Repairs Design Furniture

Calculation of thermal insulation of a finely swelled foundation under the house. Determine the required insulation thickness Calculation of the insulation of the foundation

This page contains all the necessary literature (SNOPY and GOST) for independent insulation of buildings and structures: facades and walls of houses, foundations of buildings and roofs. All insulation standards are approved by the Resolution of the Russian State Building and are available for free download in PDF format.

GOST 16381. Materials and products Construction thermal insulation establishes classification and general requirements for building heat insulating materials and products used for thermal insulation of building structures (foundations, facades, roofs), equipment and pipelines. Standard 16381-92. Materials and products heat-insulating in terms of classification correspond to ST SEV 5069-85.

GOST Mineral wool slabs on a synthetic binder applies to heat-insulating plates from minvati and a synthetic binder with hydrophobic additives or without them, intended for thermal insulation of building structures (walls, facades, roofs) in conditions that exclude the contact of mineral wool with air indoors, as well as Industrial equipment.

GOST 22950. Plates mineral wool rigidity on the synthetic binder applies to mineral wool plates with hydrophobic additives made from hydromass using the wet forming technology and the mineral wool plate of the increased rigidity of the corrugated structure on synthetic bonded, manufactured using dry molding technology. In pdf format.

GOST MATHES Framable from mineral wool applies to firmware mats with or without it, on mats from corrugated structure made of mineral wool and intended for independent thermal insulation of building structures of buildings and structures and industrial equipment at surface temperature from minus 180 to plus 700 ° С.

GOST 17177. Methods of testing thermal insulation materials adopted by the Interstate Commission on Standardization and Technical Registration in Construction on November 17, 1994. In Standard 17177, along with the methods for determining the basic characteristics of thermal insulation materials and products, the methods of testing mineral wool products adopted by the international ISO organization are included.

SNiP Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines followed when designing thermal insulation of the outer surface of equipment, pipelines and air ducts in buildings and external installations with a temperature of minus 180 to 600 ° C. The presented norms do not apply to the design of thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines containing explosives, liquefied gases.

SNiP 3.04.01 Insulating and finishing coatings are applied to the production and acceptance of works on the device for insulating, finishing, protective coatings and floors of buildings and structures, with the exception of works caused by special operating conditions. With the introduction of SNiP 3.04.01-87, it is loss of SNIP III-20-74 *, SNIP III-21-73 *, SNIP III-B.14-72; GOST 22753-77, GOST 22844-77, GOST 23305-78.

SNIP II-3-79 and the norms of construction heat engineers should be observed in the design of external and inland walls, partitions, coatings, attic and interchaltering floors, floors, windows, doors, gates in buildings and structures of various purposes (residential, industrial and auxiliary industrial enterprises) with normalized temperatures or temperature and relative humidity.

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Warming of soils and foundations

The foundation of the house after the manufacture and installation of installation should be durable, durable and stable, frost-resistant, able to resist the action of soil aggressive waters.

The heat-insulating materials used for soil insulation must have stable properties during the entire operation of the building, regardless of the operating conditions. Of the existing thermal insulation materials, only foam glass satisfies such strict requirements.

There are the following basic options for insulation of swallowed buildings designs:

Warming of Foundations Small Down

According to SNiP 2.02.01-83 (2000), the "base of buildings and structures", the depth of the foundations should be at least the depth of the seasonal freezing of soils. The cost of works on the construction of foundations is quite expensive, and especially with a great depth of seasonal freezing. Therefore, according to SP 50-101-2004 "Design and a device of bases and foundations of buildings and structures" the depth of the foundations is allowed to prescribe above the depth of the seasonal freezing of soils, if "... Special heat engineering activities that exclude the freezing of soils ...". Thus, if the heat insulation of soils from the freezing will make it possible to raise the temperature of the soil under the base of the foundation to positive values \u200b\u200bin the cold season, then the ground will not freeze and bump. To eliminate the freezing of soils near the foundation, the thermal insulation layer of a given thickness of foam-glass gravel is arranged throughout the perimeter of the building.

Warming of the foundation plate

To eliminate various randomness, which can negatively affect the structure, there is the most reliable type of foundation: a slab monolithic, which is a thick reinforced concrete plate, reinforced into two layers. The insulation of such a foundation with a granular foam cell allows not only to reduce heat loss through the floor of the first floor, but also to avoid uneven sizing of the foundation. The high strength of the granulated foam glass allows the filling of the foundation plate along the stratum gravel layer.

Wall insulation basement

The thermal insulation of heated basements can significantly reduce the unjustified heat loss, and the insulation of unheated basements makes it possible to maintain a constant temperature of 5-10 ° C all year round, as well as eliminate the formation of condensate on the inner surfaces of a behead room in the summer.

Polyconucel gravel fall asleep between the outer surface of the wall and the formwork located at the calculated distance from the wall ...

Or in special bags (Wall-Bag), which are fixed on the wall.

Schemes and calculations for the insulation of the foundation of a small embedding

The emergence of new insulation, namely, extruded polystyrene foam, allowed massively to warm the designs in the soil.

The high mechanical strength of this insulation and its stability with respect to moisturizing and various aggressive impacts allowed to equip the insulation of underground structures with a large degree of reliability and durability.

What is determined for the insulation of the foundation and soil

The insulation of the foundation and the surrounding house of the soil makes it possible to prevent the impact of frosty beating and build the foundations of fine downstream, without rehabilitation to the unscrewing layers of the soil. Such a technology for the construction of foundations is very popular in northern Western countries, but we are not too common.

The heat insulation laid horizontally into the ground for the outer perimeter of the foundation prevents the soil freezing directly near the foundation.

When the foundation is insulation, it is necessary to determine the following parameters:

  • the width of the horizontal insulation of the insulation is adjacent to the house.
  • the thickness of the horizontal thermal insulation by extruded polystyrene foam, including near the corners of the building, where the cross-effect of the cold operates.
  • the thickness of the vertical heat insulation.
  • the lower boundary of the vertical heat insulation.

