Repairs Design Furniture

How to make computer desktop. How to assemble a computer desk with your own hands. Types of computer tables

If you have a stationary computer, then in the apartment, along with the mandatory objects of the furniture setting, there must be a special design desk, which allows you to place a complete set of equipment for personal PCs on it. Moreover, it is not always possible to purchase the table very often ready for use, since many of the proposed models simply do not fit into the situation of a particular apartment. The easiest way out of the current situation is an independent assembly of a table for a PC, taking into account the characteristics of the room allotted for it. But before making a computer desk with your own hands, you will need to familiarize yourself with the well-known options for these prefabricated structures, as well as with the peculiarities of their manufacture.

Select design

All variety of well-known models of computer tables operated in domestic conditions can be reduced to the following three types:

  • corner;
  • with direct arrangement of countertops;
  • combined.

In the case of self-making table, the choice of the option for you should be made with the following requirements:

  • ergonomics;
  • the right choice of location, taking into account the quality of natural lighting, depending on the location of window openings;
  • availability of source materials and simplicity of manufacture.

The first of these requirements means creating conditions that provide convenience using a computer environment (mouse, keyboard, system unit and monitor). The possibility of their implementation should be provided for by the structure of the future product.

As for the choice of a place for a computer table, here first should take into account the reservation of the display screen from direct solar radiation, which can lead to burnout (fading) of its cells, and it is very uncomfortable to work with such light. That is why the stand with the display, which is included in the product, should be in such a way that light from the sun falls on it directly, regardless of the orientation of windows in the room.

The choice of a working place with a low level of illumination (windows are located on the northern side, for example) is also undesirable, as it complicates work with paper documentation and in this case there will be additional lighting even during the day.

The most convenient is the option of the Western or North-West window of the windows in the room, assured under the PC. The choice of a specific version of the desktop (angular, direct or combined) depends on a number of factors that will be considered here further.

A feature of the angular structures that occupy a minimum room in the room is its compactness and the ability to organically fit into limited space. In addition, such tables are cheaper in total material costs and easier to manufacture than all other models and therefore can be easily manufactured even a newcomer.

The deficit of the useful area in such a design can be compensated by an increase in its floors, i.e. By making an additional extensive panel under the keyboard and a separate shelf under the column. In the simplified version of such a product, the system unit is installed directly on the floor of the room (under the table table).

Full straight table

The difference between the direct computer desk from the usual written lies in the fact that its separate sizes and forms are adjacent to the requirements of ergonomics. In addition, when organizing his free space, you can choose any zoning depth convenient for you. In other words, such a design allows you to realize the most different options for the location of the equipment, ranging from the discharge of a separate place under the display on the tabletop and ending with a complex multi-level organization that allows you to place everything you need for professional work.

Materials for the manufacture of such a table will be required to be roughly more than for the arrangement of the corner design. In addition, his independent assembly will require the performer of the skills of joinery, related to the processing of various types of wood material.

The combined table connects the advantages of a computer and simple written table and is ideal for professional work at home. However, materials on the manufacture of such a table you will need significantly more (about 30-40%), since the manufacture of complex design elements is associated with the formation of a large amount of waste. In addition, for the preliminary sawing of these elements, produced immediately before their assembly, you will need a special cutting tool (electric jigsaw or manual milling cutter used to choose figure grooves).

The simplest and accessible for self-making is the angular construction, which allows for the minimum of material and physical costs to provide the required ergonomics and convenience of placing the table within a small room. It is this option that will be considered in the future.

Production procedure

For the manufacture of angle table, a dense laminated plate (chipboard) is usually used that provides the required reliability and durability of the design assembled on it.

Making framework

For its manufacture you will need the following source materials and tools:

  • harvesting slabs chipboard;
  • electrolovka and screwdriver;
  • a small sketch with instructions in the size of the design elements;
  • pencil and ruler;
  • aluminum corners;
  • glue on wood.

