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What commercial fillers for cats are the best. Types and features of fillers for feline toilets. Prices for Fresh Step Extreme Clay

More recently, many owners did not think about feline trays. In wooden or plastic boxes Sand poured and passed the kitten to walk on all the "dirty" divids.

But the smell and impracticalness of the sand always grieved lovers of these fluffy animals, so such goods are enjoyed in great demand today, such as a filling for a tray, which greatly facilitates the care of the kitty. How to choose it, which one is suitable for adult animals, and what better for kittens?

The main quality that any filler for the toilet must have the ability to absorb moisture and absorb odors.

Therefore, industrial companies are used to produce materials with a high degree of adsorption. Of course, they must also be safe for people and pets, as well as simple and easy to use and recycling.

Make fillers from natural and synthetic materials, namely:

  • wood fillers;
  • silica gel;
  • mineral;
  • bentonite.

Unfortunately, sand and newspaper do not meet the requirements due to the fact that they do not absorb smells, and typographic paper and paint can be harmful to health, especially if used for a kitten.

For teaching to the tray, you can use soft toilet paper or absorbing diapers for newborns.

What filler is suitable for a kitten?

To answer this question, you need to figure out what it represents one or another material, and what properties it possesses.

As cat kids up to 6 months try to try everything tooth, some of them will not be very helpful.

Wood filler

These materials for feline toilets are very like pet owners for several reasons:

  • first, they are inexpensive;
  • secondly, they are effective - perfectly absorb moisture and absorb nasty smell;
  • thirdly, they are easy to recycle. When wetting, they can assemble into lumps, which are comfortable to throw away, or vice versa digends and it remains only to throw it all "good" in the toilet.

The only drawback of this material is that during wets they can stick to the animal foot and spread all over the apartment.

Tree is safe natural materialThat is suitable for the toilet, both kittens and adults Murlyk. They differ in the granule fraction, for adult animals they are larger, more small for kids.

Fillers from paper and grain waste

Self best MaterialsFrom which the fillers for the kitten toilet can be made are grain and paper waste. Moreover, the first are in great demand, since their characteristics are much better. They look like granules, and their composition includes bran of wheat grains, soybeans, oats and other cultures.

To such fillers for the toilet include corn, popular, mainly in countries Western EuropeBut in Russia they don't know anything about them. However, these materials are leading in their qualities: they perfectly absorb moisture and hold odors.

Of course, they are safe for small kittens, but for adult animals they are not very convenient to use. Granules have a very small mass, so they are often scattered around the trays.

Clay fillers

The clay filler is familiar with almost every cat owner. It is made from Bentonite clay breeds. It is granules similar to the sand of a very large fraction, which, when moisture, absorbs fluid and turns into a solid lump.

With the help of the blade it is easy to dispose, but in absorption of odors, they are significantly losing in the ranking.

However, they can be used for kittens, since the smell of their urine is not as saturated and sharp, like adult animals, especially males.

Another disadvantage of these materials is that they are often sticking to the animal's legs and apply throughout the apartment.

Silica gel

This filler is very popular with the owners of Murlyk.

His qualities are very attractive:

  • economical: This filler needs to be changed much less than any other, and at once it is used less;
  • great absorbs moisture and absorbs odors.

Nevertheless, this material has some minuses:

  • its price is higher than the standard one. Despite economical, not every owner will decide on additional costs under the existing alternative;
  • the filler has a crunch property under legs, like the snow, which may not like the cat;
  • sticks to wet objects, so often sticks to the cat's paws.

As for, it is possible to use this material for the toilet kittens, then we do not advise. There are several reasons for that:

  1. First, kittens love to play and often lumps become toys and scatter all over the apartment.
  2. Secondly, because of their "plump" properties, they can fall into the mouth of the baby, stick and lead to sad consequences.
  3. Thirdly, the silica gel has a specific smell that can be confused by the baby, he will not be able to quickly learn to the tray and will cope with the other, not always adequate, place.

What filler to choose for a kitten?

To choose a good filler for the toilet kittens, it is necessary to understand that the best for him and that the best for you.

Comparing these qualities, it will be easier for you to decide on the type and manufacturer of the filler.

What would your cat preferred?

If the kitten had the opportunity to choose their own filler, then, for sure, he would appreciate the quality of such criteria:

  • in it gently become;
  • it is easy to rush, and he will not dust;
  • it does not cause allergies, and its smell is completely natural;
  • if you eat it, it is not harmful.

