Repairs Design Furniture

Patterns of interesting pillows. Developing soft book-machine. Cushion with a trim in the form of a heart

Nothing fills the house with comfort, like cute pillows. In order to sew them, you do not need to have any talents, it is enough to find the time and attach to the product a part of your soul!

Agree, the things you make on your own design, bring the atmosphere to the house much more cozy and pleasant than those that were bought even in the most solid store released "in the multiple instance".

Homemade things are obtained by such how you want to see them. Have you ever thought about sewing a pillow? It's very simple! You can create a subject of an interior that is ideal for the design of your room. In addition, such products can be considered a real exclusive, which means that you will definitely not find a similar product of the house in familiar or relatives. In this article we will tell you how to sew a pillow, which will give you comfort, sweet wonderful dreams and a good mood.

It is necessary to immediately say that in general the creative process can be divided into two stages: this is the manufacture of directly the pillow itself, as well as pillowcases for it. Note that for one pillow you can sew several different covers and change them all the time depending on the mood or change in the interior.

How to sew a pillow. What you need to consider

  • So, we note that the tailoring of the decorative pillow is practically no different from the sewing of the usual pillow for sleep. By the way, I will immediately say that it is better to sew a product with a replaceable pillowcase, because it is practical, as it is from time to time any pillow needs washing.
  • You will need a variety of sewing accessories: needles, threads, pins, etc., filler (as a filler can serve wata, syntheps, fluffs and some other similar materials), and finally fabric for the manufacture of the pillow itself.

  • First you need to prepare the parts of the pillow. There will be only two of them: either two rectangles, or two squares, it all depends on the pillow of which form you want to get. Cutting separate details, remember that you need to leave several centimeters on each side for seams.

  • After the parts are cut, you connect them by the front sides and cross it from three sides. Then you need to turn out the product, fill it with the material to the required density (here you can safely rely on your own sensations) and gently sew the fourth side. That's all, the pillow is ready! Now you can safely decorate your own room with such an exclusive product. By the way, a homemade pillow can perform a wonderful gift for loved ones. For its manufacture, you can use the most different fabrics: satin, flax, velvet, velor, etc.

In order for your pillow to not seem boring, and all the time looked different, you, of course, need to sew a few pillowcase. Their design depends only on you: You can make one-picture covers, with a pattern, embroidery created from various flavors of fabric - in words, in this case it all depends on your own preference tastes.

How to sew pillowcase on the pillow

In general, there are several basic types of pillowcases: buttons, on the lock or, finally, a simple pocket option.

For pillowcase-pocket, the pattern will be completely elementary. The item must only be one: the width is equal to the width of the pillow, and the length is two pillow lengths. Naturally, do not forget to leave a few centimeters on the seams. Fold the fabric in half, step up from two sides, and leave the third open - it is in this hole that you will shove your pad. Carefully treat the seams so that the pillowcase looked aesthetic, and voila - your exclusive handmade is ready!

As for the option with a lock, here the pattern will repeat the pillowcase, however, when you fold the fabric and sew two sides, you need to put the lightning to the third. It can be hidden or, on the contrary, decorative - choose only to you.

Finally, when we talk about the pillowcase with the buttons, we assume that on a third party, which serves as a hole for putting on, should be sewed buttons, and loops are pre-prepared for them.

Methods for decorating pillows

The simplest method is the use of various colors of tissues. You can sew different pillows that differ in color. For example, in the hall, you can sew products, different colors and textures. In the children's room, bright coloring from cartoon or pillows of the child's favorite cartoon of the child looks unusually.

A more complex decor is considered:

  • relief;
  • application;
  • embroidery;
  • knitting.

Original compositions for different interior styles create decorative elements.

Applications in the form of colors from the ribbons look perfectly on the material of pastel color. Better if the flower is satin with different petals. You can add the pattern by sequins, beads, beads, buttons.

How to sew a pillow. Photo idea

Soft Developing Book Pillow

Sew a developing soft toy toy just: page sheets - double stuff with a layer of synthesis - stitched together, forming the most ordinary book, it is unusual only by the fact that everything is in it from the fabric, and therefore it is easily erased, it is not rushing, and you can play with it From the moment the child began to grab something with his little handles.
Such a book I liked me for a long time, but at that time the baby was only in the plans, and the friends of little kids had not yet been - it was absolutely no one. I thought - that's if I were my mom, I would definitely sew such a toy for my child ... And I briefly designed this idea in my head. And when my little crumb began to actively kick me in his stomach, the work was replaced with maternity leave - I took the case.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe book spied on the Internet in the same moms who really want to sew something unusual, soft, and therefore completely safe for their crumbs. Inspired by their wonderful books, I decided to certainly make a similar thing for my child. It is easy, there is a lot of material at home, and time, and then I was just sitting at home on maternity, it was abuse.

The idea is simple: page sheets - double material with a layer of Sinytender - stitched together, forming the most ordinary book, it is unusual only by the fact that everything is in it from the fabric, and therefore it is easily erased, it is not breaking, and you can play with it from the moment The child began to grab something with his little handles.

