Repairs Design Furniture

Installing plastic windows into false boxes. Inserting the slopes of plastic windows with their own hands - it will be able to each. The main steps of the installation of the plastic window


The sealing of windows plays an important role, since moisture and cold air will fall into the room without it, which will significantly worsen housing conditions. To carry out this procedure is easy. Many manufacturers offer high-quality, comfortable sealants and other materials to work with windows.

What are sealing for?

How to close the seams?

  • Silicone sealant can be used to process seams. This is a great suitable polymer for sea sealing. Be sure to clean the room from the inside, but you can not forget about the design seams. Depending on the state of the window, how big the stroke has a design, the seam width may vary from 0.5 to 5 cm; If the skew is very large, it will have to shock and paint, otherwise fill such a large sealant space will be simply impossible.
  • The sealant is not the only substance that can be used: a polyurethane tape is also suitable for closing the gaps, capable of expanding. It is well suitable for closing the junctions between the window frame and the wall: the junction is elastic. However, this material is useful only if it is necessary to close the crack is not wider than 15 mm. The tape is often used for processing, but this material is quite expensive and requires protection from the external environment, like assembling foam.

What types of sealants are there?

Sealing plastic windows outside and from the inside can be carried out using the same sealant, but it is important to choose its type correctly. Silicone materials are most common. The basis is the silicone rubber, which is a reliable insulator from moisture and air. If noticeable vulcanization is required, acetate or neutral sealants can be used. Such materials will be able to fill the gaps, protect metal parts from corrosion.

Acetate sealants can not be used everywhere. The fact is that the material highlights acetic acid, which contributes to its expansion. It is harmful to human health and animals, so when using such sealant for internal work, it is necessary to provide good oxygen access to the room. However, this type of material has more than others, durability and durability.

Sanitary silicone sealant on acetate basis is intended for sealing slots between building materials and finishing elements

Use acetate sealant is best if the surface is smooth. On ribbed and textured species, the material is badly fixed, cracks can remain.

Neutral materials are convenient to push moisture high ability, are well suited for use on porous surfaces, so there is no problem if you need to seal the frame and a concrete wall. In addition, it is convenient to use universal materials. The cost of such sealants is higher, but do not have to think, in what situation they can be used, and in what - no.

Choosing a sealant, pay attention to how the temperature mode can work with it, which temperatures are critical for material.

Sealing usually does not cause difficulties, as the materials for it can be purchased at any economic store, and the windows of the window itself is hermetic and no interventions require. If the profile cracked, it does not make sense to be filled or try to attack. A window with serious mechanical damage usually change, as it ceases to be hermetic and cannot fully hold heat.

What if the windows are made of wood?

Sealing wooden windows occurs approximately by the same principle, however, it can often be distinguished and the frame itself can also be placed. Unlike plastic, it can be repaired, for this, special smears are used. In addition, the smelting is used when sealing the product in a place where the frame is connected to the glass. In order for the seams not to let moisture, it is covered with a transparent sealant over the smelting. Working with the frame and window opening is similar to the above sequence.

The sealing of the window will not cause difficulties if approaching work correctly. This process can be completely organized independently, spending the minimum amount of time and ensuring reliable protection of the room from cold air.

After installing plastic windows, the owners may encounter different problems. In some cases, it is necessary to adjust the window through time, or there may be cases that it is necessary to make the repair of a plastic window. For example, to fasten the blinds on the window, you must drill a hole for self-pressing and fasten them. However, if the blinds need to be removed and they will no longer need, then you need to do something with the remaining holes from the self-tapping screws, because they spoil the aesthetic look of the window. There are a number of other reasons for which the holes in the plastic frame of the window remain.

1. What makes the holes in the frame of the plastic window

In fact, it is possible to solve the problem with the holes in the frame in several ways. All of them will be correct, but the result can be different. The choice will, of course, only for the owners of the windows.

