. The Plant of the Versekov family includes only one species, and its name comes from an ancient Greek "Kalynein" - "clean", because since the heather began, since the heather. The plant, settled on the territory of Russia, was called from the Violence "Washing" - "Inay". Our great-grandparents were quite poetic - it seemed to them that the shoots of this plant covers the frost. From Irish and Gaelle languages \u200b\u200bbehind the heather, the name "Fraoh" was entrenched. This word is translated as "militant." About the Welly Goddend of this Plant - Uroika - sources that came from Romance Switzerland. Her name seemed to be some medium between URA and "Ereice" - one of their names of heather.
Heath "says" in the language of plants, depending on his color: - Promises protection and coming desire. The plant - promises loneliness and admiration. And the pink wishes good luck.

Heath bloom marked the offensive of the time of fun and freedom of choice. Sweet fragrance of summer, the delightful taste of honey ... Belts beliefs coming to us belief that in the middle of summer, when the heather field turns into buzzing hives, the goddess itself will seem in the image of the queen's bee. Women seducers, the goddess of love who hosts the king of oak, before the fire will absorb - that's what heather means. The plant is, according to believing, brings happiness, because it stores acts from the uncontrolled passion. The bee for Celts personified, and moderate intoxication they considered the way to open the curtain between the worlds to chat with the gods and. Versereal El, who drank during summer rites, created a festive atmosphere, helped muses of poetry, singing and music to enter the society of people and filmed prohibitions.


Heather - nonsense flower, not lush, but charming. Small lilac pink flowershe is similar to bells and densely scattered on branches-inflorescences.

Flowers and leaves of heather are small, but there are a lot of them on one plant, - so the blooming thickets of heather from afar look like gentle pinkish-purple clouds.

In the mountaineers, it is usually grown without wild heather, but its cultural varieties.

In 1994, 18 Version varieties were presented to the Chief Botanical Garden in Moscow by German specialists.

The name of this kind relating to family of Vereskovy and includes only one species, comes from the ancient Greek word Kalynein - "clean", because from ancient times, the heather was used for the manufacture of blizzard.)))

Despite modest sizes heatherit is a relative of large-scale rhododendron I. strawberry tree . As well as blueberries, Barberry, Cranberries, Big.

Wild-growing heast grows in Russia in pine forests, on the edges and stony slopes, as well as on peat swamps.

Scotlandalso called the country of the heather honey, and in ancient Scotland heather was depicted on the coat of arms of one of the clans.

Legends about heather

The old Scottish legend states that humble Heather was the only one who at the request of God agreed to grow on bare, blown down the slopes of the hills. For this, God awarded his heightened endurance and natural charm, as well as the aroma and the qualities of the honey.

Once upon a time one Scottish Princess Waiting for Returns his husband from a military campaign. The only thing that remains from her beloved is a white silk scarf and memories of the days spent together. The princess was smelled all eyes and one of her tear fell on a purple peesk flower. In the same moment, the flower became white, like a silk scarf beloved. The legend is silent than this story ended.

I want to believe that the wife still waited for her husband from the war - because since then white heather is considered in Scotland with a symbol of good luck.

Heather is dedicated to the Roman and Sicilian Venus Ericita, and in Egypt and Phenicia - Iside. Brother Isis, Osiris was sharpened in heather in Bible, where she went to his searches. Seth ruined Osiris, threw his coffin into the river. River waves delivered a coffin with an Osiris corpse to the shores Hebala (bibl), Threw him to land, and he remained lying on a young heather sprout. While Isis wandered, heather managed to grow up, surrounded by the Coffin of Osiris and hid it inside his trunk. And after a while the king of Gebala, walking, saw a beautiful tree and commanded him to cut down and make a column from him for his palace.

In Japan still exists a tradition burn out on Vakakusayama , Mount Vakakus .. Now this is an unusual festival (January 12), and before the Mount Vakakus, the monks set fire to the heather, whose thickets (Verperatov), \u200b\u200breached 33 hectares (80 acres), after which the warren's monks shot down his flame.

perhaps it:

a) an attempt to solve a 1000-year-old dispute about the border between the two temples of Nara;
b) effective method Reduce the population of various fineness;
c) the remains of the ancient Japanese hunting equipment.

Magical application

Heather is used in magical rituals for cleansing housing and yard from unclean power and evil spirits.

Heather accelerates any witchcraft. It is good to suck in the garden, best with the eastern and northern sides. It will bring protection to your home, good luck and financial welfare you.

White heather protects against violence, and heath El.- Healing drink - carries comfort.

The most famous legenda

Once a long time ago on the northern herasshed fields of Scotland, brave and strong people - Pictages. Only they owned secrets of cooking a miraculous drink - heather honey, giving people strength and youth. The King of Scotland decided to master the mystery and sent his army to this tribe to learn everything about drink. But the freedom-loving and proud people did not reveal the mystery of the preparation of the drink and took it into the grave.

