Repairs Design Furniture

Design ideas of small apartments. Beautiful ideas of a small room design. Little bathroom. Photo "To"

The design of a small room is not such a difficult task as it may seem at first glance. A variety of beautiful ideas and original, design solutions can be easily implemented if you adhere to certain rules.



To create a cozy and comfortable interior on a limited area, some rules must be observed.

Visually to expand the room, make it more spacious, air, avoid climbing and use the existing area with maximum benefit - it is this task that stands before the designer at the design of a small room.

Planning options

In small apartments, such as "Khrushchev", the location and area of \u200b\u200bfunctional zones (kitchens, bathroom, toilet) usually leaves much to be desired. During the construction of these houses, the convenience of the inhabitants was not at first. The main task was to provide all housing. If two-bedroom apartments compensate for these disadvantages of at least the presence of additional housing, then one-room does not leave another exit as redevelopment.

From one-room "Khrushchev" you can make an apartment-studio, removing partitions separating the room from the kitchen. Due to this, the living area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment will increase.

Two-bedroom apartments usually have a bigger room (passing, running the role of the living room) and smaller, which serves as a bedroom. The area of \u200b\u200bthese rooms, especially the bedroom, is small - an average of 9-10 square meters. m. In rooms of this size, it is important to create an interior that would not just answer the aesthetic demands of the owners, but also was functional and comfortable. Therefore, when making a small room, you need to thoroughly think about:

  • zoning of the room;
  • interior style;
  • decor;
  • design ceiling, floor and walls;
  • lighting.


Whatever the purpose of the room is a bedroom, a children's or office - in any case, it is necessary to highlight several functional zones. It will make it possible to understand what furniture needs and how to put it right. "Subway" zone - where all the necessary things, recreation area, working, for receiving guests - all this can be easily placed in a small room. Three factors play an important role:

  • room form (rectangular or square);
  • presence or absence of a window;
  • the location of the window and the door relative to each other.

Square room is less demanding. It is easier to place major items (bed, wardrobe, desktop), they can be delivered anywhere.

Another thing is a rectangular room. Here the location of the window and doors relative to each other play an important role. The following options are possible:

  1. The window and the door are located opposite each other on the long walls, approximately in the middle. Optimum option. Allows you to easily zonate space.
  2. The window is located on a short wall, the door is on the long, closer to the far from the corner window. Zoning here is about the same way as in the previous version.
  3. The window and the door are located on opposite short walls. This is the least convenient option. In this case, the working (or sleeping) zone can be positioned by the window, and the storage area is at the door.

When zoning, you can use such techniques as:

  • installation of partitions or sliding doors;
  • installation of the podium;
  • the use of different finishing materials.

You can use racks installed perpendicular to the wall, curtains, decorative scrolls, and multi-level lighting. These are more economical and easy-to-use options. For example, by plating around the perimeter of the bed curtains, you can get a cozy place of rest and separate the sleeping area. Select the recovery area will help the installation of the podium - it visually shares the room. Having placed the drawers in the podium, you can also get an extra room for storing things.

Speakingly separate one functional zone from another can be using a different color or texture of finishing materials. But in this case need to choose the right color,in order not to reduce all efforts to visual expansion of space.

It is not worth all the zone to allocate some kind of color. It will be enough to highlight the wall of the wall and the ceiling, say, above the bed. Or make a podium from another material, not like the floor covering the remaining part of the room.

Proper furnishing is another option of the discharge of zones in a small room. Mounted perpendicular to the wall Open rack will highlight the working area or the reception area. With this task, shirma will fine. If you use a closed rack, then it is better to install it with a solid, rear wall to the part of the room, where the zone will be located, which requires privacy, for example, sleeping.


Not every style will be appropriate in a small room:

  • Ampire, Loft, Classic, Baroque, Rococo Do not suit the design of small-sized square. These styles of large spaces, the small room they will not only do not decorate, but also create a grace, an unpleasant impression of a closed space.

For a small room, modern styles are most appropriate, such as minimalism, high-tech, modern. You can use Japanese or Scandinavian style items.

  • For Minimalistic interiordescribed by restrained colors (more often two main, in which the room is drawn up), geometric forms, the presence of reflective surfaces, the use of blinds instead of curtains, almost complete decorative decoration. In general, in a small room, bulky curtains to the floor will be inappropriate, it is better to use the so-called Roman curtains or blinds. Several bright accents will revive the interior and emphasize his conciseness.