Of course, the owners of cats make their choice a little by other properties, but nevertheless, some similar options can be found.

For the hosts fluffy Murlyk, it is important that him:

  • well kept smell;
  • did not stand on his paws all over the apartment;
  • not dust, and it is easy to recycle;
  • it should not be toxic or cause obstruction, in case the kitten decides to taste it;
  • it must be inexpensive and economical.
So we see that best for the kitten filler from wood granules, clay, as well as from the bran of cereals. It is easily to teach the baby and the smell of a kitten only in his trash. It is very important to take into account that not all materials for the feline toilet can be flush in the toilet.

Sophisticated brand selection

The market is represented a large number of Foreign and domestic brands. You can choose any, the main thing that the issue of the price suggests you, since the domestic quality does not differ from foreign ones.

For kittens, it is best to use clay commercial fillers of such little people as Pi-Pi-Bent, Ever Clean, Cat's Choice, or our Russian Barsik.

Also, the wood filler "Clean legs", small-flowing "Murzik" and "Kotyar" are good in the opinion of experienced cators.

If you do not know which one will like your pet, you can take different on the sample. Almost every type of filler is available in shallow and large packaging.

Useful lifehaki

When you decide which filler will love your small fluffy, as well as when it is already fully learned to go to the tray, you can use some tricks.

  1. Mix fillers. Put wood granules on the bottom of the trash, and on top of pour filler from clay and minerals. So you will achieve a "double effect." Sawdust will be perfectly absorbed by the smell, and the mineral granulate will not allow them to fall out of the pot. This option is best for kittens and adult animals.
  2. If you have one animal, you can use the usual commercial filler and do not worry about the purity of the pot. But if you have several animals, or the cat gave birth to kittens, then it is better if the maximum absorbing filler will be used, for example, corn or cut.
  3. In order for the filler to be removed on the animal's legs around the apartment, you can teach it to go on a tray with a grid. You can pour out a thin layer of the commercial material on the bottom of the "toilet". Thus, the paws of kittens will not touch the granulate and, accordingly, will always remain clean.

Feller filler - a thing is not mandatory, but extremely comfortable, therefore, if you allow the budget, we recommend using it. After reading the article, you can define the best filler for a cat tray that is suitable for your pet.


Filler tray: Photo

What filler for the tray is better?

The best feller for a cat tray is the one that is most suitable for your cat and you. There are no universal recipes, as in the question of choosing a cat tray, but there are general recommendations.

If there are several cats in your house in one tray, the silica gel filler will become indispensable, which is enough for a long time and who does not miss odors.

If you or your cat suffer allergies to dust and chemistry, the most secure option will be woody or corn filler.

In the end, answer the question of which filler is better for a cat tray, it can give a pet himself: if you see that it is something and the case wakes up past the tray, it means that he may be hinting that it would be necessary to change the type of filler.

Paper filler

The Soviet method fill the tray is just cutting the paper and throw it. Such a tray for the cat is a little more interesting than empty, since the paper partially absorbs water, and the feces can be buried. But newspaper Filler people enjoy more and less often, because it is nonhygienic, because paper swells, and then it is difficult to remove it from the tray.

In addition, newspapers are usually allowed on the tray, and this is harmful to the cat because of typographic paint. That is, if you already use paper, it should be clean. And in this case, no economy is obtained - and in a paper tray, whatever meaning disappears.

Clay filler

The most popular filler for tray is a clay commercial filler (bentonite). It is made of clay or minerals opalcristoballetes. As a result, a mixture is obtained, which, after contact with liquids, comes and becomes solid. Harding filler pieces are easy to remove from the tray using a scoop. If you poured a sufficient layer of filler (from 3 cm), it will not skip moisture to the bottom, so you will need to wash the tray.

Combating fillers are different sizes: one bit more, the other is less. About the caliber they write on the package. If the filler consists of very large pieces, it can skip the urine to the bottom and badly coming. Therefore, it is better to choose a smaller caliber. Although still depends on the manufacturer: you need to try several stamps and stay on the most suitable.

This type of tailed filler love most: it looks like Earth, so the cats are happy with the pockets and bury all their good.

But there is such a filler and cons: if the kitty loves to dig too much, then the skin on the pillows of the paws can be cut a little.