Applications Themes can be absolutely any - animals, berries and fruits, cars. Since I love to sew, then different pieces of material, unnecessary trimming with beautiful pictures a whole bag, I would even say the bag! I made my book from what was found at home, and there was a piece of bosal from the sheet. It was depicted a cheerful account. Figure and to her drawing. Three Kitten, five hedge and so on. This I took the basis.

The carved appliques of Zigzag was turned out, somewhere sewed beautiful children's buttons, somewhere added velcro and bows.

If there is no beautiful material with different pictures at home, then you can buy thermo appliqués, the only minus is the price.

The main goal is to make a book bright, interesting for a child, with understandable drawings, use different materials for the development of small motility, it would be nice to insert somewhere a squeezing or a fishing bell, if possible, of course.

1 page - elephant, sunshine can be twisted behind the rays, the flowers are dressed on a button with God's cow.

2 Page - Bear with a pocket, in pockets you can hide small toys, cookies and candies for the bears :)

3 Page - Example 2-1 \u003d 1 made in the form of flower, one flower on the velcro, the second on the button. It is clearly seen that there were 2 flower, one removed. How much is left? Simple and understandable account learning

4 page - pockets with two bunks, and in a pocket 2 carrots. The carrots are soft, sewn on a rubber. The tail of the carrot - the threads "grass", the carrot itself from orange knitwear. Little children's fingers are very useful to feel different on the texture of the fabric, so be sure, all your efforts will not go for nothing! Carrots can be touched, the rubber band is stretched and, if you go out, the carrots are flying out.

5 Page - Example 5-2 \u003d 3 Made on the basis of bows. Of the five bows, two are unleashed, the rest are simply sewn.

6 Page - Three Kitten and Three Cherries. Cherries are bright, develop color perception in a child. Cute kittens in general cause a lot of positive emotions in children. Well, in addition, again, we repeat the account and how pussies meow are :). 7 Page - 4 duckling and 4 pears. Ducklings and pears We believe, small pears and bugs touch their fingers. And at the same time we learn that pears are growing on the tree, and ducklings are riveted by "Vary-Varya."

8 Page - Application: elephant (carved from the fabric (hawk) and will be sewn with a zigzag along the contour to flannel-based), again the small motorcy is developing, touching. I stroke a small handle on page, let the fingers "remember" the texture of the fabric. Birch and mushrooms are simply cut from tissues of different textures. Black dots on a birch trunk embroidered with black thread.

9 Page - just 5 chickens and 6 apples.

10 page - pockets with a bone for a dog. A bone of white knitwear, packed with syntheps. The bone is sewn on a rubber not lost :) I, in general, made a conclusion for myself - as for the book, all small and potentially losing items (carrots, bones, butterflies, flowers) is better to sew. All unacceptable then have to be assembled throughout the apartment. When I sewed this book, such a thought did not come to my head, and therefore when I started to play my daughter with KNNGIZH (chew her, sit on her, pray in every way and so on and so on - well, everything that a child is half a year old), I I urgently had to modify the book, finish. So there were carrots on a gum and a butterfly on the rope.

11 page - boat and 4 fish of different colors (children's buttons)

12 Page - 8 butterflies, one of which on the velcro, can be pulled off and pull it. As I have already written above, the butterfly was originally sewn to the rope. It has already been modified, so to speak, the version corrected by circumstances. Yes, yes, try after each reading books to play with carrots and butterflies in hide and seek throughout the apartment. This is a fascinating game for "bored" moms and dads :)

13 page - pockets with carrots for a bunny. Inside one of the carrots, the fishing bell, the carrot rumbles, pleases the baby and develops sound perception.

14 Page - Bright fruits and berries, carved from different to the touch of fabrics.

That's the page behind the page ...

The cover for the book made from a gentle Citz with daisies, stuck a cute Dalmatian peel on the cover and rustled with a synthetic procession.

The book turned out to be volumetric and soft, with it and you can bother, and sleep, and play. And you can also play an interesting game. For example, hide the candy or a small toy in one of the books of the book and ask for a child to find.

1. The cover bears information about accessories Her owner, whose photo is inserted into the cloud. And acquaintance S. rainbowawhere each accepted agricultural infase.

2. The second cover with a soft and bright mandrel containing inside secret - A piece of fur (unexpectedly like!) And a small silk bag with peas.

3. Ladybug: Wings forstegnuts on pougers and perstegnuts on zipper. Fromsurely - and will fly "at Neco to His kids."

4. Octopus: Wonderful rustlinghead and hiding rubber legs that are so funny pull!

5. The car is already acquainted with traffic rules. To "enable" the desired traffic light signal two eyes close up with fingers. Driver-dog can get out of the car (on Velcro) and change the wheel (Disposable).Lights - yellow, stop signals - red. Pedestrian transition in front of the traffic light. It rains from Tuchka.

6. The shoe requires a lacing.

7. Sun - attached to the eyes pougs And every ray is completely different to the touch!
8. Butterfly on a flower. Each petal flower is rustling differently, and to the touch swap. And the butterfly can lose their wings and leave a hauding one caterpilot.

