Repairs Design Furniture

Balcony repair with your own hands: We make a balcony in stages with the photo instruction. We make repair of the balcony with your own hands in stages how best to make repairs on the balcony

The original renovation of the balcony will make it possible not only to update the room, making it warmer, but also give the dwelling style, nobility, uniqueness. Balconies or loggias can turn into anything: a floral greenhouse that will be happy with even frosty winter, a children's room, where kids or workshop with a multitude of shelves and lockers will be played, where dad will place tools and equipment. How to make repairs on the balcony? The answer to this question will follow further in the article.

Before the start of the main work ...

When you have already decided on the external appearance of your balcony or loggia, you can start repairing work. To start, the room of the balcony should be released from things stored in it.

Balcony should be cleaned of old finishing and interior elements:

  • floor coatings
  • wall covering
  • partitions.

The depressions or bulges on the floor and the walls need to be rocked. The room can be made more durable with the help of a chamber frame, going through it from all sides.

In order not to happen the collapse, use only relatively lightweight materials, for example, foam blocks.

If the materials for finishing the loggia or balcony chosen lining or MDF slab, you need to level the walls and floors in advance, foaming in the slot mounting foam. Cement mortar is superimposed on top. It will protect the foam from rotting. The biggest clefts close up brick, smaller - silicone.

What material is better

Today, the question of how to repair the balcony, if you are new to construction, is no longer sharp. And all thanks to numerous video lessons on the Internet, articles with descriptions of work technologies and consultations of specialists of stores that will demonstrate photographs and samples of existing raw materials.

Modern manufacturers for finishing the loggia or balcony offer:

  • decorative panels
  • wallpaper,
  • plastic panels,
  • stucco
  • lining;
  • ceramics tile
  • paint.

The most convenient for use and frequently chosen are MDF-slabs, lining and plastic.

Before laying the coating, it is necessary to establish thermal insulation, as the balcony is open to winds and precipitation.

Insulation, which will suit the best - mineral wool. Wonderful properties and low price, as well as simplicity of use, it is advantageous than this material from the assortment of others.

Loggia or Balcony glazing options

The glazing of the balcony is a necessary part of its repair, otherwise all the efforts can go to the smart.

Installation of glass can be made in several ways:

  • Cold glazing. This option implies the installation of the aluminum frame, which inserted single-layer glasses. But from such a loggia should not be waiting for heat.
  • Frameless way - Almost the same as cold, only without the use of frames and vertically standing partitions. Glass in this case - tempered, durable. It is mounted in an aluminum profile using rollers. From the profiles of the window are separated by rubber seals that do not pass water.
  • Warm glazing. The glazing warm way is the installation of double-glazed windows and profiles equipped with thermal protection. This option protects from outdoor noise. The frame during warm glazing is made of aluminum or plastic. It is attached to the parapet with bolts.

Heat insulation for the floor

Before repaired the balcony, giving it a certain style, it is necessary to insulate the floors. It is best for this by extruded polystyrene foam, which in addition to the high indicators of its main function, has other positive qualities.

The advantages of the material:

  • big density
  • low weight
  • high strength,
  • durability.

Each plate is placed on the floor, pre-aligned and lubricated with glue. You can put a mounting mesh on the adhesive coating, then pour the self-leveling mixture. So that the insulation was even better, use clamzit. Plates are attached to plastic dowels.

Also, popular balcony flooring coatings are linoleum, laminate and ceramic tiles.

Repair of the balcony with their own hands will not be difficult if you do not regret it on his finishing of time and strength.

How to arrange the walls

Lining is one of the most commonly used materials for the insulation of balcony walls due to its advantages.

Pluses of lining are obvious:

  • natural basis
  • long service life
  • low cost
  • attractive appearance.

Before putting the material on the walls of the loggia or balcony, they must be strengthened by a metal profile or a tree slats. Next are installed heat - and waterproofing. For the first, expanded polystyrene foam, for the second - rubberoid. The lining itself is mounted using nails or cough.

It is not always possible to make a beautifully arrange corner. Unsight plots will help to hide the decorative angle of the same material as the main plates.

Heat ceiling

Warm the ceiling is not difficult at all. To insulate the ceiling, you can use any non-natural insulation, most often the foam is used.

The process of working on warming ceiling looks like this:

  • Before insulating the ceiling, it is necessary to make a contour crate.
  • Foam sheets are glued to the slab overlap or inserted into the opening of the roof.
  • Additionally, the insulation should be consolidated by umbrella dowels.
  • The cracks are bleed by mounting foam.
  • The main frame for the finishing finish is mounted on the contour clamp.

