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Growing a strawberry tree from seeds at home. Strawberryman - technology of growing at home and in the open soil. Landing, reproduction, care. Agrotechnology. Billet, berry storage. Harvesting a strawberry tree where it grows in Russia

Strawberry tree at home can be grown from seeds. Sowing is held year-round.

Conditions for growing

Before sowing, the seeds for 60 days are stratified in the planting mixture consisting of the upper peat (70%) and sand (30%), after which they are soaked in warm water for 6-7 days. Sowing is made in a drained ground at a depth of 1.5 cm. The container with a plant is placed in a warm place. As the soil drying, watering is carried out. The first shoots will appear in 2-3 months.

For the growing of the strawberry tree, an earthy mixture is required, taken from under wood plants. In the summer period, seeds exhibit on open airAnd in the winter they contain in the cool room.

An adult strawberry tree plant in special care does not need. Regular watering is needed during the period of vegetation and fruiting. In the period of growth, 2 times a month requires a compost. In winter, the feeding is held once a month, but only if the tree is in a heated room. At a temperature of less than 10-11 ° C, the feeding is not needed.

Strawberry tree grown from seeds in room conditions, reaches a height of no more than 1 m. His bloom comes for the second year after sowing and lasts from September to December.

Care for strawberry tree at home

  • Location and lighting.

Plant on a bright place, but not under the right sunlight. The room must be used. Optimal temperature mode In the summer - 18-22 ° C, in winter - 8-10 ° C. Summer shrub can be taken on fresh air.

  • Watering.

Watering should be regular and abundant, but without overflows. Especially follow the sufficient moisture content of the earthen coma during the period of active growth and ripening of fruits. Water should be soft, estimated.

  • Air humidity.

In spraying does not need.

  • Soil and transplant.

Young plants transplant once every 2 years, more adults - as needed.

  • Feeding.

The landscape need to fertilize, feeding only in the spring and summer complex fertilizer 1 time in 2 weeks. In the fall and in winter at temperatures below 12 ° C, the plant is not fed. In the warm room, feed 1 time per month.

  • Reproduction.

The strawberry tree is multiplied with seeds or top cuttings.

  • Other.

The plant moves well molding and trimming. Can be grown in bonsai culture.

Botanical name: Strawberry tree or Kudania (Cornus Capitata). Refers to the Family Family.

Motherland Strawberry Tree: East Asia.


The soil: Weakly acidic, nutritional mixture consisting of ground, humus, peat and sand.

Watering: moderate.

Maximum height: 6 m.

Average life expectancy: 50 years.

Landing: Seeds, cuttings, root thrill.

Description of strawberry tree and his photo

Kudania is a fast-growing leaf fall tree, up to 6 m high. The leaves are small, pale, yellowish-green, all-string or rare-closed.

The fruits are rounded, in diameter 2-3 cm, when ripened red or burgundy, have an external similarity with silky and. Their pulp juicy, fragrant, sweet, with a pleasant taste resembling persimmon. Inside contain numerous small seeds. The first fruits appear for 5-6 years of tree life. Individuals that have reached 10 years bring the richest crops. One tree gives 150-200 kg of fruits.

In the wild form, the strawberry tree grows in the countries of East Asia. Cultivated in the south of Russia.

it exotic plant Heat and light-cuply. Soil is due to the soil, but it develops better in weakly acidic nourishing earth walls with good drainage. Propasses seeds, cuttings, root pig.

In the warm climate is grown in open soil. Can be used as a pot culture.

Application. Kudania is grown mainly to obtain fruits, used for landscaping streets and garden sites, as well as for fixing the soil.

Thanks to the large sugar content and the minimum quantity of acids, the sweet strawberry tree fruits are used in the fresh form. In addition, they go to the manufacture of compotes, jam, jam, jelly.

Growing strawberry tree

The most common method of reproduction of this culture is shilling. However, the rooting of cuttings can last 3-4 months. The rooted cuttings are seated in separate containers, pre-filled them with coarse-grained sand and vermiculite. It should be noted that in a new place, seedlings are very slow. For better survival, after transplanting, they are watered with a solution of the crystal and spray with growth-stimulants.

We breed smoke and with the help of root row. For this, the mother's plant is carefully separated from the mother plant, sear them into small containers and watered the corneser solution. Root offspring quickly come true, begin to actively grow, and reach about 1 m in a year.

When growing strawberry wood, regular care is needed. In the spring, too long shoots are removed, and shoots growing up, either inside the crown. In summer, conducting forming trimming.

Botanical name: Strawberry tree, or strawberry, or Arbutus (Arbutus). Entry strawberry tree, family of heers.

