Repairs Design Furniture

How to make comfort home hands. How to make a house more cozy. Watch from your own photos or paintings

Why in the house, for the repair of which was spent unthinkable a big amount, does not feel real comfort? And in a small small apartment where the furniture has long been replaced and make overhaul, Everything seems so cozy and cute?

Many young mistresses ask how to make a comfort in the house, but they want specific advice, and is it possible to answer such a difficult question?

Comfort and the warmth of your home depend on you yourself, from your taste and desire to create your own unique styleWhere every little thing will be in its place and will delight all family members.

Family comfort in every home

The comfort in the house is impossible to buy. You can invite a professional to create a unique interior, you can buy a lot of attractive things for the house, but for some reason, anyway, the tenants will not live happily.

There will be many of the same type of interiors, where individuality will not be felt.

For the lifestyle of the family, under the habit of all family members, you should always strive to create a cozy house. Goodness, warmth, calm, convenience, comfort - that's what should be in it, and these qualities will be present only in the house where the real love reigns.

What is meant by the concept of "comfort"? In all dictionaries, this concept is interpreted as a pleasant arrangement of life, settings. This comfort in your home will be able to create only the owners. Who, no matter how best they know what they need in order for after work, I wanted to get home as quickly as possible.

Let them say that paradise is possible and in a halate. It is so if your hala will always be:

  • reign individuality;
  • dominate cleanliness and order;
  • a lot of light and space;
  • please at least one room plant;
  • always fresh smell.

How to create comfort in the house? Start with general cleaning

For some reason, many women believe that it is necessary to make repairs to create a pleasant stay. Of course, even a simple inexpensive cosmetic repair will refresh your apartment, fill with light and add visual space, If everyone decoration Materials Use only bright.

But as it will be unpleasant, if a few months after the spent repair work, the door in the area of \u200b\u200bthe handle will cover with silent stains, the good-free parquet will become like the floor in the barn, and the new windows due to contaminated glasses will not be able to skip sunlight.

There should always be order, and the comfort in the house will be applied. If the hostess always seeks to contain a house in purity, then even the danger atmosphere will not rush into the eyes. What can be easier than maintaining exemplary cleanliness in the house? If a woman does not work, then it is.

And how to be modern girls and women who spend most of the day at work, they do not have enough time even on cooking dinner, and not to dig dust and vacuuming rooms every day.

Create a schedule in which one day in two weeks is dedicated to general cleaning. It is clear that it will be a day off and better - Sunday. On Saturday, you relax after the working week, communicate with friends and relatives, but the next day with full forces You can begin to guide orders.

You can not deceive myself. If you are removing dust, then let any corner remain without your attention. If things after ironing are laid out through the cabinets, then put so that it was convenient to take.

Summer things Store separately from the winter. If the window ishes, do not forget to remove the web in the corners of the window opening. Cleanliness should be lifted everywhere, and not only where it can be seen. Spend a couple of hours (provided that all family members help you: a husband, for example, washes the floor, children fold books and toys) and the house is already transformed.

IN pure House Razor is less likely. Children involved as their use in general cleaning, are smaller. All family members seek to support comfort and comfort in the house. You can advise on every day of the week in the evening to schedule any interventions for maintaining cleanliness. Small cleaning, which will not take much time in one evening, it will be time consuming if all the points of the list are in one day.

Here is an example, as one hostess is painted. She comes from work not earlier than seven in the evening, but always seeks to do everything that was planned earlier:

  • monday - cleaning toilet and bath;
  • tuesday - cleaning the kitchen plate;
  • wednesday - washing floors in the kitchen and in the corridor;
  • thursday - ironing things;
  • friday - vacuuming rooms.

Cozy home with your own hands: no bad smells

Another component cozy home: It should be pleasant to smell. No one calls constantly oven pies so that the fragrance of the sample spread even on staircase. Under nice smells, first of all I mean the fresh smell.

IN modern houseswhere plastic windows are installed, broken natural ventilation: in winter Condensate appears on the windows, the angles are rejected. Try to speed your home as much as possible.