Little trick: Learn whether tenants were insulated from above their balcony floor. If they did it, the ceiling of your balcony will not miss the cold, and it is no longer necessary to insulate it.

Interior decoration

The photo gallery of the Internet is a variety of exceeded balconies. Beautifully arrange your own balcony - for everyone.

For this purpose, suitable:

  • siding;
  • metal plates;
  • plastic panels.

The best option is siding, which does not rust, does not mold, it is distinguished by resistance and durability and does not require special care. Stacking plates outside the balcony is desirable to entrust professionals.

Any apartment can be supplemented with a cozy and attractive balcony. If the residential premises has a small volume, the balcony can be used as another small residential premises. The room acquires a certain gloss, performs the function of a greenhouse or recreation room possible, if you repair the balcony yourself, with your own hands. In order to keep it, it is worth thoroughly and inspire.

What functions are performed by a balcony in the apartment

In the Soviet years, the loggia was the place of storage of the things that are not necessary in the farm and drying of linen. In modern urban conditions, at the expense of the balconies increase the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment, which is very valuable for their owners.

During the repair work, the appearance of the premises is subject to change. There are a large number of repairs of the balcony, which can be realized depending on the fantasy. The hosts can combine the sleeping and balcony premises, having received the Boo or a place to carry out idiot species with the opposite sex.

And here you can arrange alcove here, which has lockers with comfortable boxes and shelves, in which a large number of small things and personal items are stored.

Preparatory stage

Prior to the start of the repairs of the balcony, it is necessary to perform a number of pre-war activities:

  • drafting the installation and procurement schemes necessary for the material procedure;
  • dismantling old designs (removal of windows, balcony blocks and removal of the previous finish);
  • elimination of an old screed or removal of an old wooden floor, as well as checking, in what condition is a balcony stove. If there is a choice on it, from which the valves acts, it is processed using the rust converter. Conduct shifting;
  • aligning wall surfaces, which will help to quickly and effectively separate the room;
  • reliable fence can be created using foam concrete blocks, which are placed by an edge of glue (the location of the old parapet will be unchanged).

We repair the wall

In the future, the repair of the balcony in the apartment involves insulation and facing of wall surfaces. Thermal insulation materials are attached to the glue or twisted with dowels.

To insulate the room insulation fit between the pre-equipped frame design. Then the laying of vapor insulation materials, which are placed on decorative plastic or wood panels.

Warming room

Paul and walls should be insulated depending on whether it is carried out with what material.

If the floor is performed from a wooden board, then consistently conduct:

  • laying the waterproofing film on the balcony slab;
  • installation of lag;
  • laying sheets of insulation in the form of foam or mineral wool;
  • styling another waterproofing layer, which will protect the insulation from the water falling when washing the floors;
  • closing a layer with a floorboard or plates;
  • paint in several layers.

If the floor is made of concrete, then the stages of the work are:

  • the arrangement of a draft screed from cement, which contributes to the maximum smoothness of the irregularities of balcony plates;
  • dense laying of polystyrene foam with subsequent sealing of slots and gaps;
  • extraction of the waterproofing film and laying the reinforcing grid;
  • improvement of beacons and picing screed with subsequent alignment with a small rule.

To use a balcony for a year, you need to warm it. For these purposes, the device "Warm floor" is used. If there is no such heating system, then a variety of radiators come to the aid of the owners, which work when the outlet is turned on into the electrical network.

Currently, such sources of heating are a lot and every owner of the apartment can choose them depending on their financial capabilities.

Repair the roof and ceiling

If the roof flows, then all the materials used as a shelter should be dismantled. Overlapping are put on the walls, and then the design should be kept using slate or tiles.

In the future, the roof repair of the balcony implies the close of all the slots using the mounting foam. If it is not done, then the condensate accumulation is found between the insulation material and overlap, as a result of which mold and rotting appears here.

Glazing balcony or loggia do it yourself

The glazing of the necessary area is carried out with the help of various materials:

  • metal-plastic profiles that are economically beneficial for the price, durable. They help the preservation of heat for a long time;
  • aluminum;
  • wooden board.