9. House. Four houses house hidden for their multicolored geometricwindows and doors fastened on different clasp.

10. Aquarium. The inhabitants hold out on Velcroe. At the bottom there are treasures, algae grow in water and bubbles rise.

11. On the snail village of Butterfly (on the button).And in the very snail and grass under it there are different bugs (beads),which is well driven along the paths.
12. Vase with flowers. Color petals have different texture. The flower holds on a button or button. A bow on a vase is tied.

Between themselves pages are kept on velcro, they are easily assembled and disassembled.

textiles, jewelry, polystyrene foam

25 x 25 cm

Book-pillow with your own hands "See-feel-rush-rummet-fall"

Master class from Natalia Nepurenko

Recently, my youngest daughter Dasha was 6 months old, she no longer wants to lie in one place, for example, in the game center - the rug with arcs. Study independently pictures in books are problematic, since everything turns out to be in the mouth or torn. Then I decided to sew her an exclusive book, which performs maximum functions:
- Allows you to familiarize yourself with various textures for the touch.
- teaches the simplest skills (unchending buttons, lightning, lacing, velcro, strings)
- demonstrates a variety of colors
- makes various sounds (rattling, rustling, cracking)
- introduces objects surrounding us
- can be used as a pillow in the game
Having gathered together the ideas, all suitable materials (mostly natural: cotton, flax, leather) and patience (must be said, it is quite painstaking), it began to make a small "masterpiece".
From cotton cut 12 different in color of the pages of 22x30 cm, duplicated them with phlizelin.
Almost all applications are sewn with a stitching zigzag with a width of a step close to 0.
Soft looped part of the contact tape (velcro) is sewn into pieces of pages, velcro with chain hooks - on the bottom side of the removable parts.
Details of applications and removable items are punctured with sickle or dublerin.
For rustling parts between the layers of the fabric, a layer is inserted from the packages (as from the macaron).

1) On the cover - octopus, the bulk head of which is naked by Sinyproton and there is a gyrodel (a box from a kinter surprise with buckwheat). Tentacles - 8 lanes of 25x5 cm, in finished form 25x2 cm, in which the segments of the elastic braid are 13 cm.
It can be rejected, to pull for the "legs".

2) Pocket, fastened on a large flat button where you can fold the crop from the next page.

3) Tree with velcro flowers, for which apples can be attached and even a pear! The grass is made with a fringe of flax trimming, producing longitudinal threads.

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Beautiful decorative pillows can revive even the most reserved interior. They bring the atmosphere of comfort, home heat and allow you to relax. To decorate your dwelling, you do not need to spend big money, because you can create these pretty decor elements yourself.

We picked up the thematic master classes for you, of which you will learn how to sew a pillow of your dreams. Thanks to phased photos and a detailed description, it can cope with this even newcomer.

Volumetric Heart of Roses

Pillow made by hand, can become a wonderful gift. Armed with a fantasy and thread with a needle, it can be turned even into a unique valentine. We offer you a step-by-step master class of making an unusual cushion with a surround heart.

To work, you will need:

  • finished cushion of the desired size;
  • fabric for roses, which does not require cutting cut;
  • scissors;
  • needle with thread.
Cut from the fabric circle with a diameter of about 8 cm, they can be slightly curved and differ slightly in size. This will only add volume and realism of flowers.

Take the mug of the fabric for the middle, please select it, forming folds as in the photo. Fix the workpiece in the desired position of the stitches pair.

Sew the bottom of the tissue below, forming a bulk bud.

Continue to sew the circles to the rifle until you get the flower of the desired size.

In the same way, prepare the rest of the roses. Their quantity depends on the size of the flower heart.

Sweep flowers to the pillow starting with the heart circuit.

Place the workpiece tightly to each other, so that there were no gaps between them. The lush heart is ready to conquer and conquer the hearts.

Such a designer pillow will decorate the climbing room of fashionista or it will become a highlight of your living room. And she will raise the mood when just look at her.

Fluffy pillow

The original pillow with fringe successfully will fit into any interior. Pleasant Fleas will make her beloved thing not only in the nursery.

To work, you will need:

  • fleece for the base of pillows and fringe;
  • filler;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • pins;
  • sewing machine.
From the fleece cut two square 40 to 40 cm.

For the fringe it is better to choose cloth several colors of one gamma - It turns out a stylish transition between them. In our case, 10 strips of 37 * 10 cm of three shades of brown are used.

To put each strip in half and cut the fringe.

The first strip of the cushion is to the base, retreating 1 cm from the edges. This is the result should work out.

Next, remove the fringe in one direction.

Sew the second strip at a distance of about 1.5 cm from the first.

Continue similarly to sew a bachrom. Alternate dark strips with light through several rows, seeking a beautiful and smooth transition of colors.

On top of the workpiece with a fringe, impose a second square and scalp on the edges of the pins. Sew the pillow around the perimeter, leaving a small hole for stuffing.

Remove the pillow and vail the filler. It is better to use a synthetone or holofiber. Natural materials, such as cotton wool and fluff, with time can compete and the product will lose a neat look.

Sewing a hole for turning the secret seam.