If purity is observed, then bad smells are less likely to manifest . They arise from dusty curtains, wet sex rags in the bathroom, from unusable shoes in the hallway, from feline Toilet. Do not leave in a washing machine dirty laundry, from this occurs nasty smell From a washing machine, which is then very difficult to remove.

Store products correctly. There is nothing worse when the refrigerator opens, and from it all over the house the stench is spread from rotten vegetables - cleaning the refrigerator, the revision of the entire thing in it should be regular.

The fresh smell of the house is good, it can be added to air fresheners, but the main thing here is not to overdo it, the caustic chemical fragrance does not like anyone. Let there be things for comfort in the house: Sasha with fragrant dried herbs, essential oils, fragrant candles.

Citrus fragrance, smell of vanilla, cinnamon, Bergamota - Your sense of smelling from such gentle notes will not be annoyed, and on the contrary will set up to calm the nervous system.

House of heat and comfort begins with the kitchen. Put a good hood so that soot and the smell of vocal oil is walked throughout the apartment. The presence of such quality kitchen appliances It gives a guarantee that the fatty flight will not settle on the walls of the kitchen and all furniture located in it.

Creating a coziness in the house with houseplants

Incredibly simple, but always falling in the "dozen" ideas for comfort in the house - houseplants. Harmonious combination Upholstery soft furniture With pots or any other textiles in color with a plant will give the opportunity to always look stylish.

Any style implies that in the house there will be at least a small number of plants. IN one-room apartment It will not be possible to place a lot, but at least a couple of pots with useful bedroom plants can always be put on the windowsill.

In the style of minimalism, when everything is extremely light, indoor plants will become an emphasis - a bright alive stain. Beautifully look high flowers, located on the floor with a separate composition. Home plants are purchased not only to create comfort in the house, but also in order to saturate the house with oxygen. Do not forget that at night they absorb it, so in the bedrooms, especially small, there should be no many plants.

Many live plants prefer artificial. They look good, care is minimal, but they are a real dust trap, which is not always able to remove with them.

Buy a live flower and he:

  • create a comfort in your home;
  • will become a real healer for you;
  • clean the air;
  • improve the energy of the house;
  • may become a talisman;
  • it will help to work fruitful.

So just start a young family to create comfort in the house with your own hands and for this you do not need to spend large amounts of money. Do not forget that your dwelling should express your individuality, should be a place for you, where you want to return to live and relax in comfort and comfort. Everyone wants to live in an ideal housebut get it without creating comfort in it is impossible.

Returning home from work, man wants to go into a cozy apartment, where happiness reigns, warmth, comfort, harmony. Do not feel comfortable in own apartment - Start to act! Home comfort depends on action. The house should be primarily safe. Create easily. If you want to build a house with your own hands, it is worth preferring the construction of the house from the bar, to purchase and find out easily, simply by clicking on the link. Let's see in more detail in the nuances of creating comfort.

Comfort in every home

Cozy housing takes into account the habits and wishes of all residents. Comfortable house Lights with good, warm, calm, convenience, smiles and a good mood. The hosts of the house should independently create a favorable atmosphere in the apartment, embodying the dream of a dream, so that I wanted to find yourself in a warm home furnishings after a working day.

Creating comfort in the house with your own hands, it is important to consider all the nuances:

  • Features of windows, space, home rearrangements
  • Color gamut rooms
  • Cuisine, bathroom
  • Cleaning schedule for creating home comfort
  • Pleasant unpleasant odors
  • Homemade plants
  • Musical accompaniment for comfort in the soul, to create a good mood

If you consider all the listed parts when creating comfort, the house is filled with warmth, you will always go home with pleasure to plunge into home comfort.

Give the windows of a cozy

When examining the apartment, you may seem that the rooms are dark and dull. To saturate them with light, wash the windows, replace the curtains brighter. Given the financial capabilities of your own family, replace windows. Competent experts will install plastic windowsThat will face the house, fill your rooms with sunlight. Large window sills can be decorated with a variety of indoor flowers in beautiful colorful vases.