  • Style high tech, as well as minimalism, implies minimum decor, geometric shapes, clearly verified proportions. The characteristic features of this direction is the abundance of metal surfaces - decor, furniture, inserts on the walls, lamps. This style focuses on modernity, it has a lot of equipment that plays the role of decor. The main color in this direction is white. In combination with light-reflected light, it allows you to visually expand the room, so it will be appropriate in a narrow room.

  • Modern It is a kind of opposite of high-tech. It is characterized by smooth lines, vegetable or animals ornaments, wood, glass, soft, calm colors. Furnishing furniture, which is one of the distinguishing features of the style, is characterized by functionality. The minimum amount of textiles is another characteristic feature of modern.

The color range of a small room, regardless of the style of the style, should be light, pastel.You can add a couple of bright accents to "revive" the interior, non-screaming, and restrained, calm shades - peach, olive, emerald, terracotta.

The abundance of bright colors in a limited space will put pressure on a person, in such a room it will be uncomfortable. Therefore, the main palette of the room should be neutral.

When clearing the room it is better to use One color gamut.For example, pale blue or green. These shades create a feeling of remoteness, and therefore visually make the room spacious. The use of gray-blue tones in combination with light furniture allows you to make the interior light, air.


The decor is also better to use bright shades. The use of bright, juicy colors will make the room visually smaller, and pastel, light, on the contrary, will add light room.

When making a small room, the main thing is to fill it with light, spacious, air. Well coped with this task of the mirror. Reflecting light, they seem to give it, making room lighter.

Creature Falche window from the mirror- Fashionable reception now. It allows you to visually increase the room and bring the originality notch. If the room is generally devoid of windows - such a reception will save from the feeling of gulling walls, closets, will add comfort and comfort. For the same purpose, glass elements are used.

The furniture should be bright, natural shades or made of modern transparent materials - it will seem weightless, easy and will not be weighting space. To get involved in dark furniture is not worth it, visually it will seem massive, heavy.

It is also worth avoided by the abundance of all sorts of statuettes, pads, souvenirs, paintings, various decorative items. They will create a feeling of litterness, placement of the room. It is better to hang one picture on the wall corresponding to the stylistics of the room, or a couple of black and white photos.

Color range of paintings should cross the common palette of the room - no contrast, bright colors. The image of light landscapes, some futuristic motifs successfully fit into the interior.


A good idea is to use photo wallpaper, usual or with a 3D effect. They will create the effect of space, freedom, unlimited space. The pictures of nature or the sea are best fit.

Urban landscapes are better to choose those on which the image goes away into the perspective. This technique seems to push the boundaries of the room. Place the photo wallpaper is better on the opposite door of the wall, or (if the window is on a short wall, and the door is long) in front of the window.

When choosing simple wallpaper, you need to remember that small prints are not suitable for making a small room.. It is better to stop your choice on models with wide, large vertical elements. The reason is that against the background of a small wallpaper pattern, all surrounding items visually increase. A large drawing, on the contrary, makes them less.

An image of an extended elements is visually raising the ceiling, makes it higher. Horizontal image location, on the contrary, makes the room below and wider.


When repairing do not forget about the design of the ceiling. The feeling of height will give the diode backlight around the perimeter. Alternatively, you can use a glossy coating: it reflects the light well and makes the room above.

Multi-level plasterboard ceilings are not the best option for a small room. They will reduce the height of the room.


When finishing the floor, you can use parquet, laminate, boards, cork coating, or make the bulk floor. Each material has its advantages:

  • Parquet and laminate laminated diagonally expand the room.
  • The plug perfectly retains the form, is not deformed with physical effects, moistureproof and provides sound insulation.
  • Self-leveling floor is one of the most durable coatings. It can be absolutely anyone, even with a 3D effect. But it is not necessary to get involved in a variety of drawings - the small area is much "loyal" to simple, traditional coatings and nonsense tones.

The color of the floor must correspond to the common color palette of the room. If the naked floor is unacceptable, you can put in the center of the room a small carpet of oval or round form.


