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Why in Russia built houses from a tree. Why in Russia at home and any other structures were built of wood, and not from stone, as in Western Europe? Is it possible to build a high-quality wooden house

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Everything is simple - to build from wood was more cost-effective, faster and easier. In conditions of harsh winter, also warmer. But this answer will seem too short, it is interesting for you to find out the causes of the reasons?

1. The tree in Kievan Rus was almost everywhere, while the stone was harder to find. There are many rock breeds - diabases, granite, limestone and sandstones, tuffs and so on. They are sedimentary (sandstone, sewer - on the surface), magmatic (Lava flowed and frozen) and metamorphic (Lava lay for a long time and pressed, these are shale, marble and other stones with divorces)

But some breeds are either too solid, others are too crumbly. The joke is that Kiev, Veliky Novgorod, Pskov and other cities - stand on the plains. Where to ride the faults of the earth's crust and solid rocks? There are also no volcanoes and, accordingly, "beautiful" rock rocks with divorces.

Even the only limestone breed of limestone (white stone) - saved in the construction of temples. They made two rows of white stone, and the space between them was laid out with a conventional stone for the morning with clay and sand.

2. Cold. Yes, tritely cold in a stone house without the corresponding heating system. The tree has a lesser thermal conductivity. In general, the matrial and fibrous fibers - the "warmer". In order not to freeze in the winter, it is necessary or a wall of logs from 40cm in diameter, or 2 meter thickness stone wall. (very rude)

What is economical - dump a couple of trees and cut down a house for one summer, or for a few years to squeeze the stone and lay the thick walls? I think it is obvious.

3. Development of technologies and public life.

Many do not want to believe in it, but we were outsiders in the period of 10-17 centuries. The first universities appear in Italy and France in the 11th century. Trading routes to China and America are paving Portugal and Spain in the 16th century. Giant in height and power of the building are also built in the West in the 13-14th century.

The development in Russia of stone housekeeping and architecture as a whole strongly slowed downstairs (11-12 days), then the invasion and capture of the IGA (12-15). Then there were foreign interventions in the troubled time (16). Out of the frying pan into the fire. No schools - no bodies of universities were not. The skill was passed to strictly from the mouth of the mouth and inherited.

Even war with Napoleon. The turning point occurred due to harsh weather conditions and a pair of tricky movements! The army of a little France was better organized and almost captured almost all of Europe at that time! So our troops bravely threw the burn of Moscow. By justice, she was tuned by the new charter "about stone house-building" and greatly improved. May well, that burned.

4. Traditions. How to ask Japanese to ask - "Why are you at home from wood and paper"? The feasibility of structures from wood outweigh the minuses at the time. And the skill of build structures was accumulated.

This is what I do not understand - why we did not build out of the brick. The obvious solution in the conditions of lack of natural stone. Of the bricks built a lot in Northern Italy, Germany, the Czech Republic. Even in the Middle Ages. Maybe the queen was in winter picking in clay? I do not understand when you missed this moment? The temple of Sofia in Kiev from the brick was built. And then again went to the stone and wood.

The first brick was the first to be invited from Italy "Aleviz Old" - he is aloisio da Caresano (or Aloizio - Milan). He organized in Moscow the production of bricks from which the walls of the new Kremlin were built. Because it is easier than cut blocks and carry them from afar, and the strength of the masonry is not inferior to natural stone. Now we are very proud of the Red Square, and this is Italian architecture.

In general, what can I say. Build from wood was cheaper, faster and warmer. The social structure was not sufficiently developed for the cityscape or shopping chambers at that time. Elders gathered in the fortress or traded on the market.

Russian home five-rank in Central Russia. Typical three-tight roof with beam. Five-rank with a furnace along the house

These examples, I think, is quite enough to prove that this type of houses really exists and it is widespread in traditionally Russian regions. It was somewhat unexpected for me that this type of house prevailed until recently on the coast of the White Sea. Even if you admit that I am not right, and this style of houses came to the north of the central regions of Russia, and not vice versa, it turns out that Slovenia from Lake Ilmen to the colonization of the coast of the White Sea is not related. In the Novgorod region and on the river Volkhov houses there is no houses. Strange, isn't it? And what houses are Izstari built by Novgorod Slovenia? Below I bring examples of such houses.

Slovenian type of houses

Slovenian style can be exquisite, with a canopy ahead of the house, under which there are benches where you can relax, breathe fresh air (see photo on the right). But the roof is still a two-bundle (horse), and the rafters are attached to the top wint of the wall (lying on it). On the side they are not pulled away from the wall and hang over it.

Carpenters in my homeland (North of the Yaroslavl region) contemptuously called such a type of fastening rafted "suitable only for Sarai". But this house in Vitoslavitsa not far from Novgorod on Ilmen is very rich, in front of the fronton balcony, and canopy on carved pillars. Another characteristic feature of the houses of this type is the lack of longitudinal rearness, so the homes are narrow, by the facade with 3-4 windows.

