Repairs Design Furniture

How to wear furniture. How to drag the sofa itself: master class. Full replacement of the furniture cover

Always gives joy when we get something new to the house, for example,furniture . Each apartment or house must have armchairs, sofa, baffs, chairs. We use constantly.

It is difficult to imagine an apartment without a sofa, chairs and another soft furniture.

Time passes, the upholstery becomes ugly, in places it is erased, holes, stains, traces of paint, felt-tumbers, places sticky plasticine appear. All this remains, especially when there are small children in the house. They will bring furniture to extremes in just a few months. Spots are not cleaned with cleaning, it is impossible to dump holes, even the bedspread will not save from their pants, except eurochet.Furniture It becomes already unsuitable, stops decorating the interior.

After a few years, the upholstery may lose their former attractiveness, it becomes unusable and no longer fits into the interior of the room.

Many are just getting rid of it, throw out on a landfill or disappear into the cottage. Others, on the contrary, can not get rid of the oldfurniture just because it is comfortable or sorry to throw away, but buy new sofa Or the chair is simply no possibility. What to do in such cases? It remains one thing - to restore, makedigging sofa . Of course, you can contact the specialists, but it is easier and much more profitable, in order to save budget, to do it yourself.

Do not everyone know that hauling the sofa with your own hands is not very complex.

Big plus if the sofa has a high-quality basis. Old objectsfurniture Much kinder than those produce now.

There is not much time and strength to replace the upholstery.

Restoration of furniture At home has some benefits.

  • You make a sofa drawing Any material that will appeal, and in your liking can add picturesque elements.
  • Performing the work on replacing the upholstery, on need, you can repair the frame or spring block.
  • Outdated sofas are usually the most stronger and benign, predominant in all properties over modern furniture.
  • Making this work independently you do not spend greater moneyAnd the new sofa or chair is much more expensive.
  • You do not have to throw away a favorite soft corner of a landfill due to the fact that he came into disrepair.

It is worth deciding - you will do a sofa haul yourself, in which case will go to work more time, or beat specialists, they will do in a short period, maybe you have at home, without transporting to the workshop.

We define with the design

To change appearance Old sofa, you can sew a new case, make pillows, capes of the most different model.Furniture Plays new paints. If you want tofeathering , It can be partially produced, replacing some upholstery elements. There are many varieties - from typical to creative.

It is important that everything harmonized.

An extraordinary will look at the cape in the technique of Patchwork. You can make an extraordinary applique and glue up to the upholstery. Fordigging sofas Suitable denimthe cloth or artificial leather. The most commonly used furniture tapestry, leatherette high-quality, skin, synthetic velor special, artificial fur with strong foundation, Furniture jacquard. From the tissues for clothing it is quite possible to sew removable covers.

If the sofa is not designed for decoration, but for the rest of all family members, it will take a strong upholstery that will serve quite a long time.

Necessary materials

To start working on replacing the old upholstery, the first thing you need to decide whichthe cloth You select, color gamut, with or without pattern, artificial or natural material. There are many different furniturefabrics.

Each fabric has technological and multifunctional levels of quality.

Let's decide which materials will be needed. In addition to Samoafabrics Need fittings, foam necessary thickness, Kanta to cover the seams, felt, syntheps or batting as filler, zipper, needles marker, ornamental buttons.

Required tools

Chose a fabric - It must be taken with a margin with a margin for the possibility, now you will prepare the tools that will need: machine sewing, a set of needles, durable threads (polyester), a screwdriver flat, hammer, anti-stripler to remove old brackets, pliers, spanners (from 8 to 19 mm), booths, furniture stapler, scissors, brackets (6-8 mm), sewing meter, square, metal line, chalk, screwdriver, drill, glue.

Required tool kit.

Treatment process: Step-by-step instruction

All work is divided into steps. First you need to disassemblefurniture . We remove all pillows, rollers, decoration items. Then, using the necessary tools, we separate the back and sofa sofa.

Disassembly with the removal of individual component parts In the form of pillows, sidewalls, puffs.

We produce disassembly seats, separatefurniture from the basis. Details needed for fasteners need to be folded into some container, they may need.

All fasteners are folded together to not be confused.

The next step - you need to remove the worn upholstery using the anti-stripler or flat screwdriver. Oldthe cloth You can leave - it will be easier to carve it easier. Remove dirt and dust accumulated inside. Old foam rubber need to be released and replaced with a new one.

Work requires a certain accuracy to not break old trim and use it as a pattern for the pattern of parts from a new fabric.

We look at what condition is the spring block and frame. If necessary, carry out repairs. All joints are strengthened, tighten screws.

All screws need to be neatly tightened, the joints of the parts to strengthen, the wooden articulations to cry.

