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Why is the kitten dreaming? Dream interpretation kittens. What does the color of a kitten's coat mean? Women's dream book: a kitten is dreaming about

Animals are an integral part of our existence. Why do kittens dream, small and fluffy, how do dream books interpret such a dream for a woman, girl or man? What does the dream in which you dream of a kitten mean: white, black red, gray and other colors. Unlike people, the loyalty of a small pet is by no means called into question, no matter what life hardships their owner may encounter on the path of life. Cute fluffy cats, often cause affection, but their appearance in dreams does not guarantee positive predictions of the future fate of a person.

Dream interpretation: why do little kittens dream of a woman in a dream?

In general, we can say that little kitty, who appeared in a dream, predicts to you about future minor troubles and troubles in life. If you are petting and touching your pet in a dream, this is sure sign the fact that the intentions of your close friends and acquaintances in relation to you are not very good.

Having seen such a dream, it is immediately necessary to reconsider the relationship with each person with whom the sleeping person maintains friendly contact in real life... In addition, such a dream can speak of the dreamer's naivety and excessive "simplicity".

Often, light and gullible people who have not learned the intricacies of our harsh reality are very naive and open in relations with the people around them. If you saw a kitten in a dream, be careful when choosing life partners, because deplorable situations are possible in which the dreamer's heart can be broken ...

A kitten is a cute fluffy creature that does not always bring joy in a dream. Why do many kittens dream, let's figure it out!

For a more competent interpretation of dreams in which a kitten appears, you should carefully work out such points as:

  • Kitten size;
  • Appearance and condition;
  • Who exactly dreamed of the kitten;
  • Colour;
  • Number of kittens;
  • Actions with him in a dream;
  • The circumstances of the dream (place, setting, presence of other people, etc.)

Remember the number of kittens in a dream

A competent interpretation of a dreamed dream is possible only with its complete constructive breakdown into its components. One of the components to which you should pay attention is the quantity.

Why do many little kittens dream?

A dreamer who sees many little kittens in a dream, in the future, can expect a lot of life's hardships in the near future. The solution of which, for him, will be quite problematic.

Please note that the number of furry pets that appeared to you in a vision indicates the number of troubles to come. These will not necessarily be large-scale adversities that will deal a serious blow to your life, perhaps these are minor chores to come.

Why does a woman dream of a cat with kittens?

The cat in this case symbolizes the mother, and the kittens of the children or grandchildren. In a general context, such a dream can be interpreted as the everyday problems of “fathers and children”. If you fed the cat, then you subconsciously expect from the outside. The size of the kittens is directly proportional to the severity of the impending problems.

Why is one little kitten dreaming?

One kitten that you dreamed about in your house symbolizes a certain problem, small, solvable, but still not very pleasant. Feeding or petting a kitten means that only you will have to solve the problem and do not rely on the help of third parties.

However, you should not take everything to heart, for often, such dreams serve as life assistants who inform you about future troubles. And in our life, as you all know, the saying “Informed means armed” has taken root very well.

Remember the color of the kitten in your dream

Did you dream about a kitten? What colour? Gray! What is the dream of a gray little kitten

To a young man, who only recently acquired a soul mate, a dream with the appearance of a little kitten, will tell about the not entirely sincere intentions of his beloved. A kitten that scratches will tell about her rebellious and disobedient nature. It is worth looking at your soul mate with different eyes, perhaps you just did not fully understand her. Spend more time talking to each other.

Why is a ginger kitten dreaming?

Also, upon waking up, many people wonder why the little ginger kitten is dreaming. If you are not yet married, then this promises you problems on the love front. However, for lovers who are already married, a similar dream speaks of a family idyll in a relationship.

Why is a black kitten dreaming?

For a married couple, such a dream means a long separation, but it is not a fact that this separation will lead to a final break in relations. To a young man, a black kitten will tell about his cowardice in daily affairs... You should not be afraid to live, male authority is tempered from childhood, believe me, it is better to endure the pain than further ridicule from the surrounding society.

Why is the white kitten dreaming?

The only dream that carries bright motives when the dreamers sees a snow-white kitten. For a married couple, this means that they will never part and go through to the end of their life path holding hand.