In this photo we see a two-way roof, which allows you to attribute this house to Slovenian type. House with high tweet, decorated with thread characteristic of Russian houses. But the rafters lie on the side walls, like a shed. This house was built in Germany at the beginning of the XIX century for Russian warriors, whom the Russian king sent to help Germany. Part of them remained in Germany at all, the Government of Germany as a sign of gratitude for the service built here such at home. I think that houses were built according to the sketches of these soldiers in Slovenian style

This is also a house from the German Soldier series. Today in Germany, these houses are part of the Russian Wooden architecture under the open-air museum. Germans on our traditional applied art make money. In which ideal condition, they contain these houses! And we? We, we have, do not appreciate. All the nose from your troops, we look at the overseas, renovations. When will we take a rigorogram and repair our Russia?

In my opinion, these examples of Slovenian houses are sufficient. Interested in this issue may still find a lot of evidence of this hypothesis. The essence of the hypothesis is that the real Slovenian houses (huts) differed from Russians for a number of signs. Probably stupid to talk about what type is better, what worse. The main thing is that they differ from each other. Different rafters were delivered, no passing along the house in five-rank, at home, as a rule, the lobes - 3 or 4 windows on the front, platbands and lining at Slovenian houses, as a rule, not sucking (not openwork) and therefore not similar to lace . Of course, there are homes of mixed type of construction, a little similar to the houses of the Russian type of rafters and the presence of cornices. The most important thing is that Russian, and the Slovenian type of houses have their own aroles. Houses of Russian type on the territory of the Novgorod region and the West of the Tver region are not found or practically not found. I did not find them there.

Thro-Finnish Type of Houses

The threat-Finnish type of houses is, as a rule, five-ranging with a longitudinal oven and much more windows than those of Slovenian houses. Fronton has a log, in the attic there is a room with log walls and a large window, which is why the house is like two-storey. The rafters are attached directly on the wall, and the roof hangs over the walls, so there is no cornice at home this type. Often at home of this type consist of two docked cuts under one roof

The average during the North Dvina is above the mouth of the Vagi. This looks like a typical house of a Ubro-Finnish type, which for some reason the ethnographers are stubbornly called the Northern Russians. But he is more widely suspended in the Komi Republic than in Russian villages. At this house in the attic there is a full-fledged warm room with log walls and two windows

And this house is located in the Komi Republic in the Swede River Basin. He has 7 windows around the facade. The house is made of two four-sided cuts connected to each other log capital insert. The frontton is a log, which is why the attic house is warm. The mansard room is, but it is without a window. The rafters are laid on the side walls and hang over them.

Dervnya Kyrcanda in the south-east of the Arkhangelsk region. Please note that the house consists of a bvuch of log cabins put close to each other. The frontton is a log, the attic room is arranged in the attic. The house is wide, so the roof is quite flattened (not cool). There are no carved platbands. The rafters are installed on the side walls. The house, consisting of two log cabins, was in our village of Alsless, only he was Russian. By the guys, playing hide and seek, I somehow climbed from the attic to the gap between the cuts and barely got out. It was very scary...

House of Thro-Finnish Type in the East of the Vologda region. From the attic room in this house you can go to the balcony. The roof is in front of such that the balcony can also be in the rain. The house is high, almost three-storey. And in the back of the house, there are still the same three horses, and between them a huge thing. And it all belonged to one family. Probably, therefore there were many children in families. Elegantly lived throat in the past. Today, not every new Russian has such a cottage area

Kenerma village in Karelia. The house is smaller than at home in the Komi Republic, but still a threatening-Finnish style is guessed. No carved platbands, so the house of the house is more severe than the houses of Russian type

Komi Republic. Everything suggests that we have a house built in the Ugro-Finnish style. The house is huge, all economic premises are placed in it: two winter residential huts, two summer huts - flax, storage room, workshop, senior, hlev, etc. To feed the cattle and the bird, in the morning do not even go outside. Long cold winter it was very important.

Republic of Karelia. I want to draw attention to the fact that the type of houses in Komi and in Karelia is very similar. But these are two different ethnos. And here is between them we see the house of a completely different type - Russian. I note that Slovenian houses look more like throat-Finnish than the Russians. Strange, isn't it?

House of the Ugro-Finnish type are found in the northeast of the Kostroma region. This style is probably preserved from those times when the Ugro-Finnish Kostroma tribe has not yet rugby. The windows have this house on the other hand, and we see the back and side walls. On the flooring to the house, you could take a horses with a cart. Convenient, isn't it?