On old fabric We cut out new patterns from the selected material, leaving the stamps on the seams. Special needles fasten the details and steal on the sewing machine. If you do not know how to sew, instruct the work of the dressmaker.

From the quality of new patterns, the result of the entire product is largely dependent.

Now you need to cover the sofa. Krepim new upholstery On each separate detail, starting with decorative elements, then the seat, sidewalls, the back. We take tension gently so that there are no distortions using the stapler.

In order not to make a mistake with the number of material, it is recommended to buy it with a small margin.

The fabric on the details of the sofa is tensioning evenly so that there is no distortion.

Four centimeters - such must be the gap between the brackets. Use the remaining material at your discretion. Attach the foam rubber, and its residues will be useful for the upholstery of other furniture.

Having finished with a drawing, we collect the design, we return to the place of the legs and other fittings.

How to put a sofa with your own hands?

The most significant point in this work is the acquisition of the required number.fabrics . How much will you need, you can approximately calculate, folding the length and width of the sofa and multiply the resulting amount by two. For example, the sofa has a size of 2 x 1.8, then it will be necessary to buy 7.6 m tissue. To find out exactly, depict the layout need elements, taking into account the equity. It takes extremely carefully to calculate for angular sofas, because they have a difficult form.

Choosing tissue, synthetic and very rough varieties should be avoided.

Need to remember that the material having large drawing Or in a strip, it is necessary to paint in one direction, respectively, the cost of tissue will increase. It is very important to take into account points on the seams. You definitely won't be wrong if you get uphoeursthe cloth With a margin of one meter. It is worth considering the fact that the filler will be changed. It is quite suitable for a compacted foam and a layer of synthesis.

In the structure of some furniture items, parts stuffed with a thick foam rubber are allowed. This causes certain difficulties. To avoid this, the foam rubber wrap in a subtle syntheps, then attached and wrapped with upholstery cloth.

High-quality foam rubber has very small pores in its structure. After compressing with the hand, it instantly straightens and takes the former shapes.

How to drag the sofa do it yourself Competently and avoid mistakes when sewing parts? It will be better if you read the master classes, see the video and photo lessons, read the necessary information on the Internet.

It will contribute to B. short time and carefully execute necessary work And correctly assemble the details.

Finishing Stage - Decoration

Sofa - all important subject interior. On it we are going to the whole family, resting after work, watch TV, sometimes just getting healthy, closing the cozy blanket. His color scheme is significant in the room design.

How to make so that old sofa Played new paints?

To begin with, you can change the zone around the furniture, for example, changing the wallpaper or stick pictures. Picturesque prints will look original. They decorate the pillows - choose some image and apply to the case. It is best to do in the workshop.

Can be used by tissue different colors, put stripes or squares, or combine them.

Most perfect option - This is the replacement of the cover. Do not want to sew yourself, buy in the store. Now presented is very presented big choice Various color Gamma. and models. They have different features, including water-repellent, and even those who are nicking sharp claws of your pets. Well, the easiest option is to cover the sofa with a blanket or two.

This will create a cozy atmosphere, configuring on vacation.

The highlight will give the sofa cushion with new covers of another coloring. Saturated shades are better to have in the center, neutral-ideas in the edges. If you like this style like an eclectic, then here you can safely use your entire fantasy - combine incompatible. Sofa pillows can be both square and round or triangular, large and small, different colors, differentfabrics, even fur.

Pillows color can be chosen to the curtains, lampshar, chair.

Feathering Furniture is a fascinating occupation that does not represent special difficulties. The main thing is to do everything according to the rules, and you will have an original old furniture at home, which will serve for many years.

Video: How to change the coupling of the sofa with your own hands.

As if we did not try to maintain comfort in the apartment at the proper level, sometimes it's just worth looking back and confess to yourself that you need to change something or fix in design. Over time, each piece of furniture comes into disrepair. Sofas are no exception.

The place where we spend quite a large amount of time in a family circle, or simply accepting guests, or for reading any book, I would like to see in good condition. How often we use the sofa, so quickly he can take an unpleasant appearance.

Washed, aging, stain from spilled coffee, which does not completely withdraw, no matter how try, and the children in the heat of the games do not always understand what their actions can lead to. Here is just a small part of what can affect the outer bed of the sofa.

And now ask yourself the question: "Is it possible to do something with all this very, at home?" Answer: "Yes, you can".

In the article, consider the process of step-by-step testing of the coupling of the sofa, without resorting to assistance. Of course, it is worth mentioning that the call to the home of specialists who will show the master class will be less long in time, but at the same time more costly. Choose to you.

With which collision

First of all, it is worth specifying when you do to restore the piece of furniture on your own independently:

  • very complex disassembly process and furniture assembly;
  • in the upholstery elements, such partitions are presented, the configuration of which is not possible is possible, or their execution is difficult, due to the use of different from the original material;
  • not only the upholstery need restoration, but also the framework itself, or the filler;
  • material to be seen is difficult to use;
  • lack of elementary skills and experience.