The frame assembly is made in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, according to the sketch, all major blanks from the chipboard are cut out, used for the design of the two rear walls, sidewalls and the table top itself.
  2. Then they are directly assembly, for which you will need the corners prepared earlier and small wood screws (in order to avoid splitting the slab, their length should not exceed 1.5 cm).
  3. In the process of assembly, first of all, a countertop is fixed on extreme sidewalls, and only after that the rear walls that give it the necessary rigidity are mounted.
  4. After the carrier frame of the table is assembled - it will be possible to move to the installation of intermediate partitions, by means of which several working offices are drawn up (under the system unit, keyboard, as well as for placing literature, documents, etc.).

Fixing features

In the process of manufacturing a computer table, we recommend that you pay attention to the following subtleties of assembly operations regarding the design of fasteners:

For fastening it is best to use confirmates, but they will also need to acquire a special drill. If the design is simple, then you can make the mount with self-draws.

  1. Before twisting the screws in the slab, first at the point of attachment by a thin drill is prepared a hole (at a depth corresponding to the length of the self-built).
  2. To increase the strength of the design and convenience of its assembly, individual attachment points can be reinforced by pre-processing with a special adhesive composition. In this case, the glue can be applied both in the screwing zone of self-pressing (directly into the hole) and the contact areas of the shy blanks.
  3. When screwing the screws, the screwdriver must operate in low revolutions; At the same time, it is important not to overdo it with tightening the fastening (which is why for this purpose it is the most convenient to use special models of devices equipped with so-called ratchets).

Installation of the advanced panel under the keyboard begins with fastening on adjacent side racks of metal profiles used as guides. (They are installed, as a rule, by about 20 cm below the table top).

On the panel itself, small rotating rollers are fastened, through which it is moved along with the keyboard.

Upon completion of all the procedures described above, the resulting design is necessarily checked for strength, after which it will be possible to locate the entire set of items from a computer environment on it.


See how you can make a computer desk from scraping chipboard:

Interesting solution - Computer table Transformer:


In the twenty-first century, which can be rightfully called the century of digital technologies, the computer is one of the most sought-after gadgets in the house. Therefore, the location of this electronic accessory must be ergonomic and quite convenient. A computer desk can be purchased in one of the thousands of online stores or make it yourself using only photos, schemes and simple drawings with dimensions. About the second version and will tell our article - which models are for what are suitable and how to collect them yourself.

Direct work surfaces for a computer do it yourself

For the convenience of working with office equipment there are many varieties of tables. They differ in design, type and size. Straight products belong to the classic and occupy an important place in furniture production.

Stylish accessory with their own hands

Make a fashionable work area for a desktop computer is not easy, but quite feasible task. The main difficulty lies in the calculation of curvilinear details of the correct geometric shape. You can, of course, restrict ourselves to the straight lines, but the effect will not be as expected.

First of all, it is necessary to cut the base and sidewalls, and already customize the radius of the transverse parts. If you do everything in stages, then difficulties should not arise. Special attention is paid to the retractable stand for the keyboard. Staliga is better to fix under it, and not on the side, so it can withstand a significant load. To equip the product with additional rows of shelves for storing securities and other trifles.

Game Table for Personal Computer

The working surface specifically designed for gamers allows you to comfortably spend time for the game. With minimal effort, it provides a player access to all necessary tools. Most existing models are created by professionals, but with a great desire, the game computer table can be made with their own hands. Some skills and fantasies will allow us to construct a universal product that will satisfy your needs. Use metal pipes as a support. Wooden details are fixed to them not directly, but through the protrusions to which the shelves are already installed. As a result, you must get a multifunctional piece of furniture.

For a miniature room

The option is designed specifically for use in limited areas. Depending on the type of room, it may have a different configuration. There are models with a retractable and stationary worktop. Below is a diagram of creating the simplest table.

Big table for PC from the bureau

Such furniture will become indispensable for the office in which many documentation is stored. A simple design does not provide a retractable shelf intended for the keyboard and other attributes. The photo shows the steps of self-making a bureau and other elements.

Working studio

The product has impressive sizes. But if your activity is closely related to computer equipment, then the studio table will be the best option, since it has almost everything to work. Desire, as well as the minimum set of materials, will allow you to make this subject of the interior yourself.

Adjustable in height

The original idea of \u200b\u200bexecution of the working area for the computer. In the free sale of such a model practically not to find. The adjustable surface of the table top allows you to comfortably use the furniture to all family members. Create such a subject is not easy, you will need welding, metal, wood and other elements of industrial style, however, the applied efforts will be fully justified.