On the Pinege River (the right influx of North Dvina), along with the houses of Russian type, there are also houses of the Thro-Finnish type. Two ethnos have long been getting along here together, but still retain their traditions in the construction of houses. I draw attention to the absence of carved platbands. There is a beautiful balcony, a room - Svetka in the attic. Unfortunately, such a nice house is broken by the owners who reached for urban underwear life

Probably enough examples of houses of thro-Finnish type. Of course, at present, the traditions of building houses are largely lost, and in modern villages and settlements are building houses that differ from the ancient traditional types. Everywhere in the vicinity of our cities today, we see a ridiculous cottage building, testifying to the complete loss of our national and ethnic traditions. How can you understand from these photos that borrowed by me on many dozens of sites, our ancestors lived not constantly, in environmentally friendly spacious, beautiful and comfortable homes. They worked joyfully, with songs and booms, were friendly and not greedy, near the houses nowhere in the Russian north there is no deaf fences. If a house burned in someone in the village, the new home built him to the whole world. I note again that there were no deaf high fences near Russian and threat-Finnish houses, and it says a lot.

Polovtsy (Kipchak) Type of houses

I hope that these examples of houses built in Polovtsy (Kipchak) style is quite enough to prove that such a style really exists and has a certain distribution area, which includes not only the south of Russia, but also a significant part of Ukraine. I think that each type of house is adapted to certain climatic conditions. In the north, many forests, it is cold there, so the inhabitants are building huge houses in Russian or threatening-Finnish-style, in which people live, and cattle, and Skarb is stored. The forests are enough for walls, and for firewood. There is no forest in the steppe, there is little in the forest-steppe, so residents and you have to make global, small ones. The big house is not needed here. Cattle can be kept in the inventory in the summer and winter, the inventory can be stored on the street under a canopy. A man in the steppe zone spends more time on an open-air street than in the hut. So it is so, but in the floodplain of Don, and especially Hopra there is a forest, from which it would be possible to build a hut and stronger and more, and make a horse to make a horse, and in the attic a beveyard to arrange. So no, the roof is made in a traditional style - four-tie, so the eye is more familiar. Why? And such a roof is stable to winds, and the winds in the steppe are much stronger. The roof of the horse here comes easily with the next Buran. In addition, the four-tight roof of the straw is more handy, and straw in southern Russia and Ukraine is a traditional and inexpensive roofing material. True, straw their homes wings the poor and in the middle lane of Russia, even in the north of the Yaroslavl region in my homeland. As a child, I still saw old houses in all, indoor straw. But those who are cooled, houses wing with duch or tesov, and the richest-roofing glands. I myself had a chance under the leadership of the Father, our new home and the house of an old neighbor drank. Today in the villages this technology is no longer used, everyone switched to slate, ondulin, metal tile and other new technologies.

With the help of the analysis of traditional types of houses that were distributed in Russia more recently, I managed to identify the four main ethno-cultural roots, which grew up the Great Russian Ethnic. The subsidiary ethnic groups that spoke into the ethnos of the Velikorsov, probably more, since we see that the same type of houses was characteristic of two, and sometimes for three related ethnic groups living in similar natural conditions. Surely in each type of traditional houses you can select subtypes and associate them with specific ethnic groups. Houses in Karelia, for example, are somewhat different from homes in Komi. And the houses of Russian type in the Yaroslavl region were built a little different than the houses of the same type on the North Dvina. People always sought to express their individuality, including in the device and decorating their home. At all times there were those who tried to change or hold the traditions. But exceptions only emphasize the rules - everyone is well known.

I will assume that I wrote this article is not in vain, if in Russia there will be less ridiculous cottages in no style if someone wants to build your new home in one of the traditional Steel: Russian, Slovenian, Thro-Finnish or Polovtsy. All of them today became all-Russian, and we must maintain them. An ethno-cultural invariant is the basis of any ethnic volume, perhaps, the best way. We will destroy it - and our ethnos degrades and disappear. I saw our compatriots emigrated to the United States cling to ethno-cultural traditions. They even have the manufacture of the kitlet turns into a certain ritual who helps them feel that they are Russians. Patriots are not only those who fall under tanks with pigeons grenades, but also those who prefer the Russian style of houses, Russian boots, soup and borshs, kvass, etc.

In the book of the collective of the authors edited by I.V. Vlasova and V.A. Tishkov "Russians: history and ethnography", published in 1997 in the publishing house "Science", there is a very interesting chapter on rural residential and economic development in Russia in the XII - XVII centuries. But the authors of the head of L.N. Chizhikova and O.R. Radia for some reason, very little attention was paid to the houses of Russian-type with a three-tie roof and bevel in the attic. They view them in a single group with Slovenian-type houses with a two-tie roof hanging on the side walls.