Organization of lighting in a small room also has its own nuances. It will not be appropriate for a pompous, massive chandelier in the center of the room, it is better to use a compact geometric shape globe. In the conditions of limited space, it is not necessary to install bulky lands or sconces. The optimal option is the built-in lamps. Installed around the ceiling perimeter, in the window and doorway, in the headboard or sofa, they will give enough light.

When designing a room at the cottage, natural materials can be used, such as a tree. In the summer interior it will be very by the way, especially light breeds.

Small rooms - the inheritance of Soviet construction - now exist in almost every apartment. They require careful planning when designing and repairing. This is the case when it is better to measure seven times and only then cut. Stylistics, color gamut, furnishings, textiles, decor - everything needs to be thought out to the smallest detail.

Best will be Create room plan in 3D version And play with the color scheme, placement of furniture, accommodation of decor and light. Such a technique will help at the initial stage clearly understand which materials will be required, which palette is best suited, what style will be most appropriate.

Visualization is necessary, especially when it comes to the design of small-sized premises.

The small area of \u200b\u200bthe caparity and fixes will not only be difficult, but also costly. It is necessary to thoroughly consider the stylistics of the room, the color range, the materials used, the situation based on the purpose of the room and its shape. It is necessary to measure everything, calculate before going to the store.

Old furniture, boring colors, uncomfortable zoning, scattered things, because there is no place to store them ... It's all can really interfere with living. At some point it becomes completely unbearable, and the person takes a volitional solution: change is necessary. We will help you! Fill you with inspiration, we will collect a collection of cunning solutions, impressive interior changes and photos of excellent ideas for repairing an apartment.

Cooking photo before and after repair

The photo "before and after" is clearly shown, how much can transform any room good, constructive ideas and a couple of interesting techniques. Colors, materials, new gender and functional furniture will change the apartment so that you will not know her. Narrow premises will seem wider, dark will become pleasant, and on the same Square there is a place for all things. Magic? Not at all! Only skillful planning of the room and the right furniture.

Design project from All Design

Repair of white minimalistic kitchen

Would you like a minimalistic decoration of the apartment? Great idea! Stylish, functionally, nothing superfluous. White color characteristic of minimalism is a wonderful choice for small rooms in need of an optical increase.

Repair kitchen in modern style

Having made a choice in favor of minimalism and white, look for furniture simple forms and clean lines. To avoid the feeling that you are in the operating room, lay accents using wooden elements - parquet board or laminate, wood furniture. Live plants perfectly fit into the situation and add comfort.

Design project Kasia Orwat.

Photo of white kitchen before and after repair

In narrow rooms, light plays great importance. White walls and reflective surfaces will not allow one solar radiant to slip away. Our advice: Avoid the vertical location of dark colors, place the dark surfaces only in the horizontal direction.


The idea of \u200b\u200brepairing an attic floor in Scandinavian style

The attic floor is often related to disregard, without using it. But the mansard rooms have its own charm, its own personality. From a technical point of view, it is necessary to thoroughly consider waterproofing and window holes, if any.

Design project Superpozycja Architekci.

Big black and white kitchen in modern style

Each housewife dreams of a big beautiful kitchen with everything you need. Thinking on the design of your new stylish kitchen, proceed from the architectural features of the room and take into account the location of drainage and ventilation.

Design project Kliff Design.

The idea of \u200b\u200bmodern repair of a small narrow room - photo "To" and "after"

Often, the layout of the rooms in our apartments leaves much to be desired. Output one - fantasy and creative approach. Light pastel tones gave a room freshness and a relaxed mood. Our advice for narrow premises: Discard high furniture like furniture walls and bookcases, visually they take too much square.

Design project PracowniaPolka.

Bedroom repair idea in Scandinavian style

In Scandinavian style, the light stands at the head of the corner. In no case can not allow dark furniture to pick up at least a part of the existing lighting. The dominant color is white. Several accents of gray and greens of plants divert the interior and make it cozy.

Little Bedroom Repair Idea

Minimalism is the perfect solution for the interior of a small room. The same wall color and ceiling, painted in white parquet and gray textiles create a single image. Tip: Replace the handles on the cabinets with a pressure mechanism for opening doors, as on the photo represented. Laconic facades were almost merged with the wall, from which the room seems more.

Design project Archideck.