So, we decided to fulfill the restoration process of our sofa on their own. All of the above options are not about us. So, moving to the target target.

Work on preparation

First of all, it is necessary to determine the material and equipment that we will be applied during the work.

The choice of the upholstery material should also be based not only on your personal preferences, but must take into account, for example, the design of the room as a whole. Moreover, on the trim, there is a large amount of information and before the choice should be pre-consulted.

In the photo in the catalogs of any sewing store, a wide range of materials can be hampered by a sofa and sew pillows. We are demanding skin, leathesum, velor, flock, tapestry and jacquard.

Here are some tips for the choice of fabric:

  • do not use synthetic or coarse fabric;
  • it is necessary to take offense on a cover, which is pleasant to the touch;
  • to reduce the expenditures of the material used, you need to use one-photo material or small pattern;
  • achieve any contrast or pronounced style can be, if you combine one-photo material with any multi-colored cloth;
  • in order to give the necessary softness of the furniture, materials such as foam rubber or syntheps are used.

Sintepon will give airiness upholstered furniture. A pronounced smell of chemistry can serve as a call on poor-quality origin.

Sintepon is a durable material, and therefore it changes extremely small if everything is done technologically correctly. When applied it is worth paying attention to the thickness of the material and its strength. It is imperative that it is the same in the entire area of \u200b\u200bapplication.

With the use of foam rubber, everything is slightly easier. The quality of the material corresponds to its structure. Material high Quality, when compressed, immediately restore the original shape, and the time it will take. It is worth mentioning that in high-quality furniture between the body of a person and the foam rubber, gaskets from Wattin et al.

Tip: Pay attention to the smell of future upholstery, he should not push.

Tool preparation, also takes a separate place, here is a piece of necessary:

  • scissors;
  • threads, durable;
  • spanners;
  • machine sewing machine;
  • anti-stripler or screwdriver, as more convenient;
  • stapler.

Disassembly of furniture

Of course, before we proceed to work, it is worth the subject of our furniture to disassemble (keys to help us).

Do not forget about some marks for yourself in this process, otherwise to disassemble - we will analyze, but problems can be collected - there may be problems. The process requires accuracy from our side, which means there should not be barbaric to tear down the attachments if it did not work with the "runway".

Such elements like sidewalls, the backs are subject to disassembly in the first place. Step-by-step process Disassembly:

  • seats;
  • fasteners are subject to designation and storage in a certain place;
  • there are brackets - use an anti-stripler or screwdriver;
  • with old upholstery, we appeal carefully, this is our stencil for the new;
  • if you need to replace the foam or other material, and we will see it, then do it;
  • we look at the elements of the naked design (if necessary, we replace the springs, tighten the structural elements, we linse where it is necessary);
  • eliminate defects that are visible.

It is not necessary to follow this instruction strictly, but just worth paying attention to it.


Here is the finish line. In order not to delay the process of the tug, on the hands, after disassembling the sofa, there must be an old upholstery material.

it the best waywhich will reduce the restoration time. Especially for angular sofas or furniture with a complex design.

We take a new upholstery tissue and cut out the details from it using the contours of the old. You can pre-chalk or soap to designate this outline, applying both stencils an old upholstery and adding a centimeter 3-5 stock.

For most of the sofa such actions, it is enough, however, it is not so rosy with pillows. It is not necessary to do without a master at hand, but we don't have it, it means that we arrange your master class:

  • take a roulette and produce required measurements (length, width, height to help us);
  • we take up the upholstery tissue and apply the corresponding measurements, adding to each approximately another 3-5 cm (additional dimensions will be used for fabric bends);
  • figure is - cut out;
  • we put a pillow to the center of the figure of the figure (unforgettable that the fabric has a back side so as not to redo it);
  • watch the material and make fixation with brackets, for the most part, the brackets are located at a distance of 3-4 cm;
  • in the presence of a picture, we stretch the material evenly, so that the picture did not flush;
  • next, we repeat the method for the rest of the pillow.

Note: Buying material, pay attention to the shade, may not match.

This method Let us cover the remaining parts of the sofa with their own hands. Do not forget that the material that is taken "in principle" may not be enough, be careful.

Buying upholstery material with a stock will save from unnecessary spending. The remaining material can be used on a drawing of something else, the benefit of fantasy is enough.

And finally. Do not jump above your own head, if you are not sure about your abilities, refer to the specialists. They will help to transform the sofa. You can also see a special video below to better imagine the whole drying process:

Habit is an insurmountable force. Therefore, if your favorite sofa lost his aesthetic initial look, wing or broke, then you have two options - throw out, or inhale the second life in it, having pulled the furniture with a new cloth. Naturally, most owners choose the second option. And this question naturally appears - how do you cover the sofa? In fact, this process is not very complex.