However, to explain how Russian houses appeared on the shores of the White Sea and why there are no them in the vicinity of Novgorod on Ilmen, based on the traditional concept (arguing that Novgorod controlled Novgorod with Ilmeni), it is impossible. Probably, therefore, historians and ethnographers do not pay attention to the houses of Russian type, they are not in Novgorod. In the book M. Semenova "We are Slavs!", Published in St. Petersburg in St. Petersburg in the publishing house "ABC-Classic", there is a good material about the evolution of Slovenian house.

According to the concept of M. Semenova, the initial housing of Ilmensky was like a twilight, almost completely in-depth in the ground. Over the surface, only a weakly two-sheet roof covered with acresses, which was stacked by a thick layer of turf. The walls of such dugout were log. Inside there were benches, table, sun bed for sleep. Later in the twilight, a globate furnace appeared in the twilight, which was token in black, "smoke went to the dugout and went through the door. After the end of the furnace in the housing, it became warm and in winter, it was possible to dig in the ground. The house "began to get out" from the ground to the surface. There is a floor of cramped logs or out of the plates. In such a house, it became cleaner and lighter. From the walls and from the ceiling, the Earth was not poured, it was not necessary to bend into three deaths, it was possible to make a higher door.

I think that the process of turning the semi-mining to the house with a two-tie roof was held many centuries. But today, the Slovenian hut carries some features of an ancient twilight, at least the roof shape remained two-tie.

Medieval Slovenian-type house on a residential lining (essentially two-storey). Often on the first floor there was a hlev - room for livestock)

I guess that the most ancient type of house, which pretended undoubtedly in the north was Russian type. The houses of this type are more complex on the roof device: it is three-tight, with a cornice, with a very stable position of the rafted, with a bewkish heated chimney. In such houses, the chimney in the attic did a bend with a length of about two meters. This bending of the pipe is figuratively and exactly called "Borov", on such a Borov in our house in all, for example, the cats were warm, from him and in the attic it was warm. In the house of Russian type there is no connection with the twilight. Most likely, such houses have come up with another Celts that penetrated the White Sea at least 2 thousand years ago. Perhaps on the White Sea and in the Northern Dvina, Sukhoni, Vagi, Onega and the Upper Volga basin, there were descendants of those arions, some of which went to India, Iran and Tibet. This question remains open, and the question of this is about who we are, Russians, - aliens or real aborigines? When the connoisseur of an ancient language of India Sanskrit got into a Vologda hotel and listened to the welcome women, it was very surprised by the fact that the Vologda was spoken at some spoiled Sanskrit, - so Russian turned out to be similar to Sanskrit.

Slovenian-type houses arose as a result of a semi-ray transformation as Ilmen's progress is promoted to the north. At the same time, much (including some ways to build houses) Slovenia was adopted by Karel and Veps, who inevitably come into contact. But from the north came Varyagi Rus, the throat-Finnish tribes were spread and created their own state: first Northeast Rus, and then Kievan Rus, moved the capital to warmer edges, sweating the Khazar.

But those ancient states in the VIII - XIII centuries did not have clear boundaries: those who paid the prince of tribute, he was considered belonging to this state. Princes and their squads fed, robby population. According to our standards, they were ordinary racketers. I think that the population often moved from one such racketer-sovereign to another, and in some cases the population "fed" at once several such "sovereigns". Permanent clashes between princes and atamans, permanent robbery in those times were the usual matter. The most progressive phenomenon in that era was submission to one sovereign of all small princes and attamisers, suppressing their freedom and the population towing to a solid tax. Such salvation for Russians, threats, curvacres and was inclusion of them in the composition of the Golden Horde. Unfortunately, our official history is based on the chronicles and written documents drawn up by princes or under their direct leadership. And they - princes - to obey the Supreme Government of the Golden Thawed king was "worse than bitter radish." So they called it this time.

Alexander Nikolayevich, Tree - original Russian construction material, our country has the rich traditions of wooden architecture and the largest stocks of the forest. Nevertheless, Russia does not boast a large number of high-quality wooden houses. What is it connected with: the tradition stopped or there is a flaw in demand?

To use in construction the tree that grows in Russia is more expensive than imported - we have no complete cycle of the workpiece of the "business" forest in sufficient volumes. And if the European Forest had not been made by such customs duties, we could compete at prices with available housing programs.

Let's promote myths with which the tree often bind. For example, today, many people consider a tree with fire-hazardous material. It is also believed that the tree requires a long shrinkage - up to 3 years. Is it so?

As for the shrinkage of wooden houses. For example, the technology of glued wood: glued from well dried and sorted parts (lamella), glued bar has high strength and durability. The houses from the glued bar do not give a shrinkage at all and in the future cracks will not appear in it. This happens because all parts of the design sit down in different directions.

As for fire hazard, we are in Russia where certain norms and rules related to the fireproof regulations are valid, with the exploitation of electrical equipment, etc. As a company that is valid in Russia, we comply with all the necessary rules and rules. In particular, our designs have passed all the necessary certification in the state supervisors.