The idea of \u200b\u200brepairing a little nursery. Photo "To"

Most often in the nursery, we need to find a place for the bed, and for the table, and for the closet ... and often it happens that, placing a bed, we can no longer find a place for the rest. Our advice: Do not buy finished furniture. Order the manufacture of furniture intended for a particular room.

Furniture, custom for very little children. Photo "after"

In the manufacture of furniture to order, you will proceed from the individual characteristics of the room and the needs of the person living in it. You will have the opportunity to optimally use every centimeter of space. In the photo from above, you see the built-in wardrobe and shelves in the headboard, made according to an individual project.

Design project Czysta Forma.

Children's in contemporary style with orange accents

At a certain moment of life, all children are suitable for that stage when a person has his own look at what the room should be. The child appears constant and serious hobbies that are interesting for him. And in adolescence, when the time of wallpapers with bears, the child wants to participate in the equipment of his own room. A good solution for the furnishings of a teenager room is a functional furniture with simple, but practical design and color accents, placed using individual elements of furniture and textiles.

Design project MEBLE VOX.

Repair of a children's room for two children. Photo "To"

In the design of nursery, it makes sense to abandon thematic wallpapers and furniture, which in a few years will cease to be interesting for the child. Our advice: Chairs, bags and docking perfectly fulfill the role of multifunctional furniture, which will definitely have small family members in the shower.

The idea of \u200b\u200brepairing a children's room. Photo "after"

With the help of accents in the design of a nursery, you can beat the child's hobby. At the same time, it is necessary to think about how these accents can be changed in case of a change in the interests of the owner of the room.

Design project Tutaj Concept

Toilet repair idea: photo "To" and "after"

Previously, this toilet was a pitiful spectacle - small, narrow and dirty. Designers lengthened the room and managed to find a stylish combination of all kinds of techniques: gray-blue colors, the floor is decorated with a tile with an ornament, one wall is painted in a calm gray tone, two others are placed with photo wallpapers that create an endless perspective.

Design project Ale Design.

Little bathroom. Photo "To"

A narrow bathroom with an inconvenient layout and a protruding tap is not the most attractive sight. Messarly scattered things do not add beauty to her. Our advice: Combine two well-combined colors.

Bathroom repair idea. Photo "after"

In this project, the designers combined white and wood, placing them on all surfaces. Glossy options were chosen for white tiles and furniture. Together with the mirror, reflecting the light, they make the room lighter and visually increase it.

Design project Bluecat Studio.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe interior of a small bathroom in pastel colors

Design project is designed to repair a small bathroom with a limited budget. The white and blue interior looks fresh and modern, and the bathroom turned out to be cozy and beautiful.

Design project Studio Monocco.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe interior of the bathroom - indirect lighting and combining materials

The idea of \u200b\u200bindirect lighting is very popular and creates wonders, especially in small rooms. Create glowing "ribbons" on the long elements of the bathroom - on the bath itself, washbasin or closet. Glossy surfaces will strengthen the aesthetics of the effect, reflecting the soft light.

Design project Abo Studio.

Bathroom Repair Idea - Little Bathroom in Minimalist Style

The win-win option is the interior of the bathroom in black and white gamma. This design project is interesting for extravagant black floors and unusual for the bathroom of the wall texture under the brick.


Bathroom interior idea in white

You have a very small bathroom, but you would not like to give up the bathroom. Little bath, designed for seating, can be output from position. Our advice: Choose narrow furniture and light tones.

Interior of a small bathroom with storage location

Even in the smallest bathroom, a place to store various things. Stone standing under the trifles and compact built-in lockers with glass facades will also be in the way and will be presented with a narrow room with a favorable side.

Design project A1 Studio.

Optimal use of a small bathroom space

Of course, if you still have a washing machine in a small bathroom, the room will become even smaller. In this case, you need to find a very clever solution. Designers entered the washing machine in a range of built-in wardrobes, combining the entire lower level under one tabletop. At the top placed a mounted cabinet to the entire wall with mirror facades. The whole interior is designed in a gray-white gamma, which could look pretty boring if not bright green accents, placed using textiles and trifles.

How to equip a small room so that it is not only beautiful, but also fully functional? The implementation of the design of a small room with photos of 2016 and modern ideas, repair and arrangement options are set forth in this article. We hope that at least some of the Soviets and ideas will help you find a solution that will suit your style and the nature of the interior.