In addition, sometimes kittens are played with such a filler and eat it. If you see that this problem has acquired a serious scale, it is better, on the same time, for a while, change the type of filler to more eco-friendly, because The eating commerciality can end the intestinal obstruction.

Another nuance is that the clay filler when scattering and digging raises the cloud of dust to which the cat can be allergic. Make sure your pet: if it appears signs of the disease, for example, tearing, try changing the filler and see if the symptoms will disappear.

Wood Filler Tray

The wood filler cannot be attributed to a number of maximum hygienic, comfortable and beloved cats, but this is the most ecologically clean view. It is wood chumbachk - compressed granules from sawdust. Churbachki smells like, do not raise dust when squanding, do not cause allergies.

But there is a filler and cons: Churbachki, when they hit them, moisture do not commemorate, but, on the contrary, disintegrate on the sawdust, so it is rather uncomfortable to remove the toilet with wood filler. We recommend using a woody filler only with a tray with a grid (grid) so that all the fucking churbachts are seeping through the grille into the pallet, from where you will save them.

Also in wood fillers, occasionally there are randomly acute pieces of wood, and this is undoubtedly another minus.

Plus a wood filler is his low price And widespread access. For these parameters, it comes with clay.

Silichel Filler for Tray

Silica gel filler is a relative novelty on the market. It is artificially created white silica gel crystals formed from silicic acids. These crystals perfectly absorb moisture, they do not even need to compete. Then they differ from the absorbent filler. The smell of silica gel holds perfectly. IN everyday life With this substance, we are dealing when we buy, for example, shoes: Packaging usually lies a bag with balls. This is silica gel.

Such a filler is available in pet stores in online stores, but there are no always in supermarkets.It is worth the packaging several times more expensive than a bag of commercial filler, but it is more economical: 5 kg is enough for 1 month for one cat.

The minuses of the filler are a high price, a smaller love of cattle to the toilet with silica gel: it is a little embarrassing when the moisture is hit, which scares, besides, the silica gel is not like the earth. There is also a danger in getting into the gastrointestinal tract. The fact is that if the silica gel falls into the stomach and intestines in large quantities, it absorbs all moisture, resulting in blocking. therefore this species The filler is categorically not recommended for kittens that love to play in the tray. There are numerous cases when animals died.

Zeolite-based filler

Zeolite is a volcanic substance and an excellent adsorbent having a porous structure into which the liquid and the smell are locked and from which moisture evaporates, and, consequently, the distribution of aromas. But such fillers in our latitudes are difficult to find.

The best filler for the kitten toilet is woody, due to its ecology. But, on the other hand, the cats such a toilet love less, and he does not really keep the smell. Therefore, the hosts often refuse him in favor of the clay, which is an excellent alternative, the truth is less environmentally friendly.

But the Selikhaghel filler does not fit kittens at all, as they, although they don't like to walk in his need, can love him to eat: Recall, when you get inside, this filler will absorb all the moisture, with which will meet, and can lead to the magnitude of the gastrointestinal tract. When eating a clay filler, this can also happen, but only if the cat will nourge it in large quantities, and this is unlikely.

Filler for teaching tray

People are often looking for on the Internet "Fillers for kittens for teaching tray." There is no separate species for teaching the tray, but it can be considered clay. Why? It is he who most likes kittens: they are glad to jump into such a toilet, they grow there, and walking in the tray becomes a kind of ritual and an attraction - rummaged, made his works and thoroughly buried. Kittens, as a rule, this process is very loved, because it helps to implement important instincts: in the nature of the cats you bury your divisions.

But the tray without filler will be, on the contrary, the kitten is not interested, so the beast for a long time May be ignored. If you have a financial opportunity, still teach your pet to the filler - it will remove many problems.

How often to change the filler in the tray?

How often to change the filler in the tray will be directly dependent on the type of filler, as well as how many cats you have, what sex are they and what happens to them now.

So, for example, cats during flow piste very often - and the tray needs to be removed as urine accumulates.

If the cat in the house is not alone, but the tray is common, then no matter how good the filler in it (except for silica gel), it will have to change it every day. Not entirely, of course, but only a polluted part.