It turns out a very beautiful sofa pillow, which will create an atmosphere of heat and comfort in your home.

Pillow "Butterfly Wings"

We present you a detailed photo of a lesson for decorating an interior pillow. Even if sewing is not your horse, you can easily master it: you will need a ready-made cushion. Guided by step-by-step instructions, you will turn the usual pillowcase in the ART-design masterpiece.

Pillow-toy "Owl"

A funny and bright sovuchka is a win-win version of a gift for both an adult and a child. When such a cute bird settles in the bedroom of your baby, he will gladly be with her not only to sleep, but also play.

To work, you will need:

  • cotton of two colors;
  • felt for eyes and beak;
  • black buttons or beads for pupils;
  • tape for a bow;
  • chalk;
  • threads;
  • needle and sewing pins;
  • scissors;
  • lace;
  • filler.
Transfer the paper on the paper in the desired size.

Apply molds to the fabric and cut the necessary parts, for the body and wings, make the allowance of 1 centimeter.

To decorate toys, lace, bows and wooden butt-flower are used. If you use a natural size pattern, then cut a rectangle 8 * 16 cm for a bow and a square with a side of 4.5 cm or change the size of these parts in proportion to the owl.

Sweep the beak and lace seam Zigzag. Lace is located in the center of the body, between the wings.

The same seam is the wings and eyes. Manually attach black butt pupils.

Fold parts of the body of the face face inside, fix with pins and sew. Below between the wings, leave the hole for further manipulations.

Remove the toy, swallow it and recruit the filler. If you used conventional scissors to cut parts, make careless notches near the ears and in all convex places, so that the fabric is not tightened.

Sewing a hill secret seam.

You can do decor. Fold the square for a bow strip and swing it.

Rectangle Fold in half the front side inside and sew, leaving the allowance of 1 cm.

Remove it, collect the prepared strip in the middle and trigger, forming a bow. Sew him to the Owl's Ear.

Tie from a small cut slicing of a bow of a bow, see it and a wooden button to the toy toys.

Such a cute sovuka will reliably guard your sleep.

Another idea for the embodiment is to be sustained by this scheme of solid philine. It is enough just to show fantasy and pick up the toy the corresponding color gamut and design.

Pillow with Applique "Cat in Love"

An elegant pillow with a cool applique is a wonderful gift for any occasion. With it, you can confess your feelings or just raise the mood to your beloved person.

To work, you will need:

  • dense white pillowcase on the pillow 35 * 35cm;
  • loskutka cotton 4 colors;
  • white Fliselin;
  • iron;
  • 3 green bispers for eyes;
  • threads in tone tissue;
  • decorative braid.

Cut two rectangles 17 * 13 cm - Clouds around the cat and fish. In our case, they are white in orange polka dots. You can choose the color to your taste.

Cat Body - Rectangle 16 * 12 cm, orange in small white peas.

Cut the rectangle from white cloth 20 * 11 cm. It will turn out of it and thoughts of cats.

Cut a rectangle 10 * 5 cm From the green fabric for the body of the fish.

Fold the fliseline with the adhesive side with the invalid side of the rectangles and shifted them so that they glue. So it will be easier to cut minor parts and they will not turn.

Cut blanks for appliqué. You can use cardboard templates or immediately cut the parts from the fabric.

Position the elements on the pillowcase and achieve the desired picture. Note the land line with a decorative braid. Select the expression of the cat's lovers.

When you decide on the location of all application elements, you can start the last step. It remains to sew them to the pillowcase.

Take a small white zigzag of the contour of a white cloud to a cloud of polka dot.

Green zigzag Sweet Fish contour to a prepared two-layer cloud. Out of fish fins and head contour. Attach the biserinka-eye.

Sustrate cat details with small zigzag threads in tone tissue. Last but you will attach your eyes and take it a mustache.

Embroidered legs will give the little girl even more charm. You can supplement the application with small flower, to make the composition more expressive.

The finished pillow will definitely take a corona place on the sofa in the living room and will be the star of your interior.

Pillow-Singley "Sleeping Kitten"

Want more quotes? We offer you an interesting idea for creativity: Sure a charming kitten, which by one of his kind brings down Drema and peace.

To work, you will need:

  • cotton fabric 3 colors;
  • fleece;
  • fliselin;
  • scissors;
  • iron;
  • filler;
  • chalk or special marker for fabric;
  • threads Mulina;
  • 2 buttons;
  • pins;
  • pattern.
First of all print on paper or redraw a manually pattern of a kitten. Cut all the elements.

Attach the torso torso on the fabric, circle and cut it out of 2 cm. Put the detail with the involving side on the adhesive side of the fliesline, secure the pins and cut down. Similarly, prepare the second part of the fleece body.

Cut the paws, ears and kitten's tail.

Remove the pins and join the iron two-layer details of the body, so that the cotton glued to the fliesline.

Fold pairwise details of ears, paws and tail face inside and place them on a typewriter, leaving holes for turning. Stitched blanks do trim figure scissors or make notches as usual.

Remove the details and shifted them, gain the filler. Sewing a zigzag hole. Attach the parts to the front of the front of the cat. Sew them to the kitten's body Zigzag.