Little room - repair and design ideas

In a small living room or bedroom to equip an aesthetic and functional interior is difficult. It is difficult to plan a slight living space so that it does not only attract the eye, but it was fully functional. Most of us faces this problem, because the apartments in which we live are not too large in most cases. In recent years, fashionable steel seating, combined with the kitchen, which additionally reduces the metrar, designed exclusively for recreation area. In fact, this is not so bad, but such a small area is difficult to plan to independently, in such a way as to fully satisfy the requests of functionality and aesthetics. Moreover, every day awareness of us is growing about the role of good design in everyday life, while the need arises in attractive housing and fully useful area.

On how to equip small rooms, ideas with photos of various interior designers are collected in our gallery and are presented below. Some of them with a kitchenette, others with a kitchen and dining room make up a single residential space. Even small rooms can be decorated in various styles and colors, and each square meter must be carefully thought out and used.

A small living room, if it is well decorated, will seem more than it really is. Guests will ask you about the lifestyle of the room, and do not believe that the room is so small. If you wonder how to decorate a small room, remember that everything is important - furniture, accessories, colors and lighting. What should I remember, doing the repair of a small room? First of all, you need to try to extract the maximum space from a small room. There are some general principles that can be used, but not necessarily everything is not always simultaneously.

So that the ceiling seemed above, it should be painted in white, it can be exhausted a wide ceiling plinth, which will separate the ceiling from a bit of darker walls.

Organize space by removing unnecessary elements. Cabinets, shelves and other storage systems (in the deepening walls, under the bed or under the windows) facilitate this task. In a small living room, only the necessary elements should be left in sight. Decorations must be sustained in one style and used economically. So, for example, a room in the photo below is decorated in a cozy beige color. The main decorative element here is the photo wallpaper with the motif of dandelions, which visually expand the space. Cabinets that are practically invisible, merging with the ceiling form a large single space.

Soft furniture is better to choose in pastel light colors, then it will not overload the interior, visually reducing it. Minimalistic shapes and light tones of the sofa and chairs will ideally look in a small space.

The main rule is when you equip the interior of a small living room: the lower the furniture, the higher the interior is presented. Low furniture is visually capable of expanding the perspective. High and wide bookcases should be put near the short wall - thanks to this, the small room will have better proportions. Or you can create a "frame" of furniture: high cabinets to put on sides, and low - in the middle. It would be nice to put cabinets not opposite the entrance to the living room. Slipping a small room, do not forget about the corner options for furniture. If you have a small living room, furniture is desirable to choose a multifunctional, folding:

  • folding tables;
  • puffs, sofas and armchairs with storage tanks;
  • tables with drawers;
  • chairs that, after leaving guests, can be compact and removed.

Thus, it will be possible to save a lot of space.

Furniture should not suppress the interior of a small room. It is better to choose such options that pass or reflect light and do not obscure the review. If you have a small room, it is advisable to choose the following facades:

  • glass, just remember that transparent glass requires maintaining order in the cabinets;
  • an alternative may be facades from matte glass, which caused the contents of the cabinets;
  • colored facades;
  • glossy surfaces.

Well-chosen furniture will effectively use each meter. Smooth and shiny gloss practical shelves will be functional and beautifully decorate the interior without overloading it. The use of large mirrors visually doubles the space.

Are you looking for a place in the living room for a high closet? Suitable an angle of the room. If you install a closet in a niche and make it a facade of decorative glass, this piece of furniture will mimic the door to the second room. In a small room, you should not put massive, rich furniture elements, because they occupy a lot of space and absorb light. Openwork furniture or transparent chairs, tables and shelves, chairs on thin legs are best suited.

Massive, complete and heavier furniture will become less noticeable if it has a shade, similar to the floor in the living room. High cabinets should not dominate the interior. It is better that they merge with the background, for example, with a wall. And the walls and furniture should have bright shades, and the fronts of the cabinets should be smooth, devoid of massive decorative handles.

Doors and floors in a small room

If you have a small living room, doors and floors should provide such a background in the interior that will not attract too much attention. It is better to choose smooth doors, without decors. Patent doors are welcome, with glazing elements or glued mirror. In a small room, floors are better to choose bright, monochrome, reflective light.