By the way, about myths. Wooden houses are no more firewood than buildings from other materials. Moreover, the wooden house is slower than any other. From the construction standards and rules it is known that long-term structures in ugly-water buildings are still made of wood. The burning speed of a wooden beam is longer than the burning speed of the metal beam, which bursts immediately and leads to a collapse of the house. And the wooden beam burns longer and allows you to save people.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the tree in front of a stone and brick?

Benefits - this is undoubtedly the ecology of the tree. Indeed, at the stage of production, the smallest amount of CO2 is produced, compared with the production of other construction materials. And in the further operation of the wooden house "breathes", it supports oxygen balance and optimal air humidity.

Another point is energy saving in wooden houses. Technologies used in construction allow you to retain heat in the winter and coolness in the summer as long as possible.

Wooden houses, in my opinion, are most organic for a comfortable countryside, they logically fit into the surrounding landscape. I generally think that the future is behind wooden houses.

As for the minuses, here I can only call the personal preferences of a person. If the family for some reason like the brick house, then in this case wooden, definitely they will not work.

In an interview to our publication, the architect of Total Kuzubayev, said that in order for the wooden house to stoke the century, you need to accurately comply with all technologies. What technologies are these? Does the number of impregnations of the tree do not violate its environmental qualities? Is it possible to build a wooden house yourself?

The house should be environmentally friendly, as well as food must be delicious. Still, we must attribute a number of total factors - the location of the house, its fundamental engineering solutions. It makes the house eco-friendly. Not the presence of glue or impregnation, which are present in any other materials as well.

The company has a number of patents for its original solutions in the field of wooden construction. It is the first in the world among the manufacturers of wooden houses received the right to put on their products Sign CE, confirming compliance with European higher education.

Fortunately, almost all the world's largest manufacturers, have in their range of compositions based on natural and safe components and dyes. Usually, these are aqueous or alkyd-based formulations, sometimes based on natural oil. Such formulations have sufficiently high protective properties, and at the same time retain the natural texture of wood, do not violate its natural properties. The secret is that the applied composition should not form a hard protective film on the surface of the tree surface, and create a vapor-permeable "breathable" coating. Such compositions use Honka.

The only disadvantage of such compositions is their smaller service life, that is, after a few years of exploitation of the house to the question of painting will have to return.

But what do you not do for yourself and your family? By the way, such materials like nitroquartes, epoxy and polyurethane varnishes and Honka enamel does not use at all in their homes, despite their exceptional resistance.

As a wall material during the construction of houses in elite villages, glued bar of various sizes is often used. We, in particular, are actively used by the cabin timber, consisting of six glued parts, ideal material for the construction of wooden buildings of high floors. Own development - glued log, diameter 230 mm and 260 mm, combining the appearance of the traditional log and technical quality of the salon bar. Cracked on a glued log is practically no, and its diameter and density allow you to build well insulated, large on the area of \u200b\u200bthe building. All these types of building material are characterized by high strength, appearance aesthetics, as well as low precipitation ratio. From round models, the logs are more likely to build houses in the classic and cantrystyle. While the glued bar is perfect for the buildings of a more modern species, not traditional for wooden architecture houses - with large glazing areas, single-sided roofs, etc. During the construction of large-scale objects, the most effectively use materials with a large diameter.

In general, an eco-friendly wooden house, which we build, is erected from natural, natural, certified materials. Under environmentally friendly materials, the tree is most often meant, because It is it that has a "breathable" effect, passing through itself the air and providing a permanent air exchange, infiltration, indoors. In addition, one of the most important characteristics of "Ecodom" is its energy efficiency, that is, the limit decrease in heat loss, and the tree, as is well known, is an excellent heat insulator. To this, you can still add the unique disinfecting qualities of the wood coniferous rocks, isolated phytoncides, which, as scientists proved, increase the borogical activity of oxygen and neutralize the pathogenic microorganisms. And large glazing areas in such wooden houses make it possible to maximize the use of natural lighting, which reduces electricity consumption.

Is it possible to build a high-quality wooden house?

Before starting any work on the design and construction of the house, each decides for themselves the following questions: What place on the site will be the best for the location on it at home? How to position the house optimally on the sides of the light, neighboring buildings (if there are such nearby)? Finally, what architectural and spatial solution for the house will best comply with the wishes of the client and the peculiarities of its site (illumination, relief, trees on the site, species dots, access roads, etc.)?

Issues are not easy, so many customers already prefer to contact the specialists at this stage. If the client comes to our company with such questions, the architect is immediately directed to his site, often together with the landscape architect. Chatting with the customer in his own area you can pay attention to many of the features of future design and construction, which will correctly begin the process of designing the house and benefit from the site features, including its possible disadvantages.