We will calculate the insulation for the heat-insulated foundation of the minor embedding and determine the specified parameters.

The design of the foundation of the small run - the scheme

The diagram indicates the typical design of the foundation of the fine downstream and its insulation. In the design there are:

  • vertical thermal insulation located from the sole of the foundation to the heat insulation of the wall.
  • horizontal thermal insulation located at the level of the basement sole.

The scheme shows4 - horizontal heat insulation5 - vertical thermal insulation6 - protection of the insulation (plaster, etc.) 8 - Drainage 10 - Drainage11 - heat insulation

The depth of the fitting of this foundation for heated buildings is 0.4 meters, for non-heated - 0.3 meters (not heated buildings - with a temperature below 5 degrees C).

Under the sole and horizontal thermal insulation is a layer of sandy bellows with a thickness - 0.2 meters for heated buildings and 0.4 meters for non-heated.

Therefore, the general depth of the pit for a residential building should be at least 0.6 meters, and the width will depend on the width of the foundation itself and the width of insulation.

The vertical thermal insulation is installed on the waterproofing layer, and the drainage system is made below the heat insulation below the thermal insulation.

The scene necessarily includes a waterproofing layer in order to prevent sweeping wet, as it can negatively affect the foundation state. Together with such a foundation, it is convenient to use floors made through the rammed soil.

Another important point is an increase in the thickness of horizontal thermal insulation around the corners of the building. The calculation is determined and the width of the strip near the angle with an increased thickness of thermal insulation.

The figure shows the contour of thermal insulation around the building, with an increase in the thickness of thermal insulation near the corners in the strings of a certain width.

How the thickness and width of the thermal insulation is determined

In order to determine the foundation insulation parameters, you need to use the data characterizing the climate in which construction is underway. The frost index is used - them, data in the degree-hours, which are calculated for various climatic zones. For approximate calculations, you can use the Claus index map.

For example, according to the card, they will be approximately 55,000 degree-hours for Moscow.

All thermal insulation parameters for the foundation of small embezzlement are shown in tables, depending on the frost index - for heated buildings, the parameters of the insulation of the foundation of the small embedding.

For floors with thermal insulation.

Without heat insulation.

Warming of floors, foundation, and soil - interrelated events. They together affect the condition of the construction of the building and soil in winter.

If the insulation of the floors is used, the thermal insulation on the foundation wall should be thicker than with cold floors to prevent soil cooling under the floor, because it will heat up to the warmth of the house.

In accordance with the calculations carried out, for a heated house, in which the heat insulation of floors was carried out in accordance with the SNIP in the climatic zone of the Moscow region, the following values \u200b\u200bof the insulation of the foundation and soil should be taken:

  • Horizontal thermal insulation thickness - 7 cm;
  • The width of the contour of horizontal insulation at the level of the soles of the foundation (0.4 m) - 0.6 m;
  • The width of the strip near the corners of the building, in which the thickness of the insulation is increased - 1.5 m.
  • The thickness of the insulation near the corners of the building is 10 cm.
  • The thickness of the vertical heat insulation is 12 cm.

(Rounded to the nearest greater value.)

Sometimes they recommend laying the insulation directly under the breakfast. But at the same time, the width of the insulation band should increase, as a result, no economy does not work. When insulation of the foundation, it is impossible to reduce the thickness of the insulation, here the thermal insulation affects the state of the main designs of the house.

Warming of the foundation of the house and soil

Pages of the book: 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 47 47 48 49 Table of contents

The insulation of the foundation and soil The insulation of the foundation and soil around the foundation has two strategic objectives:

  • On bunching soils: insulation of the foundation and adjacent soil in order to "move" to the side from the foundation for the freezing of the soil, reduce the depth of the primer of the soil and reduce the magnitude of the winter rise of the soil level.
  • On non-empty soils: reduce the heat loss of heated home through the foundation in the cold period of the year.

The imposition of a ribbon foundation to the depth of less than the depth of seasonal freezing of the soil is possible only when "special heat engineering measures, excluding the freezing of soils" [clause 2.29 SNiP 2.02.01-83, paragraph 12.2.5 SP 50-101-2004]. In the territorial construction standards of the TCN MF-97 of the Moscow region, it is indicated that when designing and a device of small-brewed foundations of low-rise buildings, "the use of insulation stacked under the breakdown" with mandatory protection of their waterproofing is recommended. Recommendations for the insulation of the foundation and soil have limitations: the warming standards do not apply to construction on permafrost soils and in areas with an average annual outdoor air temperature (SGTV) below 0 ° C or from the frost index value (s) more than 90,000 degrees-hours. For example, the following measures described below for soil insulation and foundations can be used in Murmansk (SGTV \u003d + 0.6 ° C) or Irkutsk (SGTV \u003d + 0.9 ° C), but cannot be used in Surgut, Tour, Ukhta, Vorkuta, Khanty-Mansiysk, Magadan, Vilyuisk, Norilsk, Yakutsk or Verkhoyansk (SGTV< 0°С). Также не требуется утепление фундаментов и грунтов с целью снижения морозного пучения и предупреждения деформации основания на непучинистых (гравелистых и крупно-песчаных) грунтах. Теоретической основой утепления грунта и фундамента в качестве меры по уменьшению морозного пучения, является представление о физических механизмах подъема уровня грунта при промерзании.

Frosty bauded - lifting the level of soil as a result of the expansion of the water freezing in the thickness can only take place when adding three mandatory conditions:

  1. In the ground there should be a permanent source of water
  2. The soil must be fine-grained enough to wet and hold water.
  3. The soil had the ability to freeze.

When the water-saturated soil is freezed, ice lenses are formed on the boundary of the temperature section, and above it to the freezing surface. When freezing, water expands by about 9%. The pressure of the pressure rising during the freezing of the soil can vary from 0.2 kgf / cm2 for sandy soils up to 3 kgf / cm2, which may well balance or exceed the load from the building and cause the deformation of the belt foundation. Il (organic or inorganic soil with particularly small particles) is capable of expanding during freezing and in the absence of a constant flow of water (high groundwater level). The magnitude of frosty lifting of orst soils can be up to 20% of the thickness of the frozen layer.