The most simple in the execution table for PCs can be made with your own hands from undergraduate materials, for example, for the needs of the country house. The product will most likely be versatile and can serve as an ordinary dining or writing. The lower box can be used as a storage for papers and stationery or remake under the shelf for the keyboard.

Working area for PC in the old closet

Original idea how to use outdated furniture. Re-equiping the wardrobe, you can save space and create the most convenient work area. Placing a system unit with wiring in the closet, do not forget to provide ventilation holes.


Option is more suitable for middle and high growth. The monitor is comfortable to work, sitting in a large chair. The system unit with wires is located downstairs in the legs that are made from old shelves for books. LCD screen is placed on stainless supports, slightly above the countertop. The product is additionally equipped with LED backlight, which gives it a futuristic look.

Simple accessory with shelf

A simple ergonomic option with sectors of 0.5 sizes per 1 m. It is made of planed wood or submitted means (old furniture, pallets). For the manufacture you will need a circulation saw, a chisel, angle grinder and other minor tools.

With backlit

Qualitatively made lighting will become a highlight of any design. Furniture equipped with LED ribbon, as if soaring in the air, creating a feeling of lightness. The accessory will fit perfectly and decorate a small room.

Sketches of computer tables with the most popular sizes - Gallery Photo

Below you will see the drawings of the most popular models for personal computers. Schemes are visually shown as from the minimum number of parts to create an ergonomic and practical product that will decorate for any room.

Corner furniture for PC

This type is intended for optimal filling of space in the corner of the room. Many existing models will create an ideal zone to work with office equipment. Below will look at the most interesting, in our opinion, projects of angular computer tables with drawings and sizes.

What represents

The angle of the room will be a good place to accommodate furniture for office equipment. Surface area has more accessories. By functionality, such a product is much superior to its competitor with a direct table top. If you are looking for the most rational and optimal option for a miniature room, then make an angular subject of the interior personally - a good solution. It is enough to follow the instructions, and you will be the owner of universal furniture, which will satisfy all your needs.

How to design an inexpensive PC stand

An interesting idea of \u200b\u200bthe performance of a simple table, which almost does not overtake free space. The height is made at your discretion, the system equipment is mounted on the wall. Under such a furniture accessory, legs are freely placed. As a countertop, a sheet of chipboard is used, a width of 60-70 cm. For convenience, it is possible to place the shelves in one or two tiers.

Ergonomic version of the computer table from DSP with their own hands

How convenient to spend time at the computer directly affects posture, vision and many other things. It is known that the multifunctional development, the higher its value. Therefore, it is much more profitable to make the subject of furniture yourself. Not everyone owns joinery craft, but in some effort, accuracy and fantasy, you can create a truly beautiful product.

Table with high worktop in the corner

Very often an angular space, the only thing to which you can put a computer accessory. Knowing sizes, it is possible to make it yourself. As a support, use galvanized or plumbing pipes. This table is taking high to have the opportunity to work, so to speak "on the go."

Large table for PCs in the corner

If you need to use several monitors at once, then the ideal option will be a product with a huge worktop. Such a headset is able to accommodate two or three or more system units, printer and more. However, there are many places for its placement.

Homemade corner table

When no shop model is suitable for you, or you do not have the necessary budget, the best option will be the creation of an accessory personally. Special skills for this will not be required, it is enough to learn how to drill, grind, sawing and possess good patience. Photo with step-by-step instructions and drawings of computer tables with dimensions make it easy to make the manufacturing process.

Sketches of corner products

Below are the schemes of assembling the most popular models. Making such interior items personally will not be particular difficulties.

Working surfaces from pallets

Building materials are excellent raw materials for creating furniture for home. From the pallets you can make benches, shelves for books and, unusual shapes, countertops.

Simple model design from pallets

Original solution to dispose of unnecessary drawers and at the same time create the thing you need for the house. The p-shaped form will fit into a limited space. In the left sidewall, you can place the system unit, and in the right disks and documents. The countertop is covered with thick glass in the size of pallets.

Spaceal table from pallets

For the manufacture you will need one box and glass to organize the upper surface. The product is more like a coffee accessory and work for stationary PCs on it will not be quite comfortable. However, for a laptop, this is an excellent solution.