Causes to abandon the old sofa

The sofa is an important piece of furniture and an element of the interior in any apartment. Afterbinding on it, you can read the magazine, watch TV and relax after a hard day. Alas, the upholstery of the beloved sofa over time requires replacement. If your sofa has become so native and habitual for you, it's a pity, do not be sad - usually the furniture can be renovated by looking at how to cover the sofa in the photo.

But there are situations when it is better to throw and buy new furniture. The very first case - when the model is the old one, it is even possible that ten years ago she came out of fashion. It is possible that it will have to restore the entire sofa completely, replacing some parts of the frame, packing and fabric for upholstery.

Remember that the old wood creaks, such a material as chipboard is able to distinguish poisonous substances, and in the outdated packing can dwell dust pliers. It all carries a greater threat and irreparable harm to the health of tenants. In addition, without some skills, it may not work for a sofa from the first time.

Repair of wooden carcass

To independently cope with this task, it is enough only at hand to have all the necessary tools and a couple of hours of free time. Start follows from a thorough inspection. To accomplish this, remove the old upholstery using a flat pumping. With it, you will find the bracket, rally and get it.

If the brackets are firmly sitting, pull them out a slightly scolded, and then pull out the pliers. Then it is worth checking the quality of the substrate. If it is well preserved, remove it anyway, because it prevents the framework of the frame and put the sofa. To remove old fasteners, you can use screwdrivers different size Flat tip, side handes, nippers and hexagon keys.

When the substrate is removed, check the safety of all wooden elements, especially sofa frame. If you suddenly detect damaged or broken boards, they must be immediately replaced or fixed. It is also necessary to strengthen the joints and smoke the articulations. After finishing the repair of structures from wood, you can move to the skin ligation, which is stacked by batting and padding fabric. This should not be done very much: approximately 1/5 full compression is quite enough.

Laying of foam

You released wooden frame from the old broken fiberboard furniture brackets And nails, now attach to Phaneur to him, and then make the foam rubber strictly in size and seats without any sovereigns. When choosing a foam rubber need to consider three important characteristics.

The porolon for the seat seats should have a thickness of no more than 40 millimeters. For the design of the sidewall, there is enough twenty millionth material thickness. Next, see what a foam foam density. For the upholstery and tightness of the sofa, the optimal density - 46 units, for the back it is best to choose a material with a density that exceeds 30 units.

The choice of foam rubber with low density is promulite for furniture fast deformation, and this interior of the apartment will not decorate. Therefore, the sofa will be perfectly hard and tight foam rubber. But at the same time remember that overly hard foam is not convenient for use. To give the sofa with pleasant softness and the necessary elasticity, it is recommended to use hard foam rod as the first layer, and for the next layer - foam rubber with less rigidity.

On top of the first layer, glue the foam rubber, which has a thickness of 30 millimeters. The second layer is accepted to bend before the base of the frame in the front. As soon as you renovate the inner part of the sofa, you can take on the creation of upholstery, which is attached to a wooden frame.

Preparing for a drawing

Before covering the old sofa, you need to take care of the presence of certain tools. Mandatory for this process There are appropriate staples, construction stapler, passage, hammer, minus and plus screwdriver, harsh threads, wallpaper knife, scissors, round-rolls, needle and chalk. It is important that the drill is at hand, a nail-cutter, PVA glue and a camera.

It is very important for a sofa hacking to choose high-quality, reliable and beautiful material. The most popular are the following sofic coatings: tapestry, flock, jacquard, velor, chinchilla, curtisan or skin. Conventional fabrics that are customary to sewing clothes are not suitable.

When choosing a fabric for upholstery of your own sofa, it is worth identifying the "new" sofa functions. If the furniture is intended exclusively to sit on it, preference should be given to a stronger and wear-resistant fabric with synthetic fibers. If you are planning to use a sofa for sleep, it is better to choose a cloth, which contains natural fibers. A similar upholstery of the body allows you to "breathe", warms in cold weather and cools in the heat.

Errors in the drawing of furniture

In the process of sofa, the skin sofa need to remember possible errors. Newbies most often incorrectly calculate the fabric used in the work. To avoid this, it is recommended to carefully relate to the calculations. Extremely unpleasant those moments when the owner bought insufficient material, and when it all turned out, it is already impossible to buy it for some reasons.

Therefore, you should always buy a fabric with a margin. Better let it remain excess materialthan it is not enough. From the remaining fabric you can make something to make something, for example, cover the chair, or some of it sew it in the end.

For high-quality furniture effects, you will need a good special stapler. Of course, you can drag the sofa and with the help of nails, but it will look inactively. More, hauling furniture with nails suits predominantly antique furniture than modern.