Draw a face of a cat shallow.

Put the fleece detail (back) on top and fix it with pins. Sustrate the workpiece, leaving a small hole for turning down below. Cut the stamps on the seams with figured scissors or make notches as usual.

Remove the workpiece on the front side and turn it out. Will the toy filler and squeeze the previously left hill.

Sun to the torso. Upper legs and buttons for decor.

Nose and closed eyes with lidery Moulin.

Soft cat-spool is looking for his loving owner. This homemade pet will be happy. He will be happy to settle down both in a crib of a child and in a cozy living room.

Feel the strength and desire to create, but still consider yourself a newcomer? We bring to your attention a cognitive video from which you learn how to sew a funny cat-pillow from ordinary pillowcase. The original pattern, minimum of active actions, a little decor and fantasy - and you will get an elegant cat or a naughty cat.

For the same principle, a cheerful hare will be turned out, it is enough to make a more authentic ears.

Download even more grudges of funny cats in order to realize your most bold creative ideas. Such cute little animals will become a wonderful decor of the house or cottage, as well as the original presentation for your expensive people.

Sofa pillow-dog

Do you think animals are not a place in the house? And here is mistaken. You can always have a charming pillow dog. Merry dachshund will gladly take their place on the couch and will not give you any trouble.

A detailed description is represented in our step-by-step master class.

According to this scheme, both a small toy puppy, and a solid adult dog. It all depends on the number of primary materials and your desire.

And if you have a lot of unclaimed pieces and flasks of fabric, you can sew a bright dog pillow of them. A patchwork toy made in the technique of Patchwork with a cute face will become a favorite character of the children's room.

This toy can be done with the children and spend time fun and with benefit. And your child will receive the first cutters and sewing lessons.

Piggy bank master classes on pillows + interesting ideas

Cardiac pillow - Valentine:

Original circles:

Checkered dog:

Romantic option:

In the form of a star:

A few other original pillows for inspiration:

Pillows for children: cats, bunnies, owls, dogs, bears:

Decorate pillowcases of plants imprint

The original way to decorate the pillowcase by floral ornaments is to transfer the prints of lively fresh grass and leaves to it. The product with such design will be unique and unique in its kind. And it will also warm you with winter evenings about the thoughts about warm summer.

To work, you will need:

  • natural light fabric;
  • fresh-blood plants;
  • a hammer;
  • scissors;
  • parchment, preferably siliconed for baking.

For prints, fern, plantain, clover are perfectly suitable. Cut the plant you need, straighten it on the fabric and cover with parchment. Very much beat on it with a hammer, so that the juice from the leaves, which is absorbed into the fabric and forms a print. Remember: Churn plants needed on a solid flat surface.

Experiment with different leaves, stems and their location to get the desired result.

And original, it will allow you not to just decorate your interior, but also to avoid spending money and time to buy. And with the help of various buttons, lace, bows and other inexpensive means you can give them exclusivity. In addition, you can please our loved ones, giving them one of your masterpieces.

If you have not been fond of needlework before, you can start sewing pillows using simple patterns. In any case, you will be pleased with the result, and you will see what a fascinating process. Gradually, working as mastery, you can surprise any of your works.

Where to begin?

To start tailoring pillows, you need to prepare everything you need in advance. This will not be distracted during the work. The most important thing is to have patterns of pillows. Based on them, it is already worth choosing a fabric, filler and accessories.

Option 1

The cloth is better to pick up wear-resistant. And the color and texture depend only on your taste or interior. The main thing is that pillowcases on the pillows can be removed and wrapping.

The filler is better to choose the one that longer retains elasticity and softness. Pooh or pen is best suited. Such pillows are capable of serving decades. If you have old feathered pillows that you do not use, you can use the pen from them. But you need to be extremely neat, then not to collect over the house in the whole house.

Option 2.

If this option does not suit you, we recommend purchasing a syntput or holofiber. Synthempuch is a polyester fiber stripped into small fluffy balls. And Hollofiber, in turn, is the same polyester, but already in the form of a thick sheet. These fillers are quite elastic and 5-7 years old will also touch.

Option 3.

Another type of silicone granules filler. They are convenient because they are easy to fall asleep into already ready-made pillows, through a small hole. In addition, if necessary, they can be easily removed from there from there, and pillowcases on the pillows separately. The main thing, in no case wash these granules in the washing machine! Just manually!

Simple version of baby pillow

For beginners, tell me how easy it is to make baby pillows with your own hands.

  • tissue dense one-photon (length 64 cm, width 122 cm);
  • filler;
  • fabric color, with machinery or flower (length 65 cm, width 145 cm);
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • centimeter tape;
  • pins;
  • chalk.

