Repairs Design Furniture

The normative service life of the substrate for laminate. Laminate care: extend the service life of the floor covering. Laminate, operating conditions in the unheated room. Is it possible to lower the laminate in the unheated room

Laminate operating classes: characteristics, scope, service life. To date, GOST is not adopted on the laminated flooring. Domestic laminate is performed according to the (specifications). Certification of foreign laminate is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 4598-86 "Warry plates. Technical conditions. "

Laminate, which meets the requirements of European standards, has a standard number, in accordance with which tests, a particular manufacturer, product name, color, drawing, party number, class from 21 to 33, dimensions of one plate in mm, the number of plates in the package and covered The area of \u200b\u200bone packaging. Other information can also appear on the package.

Laminate operating classes are divided into two groups: for residential premises (classes 21, 22, 23) and for commercial premises (classes 31, 32, 33).

Laminate commercial use service life in commercial premises is 3 to 6 years, and during the operation of the commercial class of laminate in residential premises, its use is increasing at least twice.

The service life of the "home" laminate is from 5 to 6 years in residential premises. Typically, the coating thickness does not exceed 7mm (HDF), its value is noticeably below the commercial laminate.

Let us dwell more on the characteristics and features of each of the 6 classes of laminated flooring. 21 class Laminate

Scope of application: residential premises with moderate or low load (bedroom, dark cabinets, storage rooms);

Service life: no more than 2 years;

Features: In the Russian market at the moment, this type of laminate is not presented in general due to its briefness. 22 class Laminate

Scope of application: residential premises with a load of moderate and medium intensity (children's room, living room);

Service life: from 2 to 4 years;

Features: In the Russian market at the moment, this type of laminate is not presented in general, as well as Laminate 21 class. 23 class Laminate

Scope of application: High load residential premises (kitchen, hallway, corridors, dining rooms);

Service life: from 4 to 6 years;

Features: On the Russian market one of the most popular classes of laminate. In this class, pay attention to the German Clever Snap collection. Grade 31 Laminate

Scope of application: industrial (commercial) room with moderate or low load (negotiation, offices and cabins with small square, reception);

Service life: no more than 3 years (for residential premises - from 8 to 10 years);

Features: In the Russian market at the moment the most popular class of laminated flooring. In this class, Kronofix + collections, comfort Loc, Vario Click 4, Saxon Loc, Super Loc and some others deserve close attention. 32 class Laminate

Scope of application: industrial (commercial) room with medium intensity load (hotels, large office space);

Service life: from 3 to 5 years (for residential premises - from 10 to 12 years);

Features: Pay attention to the German collections of Castello Click and Castello Stone Line. 33 class Laminate

Scope of application: industrial (commercial) room with high load (shops, shopping centers, dance sites, restaurants);

Service life: from 5 to 6 years (for residential premises - from 15 to 20 years);

Features: The appearance of the laminate will be saved by decades. This class includes the Floordreams collection and others.

When choosing a type of flooring, in addition to external advantages, you also evaluate the operational properties, as well as the period that this coating should be served, or at least what period is declared by the manufacturer. Laminate service life, namely, we will talk about it now - one of the most important issues of living interest in almost every potential buyer.

When does the laminate really require a replacement? Obviously, when the floor loses the initial species - the surface is wiped, gloss and color disappears, as well as obvious traces of external influence. No less important is the condition of interpanel seams. If the boards begin to disperse, there are noticeable slits between them, and it means that the coating has served its own and must be replaced.

Laminated coating is famous for its durability and durability. Naturally, the board from the wood array in comparison with him will last longer, but it is an order of magnitude more expensive. Considering options from more or less budget flooring, laminate remains the most durable and inexpensive product.

The life of the laminated floor directly depends on its class. And the manufacturer's guarantee is based on the coating class.

To date, the market offers us materials 31, 32 and 33 class of strength, they are also called commercial. The name means suitability for operation in commercial premises. But now these classes are used when laying in apartments, houses and cottages for more sparing domestic use.