The balconies are glad in stages as follows:

  • a window frame is exhibited on the surface of the furnace foam box with subsequent fixation. It is carried out using self-tapping screws or anchor bolts in the number of two pieces per each of the sides;
  • the installation of the window sill inside the room and the lowers outside;
  • the wizard is installed a glass in each of the frames;
  • sealing the slots arising during glazing using the mounting foam. This will help keep warm and protects from different sounds that penetrate outside;
  • after the foam dries, its surplus, protruding from the walls, is cut with a stationery knife. Then these places are closed using special linings.

In the future, the repair of the turnkey balcony implies a finish according to the design idea from the inner and the outside. The room can be independently decorated, and it can be a continuation of a nearby kitchen, a bedroom or hall.

The design is carried out with the help of lining from wooden materials, PVC panels, moisture resistant drywall, decorative stone. The owners are selected material depending on the financial capabilities and taste

In the last decade, wallpaper and whitewasure ceased to be used, but when decorated in the retro style, you can use them.

To carry out good repair on the balcony, you can use the photo and video materials widely represented on the Internet. Here it also describes how to work, without even special skills. Among other things, you can choose the various design designs of the repaired room.

If the owners of the apartments do not feel in themselves for repair work, you can use the services of special companies whose specialists will quickly and effectively create what you need. The homeowner at each stage can monitor the work of the brigade and the quality of the repair.

Photo of repair balcony

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If the balcony is finished with their own hands, step-by-step instructions in most cases the same for different facing materials. However, there are nuances, decoration of the top plate, floor design.

Finishing the balcony with your own hands

Features of the decoration of the loggia and balcony

Despite the external similarity of loggias and balconies, these elements of the building have a different design, operational modes. Let's look at what is the difference between the balcony's loggia:

  • balcony - The workspace is created console-fixed in the array of the bearing wall with a stove, heat loss huge, warm the parapet, the side walls does not make sense - with a thin layer of Minvati, polystyrene foam money will be spent in vain, with an increase in the heat-insulator layer, the heating organization will receive a "warm matchbox" , the budget will be consumed not rational;
  • the loggia - the stove relies on the side walls running along all floors, insulation the room is much easier, but it is forbidden to connect from the central heating system, the owner in such a situation is subjected to a serious fine;

The floors usually rise due to the lag laying on which the laminate is mounted, floor board or plywood, decorated with vinyl tiles, linoleum, cork coating. Screeds for porcelain stoneware, linoleum, bulk floors are not recommended on balconies, as the slab is superfluous, reduce its resource, although they are often offered by repair companies.

When decoking the vertical surfaces, the balcony finishes is most popular with their own hands with clapboard or any other long-term materials - MDF panels, PVC, block house, siding. Less often applies artificial stone, GVL sheets under painting. The ceiling is aligned with putty or is trimmed with the specified cladding.

At the design stage, before purchasing decorative materials, it should be noted that some of them allocate harmful substances, unpleasant odors, increase in size when heated. Therefore, from parapet, side walls, vinyl panels, flexible stone, PVC siding is better to separate with foil rolled materials (reflective layer outward).

Article on the topic:

Balcony Finishing Technology

All of the above decorative finishes are attached to frames from a bar or galvanized profile. The bar is cheaper, but it is undergoing a change in changes in seasonal humidity. Therefore, for stable geometry of facing planes, a profile is recommended from a profile used in GLC systems.

For the floor, the lag is a bar, a solution with a much higher resource - adjustable floors.

When choosing a wall cover, you should consider:

  • panels are usually placed on the walls vertically, the profile is horizontally;
  • the lining is possible to fix anything, including under the tilt;
  • siding, the block house is attached horizontally to vertical racks, in the first case it requires technology, in the second, the visual perception of the facing, imitating the crown of a church, is not disturbed;
  • the flexible stone is produced in the form, therefore placed on the walls, according to the face of the face.

GVL sheets are attached according to standard technology, the seams are reinforced with sickle, the surface is aligned with putty, painted in a convenient color. The foil film material is covered with a perimeter perimeter, the insulation on the loggias is laid inside the frames. Wiring for lighting is laid in the corrugation or is created from the cable in fireproof isolation.

Attention!All options for interior decontamination are possible only in the presence of glazing, parapet from durable structural materials, or racks from metal. Outdoor facing in this manual is not considered.

Lining and Block House

When finishing the balcony with their own hands, it is recommended to use kleimers - curved brackets, pressing strips in lock connections. Nails, selflessness split the sawn timber, reduce the resource, the aesthetic value of the decorative coating.

