Repairs Design Furniture

Where they take sewing machines. Cost and ways to sell old sewing machines. Redemption of old sewing machines

Standards of antiquities are today popular with collectors thanks to the unique appearance and the ability to sell them later expensive. Old sewing machines are considered very valuable. Someone sells these rare products is cheap, while doing an error, because individual copies can provide their owner a solid gain to the family budget.

Of course, in the old samples of sewing machines, such riches of functions are found, as in modern models. Nevertheless, they are capable of performing high-quality lines. Some devices are equipped with a zigzag sewing line function. To handle the edge of the fabric, as with overlock, will not work.

Many people like outdated devices, as they work without failures over long years. Such machines are characterized by high-quality assembly. Among the new models is considered rather rare. Best of all the old equipment is suitable for:

  • lightweight materials;
  • fabrics with increased density.

The seams on old cars are obtained strong, so the clothing sewn on them serves much longer than manufactured using new equipment.

Models Chaika

About 10 years ago, the sewing machines of the "Seagull" model were bought in large quantities. The people went rumors about the high value of this product. The experts argued that the machine mechanisms contain precious metals. As a result, to discover valuable materials, many equipment owners spilled it. Someone got on the gullibility of people and sold fake equipment as a valuable object.

Sample metal samples could only be taken from a particular part of the mechanism. The finished chips were sent by mail along with money for a paid examination. But buyers after receiving a valuable parcel could simply be able to communicate. It was a popular option of the scam, which was widespread after the internet appearance.

The machine for sewing the "Seagull" model costs from 100 to 1000 dollars, and sometimes more. The price may vary depending on the state of the equipment, a separate model, year of the release and appearance of the object. There are quite a few options where you can attach an old sewing machine.

Equipment "Seagull" does not actually contain precious metals. But people continue to buy it because of the excellent quality of work. Today, such models are not issued. Most often, their sewing professional professionals are purchased for individual use. They are ready to upload impressive amounts to get the opportunity to work on this technique.

Various options for vintage sewing machines can be sold even when they do not work. In repair workshops are ready to accept this equipment to extract the items that cannot be purchased today in regular stores. In addition, this is an excellent facility for designer studios specializing in the manufacture of theater details, vintage clothing and various exhibits for the museum.

Winger cars

This equipment has always been considered unique. Once it was very in demand and used for domestic needs. In the last century, designer design was used for these machines. Models differed:

  • original shape;
  • the presence of various decorative elements;
  • unusual lines.

The more original looks like a sewing machine, the more you can rescue for it. But even standard products are quite realized. There is also an opportunity to sell individual parts (for example, covers, boxes intended for needles, etc.). In the pawnshops, these models sometimes take at a fairly attractive price. It happens that they are purchased by 10-15 thousand rubles.

Technique Veritas.

This brand has long been producing sewing machines. Its models are made in various versions, and some of them are equipped with a foot drive. These devices, in contrast to the "Seagull" machines, the shuttle does not swing, and rotates in a circle. The main advantages of sewing equipment released under the Veritas brand are quality and reliability.

Many use such models in Atelier, where there are always many orders. The absence of spare parts is the only disadvantage. You must not forget about it, going to buy the desired model. If any details are missing, they will not be able to find them later. The company specializes in the production of modern sewing machines, which can compete with world-famous brands.

Other brands

Factory called "Tula" created unique types of machines. Soviet engineers were engaged in developing them. When creating sewing equipment, they focused on the details of industrial machines. In the time of the USSR, this technique was very popular, as it was equipped with a convenient pedal and an internal electric drive. With it, it was possible to make a complete zigzag and many additional features.

The tensioner of the top thread from the "Tula" machines is very high-quality. Despite the mass of the advantages, the release of equipment stopped because it was difficult to repair it. Finding suitable parts in the event of a breakdown is also problematic.

Antique sewing machines There are many. The attention of collectors attracts such brands today as:

  • Kaiser;
  • Original Express;
  • Naumann;
  • Pfaff.

Each models of these firms have their own characteristics. The most valuable are devices that have never been repaired. Goods with high-quality assembly and personal fit of the wizard can cost up to 5,000 dollars. They can be sold through stores or pawnshops, but more attractive prices can offer Internet auctions on which wealthy buyers are going.