Robert Stevenson recreated the legend of the tragedy flewing on the heather fields and wrote a ballad "Heath Honey". I always remember this legend when I see heather in the woods ...

Archaeologists believe that the heather was used in everyday life another 4000 years ago. During the excavations, a prehistoric village was discovered in Skara Bray. One of the items found during the excavation was the rope from the stems of heather. Subsequently, the heather was used to cover the roofs of churches and houses, weave baskets and barefoot, as well as for the manufacture of a miraculous drug - the oldest in the history of Britain fermented drink (welded and informative). The recipe of this drink, heather ale, was transmitted from generation to generation.

Heather (Norv. R? Slyng) - National Flower of Norway.

When the Lord created Scotland, he looked at the bare slopes of the hills and decided that they had to decorate something.

God asked about this giant oak, the most mighty of all trees, but the oak rejected the proposal, referring to the fact that the soil here is too weak so that he can let his strong roots and flourish.

Then the Lord turned to the fragrant golden honeysuckle flowers with a request to give their beauty and fragrance with naked slopes of Scotland. But the honeysuckle refused, because I did not see anything else, except for the non-microgenic and hungry area, unsuitable for flowering.

The royal rose, the most sweet of all colors, was the next one to whom the Lord turned. But she explained that her tender petals were not able to withstand harsh winds and endless rains.

The disappointed Lord decided to stop his attempts and leave everything as it was, and suddenly his gaze fell on a small modest low-rising green shrub with tiny flowers: white and purple. It was a heather!

The Lord asked heather, whether he was ready to settle on these lifeless hills to make them beautiful. The heather looked at the poor soil, harsh climate and doubted whether he could cope with such a task, but, to the joy of God, agreed and promised to do everything in his power.

The delightful Lord decided to reward a brave plant with generous awards and granted him: the power of oak - the bark of heather is stronger than the bark of any other tree or shrub; The aroma of the honeysuckle is a gentle aroma of heather used in the manufacture of fragrant soap, candles and cosmetic products; Made a flexible as Iva, and allowed to grow wherever no other plant could settle. God awarded him with increased endurance and natural charm, as well as the aroma and the qualities of the honey.

To this day, the heather has three divine gifts and decorates the desert Scottish hills, despite the soil, rain and wind.

On another old Scottish legend, once a long time ago, one princess was waiting for his husband's return from a military campaign. The only thing that remains from her beloved is a white silk scarf and memories of the days spent together. The princess was smelled all eyes and one of her tear fell on a purple peesk flower. In the same moment, the flower became white, like a silk scarf beloved. This story ended well.

The princess still waited for her husband from the war, he returned the whole and unsolved. Since then, white heather is considered in Scotland a symbol of good luck.

Over another legend, brave and strong people lived in Scotland - Picts. Only they owned secrets of cooking a miraculous drink - heather honey, giving people strength and youth. The King of Scotland decided to master the mystery and sent his army to this tribe to learn everything about drink. But the freedom-loving and proud people did not reveal the mystery of the preparation of the drink and took it into the grave.

Heather was used and in the production of heers and the traditional Scottish strong beer, the first mentions of which are dated II century to N. e.

Scotland is also called the country of heresy honey, and in ancient Scotland heather was depicted on the coat of arms of one of the clans.

Heather really possesses the therapeutic effect - the cooler, disinfectant, soothing, sleeping pills, wounding.

In Japan, there is still a tradition to burn heather on Vakakusayama, Vakakus Mountain. Now this is an unusual festival (January 12), and earlier on the mountain vakakus, the monks set fire to the heather, whose thickets (Verpera) reached 33 hectares (80 acres), after which the warren's monks shot off his flame.

Heather is used in magical rituals for cleansing dwellings and yard from unclean strength and evil spirits.

White heather protects against violence, and heather El is a healing drink - brings comfort.

Robert Stevenson recreated the legend of the tragedy flewing on the heather fields, and wrote the ballad "Heath Honey".

Heather accelerates any witchcraft. It is good to suck in the garden, best with the eastern and northern sides. It will bring protection to your home, good luck and financial well-being to you.

To get rid of the witchcraft sent to the house (when everything breaks down in the house, in the room, despite regular ventilation, it is a plunge air, there is an appearance of many insects) it is necessary to lay down the room with heather. Do it need several times, first time - in the first evening full Moon, and then 4 times, after two evenings on the third. As soon as the moon appears in the sky, you need to take so many white saves as the premises in the house (including the storage room and the toilet). At each silent, lay out the slide dried heather. Starting from entrance doors, Go against the clockwise course, put one saucer with your heather in each room. In the room we will enhance your heather and, holding a saucer in hand in front of me, 3 times go around the room counterclockwise. Then put the saucer with an invertible heather in the extreme right corner from the door. After that, go to the following room and do the same. Early in the morning, collect all the saucers with the ashes of heather, put the ashes and entee it in the field, next to the house. On the third evening and another 3 times repeat the same thing.