Unheated basements and subfields are subjected to high risk of destruction due to lifting of soils conjugate with the fitting of the soil to the surfaces of the walls of basements and sublocks. Due to the fitting, a sufficiently wide layer of dense communication between the soil and the material of the walls is formed. With a frosty rise, the soil is able to break the immaculate brickwork or foundation blocks. Therefore, on bubbly soils, firstly, it is recommended to arrange monolithic swallowed structures, and secondly, to isolate the wall material from the filled bunched soils with drainage soil, drainage intubus waterproofing, insulation or layer of slip from film materials. Also, the outer insulation of underground basement walls plays an important role in preventing the formation of condensate on the inner surfaces of the walls, and as a consequence, the formation of mold.

The vertical insulation of the outer surfaces of the foundation 5 cm layer of extruded expanded polystyrene leads to a reduction in the heat loss of the building through the ground by about 20%. Although the horizontal underground insulation of the base of the foundation and the adjacent soil slightly affects the heat loss of the building, and therefore may be regarded as ineffective from the point of view of energy saving, such a type of insulation plays a significant role in preventing the freezing of soils to be under the foundation.

The method of insulation of foundations on bunched soils of the scheme of insulation of buildings foundations is distinguished depending on their operation mode (heating in the cold season). For those heated in the cold season of buildings (buildings in which the temperature is not lower than + 17 ° C are maintained), the insulation scheme combines the outer vertical and horizontal insulation of the foundation with the prevention of the formation of cold bridges and the lack of insulation of floors on the soil. Uninsulated floating floors allow, on the one hand, it is better to warm up the soil under the building, warning its freezing, and on the other hand, it allows you to use the accumulated warmth in the mass of the soil intake and receive 1-2 "gift" degrees of geotep. The horizontal insulation belt at the corners of the building (due to the large heat loss compared to the middle part of the foundation) should be either greater width or, which is practical in construction - greater thickness. The width and thickness of the widespread domestic insulation Penoplex for the insulation of the soil and the foundation is determined by the tables given in the standard of the organization STR 3655,4501-012-2008, based on the index of the frost (im), which characterizes the number of days in a given territory with a negative temperature and the value of negative temperatures in degree-days.

The scheme of insulation is constantly heated in the cold period of the building with thermal insulation of the floating floor from the subject soil

If the house is constantly heated during the cold season, the house has thermal insulation of the floor from the subject to the soil, then the parameters of insulation are calculated on another table:

Table. The parameters of the EPPS insulation for constantly heated buildings with thermal insulation of the floor on the bunched soils (according to Table No. 1 Hundred 36554501-012-2008)

EPPS plates calculated parameters for constantly heated buildings with heat insulation

They, hail

thickness of vertical heat insulation, sufficient (caused by material thickness **) cm

width, M.

thickness of horizontal thermal insulation (caused by material thickness **), cm

The problem of soil insulation in unheated structures (the facilities in which during the cold season less + 5 ° C) reduces the freezing of the freezing of the soil. Therefore, the foundation itself is not insulating, and only the soil under it is insulated, so as to eliminate cold bridges to the foundation itself. In this case, the heat loss of the building is not accepted into the calculation, and an increase in the thickness of the horizontal explosion belt is not required. Many cottages are operated in the mode of alternating mode when heating is included only during periodic arrings, and more time the house is without heating. In this case, the insulation scheme combines the insulation of the foundation itself to reduce heat loss during the heating period and the insulation of the entire soil to reducing the freezing during the period without heating. Keep in mind that if you plan to maintain a constantly house in the "non-freezing" mode +3 + 5 ° C, then such a house cannot be classified as constantly heated due to insufficient to warm the soil heat transfer.

The scheme of insulation of the building unheated in the cold period on bunched soils

Such a house requires the insulation of the foundation and soil as a house with a variable heating mode. The insulation parameters for alternating heating mode are calculated as well as for unheated houses. Additional insulation in the corners is not required due to the short periods of heating.

Scheme of insulation of the foundation of the building with variable heating mode on bunched soils *

Table. The parameters of the insulation of the foundations of unheated or periodically heated buildings on the bunched soils (according to Table No. 2 Hundred 36554501-012-2008).

They, hail

Thickness of horizontal thermal insulation (caused by material thickness **), cm

The scheme of soil insulation unheated in the cold period of the building on bubbly soils.

If the heated buildings have cold extensions, such as terraces, garages, the horizontal insulation belt covers all the embedded extension. Its parameters on the extension section are calculated as for a unheated building. It also requires thermal insulation between the foundations of the unheated and heated parts of the building, to prevent heat loss through the Cold Bridge. The soil under the unheated part of the building is completely isolated insulation from the foundation.

How to insulate the foundation. Schemes and examples

Before deciding how to insulate the foundation, remember some information about the soils. In particular, about such properties of the soil, like bunching.

Wet clay soils, sands dust and small, freezing in the winter period, increase in volume, as a result of which the lift (pumping) of the soil is raised within the depth of its freezing. This process is called frosty bearing of the soil, and the soils are bunched. When freeing such soils on the foundation, frosty powered forces are beginning to operate, which lead to deformation and sometimes even to the destruction of the foundation and construction designs.

The solution to the question of how to insulate the foundation for tape low-profile foundations is intended to remove the freezing soil from the foundation, reduce the depth of the soil freezing and thereby cut the size of the soil lift. If the soil is low, then the insulation of the foundation is intended to reduce heat loss through the foundation in winter.

In accordance with paragraph 2.29, SNIP 2.02.01-83 and paragraph 12.2.5 of the SP 50-101-2004, the depth of the external foundations is allowed to be assigned independently of the calculated precipitation depth, if:

... Special heat engineering measures are provided that exclude the freezing of soils.