Plants for home comfort

What colors will stop? So that the room was stylish, pick up a pot of the same shades for vases as soft furniture, or other home textiles. On the windowsill, place some cute vases on the windowsill.

Lovely look high flowers on the floor as a separate composition. Homemade vases create comfort in the house. They are saturated with oxygen. At night, the flowers absorb a lot of oxygen, so in the rooms where you sleep better not to put plants.

Thanks to live colors, the comfort is created in the house, air is cleaned, the energy industry is improved. Flowers can become talismans, as well as healers for owners of housing. They also help work fruitful.

Color gamut cozy house

Think about whether you will be comfortable in rooms with red, orange walls, purple color? Or when will the interior be created in black and white tones? Such colors are now fashionable, original. But, they badly affect the psyche, because of what a person is constantly annoyed or excited. Located in such a room for several hours - it is possible, but it is not recommended to live constantly.

Rooms place with the help of unobtrusive, muted environmental shades. For example, pale yellow, light brown, light blue, pale green colors. Such colors calm down a person, satisfy the room with comfort.

What to do with old things?

Old things and furniture can hardly lit up a house, kill all homemade deck. Therefore, override them and without regret, throw out the fat things to free the space to saturate the positive energy, adding something new and more comfortable.

Among the old things you can find a thing that is valuable for you and for your family. Statuette, painting or vase Just wash, wipe, update, refresh something and place them in a new place.

Some old furniture can be reanimated. For example, in a strong old sofa, change the upholstery, work a stylish bright case for him or buy a new plaid. Sometimes old furniture is much stronger than new. Therefore, do not hurry to throw it away. Thanks to the updated furniture, you will create a cozy family corner.

From the walls you can remove the carpets and set them on the floor. Walls decorate children's drawings within or family photos. In the shelves, put the crafts made by hand with the kids. Thanks to such trifles, your interior in the house will be individual and cozy.

Homemade permutation

Freeing the house from unnecessaries, refreshing the old things novelty, you can proceed to permutation. Measure the size of rooms and furniture. Draw an exemplary plan on paper. Think some interior you want to get. Consider various options. Feature best option comfort, position furniture and interior items in their place. Cozy house It will always be delight and warmed even with rare weather outside the window.

Making a home permutation you can find a lot of lost and long forgotten things, wipe all the dust. Clear Rooms OT bad energy and fill their positive energy.

General cleaning will help create comfort

For coziness in the house good repair Not enough. Daily follow the order and cleanliness in the house. Spend from time to time general cleaning In all rooms.

Usually after work there is no desire to make dinner, where to clean the cleaning there. Therefore, highlight the day and once every fourteen days spend the general cleaning. Wipe the dust in all corners of your apartment. Stuff spread so that they do not get rumbling, and they can easily get out of the cabinet at any time.

Things that you wear in the summer keep in a separate place from winter things. The total efforts of the whole family in a few hours will lead to the fact that cleanliness, order and comfort will settle in your house.

In addition to large cleaning, make up a graph of daily small cleaning, which must comply with all family members. Your schedule may be like this:

  • On Monday you need to clean the toilet, bath;
  • On Tuesday - Kitchen Plate;
  • On Wednesday - wash the floors in the kitchen, in the corridor;
  • On Thursday - stroke all clean things;
  • On Friday - Liver Rooms.

If you split all the cleaning business on the listed days, it will be completely easy to clean and quickly. After all, it is easier to clean the little, than to remake all things in one day.

Order in the kitchen

The comfort depends on what state is the kitchen, kitchen utensils, a bucket for garbage, a bathroom, cosmetics.