Instead of one door, you can put double, for example, with glass wings that can be wide open or put a sliding system. Roller sliding doors can be hidden in the wall, you can stick your wings along the wall and hide them in a specially built box.

On the floor, high white plinths will look at the floor, thanks to them you will optically move the boundaries of the floor. If you combine them with darker walls, for example, with gray, you can create an impressive contrast and the illusion of the depth on the wall.

By purchasing a floor tile, choose large formats (60 × 60 cm, 90 × 30 cm) and a smooth surface. The smaller the visible seams, the smoother and large floor will seem to be. The floor has a wooden or imitating tree, it is good that the material also created a homogeneous surface (without a pronounced texture, color differences, etc.).

If you are equipping a small room, of course, the most suitable light walls will be. But you can paint one of them into a stronger tone. The main rule is to maintain collaboration in the interior of a small living room.

The use of white as the main color allows you to create a background for other colors, beautifully put furniture and accessories.

If the whole studio is equipped in white, it will look very bright and spacious, several bright accents will give the ability to minimalist interior and will pay attention. If you think that snow-white color is too boring, break it with pastels or gray. Juggling two and three shades from the same palette, you can get the illusion of space in a small living room.

Do you want to paint one wall in a darker or brighter color? Great idea! Red will raise the temperature of the interior, make it brighter, tranquility will add gray and brown, which will add heat atmosphere. One wall of the room, painted in a more rich color, "will move" from us and create a sense of depth, will help in a small living room create visually the best proportions.

Of course, the existing dimensions of the apartment can not be corrected, but by making repairs in a small bedroom, taking into account the original design solutions and receptions, you can get a cozy and functional space even in a small room. Now we will share with you designer secrets to repair and arrange small bedrooms.

Planning and creating design project

It is necessary to carefully consider the design project that will display your vision of the room after the end of the work. Repair of a small bedroom implies the exact location of the necessary items. So, what should be considered:

  • the location of the bed, which is the main element;
  • location of the cabinet for linen and clothing;
  • options for placement bedside tables, chest, shelves, etc.;
  • location of chandeliers, wall lamps;
  • thinking out options with curtains and other elements of a small bedroom decor.

It is better to perform a sketch on paper, but you can use the modern computer program. Thinking on design issues, it is necessary to take into account the humming of the room and its type - square, rectangular, narrow, etc.

Square bedroom planning option

Rectangular Bedroom Planning Option

Examples of the planning extended narrow bedroom

Most often, the bedroom is a room intended for rest and sleep, but sometimes in it masterfully equip the wardrobe or the working area. All these moments should be thought about the interior planning stage in a small bedroom.

By the way, you can see how to make a dressing room in the bedroom by reading.

Wall decoration

In the room of a country house for repair of walls, a wood material or decorative plaster can be used. This technique will give the volume of the room, visually makes it spacious.

In the apartment, the most suitable option will be wallpapers that will ensure microclimate for residents. Conventional paper choplars, fliesline or textile are suitable.

About, we wrote here.


In modern designs, it is helped to increase the space glossy stretch ceilings. Here the main task is the right choice of shade.

Another fashion trend is a caissional ceiling with mirror elements.


The floor in a small room is better made light. The perfect option for the interior in the small bedroom is parquet or laminate. Making material is better to perform diagonally, which in itself will be the expansion of the interior. You can decorate the floor by carpet in the tone of the furniture.


When choosing doors, you should not forget that they should be close to the color of the floor or plinth. You can adjust the color of the bedroom decor, which will create the harmony of all accessories. Sliding or turning mechanisms are suitable for a small room, which significantly save space.

How to choose a wallpaper for a small bedroom

Successful renovation in a small bedroom will directly depend on the wallpaper selected for these purposes. Among the large number of tricks, you can highlight a few basic rules for wall design with wallpaper, in accordance with the type of room.