In which regions of the Russian Federation are you building?

Honka - as an international concern has offices in 30 countries around the world, and Honka's houses are delivered in more than 50 countries. In Russia, the concern ranks first to import Finnish wooden houses. The first representation of Honka opened in Russia in 1995 in St. Petersburg, then in 1998 it earned a Moscow office and already in 2007 - Perm.

In just during this time, more than 1,500 facilities were built on the territory of the Russian Federation, in the Moscow region - about 700.

The country housing market of the Leningrad Region is actively developing and several villages are represented on it, built in accordance with the principles of the ecodevelopment, which we adhere to. We can call the cottage villages "Honka Park", "Russian Switzerland", "Copper Lake", "Honka Family Slub" and others.

This fall is just 3 years by the representation of Honka in Perm. If we talk about the results of working in the Urals, during these years the construction of the cottage village of the village "Demidkovo" was fully completed. The total building area is more than 10 hectares. Honka representation fulfilled the functions of a single contracting organization. In the village - 23 premium class individual houses ranging from 367 to 507 square meters. m. It follows, by the way, it should be noted that architectural projects were developed by our specialists specifically for the Ural region, taking into account climatic features.

During the time of work, the company reached the leadership positions in terms of construction in the market of wooden house-building in organized high-level cottage settlements. The geography of the Honka presence in the Urals expands. In addition to Perm, orders for construction in Yekaterinburg and other cities of the Sverdlovsk region were obtained. The volume of private orders is constantly growing.

What volume of wooden house-building relative to other materials today exists in the Moscow region and in other regions in which you build? Where is he more, where less? What changes occurred in the last 5-10 years?

On the Russian market of low-rise construction, wooden houses occupy a share of about 40% today. Almost half of low-rise buildings are made of wood - this is both cottage villages, and private buildings. All of them, of course, different levels and quality, but in any case, this vector is present: many companies produce wooden houses in Russia; The distribution of Western houses from wood is growing. However, I do not think that this percentage will grow strongly; I think now we are witnessing it the right value.

However, for example, in Perm, the volume of private orders in 2010 increased by 3 times on the same period last year. One should only make a reservation that we are talking about high-level villages located in scenic places.

In general, to name the numbers characterizing the volume of construction services and the production associated with wooden house-building, it is impossible for the Russian market. Any expert assessments here will be taken from the "Ceiling".

On the market of wooden house-building today there is a serious differentiation of manufacturers, participants in the construction market and real estate. At the level of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, activities that limit the export of raw materials abroad aimed at creating a comfortable subsidiary and tax climate for potential investment in the wood processing industry are being developed. However, we, as experts with tremendous experience, see that such a situation will lead to the stimulation of the pulp and paper complex, the emergence of plants, above all, the primary processing and construction of factories for the production of building materials, but not to an increase in high-quality works of wooden houses. Including for the reasons for the biological characteristics of the Russian forest and for the reasons for logging logistics. Today, the market of high-quality wooden house-building has a pronounced imported nature in terms of production and a colossal difference between the service and the range of services of famous Finnish manufacturers and Russian companies.

What is the percentage of wooden construction on European countries and how much does Honka share in it?

As for the situation abroad, it looks like a proportion in quantity and varies by proportion in the regional distribution. North and central Europe more build houses from wood than in the European south.

To date, Honka is the leader in turnover, both in the domestic market in Finland and the export of supply kits for the construction of houses from density pine. Now in terms of imports, Russia divides first place with Germany, hereinafter - Japan, America and the inner Finnish market.

What are the area of \u200b\u200bhouses, in what architectural style and which layout today is most in demand in Russia?

In his cottage village Honka №1, we offer houses in the style of "polite" Scandinavian architecture. The area of \u200b\u200bhouses in the village varies from 330 to 510 sq.m. It is a wooden house of Honka adequate square in an ecologically clean and picturesque location of the Moscow region. Each house is scheduled to make the maximum number of bedrooms and bathrooms. Palaces of 1500 sq. M. We do not offer.

Another Honka project is a cottage village "Dacha Honka" - a country complex in the Istra Valley, "a joint project with the company Investments. The project provides 4 types of houses ranging from 280 to 350 sq.m.

Of course, the change in the financial situation in the country was reflected in the structure of demand. Analysis of consumer preferences of potential customers has shown that the vector of demand shifted towards the houses of a smaller area, 250-400 sq.m. The share of houses of such adequate areas in high-level cottage villages is growing steadily compared with the pre-crisis period.

This format came to replace the most active and demanded segment of the 500+ pre-crisis period.

What is the cost of a wooden house "turnkey" depending on the element?