Let's start with the "Nature"

Let's start from the very beginning:

  1. To do this, we take a monophonic tissue and fold it in half. The length and width of the ping in the final version should be 60 by 60 cm. Everything else goes like a break on the seam. It turns out that the width of the piece of fabric will be 62 cm, and the length is 64 cm.
  2. We sew the side sides of the fabric. On one of the sides we leave a hole for the filler. Soak on the opposite side. Pretty stroke. Put the pillow with a filler. The amount of filler depends on what density the pillow you want. For young children, it is not recommended to do high models.
  3. Now neatly sew a hole.
  4. We proceed to the pillowcase.
  5. It we will sew with the valve, for the convenience of removal. To begin with, we strifted the edge. Refuel. Then we fold the cut of the tissue with an invalid outward, so that it turns out to be a smooth square 60 cm by 60 cm, and another piece of 22 cm on the valve should lie on top of one of the sides.
  6. We sew the side sides of the pillowcases, taking into account the fact that 1.5 cm is a breakdown on the seams, and 2 cm - so that the pillow easily entered the pillowcase.
  7. Turn the pillowcase on the front side, we insert the pillow, refill the valve. Everything! We got a pillow 60-60 children's.

Important! Before starting to sew your own hands, we recommend to wash the fabric. Since the material for sewing pillows is used natural, it can give shrinkage.

Cushion with heart

Here is another pillow scheme made by hand. We take:

  • velor fabric;
  • felt;
  • scissors;
  • line;
  • syntput;
  • termoklay;
  • acrylic paint;
  • thread and needle.


  1. We take a soft velor pink fabric. Cut the cut 1 m per 50 cm. We fold down in half and stitch the sides with each other from the wrong side. One side is leaving free.
  2. Getting decorating. To do this, cut the face of the rabbit, a heart or any other feature from the felt. We have it heart. On the edge of the heart, the acrylic paint is drawing a stroke, they imitate seams.
  3. When our hearter dried, we glue it to the pillowcase with the help of a thermoclayer. If you do not have a heat meter, you can use the "Moment Classic" glue or threads.
  4. Put the pillow with a filler. We sew neatly the remaining edge.

Now we will tell about how to make original children's pillows with their own hands.

Loskutkov flower pillow

Almost any of us there are houses of various fabrics. It may be old clothes, curtains, etc. All these things can be found decent application. For example, sew baby pillows with their own hands. Such you will definitely not find in the store.

Today we will tell, out of the flasks.

For her we will need:

  • 5 different flavors of the fabric;
  • yellow tissue;
  • sintepon;
  • buttons.

In order to make petals:

  1. From the patchwork cutting 6 squares. We put them in the triangles with an invalid upstairs. One side is sewn. Then we turn on the front side, fill with syntheps and sew. All the resulting petals are sewn with each other - so that the inflorescence is.
  2. Making a middle. We take yellow tissue and cut a circle with a circle of 60 cm.
  3. On the edge of the fabric, the stitches make a stitch, and then tighten. Put with a synthet and sew.
  4. The middle insert in inflorescence and stitches each other.
  5. Next, we take the loskutka fabric, preferably green, and cut out of them leaves with a size of 35 per 14 cm. From the foam rubber cutting the same leaves. Now we sew the leaves from the flap on the one hand, then put it inside the porolon and stitch on the other side. Also doing the rest of the leaves. We flash the leaves along the middle of one line.
  6. From the same tissue, we cut two circle with a diameter of 24 cm. We sew them from the wrong side, leaving the hole, turn out, we insert into the foam rubber. We are stitching to the end.
  7. Send leaves to flower. From below, sew a round base.

You can still decorate our flower pillow, sewing along the yellow middle of red buttons.

Pillow doll

And one more kind is a children's hand made. It will be the original doll-boat. For her you will need:

  • tangle thread;
  • sintepon;
  • light fabric, and children's tights are suitable;
  • weave bodily or pink color, you can take a sleeve from a blouse;
  • a piece of dense fabric;
  • a piece of soft fabric;
  • cherry bones (they need to drill in advance, with the addition of vinegar, and then rolling in the oven);
  • threads;
  • needles;
  • scissors.

Let's proceed:

  1. We sew a grailtup. The body of our dolls should turn out a height of 24 cm, 28 cm wide, diagonally 33 cm. Circle of head 22 cm.
  2. We cut out of a dense tissue cover, which will fill the bones.
  3. We sew edges from the inside, leaving the hole. Soak on the front and fill with cherry bones. We sew.
  4. We make a jumpsuit for a soft tissue doll. But we sew it a little more, so that it was easy to insert there a case with cherry bones.
  5. We sew from the inside and turn out through the hole cut in the neck.
  6. The overalls cut from the neck down, slightly not reaching the edge so that the cover with cherry bones can be placed there. So that the jumpsuit closed, you can sew a zipper or buttons. All edges process.
  7. All 4 edges of the overalls are filled with syntheps. No need to fill. There should be 4 babonchik. They must be tied with thread.
  8. Let's go to the head.
  9. To do this, take the tangle of the thread and turn it on with a synthetic tube.
  10. If the head turned out to be the desired size, we tie it down at the bottom of the thread.
  11. We take a light cloth, better tights, and put on my head a doll, tighten with a thread at the base.
  12. I cut off with unnecessary by leaving a small neck, and sew. So that the face is embossed, tie the thread in the middle of the head.
  13. Now we stretch on the head a bodily or pink knitted fabric, so that there are no folds. Thread tied up between the head and the neck.
  14. Cut unnecessary and sewing.
  15. Now we celebrate the washing felt-tip pen of the face feature. At the same stage, you can carve and sew cap. We try on it on your head and celebrate the place on the head, where the edge of the cap will be.
  16. From the same fabric as overalls, sew for a pupa triangular cap. On the edge where it will be attached to the head, you can sew a rolling.
  17. Face embroider with threads, hiding a nodule in a place where the cap will be put.
  18. Send the cap to the head, as close as possible to the roar.
  19. Rudy cheek dolls.
  20. Next, insert the neck of the doll into the neck and sew.
  21. The final stage is inserted inside the cover with bones and fasten the butchers.