  1. The room with low ceilings should be preferred to light wallpaper with a vertical pattern. It is better not to use a wide range, as it will make the room even lower. If the ceilings are high, then it is better to retreat from the edge somewhere 15 cm. It will help make the room more proportional.
  2. If the bedroom is small and dark, you can beat it with warm yellow color. At the same time, the wall that is highlighted worse than everything can be saved by strips of wallpaper lighter shade. This trick will help visually pull the square room.
  3. Use of different wallpapers in one room. Thanks to this variant of visual adjustment of space, you can designate zones intended for recreation or work. It should be remembered that wallpaper should have common characteristics that are manifested in texture, drawing or shade.
  4. You can significantly revive the interior of a small room with the help of photo wallpapers. It is better to give its preference to 3D images that imitates the space that goes deep into. It can be a trail between trees, sea or spectacular skyscrapers. Modern wallpaper with a realistic 3D effect will definitely become an original solution for the room, slightly adjusted its dimensions.

For more information about the choice of wallpapers in the small bedroom, we told.

Secrets of the interior arrangement in a small bedroom

The choice should be done in favor of a favorable bright interior, which affects visual perception. Not everyone to taste is fully white or a beige room. In this case, it is worth using bright accents. Select textiles your favorite shade, take a bright and extraordinary lamp on the bedside end.

To move attention from a small space, you can hang a big picture that will become the main focusing element.

In the design of a small bedroom along with the importance of color, the light also plays an important role, so good lighting should be selected. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the main sources of light - windows. Remove everything that you can clutch them, remove too tight curtains and replace them on more easy and compact. A good alternative here will serve light linen curtains or such an option as Roman curtains.

The chandelier for a small bedroom will serve as a source of light in the dark time. It can be a few small lamps on the ceiling, the light of which is directed up. They will help raise the ceiling and make the bedroom more spacious. In a small room, you can use compact bedside lamps, hidden backlight.

In a visual expansion of the mirror space, an important role is to be given. It can be attached to the wall or a wardrobe. Several mirrors are able to break the space, thereby expanding it. Sometimes the design does not imply the use of mirrors on the walls. In this case, you can use various mirror surfaces of the furniture, for example, a dressing table, a trumpem, etc.

Also in the interior can be present glass elements in furniture that will not clutch the space due to its ease and transparency.

Little Bedroom Furniture

Small rooms do not have a large resource of space, so it is necessary to approach the selection of storage systems with special attention, affecting compactness and functionality.

Standard bedroom set for a small room will not be quite relevant. In addition, it is not always used fully. The stands are better replaced by racks or use special wall shelves without visible mounting.

For the correct placement of the elements, you must try to prevent voids. There must be a minimum number of things, but necessarily involved. A large number of things, books and other elements will only interfere with your relaxation and full-fledged holiday.

About the placement of furniture in the bedroom read.

The bed can be used not only in direct appointment, but also become a kind of pencil case with storage boxes without a massive headboard. The optimal option can be considered a transforming bed - a folding sofa or a bed with a podium in which you can store things.

If you wish, you can put a bed diagonally, unless of course the entrance door will allow.

The bed with drawers is a great option for small bedrooms.

In the low ceilings, it is worth paying attention to the options for beds in Japanese style, where the low platform makes the room more spacious.

Sometimes bunk options or attic beds, which are equipped with shelves and drawers are appropriate. Thanks to such products, you can properly dispose of precious meters.

In order for the bedroom to be half a work off, you can use several elements of furniture: table, chair, appliances. At the same time it is important to distribute the space correctly.

A good idea is to make a workplace, turning the windowsill in the worktop.

The surface of the windowsill can perform the role of the table, unless of course allows its width, and you can use the folding mechanism. The rack fixed on the wall will help to significantly save the place and organize a small but functional working area.

For a small bedroom, a built-in or angular cabinet of one tone with walls will be the most rational choice. If the quadrature allows, it is desirable to give preference to a wardrobe with mirror doors. This option will be very appropriate in the modern interior of a small room.

It is necessary to carefully consider the options for the wardrobe. There must be shelves and hangers who contribute to the placement of the maximum number of things.

Very original in such a room will look a designer move, where the bed is placed on a peculiar podium with illumination, to which the working surface and the cabinet joins. The result is the effect of lightness due to the "hanging" in the air of the bed.

Based on the above material, it can be concluded that the current repairs in a small bedroom, as well as numerous techniques that we told you will help you visually increase the space and maximize it to use it. One should only adapt the solutions to its accommodation and improve the idea for obtaining original and stylish design.

To the ak to equip a small room with your own hands beautiful and modern? Each house has a small room. It most often comes in comparison with closeness, inconvenience, where there is little free space. But sometimes one room replaces the living room, and the bedroom and even the dining room. In this case, the correct design of the interior and the idea of \u200b\u200brepairing in a small room with their own hands will help.