If the laminate places in rooms with high patency, the service life will not be limitless, but quite decent. Approximate operation guarantee for grade 31 - from 3 years, 32 - from 5 and 33 - from 6 years. In fact, the opening time will be 2-3 times even longer.

As for home use: Please note that for domestic use, the warranty for commercial sectors of the coating will be many times more. In other words, at home, the laminated floor can serve much more than in commercial establishments.

Class coating 31, laid in a room with small loads, where the abrasive impact is minimal, will exceed 7 years and more, without losing its original type with all this.

Class 32 coating, used at home, will serve at least 10-15 years. At the same time, the floor will not lose its color, it will not survive under the influence of ultraviolet, the quality of the upper protective layer and the strength of the panel connection will be saved.

The coating of 33 class houses will serve indefinitely long, in the literal sense. Choose a really decent manufacturer, competently prepare the base on which the installation of the floor will be carried out, and the laminate replacement may not be required at all. No wonder serious stamps can give a lifelong warranty on their products under 3 class 3.

What you need to take into account when choosing a class of laminate - the manufacturer's reputation and the manufacturer. It often happens that laminates of grade 31 of Polish production can have a guarantee of 5 years, will serve approximately 5-7 years, as for German - there will be 10-15 years here. But the price will be an order of magnitude more expensive. Each wave is to look for a balance between service life and cost.

The development of modern technologies gave us the opportunity to acquire a qualitative analog of a parquet board - this is a laminate. Its cost is lower, but at the same time the appearance is also worthy. Laminate won respect and demand among buyers around the world, which is not surprising, because it has excellent indicators and properties.

The classification of operation makes it possible to accurately determine the period during which the laminate will not reduce its properties and does not lose a good appearance.

Laminate classification.

Nowadays, manufacturers are actively working on creating a more advanced top layer of laminate, new design solutions are also developed.

According to external features, the laminated flooring for a long time is no longer different from the natural parquet board.

There are two groups of laminate, which are the main:

  1. Laminated homemade coating. The term of its use does not exceed 5-6 years. The price of laminated flooring for the house below.
  2. Laminate for commercial use. The term of its operation is from 3 to 6 years, when used in commercial destinations. Commercial laminate can be operated at home, then its service life can reach 10 years. The cost of such a coating is higher.

According to European standards, these two main types of coating are divided into additional durability classifications. The use of laminated coating in accordance with its classification will help significantly increase its service life.

Homemade laminate.

  • Class 21.This laminated coating has the smallest service life. It does not exceed 1-2 years. This is due to the fact that cheap building materials are applied during its production. It finds its use in those rooms where the load on the floor cover is minimal (pantry, bedroom, etc.).
  • Class 22.The term of its operation does not exceed 2-4 years. With its manufacture, materials that have strength and quality are used higher than that of class 21. Its use is also preferably in those zones where there is no strong load on the laminated coating. It can be a dressing room, a room for children, a bedroom.
  • Class 23.Outdoor coverage of this class has an operational period of about 4-6 years. It gained great popularity among the population. The laminate of this class is put in rooms where the load on the floor is above: kitchen, corridor, living room, dining room and others.

Laminate commercial.

  • Grade 31.Flooring is used in places where the load is minimal. As a rule, these are rooms for negotiations, receptions, small rooms and so on. Coverage service life of 2-3 years. But, if the laminated coverage of this class is to use at home, it will last from 10 to 12 years.
  • Class 32.Used in those places where the load on the floor covering is average. As a rule, it finds use in offices. There laminate can serve for a period of 3-5 years. But often this coating class can be found at home. There, its service life grows from 12 to 15 years.
  • Class 33.This type of coating is the perfect solution for the premises, where the load on the floor is very high. For commercial conditions, the life of the laminate of this species will be 5-6 years. In domestic use, this coating will last 15 years, and possibly all 20.

Manufacturers do not overestimate this type of laminate, saying that he has an eternal guarantee. The main advantage of the laminated 33 class coating is not only a long service life, but also an excellent appearance that will not change over the entire service period.

Tip! By purchasing laminate, be sure to check all the documentation that accompanies it. It is prescribed all the characteristics of this coverage and image. Laminate for residential premises is denoted in the form of a house.