To make a doll-pillow heating, a bone cover can be put on the battery or in a microwave for 2-3 minutes and heat. This height can be used with colic in the stomach or just put in winter in a stroller to the child and go for a walk.

Pillow letter

Patterns of pillows exist a variety of. Finally, we'll tell you how to sew baby pillows with their own hands in the form of letters.

For example, take the letter "P". We need:

  • color fabric;
  • mountain fabric;
  • filler;
  • threads and needle;
  • line;
  • scissors.


  • Cut the large letter "P" on paper. Then we transfer it to the fabric. We cut the letter.

  • From monochrome tissue cut out striped. This strip is sewn from the wrong side to the letter. The second edge of the strip is sewn to another letter, leaving an unpripted place through which you will fill the pillow. With a round hole in the letter "P" will have to tinker. To the second part of the letter it can be sewn through the space left for the filler.

  • Soak.

  • Put the pillow with a filler.
  • We sew the remaining edge. Pillow is ready.

  • On the lateral part of it, you can make an embroidery with the full name of the child.

Now such pillows are gaining popularity and many sew them to order.

How to make patterns of decorative pillows and sew these products? Currently, decorative pillows are very fashionable, a bright element of the interior. They are used to create a color composition, giving a special style interior. Make patterns of decorative pillows, can be sewed from them with your own hands.

Decorative pillows stitched with their own hands are currently fashionable addition to the interior style.

Pillow with decoration

This model can be sewn using needle and thread.

Materials and tools:

  • fabric with satin glitter;
  • needle;
  • threads;
  • buttons;
  • filler synthetone;

To get a pattern, the fabric is tightened in the center of the rhombus and is covered with a needle.

Previously need to process fabric, in order for it in the future it does not fit. To do this, it is soaked in hot water. Then the cloth must dry. It must be stroked.

After that, the patterns of decorative pillows are manufactured, draw the circle of the required diameter plus additionally 3 cm on the seams.

Product radius 35 cm plus 3 cm on the seams. Then determine the direction by which the fabric will not stretch. Make 4 marks on the fabric. Make the center of the center of the circle. In order for drapets to be beautiful, you need to adjust the circle.

In the middle of each of the arcs reduce the radius of 1 cm, connect the dots of the smooth line. Get a circle. Then cut out the workpiece, the edges of the overlock are squeezed. After that, mark the markup to finish.

The arc between the marked points is divided in half, then once again in half, until the segment is 5 cm. The marks make on the front side with chalk. Then it can be easily removed. After that, they challenge the covers.

It is not necessary to sew a pillow strictly according to the scheme, you can change the location of the geometric shapes and get a new ornament.

Each hopping is fixed one to another and stroke from the edge to the center of the iron. Thus perform drapery. Then the needle is stitched with a needle. Thread tighten the workpiece.

After that, filled with filler. Tighten the thread. Fasten it by performing several stitches. Buttons are trimmed.

Then flashes the product in the center of the workpiece. After that, sew buttons to the center of the product. Then remove the thread on the opposite direction of the model and sew the second button in the center.

It turned out a spectacular pillow in the Baroque style. It will give classic style and effectively complement the interior of the surrounding items: furniture, curtains, walls. It can be decorate with lace rolling.

In this case, before the buttons are sewn, you need to install an additional part. First measure the circle of the product. Make a pattern of a rectangular shape, the length of the area equal to the length of the product circumference, one-third of the radius of the model.

Cover the edges of the part. Stick detail in the middle. One edge is decorated with lace, the other is tightened by the thread. It turned out a lace socket. It is applied to the pillow and stitched in the center through. Then sew buttons. The product is ready.

Hexagon pillow

Materials and tools:

  • fabrics of different colors;
  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • needles;
  • threads;
  • buttons;
  • sewing machine.

Such a model is performed on the technique of patchwork from the flap of various tissues. You can use two different colors. You can make each sector in a specific color.

You need to choose a beautiful color, so that they are harmonized with each other.

First, it is necessary to cut the pattern pattern of the desired size from the cardboard, translate to the fabric and cut into 7 elements for each side of the pillow.

First make the pattern for twelve identical triangles. The pattern is performed first on paper. Then transfer to the fabric. Triangles stitches each other. From six triangles, the top of the product is made, from the six remaining triangles, the bottom of the exhibit is performed.