If you are a newcomer in this matter, then to start you should drag the stool and only then you can take for other things - your sofa. Before proceeding with a drawing of such a big thing, you need to feel the material, understand how the fabric stretches. If it is dense, then you should simply nourish it with a stapler, but if you use tapestry, it must be pre-turned inside.

Calculation of fabric for cover

To cover the sofa and sew the case on it, the fabric needs to take about 8 meters. If you want to calculate the flow rate more accurately, then you need to measure the width and length of the sofa. Rough calculations look like this: 2 widths of the sofa + 2 of its lengths.

If the sofa eventually has a width of 160 centimeters, and a length of 200 centimeters, then 7.2 meters of material with a width of 150 centimeters are needed. But this is just a landmark so that you can summarize, how much about it will be the fabric, how much does it cost to cover the sofa, and what material to choose for this - cheaper or more expensive.

More accurate calculations are difficult to do without a certain experience. It is necessary to carefully measure all the details and areas, designate them on paper in a reduced form, create a layout, taking into account the equity line.

Fabrics with a geometric image, especially striped, significantly increase the flow rate and price of the sofa, because such fabrics can only be lined in a certain direction. Therefore, it is recommended to choose monophonic furniture fabrics, or a material with a small pattern. In any case, it is worth adding to any of your calculations of the expenditures of the tissue on the sofa another 0.5 - 1 meter. The material will not be superfluous. In addition, it will be needed to replace worn areas.

We produce pattern

If the sofa has a standard rectangular shape or even angular, then the pattern is easier to do. Exactly make measurements of each piece of furniture and place them on millimeter paper, taking into account the direction of Croy.

All these calculations will need to be transferred to the fabric. Further make the marking chalk markup on the wrong side. When you, you should definitely take into account the bending of the edge and allowances on the seams. The exact recommendation, how to make the pattern of the cover on the sofa, and what is the cost of the sofa coverage, it is impossible to give. Each sofa is special, and the option of its blunders will be yours. You can only remember several tips that allow you to avoid simple errors.

For example, it is better to make a pattern with a lot of letters, and then you correctly adjust these points and excessively cropped with scissors. The more dense you build the pattern, the more likely to allow an error when you are seed. Only with the form of the sofa has rectangular forms. Its form is actually very complex, and it is impossible to guess with the exact calculation.

The furniture washing even in the factory do not sew in advance along the exact pattern, the workers are tight and fixed the stripped edges. Therefore, it is better not to try to repeat the shape of your sofa with the pattern. It is better to make a case on a sofa free form to change the appearance, and not just drag the sofa lining.

Production of the Cover on the Sofa

Expensive fabric that you purchased for sofa crap, put aside. Sew a covering cover will not work the first time, because it is very qualified and hard work. Often, even a specialist is much easier to sew a dress on a non-standard figure than a sofa case.

Therefore, first it is worth practicing and sewing a simple fabric cover, such covers are perfect for furniture in the country, and only after that you can start a sofa drawing in the living room of a city apartment. Threads for sewing are taken to use reinforced and durable. On the seams cover will experience heavy loads, especially if you have made a solid pattern, and the case will be pulled out strongly. In such places should be searched twice.

The best car for sewing covers is the old grandmother's PMZ machine, which is equipped with a manual drive. If you do not have such a car, then the thick furniture fabric is better not to sew on the household car. Unless in two or three layers. Watch the video about the sofa crawling and think about how to connect the items to avoid similar "intersections". Maybe all the details are made separately, without connecting with each other.

Use various decorative bows, belts and ribbons during operation. They are able to divently distract attention from failed places, complement the cross-linked casing for the sofa and decorate the overall design of the room. So that your favorite pets did not dock even through the covers in leather trim The sofa can be put inside the covers with a thin foam rubber, which is easy to do in any store of household goods.

Numerous decorative pillows They will help hide "failed" details. In addition, they are very convenient to use. Sew them simply, on the principle of pillowcase, and fill them will get them anything, and even trimming fabrics, which remained from Croo Crow on the sofa.

Now, you know, in what cases it is worth a haunted furniture, and how to cover the sofa correctly. If you are a sofa road, you don't need to throw it out. In any case, when working, it is recommended to achieve such a state when the coating does not sane, but also not stretched excessively. For pressing the fabric, the construction stapler should be used. Nails or brackets are nailed to the wooden part of the frame, after 2-3 centimeters. And in order to facilitate the task, you can simply sew removable covers and wear on top.

Soft furniture, especially the sofas have a little drawback, over time, their upholstery wear out and comes in disrepair. Some are immediately thinking about purchasing a new product, but it is optional. If the upholstery came into disrepair, but at the same time the frame remained as a new one, then the trim can be replaced independently. Of course, hauling the sofa with your own hands is quite troublesome business, but performed. But it is worth finding out the features of this process.