For example, in the cottage village "Dacha Honka", where we spoke not only in the role of a construction company, but also carry out a full cycle of development, we have a proposal that is optimal from the point of view of the price-quality. This project distinguishes a completely different approach to pricing than in other Honka villages. The cost of the land plot with the subordinated communications and a wooden house Honka with an area of \u200b\u200b280-350 sq. M will be at the level of 30,000,000 rubles. The project partner is the company Investments.

Announced Irina Firenkova

It is the hut, standing without a single nail. The windows are patterned, the porch is high, the curtain "horse" on the roof. Izba, she is the same house, she is a work of art, uncomplicated and alien strife.

But it is necessary to be sad, it stands inspired and empty ... no longer needed. I became the hut with a frozen monument, a sample of wooden architecture. And the hives need life: so that the stove is natoplane, the kids under the shops kept, cereals were cooked and the pies were cut down ...

"I lived, lived, on a boss, an ax was dressing, the ax was rejected by an ax"

Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers did not build, but slaughtered: "cut off the hut" means to build a house. An experienced carpenter is only an ax in hand to give - he will fold the hut from the "poster" to the roof.

Either saw, nor nails, nor the hammer - one-dinner ax. They were told trees, they were cleared of boring them, they were trimmed, they were "smoothed" as if they were shoe. And why saw? Saw logs, there will be ends to gripe, which means quickly absorb moisture and rot. And when processing an ax, on the contrary, wooden fibers are compacted and become waterproof. Yes, and nails have something: not only that iron forgings have always distinguished high costs, so at an experienced master and without it, no log will shift, adjacent firmly.

"Corners in a simple bowl bowl"

The wooden hub did not need a foundation, the log house was put straight to the ground, sometimes just picked up large stones or stumps of large trees under the corners of the house. But it was not a Russian hut without a "poster" - the sample in which the cattle was kept, and the bird, and the edible supplies were stored.

Not impaired, but a look! One log, as if through the other is missing, intertwined! How is it? Having retreated from the end of the log, the masters were cutting down to the middle, rounded, like a cup. In this deforestation, the transverse log was laid. Four logs bonded in square in this way formed a crown.

On the first crown of the second, third and so to the roof itself. In order to avoid cracks, the carpenter adjusted the logs to each other as close as possible, sowing a longitudinal chute in each upper log, the groove tightly adjacent to the bottom. And for the heat insulation, Moss was labeled between the logs - everything was simple and, it would seem rude, roughly, but still firmly and reliably.

And most importantly: such horses of carpenters craftsmen could fold only in one light day, and if necessary, disassemble and transported to a new place to rebuild. But it's time to take the roof!

"Chicken on a chicken, and a khokhol on the street"

Drew a predominantly wooden log house, the future hut. It suits, when the triangular logs of frontones are erected above its proti walls, the so-called "forceps" will be erected. They will keep them all the severity of the underfloor structures: "End", "Kokor", "streams". And again without a single nail, weighing only one ax, masters manage to make an unimaginable - roof!

You just look: Parallel with the side walls in the logs of the forceps, the longitudinal horizontal logs are cut - "End", and the "Cocories" or "Chicken" are widely posted - the subtle trunks of young eats with sticking at the end of rhizomes.

As if proud birds, look "chicken" with the outlines of their heads-rhizomes on the world around, are about to take off and disappear - only they saw them!

On the bending upwards, the "Chickens" laid a long log with an extended tray - "stream", it is the same drain, it is also the support of the whole roof. It is in the "stream" the lower ends of the roofing boards, Tesnin, and the upper ends, are fixed at the junction of both rods of the roofs are fixed with a heavy log - "Хлупен".

Highly climbed "Ohrupen", to the very top, and, as if flexing a horse head, looks out of the outdoor ends. And the master is a carpenter, and bring to perfection of the bends of the silhouette - that's what "Konk", who crowned creation!

"Spring is having fun, in the summer there is a cold, it feeds in the fall, winter warms"

In Russia, rich in vigorous, dense forests, ancient times were built by dwellings from wood, but did not build, but "demolished", as we have already been convinced. And after all, in addition to the ax, harvested, condemned in advance of the forest and the intelligent hand-made masters did not need. So it turned out: first, cheap; secondly, quickly - a tree, unlike the stone, is easy to handle; Thirdly, hygienic!

A tree, like any other living organism, breathes, which means that everyone is breathing, who is in a wooden house. Easy and freely breathe.

And how else: always in it dry and fresh, in the summer in a meal, cool cool, and in winter it is warm in the frost. But there is an irreconcilable enemies at the tree: fire, dampness, trellis-tree bugs. Like neither Ruby, no matter how none admire, it is useless - no perpetual hollow century.

Whether we breathe, hiding in high-storey, apartment reinforced concrete houses, which are not so scary fire and moisture, and, even more so, beetles? Whether the loose thing! It is handing your hand, touch the rough surface of the logs, you will see the unique, unimaginable dot pattern of wood fibers. Here and the past, and the future, and the present with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe nobled kice still in the oven, about the difficult winter, the upcoming spring, something is still prepared.