In the usual case, when a cat or a cat lives in a proud loneliness and pursuantly ruins a tray, most often you need to sort out the wood filler, because He does not hold the smell. It is advisable to do it once a day. Commary clay filler can be sorted out once every 2-3 days. It is necessary to simply sift with the help of a scoop, the coming part and shove a little new sand, that is, it is not necessary to change everything. The longest remains a silica gel filler, which is changed about 1 time in 7 days, if the cat is alone, but it is necessary to change everything entirely. That is, do not go through waste, but just pour out the old and pour a new one.

So that the cat in the house or apartment did not go to the toilet where it fell, and was accustomed to the tray, you need to choose the best filler for a cat toilet. Of course, you can use ordinary sand or paper, but it will be uncomfortable for a pet and uncomfortable for his owners. The goods presented in this ranking based on customer reviews are the highest quality, safe, efficient and good prices. Check out their advantages and disadvantages, and select the appropriate option.

Feller filler What firm is better to choose

Such products of Japanese, Chinese, American, German and russian production. Competition among them is extremely high, but it is adequately withstand, leaving behind the other companies, the following trademarks and firms:

  • Pussy-Cat. - Brand belonging to the company KIS PIS Group engaged in the implementation of hygienic fillers for pets. The company began its activities in 1987. Its products are environmentally friendly, recognized as safe for animals and is not very expensive.
  • EFFEM GmbH - In this rating, it represents a filler for catsman Catsan Ultra Plus. it german manufacturerGuaranteeing high quality, safety and ease of application of its products. It has an excellent absorbent ability, which makes it use comfortable for animals.
  • Catsan. - This is an American brand whose products are produced in Germany. Its assortment there are fillers of clay and mineral type - commercial and absorbing. They are produced in packages from dense cardboard with handles, stand just above the average.
  • N.1 - feline premium fillers affordable pricewhich are manufactured in Russia. The brand assortment is presented as absorbing and commercially fillers, mostly silica gel. Cats react well to them, do not walk by the toilet and do not deal with its components around the apartment.
  • Cat Step. - The owner of the brand is the largest manufacturer of pet products in the Russian market of Amma. Its products are created for the hygienic visit to the toilet with cats, to eliminate unpleasant odors in the tray and their exceptions in the apartment. It is non-toxic, does not cause allergies and does not stick to the paws of pets.
  • Zonik - The trademark is of interest to a wide range of petrootes, including for filling the tray. She is owned by the company "Oris", one of the oldest on russian market. The assortment has woody and silichellegel, commercial and absorbing fillers. Most of them are produced in small packages of up to 6 kg.
  • Barsik - The trademark is registered by Intel, operating in the Russian market since 1991. Its products are distinguished by high quality, hypoallergenia, security and adequate prices. They reflect the smell of feline urine and do not give him to spread around the apartment or house.

The most budget in the market are brands "Zonik" and "Barsik", while the quality of their products is not inferior to those who include in the category of premium class.

Rating of the best fillers for cat toilet

When drawing up this top and in the selection of good fillers for a feline toilet, customer reviews and the opinions of veterinarians played a huge role.

This is what parameters we also paid attention when analyzing the characteristics of the product:

  • Type - wood, silica gel, corn, mineral or clay;
  • Volume per pack and its convenience;
  • Naturalness of the composition and safety of use;
  • Feline reaction on raw materials;
  • View - absorbing or commercial;
  • Easy use - Is it possible to wash off to the toilet, whether to remove the spatula and others easily;
  • Natural flavor and protection against urine smell;
  • For what cats suitable - by age and breed;
  • Economic flow rate and replacement frequency.

Special selection criterion was the ratio of price and quality of fillers, a trademark under which they are produced, and their availability on sale.

Best Wood Feline Feline Toilets

It is worth considering two fillers from famous brands "Barsik" and "Zonik".

Barsik is the best woody filler, which comes even the most picky cats. It is a small soft granules, comfortable for gentle naps of the animal. The material is eco-friendly and does not harm the coarse, it is easily distributed over the tray, well absorbs feline excrement and thereby reduces the unpleasant odor. Its prevention also contributes to the addition of special ingredients. Raw materials safe for humans and nature, being biodegradable.


  • Cheapness;
  • High quality;
  • You can wash off in the toilet;
  • Not going to lumps;
  • Remains dry;
  • Suitable for small kittens.


  • Not everywhere for sale;
  • Can be distributed on cat legs.

Barsik Natural is sold in a large paper pack of 4.5 liters, it does not have a familiar handle, so it is not very convenient to transfer the package.

I use this filler for more than six months, it does not commemorate, suitable for trays of different sizes and cats of any breeds ...