Homeland of the strawberry tree: America, Western Europe.

Lighting: Svetigubily.

The soil: Fertile, nutritious, drained.

Watering: moderate.

Maximum height: 5 m.

Average life expectancy: more than 100 years.

Landing: Seeds.

Description of the plant Strawberry tree: photo of fruits

The strawberry tree refers to the genus of evergreen plants. All its species are characterized by slow growth, smooth, reddish or brown bark and curved branches.

This culture is a low, broad-sized shrub or a low-layer tree height of 3-5 m. Separate types of landscapes can reach up to 12 m in height.

Tree trunk orange or reddish. The bark is annually changing, while there is a characteristic rustling sound, for which the plant was called "whisper". Leaves are regular, leathery, all-string, up to 8 cm long, dark green.

White or yellowish flowers are collected in reprehension and cowned blinks, reminiscent of blueberry flowers. Flowers in May.

Multi-free fruits, rounded fires covered with low growths. Puffed flies, sour-sweet. To taste, the color and consistency looks like a garden strawberry. The meakty contains small seeds. The berries of Arbutus are rich in vitamin C. Ripened and leaving some time the fruits of the strawberry tree have a sweet taste and a pleasant aroma.

The strawberry tree is grown from seeds and with cuttings.

Where does the strawberry tree grow?

Where does the strawberry tree grow? In a wild form, this individual grows in Mexico, America, Western Europe, Mediterranean, South Switzerland, Tyrol, Ireland. Mounts on the hills, stony slopes.

Like other representatives of the heather family, this plant develops well as a fertile, rich nutrient substances, drained soil and heavy loam. Prefers open areas lit by the sun. Drought-resistant. In abundant irrigation does not need. Frost resistance average. Withstand temperatures up to - 15 ° C. For the winter, young seedlings should be stolen.


Berries are consumed in a fresh form, and also used for the preparation of desserts and alcoholic beverages. Stored dried and frozen. The shelf life of the dried fruits in the conditions of a lying at room temperature It is 1-2 years. For longer storage, berries are placed in hermetic container. 100 g of fruits contain 28 kcal.

All parts of this plant are used in medicine and pharmacology. Flowers make sweat remedies. Leaves, roots and bores are used for diseases of the urogenital system. The hood from the cortex serves to stick the leather, and is also used as a brown dye. Furniture, lathes, caskets, souvenirs, clock cases and more are manufactured from wood.

Arbutus is valued as decorative culture. Due to its unpretentiousness, growing conditions and attractiveness is perfect plant For landing on garden sites And in urban parks.

The basic man is a good honey, but honey derived from his nectar has a bitter taste.

Growing a strawberry tree from seeds at home

A strawberry tree at home can be grown from seeds completely rided fruits taken in autumn. Sowing is held year-round. Before sowing, the seeds for 60 days are stratified in the planting mixture consisting of the upper peat (70%) and sand (30%), after which they are soaked in warm water for 6-7 days. Sowing is made in a drained ground to a depth of 1.5 cm. The container with a plant is placed in a warm, shaded place. As the soil drying, watering is carried out. The first shoots will appear in 2-3 months.

For the growing of the strawberry tree, an earthy mixture is required, taken from under wood plants. In the summer, Arbutus is exposed to open air, in the winter it contains in a cool room.

Adult plant strawberry tree does not need special care. Regular watering is needed during the period of vegetation and fruiting. In the period of growth 2 times a month, feeding is required. In winter, the feeding is held once a month, but only if the tree is in a heated room. At a temperature of less than 10 - 11 ° C, the feeding is not needed.

A strawberry tree grown from seeds in room conditions reaches a height of no more than 1 m. His bloom comes for the second year after sowing, lasts from September to December.

The strawberry book and the top cuttings, taken in August-September in young individuals. In the first winter they are placed in a greenhouse, and in the spring after the end of the frozen planting in an open ground.

In the people of Arbutus, annually dropping the bark, called the "Shamelessness" name. This characteristic feature is explained by the fact that the trees growing in a hot, wet tropical climate are attacked by plants - parasites (epiphytes), which are trying to settle in cracks of the crust. Therefore, the strawberry tree is exempt from the bark and does not give rooting epiphytes.

Strawberry tree (Arbutus) - evergreen heat-loving plantHigh-decorative qualities. It is especially attractive during the flowering and ripening of fruits, which externally resemble berries sad strawberry. This is easy to make sure only looking at the photo of a tree with ripening fruits. For such a similarity, the plant received its name.