Why is a tabby kitten dreaming?

A striped kitten carries both positive and negative meanings. This suggests that the dreamer's further life path will consist of constantly changing negative and positive aspects... You need to properly prepare your emotional endurance in order to meet the coming adversity with dignity.

Why is the gray kitten dreaming?

A dreamer who sees how in a dream he is holding a gray kitten in his arms should bring more into his life bright colors, because the color of the kitten speaks of the dullness of the dreamer's being. In this case, you should reconsider your life, perhaps a boring work, does not allow, to the end, develop and conquer new heights. Remember, no one will live your life better than yourself, do not let yourself be manipulated, tear and dream when you feel that you are starting to freeze. Ordinary is the main enemy of time. At the end of your path, the worst thing is regret about not perfect deeds. Summing up, analysis of the question of what the little gray kitten dreams of: as long as you have health, you walk and breathe, run to meet your dream, regardless of any obstacles.

Why is a black and white kitten dreaming?

A pet of this color, seen in a dream, means that your life will be filled with a series of both negative and positive periods, which will replace each other quite often. This duality is present in the life of every person, but such a dream warns that in your case, these periods will last literally for several days. Prepare to appreciate the joyful moments and endure difficulties, and then it will be easier for you to exist in such conditions.

Dreamed of a multi-colored kitten?

Seeing a fluffy pet of an unusual color in a dream is a sudden surprise. This surprise will be associated with disappointment if you pet or play with the kitten. If you have not touched it, disappointment can be avoided.

The most important thing: the kitten, who appeared in a dream to a lonely woman, says that it is time for her to get a partner in life, because her time is running out, and the further likelihood that she will meet a worthy person is gradually moving towards zero.

The characteristic setting and content of sleep

Why does a woman dream of a kitten: find out the meaning of sleep in a dream book

Friends who, throughout life, did not give reason to doubt themselves, can cease to be. The dreamer will be told about this by a dream in which he himself is the owner of the kittens that have appeared. In the future, cold-blooded endurance and vigilance are needed in communicating with others, because, as possible, a large-scale conspiracy is being prepared against the sleeping person. A similar interpretation is carried in a dream in which you saw dirty kittens in a dream.

Who had a dream for a man or woman

Why does a woman dream of a kitten in a dream?

Let's figure out why a woman dreams of kittens in a dream? First, you need to pay attention to age. If a young and unmarried woman saw a dream, then this indicates a deep internal problem associated with the absence of her husband.

Many small kittens that a woman saw in her dream suggests that there are a number of problems. family character which require your decision. Drop all cases and deal with them, the subconscious is literally screaming about it!

But for a mature woman, a black kitten in a dream promises the approach of major troubles, mainly with health. However, you should not take such a dream to heart. You will need to pay more attention to your health and limit yourself to physical activity.

Why is a little kitten dreaming of a girl?

A young lady who sees a fluffy pet in her dream should reconsider her life positions... Because with her behavior, she scares away guys who show sympathy for her. Perhaps her behavior is too harsh. For often, vulnerable girls, with a warm and sensual heart, are not in front of the outside. the best way... Watch your actions, exercise.

Why do kittens dream of a man?

Actually, the interpretation of this dream for a man is not particularly different. Most likely you are haunted by troubles at work. If you are a leader, take a closer look at female half your team. Perhaps you should reconsider something in this direction.

What does birth or death mean?

Why dream that the cat gave birth to kittens?

If in your dream a cat has given birth or is giving birth to kittens right in front of you, know that this is a warning from your subconscious mind: you are facing a difficult period of life. A certain serious difficulty is brewing with which you have to fight for a long time (from a month or more). Pull yourself together, mobilize and try to go through this period of life without loss.

Why do dead kittens dream?

At first glance, it is a rather unpleasant dream in which the dreamer observes the death of defenseless kittens, but the meaning that this dream carries in itself is positive for the later life of the sleeping person. Ill-wishers who have conceived a dirty deed will be exposed before they have time to harm the dreamer. And what is most interesting, all the bad deeds they have conceived will ultimately be turned against them.

What does a dream mean in which you kill or drown kittens?