Evolution of wooden house-building.Can modern houses stand forever?

Not so long ago, the population of Planet Earth "went crazy" from fast food, synthetic clothing, energy drinks and artificial materials, but all this was too seriously affected by the human health, and the "artificial belly" replaced with love to all natural and useful.

This trend touched upon all the spheres of society, ranging from food and ending with homes in which people spend half of their lives. The first building materials, which was remembered by the representatives of the "New Generation", was wood (,). Indeed, what product can be more environmentally friendly and cozy for the construction of his own home?

However, a number of questions appeared - so that he serve as faithfully for many years? After all, remembering the houses in the villages and those engaged in grandmothers and great-grandmothers, unwittingly want to abandon this idea - black boards, the smell of dampness, excessive humidity - all this is hardly helped to promote health.

The case is not at all in the wood, but in the way they cared for her and how they were built out of it. So let's consider the main mistakes that our ancestors in the construction and operation of houses have committed.

How did you build houses from the tree before?

What technologies used at earlier? It is difficult for this question to give an unequivocal answer - because the concept of technology at that time was not used. However, the architects had their secrets that helped build high-quality structures.

Required tools:

The main tool of any architect was an ax. It was strictly forbidden to use a saw, since it rushed wooden fibers, which made material available to water and thereby worsened his consumer properties. Nails were also banned, as the quality of the construction wisp. Indeed, if you trace the process of rotting wood - the first is the area around the nails.

Basis and fasteners:

Without modern technologies that humanity possesses now, the construction of a wooden house was a rather time-consuming occupation.

Everyone knows the expression "cut down the hut"; It is connected both using the ax - the only tool when erecting houses and with the name of the base - the interconnected logs forming the quadrangle. The foundation served large boulders, which contributed to a decrease in rotting, as well as the preservation of heat.

Types of log cabins depended on the domestic purpose of a particular building:

1. In dir. The logs were laid on each other, often without the use of fasteners. Since the construction of this species did not have any thermal insulation and allowed the wind to roam through the room, they were used exclusively for economic purposes.

2. In the paw. The end of each log was combed and attached to the design. The construction of this species looked aesthetic, since the wood was adjusted in size, the logs did not go beyond the corners. However, the aesthetics affected the quality, the thermal insulation decreased and during the cold season, the gaps passed air.

3. In the edge. This type of log is considered the most reliable. The logs were attached to each other with special spikes and went beyond the walls, which made the construction of warm and durable. In order to insulation between the logs, Moss was firmly laid tightly, and at the end of the construction, all the cracks were caught by flaxed panels.


Like the entire building of the Russian architecture, the roof was made completely without nails. At the end of the construction of the building, the logs became smaller and covered with longitudinal jerseys. With the help of thin tree trunks inserted into the rods, supported by the extended, which collected flowing water. Massive boards laid out on top of the entire design, resting in the prepared hole in the log, paying particular attention to the upper joint of the boards.

There were many materials for covering the roof, but they didn't cope with protective functions very well: straw, duranka, turf with bark. The most popular roof was tes (special boards).

Why modern wooden houses will stand for many years?

The modern world affects the variety of materials to help build and competently exploit wooden houses. Consider the main "assistants" of modern builders:


Building stores offer a huge amount of tools, it all depends on what particular work is planned to be carried out during construction whether the drawing will be like the boards of I.T.D. Workers use electric saw (currently there are a large amount of funds that prevent rotting, so that the saw is the main tool in operation), which makes the preparation process for the construction fairly fast. In addition, buying a tree, the consumer receives a ready-made dress. From the tools will also be useful: hacksaw, ax, hammer, nail-holder, roulettes, level, brush, slice.

Basis and fasteners:

At the moment there are several types of foundations - the choice depends on the type of soil and from the intended design. Allocate 3 main types:

1. TBIs (tight soil)

2. Pile (Capricional Soil)

3. Tape (most dense)

With modern construction, various ready-made open and closed-type fasteners are used, which guarantees a dense docking, as well as using special thermal insulation coatings, reliable protection against dampness and cold.


Modern roofs have high quality characteristics, have the functions of heat and waterproofing, noise insulation, resistant to environmental and very wear-resistant. You can highlight the most popular materials for the manufacture of roofs:

2. Ondulin

3. Ceramocherepitsa

4. Clause materials

5. Bituminous mastic.

Summing up, it is worth noting that the imperfection of houses built in Russia is caused by the lack of quality materials and modern tools. Using, you can not be afraid of the darkening of wood or the possibility of rotting. The house built in accordance with all the norms and requirements will serve not one generation of the owners, but it is important to remember that beauty requires constant care.