The scheme of the crate is different:

  • the lining - the bar, the profile is attached to the outer wall of the building, parapets horizontally, the facing is installed vertically, fixed by cleimers, locks in each other;

  • block House - hanging on the vertical racks, is also attached by kleimers, is located horizontally;

The pairing sites (internal angles) are decorated with wooden cartoons on the side walls, along the perimeter of the ceiling, the plinth along the perimeter of the floor. After that, the lumber is soaked with oil, wax, butter, open 2 layers of varnish or painted.

Article on the topic:

Siding, PVC and MDF panels

The decoration of the balcony with its own hands siding, vinyl or MDF panels is absolutely identical to the decoration of the loggia of the clapboard. However, under the lining it is necessary to lay a continuous layer of foil foamed polymer rolled material (for example, isophlex, foam). The reflecting layer should look outside to prevent the heating of the cladding in the summer.

Montage siding

Manufacturers of vinyl panels, siding produce many quiet elements that allow high-quality sealing, mask joints, pairing bearing walls. It is preferable to wide panels without a chamfer, seams, as they have maximum hygienicness, easily wash, do not collect dust.

Finishing balcony panels MDF

Article on the topic:

GWL under painting

The budget option for designing the interior of the loggia is the sewing of walls, parapes of moisture-resistant GVL sheets, staining with water-level paint after alignment of the seams with putty. The material is intended for a waste-free Croes, large surfaces are covered with one sheet. If necessary, you can leave the walls with a cafeter, PVC tiles, wallpaper.

At any stage of operation, the vertical planes can be repainted in another color. G Clap is attached to the vertical stands of self-drawing, whose heads are taken inside the fibers. Pile ships together with joints, surfaces are perfectly smooth. This is the only design and finishing material from which niches can be made, the shelves, increasing the comfort of the loggia.

When using flexible stone, the working space of the balcony does not decrease. The material is an analogue of wallpaper - an adhesive layer is applied to the textile base, quartz sand or crumb of natural stone (sandstone, dolomite, marble, granite). The thickness of the facing is 3 - 5 mm, it weighs it much more wallpaper, so special glue is necessary.

Flexible stone allows you to receive seamless technology coatings:

  • the surfaces of the walls, the ceiling, parapets are covered with canvas;
  • the joints are heated by a construction hairdryer;
  • they are laid on a special mixture, similar to the coating of flexible stone.

After the spatula alignment, the coating layer is hardened with a homogeneous. This option is more expensive, with the insulation of the walls, the polystyrene foam is first sealed, shovel with adhesive composition, only after that decorated with flexible stone.

Today, loggias from the storage of unnecessary things are increasingly turning into full-fledged living rooms. For such a transformation, sometimes enough just to produce a stages of repair of the loggia with their own hands.

It is the strict compliance with all stages of work that is the main condition for the successful repair of the loggia, during which the utility room can be part of the apartment's residential space. Consider step by step of all stages of work, following which, you can repair your balcony yourself.

Preparation for repair

Make up the project and free the balcony from the rubble

In order to repair its balcony qualitatively, it is necessary to pay special attention to the preparatory stage. First of all, the project should be drawn up, which will reflect the entire volume of upcoming work. Next, you should free the balcony from the extra afflictions and residues of the previous finish: clean the walls and the ceiling from paint and plaster, floors from the old flooring.

Glazing loggia

One of the key steps is the glazing of the facade. The window group mounted on the balcony performs several functions at once:

  • thermal insulation;
  • noise insulation;
  • street dust protection;
  • protection against precipitation.

Since the glazing of the loggia performs a very important role, when installing windows, you should give preference to high-quality modern systems. It is better if it is plastic or aluminum windows with multi-chamber windows.

Before mounting windows, it is necessary to examine the parapet on the subject of whether it can withstand the load of the window blocks. If any doubts arise on this score, then it will be better to produce its additional strengthening.

Warming loggia

The next step after glazing will be the insulation of the walls, gender and the ceiling of the loggia. This can be done with the help of any, most suitable insulation.

Selection of material for insulation

When choosing a heat-insulating material, not only its cost and convenience of installation should be taken into account, but also the thermal conductivity indicator.

This coefficient shows how effective one or another insulation - the minimum thickness is dependent on it necessary to protect the balcony from external factors and minus temperatures. Therefore, insulation should be carried out in accordance with the construction regulations (SNiP) for your region.

The most frequently used for repair work on the balcony is the foam, penplex, foam, mineral wool and stoves.