Killing a kitten in a dream, oddly enough, will also have a positive effect on the dreamer's later life. A serious meeting with the enemy is coming, but you should not doubt your strengths, you need to gather all your strength into a fist and give a worthy rebuff. Ultimately, the dreamer will win.

Interpretation in various dream books

Dream interpretation of Meneghetti

Kittens are a symbol of trouble. Beware of disease. Playing kittens are petty envious people around you. White kittens are friends who need you. Black - betrayal, bad news. Redheads - they will soon lie to you.

Only blacks - to solve all problems in personal finances. Loudly meowing - careless words can play a cruel joke on you, try to speak out only on the case. Exhibition - no one will notice the inappropriateness of your appearance in society, you should forget all doubts.

Russian folk dream book

Seeing a basket with kittens of different colors means that in ten years a very strong and unpredictable person in his actions will be in power, who will be revered to such an extent that it can be compared to deification.

The intricacies and cunning that are in your environment are about to manifest themselves on a real level. They can no longer be avoided, but they can be neutralized by turning them into antipodes by the power of your soul. Remember - how many there were.

American dream book

Kittens - bad rumors, conspiracy, intrigue. To dream of how kittens play is to become a victim of petty dirty tricks and bad jokes. Feeding kittens means becoming an accomplice in gossip or backbiting and regret it in the future.

Kittens - petty fears, fears and fear of quarrels with loved ones. Feed the kittens - you can get help in solving minor issues from those you did not expect from. If the kittens are sleeping, a period of calmness and tranquility will come in your life.

Slavic dream book

Kittens play - wish for family expansion, get attention from the mighty of the world this. Kittens feed - financial stability, prosperity. Lots of meowing kittens - among the people around you, there is someone who has laid eyes on you.

Little kittens are an indicator of doubts, suspicions, false conjectures. Playing kittens are petty intrigues and gossip on the part of false friends. Sleeping kittens can portend problems with their own children.

You are concerned that there are ill-wishers among your acquaintances who want to interfere with your plans and ruin your reputation, especially if animals attack you, are aggressive, bite and scratch your hands.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Kittens in a dream mean the presence of some minor fears and concerns in reality. Healthy and fluffy kittens different colors- soon you will be able to finally figure out how to relate to recent acquaintances and new colleagues at work.

Seeing playing kittens is to wish for replenishment of the family. Seeing feeding kittens is to pay off all debts and get debt repaid from others. Loudly meowing kittens - flattering speeches try to confuse you in important matters.

Cats are enemies, mostly women. Intrigues, gossip, betrayal can await you after sleeping with many cats and kittens. If in a dream a cat licks or carries a kitten, some woman may set you up to help her family members.

Imperial dream book

A cat with kittens feeding a cat in a dream is a warning about a rival, a woman who can harm you, betray you or substitute in the interests of her family. If you dream that your cat has lambed, problems may be within the family with female relatives.

A good dream predicting gifts and quick profits. For young girls, it can also mean having a lot of fans, and if the cat and kittens are healthy, then positive changes are coming in their personal lives.

The dream speaks of the desire to have cozy home, strong family... If all animals are black, then a crossing is in the way. Nursing cat - debt recovery. Playing animals - frivolity will soon have to end.

Video: "Dream interpretation: what are kittens dreaming of?"

It is difficult to find such a strange person who would not be moved by the sight of adorable kittens.

Cute, fluffy crumbs evoke so many pleasant emotions! But in the world of dreams, it is often the other way around, and the phenomenon that we are accustomed to consider in reality to be good and cute may not mean something that is not entirely favorable.

Also, the question of what kittens dream of may have unexpected answers. Cats are generally a symbol of mysticism, the other world, magic.

It is believed that cats live simultaneously and in real world, and in the astral. So the symbol is complex, ambiguous, mysterious.

What do dreams talk about?

Kittens in a dream often symbolize something unfavorable, but not at all terrible - minor ailments, small, minor quarrels or passing difficulties.