It should be borne in mind that the activities offered in this article are suitable for districts where the average annual outdoor temperature is higher than zero degrees Celsius or the magnitude of the frost index less than 90,000 degrees-hours. That is, it is almost the entire European part of Russia.

Index frost

How to insulate the foundation on bunched soils

The most common domestic insulation is extruded polystyrene foam "Penopeles".

Penopelex® - Heat insulating plates from foamed extrusion polystyrene foam, meeting the requirements of TU 5767-006-56925804-2007.

Solving the issue How to insulate the foundation is to combine the vertical and horizontal insulation of the foundation of the house with the prevention of the formation of cold bridges. The width and thickness of the insulation is determined by the tables of the organization's standard STR 3655,4501-012-2008, based on the frost index (s), which characterizes the number of days in a given territory with a negative temperature and the value of negative temperatures in the degree-hours. The insulation will differ depending on House operating mode. Consider four such modes.

How to insulate the foundation. Scheme for buildings heated in winter and laptile floors

Vertical insulation of the foundation of the "Penoplax" layer in five centimeters entails a reduction in heat loss by 20%. The horizontal insulation of the base of the foundation and the adjacent soil does not significantly affect the decrease in heat loss, but plays a significant role in the prevention of the freezing of the rejected ground under the foundation. The insulation scheme is shown in Figure 1. Write and the thickness of the insulation are presented in Table 1.

Picture 1

Table 1

The calculated parameters of the plates of Penoplax for constantly heated buildings without heat insulation of the floor on bunched soils

They, hail

Horizontal thermal insulation along the walls

Horizontal thermal insulation at the corners

width, M.

The thickness of the vertical heat insulation (due to the thickness of the material), see

length of thickened areas in the corners of the building, m

How to insulate the foundation. The scheme of insulation of the building is constantly heated in winter with thermal insulation of the floating floor from the subject

The insulation scheme is presented in Figure 2. The house in the cold time is heated constantly, and the floors have thermal insulation from the soil to be ground, the width and thickness of the insulation are calculated along Table 2.

Figure 2.

table 2

Estimated plates of polyplex plates for constantly heated buildings with heat insulation on the bunched soils

They, hail

the thickness of the vertical heat insulation, sufficient (caused by the material thickness) cm

Horizontal thermal insulation along the walls

Horizontal thermal insulation at the corners

width, M.

length of thickened areas in the corners of the building, m

horizontal thermal insulation thickness (caused by the material thickness), see

As can be seen from the table, in this case the sufficient thickness of the vertical heat insulation will be greater than in the first example above.

How to insulate the foundation. The scheme of insulation of the building unheated in winter on bunched soils

This scheme is most suitable for cottages, which are operated in summer and can be preserved for the winter. In this case, the task is to reduce the freezing of the soil to be under the foundation. The scheme is shown in Figure 3. As can be seen from the drawing, the foundation itself is not inspected, and the soil is insulated under it to eliminate the cold bridges. In this case, it is not necessary to increase the thickness of the horizontal explosive belt. The insulation parameters are shown in Table 3.

Figure 3.

Table 3.

The parameters of the insulation of the foundations of unheated or periodically heated buildings on bubbly soils

(according to Table # 2 Hundred 36554501-012-2008)

They, hail

Horizontal thermal insulation thickness (caused by the material thickness), see

The width of horizontal thermal insulation serving beyond the foundation, m

The scheme of the insulation of the foundation of the building with variable heating regime on bubbly soils

This scheme (Figure 4) is used to insulate the foundation of houses, which are periodically operated in winter. Suppose, most of the time the house is worthless without heating, and during arrings to the weekend, it is attacked. In this case, a combined scheme is applied. The foundation itself is insumed to avoid heat loss during heating and the resulting soil is insulated to reduce the freezing at a time when the house is without heating. The power and width of the thermal insulation layer is taken from table 3.

Figure 4.

How useful information to be useful for you?

If the floor is not insulated in the house, it means there is no insulation, which serves as an obstacle between the soil and the floor itself. So, the soil under the house will serve as another battery of heat, and its temperature at the base foundation will be greater. To calculate the foundation, you can use the foundation calculator.

If the floor is insulated in the house, then this insulation will serve as a barrier for heat and will not allow heat to spend on the heating of the soil. This becomes the cause of a lower temperature under the house and the foundation, which is why it freezes faster. Therefore, with this variant, the thickness of the insulation should be greater.

They, hail

The thickness of the vertical thermal insulation, sufficient (due to the thickness of the material), see

Horizontal thermal insulation along the walls

Horizontal thermal insulation at the corners

Width, M.

The thickness of the vertical heat insulation (due to the thickness of the material), see

Length of thickened areas in the corners of the building, m

Horizontal thermal insulation thickness (caused by the material thickness), see

The thickness of the constant insulation in the base overlap, the foundation.

In the table below, you will see the result of the calculations of the main insulation materials with such data: the base of the house is the reinforced concrete monolithic plate 150 mm thick; The floor is laid out with a pinched 35 mm; The technical underground is calculated in 2 versions - with snowing sand and ventilated. Online calculator calculating reinforcement weight for a tape base.


For conditions of comfort

For power saving conditions

Ventilated underground

On a sandy pillow

Ventilated underground

On a sandy pillow



Polystyrene foam


In the modern world there is a large selection of materials for the insulation of the foundation. Many believe that first of all, when choosing a insulation for the foundation, you need to pay attention to the density, but this is not the right approach. First of all, it is necessary to evaluate the degree of water absorption of the insulation. After all, the room and walls of the house (and ordinary and wooden) always contain a small amount of moisture in themselves, which over time is condensed and has a negative impact on the quality of thermal insulation.

In addition, it is important to know that the insulation for the foundation will always have good sound insulation if he is quite good quality.