How to make a table for pc

You wish to have a good working area for a computer, but no store option is suitable for you, or there is not enough tools to acquire the models you like, then make it yourself from the pallets. Such a building material can be easily obtained and give it the necessary form. The best boards use for the arrangement of the table top, the rest of the need. Finished product open lacquer.

Simple Palette Option

For the implementation of the idea, three pallets will need. Two of them will have to disassemble to make a solid worktop. From the rest, depending on the project, legs, shelves and other elements are created. All components are better fixed by self-drawing. When the design is ready, it is polished and opened with ship varnish.

Big table made of wooden pallets

A similar product to purchase quite expensive in the store. Many to solve this issue resort to the help of pallets. Create a table personally - easy, but you have to work. Pallet boards are not always smooth, often chemically processed, and with rust elements. However, polishing them and covering with varnish, the product comes out of the factory conveyor.

Pallet folding model

If the room is small, the budget is limited, and the table is extremely necessary, you can make it from the pallets, folding. One part of the accessory is fixed on the wall, and the other has legs. With the help of door loops, a mechanism is created, which, when necessary, folds and folds the table. This surface is convenient to use to work with a laptop and PC.

Furniture in Steampunk style

Products in a similar type are not very popular, but there are place. The originality and identity of interior items sometimes just shocks. Not everyone to dare to establish a similar accessory in your home. But if you still decided to make it with your own hands, then you will need patience and scorching. We gradually perform all the steps, use the fantasy and you get a unique and standing thing.

Phototecting tables from pallets

Below are photos of the most popular models made by your own hands.

Original solutions

A non-standard approach to creating a furniture accessory will help make a truly unique subject of the interior. Below you can learn some ideas.

Chest of drawers

The worktop for the computer can be combined with such a necessary furniture accessory as a chest. It is safe for children and takes places no more than the standard television bedside table.

Unusual modding in the coffee table

In this embodiment, an additional retractable shelf is equipped under the table top in which the laptop can be stored. It is very convenient and incredibly practical. You want a similar accessory, learn a detailed step-by-step instruction.

Furniture with built-in PC

An interesting idea how to hide a computer. The technique is placed inside the table, so that it is not visible outside. It looks compact and universally.

Office for home with your own hands

During sedentary work, the blood is stirred and muscles are atrophy. Uncomfortable furniture is the main provocateur osteochondrosis. There is an opinion that working is much safer to work. If you are a supporter of this idea, you can create a special high computer table for standing work. The design looks solid, and it provides all the most necessary.

Non-standard modding system unit made of natural wood

Universal lining device in a futuristic style will help to decorate your room. Unusual forms, muted illumination, make the equipment highlight of the interior. I liked the idea, try making something like that.

Stand at the table

Any written or coffee table can be created and reformatted in a computer if you install such a stand. The design is adjustable in height and adjusts to the needs of the owner. This is the perfect budget option to create a full-fledged working area.

If you decide to make furniture yourself, then adhere to the following tips:

  • . Well study the question and drawings of the most popular working office desks.
  • . Competently calculate the number of necessary materials.
  • . Before proceeding, make a detailed project in which you specify all the nuances.
  • . Work in stages and slowly. Special attention is paid to the cutout of curvilinear details - if you doubt your abilities, trust the reversal joiner.
  • . The finished product is treated with resistant varnish.

Having attached a little effort and showing some patience, you can create an original sketch. In this article we told how to make a computer desk with your own hands.

Make a computer table with your own hands is not so difficult, but as a result you will get an indispensable furniture, because computers today are in every home, and it is much more convenient to use the furniture specifically designed for this instead of usual.

Today, a large variety of computer tables can be found on the market - the transforming table and the corner table are especially popular, because They are not only comfortable, but also look original.

But, what is the most pleasant, almost any model you like the table you can make yourself, after selecting it in the photo.

In the article you will learn how to make a computer desk, what tools will be needed for this and how to assemble parts to make the furniture to serve for a long time.

Drawings - the first thing you need when creating a computer table. You can take ready-made drawings, or make your own, suitable for the size of your room.

The drawings are needed not only in order to see how the design will look, but also to calculate the amount of materials and the price in which you will be built by the computer table.