What exactly means "cat" sleep depends on the nuances. For example:

  • You just saw one kitten in a dream, or there are many of them.
  • Animals in a dream can be beautiful and fluffy, or, on the contrary, skinny and skinny.
  • Sometimes a dead cub may dream.
  • A cat with babies visited your dream.
  • You could stroke them in a dream.
  • Play with them, caress them.
  • You were scratched by a kitten in a dream.
  • You bought a fluffy animal.
  • You were given it.

And it is also worth considering the cat's color, as well as - who is dreaming: a woman or a man, a girl in love or a mother. Considering all these nuances, you can correctly interpret what kittens dream of and draw conclusions.

Just see the little ones

If in your dream you did not touch the kittens, but only looked at them from the side, remember your dream and how one or more babies looked like. It is their appearance plays a major role in deciphering the vision.

1. One little kitten that you saw in your nightly dreams promises a small, but still profit. Perhaps this will be associated with some small hassle or fuss, but nothing global. You will receive a reward or a small bonus.

2. Here is a common question: why do little kittens dream if there are a lot of them in a dream? We saw a bunch of furry creatures - expect trouble.

But do not be alarmed, they will be small and will not ruin your life, but will only temporarily add hassle. Perhaps, instead of insignificant problems, minor ailments will come, so take care of your health.

3. For a woman of any age, a dream in which she sees many kittens is interpreted by a dream book as a warning. A trap awaits you on the way, someone sets up treacherous nets - and if you are gullible, you will regret the consequences.

Be especially careful when dealing with the opposite sex. Don't believe everything you are told and remain vigilant.

4. For lovers, as the dream book says, sleeping with fluffy babies means relationship difficulties, conflicts, distrust or suspicion.

A difficult period is coming - and the dream book warns you that you should try to prevent problems in advance and avoid them. Otherwise, the relationship can simply collapse.

5. If in your dreams you saw a dirty, skinny, street kitten - this is the advice that they send you higher power. Do not buy into the outer gloss and tinsel, look inside, do not trust the first impression if you meet someone, otherwise you will have a lot of disappointments. This is especially true for a woman who had such a dream.

6. Also, many people ask the interpreter, why do newborn kittens dream - just crumbs that have not yet opened their eyes?

This can be a symbol of the fact that you are now going through a period of helplessness and feel like a blind kitten, cannot make a decision and do not know what to do. Try to gather your strength.

7. Fluffy, beautiful and well-groomed, especially pedigree babies in a dream are good sign. Such a dream promises you a gift, good luck, pleasant emotions.

But be careful - perhaps these pleasant moments will somehow be associated with an insincere or self-serving person. For example, you might be presented with a gift by someone who will expect something in return. Be careful.

8. A very unpleasant dream in which you had to see a dead kitten that died without your participation, nevertheless, bears a good sign.

Dead kittens are a symbol of the fact that your troubles and minor everyday problems will soon be solved. And they themselves, without your active intervention. It will become much easier for you to live.

9. The dream interpretation will answer why a cat with kittens is dreaming - it doesn't matter if you saw her on the street or in own home. To see a mother-cat with a brood in a dream is a symbol of offspring, care, family. A favorable sign, saying that at home you will have harmony and order.

Play, iron, or ...

The meanings of dreams, in which you had to not only look at furry animals, but also contact them, are more saturated. Remember what exactly you did in your dreams?

1. Do you pet a kitten in your sleep? Take a look around, somewhere nearby there are insincere, flattering people who pretend to be your friends.

2. Have the kitten been killed? It also happens in dreams, and this is a favorable sign - you will soon cope with your worries and solve problems yourself.

3. If a good, fluffy and cute little cat flies to you, purrs - this promises you a pleasant romantic acquaintance, flirting and dating.

4. Playing with a kitten in dreams, especially if during the game he snatched you - this is bad sign, an indication that a person close to you has dark thoughts, bad conscience, he is dishonest with you.

5. If you bought a kitten in a dream, then this is a warning - you are in danger of fraud, some kind of financial fraud, you can be deceived with money. Be careful.

6. And if it was presented to you in a dream, then this speaks of your loneliness, which has either already come or will come soon.

Red, white, striped ...

The color of the dreamed animals plays an important role in the interpretation of sleep, so remember what color the fluffy creatures were in a dream?