Name of materials



Application area

Thermal conductivity, W / m * to


Wood (sawdust)

Cheap, ecology

Combustion, susceptible to rot

Old wooden houses


Ineffective, use of lifting fur-in, labor-intensive installation, high weight

Floors, attic, layered masonry


Stiffness, ease of installation

For all foams: limited heat resistance and flammability; The drainage begins at 80 s; No environmental - allocation of cumulative toxins, poor parrotability

For monolithic fill


Walls, roofs, floors

Extrud. Polystyrene foam

Foal. Polystyrene foam

Water absorption up to 900%; Little service life

Minvat Isoroc:

Shrinking, coming, the fibers break and turn into dust, the moisturizes

Layered masonry

Ventilated facade

Top layer Isol.

Minvat Rockwool:

Non-combustible base, low thermal conductivity

Compressing up to 20%, after moisturizing up to 25%


Non-loaded constructions.


Environments layer in layered masonry


Top. layer of shelter Isolation


Non-combustible base, rigidity, ease of installation

Binding and water-repellent email. Fur in 250 s, poor vapor permeability, moisturizing by 1% leads to a worsening of thermal conductivity by 8%, a large shrinkage

Layered masonry, roofing, facade under the plaster

The topics devoted to the construction of an energy efficient home are consistently popular among users of our portal. But often under energy efficient understands well insulated frame house, bypassing the houses of the house. This is due to the fact that novice developers make a bet on for the construction of a stone house, while the issue of energy saving requires an integrated approach. In our current material, we will replenish this gap and tell how to warm the stone structure and how there should be the thickness of the insulation for the walls.

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the basic principles for the construction of a warm stone house.
  • Why you need to eliminate cold bridges in a stone house.
  • What are the advantages of a single-layer stone wall.
  • In which cases it is advisable to erect a multi-layered warmed stone wall.
  • How to calculate the optimal thickness of the heaters for the stone wall.

Energy Efficiency: Basic Principles

When it comes to the construction of a stone house, the most often asked questions: whether it is warm in a house of aerated concrete with a thickness of the walls of 40 cm or, if we build a house made of warm ceramics, it will be necessary to insulate it. Let's see how such an approach is justified.

It is important to understand that the concept of a warm house is very subjective. Someone wants in winter in the house to truly hot, someone if the room temperature falls below + 18 ° C, just puts on the sweater, preferring to "Africa" \u200b\u200bin the cool air room. Those. Each person has its own concept of warm, which means a comfortable house. But there is a basic definition that will help us to schedule a landmark in the construction of a warm stone house.

Energy-efficient housing is a house in which all heat loss through the enclosing structures and the level of energy consumption (compared to the usual home) are minimized. To do this, a closed heat outline is erected and all "cold bridges" are cut off.

The bridges of the cold in the stone house are non-depleted structures from the external environment. This is, first of all, the foundation, tonocon jumpers, ends of the slabs of overlaps, etc.

When building a stone house from small-piece materials - bricks, gas and foam concrete, warm ceramics, also special attention should be paid to the masonry seam. Because In terms of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe wall, the totality of thicknesses of all masonry seams becomes a powerful "cold bridge" leading to heat loss. These heat loss are even more increasing, if the masonry (seams) is blown. Which negates all the advantages of the so-called. "Warm" wall materials - aerated concrete and large-format picked ceramic blocks. To protect the masonry from purging, it needs to be placed.

The thinner the masonry seams, the less heat goes through the stone wall.

One way to reduce heat loss through masonry seams -.

Earing the stone house, should not be blindly increasing the thickness of the walls, believing that the laying of a half-meter width is warm.
We must consider:

  • climatic features in the region of accommodation,
  • the duration of the heating period,
  • availability of a fuel type,
  • rising energy prices, and in the long run, because It is possible to maintain a comfortable temperature even in a badly insulated house, with large heat lines through fencing structures.

The only question is how much it will have to pay for the work of the heating system producing heat in such a house.

Our article tells.

In addition to the walls, overlapping, windows and doors for energy efficiency in the house also respond to the ventilation and air conditioning systems through which heat is also lost. The heat loss is influenced by the form and architecture of the house (the presence of protrusions, erkers, etc.), the total area of \u200b\u200bthe structure, the glazing area, the location of the building on the site relative to the north and south.

Dmitry Galajuda Consultant section "Ventilation" on Forumhouse, (Nick on Forum - Gaser)

If you warm up above the walls of the wall, but to make insufficient insulation of the coating, "cold windows" and mount the "energy-efficient" natural ventilation system, it means to spend money invested. The house is a system where everything should be calculated and balanced.

Conclusion: Warm Stone House is a set of many factors, each of which should be considered individually.

An example of a simplified heat engineering calculation

Through the walls of the house warmly goes out. Our task is to create a "barrier", which will prevent heat transfer from the room with a higher temperature (from the room) into an external environment with a lower temperature (outside). Those. We must increase the heat resistance of the enclosing structure. This coefficient (R) depends on the region and is measured in (m² * ° C) / W. Which means how long thermal energy passes through 1 sq.m. Walls with temperature difference on surfaces at 1 ° C.

Go ahead. Each material has its own thermal conductivity coefficient (λ) (the ability of the material to the transfer of energy from the warm part from the colder ) and the IWT / (M * ° C) is measured. The smaller this coefficient, the less heat transfer and the above thermal resistance of the wall.

Important condition: The thermal conductivity coefficient increases if the material was mooring. A visual example is a wet mineral wool insulation, which in this case loses its heat insulating properties.

Our task is to know whether the wall of the conditional stone material corresponds to the basic values \u200b\u200bof the required resistance of heat transfer of the enclosing structures. We carry out the necessary calculations. For simplified example Take Moscow and the Moscow region. Required normated The value of the heat resistance of the walls - 3.0 (m² * ° C) / W.

Note: For overlaps and coatings, the normalized thermal resistance has other values.

The walls of the conditioned house with a thickness of 38 cm are elevated from a full-scale ceramic brick. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material λ (take averaged value in dry condition) - 0.56 W / (m * ° C). The laying was carried out on cement-sandy solution. To simplify the calculation, heat loss through the masonry seams - "Cold Bridges" - do not take into account, i.e. Brick wall - conditionally homogeneous.