First of all, decide on the appearance and functional elements of the computer table: do you need drawers, retractable shelves, stands under things, etc.

The more additional items will be, the more difficult it will make the table, but even the more functional it will eventually.

You also need to correlate the size of the structure with the size of a chair or chair that will be used for seating.

It is necessary that the table is not turned out too low, or, on the contrary, high or simple uncomfortable.

As a basis, you can take the standard size of any office chair, because They differ little from each other.

Computer table shape is another essential detail.

It can be ordinary rectangular, angular, or you can make a transformer table (see photos), which can change the form depending on the need.

The last option is the most difficult thing in the manufacture, but if you wish, you can collect it.

The optimal height of the table is about 700 mm for an adult, and 600-650 mm - if the furniture is planned for children.

If you make the shelves for the printer, scanner and other office equipment, then it is necessary to pre-perform its measurements and find out what size should be the final size of the shelves.

It affects the size of the computer table and its location - try so that the place is correctly lit, the chair could move freely, and in general there was enough space for movement.

The final scheme should reflect the size of all parts, as well as the thickness for the side walls and the countertops.

A high-quality drawing is the key to the fact that you can easily and quickly cut the material and make parts of the correct form and size, which will significantly simplify their installation and connection with each other.

The drawing must reflect the number of parts - look at the photo example of the scheme before you start creating your own.

After the drawing is ready, prepare the tools that you will need for further work.

Most often, chipboard is chosen as a material for the table, because It is most economical, and at the same time high-quality and durable.

In addition to the chipboard, you can use natural wood or MDF, but then the manufacture of the table will be more expensive.

In addition to the tree, you will need the following tools:

  • electrolovik;
  • hacksaw;
  • grinding machine;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • roulette;
  • chisel;
  • corolnic

As you can see, there is nothing specific here, and most likely, these tools you can find at home or in the garage.

Production and installation of the table

Angular computer desk with your own hands, a transformer table, as well as an ordinary rectangular table is made almost the same.

To make the easiest design option, you need a chipboard, the thickness of which is not less than 16 mm.

Start work on the assembly of the table of any type with the selection of parts that will fix the design on the sides.

On the boards are screwed guides that need if you want to make retractable boxes and shelves for your computer table. Then the side details are collected on the wanks.

To the attachments worked better and fixed the details as much as possible, add PVA glue into the sockets, or insert wooden planks there. The walls themselves are attached with the help of self-tapping screws.

The following details should be collected using spare parts for creating drawers. For them, it is better to choose a chipboard with a thick of smaller than the other parts of the table - about 10 mm.

By installing boxes, pay special attention to the corners: they must be straight to the table boxes easily put forward and moved inside. Load the PVA sockets, and then you can install the wrenches.

Then you need to go to the side ribbon side sleeves so that it lay tightly, it is necessary to walk along the ribbon preheated iron.

But before this, put a sheet of paper on top, otherwise the surface can be covered with bubbles.

If you see that the tape is wide, and goes over the edge, then cut the edge with scissors, but do it gently so as not to damage the coating.

So that the regiment can easily move along the guides, on its external and inside, you need to glue the wooden planks, the size of which coincides with the part.

If items are not coincided, the shelf will dine, so pay special attention to this moment.

Look in the form, how the shelves are harvested for a computer table - it will help you to perform more qualitatively.

Countertop - the last component of the computer table. Before starting it, you need to mark the markup on the chipboard, noting the place where the tabletop will be attached to the supporting stands.

In these places, you need to drill uncork holes, after installing the limiter, which will allow you to control the depth of the opening.

The cabinets are installed on the worktop so that the holes are directed upwards. They will be connected by ribbies that will make the design as sustainable as possible.

Here will be placed wires, which will make a computer table more convenient for use. As supporting elements, you can also use parts of the proftrub, which will be support.

The following stages on the couches need to be consolidated by the grounds, after turning the design and install the loops on which the side door will hold.

Fasten the design is needed by tie so that it easily disassembled and was mobile - if desired, you can easily transfer the table to another place.

It is best to make a monitor stand on the table top: for this, do the first thing to make a frame (small wooden round bars are suitable for it) and secure it with glue and waders.

You can purchase and already prepared a stand, consolidating it with the help of self-tapping screws.