When you need to update

Usually the framework that make up the elements is stronger than the upholstery of the furniture. Therefore, over time, there is a need for its drawing. So, when is it necessary to perform this process?

Usually restoration is performed for reasons:

  • upholstery structure, filler lost its appearance;
  • the presence of defects or errors of manufacturers. Sometimes marriage can be minority, some buyers can simply not see the naked eye. But after a few years of malfunction, defects can manifest itself;
  • change of dimensions, shape of the product. Perhaps, after a few years, owners want to change the appearance of the sofa, in this case it will be necessary to perform a drawing;
  • room interior change - old view Upholstery in these cases may simply not fit into the new kind premises;
  • cluster large number mud. Upholstered furniture, pillows are an excellent environment for accumulating various microbes, dust bacteria. Especially often dirt accumulates in filling, in the foam. Foam rubber besides, toxic substances begged in contamination.

The execution of this process will be much larger than the purchase of new furniture. Therefore, you can view the photo or video of this process and boldly proceed to its execution.

Selection of material

Before dragging the furniture, you must select a cloth for the skin. The base of the fabric for furniture should be durable, wear-resistant. In this case, the form, structure, the design of the owner can choose at its discretion. If you want the furniture to become richer, more beautiful, gave the room with a luxury room, chic, then a hauling of upholstered furniture leather. In other cases, you can do the usual cloth in the form of a floc, chinilla, jacquard.

For having a soft type furniture at home, tissues of different types are used:

  • flock is quite dense fabric. It has high strength, is not susceptible to abrasions, crumbes from animal claws;
  • shenill is based on glue or tissue. Based on the glue during wet cleaning, it dries for a long time. With fabric base moisture-resistant, wear-resistant;
  • tapestry - this type of fabric can be used for self-drying Products. Has durability, increased density, long service life;
  • jacquard - this fabric costs quite expensive, but its quality is many times justifying the price. It can be used for hazing old furniture any design, modifications;
  • skin - this type of material has a sufficiently high cost, but it is often used during the trim. It is mainly used during leather sofas, when the material comes into disrepair, becomes old, cracks appear on it, various defects;
  • velur - This type of fabric has increased demand. This is connected with a small price and excellent qualities. Velur has long term Services, and after the plating gives the product softness, convenience.



The repair and drying of the sofa must first begin with the preparation of the necessary inventory. Further quality, the wear time of the sofa will depend on proper process Repair and compliance with all rules.

What instruments will be required:

  • a screwdriver with a flat type;
  • antistepler - it will be needed to remove old brackets;
  • set spanic keys from 8 to 19 mm;
  • necessarily so that the houses are special sewing machinewhich has a large lifting of the foot;
  • high strength threads - these products will help you to perform a qualitatively;
  • stapler for stuffing material;
  • scissors for trimming material;
  • nippers and booths;
  • material;
  • foam;
  • buttons decorative type, as well as various other elements for the decor;
  • glue - For convenience, you can use a special adhesive gun;
  • drill, screwdriver.

Technology Breaks

All tools are purchased, the material was purchased, you can proceed to work itself. But many professionals are still advised, before you decide a sofa with your own hands worth a photo or video with detailed process These works. After attentive familiarization, the performance of the repair and drying of sofas will be simple. It is desirable to fulfill the whole process in stages, you should not try to do everything right away.


First of all, it is necessary to disassemble removable design details. For this process, it will be necessary to use the tool, it is desirable to be careful not to damage the furniture. In order for the assembly process does not cause difficulties, it is better to make the photo on which the sequence and location of all design elements will be seen.

All fastening elements should be collected in some box and remove for a while to another place to do not lose it inadically.

The subsequent stage will consist of removing the old coating. The whole process must be done step by step:

  • we prepare a screwdriver or anti-stripler, these tools will be required to remove the upholstery material;
  • whether an anti-strip screwdriver need to remove all the brackets, but they should be deleted carefully. Braces will be required for further covering of the new material;
  • the state of the filler is inspected - it must be cleaned of dirt, dust. If necessary, it should be replaced with the new one;
  • be sure to inspect all the springs under the filler, they may have moved away or should be tightened. If necessary, change the old items to new;
  • inspect all fasteners - all fasteners are pulled up, wooden joints are sick.

Old upholstery must be carefully removed
If necessary, replace the filler
If necessary, you can replace the springs by fixing them with brackets.

Pattern and preparation of a new upholstery

How much will the process of the pattern of a new coating, especially if the hauling is performed angular sofa? If you decide to do it yourself without sample, then of course it will take a lot of time. It is better to use old upholstery elements. If these items are not, then the material can be attached to the sofa and make the necessary marks, but do not forget to make the stamps.

For fun, the material should be purchased as much as possible, it is better to let it remain. Much more complicated because there will be a cloth of the same kind. Especially the residue can be used for other purposes.