Methods of sale

Someone throws out the sewing machine as soon as she stops working. But you should not hurry with such a decision, because it may turn out that it is a rare product for which you can get a lot of money. Before proceeding to the implementation of the equipment, it is necessary to know the proprietary name of the sewing machine and yearWhen she was produced. Any kind of defects, traces of dirt and dust must be removed. It is advisable to fully update the appearance of the product.

As soon as the machine will be prepared, you can go to private buyers or in an antique store. It will not prevent in advance to ask the wizard for repairing sewing machines to determine the state of technology.

If the owner plans to sell equipment via the Internet, he needs to make several photos of his product from different angles. To speed up the sale, you can place an ad on several sites. Do not ignore printed publications.

Regardless of where the ad is posted - on the Internet or print editions - you need to make a competent text. Also need high-quality photos of the equipment sold. Mandatory is to fill the item with contact details and telephone. The more information is provided about the product, the higher the chance to sell it. It is important to indicate the production code, an assembly, information about the company-producer. The most expensive are the machines that are rare and high quality.

Transaction with professional buyers - Another option to implement a sewing machine. Lombard in this plan is best suited, because in it the seller will be able to receive a free consultation. The transaction is carried out with the signing of the contract and the preservation of the confidentiality of the data.

Commission shops are working in megalopolis. You can also contact shopping points involved in the buying valuable things. Implementation using qualified specialists to allow the typewriter at a decent price.

Sewing machines are implemented at auctions, forums via the Internet. Worn aggregates are passing into scrap, to the items of receiving scrap metal. Where are the old sewing machines of more sought-after models:

  • reliable equipment redeem professional tailors;
  • aggregates, renovated in repair workshops, go to the details;
  • some parts of the equipment and support are used by designers, studios for creating interior and furniture items;
  • antiques are in demand among collectors, lovers of antiquity.

Is it possible to implement old components

Old sewing equipment is sold entirely or in parts. Component elements of a faulty mechanism can be handed over to scrap metal, in repair shops. Most of the surviving parts from the portno equipment belongs to the business lom.

Accessories Singer Singer

Spare parts from rare, antique and old Soviet models are used in demand. Suitable for use and run goods are:

  • shunks;
  • heads;
  • bobbing caps;
  • needle plates and covers.

Crossing on scrap metal.

The category of reception depends on the class, brand and manufacturer of the product. For example, "Seagulls", "Tula", "Beetles" are fully accepted in Colmmeters. Sewing machines on scrap metal are sent not only as a whole, but also disassembled:

  • to business loses include parts of internal mechanisms, serviceable parts;
  • in leaving for processing, equipment on metal supports is underway;
  • in the colored scrap, the housings consisting of aluminum alloys, zinc, zirconium are handed over.

The table supports belong to the category 5a scrap, accessories and components - 3a or to color, housing - 5a or 12a.

Deliver to business scrap is more profitable than to receive ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Business scrap is recycling - component elements. The details are bought by old "seagulls", "Podolsk", "Malva", German cars of certain models. For individual parts, you can rescue from 500 to 2000 rubles. It is necessary to watch the price list acting at the buyer.

Before handing out the typewriter, it is necessary to clarify its name, brand, number, year of manufacture. Equipment must be prepared and cleaned.

Unique aggregates collected in the past century are distinguished by an unusual design. Especially appreciated old cars with excellent appearance, serviceable mechanisms. Such devices are interested in professional tailors and collectors.

It is advantageous to sell a sewing machine for 300-350 thousand rubles. The unit must be rare, not subjected to repair and preserved appearance.

Rarity models include:

  • "Singer" in demand all over the world devices, special value;
  • "Veritas" - instruments with manual and foot drive rotating in a circle of shuttle;
  • antiques under the brand "Minerva", GM.Pfaff, Borletti, Kaizer, Naumann, Necchi, Original Express, Radom, Tikka;
  • soviet cars "Tula" with details from industrial aggregates, "Seagull" with a foot drive, "Podolsk", "Malva".

Each device has its own characteristics. Antique products are highly sewn, cost from 100 to 5000 dollars.

For the "seagull" with a foot drive, you can get up to 6 thousand rubles. Depending on the model and status. The price of Zinger aggregates varies from 5 to 25 thousand rubles. Separate cars with carved tables, cabinets with velvet bottom, spare parts are estimated at 50 thousand rubles. and more.

Why favorably contact Lombard

Qualified masters carry out the buyer of old sewing machines. Lombard employees help profitably sell aggregates through commission stores, trade organizations. The owner is a contract. The legality and confidentiality of the transaction are provided.