Preparation for the installation of thermal insulation

Mount the insulation on peeled and prepared walls

Before starting to lay the heat insulating material, all cracks and cracks in the joints of the balcony structures should be carefully selected. If you neglect by this, in the future, the gaps will become paths of penetration into the placement of dampness and cold air. For sealing cracks, depending on their size, plaster or plaster solutions can be used, as well as the mounting foam.

Heater Ekwata

Then all surfaces should be treated with water-repellent mastic. Waterproofing will avoid the appearance of dampness under the insulation and the development of mold and fungus. Next, on all internal surfaces, the framework should be mounted for fastening future finishing elements. You can do without a frame on the floors, if you plan on top of the insulation to pour cement screed.

You can also not mount the frame on the ceiling in the event that the ceiling plate will be covered with dense sheets of insulation and pile. To create a frame, you can use wooden bars or metal profile for GKC.

Installation of insulation

The space between the frame elements is filled with insulation, uncorrected according to the desired size. If roll materials are used as a heater (minvat, foam), the framework can be mounted on top of them using bars as fastener elements.

Fixing of the insulation is made using construction adhesive compositions or dowels. The most practical is the option of fasteners with plastic fungal dowels. For details on how to warm the balcony, see this video:

The gap between the insulation and the frame barcas should be carefully sharpened to avoid heat loss.

Decorative finish

Mounting communications and decorative trim are installed as the final stage. We carry out the wiring, we take the wires in the right places for the socket and lighting and sewing the walls and ceilings with decorative panels. The variants of the decorative decoration of walls, as well as floor coatings, may be a great set - the benefit of the modern market offers a wide range of finishing materials to create any interior.

As you can see, making it a stages of repair of the balcony with your own hands, you can get a good living room instead of the utility room for storing the trash.

When building new panel houses, the balconies in them are made according to typical templates and most often do not carry special attractiveness. They are distinguished by a number of constructive features, lack of any decorative finish, some of them are not even glazed. For these and other personal reasons, it is worth considering the option of reconstruction of the balcony. If the prices for the implementation of installation work by experts are not affordable, then you can safely take for repair on your own.

Standard balcony of the panel house

Estimation of the balcony status in the panel house

Consider the stages of the capital repairs of the loggia with their own hands on the example of panel houses by type P 44. In them, the platforms differ in frame features from standard balconies, and the appearance resemble a zigzag form. The correct approach to the reconstruction of the balcony will significantly increase the free space. It is easy to stay with a wardrobe, a coffee table with chairs, and if necessary, you can organize a personal account.

The bearing capacity of balcony structures in panel houses are famous for a long service life. Finishing materials involved in construction are rarely distinguished by high quality. In the panel house by type P 44 it is necessary to make repairs on the inner and outdoor decoration.

Renovated balcony - a cozy corner in the apartment

Outdoor finish

The need for outdoor decoration of the balcony for houses by type n 44 is not a rare case. There are a number of fundamental rules for the choice of materials for the outer finish:

  • Only qualitative materials that have durability and long service life are admissible.
  • Material for the outer decoration should well transfer any atmospheric effects and precipitation.
  • Affordable price.
  • Easy when installing with your own hands.

Outdoor trim balcony

The most suitable criteria on the above are:

  • Metal profile.
  • Lining.
  • Siding.

Installation of balcony by vinyl siding

For repair with their own hands, siding from polyvinyl chloride (vinyl) is ideal. The material is covered with light weight, high strength and reliability indicators, easy installation. Such material looks good in the balconies in the panel house by type P 44. Before starting work, you need to cook:

  1. Vinyl siding (the number of square meters is determined from the volume of the area of \u200b\u200bthe area + 15-20% is added to the additional trimming).
  2. Wooden bar 40x40mm for mounting the crate (length depends on the perimeter of the bottom of the balcony).
  3. Starting strips mounted at the bottom of the structure (quantity depends on the length of the lamp timing).
  4. Outdoor corners to hide the angular compounds of siding.
  5. Fasteners (anchor with dowels, selflessness).
  6. Planks under the windowsill.
  7. Mounting tool: Bulgarian with metal discs and wood, perforator with a peak set and checked, level, screwdriver with nozzles, screwdrivers, hammers.

Montage of siding outside balcony

The casing begins with the mounting of the wooden crate. In houses of type p 44 from 9 to 16 floors, therefore high-altitude work with your own hands with the strict compliance with all safety regulations.

Important! If siding is planned to be installed in a vertical position, then the doom is mounted horizontally and vice versa!