  • It is important to place everything intelligently in the kitchen. Under the sink in the boxes can be hidden all kitchen objectsthat help cooking.
  • Store all the necessary items in the drawers. Kitchen utensils, rarely used, can be placed in distant drawers. Closer put the saucepans and pans that use daily.
  • Covers arrange on racks hanging in a prominent place. All forms for baking, boards, banks can be stored in boxes located closer, so that at any time they can be easily taken.
  • On the doors, hang a few hooks to hang sorting packages or clean kitchen towels For hands and dishes.
  • For cozyness in the kitchen, soap, spray and kitchen sponges store under the sink, carefully putting it to easily reach the napkins or detergent at the right moment. To keep such subjects convenient, buy a kitchenette with a rotating stand. Store thus all kitchen need and fixtures, the kitchen will always be clean and in order.
  • Garbage bucket positioned at hand, but not in sight. Hide it under the washbasin or in the closing lower locker kitchen headset. In order for the garbage bucket compactly, paper waste dispose separately, empty container and grocery waste separately. In the sliding boxes fold the redemption. Plastic bags store in chrome holders. Having made a small incision in the package with packages, you can easily get the desired number of bags.

Create comfort in the bathroom

If there is a storage space under your bathroom, store all means for cleaning and washing dishes. All accessories used every day, place in an affordable place. Thanks to such a storage system, everyday cleaning will be easily and quickly. Jars S. washing agents Place in a large box so as easy to find necessary tool. If there is still a place in the cabinet, in the second box, arrange an extra toilet paper, sponges, rags and other cleaning items.

Bottles used often store separately, in an easily accessible place.

With a large number of funds for creating makeup, keep them in the bedside tables under the sink in the bathroom. For each family member, create separate boxes for storing only those objects that they individually use. Thanks to this approach, you will not arise quarrels about the disappearance of some important cosmetics.

How smells comfort?

From ancient times, a pleasant and delicious smell of pies and fragrant tea always walks next to the word. To make a comfort in the house with the help of a fragrance, do not choose aromatic sticks or toilet water, as such odors adversely affect human health. Give your preference to unobtrusive vanilla smell. Baking delicious baking can open the kitchen door so that other rooms are filled with aroma. With frying fish, on the contrary, close the door and open the window, as the sharp smell cause discomfort.

In winter, leaving for a walk, if possible, air the rooms. Do not let me lie down with dirty things, regularly take the garbage, store the products properly. Once a week, spend the inspection of all the shelves of the refrigerator. Product availability Check, and remove spoiled.

Fans of air fresheners are best buying funds with citrus aroma, vanilla, cinnamon or bergamot. Delicate notes will add to your home.

Home comfort with music

Musical accompaniment contributes to getting positive emotions and maintain good mood. Turn on the quiet, melodic and monotonous music to feel wonderful and comfortable.

If guests came, consult with them about musical accompanimentSo that everyone is cozy.

From the article it became known how to create comfort with their own hands, so that I would like to return home after the labor everyday life. Holding to the above-described tips, support the cleanliness and order daily, which create heat, comfort all family members. Take care of harmony and home comfort own home. Love your home. Then guests will be happy to come to you to enjoy communication, comfort and get a positive energy charge. When there is a cloudy weather on the street, she will not spoil you mood.

Creating a comfort in the house is a painstaking case requiring a certain life experience. This experience in organizing a coziness in this article shares professional designers and experienced housewives.

You entered the apartment where dear repairs are made. All interior items simply "shout" about their conversion price. But still you catch yourself think that the surrounding things do not please you, the room is cold and unfurry. It is uncomfortable to sit in a hard chair, it is difficult to imagine how you can work for too the parade writing desk.

But another apartment. The situation here is much more modest, easier and cheaper, but more attractive and friendly. Each thing is convenient. And you involuntarily want to exclaim: "How comfortable here!"

    Convenience - the first rule when buying any thing in the house! There is a lot of examples when the thing fits perfectly into the interior, but at the same time its operation turns into a cautious. Uncomfortably located switch at the lamp, the sofa cushion with a long pile, attracting dust, cavalry over a children's bed. For the human eye, a much more pleasant laconic convenient setting without frills than rich decoration with a layer of dust.