Ways to eliminate holes in the plastic frame:

There are other ways to solve the problem with the hole in the plastic window, which will be discussed further.

2. Liquid nails for plastic window

Perfect for sealing holes can be suitable liquid nails. Their scope of application is very wide, they are used not only for PVC, but also for wood, drywall, glass and other surfaces. They have good hermetic characteristics for embedding any slots. Liquid nails have aesthetics and long service life. In essence, they are a kind of construction glue, which includes various fine-flow fillers.

Liquid nails can be divided into two types:

  • Nepopiential. This type of nails is made of an organic solvent. They possess a very sharp odor and are very harmful to human health. The smell from them can persist within a few days after applying.
  • Acrylic. This type of nails are absolutely harmless to humans and can be used for any surface.

The main advantages of liquid nails are that they are grabbed within 15-20 minutes after application, they are universal and do not spoil the surface of the product.

How to close the holes in the frame from the screws? The method of applying liquid nails is as follows:

  • It is necessary to clean the surface of the hole, and then try to align it and process to.
  • After that, liquid nails should be applied to the hole and leave until complete drying (for 1-3 days).
  • Then after the surface you need to refuel with the help of Cosmofen.
  • The room temperature at the use of liquid nails should not exceed 35 degrees.

Thus, the hole from the self-press will not be visible, and the windows will have an initial appearance.

3. White sealant for cracks

For sealing holes from the screws, you can also use the sealant. Today, there are a huge amount of them, but it is best for embedding the gaps and holes a acrylic sealant is suitable.

To close the slots, you must perform the following:

  • The first thing the surface of the gap should be cleaned of various kinds of pollution, putty, garbage.
  • Then the whole surface around the hole must be sealed using painting tape so as not to smear it.
  • After that, you need to take an acrylic white sealant with a special syringe. Why do you need an acrylic sealant? Because silicone is not amenable to coloring if necessary.
  • Next close the gap or a hole with a sealant. After applying the sealant, the surface must be sprinkled with a wet finger or cloth.
  • We leave the sealant to complete drying. If necessary, sealant can be painted paint.

Conclusion, output

In conclusion, it must be said that the holes in the plastic frame may appear for various reasons, whether it is an incorrectly drilled location, removal of blinds, random strike and others. In order to return the primordial view of the window, you can use special means that can be purchased in any specialized store for plastic windows.

Read 7 min.

As a rule, the replacement of any windows leads to the destruction of the adjacent segment of the wall. The question arises: what to do, so that the window structure looks beautiful and reliably protected from the noise, wind and other streets of the street? The answer is simple: in this case, without repair work is not to do. There are various embodiments of slopes, but to choose the desired option, it is necessary to consider them in more detail.

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Sections of walls adjacent to the window block are called slopes. They are internal and external. Strict requirements are presented to internal areas.

The following functions are assigned to the slopes:

  • giving the window structure of aesthetic and attractive species. Is it possible to present a high-quality window that docked with a broken wall;
  • improve sound and thermal insulation. Window structures that do not have high-quality slopes do not have sufficient hermetic;
  • protection of mounting elements and seams from environmental impact. Quality slope not only protects fasteners from corrosion, but also reduces the likelihood of fogging and freezing windows.

Thus, the repair of slopes is a list of works directed not only to the restoration of damaged sections of the wall, but also to create additional insulation.

Mainly selected one of the following repairs:

For any repair of slopes, first of all, high-quality surface preparation is necessary.

Preparation of window pier

The restoration of slopes are proceed after their surface is prepared. Preparation is performed in such a sequence:

In order not to destroy the recovered slopes, the windowsill is installed before the start of repair.

To protect against contamination and shot down elements, the window and window sill are protected by paper or polyethylene. And also does not prevent the protection of the handle of the window and the battery under the windowsill.

The protective film on the window is removed only after the end of all works.