1. Ginger kittens in a dream promise a profit, a reward, a pleasant monetary surprise.

2. Smoky, gray kittens, especially fluffy and well-groomed ones, are a symbol of family hearth, comfort, prosperity. If now everything is not in order in the house, the situation will soon change, and peace and order will come.

3. Adorable white kittens in night dreams promise the sleeper a pleasant acquaintance with someone. They certainly promise romance and dates, maybe you will meet and make a new friend.

4. Black kittens - messengers of the hidden magical powers, they promise you help from above, any presence of mysticism in your life.

5. Tabby kitten carries a warning to the one who sees him in a dream. This is a sign of deception and betrayal that may occur. Be careful, do not trust everyone around you.

6. Multi-colored kittens tell you that you are not far-sighted enough, it is easy to deceive you, because you too quickly take on faith everything that you see or hear around. This can lead to deception and frustration.

Dreams involving kittens are very often warning signs. If you received a signal from the dream book about danger, deception, problems - do not expect them, but try to take any action to prevent trouble. This is what dreams are for. Author: Vasilina Serova

In order to correctly interpret this or that dream, a person must remember exactly what feelings caused the dream. After all, the same dream can be interpreted in different ways.

Seeing kittens in a dream is good and good sign however, even such a dream can be anxiety and worry.

Furry friend color

Surprisingly, the color of the dreaming kitten directly affects the meaning of sleep.

  • Ginger kitten, always dreams of profit, prosperity and monetary finds.
  • Smoky fluffy, promises family well-being, comfort and tranquility in everyday life.
  • A dreamed white kitten means a pleasant acquaintance. If an unmarried woman dreamed of a white kitten, then perhaps she will soon meet her soul mate.
  • A black kitten in a dream suggests that you should not worry and worry about trifles in vain.
  • A gray kitten is a dream of those people who should take a serious look at their life and change something in it.
  • A tabby kitten in a dream is an unkind sign. Such a dream means that one of your close friends can betray you and damage your reputation.
  • A tricolor kitten dreams when a person has difficulties and troubles in his life. Such a dream is a reflection of the life situation in the real life of a person.
  • Multi-colored kittens, warn you about deceiving a loved one.

Affectionate, gentle and playful kittens

If you dream of a kitten, then in the morning you should remember the smallest details of sleep, the appearance and behavior of the pet.

  • Fluffy kittens always dream of well-being and gifts. This is a very pleasant dream that symbolizes success, joy and happiness.
  • Affectionate kitten dreams of a pleasant acquaintance. However, such an acquaintance can bring troubles and troubles.
  • If you dream of very beautiful kittens, then you should pay attention to your profession. For example, doctors have this dream when they need to devote more time to patients. Teachers, at the moment when they should pay as much attention to the students as possible. In other words, such a dream warns a person of possible troubles at work.
  • If you were given a small kitten in a dream, then in reality it means loneliness. Such a dream is dreamed of by people who need attention and care from others.

Kitten in a dream, what to expect?

  • If little child if a kitten is dreaming, then soon there will be an addition in the family.
  • If a man dreams of a kitten, then he should be on the lookout! Because something from his acquaintances, weaves intrigues and spreads unjustified gossip.
  • Seeing a kitten in a dream on the eve of the wedding is a very bad sign. Such a dream means that there will be many pitfalls and difficult situations in the life of young people.
  • For married women and girls who are doing well in their personal lives, the kitten dreams of pregnancy.
  • If you dream of two or more kittens, then this means that in real life, financial failure awaits you. After this dream, it is recommended not to borrow money, take loans and not lend a large amount to anyone.
  • If you dreamed of a kitten, and after this dream you have a feeling of anxiety, then wait for a change in your life.
  • An angry and aggressive kitten in a dream, dreams of an unpleasant acquaintance.
  • If you are petting a kitten in a dream, then soon you will visit old friend that you haven't seen in years.
  • Playing with a kitten in a dream is a dangerous dream. He says that someone is playing you like a puppet.
  • If in a dream you want to shelter a little kitten, then in reality, you take on other people's problems.
  • If you buy a kitten in a dream, then in life you need to protect yourself from rash actions and unnecessary investments.
  • If a person dreams of a wet kitten, then this dream will bring a lot of empty troubles and worries in life.
  • A dream in which you save a kitten from trouble warns you that someone is preparing a trap for you.
  • A newborn kitten in a dream symbolizes your helplessness and defenselessness in real life. After such a dream, you should think about your behavior and try to change something.
  • Flea and dirty kittens in a dream, dream of joy and fun. Perhaps close people are preparing a surprise for you.