Description of plants, varieties and varieties

Arbutus - slow-growing plants. At the age of 10 years, they reach a height of only 2.5 m, and by 50 years - 5 m. Are long-livers. Reference to the heather family. Grow out in the form of a large shrub or a lowered tree.

There are about 14 species of this plant. The most famous can be attributed two of them:

  • Arbutus Unedo. - A strawberryman ordinary, or strawberry tree Large-door;

Strawberry tree large-way

  • Arbutus Andrachne. - Strawberry tree Red - culture with small fruits.

Strawberry tree red

In the cultivation, the Arbutus is more common. Culture is not a frost-resistant, in the harsh winters the plant can extinate. Therefore, on the territory climatic zone Middle strip And the Moscow region is grown in closed soil, greenhouses, winter gardens and in residential premises.

The strawberry tree is valued for decorative qualities. The trunk of the red-brown shades plants, the branches of the bizarre, the leaves of the leathery, oval shape, emerald green. White, cream or pale pink flowers in the form of lanterns are assembled in pan. Rubra variety flowers are distinguished by a more rich pink shade.

Rubra variety blossom

The fruits are edible, when ripening red-orange, which in combination with bright green foliage looks very attractive, just to see the photo of the plant during the ripening of fruits. Characteristic feature Strawberry is an annual drop of the bark. It fell, exposing the trunk with the young, pistachio color Bora, with some rustling and crackling, for which the plant was called "whisper".

The strawberry tree has a property to reset the bark

Landing strawberry

In the suburbs, the strawberry tree is grown, mainly like potted culture. The plant can withstand only minor and short frosts, but it is not capable of carrying strong frosts. You can buy an already ready-made seedling of Arbutus or grow a tree from the seeds of rided fruits.

The process of planting and growing from seeds consists of several stages:

  • for 2 months, seed stratification in the substrate consisting of 7 parts of the ruggage peat, mixed with 3 parts of river sand;
  • soak after this seeds for a week in warm water;
  • fall into the soil to a depth of 1.5 cm, put the container into a warm and shaded place;
  • with the advent of shoots (within 2-3 months), sometimes sprinkle the sprouts and, without bringing to the complete drying of the Earth, water.

Saplings of strawberry tree

The strawberry tree can grow well in almost any soil - in dense and loose, in acidic and alkaline. For his growing indoors, any universal soil is quite suitable.

Council. For the best survival of the landscape, there will be a fair version of it in the soil scored from under wood plants.

Strawberry Tree: Care

This plant is surprisingly unpretentious. Caring for it consists in:

  • regular watering during the vegetation of soft watering water;
  • sufficient feeders;
  • ensuring the rest period in winter.

The optimum temperature for growing a strawberry is 20-25 degrees. This is a light-loving plant, requires good lighting. When the content in closed rooms, it is desirable for the summer to place a tree in the fresh air, having it on the sunny, not blowable the windows (the gazebo or balcony is suitable). IN winter time After the end of the fruiting, he needs to secure peace. The most favorable temperature for it during this period is from 3 to 10 degrees.

Strawberry tree with winter garden

Watering during flowering and the formation of fruits should be regular, moderately abundant, without strong oveurgement of the soil. The plant is considered to be drought-resistant, additionally spray it is not necessary. In winter, in the coolness, watering is significantly limited.

The trimming for the formation of the barning crown is usually not done, only sanitary - in order to remove weak, damaged dried branches.

Attention! This culture loves fresh air. The room where the plant is located, it is necessary to periodically ventilate.

Fertilizer and subordinate

In the spring and summer, they carry out the plants with compost or manure 2 times a month. When the house is maintained, a comprehensive fertilizer is usually used. For stimulation of growth, nitrogen and potash fertilizers are used. In winter, at temperatures below 10-12 degrees, feeding is not carried out.

Reproduction of a strawberry

In this culture, 2 methods of reproduction are used - seed and the top cuttings of the young plant. They are cut in August and hold the first winter in a greenhouse, planting in the soil in the spring with the end of frosts. The cuttings, taken from the old tree, are practically not taken away.

Sprouts of the strawberry tree

Pests and diseases

Strawberry tree is resistant to disease. If the irrigation mode is not compared and excessive soil moisturizes is the likelihood of the appearance of fungal diseases, they are determined by brown spots on the foliage. And the main pest is cobed tick. He loves to settle on this plant, which adversely affects its development.

Strawberryman - beautiful decorative plant With edible fruits, during the maturation of which it looks especially picturesque. For proper growing and population leave long years Will serve decoration winter Garden or residential premises.