  1. The surfaces of the slopes are thoroughly cleaned. Large chatting fragments are attached on the solution.


This option to repair slopes is characterized by low cost. It is enough to have: finishing the mixture, a set of simple tools and water-bred paint.

The installation of new plastic windows certainly requires special attention, since in violation of the assembly technology of the desired result will not be achieved. Although the windows themselves can be very high, the method of their installation and the materials used during the seal significantly affect the total efficiency of the new product. On what to create and maintain comfortable temperature conditions in your home or apartment, and even at any time of the year, you can always hope only when the plastic windows are properly performed during installation.

Pre-waterproofing windows PVC

With a huge multitude of building materials, very few of them are successfully used when working on waterproofing plastic windows. Often, waterproofing is performed only partially or after a while after installing the windows, or the sealing of slopes and the windowsides is generally postponed indefinitely.

Advantages and disadvantages of mounting foam

It is generally accepted that after installing the windows of the emptiness between the window frame and the opening is filled with polyurethane mounting foam. And it is logical, as foam has a number of benefits:

  • unpretentious to the nature and quality of conjugated surfaces;
  • well insulates the room;
  • performs dense sealing;
  • protects against excess noise;
  • successful for a long time takes on itself and distributes mechanical stress;
  • compensates wind load.

On a note: Something more convenient and more efficient than foam, to fulfill the primary stage of the installation of windows today simply will not find. This must be recognized.

But it turns out that only the mounting foam cannot constantly cope with the effects of weather factors and after a while, even after a few years, it can begin to lose its properties. This is what can happen to this sealing material if it is not protected outside:

  1. Open mounting foam under the influence of ultraviolet radiation through a period starts to darken and crumble.
  2. Foam is not a waterproofer in the literal sense, which means that it itself needs to be protected, especially from the amazing of precipitation in the winter season.
  3. Dry foam when the temperature changes during the day and with shift of the time of the year somewhat changes its initial volume. Such fluctuations in volume, especially with a layer thickness of 8-10 cm, can occur within 5% or more. The minimum resizing, depending on the external temperature, is also characteristic of the box itself of the plastic window. As a result of regular compression cycles, this may lead to the emergence of technological gaps. , Cracked and penetration of end-to-end air flow . This drawback most often makes itself felt when installing the window was made without using a hard frame for fastening the frame to the wall.

Conventional waterproofing options

To prevent the conversion of foam into powder under the influence of direct sunlight, frost and water after pre-waterproofing PVC windows performed by means of a mounting foam, it is desirable as early as possible after installing windows to shook out the external slopes, imparting on them, at least the minimum layer of cement-sand solution. or other plastering composition for outdoor work. Plastering accurately warms the hit of direct rays to foam, and protect it, although not completely, from the effects of moisture and drafts.

There is another simple sealing option - the junction between the window and the wall from the outside of the window right over the surface of the foam can be treated with silicone sealant for outdoor work. For some time, he can really be an obstacle to moisture, but with hard weather conditions, the sealant layer will have to replace the new one from time to time.

Comprehensive methods for waterproofing plastic windows

Waterproofing using special tapes

Consider how a more reliable and somewhat more complex embodiment of waterproofing plastic windows looks like. To prevent the penetration of unnecessary moisture into residential space and protect the mounting foam from destruction, it is necessary to take care of the installation of the windows. What are we talking about? Consider in order:

  • before starting the installation of the window around the perimeter of the outer edge (non-ends), the frame is glued in advancely prepared self-insulating sealing tape made on the basis of polyurethane (psul). This material is impregnated with additives, allowing its elasticity for a long time. If desired, instead of the frame, you can attach to the very window of the window, to the one part of it, which will contact the outer front surface of the plastic profile;
  • on the end of the window frame around the perimeter, a butyl achecus waterproofing tape is superimposed, after which the frame is mounted in the opening, by reliable mounting with suspensions to the surface of the slopes;
  • at the next stage, if the distance from the opening to the frame is significant, you can sneak the same waterproofing tape on the wall. This will serve as an additional protection against moisture itself and wet air penetrating through the wall;
  • only after the cloak of the protective tapes from the outside and the end (possibly on the wall), the frame of the mounting foam is placed. With this technology of installation, fresh foam can be expanded only by the inside of the room, since the outer edge is protected by psyms, which prevents foam performance. In this case, the sealing tape capable of expanding will protect the layer of polyurethane foam from the destructive effect of UV radiation over the entire service life of the window;
  • now we wait until fresh foam by expansion fills the entire volume of the coil cavities and hardens. After the foamy sealant will finally dry in the inner part of the surplus room, you must neatly cut off with a sharp construction knife;
  • next, the decoration of slopes at the discretion of the owner. It can be performed by cement mortar, powdered mixtures, plasterboard, plastic and even ceramic tiles. It depends on the nature of the premises and requirements of the customer;
  • after the termination of the main volume of finishing works with slopes, the angle forms between the window frame and the slope can be treated with waterproof sealant, finally blocking the access of moisture and street air into the room. The thin layer of sealant will hide the microen facilities appearing at the joints as a result of the frame expansion due to the changing temperature regime.

Waterproofing with the use of hydrophobizers and liquid rubber

In recent years, the use of hydrophobizers - compounds of organic nature is gaining popularity, including in its composition of silicon and possessing water-repellent properties.

The hydrophobizer solution is applied to the treated surface, as a result of which a hydrophobic film is formed on it, which does not prevent air penetration, but preventing moisture from entering the indoor. The film is invisible for the eyes, does not spoil the general appearance and is able to perform its function long enough.

In similar situations, liquid rubber can be used, consisting of a two-static cold-type mastic made on a bitumen. It is successfully used on concrete, wooden, stone and even metal surfaces. The material is characterized by high elasticity indicators and excellent waterproofing properties. The price of it is quite high, on this, only those who really appreciate reliability can be positioned at him and are ready to go to financial sacrifices.

It is possible that very soon on the building materials market will appear new universal and even more reliable means to protect plastic windows from moisture and drafts, and so far the skillful use of available means already provides excellent results.

Video about sealing and waterproofing windows

To date, many people have the opportunity to build a cottage or country house. Buildings are erected from different materials: bricks, concrete, wood (log, timber). In such houses, there is a problem: how to make a box for the window?

To respond to the question, it is necessary to deal with the existing methods and methods for the production of such works. The type of box installed for the window window depends on the parameters of the building built as its shrinkage and the type of material used during the construction (log, glued bar).

With the construction of large-pressure houses on the main foundation, there is no "sediment" a wooden building does not threaten. This is one of the main advantages of wood designs, whose weight is much less brick and concrete counterparts.

But it is impossible to get rid of a small shrinkage of the house. This indicator depends on the type of material used. If there is a well-dried bar during construction, then shrinkage is minimal.

In the cottages from this profiled material, almost immediately after the end of the construction of walls and the roof, you can proceed to finishing and start installing windows. This building has advocate and shrinkage in almost imperceptible, about 1.15%, which absolutely does not affect the geometric parameters of the main materials used in the construction of materials.

If a solid profiled bar (log) is applied, even when using a dry material, shrinkage and building standing is reached by 2.6%.

If there are fresh logs during the construction, then the shrinkage of such a cottage can be 9-11%.

These processes stop 9-12 months after the end of construction work, and during the operation of the building, its further movement can be about 5%. If we consider the most used material in the construction of the house, a cylindrical bar or a log with natural humidity, it turns out that when it is used, the dermiska and the move will reach 3.5%.

It should be understood as the importance of these numbers when installing windows. Note that 1% of the shrinkage is 1 meter, 1% of the shrinkage corresponds to 1 cm. This figure is used to determine the gap between the window box and the lower part of the upper log of this opening.

What should be considered to make a box for the window?

Figure 1. Installation scheme of a massive block.