Free consulting on the preparation of the device for sale and sales is offered.

- sell the gift is easy, but to buy a new one more difficult

Advantages: very high quality.

Disadvantages: overallity. One line.

The old sewing machine was at my dad, which was inherited from his parents. This typewriter is very many years old and, accordingly, it is not easy to work with it and contact, since it is a sample when you need and work with your hands and legs at the same time. The line type she could only perform one, but the old generation loved to sew on it.

A huge minus of old sewing machines is that they take a lot of place, about how the table, if you take the sewing machine of my grandparents from the daddy side. This is not a written table. And in time, the sewing machine worked longer, it was necessary to spend time to correctly fill the thread and put the necessary seams, set up for the fabric, and of course, to put a large thread in the needle and a big and serious task that is not always for every person, even young girls are not always Quickly make a thread in a needle, and this is a waste of time, unlike modern, high-speed, small-sized sewing machines, and the possibilities of modern cars to go more. They can and embroider and seams are different to the fabric and perform the funklock functions, it is convenient.

Old sewing machines can be handed over to advertisements, which are printed on the pillars, which can withdraw old sewing Mashnka, will come by a person who is just Zabet for free. But a smart person can guess, one hundred old and rare things are easily sold on the Internet sites for example of Avito, Yula, forums of old collections, and if the sewing machine has a rare occur, then for the museum can purchase. Each person will decide for himself that he will do with an old sewing machine. For example, my dad sold the sewing machine of my ancestors because of a highly large size and not need to keep such a mahin, and he bought a new and modern sewing machine with its capabilities and electrical work with different seams.

There was another old sewing machine of the German Singer, she still has in my sister, which is perfectly sewing on it, this machine is mechanical, but its quality assembly and tailoring is simply at the height, I don't want to get rid of such a sewing machine, since It is made excellent, has a great design, takes at least a place as a modern sewing machine and at the same time sews without jambs, albeit on the same function, but its minus is that it performs only one line, unlike modern sewing and electrical machines. Which and embroider and beautiful seams make.

It is confident that Avito rarely you can find a high-quality sewing machine and at a low price, as it would have bought it, who disassembled in sewing and knows all technology cutting and tailoring.

Old sewing machines buy beginners opening workshops on repair, who cannot immediately allow you to buy everything new, people take the old and supported, most importantly, to be a splitting machine in good and working condition. And to save capital for such people on the underwear of clothing jeans trousers with high passability and adikvatny prices will not be difficult, many people are ready to highlight on the circumcision of new jeans. But from that, the workshops on the sewing and repair are unchecked and acquire Sewing skills. And then they are already ruined on new less professional sewing machines at 50,000 and above thousand rubles, since they do not buy and can change their mind at any time, and the old bu can be bought and found for 1000 rubles.

Rarity sewing machines can easily fly at auction for considerable money, but they need to occupy and understand the essence of the case of such events and what benefit will be for you and is it that it makes sense in this.

Avito, Yula, the site for the sale of old and unnecessary things can solve the problem with an adequate price, excellent photographs in all angles and an accurate description of selling a sewing machine in a matter of days.

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Probably, many seen ads about buying old sewing machines. Such goods are now considered valuable, although some sell them for a fairly low cost. Where to sell the old sewing machine, told in the article.

Functions of old sewing machines

Old equipment performs high-quality lines, although they have no diversity of functions as in new devices. On some you can perform a zigzag. Processing the edges of matter, as with overlock, can not be with an old typewriter.

Many people appreciate the instruments for the quality of assembly and work, as it rarely meet among new devices. The equipment is perfect for sewing dense tissues, as well as lightweight materials. All seams will be strong, so the clothes are much longer than any purchase.

Myth about "Seagull"

Even more than 10 years ago there was a massive purchase of old sewing machines "Seagull". At that time, some faces distributed information about the high value of the goods, allegedly in the details of the mechanism there are precious metals. Because of this, many spilled the thing to find value.

Often there were cases of fraud when people bought as if valuable details. It was necessary to take metal samples from a specific part of the mechanism. The chips went by mail with the application of some amount for the organization of expertise. As a result, the buyer assigned money and did not in touch. Such fraud has become common with the development of the Internet.

Sewing machine "Seagull" with a foot drive has a cost in the range of 100-1000 dollars and more. The price may be different, it all depends on the state of the equipment, the appearance, the year of production and the model. There are several options where to sell an old sewing machine.