The last step is to process the table from the chipboard. It is best to cover the surface with varnish, but you can and paint the color you need so that the furniture fit the overall style of your room.

If you decide to paint the design, you first treat it with the primer. After applying the coating (varnish or paint), it will be possible to use the table from the chipboard in 2-3 days when the coating dry.

A transforming computer table is made similarly to the usual tables, a regular chipboard is also suitable for the material, but there is a space for creativity: for example, a transformer table can be done with a swivel countertop, or it can increase in size, and then it can not be used not just like a place To install the computer, but also a full-fledged canvas for guests.

To do this, you can make a stand for a removable monitor, or abandon it at all.

Another unusual and popular option is to hide a computer table-transformer in a false closet, which can also be collected by yourself.

It is very convenient for small apartments, because in this way you significantly save space.

In addition to the transformer table, you can install the shelves for books or documents in such a closet - then you will always be at your workplace at your hand.

Finally, the classic option - when the transformer table has a retractable panel, which, if necessary, increases the workspace.

This is relevant, for example, if there are several children in your family, and they need to do lessons at the same time.

Other options, as the computer table-transformer can look like, look at the photo.

You can combine several, or come up with your original option, with the necessary skills and auxiliary video, you can make almost any design model.

Personal working space largely determines the quality of work performed, because it depends on how comfortable and productive will be the work process. To a large extent, it concerns the desktop to be convenient for the user. Designers and designers engaged in the development of office and home, offer many original ideas, but you can try to implement our own ideas on our own.

What manufacturers are offered

Before you start working on your own project, you should familiarize yourself with the offers on the furniture market, among which you can learn many interesting ideas for yourself. As a site for searching for inspiration, take a hypermarket ICA, where there is always a huge selection of products from different price categories. Working tables that are available in the catalog of the largest furniture retailer look more concisely and efficiently, but deprived of some special "highlight".

Other business makers are no better - then the design frankly "gives" the past century, the design is too cumbersome for modern interiors. However, among all the diversity there are original models that are not overloaded with extra details and convenient in operation. For example, a tabletop, adapted to the placement of a laptop, tablet and other gadgets, looks very stylish and ergonomically, but its cost of pocket is far from all users. However, this is not a reason to abandon the desk you like, because something similar can be built with your own hands.

Drawing up an engineering project

The first thing to determine the design stage is the functionality of the future table. Among the intended options can be placed on the tabletop of the contactless charger for the phone, the built-in pilot with the extension, passed through the foot of the table, zone under the marker board and glass for notes, holes for different types of gadgets and much more.
For its future table, we will focus on the following functional elements and details:
  • central holes for removing wires from a laptop and an additional passive cooling;
  • in-depth recess under the coffee cup;
  • places for placing a tablet and smartphone with holes for connecting a charger;
  • small stands for different little things - pencils, handles, flash drives, etc.
Deciding with the list of necessary functions, you can proceed to the preparation of working drawings on which our table will be manufactured. For more convenience, it is worth using useful computer programs - Sketchup and CorelDRAW. These software products allow you to perform not only the technically competent drawing, but also create a bulk 3D models of the future working area.

Production of prototype

After drawing up a virtual layout in the head, the idea can come to use for its implementation ready, inexpensive table, for example, from the same IKEA. However, this trick will not pass, since almost all inexpensive countertops are hollow inside, and to make the necessary grooves and holes are technically impossible.

Another option is to buy a shield of specified dimensions (1200 mm x 600 mm x 40 mm) made of wood array. Here you need to understand that not all tree species are suitable for our purposes. For example, pine will be too soft for the table top, as a result of which chips and cracks may appear on its surface during processing. So that this does not happen, experts recommend choosing solid wood varieties, such as beech, oak and ash.

This is followed by the most difficult stage of the table manufacturing - the search for a company engaged in milling and laser wood engraving. Despite the visible simplicity of the task, not all the masters are ready to take up its execution, so you have to spend time on the search for craftsmen who will not "decide" the price for their services to the space level. We managed to find such wonderful guys, which, moreover, helped with the finalization of the project and gave useful recommendations and tips.