How to grow strawberry tree: video

Strawberry tree: photo

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Kudenia triostrene or strawberry tree (Lat. Cudrania Tricuspidata., Flower family) - a perennial leaf fall tree (may have a shape of a bush) with spiny branches, a wide and spreaded crown, inhabiting in a tropical and subtropical climate. The life expectancy of the plant is on average 50 years, while it can grow to 6 m in height. Kudna is known as a fruit tree with very juicy and gentle, sweet berries that combine the taste of persimmon fruits, figs and watermelon. It is cultivated at home in Motherland, in East Asia (Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Nepal), as well as in China, where the landing of Kudania can be found at an altitude of 500 m to 2200 m above sea level, Iran, Afghanistan.

Use it for landscaping territories and how live hedge. Powerful root system The tree contributes to the fixing of the soil, and the leaves serve as a valuable feed for silkworms. The branches of Kudania are known as a source for the production of a valuable in the textile industry of a yellow dye. The cort is used as a raw material for the production of paper. Wood Kudania has high strength, ease and beautiful texture, which determines its application for manufacture musical instrumentsas well as in souvenir and furniture production.

Kudania - the plant is downtown. Her inflorescences located in the sneakers of the leaves singly or in pairs are made up of men's or female flowers. Men's flowers are distinguished by a large size (their diameter is about 5 mm) than women's (from 1 to 1.5 mm). Blossom is late, in May - June. And the full ripening of the berries can be completed after the leaves fell. Schora Fruits of Kudania in a ripened condition possess bright red or burgundymay have up to 2.5 - 5 cm in diameter, and the appearance resemble very large raspberry or mulberry. Inside them are small brown grains. Both fruits and crop leaves contain white milk.

Berries are rich in vitamins (B, C, P), routine, carotine, pectins, glycosides, iron. The amount of acids in them is very limited, so it is recommended to use them to people suffering from the gastric ulcers or a twelve-point of the intestine, when heartbuilding, elevated arterial pressure, metabolic disorders, anemia, to improve the functional abilities of the liver and spleen.

Known also known healing properties Plant bark. Her decoction has a strong antiseptic effect and promotes healing wounds. For the treatment of burn, ulcerative lesions, use powder from the dried bark of Kudania. The fruits of this culture are distinguished by very low intense, so immediately after harvesting, they must be used in food, or recycle on jam, jam, compote, Morse. Dried berries brew both tea.

Kudania prefers neutral or weakly acidic, well-drained soils ( optimal option - Suglinki). For her cultivation, the mixture is perfect derdy land (2 parts) with humus (1 part), peat (1 part) and sand (1 part). Very bad plant reacts to excessive moisturizing and wet climate; Unusually light and heat-loving: it does not grow in the shade, and when the soil is frozen, it may die.

To protect Kudani from low temperatures in the cold season, resort to the shelter of the lower part of the trunk and priority Circle fallen leaves, peat, sawdust, and large branches - underfloor nonwoven materials (agrofiber, spunbond, etc.). With age, the frost resistance of Kudania rises. Some of her representatives may be unwound to survive frosts up to - 28 - 30 ° C. This endurance to cold is distinguished by plants grown from seeds. But their fruiting begins only on the tenth year of life, while Kudania, grown in a vegetative way, the first berries appear by 3 to 4 years, and at 10 years it is capable of producing full-fledged yields (up to 180 - 200 kg from one plant).

As a rule, in medium latitudes, greater preference is given to the cultivation of Kudania in room conditions. In addition, this plant is easily formed and known as excellent material for creating bonsai. Kudania can be breeding vegetatively (cuttings, root pig) and seeds. The best result is obtained when rooting off the root row. Each escape separated from the tree - donor is placed in an individual pot, at the bottom of which the drainage layer is located (at least 3 cm), sprinkled from above loose, nutritious soil. Such seedlings are distinguished by intensive growth and by the end of the first year of life can reach a height of 1 m.

The bedroom is formed as a low-suite village with a compact crown. It should be remembered that this plant has a rather long rest period. In the middle or end of November, after falling out the leaves, it is recommended to be transferred to the cool, preferably unheated premises With low temperatures. If the air indoors is very dry, it is moisturized by a spray gun.

In March, Kudania begins the growing season, so the plant is placed in a well-lit, warm place, protecting initially from the action of direct sun ray. In the spring, during the first years of life, the village needs a thorough trimming, which consists in the removal of all vertical and growing the crown of shoots. With the onset of real heat, Kudania is desirable to move to open Grokes, placing a pot with a plant on an open soil, or a joining it directly into the soil. In the summer, it is also necessary to periodically cut forward and pinch the shoots in order to prevent strong thickening of the crown and contribute to its proper formation. In a strong heat, it is recommended to water the plant and spray with water to its crown.