Figures and men indicate us the maximum load on this type of coating.

Advantages and disadvantages of laminated floor.

  • Laminate is a good alternative to the parquet board.
  • Caring for him is very light. All you need is to wash it on time, without polishing.
  • Installation of laminate is simple enough. It can be done independently. Buying this coverage, you get a detailed instruction to it with laying recommendations.
  • In the finished form, the laminate does not differ from the parquet, it is only much lower at the same time.
  • Flooring in the form of laminate is environmentally friendly. It is perfect for allergies.
  • Laminate is much stronger and easier than board.
  • Any contamination is removed very simple. If the coating is spilled with nail polit or paint, then remove the stain can be acetone, without fearing to damage the surface.
  • Laying the laminate is possible on covering any type: linoleum, solid floor, tile, wood, and also on a coating short pile.
  • The material is durable and wear-resistant.
  • A special film on the laminate will freely withstand intensive loads for 15-20 years.
  • Laminated coating is not subject to scratches, dents from furniture or studs. If a heavy item fell to the floor, it will not leave the trace. Laminate has a resistance to high temperatures. If the ashes of the fireplace or a cigarette falls on it, they will not leave tracks. Laminate does not suffer even if it rollers on it. You can even draw.
  • The base from the tree fiber gives the laminate an increased strength and a rigid basis.
  • Laminate is difficult to distinguish from coating from natural materials. Outside it completely imitates the trees of valuable rocks. It is difficult to distinguish it. But the laminate imitates not only a tree, it can be made in the form of tiles, stone, granite, carpet and much more.

The main disadvantages.

The main cons of laminate is:

  • The coating is not very durable. If it is actively used, then the service life will not exceed 4-5 years. Though on the package it was written that the laminate will fly from 15 to 20 years.
  • Laminate is suitable for those people who often change the interior in their apartment. Make a new otsicing or paint the coating of varnish or paint is impossible. When the service life has expired, the laminated coating will have to be simply changed to the new one.
  • The most important minus is, that, as it were, a nice and qualitatively not looking laminate, it will always remain only imitation of the wooden floor.

Tip! When choosing a laminated coating, be sure to study its characteristics. Just see the photo, as the floor will look at the finished form or video on its laying, it will be far from enough.

Everyone can easily and quickly pick up the desired laminated coating for a particular room. Before revenue, the laminate is undergoing a lot of sound insulation checks, protection against scratches and damage, resistance to water, light and abrasion. Before buying, you need to know the quality and service life of the laminate.

Major types of coating

Laminate class 33 refers to the most durable coatings. It can resist water for several hours. It is also important to note the good wear resistance of this material. Laminated Class 33 coating is made to use for floor covering in commercial buildings, which are distinguished by the large daily permeability of people (shopping centers, hospitals).

Laminate classes 31 and 32 is also used in the premises of a commercial type, but already with less people's loss. It is best for office premises, banquet rooms. Such a coating can easily withstand long-term contact with moisture, as well as it shows resistance to scratches and abrasion.

Laminders 32 and 33 classes may differ from 31 mainly an additional decor - a special chamfer or gloss on the surface.

Also, specialists allocate laminated coating of classes 21, 22, 23. Such types are used for homes and apartments. The most unstable and low quality Laminate is class 21, it is used primarily in bedrooms, which are characterized by their dryness and in which members of the family rarely come.

Over time, manufacturers of laminated coating have ceased to create models of such classes, as they are short-lived in operation, are limited in use and differ in low demand. Such a laminate was particularly popular abroad and in Russia until the beginning of the 21st century, after its popularity began to decline significantly.

Grade 31 laminate

Laminated grade 31 is used in private houses and apartments, which are distinguished by low and medium pressure on the floor. Some firms allow the use of such a coating in commercial-type premises, but noted that the service life of the laminate in this case will be significantly reduced.

The types of laminate produced under this class are known for their availability, as well as a large variety of additional decoration. Experts advise to apply a special sound substrate when installing such a flooring or in advance to acquire a laminate, equipped with noise insulation system. The best solution will be purchased a cork substrate.