Now we calculate the magnitude of the heat resistance of this wall. For this you do not need a calculator, simply substitute the values \u200b\u200bin the formula:

R \u003d D / λ, where:

d - material thickness;

λ is the thermal conductivity coefficient of the material.

RF \u003d 0.38 / 0.56 \u003d 0.68 (m² * ° C) / W (Rounded value).

Stripping from this value, we determine the difference between the regulatory and actual heat transfer resistance (RT):

RT \u003d RN - RF \u003d 3.0 - 0.68 \u003d 2.32 (m² * ° C) / W

Those. The wall does not "reach" to the required normalized value.

Now we make the calculation of the thickness of the insulation of the wall, which compensates for this difference. As a heater, we take polystyrene foam (foam), designed for the insulation of the facade, followed by plastering, the so-called. "Wet facade."

The coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material in dry condition - 0.039 W / (M * ° C) (take averaged value). We put it in the following formula:

d \u003d r * λ, where:

d - the thickness of the insulation;

RT - heat transfer resistance;

λ is the thermal conductivity coefficient of the insulation.

d \u003d r * λ \u003d 2.32 * 0.039 \u003d 0.09 m

We translate into cm and get - 9 cm.

Conclusion: To insulate the wall and bring the value to the normalized heat resistance, a layer of insulation is required (in this simplified example expanded polystyrene) thickness of 90 mm.

When building a foundation, its thermal insulation is to pay special attention, especially in the regions with a harsh climate and deeply freezing soil.

About 80% of the territory of Russia is in the zone of bubbly soils, which are of particular danger to foundations.

Bunched soils during seasonal or long-term freezing are capable of increased in volume, which is accompanied by the rise of the surface of the soil. The rise of the surface of the soil for the winter can reach 0.35 m (15% of the depth of the frosting layer of the soil), which in some cases leads to the deformation of the structure: murlting with the outer surface of the enclosing structure, the soil can lift it at the expense of the tangent forces of frosty radiation. When the foundations are layered above the depth of the freezing of bunching soils or if during the construction process, the foundation plate was not insulated during the winter period, normal frosty powders arise under its sole.

Horizontal thermal insulation of the foundation with cut-off area of \u200b\u200bfrosty powder, allows for zero risks arising due to lifting and elevation of bunching soils.

It has been established that the share of basements and ground floor foundations accounts for about 10-20% of all heat loss at home.

The insulation of blunting structures reduces heat losses, protect the design of the foundation from the freezing, avoid the condensation of water vapor on the cold walls (associated with insufficient thermal insulation or ventilation in the room), prevent the appearance of dampness and the development of mold. At the same time, in the country houses for summer accommodation, the insulation of the foundation and basement walls does not make sense, except when it is necessary to correct the shortcomings of the design associated with the consequences of frosty powered soils.

The requirements for thermal insulation are not extended to the unheated basements.. However, it is necessary to insulate the walls at least in the zone of the base, so that they are not impaired on the border of the overlap between the unheated basement and heated premises of the first floor.

In addition, thermal insulation protection is an integral element of the waterproofing system: protects the waterproofing coating from the destruction and temperature aging.


  • eliminates or significantly reduces the impact on the foundation of frosty powder forces;
  • reduces heat loss and reduces heating costs;
  • provides the temperature required and constant temperature indoor;
  • prevents the formation of condensate on the inner surfaces;
  • protects waterproofing from mechanical damage;
  • it helps to extend the durability of waterproofing.

Insulation for foundation

To materials used for the insulation of the foundation outside, special requirements are presented:

  • small water absorption;
  • high compressive strength (at low thermal conductivity);
  • resistance to aggressive underground waters;
  • incompetence of rotting.

Mineral wool is not suitable due to compressibility when dried up with soil and high water absorption.

Given low water absorption (< 5%) and high strength (0.4-1.6 MPa), for the outer vertical and horizontal heat insulation, can be used foam glass. True, this option is mostly more expensive.

Polystyrene foam (foam)

Low strength in short compression (

If it is located under the waterproof layer for the insulation of the foundations outside, then it is located under the waterproof layer (: waterproofing of the foundation - foam - waterproofing system). Otherwise, a few years after the installation, the foam will turn into a shapeless pile of balls. The moisture accumulated in the insulation, during freezing it will increase in volume, and destroy its structure.

In the conditions of elevated loads and humidity, the most optimal thermal insulation material is.

Due to the properties of the initial raw material and the closed-cellular structure, which makes the penetration of water inside, extruded polystyrene foam has excellent technical characteristics and a long service life, which allows it to be used for the insulation of the foundation.

EPPS has practically zero water absorption (no more than 0.4-0.5% in terms of 28 days and for the entire subsequent period of operation), so the primer moisture does not accumulate in the thickness of the insulation, does not expand in the amount under the influence of temperature changes and does not destroy the structure Material over the service life (frost resistance of more than 1000 cycles of freezing-thawing).

Due to its strength, the plates of extrusion polystyrene increases the life of the waterproofing coating, protecting it from mechanical damage and providing positive temperature regime.

Thus, the insulation of the foundation and base of the house with extruded polystyrene foam extends the service life of the foundation.


  • stability of thermal insulation properties throughout the service life;
  • service life of at least 40 years;
  • compressive strength is from 20 to 50 t / m 2;
  • it is not a nutrient medium for rodents.

Calculation of the thickness of the insulation

The required thickness of the insulation for the wall of the basement, located above the ground level, is taken equal to the thickness of the insulation for the outer wall and is calculated by the formula:

The required thickness of the insulation for the basement wall located below the level of the Earth is calculated by the formula:

  • Δ UT. - the thickness of the insulation, m;
  • R 0 LIT.- the reduced resistance to the heat transfer of the outer wall, adopted depending on the value of the HSOP, m 2 · ° C / W;
  • δ - the thickness of the carrier part of the wall, m;
  • λ - the thermal conductivity coefficient of the carrier part of the wall, W / (M · ° C);
  • Λ UT. - thermal conductivity coefficient of insulation, W / (M · ° C).