Stage processing countertops

After all the holes, the grooves and notches were implemented, according to the initial plan, the table top must be processed accordingly to bring it into a working form. First, grinding of all surfaces is performed using sandpaper, including the inner sides of the holes. To achieve ideal smoothness, you will need different types of "sandwich" grain - 100, 280 and 360. The hand-lever process may take several hours, as it requires special care when execution.

After obtaining a smooth surface without roughness and burrs, you can begin to the final processing of wood. To do this, you can use varnish, paint or oil, depending on the personal preferences of the user. We chose the latest version, inspired by numerous oil benefits:
  • no harmful evaporation, environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to the effects of high temperatures and moisture;
  • fast drying in a few hours;
  • preservation of the natural structure of the wood surface;
  • ease of use and subsequent operation.
In addition, the application of even several layers of oil does not form a glossy film on the surface and does not give a showing gloss.
Each layer of oil coating should be dried over two hours, after which you can start using the support legs. For our model, we took advantage of the finished Ikeev legs, and their installation was perhaps the easiest stage in the entire venture with the manufacture of the table.


For the implementation of the idea "from scratch" was spent one month, during which the following tasks were consistently implemented:
  • 1 week - registration of own ideas, forming a list of necessary functions, drawing up ideas about the appearance of the future table;
  • 2 weeks - production of 3D layout and drawings using computer programs, search for suitable masters professionally engaged in milling;
  • 3 weeks - fulfillment of milling and engraving works;
  • 4 weeks - work on the finishing of the countertops, installation of legs.
In the price of the most expensive moments were the services in milling and engraving, as well as the purchase of a furniture shield from a wood massif. All other stages were performed on their own, which made it possible to fully meet in a total of a few exceeding 10 thousand rubles.
The acquired experience on the independent making of the modern computer table made it possible to make a number of important practical conclusions:
  • in retail it is difficult to find a suitable desktop model;
  • when purchasing a furniture shield for the table tops, you need to give preference to solid trees;
  • when searching for services for milling cutting, you can face difficulties;
  • oil coating - a good form of wood finish.

Drawings of an angular computer table. Dimensions.

According to the preliminary design project, the MFP is installed on the retractable console, which is attached to the top and sidewall of the couch. One of the sidewalls of the couch simultaneously performs the role and support for the table top, passing the load on the legs. The reason why the role of support is assigned to the inner sidewall is visible from the structure itself, in such a form and work with MFP can be carried out by almost all sides.

  1. Project of the angular computer table .
  2. Computer table circuit and detail .
  3. Accessories for computer table .

Cabinet with drawers and panel under MFP.


The height of the podstole is equal to the total height of the tube (740 mm), the length and width of the underground is free and calculated according to the sizes of the table top (see section above).

To the end, the inner sidewall of which is the support for the table top, adjoins the main substole with another, the longest support and the rear vertical wall. The rear wall performs three functions: it is a link between the supports of the table, the vertical spatial element of the structure of the structure and an additional support for horizontal shelves. The rear wall is attached with a gap between the worktop, i.e. She does not rest in her upper end. Thus, we have provided a place for free passes of computer electrical cables.

Between the supports of the table in the substole, there are two horizontal shelves that can be used for a different need. For example, on the bottom shelf it is convenient to lay legs when I want to lean in the chairs and see the film monitor screen. By all, these shelves, together with the rear wall, perform the role of the spatial rigidity element of the entire table.

Beneficker carrier Side Podstoles is installed on mortise adjustable supports. .

Shelf for keyboard.

The keyboard shelf can be made independently under its dimensions or to use a special component for computer tables - the finished factory keyboard shelf.

The advantages of the finished shelf - it is not necessary to make it yourself, disadvantages - is used only under the keyboard.

Advantages - can be made by any individual sizes.

The framework of two sidewalls and two connected slats is manufactured. The shelf itself is installed on ball telescopic guides of full extension.

Installation of the keyboard shelf is extremely simple, it is screwed by Samores 4x30 through connected strips under the bottom of the tabletop, directly on its place.

If you plan to use an angular table for a stationary computer, and not for a laptop, there is a need to place the system unit. In order not to make additional designs under the table top and make the system not attached to a specific place, we will produce a stand under the system unit. You can use the finished factory accessory, but we love to do everything yourself and make it so that he harmonized the design with the whole table.

Adduction for a computer table.