Quality model

Such a class of laminate is best suited for bedrooms, children's rooms, hallways, small service room corridors with a low load of the floor. The main distinguishing features of this type of coating include:

  • the presence of a locking compound on a mechanical basis;
  • the subtlety of the boards (the width does not exceed 8 mm);
  • when installing in the house, operating time ranges from 10 to 12 years.

Laminated Class 32

The greatest demand in the modern market is on the 32th grade of laminate. Outdoor coverage of this type are produced almost all construction enterprises both in Russia and abroad. For such a class of coating, drawings on wood, various types of design, natural color.

For its resistance to moisture, erasing and wear resistance, 32 class laminate is much better than 31, but its price is significantly higher. The main distinguishing features of this coverage include:

  • the thickness of laminated boards ranges from 7 to 12 mm;
  • almost every laminate produced in the enterprise has a special non-slip surface, which helps to ensure the safety of all family members;
  • the service life of 32 class laminate comes to 15 years in residential buildings and up to 5 years in commercial premises.

This type will be good for use in the house or in an apartment with any indicator of the load on the floor and the permeability per day. It is allowed to sharpen in corridors, canteens, kitchens. Also, experts do not prohibit it when covering sex in small shops, offices, corridors of hotels with a small passability of people.


Laminated 33 class coating is allowed to be freely used both in residential and commercial premises. No prohibitions on this coating model are not established. At the same time, it is important to note the rather high cost of the material that is justified by its good quality and the corresponding characteristics:

  1. The thickness of the laminate panels can vary from 8 to 12 mm.
  2. A reinforced mechanical locking system is built-in, which is characterized by special pressure resistance from the side.
  3. On the floor surface you can see beautiful and detailed pictures. The coating has imitation under natural tree and other building materials.
  4. The large thickness of the panels in the end creates good sound insulation and thermal insulation in the rooms. If earlier additional insulation materials were required to maintain heat in the room or eliminating extra sounds, then after laying such a coating, they will no longer need.
  5. Laminated boards are distinguished by special resistance to water, so they can fit perfectly in any rooms (with a large moisture indicator). About this property of the chosen model of laminate is best before buying to talk with the store manager.
  6. The service life of 33 class laminate may exceed 20 years for residential premises and 10-12 years for public places and institutions.

Increased use time

Laminate is a coating that needs regular and proper care. To increase the service life of the laminate at home, it is important to choose special detergents, correctly eliminate contamination from the floor surface and carry out regular cleaning.

Laminated coating is important to protect against dusting and pollution. To do this, it is best to use a dry cleaning method, which will help facilitate the task: a vacuum cleaner is suitable or a soft fabric.

Washing models of vacuum cleaners in this case are not suitable, as they can only damage the coating. When purchasing laminated boards, the seller must tell in detail the better to wash them and how to care for them.

In this article, we consider one of the most popular flooring flooring - laminate. We present the main characteristics of the laminate and its features. Compare various types of laminate, classes for loads and laminate labeling. And also describe from what the laminate is.

Laminate is called flooring from boards with an upper protective layer impregnated with resins.

The main features of the laminate.


  • easy laying (assembly);
  • easy coating care;
  • antistaticity - laminate does not accumulate static electricity and does not carry out electric current;
  • such gender is quite resistant to loads;
  • laminate coating is resistant to fats, alkalis (no additional tools are required to protect the surface);
  • panels can be replaced if necessary (the coating is disassembled, starting with the last laid panel).


  • insufficient moisture resistant coating - it can not be washed with plenty of water;
  • requires a solid foundation.


  • many characteristics manufacturers denote pictograms;
  • wear resistance class - from 21 to 43.