The required thickness of insulation from the plates of extruded polystyrene foam in the walls of the basement for all regional and republican centers of the Russian Federation is provided in Table:

In the line of materials of EPPS, specially designed heat-insulating plates with milled grooves on the surface are present. This material together with the geotextile web successfully works as a used drainage, i.e. It performs three functions: insulation of the foundation, protection of waterproofing from mechanical damage and removal of water from the foundation in the drainage system.

How to insulate the foundation?

When insulating the vertical part of the foundation, polystyrene foam is installed on depth of the freezing of soildefined for each region individually. The effectiveness of insulation at a deeper installation is dramatically reduced.

The thickness of insulation in angular zones should be increased by 1.5 times, at a distance of at least 1.5 m from the corner in both directions.

Warming foundation outside It is the most rational, provides low heat loss level.

Warming foundation outside

The insulation of the soil around the perimeter of the house under allows you to reduce the depth of the freezing along the walls and under the basis of the foundation and hold the freezing border in the layer of non-empty soil - sandy, gravel pillow or soil backing. In this case, extrusion polystyrene foam should be laid with a given slope of the cabin ≥ 2% of the house.

Width of thermal insulation From the extruded polystyrene foaming around the perimeter there should be no less depth of seasonal freezing of the soil.

Horizontal thermal insulation thickness There must be no less thickness of the vertical heat insulation of the foundation.

The insulation of the foundation from the inside

With the impossibility of insulation of the foundation outside, the heat insulation device from the inside of the room is allowed. The thermal insulation device from the side of the room is carried out either by gluing the extrusion polystyrene to the wall of the wall by means of compositions that do not contain solvents (for example, on a cement basis), or fixing the insulation slabs with a mechanical manner with a subsequent device of the finishing layer.

In this case, checking the walls of the insulating structure to the ability to accumulate condensing moisture in it.

In the wall design with extruded expanded polystyrene shows that such a design is permissible.

How to fix expanded polystyrene
To waterproofing foundation

The insulation is placed on the alleged outer surface of the wall of the insulating structure after it is performed by waterproofing.

When the foundation is insulated outside, mechanical fixation of EPPS plates is not allowed, since in this case a solid waterproofing coating will be broken!

To the waterproofing surface of the walls, the extruded polystyrene foaming is fastened with glue or method of swelling a bitumen waterproofing layer in 5-6 points, followed by dense pressing plates.

Application Epps should be started below, laying the plates horizontally in one row. The next row of plates is set to the already glued lower row. It is not allowed to repeatedly install the glued plates, as well as a change in the position of the insulation after a few minutes after gluing.

The thermal insulation plates must have the same thickness and fit tightly to each other and to the base. At the same time, they should be placed with the displacement of the joints (in a checkerboard). If the seams between the plates make up more than 5 mm, they must be filled with mounting foam. It is better to use stoves with a stepped edge. They are placed close to neighboring plates so that parts L - shaped edges overlap each other. This installation eliminates the appearance of cold bridges. When the heat insulation device of two or more layers of the insulation of the seams between the plates are placed in the disintegration.

The selection of glue depends on the used waterproofing. When using waterproofing a roll or mastic type on a bitumen basis, a special or is used. When choosing glue, it is necessary to ensure that it does not contain solvents and does not dissolve the plate of polystyrene when applied. For sticking the plates to the vertical surface and for seaming sealing, it is not recommended to use the usual mounting foam, since due to the large volume extension, the layer of thermal insulation can occur, or the separation of plates from the surface due to the occurrence of large stresses.

Below the level of the ground is a glue layer, it is possible to apply several points around the perimeter and in the center, so that the moisture, assembled between the surface of the plate and the building base, is unhindered down.

It is prohibited to install the insulation to not yet dry bituminous waterproofing for the following reasons:

  • in the process of installation, waterproofing elements can "disperse", after which the tightness can already be guaranteed;
  • cold bitumen based waterproofing agents may contain solvent particles that can damage the thermal insulation material. Therefore, when using waterproofing from a cold bitumen before installing the plates of extruded polystyrene foaming, it is recommended to give the surface to dry for 7 days.

Insulation socle

The base should be insulated around the perimeter to reduce thermal bridges and protect the foundation from frost damage and the formation of cracks due to thermal expansion.

The base of the house is divided into two parts: above and below the ground level and is in wet conditions, as it dies in constant contact with the soil, moisturized with rain, thawed waters and splashes of droplets.

The facade insulation system based on a non-desorable heat-insulating material, such as polystyrene foam or mineral wool, should be at a distance of at least 30-40 cm from the top edge of the soil so as not to be exposed to rain and melting water.

For insulation of the base, it is necessary to use materials that have zero water absorption and non-changing heat-insulating properties in a humid environment. Such material is extruded expanded polystyrene foam.


In the Bloomred Part of the House, the use of dowels is not required, a flooded ground presses the glued insulation.


In the zone of the base (above the ground level), the extruded polystyrene fastener is attached to polymer cement adhesive, or any other, providing good adhesion to the base.

If in the underground part of the house, the attachment of the EPPS is possible only with the help of adhesive compositions, the installation of facade dowels is required in the above-ground part of the base at the rate of 4 dowel on the stove.

As a thermal insulation layer above the ground level, it is possible to use a special brand of extrusion polystyrene foam with a milled surface, which provides better adhesion of adhesive compositions. It is also possible to use standard stamps of extruded polystyrene foam with a smooth surface, in this case, to improve adhesion, it is necessary to perform a milling of the surface with a brush with a metal pile, or a tree hacksaws with small teeth.