Pattern details

Hauling of individual parts of the product

How to drag furniture:

  • first of all, you need to cover various decorative elements;
  • further, armrests, side parts are tight;
  • the subsequent stage is to cover the seating;
  • at the end, the back is dragging.

Fabric need to fasten with brackets. The distance between the brackets should be no more than 4 cm.

During the tunnel, the cloth should be laid evenly so that the whole drawing is clearly visible. After the sheat, there should be no irregularities, deformations, folds.

It is necessary to cover the tissue back and seat
We are tightening the sidewalls


The assembly process must be done in reverse order, as well as the product analysis was performed. But that the process does not cause difficulties can be consistent with the pictures that were made during the sofa parsing. Typically, the assembly process is performed quickly, does not cause special difficulties.

The instruction of the sheat is not so complicated, everything can be performed by itself. If the sofa's upholstery came into disrepair, then it is not necessary to go to furniture store For buying a new one. You can watch video, learn features self-trim And everything can be performed own forces. The main thing is to have a desire, small skills and patience.

All finished parts fasten


As you know, people are very strongly tied to comfortable, loved things. This is especially true of furniture. If your favorite sofa loses its original turning point, the upholstery on it broke or moved, it should be replaced. But how to be if good memories are connected with this subject of the interior, and buying a new sofa will cost weeks?

In this case, you can try to breathe the second life into a loved thing. This is just enough to do, having dragging the old sofa with a new cloth.

The main thing is to think good and plan all the work, and you will see that this process is completely simple, creative and interesting.

We repair a wooden sofa frame

The sofa is not only an important piece of furniture for a person, but also an indispensable element of the interior of an apartment or at home. Located on it, you will rest after work, take up, read your favorite books and magazines, watch TV. Exactly, the family spends quite a long time on the sofa, the upholstery is wearing, and over time requires careful restoration.

Of course, there are cases in which it is easier to get rid of the old sofa and buy a new one. For example, an outdated model, which has come out of fashion many years ago, or a completely protruded frame, which threatens to get together. Old wood sneezing and creaks, chipboard with time begins to distinguish toxic substances, and dust pliers appear in the package and fabric. But even in this case, you can completely repaired.

You will need tools and free time. First, carefully inspect the sofa to find out what exactly requires replacement. Take a flat screwdriver, with its help, get the brackets for which the upholstery is attached, and remove the fabric. Remove too firmly seated brackets help shield and pliers.

Check the quality of the substrate. It will take it to remove, even if it is well preserved, otherwise you will not be able to see the framework. To remove old fasteners you need flat dump different sizes, plumbings, hexagon keys and booths.

After the substrate is removed, you should check all the wooden elements, especially the frame, for safety. Any broken or damaged boards and parts are subject to replacement or as possible - repair. You will also need to sneak or further strengthen all the joints.

After the repair of wooden elements is finished, proceed to skin dressing, on which batting and packing is located. Springs should not be stretching, it will be enough 1/5 from a complete compression.

We put the foam

After the wooden frame is fully released from nails, brackets and broken old fiberboard, fasten a sheet of plywood on it, and the foam rubber on it, thoroughly pulling the size of the seating and the back, without leaving the margin on the champions, but not cutting off unnecessary.

Choosing a foam rubber, follow the following conditions:

  • The optimal thickness of the foam rubber used for seating and the back - 40 millimeters. For the sidewall there will be enough 20 millimeters of thickness;
  • Pay attention to the density of the foam rubber. Most. best Material For tight seats of the sofa, the foam rubber with a density of 46 units is considered, for the back - more than 30 units.

Low density foam rubber is very quickly deformed, especially on the sofa trim. Therefore, it is better to choose a more dense and hard material for such work. But it is not worth running a stick: too dense porolon will be very uncomfortable during operation. So that the sofa is optimally soft and elastic, experts advise putting the foam rubber in two layers: the bottom is hard, the top is soft.

First, fasten with glue to the plywood sheet, the first layer of foam rubber, which must be cut strictly in size sizes. Over stick the second, softer layer. His optimal thickness - 30 mm, and when calculating the size, leaving a bend allow to base in its front part.

After the inside of the sofa is completely renovated, you can proceed to work on the upholstery.

Making a preheating upholstery

Before being taken for the upholstery, prepare all the tools you need. You will need:

  • Construction stapler;
  • Crosshead screwdriver;
  • Flat screwdriver;
  • Brackets;
  • A hammer;
  • Passatia;
  • Wallpaper knife;
  • Needle;
  • Coarse thread;
  • Round-rolls;
  • Scissors;
  • Nails;
  • Drill;
  • Glue (PVA is well).