Classes 21, 22, 23 are designed for rooms where the movement of people is slightly (21- for the floor in the bedroom or office, 23 - can be put in all rooms of the residential building, including the hallway and the kitchen). Class 31 and above are intended for the premises where the active movement of people occurs;

  • combustion g2;
  • pressure resistant (crumination);
  • light-resistant;
  • formaldehyde selection ratio. Formaldehyde materials contain formaldehyde materials, so you always require a certificate of compliance and imprisonment of the sanitary and epidemiological service. The formaldehyde content should not be greater than 0.01 mg / m 3, phenol is not greater than 0.003 mg / m 3;
  • moisture resistance. In moisture-resistant laminates, the main stove design has a greenish color. Such a laminate is used to finish rooms with high humidity. Its cladding contains antiseptic substances that destroy fungi, and the base (wood cooker) is made with additives that reduce water absorption;
  • life time. The service life of laminates depends on their class of wear resistance. The higher the class of wear resistance, the more service life. Laminate from grade 31 is considered to be a high class, its service life is 15-20 years. But more often use lower laminate classes (due to their availability).

Service life and laminate marking.

Service life of 2-3 years. Scope - commercial premises with a weak load. At home, it can go around 10 years in a bedroom or storage room (low load). Designation:

Designed for operation in commercial premises with an average load. Service life of 3-5 years. At home, such a floor can go to 12-15 years old even in rooms with high operational load (dining room, corridor, living room).

Operation in commercial premises with intensive load. Service life of 5-6 years. Such a floor is practically meaningless to buy for the use of the house. Some manufacturers on this class give a lifelong guarantee provided at home.

It should also be noted that now all the classes of laminate are calculated on the use of in commercial premises and the service life is also indicated by default for commercial premises. This means that if the manufacturer gives a guarantee of the floor 10 and more years, then this warranty applies only to the use of sex at home. There is no guarantee for the operation of sex in a commercial premises for more than 6 years.

Laminate structure.

  1. Laminating film (overlay) is a coating that makes the surface of the laminate resistant to abrasion. This high-strength film from the melamine or acrylic resin is "lamination", which has given the name of the whole product in its time. This coating is single-layer and multi-layered (composite). The surface can be both smooth and texture.
  2. The decorative layer is a treated and impregnated paper or furniture foil, which mimic the tree and all sorts of other textures.
  3. The base of the laminated panel is a fibrous stove. The basis is made of chipboard or fiber material (in English-speaking producers - HDF). The main properties of the plate - strength, rigidity, the immutability of geometric parameters and the ability to resist moisture.
  4. Moisture-resistant layer. Unrefined paper impregnated with resins. It protects the supervised board (chipboard or fiberboard) from moisture and compensates for the surface tension that occurs after laminating the working layer of the panel.

Types of laminate.

Besleless laminate.

Besleless laminate is also called Castle. The connection of the panels occurs due to snapshots due to the special form of cutting on the long edges of the panels - spikes and grooves. When it is laying, special tools are not needed, the assembly occurs very easily, so it can be easily done independently. Besleless laminate is recommended to use in dry rooms with constant humidity and temperature, since otherwise the laminate will quickly begin to collapse in the places of connection panels. Easily fit, easily dismantled for partial or complete replacement.

Adhesive laminate.

Adhesive laminate is suitable for rooms with high humidity, since the glue prevents the penetration of moisture into the seams - and this is the main advantage of adhesive laminate. Panels are combined with each other with special water-repellent glue (not PVA). The glue is applied to the ends of the panels, after which they are joined. Excess glue are removed. Basically, the installation is very similar to the installation of a mustache laminate. It is desirable to lead at a temperature of 10-20 degrees in a ventilated room.

Adhesive laminate, in contrast to the flags, it is very difficult to dismantle for partial or complete replacement.

  • when buying a laminate, it is necessary to pay attention to the manufacturer's tips, for example, by the required amount of glue;
  • the laminate is stored at a distance of at least 1 m from the walls, in a dry heated room, without drafts. Before laying, the laminate laminate plates are placed in a row in the middle of the room at a temperature of at least 18 ° C and humidity up to 75%. And leave for 2-3 days. Each package is unpackled only before laying;
  • the base for laying should be even;
  • to hide the sulfice, it is recommended to lay panels parallel to the fall of light from the window;
  • even if the glue laminate, it is not necessary to wash it with plenty of water;
  • washing agents can leave white traces on the surface of laminate.