    Rule Second - Clean!Dirty windows, through which the sunny light is hardly made, dust layer on the road, flooded parquet, stains on the curtains, fingerprints on the mirrors and facades of furniture. If you allow such a picture in your home, consider that the money spent on the road renovation was just thrown away. The comfort and dirt are incompatible things.

    The third rule is nothing superfluous!Do not buy anything just because you have come to sell, and the thing is cheap. Random changes will not make an apartment more comfortable, but only lit her. Closely disposed furniture will be "crushing", you will be unpleasant to be in such a room.

    Rule fourth - if you do not take any thing in your hands two years - you do not need it!If you have a thorough inspection of the apartment, the contents of the cabinets, storage room, balcony, then there are no such objects. In essence, you do not use them. You do not need them. Imagine how much free space all this is good, depriving you of light and clean air. Sorry to throw out - give in good hands or put it on sale on the Internet site.

    Rule Fifth - Laconicity, Natural Beauty Objects - best decoration at home!Market economy - the engine of progress, it will not be difficult with this. Sometimes manufacturers of goods go to everything to shake the imagination to all of the accustomed consumers. Fancy forms that sometimes acquire the most common items, can serve unsubber service. Cup in the form of a cat, a decanter in the form of a grape vine, a clock, similar to the dog Konura .... But why not allow a vase - to be a vase, a pot for flowers - a pot, a box with a box.

    The rule is sixth - do not remove with the decor!No one is against several family photos on the bookshelf or the wall, but when their number passes any reasonable limit, it causes only antipathy. It is also the case with sofa pillows, wipers, vases, postcards, statuette, tracks, rugs, habituals.

    All these cute baubles collect a huge amount of dust. The hostess will spend weight of time for cleaning: after all, all this "good" will need to first remove, then wipe the dust, and then rebuilding beautifully. If this is not done, then dirty things will not bring any pleasure.

    In the end, the guests may have the impression that the hosts have complexes, and they are afraid of open spaces and free space.

  1. The seventh rule - the apartment must be filled with fresh air!Duccute, unpleasant odor or sharp fragrance will make anyone quickly leave the room even if it is made in it a very expensive repair. Check the rooms often, and in the kitchen and in the bathroom, install a good exhaust.

    Eighth Rule - indoor plants Must be in moderation! Often there are such amateur flowers and greens that all free space in the house turns out to be stamped. After reading the article "How to place Flowers in a small room", you will learn about the basic principles of household plants in small rooms so that they round year Pleased with eyes.

    The abundance of flowers on the window sill may interfere with the penetration of daylight, the leaves will collect a huge amount of dust. In general, we do not have to talk about comfortable in this situation.

    Behind the flowers you need to take care so that they have a neat look, if the time is missing for it, it is better to be limited to several representatives of the flora.

Baby laughter, homemade baking fragrance, a neat lilac bouquet on the table, the smell of freshly dressed linen, sunlight, clean windows - this is what money does not require money, but it is capable of making a house with a cozy, in such an apartment will always want to return.

Come home and get into the atmosphere of comfort and heat - the natural desire and the right of any person. It is wonderful when harmony and joy reign in the apartment, and on the threshold there are loved and native people. Sometimes for complete happiness lacks some little things. It means that it is time to think about how to create a comfort in the apartment, ask the interior of a certain style, add those details that will turn the house in the "full bowl".


First of all, a cozy apartment is a pure apartment where there is no place to the mess. The mess is admissible only in the artist's workshop. Sometimes to create comfort in the apartment with your own hands, it is enough to make general cleaning. This occupation is not everyone likes, but the result from the effort spent justifies itself. Often you can see the real chaos in your own dwelling. Do not be afraid and lower your hands. You need to act like this.