Why buy old cars?

In fact, the equipment "Seagull" does not have precious metals. To date, the goods are in demand due to the high quality of work. Since such devices are not available now, then the sewing business masters buy them for personal use for higher cost.

Where to sell an old sewing machine "Podolsk" if it does not work? In this case, you can contact the workshop for the repair of such equipment. Wizards can use the items that are not released now. Another reason for the buying equipment is the high-quality firmware of dense and coarse materials, with which not all modern devices are coping with. Devices are bought as a vintage decoration of designer studios for the production of clothing, theatrical details, museum exhibits.


If there is such equipment at home, you should not hurry to throw it away. Rare goods can be implemented for a fairly decent amount. Before you know where to sell an old sewing machine, it is important to get acquainted how to do it. First you need to know the brand name and the year of manufacturing equipment. It is necessary to clean the machine, eliminate the shortcomings. It is necessary to refresh the appearance.

Where to sell an old sewing machine if it is prepared? It is necessary to go to or to private antiques to learn about the demand and prices for the goods. Then you need to find the wizard to repair and clean the machine so that it determines the state. The device should be photographed from different sides, after which you can sell it on the Internet auction. The goods can be placed on several resources. Implementation occurs with the help of Internet forums, ads in newspapers. If you use all popular methods, it will be very soon to sell equipment.

Singer cars

The unique equipment intended for household needs once was in demand in the world. In the last century, it began to use a kind of designer design for its design: lines, decorations, unusual forms. To date, collectors are interested in such objects. It increases cost even the usual details have demand. These include covers, needles boxes. Where to sell an old sewing machine "Singer"? You can contact Lombard, as many firms take such goods at a high price. Often they are bought for 5000-15000 rubles.


Old equipment is considered a sewing machine "Veritas", which was produced in different versions. Among them are devices with a foot drive. The feature of the devices is the presence of a rotating in the circle of shuttle, and not swinging, as can be found from the "Seagulls".

Machines have differences from other devices. The main advantage is the reliability and quality, stable and soft work. Many use them in Atelier, where the load is much higher than at home. The minus is considered the absence of spare parts. This should be taken into account when buying equipment, because in the absence of any details, they are not found later. The company produces modern cars that compete with global brands.


Such a machine is considered unique. Created this equipment Soviet engineers. In domestic execution, structural details of industrial machines were used. The presence of an internal electric drive and a convenient pedal made the device popular at the time. Besides, in the kit there is a manual drive. This machine makes a complete zigzag, she is shifting the needle from the center and there are other opportunities. There is a high-quality tensioner of the upper thread. But the equipment did not receive further development, because it is difficult to repair, and it is difficult to find parts.

Other valuable cars

Antique products include the products of the following brands:

  1. Pfaff.
  2. Naumann.
  3. Kaizer.

Each equipment has its own characteristics, but all devices are valued for quality. That is why the sewing masters acquire such devices, because it is impossible to buy them in stores.

Those instruments that have never been repaired are highly appreciated. The perfect condition of the thing increases its cost. For it, you can get about 5,000 dollars. Products with manual fitting, high-quality assembly represent a special value. Where to sell an old sewing machine "Kostroma"? You can implement equipment through pawnshops or shops of buying.


To sell sewing equipment, you can serve ads in newspapers, the Internet. It is necessary to place competent text and photo of the machine from different sides. As contact information, the phone usually indicates. For more profitable to sell the goods, you need to know about it as much information as possible. You should ask information about the company, assembly, year of production. The more valuable equipment, the higher the price is.

Why do you need to contact Lombard?

Where to sell an old sewing machine? It is advisable to conclude a deal with professional buyers. The benefits of Lombard include:

  • Great service.
  • Counseling.
  • Signing a treaty.
  • Confidentiality.
  • Legality.
  • Competent disposal of the product.

Where to sell an old sewing machine in St. Petersburg or another big city? Now there are commission stores, trading companies, where you can implement a valuable thing. When contacting qualified masters, the product can be sold at a decent price.

Equipment on metal supports often pass on scrap for processing. This secondary raw material is called "Business Lom". It includes most of the components. Old equipment is used for interior design. Coffee tables, colors stands are created from it. Thus, the implementation of old sewing machines is performed in different ways. Before selling the product, you should familiarize yourself with several favorable ways. Probably, it will be possible to make a deal with high payment.