Opinion expert

This wood filler is not inferior to his predecessor in the ranking. Its use is comfortable for cats and the person himself, the granules perfectly absorb urine in themselves, have a pleasant fragrance and interrupt its smell. It refers to premium class due to its hygienicness and environmental friendliness, it is made of natural raw materials. The dimensions of the granules are small, but at the same time they do not stick together and do not spread around the house. In one package for sale 5 kg.


  • Cats like to dig in it pits;
  • Neatly climbing the paws, it does not differ on the sides;
  • It does not even be afraid, which allows you to create a volume;
  • Comfortable, with handles, a package that does not wet;
  • Inexpensive.


  • Sometimes there is a little "sawdust".

The best silica gel fillers for feline toilets

Feline filler for the toilet "N1 Crystals" is one of the best due to ecology, safety and absorption of a large amount of moisture. Due to this one product load in the tray there is enough for a few days, which saves. It has a normal smell to which the animal reacts well, and does not push them through their softness. Silica gel granules do not stick to the paws and wool pet and do not injure his fabrics. Since it contains special components, the appearance of an unpleasant smell in the house is excluded.


  • Economural application;
  • Hypoallergenicity;
  • Dust when filling the tray does not appear;
  • Easy to clean the toilet;
  • Not toxic.


  • You can not wash off to the toilet;
  • Hard if the animal wants to bother him;
  • Not suitable for small kittens.

This feller for feline toilets in the ratings of the best among silica gels is regularly included due to optimal combination high Quality and low cost. It is made of a specially prepared gel, safe for adult cats. It can be for a long time Do not change, as the raw material absorbs moisture well and suppresses the unpleasant smell of urine. Cats does not arise difficulties with instilcing excrement, but there can be a small noise when creating a well. CAT STEP is made on European technologies and is recommended for veterinaries.


  • Large volume - 15.2 l;
  • Convenient packaging;
  • There is enough enough;
  • Pollution is easily removed;
  • Do not dock wool and paws of cats;
  • Does not cause allergies.


  • Not everywhere for sale;
  • For small kittens, it is better not to use.

Best corn fillers for feline toilets

This is one of the most eco-friendly options that is fully safe for a pet. An animal reacts normally and quickly gets used to it.

This corn filler attracts attention to its low price, safety and ease of use. He is hypoallergen, does not harm animal health and people. It can be washed off in the toilet, without clogging the sewage and not damage to the soil due to the biodegradability of the raw material. It is made of environmentally friendly corn grains, soft to the touch and pleasant to cat legs. N1 Naturel is not overwritten and does not require constant sweeping of floors.


  • For cleaning in the tray fit and a blade with large holes;
  • Beautiful, natural flavor;
  • Natural composition;
  • Looks aesthetic;
  • Pleasant to the touch;
  • Remains can be used as fertilizer;
  • No problem is washed off in the toilet.


  • Small volume in the package - 4.5 liters.

According to reviews, the corn filler "N1 Naturel" can be changed only 1-2 times a month, which is very profitable for the wallet and convenient for the owners of cats and cats.

Best clay fillers for feline toilets

This type of fillers is inexpensive and can be used in the tray for a long time without replacement, but it holds the smell a little worse than wood.

This feline filler for the toilet is highly appreciated for the ability to maintain purity in the house. With wetting, raw materials do not stick to cat legs and does not apply across the floor. In case of swallowing particles, the health of the pet is not threatened, since the material is natural and does not cause intoxication. Wet lumps are easily removed with the help of a blade, there is no need to completely replace the contents of the tray. According to the composition of Catsan Ultra Plus, close to the most natural, so the coarse ceases stop walking by the toilet.


  • A small size of the granules;
  • Softness of raw materials;
  • When connecting to water, compact pieces form, which facilitates cleaning in the tray;
  • Natural composition;
  • Does not cause allergies.


  • Small volume.

The bag in which the Catsan Ultra Plus filler is packed is made of thick paper and is equipped with a comfortable handle for comfortable carrying.

Best mineral fillers for feline toilets

Such fillers are made on the basis of zeolite, they perfectly absorb moisture and the resulting lumps are easily removed from the tray.