How to dispose of free space?

PREGY WHAT ACCOUNT ACCORDING A Little Room need to decide for which it will be designed, and that it must be placed in it. Mess, it is not for premises with a small square. Things scattered at different places immediately create a sense of discomfort and tightness, so everything is obliged to have its place.

Each free part of the room you need to use the most. For example, a furniture wall, can replace part of the necessary furniture. This will help keep in the room a significant part of the place, the room will be spacious, where it is easier to follow the order.

How to make a visual place more?

Repair in the room with a small square is assumed to be placed the large mirrors to reflect the surface. So you can visually expand the room, the reflection of light will make the room lighter. Therefore, the mirrors are better installed on the opposite side of the window.

If there is a need to purchase a cabinet, then it is better to choose a model with glass doors. The visibility of ease indoors will help create furniture made of plastic, glass substitute, transparent countertop and chairs that have the same legs.

Smash the room to zone

People often wonder how to turn a small room into a room that can be used differently. Only one solution is suitable here, this is true to zoning. For example, from one room you can make a bedroom and a place to work.

You can even distinguish the space using a curtain or shirm. It is quite acceptable to use different colors and lamps, you need to try to create the visibility of two separate rooms.

The furniture here is set up in such a way that it does not interfere with anyone. The less the floor is made, the more the room seems.

Proper lighting

A small room is needed to think about the light source, artificial, and the fact that outside the window. If the room is light, then its area visually will increase, which cannot be said about the dark room. Room with a large window, an excellent option.

Only on it should not be sweaty curtains, a window, in this case, an important detail of the room. If the room is deprived of sunlight, here, of course, artificial lighting is necessary. In this room, it is better to use a small chandelier from a transparent material.

Bulky furniture in small rooms can not be applied.

Today there are a lot of various comfortable chairs of small size. You can also buy an angular sofa. In size, it is more ordinary, but the place is much less.

Small bathroom, how to equip?

Equipment of a small area is much more complicated than great. You need to place everything you need and so that free space remains. It will be perfectly helping to cope with the solution of space, pencils and shallow cabinets. Shower cabin compact and practical bathroom. But if still the choice remains beyond the bathroom, you can purchase an angular model.

If there is a niche in the shower room, then you can put something from the household appliances there or put a closet that the doors are put forward. Average, or even a large mirror, must be installed in a similar room, since it can be visually enlarged with it.

In response to the question "how to equip a small room" the color palette takes not the last place. It is better to use all bright shades, thereby optically increase the room of a small size.

Small living room, repair rules

If the small room is designed for the living room and there is a landscaping here, then everything is correct to make enough compliance with four important rules:

  • compliance with order;
  • using only light tones;
  • everyone should have a compactness.

Starting a small room repair must be known that the room should not overload, but at the same time it should remain functional. Clear case, over time, things accumulate and sometimes they are not going to give them.

Of course, you can purchase the necessary furniture and place everything, it is only necessary that the space is reduced at a minimum.

The sofa can be replaced with an ottoman, the chairs change to the chairs from which the low back and armrests are absent, and the role of the table is entrusted to the journal table. In terms of color, it is better to choose neutral tones that are not very striking. Bright patterns, large colors, you can visually overload the room.

From very saturated and gloomy shades should be refused. The tricolor gamma is perfect for a small square living room and it must be light tones.

How to make a cozy and functional office from a small room?

Anyone will not give up the room where he can retire from all home and devote himself to personal affairs. Sometimes to equip the office, you need very little space, but at the same time it is necessary to create a comfort and working atmosphere.

If a similar study time is paid only on weekends and briefly, for example, to reconsider mail, read the news in the newspaper, then the middle table is suitable, the closet for books and two comfortable chairs.

You can also try to place a home library in this room. For this, they will need racks that will need to be placed from the ceiling to the floor. The lower part can be accommodated for other needs.

And if business meetings will be held in the office, it is desirable to purchase two comfortable chairs. A small sofa will also be by the way and a table for drinks, if, of course, the room will be enough space for this.

If we think well, and then everything is done correctly, you can turn a small room with your own hands in a light living room, a spacious bedroom, a functional office, a comfortable bathroom.