For this, at the corners of the balcony with the help of anchor bolts, racks from a wooden bar are attached. Nuts will help better consolidate the crate from the inside. Then horizontal bars are installed along the upper and lower edge of the design. Now you can mount the vertical racks of the crate.

At the final stage of repair, the mounting of the siding to the wooden structure. Special outer corners are screwed to the corners of the crates, the ends of the product will be cooked.

Balcony of the panel house will be covered with siding

Installation of vinyl siding with her own hands begins with a starting plank, which is attached to the lower wooden bruster using self-tapping screws. Now each subsequent bar is inserted into the previous and fixed. The topmost span is not mounted, instead there will be a plank under the windowsill. When screwing the screws, it is important to leave 0.5-1 mm as a gap, which will not give siding to deform with thermal expansion.

Interior decoration

After the end of the external work, it is necessary to give a balcony comfort, heat and an elegant appearance. To do this, use the following materials to choose from: PVC panels, plastic lining or drywall. The simplest when installing with your own hands are PVC panels.

The walls of the balcony are covered with plastic panels

Wall sheath and ceiling PVC panels

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

  1. Wooden bar 20x20 for mounting the crate (the number of square meters is calculated from the area of \u200b\u200bthe room).
  2. Polyfoam or foam for insulation of walls and ceiling.
  3. PVC panels: P-shaped profile, n-profile, F-profile (have a size in width: 0.250, 0.3, 0.5 m; in length: 5.9, 2.95 and 2.6 m). To accurately determine the number of parts for repair, you measure the perimeter of the room and divide to the selected width of the panel.
  4. Mounting foam.
  5. Self-tapping screws and wood.
  6. Tool: Perforer with winning drills, Bulgarian with discs for metal and wood, screwdriver, hammers, screwdriver.

Installation of crate to cover the balcony with plastic panels

The first thing is mounted a wooden lamp on the principle of outer finish using vinyl siding with a horizontal arrangement of the guides. Insert the sheets of foam in place between the frame, securing their dowels. Then the starting angular panel is installed in the corner of the balcony, where it is more difficult to work.

Each subsequent panel is inserted into the previous one with the help of special grooves. Use the F-profile to bypass the balloon angles. In places where the wall with the ceiling is enclosed, we set the ceiling plinths. Mocking profile is mounted at the end of work.

Installation of floors

To select a field of flooring, you must proceed from the available tools and materials. The easiest way to install the floor with your own hands in houses of type p 44 is a typical lift and insulation. To do this, cook:

  • Screwdriver.
  • Bulgarian with a wood disk or electric jigsaw.
  • Dowel 80 mm.
  • Phaneur or chipboard at 20 mm.
  • Wooden bars 40x40 mm.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Polyfoam or foam 30 mm thick.
  • Roulette, pencil, screwdriver, hammers, level.

Warm floor mounting on the balcony

The perforator drills holes for fastening the draft bar for the entire length of the room. Measure the width of the balcony (in the houses of the type p 44 it is 105 cm) and cut the bars of 40x40 mm to the corresponding size minus 1-2 cm. They are placed and mounted at a distance of 40 cm. Then we drill through holes and fasten up 80 mm dowels.

In the formed cells foam foam tightly stacked. Make sure that the gaps are not formed. The foil is stacked on top. Using the level, evenly exhibit the layers of plywood. If necessary, put another layer of foam or foam. Now it remains to paint the floor in your favorite color. On this, the repair of the balcony floor is over.


The glazing of the balcony is the final stage of repair with their own hands. In houses of type P 44, the most suitable option is the installation of double-glazed windows. Order windows you need from a proven manufacturer. First of all, it is necessary to make measurements. To do this, remove the old window frames up to the base of the parapet and the upper overlap. Now we measure the distance between the walls and the parapet before the overlap. According to the obtained technical data we make windows.

For self-installation of metal-plastic windows, you will need:

  • Ready frames with double glazing.
  • Drill or puncher with winning drills 140 mm.
  • Self-tapping screws with plastic dowels.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Mounting foam.
  • Roulette, level, screwdriver.

Installation of metal-plastic windows on the balcony

So, before mounting the windows, we remove the windows from the frames. The frames are inserted into the window opening, where there are points of future holes. In the drilled holes insert plastic dowels. Then I mount the frame with the help of self-tapping screws, screwing them into a dowel. The foam close all the gaps. After installing double-glazed windows, fixing them with a plastic bar. Attach swivel-folding flaps.