This is the only filler in the feline toilet filler with flavors, ideal for adult cats. But for small kittens, it is not recommended to use it because of the possible blockage of the gastrointestinal tract in the case of swallowing particles. It is interesting from the point of view of ease in cleaning, instant absorption of moisture, due to which the product is constantly dry. It does not pushes a pet and does not make him walk past the tray. Also, thanks to this, it is possible to clean it less often, which will allow you to save a little.


  • Reliable protection against urine smell;
  • Nice natural aroma;
  • Practical packaging with handles;
  • Convenient form of release;
  • There is no sound when creating a cat.


  • It is impossible to dispose by flushing into the toilet.

The key feature of the Pussy-Cat consists in its antibacterial effect, which reduces the likelihood of an animal infection.

What filler for a cat toilet is better to choose

Cats with allergies are better to buy wood or corn fillers that differ in naturalness and safety. They are also recommended to choose for small kittens and for thoroughbred cats. Ordinary funds will be suitable for everyone. For the purpose of comfortable use of tray animals, he must have a pleasant aroma and protection from the smell of urine, quickly absorb moisture and stay dry.

Depending on the situation, you can advise the following options from this rating:

  • For small kittens, the most preferred will be a Natural Barsik.
  • The purebred cats, especially if they suffer from allergies, quite satisfy the zonic woody.
  • For those who are only taught to the tray, it is worth choosing N1 Crystals.
  • If you need to not change the contents of the tray for a long time, it is best to choose N1 Naturel corn or Cat Step silica gel.
  • For those who are looking for something with an antibacterial effect, the perfect choice There will be a Pussy-Cat Oceanic.
  • If the cat goes to the toilet on the street, then in the tray, you can look at Catsan Ultra Plus.

As you can see from this rating, you can call your best filler for a cat toilet. Therefore, when it is elected, it is necessary to focus on age, the breed and health of the pet, and then look at the type of product.

It seems that there is nothing easier than the filler for cats, however, with the development of Zoorangea, many types of this product appeared, which are radically different in composition and their properties, but everyone serve the same goal. And understand all this variety, at first glance, not so simple. Today we will look at the main types of fillers for cats, we learn their advantages and cons, and also try to figure out what a feline sorbent is better and what is due.

All sold hygienic granulates for cats can be divided into three large groups:

  • wood (made of wood waste by pressing);
  • mineral (derived from natural clays and materials);
  • silicate (or, as they also call - silica gel).

All of them are intended for the same: to absorb liquid waste of animal life, without pressing the smell to get out. However, the efficiency and principle of operation of each type of sorbents are different.

Wood pellets

This type of product is manufactured by pressing sawdust, and accurate granules are obtained at the output. high density. If you get moisture, they instantly absorb her, swelling and scattering in a homogeneous mass. This is an excellent version of the filler for kittens toilet - even if the baby is curiosity and sprays a few pieces - it will not get any harm.

However, such granules also have cons - the smell of feline urine too much so that wood chips can hold. Wake-up lumps are best removed immediately to not get the characteristic "amber" throughout the house.

Positive moments:

  • environmentally friendly, safe for pets;
  • quickly absorbs a large amount of moisture;
  • the cheapest range of any store;
  • you can wash off in the toilet (small portions);
  • economical (thanks to an increase in volume, a sufficiently thin layer at the bottom of the tray).
  • badly holds the smell of ammonia (the main "flavor" of urine);
  • easy, therefore is able to fly beyond the tray in highly "diligent" cats when instilcing.

There is another nuance - many manufacturers, trying to improve their products, add fragrances in sawdust - so that it smelled more pleasant. However, not all cats agree with such a state of affairs: some particularly sensitive nature may at all abandon such a "fragrant" tray, and in love with a different place in the house that is not good.

Trying to find out which wood filler is better for a cat, you can easily be confused: producers of this type of granules are very much. Many consumers believe that it makes no sense to overpay for an import pack - and they are partly right: the composition of imported wood granules will be identical to the composition of any russian manufacturer. Among the most popular domestic grades of pressed wood chips should be called:

  • TM "Kuzya" - produced by Arkada for many 18 years. According to the manufacturer's application, all this time the technology was improved. Judging by the reviews - a really high-quality product. Price - from 120 rubles for 4.5 kg.
  • Barsik is the product of the company "Intel", known in the market since 1991. For such a long time, the company managed to earn the confidence of many thousands of consumers, and is the leader among manufacturers of domestic wood pellets for a cat tray. The cost of the granules - from 140 rubles per pack of 4.5 kg.
  • "Clean legs" - the products of the Ukrainian plant located in the Dnieper. It has been produced since 2008, and for a long time it occupies a leading position in the zoosorbent market. Price - from 170 rubles. For 4.5 kg.