For the hauling of your favorite sofa, not only beautiful, but reliable and qualitative material. Choose special sofa coatings, such as Flock. Chinchil, leather, tapestry, curtisan, velor or jacquard. The fabric should be dense and rigid, so the materials used to tailor items, even the top, are not suitable.

It is also very important to decide which functions will perform an updated sofa. If you plan only to sit on this, then take a cloth with adding synthetic fibers, it is more resistant to wear. If the sofa is used to sleep, it is desirable to stop the choice on natural tissues.

When crawling the sofa it is very easy to allow some errors. The most common of them is the wrong calculation of the amount of tissue used. Try to buy material with a margin. Let the excess fabric remain better (a good mistress, especially the needlewoman, will always find the use of such trimming) than it is not enough for the most responsible moment, and it will not work out.

You can use nails for hacking, but the furniture in this case may not look very carefully, especially if you are new to the case. Therefore, it is better to use a special stapler.

In general, if you first take care of such work, it is better to practice better first. Candle, and in the process of work you will feel the fabric and learn how to use the tools.

How to make cloth calculations for covers

It will take about 8 meters of fabric on the tightness of the standard sofa and tailoring the cover. In order to make more accurate calculations, measure the length and width of the sofa. It is usually taken into account the formula "2 lengths + 2 widths". Suppose the length of the sofa is 200 cm, the width is 160 cm. In this case, it will take a cut of a material of 7.2 m and a width of 150 cm. This is an estimated count that will help you approximate how much money will need to buy a fabric, and decide which Select the material - more expensive or cheaper. Perhaps it will be that it will be more expedient to apply for work on a sofa drawing to specialists.

In order for the calculations to be as accurate as possible, you need to have a certain experience. To do this, you will need to accurately measure each site, each item, designate measurements on paper in a reduced scale, and make layouts using the equity line.

The pattern on the fabric can also affect required amount. For example, materials with geometric patterns, especially stripes, should be painted only in certain directions, and monitor the matching pattern, which will significantly increase the flow rate and cost. Most. optimal option There will be a monophonic tissue, work with her will not require special attention.

In any case to your preliminary calculationsNo matter how accurate they do not seem, add about the meter of the material. He can always need you.

Making pattern

The easiest way to make the pattern on the sofa is ordinary, rectangular shapeEven if he is angular. Make accurate measurements for each part separately, and place them on the mm millimeter, given the direction of Croy. After the outlines will be drawn, transfer them to the cloth from the wrong side using chalk. Do not forget to leave the allowance on the seam and the tissue bending, for a dense furniture material They will be about 3 cm.

It is very difficult to provide accurate recommendations on the shape of the pattern of the cover and determine the cost of work, since there are now many original sofas models, and for each option - your own way of tugs. But there are several standard tips that will protect you from frequent mistakes.

For example, if you are still a novice in such matters, when you lay out the pattern on the fabric, leave wider points on the seam. During the sizes, you welcome the size more accurately, the allowances are adjusted, and the extraordinary will dorate. The more dense the pattern is when building, the more opportunities to be mistaken. The sofa only seems to be perfectly rectangular, but in fact its shapes are quite complex, and accurate calculations It is almost impossible to do.

Even in the factory, the plating for furniture is not sewn along the exact patterns, the edges stretched on the body of the tissue are fixed by the lines, and after they are aligned. Therefore, it is better to make a free form cover, and after you wear it, adjust the form.

Sewing Cover for Sofa

Talking covers for the first time, try to purchase fabric cheaper. Will insisted to spend a lot of money on the beautiful material and throw ready jobbecause she did not meet your expectations. Try your strength on the simple, cheapest fabric. Such covers can be used if you wish, for example, cover the old furniture in the country, or even use on the rags. And when you will understand that your level is high enough, and the right skills are obtained, proceed to the sofa drawing.

For sewing covers on the sofa, especially strong threads should be used - reinforced. In place of the seams of loads is especially great, especially if the case has been sewn through dense embroidery, and therefore strongly stretches. In these places you will need a double line.

With sewing covers made of tight fabric, the old sewing machine on hand drive will perfectly cope. Among modern domestic sewing machines Very few models that can cope with a thick material intended for furniture.

Of course, it is difficult to avoid mistakes in such painstaking work. But they can be covered if you use decorative elements: ribbons, bows, pillows. All this is easy to make yourself. In the same pillows, as stuffing, you can use surplus of upholstery fabric.

Removable sofa case - Great way to facilitate work. It is enough to just wear on the sofa and correct after that possible flaws. But if you still decided to consolidate the trim on the case, then with the help construction stapler Scheps feed the fabric to the frame in 2-3 cm. The main thing is to watch the coating to be saved and is not too stretched.

As you can see the old furniture that you loved, you can give a second life. And it is not so difficult to do it yourself, at home. As in any handmadeyou will need to be armed necessary tools, advice of specialists, patience and determination. Good luck!