  • First of all, it is recommended to conduct an audit and get rid of unnecessary things. Star, which lies by the dead cargo, not only occupies precious square meters, but also creates a lot of inconvenience. Clothes and shoes that have been not worn for a long time appliances, paper, boxes and so on is the "killers" of comfort.
  • The face of a cozy apartment is a kitchen. If it does not shine purity, and in the refrigerator originated new life, you will have to shove the sleeves and bring everything to the brilliance.
  • Well-groomed plumbing, stuffed mixers and mirrors without splashes - this is what is nice to see, bringing out in order in the morning.
  • Cabinets and dressers scored to refuse with mint things, deprive their owners the opportunity to quickly find a clean pair of socks. Healthy, opening the door or put forward a box, detect neat stacks of things and strokes on the hangers.
  • Most part of their life, people spend in bed. Fresh linens, soft pillows And a lung blanket is a well-deserved award at the end of each day.
  • Hall, the floor of which is forced by shoes for different seasons, does not please the eye. Every couple is better to keep in a separate box and get it in accordance with the time of the year.

Having finished once and for all with the accumulated mess, the cleanliness will be very simple, because the usual wet cleaning Does not take much time.


Overhaul and buying new furniture not everyone afford. Yes, it is not necessary! If the condition of the walls, floors and plumbing is not critical, you can easily do inexpensive cosmetic repair. Today, the market building materials Pleases buyers with such a rich assortment of goods that will not be a lot of work choose inexpensive wallpaper and paint to update the room and furniture.

Color, texture, style is a matter of taste. It is important that the repairs are made neatly, environmentally friendly, and the selected shades have harmonized, and not "argued" among themselves. Of course, create comfort in new apartment It is much easier than redoing the interior in the old: no need to shoot old wallpapers and paint, moving furniture. But how nice to refresh your favorite housing, make him play with new paints! Recommendations:

  • for painting ceilings and walls in the bathroom and kitchen, water paint is perfectly suitable for acrylic basis; She misses moisture well, is resistant to abrasion and looks advantageously even on a non-ideal surface;
  • before starting to stick the wallpaper, it is desirable to pinch the wall; This will reduce glue consumption and ensure the reliable grip of the material with the plane;
  • for painting cast iron radiators heating is better to use old good oil paint - It has excellent anti-corrosion properties and costs the dear pen.

When the walls and ceilings shine novelty, it's time to move to the next stage of creating a cozy atmosphere in the house. To do this, have to include fantasy and show a creative approach.


Trifles are what, actually, and consists of life. Pleasants raise the mood, and all others are annoying. In an effort to surround yourself with pretty objects, we create comfort in the house with their own hands.

  • Houseplants. Nothing animates the apartment as well-groomed flowers in beautiful caspo. It doesn't matter what kind of blooming or just greens, they please the eye and decorate the house, and they also clean the air in the room saturating it with oxygen. If there is no experience in caring for flowers, you can always buy cute and non-additive plants, contacting the advice to the seller.
  • The comfort in the rest room is often associated with a chubby sofa or deep chairs and a soft plaid. Why not get a rocking chair with a chair? Put nearby small table, fruit vase and put some good books.
  • Home clothing and shoes. Let it be not only comfortable and enjoyable to the touch, but also new, beautiful. Instant space in the garbage bucket.
  • Tableware for every day. Are you accustomed to get the front plates before the arrival of guests? Down with this relic of the past! The habit of beautifully serve the table even ordinary pasta will make tastier, and life is elegant.
  • Pictures, panels, photos within. Let your favorite faces smile with you, inspire beautiful landscapes, causes pride to own Hand-Maid.

Planning how to create a comfort in the house, all these trifles should pay maximum attention, because they will surround you every day of your life.

Fragrance utza

Sometimes, going to someone in the house, you feel an unpleasant smell. It does not matter that these are cigarettes, stumbling food or an unobed hamster cell. From the room you want to be removed as soon as possible.

IMPORTANT: The house needs to air every day!

Fresh air not only displaces unpleasant odors, but also improves well-being, reduces fatigue. And here available toolsWonderful aroma in rooms:

  • cinnamon is good for the kitchen - it smells amazing and very cozy;
  • the bedroom will use orange or lemon crusts, crushed and laid in Sasha;
  • in the living room you can put a vase with coffee grains.