You shouldn't get too hung up on dreams, because sometimes people have "empty" dreams that do not symbolize anything.

One of the dream books says that black and white kittens can dream of good news, and gray-white, tricolor, fluffy, newborns and striped from Thursday to Friday dream of trouble. There are other dreams, the interpretation of which is presented in this article, including what the dream means and what does the cat mean, beautiful bald kittens at the doorstep of the house and kill them.

Dream interpretation kittens are small white, sick, in the water, dead, play, with a cat, red

White ones can dream of pleasant surprises, and a ginger kitten means money, gray ones promise chores around the house, and many kittens lead to unforeseen and unpleasant events. Patients who are dead in water can be understood as health problems in themselves or in those close to them. In another case, kittens in the water are good for recovery if there is a health problem. When he dies, and you are not involved in this (hit by a car, fell from the roof, etc.), then a dream predicts a solution to problems without your participation.

If you dream of a dead kitten, you don't have to worry that people unpleasant to you will reappear in your life. Playing with a kitten or cat, when you are scratched, the loved one will present an unpleasant surprise, including the possible separation. Seeing a cat with kittens in a dream means difficulties with children, for example, deception on their part is possible. It is recommended to be careful in your actions or statements if kittens climb a tree from a dog.

Dream interpretation kittens small colorful, bite, feed, dead, with fleas

A multi-colored kitten is a symbol of vanity, as well as actions that in reality promise serious trouble. If he bites you, then there are enemies who are angry with you and will attempt to discredit you. Bathing or washing, feeding and sheltering little kittens or rescuing them means having a person who needs your support and care. A dead kitten, kill him or see a murder, and also beat them, drive it out to the fact that it will be possible to expel evil forces and grow up.

If fleas dream on a cat, what is it? In this case, the dream does not speak of a bad one, but, on the contrary, indicates a not so dire situation as you think, and the search for a solution, a way out of a difficult situation at work or in life.

Why do little kittens dream of a man, a girl

If a man is, then this speaks of an exhausting vanity that you do not need. A married girl (young) has a dream about pregnancy.

Why do little kittens dream according to Freud

According to Freud, such a dream will speak of increased excitability and sensitivity. If you have to caress kittens, then you want to see a young partner next to you. Killing kittens, according to Freud, is the propensity for the pleasure of hurting others.

Little kittens Miller's dream book

If a woman happens to see white or fluffy kittens, it is recommended to beware of scammers who will take advantage of the situation and deceive you. It is worth adhering to the intended path and reasoning logically, without giving an excuse to influence events by impulsive actions.

Why do kittens dream of little Juno's dream book

Beautiful fluffy animals will talk about upcoming troubles, and you need to pay attention to what color kitten is, which is written about at the beginning of the article.

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The dream book interprets dreamed kittens as a symbol of problems and difficulties. In a dream, they portend deception, empty promises, dirty tricks of colleagues, anxiety. What else do cat cubs dream of? Sometimes stories with them promise getting rid of competitors or career growth.

Miller's dream book: be reasonable

For a woman to see beautiful white kittens, according to Miller, is a warning. She will be deceived into a trap, but the dreamer, thanks to her prudence, will avoid trouble.

Kittens in a dream of a different color or breed mean small but annoying troubles, irritations that will haunt the sleeper for a long time.

Dreamed of skinny, trembling, dirty? Miller explains: you will be blinded by ostentatious magnificence, tinsel, and you will suffer from someone's unseemly act.

Interpretation according to other dream interpreters

Why dream that there are a lot of them? This testifies, according to Islamic dream book, about the significance of the events and the emotional state of the sleeping person.