Then combine both sides, folding them face to face. Leave an unfinished area to fill with Sinyprun. Then the product turns out, inves the filler and sew the hole. In the center of each side sew a button to make a deepening. Pre-buttons with a big hat are squeezed by a cloth. Now you can decorate the pillow with tassels. They can be bought in a haberdashery store. Send brushes to the corners.

Cushion with a trim in the form of a heart

Scheme of the first half of the heart cushion. One cell is 5 cm.

Materials and tools:

  • fabrics for pillow and finishing;
  • scissors;
  • paper;
  • needles;
  • threads;
  • sewing machine.

Production of decorative pillows patterns. Put patterns of two squares, it is cut the details of the ordinary model, adding 2 cm on the seams. Details stitched together. Case fill with syntheps.

Scheme patterns of the second half of the heart cushion. One cell is 5 cm.

Then proceed to the manufacture of finishing in the form of a heart. Make a pattern of a small circle. Cut from the tissue of the mug of the same size. The fabric should not crumble.

There are mugs one on the other to get a flower, and stitch them among themselves. 10 such flowers are manufactured. After that, sew the flowers on the contour of the heart.

Then sew flowers inside the contour. Flowers sew tight to each other. For a heart, you can choose a fabric of a tender pink. When the heart is ready, it must be fluffy, having lost his hands.

Pillow in the shape of a roller

Materials and tools:

  • fabric 100x60 cm;
  • cord;
  • scissors;
  • paper;
  • sewing machine.

The pillow-roller will look much more cute, if you sew it in the form of a little animal or simply make an applique.

First, make out of paper the pattern of a rectangular shape with a length of 100 cm and 60 cm wide. Cut the product from the fabric. From the edges of the long side of the rectangle makes the marks of 7 cm from the edge. After that, it is bent and squeezed inside out the side of 60 cm for 7 cm.

So do on both sides. Praise strokes. Figure the detail face to face along the side of 100 cm. Stick details, leaving the allowances on the seams. Soaked inside out.

Figure the edges of the root line. Pins along the processed cut. Perform two lines at a distance of 2 cm and 1 cm from the edge. Performing the first line, leave 1.5 cm. The cord is inhabited here. Sewn bottoms.

The product is turned on the front side. Fill the pillow with a filler. Tighten 2 cords around the edges. Outside, tie decorative tape. The ribbon is sewn to the middle of the product. Pillow-roller is ready.

Pillow with Kant.

Materials and tools:

  • the cloth;
  • kant;
  • scissors;
  • paper;
  • needles;
  • threads;
  • sewing machine.

To make a kant, the tape is folded in half, insert the rope inside and paste.

The pillow with edging around the perimeter can be performed with a trim in the form of fringe, edge, lace or ruff. First, we cut two parts for the pillow 43x43 cm. Proceed with edges overlock. Cant's length is equal to the perimeter of the pillow plus 10 cm.

Kant can be purchased ready or do it yourself. To do this, cut out of the tissue along the oblique line strip 5 cm. The length of the tape is equal to the length of the strip. Ribbon is folded along in half. The cord is inserted into the fold. Collect the cloth to stretch it on the cord.

On the perimeter of the pillow stitch details. Then sew a cord manually by the caproic thread. After that, all the details of the pillow are stitched. The product is turned on the front side, straighten the filler. Model is ready.

Outdoor decorative pillows

Materials and tools:

  • durable fabric;
  • scissors;
  • paper;
  • needles;
  • threads;
  • sewing machine.

Outdoor decorative pillows are designed not only for interior decoration. They can be used, for example, as a ottoman or stool.

You can sew a cushion for seating on the floor with your own hands. The product will be sewn from triangular sectors. Sectors should be made of one material, but different colors.

Perform the pattern of triangles. Then cut from the fabric the required number of triangles. They cut corners so that the pillow is volumetric.

The sectors of each side are stitching among themselves. Connect the upper and lower sides of the pillow by folding them. Leave a hole for the filler. Turn out the product. Then fills it with syntheps. Outdoor cushion is ready.

Children's decorative pillows

Children's pillow should be filled with a safe and environmentally friendly filler.

Materials and tools:

  • fabrics for pillows and for appliqués;
  • scissors;
  • paper;
  • needles;
  • threads;
  • sewing machine.

You can make model baby pillows. Pillows of toys, models with applications are very popular.

Make a conventional model of square shape. Appliques made from various fabrics on it.

First cut out of paper stencil, such as apples or pears. The appliqués are then cut from the fabric of the appropriate color and are closed on the product.

You can make patterns and make appliques of various fruits, birds, hearts, and so on. Pillows toys like children.

For their manufacture do not need complex patterns. The form is selected very simple. Similarities with cartoon characters or animals is achieved due to the color of the fabric and appliqués.

Currently very popular pillows in the form of owls, Mickey Maus, kittens. Application, buttons, embroidery, you can make eyes, mouth, antennae of your favorite animals and cartoon characters.

You can make patterns and sew your own various versions of decorative pillows using all your skills, creativity and fantasy. Each model of the decorative pillow, the patterns of which were made with their own hands, will be original and exclusive, with success will complement the interior of any room.