The assembly is carried out in order to separate the wall of the built house from the window opening and the window itself so that the shrinkage does not affect their geometry. The box is the desired element to protect the window from curvature and destruction. If it is not done, then there will be a skew of the opening and the whole design will collapse. It is possible to damage the bearing walls of the house.

The process of preparing and installing the box is quite complicated, so it is better to perform professional professionals. The amateurness in this matter is harmful - with a unqualified calculation and the independent installation of the window box, there are almost always distortion and the destruction of the window.

Consider existing methods of performing this work. Window boxes are the following types:

  • with end spike;
  • using a mortgage bar;
  • with a groove in Siruba (Schip-Monolith).

Below will be described the technology of work production and diagrams of all of the above types of window boxes.

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Application of end spike

When using this option, a spike (vertical comb) is cut on the erace. This is done before installing the box when the house is built. The product assembly is carried out directly in the window opening. To do this, on the box on the box are made grooves corresponding to the size of the ridge. Installation is carried out in the following sequence:

  • initially, you need to install the bottom board of the window sill;
  • close the spikes with a roll type seal;
  • the side pieces of the window box are put on it: first install one such board vertically, and then the upper horizontal bar, then mount the second side of the box.

The edges of the installed product, if you look from the window side, can be either smooth (flat), or have a protrusion for a more dense installation of window blocks. The box will have a thickness inside the house more than from the street. If a flat box was used, then after mounting the window, it will be necessary to install slopes to hide the gap formed along the edges.

After installing such a box, it turns out a dense, vertically moving connection, where the side parts of the window box itself will serve as a guide for the movement of the bar (logs).

For such a system, the use of mounting foam or additional fasteners is not recommended. An exception can be made only for the windowsill board, which must be rigidly fixed on the lower bar, applying a connection through a roll-type seal. When the box is ready, you can install a window block with a tump, and on both sides of the design to mount the platbands. They are fixed with nails or screws.

This type of window box can be performed as a monolithic unit. To do this, you can use the following types of material:

  1. The array of wood coniferous rocks, made without a quarter outside, having a natural humidity, without grinding, unrestructed.
  2. The profiled massive piece of the same tree breeds, well succeeded in the chamber, polished and tighted. Such an array is done with an outdoor quarter for mounting the window. When using it, it is not necessary to finish the slopes.

When preparing the opening and manufacture of the box in a logging on vertical ends, spikes make. The array is inserted on it through the paved seal, stretched on the made comb. On the top mounted in a quarter "cushion", which is strengthened with nails or screws on the racks. Such a window box can be with a windowsill. It is often done on it a threshold in the form of a closed contour around the perimeter of the window. The installation circuit of the solid block is shown in Fig. one.

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Use when installing a mortgage bar

This option is as follows:

  1. Over the entire length of the window opening (from its ends), a vertical groove is selected.
  2. Take a bar with a cross-section of 50 x 50 mm and a length of less than height of the opening and laid in the damned groove without applying fasteners so that it does not rest in the upper crown during shrinkage. This bar plays the role of a guide that provides free vertical movements and excluding such displacements horizontally.
  3. Mounting the window box to the bar with the help of screws that must have a length are insufficient to exit on the other side.
  4. Between the ends and the product put a roll-type seal.

In contrast to the previous version, the window box itself must be fully assembled in advance and is mounted in the opening in the finished form. Its thickness can be less than in the above version, as there are no grooves in it.

After installing the box, the window is inserted into it, the frame of which is connected by screws to the installed box, and the gaps are poured with mounting foam (it cannot be used to fill the distance between the ends and the window box).

At the last stage of the work, the installation of platbands (external and internal) is made. They must hide the slots between the ends and the box. This installation option can be used for all types of wooden houses, with the exception of buildings from the calibrated log, the diameter of which exceeds 0.35 meters. As a material, uncomplicated and unrestructed edged beam with natural humidity is usually used. After mounting the windows you need to install and separate the slopes.