Another meaning of the plot about kittens in a dream is a warning about theft or a warning: you should not trust all the promises you hear. Some of them will not be met.

Have you got a nice, thoroughbred fluffy? Interpretation according to Freud's dream book: this symbolizes sexual arousal or a desire for intimacy with a young partner.

Why dream of doing something with them?

  • to see - minor difficulties;
  • bring home - visit of unpleasant guests;
  • feed - reconciliation with someone;
  • wash - a lot of trouble, anxiety;
  • buy - you will become a victim of fraud;
  • to distribute is an unseemly act in relation to acquaintances;
  • to sell - you will benefit from troubles;
  • strangle - avoid many minor problems;
  • beat - sadness, uncertainty about the future.

Received some kittens as a gift? Loneliness lies ahead. A purchase is an unfavorable omen in a dream: there is a high probability of deception.

Had a dream to choose?

Why dream of choosing a kitten for yourself? The dream interpretation explains: you will find yourself in a controversial situation. The attitude of others towards you will depend on your choice.

Had a dream that you have an affectionate Siamese kitten that constantly climbs into your arms and purrs? This is a desire for a vivid relationship, but so far no one can give it to you.

Dreams of violent passions are rarely realized in reality. You should not be guided by books - they will not come up with something for the beauty of the style or better sales. Take a look around: perhaps there is a person nearby whom you like and with whom it will be interesting and comfortable.

Throw it out of the house

Throwing kittens out into the street? The dream interpretation points out: you will have to make a lot of efforts to overcome obstacles and achieve results in current affairs.

Cast out in a dream a stranger who wandered into your apartment or house? In reality, you can get rid of a competitor at work or a rival (rival) in the love sphere.

Wild means quarrels

Do kittens behave aggressively, bite? Small dirty tricks from colleagues at work, which will not do much harm, but will significantly hit the nerves.

Fought and chased them away? This means that enemies will not be able to harm or slander - the reputation will not suffer. Did they scratch you and scream loudly when you hit them? Beware of betrayal.

Why dream of wild kittens who snore menacingly or snore, trying to scare? The dream interpretation tells: discord, conflicts with neighbors will begin.

What kind of kittens did you see in your dream?

The interpretation of the vision depends on their color:

  1. gray - bad mood;
  2. little white ones - muck from a friend;
  3. yellow - love failures;
  4. black - envious people will be dirty;
  5. smoky - monetary difficulties will soon be resolved;
  6. tricolor - intrigues against you will not achieve their goal;
  7. colored - career growth.

To see tabby kittens in a dream means: you will find yourself in an uncertain position, ordinary events will be interspersed with failures. Have you been thrown in black and white? Someone will do as he wants, not paying attention to the inconvenience to you. Black fell from the window? Get rid of the attacks of enemies.

Bald, sick

Were the kittens bald? The dream interpretation warns: quarrel with one of your relatives. After that, an unpleasant residue will remain, which will remind of itself for a long time.

Sick and shabby kids in night dream predict a new hobby for a woman. At first glance, the young man will like him, but then he will be very disappointing.

Wet, bloody

Why do wet kittens dream of shaking from the cold? There is a lot of work and fuss to do. This is especially true for current tasks - do not allow blockages, this is fraught with complications.

Did you see them in a dream with wounds and blood? There is a serious conflict ahead, because of which you can stop communicating with a person, says the dream book.

With other animals

A fluffy kitten and a rabbit together symbolize the troubles that threaten the dreamer's income. There will also be obstacles to his advancement at work.

If you saw him with a chicken - additional worries, troubles. However, some of them will be beneficial, teach the sleeper to take into account all the details.

When drawing up a plan, it is not enough to outline a goal, you still need to foresee the steps that will lead to it. You should weigh all the nuances, think over the options, even in case of failure. Learn to design detailed plans to get there faster.

What do the other plots mean?

The kitten wrote on the carpet? In reality, a scandal will break out with the household, possibly for an insignificant reason. If the feline baby has been peeing often, and usually on the bed, this is a warning about treason.

You defended your pet in a dream in front of your husband, who shit in the apartment? The dream interpretation explains: in reality, make a mistake and you will make excuses to your relatives for a long time.