Look actual price fillers for wipe toilets and buy it now can be right here:

Mineral Fillers

All mineral sands can be divided into bentonite (Paliorskite, from clay), and zeolite. These sands are much more practical than woody granules, and well hold the smells of detergents. However, there are a number of disadvantages - they are not recommended to wash off in the toilet, besides, this is not the best filler for kittens. When swallowing the granules, the baby can get the blockage of esophagus, and more serious injuries.

Mineral substances based on clay are very quickly coming, forming a dense, sticky structure. Due to this, the paws of the animal remain clean, and the smell reliably holds inside the lump.

Zeolite granules have a very porous structure, thereby able to absorb much more fluid than weigh themselves.

Such types of sand for cat pot are like many animals - he reminds them wildlifeAnd they begin to make it safe to dig in it. Therefore, when choosing such a hygienic aggregator, you need to choose a tray with a high side, or at all - closed. There are such sands more expensive sawdust, however, the smell hold better.

Opinions regarding recycling will differ: some experts (and themselves producers) argue that clay sands can be flush into the toilet, and their opponents are scared with imminent seasons. Truth is approximately in the middle: small lumps can be flush into the toilet, but you can not pour out a full clay tray - it is practically guaranteed to break the pipe.

The best mineral adsorbents for a cat toilet, according to Russian buyers, this is:

  • Catsan - white mineral granules, sold in any pet store. Manufacturer - Mars, guarantees that the granules reliably detain the smell in themselves, and do not stain your pet's wool. Requires full replacement Once 5-7 days (in addition to removing lumps and solid waste). The cost of such pleasure is from 400 rubles for 5 liters. Patch.
  • Siberian Cat is one of the leaders of the fillers market in Russia. It produces many items like wood pellets and mineral feline sands. Raw materials are a high-quality bentonite clay extracted in Khakassia. The price is 5 kg. Putting starts from 210 rubles.
  • Fresh Step - CLOROX products, the headquarters of which is located in the USA. Many breeders from all over the world have already determined for themselves what filler for cats is better, because Fresh Step is very popular in many countries, and has long been recognized as one of the leaders of this market. Cost - from 750 rubles for 6.35 kg.
  • PI-PI-Bent is a Russian product from bentonite clay. It produces it LLC "Liding", and, judging by the reviews, this sand is one of the most popular domestic products in this area. The cost of the pack - from 270 rubles for 5 kg. The flavored series is a bit more expensive (from 290 rubles).

The most practical, but also the most expensive hygienic sorbent. It is made of dried silicon acid solutions. As a result, crystals are obtained with a huge surface area - up to 800 square meters In 1 gram (!) Product. Due to such porosity, this material is able to absorb liquid 30 times superior to the volume of the sorbent itself. This is guaranteed to hold back unpleasant odors For a long time, which means there is no need to change the granules often. It is only necessary to remove the solid waste, and such a portion of the crystals will be enough for 14-25 days (depending on the size of the pet).

The minuses of this type of granules can be called a high price, as well as the fact that the crystals are quite noisy when the animal goes on them. It can scare away non-cold cats, and also interfere with the owners at night. In addition, silica gels are not recommended for use in the kittens toilet - they can poison, swallowing crystals from curiosity. Dispose of it is prohibited by means of flushing into the toilet - guaranteed to block sewer pipe, Moreover, it is very problematic cleaned such a plug.

The most popular in our country are such manufacturers:

  • Fresh STEP manufactured by the United States. Its price starts from 714 rubles per pack of 1.81 kg. Despite the high price, this filler uses constant demand from the Russian consumer.
  • "Our brand" is popular and inexpensive crystals manufactured in China by request of the company Gatchinsky KKZ CJSC. It is worth such a product from 430 rubles for 1.66 kg., Making it a worthy competitor to more expensive brands.
  • TM "Kotyar" - a domestic silica gel, very popular among Russian breeders. The cost of this product is from 470 rubles per package of 1.5 kg. In addition to silica gel crystals, the so-called "magic balls" are added, designed to remove unpleasant odors.
  • "Siberian Cat" - already familiar to us brand. The cost of such crystals begins with 390 rubles for 1.85 kg.