  1. Fastening the insulation (produced similarly to the fastening of the insulation of the entire facade system on polymer cement adhesive)
  2. Installation of the first layer of reinforcing glass

    The prepared adhesive solution is applied with a long grater of stainless steel on the slab vertically as a strip. The thickness of the glue should be about 3 mm. The solution is beginning to apply from the corner of the house. After applying the adhesive solution on the segment equal to the length of the cooked mesh, it is equalized by a toothed side of the grater to obtain the same thickness of the solution throughout the surface. On the fresh adhesive solution, you need to apply a prepared grid segment, pressing it in several places to the glue edge or fingers. It is necessary to remember the insertion of the mesh edges by 10 cm. Smooth side of the grater It is necessary to drown the grid in the adhesive solution - first vertically downward down, then diagonally from top to bottom.

  3. Doweling (performed through the first layer of reinforcing glass power plates)
  4. Installation of the second layer of reinforcing glass equipment (similar to the first)
  5. Finishing base (possible options):
    • decorative plaster;
    • stone slabs (attached to special glue);
    • ceramic tile (attached to special adhesive for decorative tiles).

Warming of the foundation plate

If necessary, insulation of the foundation plate, thermal insulation plates are stacked for waterproofing. If, for reinforced concrete monolithic foundation plate or power, it is planned to use knitted reinforcement, then the insulation slabs sufficiently protect against the liquid components of the concrete with a polyethylene film with a thickness of 0.15-0.2 mm stacked in one layer. If the applying welding is planned for reinforcement work, then the protective screed from the loward concrete or cement-sandy solution is planned over the film. The sheets of the film are stacked with overlap 10-15 cm on double-sided scotch.

The emergence of new insulation, namely, extruded polystyrene foam, allowed massively to warm the designs in the soil.

The high mechanical strength of this insulation and its stability with respect to moisturizing and various aggressive impacts allowed to equip the insulation of underground structures with a large degree of reliability and durability.

What is determined for the insulation of the foundation and soil

The insulation of the foundation and the surrounding house of the soil makes it possible to prevent the impact of frosty beating and build the foundations of fine downstream, without rehabilitation to the unscrewing layers of the soil. Such a technology for the construction of foundations is very popular in northern Western countries, but we are not too common.

The heat insulation laid horizontally into the ground for the outer perimeter of the foundation prevents the soil freezing directly near the foundation.

When the foundation is insulation, it is necessary to determine the following parameters:

  • the width of the horizontal insulation of the insulation is adjacent to the house.
  • the thickness of the horizontal thermal insulation by extruded polystyrene foam, including near the corners of the building, where the cross-effect of the cold operates.
  • the thickness of the vertical heat insulation.
  • the lower boundary of the vertical heat insulation.

We will calculate the insulation for the heat-insulated foundation of the minor embedding and determine the specified parameters.

The design of the foundation of the small run - the scheme

The diagram indicates the typical design of the foundation of the fine downstream and its insulation. In the design there are:

  • vertical thermal insulation located from the sole of the foundation to the heat insulation of the wall.
  • horizontal thermal insulation located at the level of the basement sole.

The diagram shows
4 - horizontal thermal insulation
5 - vertical thermal insulation
6 - protection of the insulation (plaster, etc.)
8 - Otzostka
10 - drainage
11 - heat insulation floors

The depth of the fitting of this foundation for heated buildings is 0.4 meters, for non-heated - 0.3 meters (not heated buildings - with a temperature below 5 degrees C).

Under the sole and horizontal thermal insulation is a layer of sandy bellows with a thickness - 0.2 meters for heated buildings and 0.4 meters for non-heated.

Therefore, the general depth of the pit for a residential building should be at least 0.6 meters, and the width will depend on the width of the foundation itself and the width of insulation.

The vertical thermal insulation is installed on the waterproofing layer, and the drainage system is made below the heat insulation below the thermal insulation.

The scene necessarily includes a waterproofing layer in order to prevent sweeping wet, as it can negatively affect the foundation state. Together with such a foundation, it is convenient to use floors made through the rammed soil.

Another important point is an increase in the thickness of horizontal thermal insulation around the corners of the building. The calculation is determined and the width of the strip near the angle with an increased thickness of thermal insulation.

The figure shows the contour of thermal insulation around the building, with an increase in the thickness of thermal insulation near the corners in the strings of a certain width.

How the thickness and width of the thermal insulation is determined

In order to determine the foundation insulation parameters, you need to use the data characterizing the climate in which construction is underway.
The frost index is used - them, data in the degree-hours, which are calculated for various climatic zones. For approximate calculations, you can use the Claus index map.

For example, according to the card, they will be approximately 55,000 degree-hours for Moscow.

All thermal insulation parameters for the foundation of small embezzlement are shown in tables, depending on the frost index - for heated buildings, the parameters of the insulation of the foundation of the small embedding.

For floors with thermal insulation.

Without heat insulation.

Warming of floors, foundation, and soil - interrelated events. They together affect the condition of the construction of the building and soil in winter.

If the insulation of the floors is used, the thermal insulation on the foundation wall should be thicker than with cold floors to prevent soil cooling under the floor, because it will heat up to the warmth of the house.

In accordance with the calculations carried out, for a heated house, in which the heat insulation of floors was carried out in accordance with the SNIP in the climatic zone of the Moscow region, the following values \u200b\u200bof the insulation of the foundation and soil should be taken:

  • Horizontal thermal insulation thickness - 7 cm;
  • The width of the contour of horizontal insulation at the level of the soles of the foundation (0.4 m) - 0.6 m;
  • The width of the strip near the corners of the building, in which the thickness of the insulation is increased - 1.5 m.
  • The thickness of the insulation near the corners of the building is 10 cm.
  • The thickness of the vertical heat insulation is 12 cm.

(Rounded to the nearest greater value.)

Sometimes they recommend laying the insulation directly under the breakfast. But at the same time, the width of the insulation band should increase, as a result, no economy does not work. When insulation of the foundation, it is impossible to reduce the thickness of the insulation, here the thermal insulation affects the state of the main designs of the house.