It is better not to use chemical air fresheners, especially if there are children in the house. And the most important cozy fragrance is the smell of purity and delicious home meal. He all adore him.

Little space?

Alas, not everyone was lucky to acquire a spacious living space. But in one-room apartment you can feel comfortable! In this case, it is very important to competently organize space in the room.

The main rules say:

  • Nothing extra! Give, sell or throw out everything that you do not use constantly! An exception can be tools for repair.
  • Lock on high spacious wardrobe. Let him flies into a penny, but in his depths it will fit the entire wardrobe and even shoes.
  • The sleeping place should be folded, turning into a compact sofa.

All this will help to win a few unnecessary (or necessary) square meters. But visually increase the room like this:

  • use bright tones for finishing;
  • take care that the ceiling is perfectly smooth and white;
  • paint window Rama. in white;
  • leave on the walls of a minimum of jewelry;
  • do not overload the interior with details;
  • do not keep in sight of those things that can be removed.

Designers, solving how to create a comfort in a small apartment, offer to use mirrors. Special attention deserves copies with a pattern. Patterns created by masters on mirror surface, make this necessary subject home domestic product with a luxurious interior decoration.

Floor mirror to ceiling in wooden frame "Under the olden" or in the framing of indoor plants is able to completely transform even the most small room, giving her depth. Attention! The mirror must be perfectly clean, splashes and divorces kill all the magic.

Than less roomThe nearest it should be removed. And to create a coziness there is another reception.


He was invented so that even in a small room there was a place at least for two. Separation on zones is not the construction of additional walls. Most often it happens conditional, but this method works fine.

  • The most common reception is decorative finish Walls in different colors, using various invoices to designate the boundaries between the zones of one room. For example, in a common living room there may be several functional zones: working ( computer desk, office chair), recreation area (sofa, bookcase), Game (soft rug and box with toys).
  • Sometimes easy folding laid harmonica. With their help, it is possible to designate the boundaries more clearly, but such devices still occupy space.
  • Interesting designer solution - Shirma from Bus. Buy something like this is unlikely to succeed, but you can make my own or order from the master. A unique author's thing will be released. Long caprochy threads, radiated by transparent or color (or different) beads, look luxurious.


No wonder they call their eyes at home. Clean windows, freshly stained or new frames are only half of the case. Curtains have tremendous value. They must be clean and perfectly ironed if the "crumpled" fabric is not used for the design intent.

Curtains from the floor to the ceiling and from the wall to the wall visually expand the room. The effect is enhanced if a light tone is selected, harmonizing with a common color gamut premises.


Elegant chandelier in the living room, elegant floor lamp near the sofa, a pretty lamp shade in the kitchen or the original multifunctional illumination in the entire apartment - all this can be a highlight in the interior of your apartment.

Comfort in the house is the fruit of care and labor. The luxurious luxury luxury glitter and someone else's luxury is always fascinated against the background of a cute simplicity of a well-kept homemade spot.

Even the most stylish design can bother. But not to do the same repair every time it happens! Most often, a small update is quite enough - the whole interior will be felt different.

Want to know how to make a house more cozy with your own hands? Here are a few ideas to you for inspiration.

How to make a house more cozy: 10 gold rules

Change textiles

Textile change with time change is always a winning idea. For example, heavy knitted plaids want to change in the spring for something light and bright. And this seemingly a small change transforms the entire room.

What is nice in winter, I want to remove with the onset of warm season

Photo: Bathroom decoration textiles

Refresh the strict interior with bright accents

Hang other curtains

The curtains also play a very important role in which mood creates the interior of the room. Choose another cloth, other patterns or act resolutely by changing the curtains on the Roman curtains.

Curtains play a big role in what the room looks like

Transform a room with art objects

Another effective method To do cozy apartment Without repair is to transform it with paintings, posters, figurines and other art items that are suitable for your mood and season.

The reader may argue: "But wait, make a hole in the wall - this is the opposite of what we call 'transform without repair" ", and it will be right. However, you can not need a picture! It can be simply leaning against the wall, putting a massive cloth to the floor, A less large-scale work - on the chest or console table. Looks very modern and a little in the rebar. By the way, the unusual frame for the mirror, as in the photo above, can also serve an excellent service.

Art in all its manifestations

Make a house cozy without costs? Easily!

The idea to fill the room of art objects may also seem very wasteful. But do not hurry to watch the schedule of the nearest auctions! You can do I. minimal costBut after placing the space for yourself. For example, you can put in beautiful frame Written from the hands of a quote about love. Dried flowers, reminiscent of you about the pleasant moments of life, imprints of the whole family and other simple, but such expensive the heart of the little things will become the perfect addition to your mini-gallery.

How to make an apartment cozy and beautiful: flowers in a vase

Perhaps this is the easiest and most pleasant way to refresh the interior - to put a vase with beautiful bouquet. Seasonal flowers always look romantic and attract a look.

No one says that now it will be necessary every week to buy a new bouquet of flowers. The composition can be made of branches, herbs, as well as artificial colors that you can make paper. Round vase filled with pebbles will also be a pleasant decoration.

Room design option: New old furniture

When I want to change something in life, it is not necessary to buy new furnitureIf old you fed up or slept a little. Much more convenient option will use various materials In order to "refresh" old furniture. Facades of kitchen cabinets can be saved by film, old dresser - paint in two colors, and wooden chair - Throw.

Life-affirming colors and restored furniture

How to make a house cozy and beautiful: wall design

It can be beautifully equipped with plaster, paint and wallpaper. Interior stickers create excellent effects, and in order to transfer them to the wall, no skills are required.

Buy furniture from old collections

If you still seem to do not do without new furniture, consider furniture items from old collections. You can find objects looking ultrasound, although they have been created years ago. Great idea Room decorations at high costs.

How to make an apartment cozy: update furniture trim

If your favorite chair satisfied, this is not a reason to throw it out. Just give it to the workshop where the trim is pulled.

Furniture Restoration Idea: Upholstery

The choice of fabric for upholstery of upholstered furniture is an important decision because different types Fabrics completely transform the entire interior. In particular, velvet and plush are now very fashion solutionsemitting style and elegance.

The noble velvet chair will become the central element of the interior

How to make a house cozy and beautiful: vintage furniture

Vintage today is highly relevant trend and is inexpensive if you can choose. Perfect option In order to update the interior almost without costs.

Create a cozy to read

Sometimes there can be nothing better than relaxing in soft chair With a breathtaking book in hand. And even if you can hardly call yourself a book worm, such a rest is needed to everyone. In the end, in such a convenient corner, you can watch the video on the tablet, is not it?

Wall clearance in the room: Put the rack

The function of the shelving is not limited to the fact that it is stored. Here you can arrange paintings, figurines, photos ... And the most important advantage is that the composition of this "exhibition" can be easily changed under your mood.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe design of the room do it yourself: books

How to make a cozy little apartment: Plants

Like floral motifs in the interior, decoring the room with alive plants. If you do not have experience in this area - nothing terrible, select to start unpretentious plants: money Tree, Cacti and other succulents. Some species of palm trees also do not require special care.

How to diversify interior: brickwork

Okay, there will have to make some efforts, but we simply could not not include this method on our list. Because brick always looks very stylish! Of course, this does not mean that you will need to lay out a whole wall brick, no. Brickwork can be imitate, for example, with thin tiles. And if natural brick color seems to you too rude, then the laid out tile can be completely painted white, it looks very elegant!

Brickwork and high ceilings make industrial notch

Why not make a house comfortable with your own hands?

Do you know how to sew or knit? Decor, created by your own hands, gives you pleasure? Decorative pillows, blankets, baskets for storing small things - do it yourself you can completely convert space.

Take care of lighting

Small changes related to lighting - one of the most simple ways Make a house more cozy. Put the flooring in a dark angle, change the intensity or color of already available lamps. Install the mirror opposite the lamp: reflecting the light, it will make the room more spacious and beautiful.
