Repairs Design Furniture

How to choose a building stapler: Professional advice. Choose a furniture mechanical stapler and brackets. Do not confuse the type of bracket! What stapler construction is better to buy for home

We continue to choose with you professionally. Many tools have already revealed to us their secrets, but until now, the conversation did not go about the stapler. Already quite a long time, the construction stapler has become a mandatory and indispensable component of the Arsenal of the Wizard, regardless of the kind of activity. Today we consider the features of this tool.

Today I would like to tell about a very simple, but extremely interesting tool. It has a narrow specialization, but performs a thousand and one operation. It is durable and functional, but it is relatively inexpensive. Hitting - it creates. So, we meet - the stapler construction.

The stapler leads its history from the eighteenth century. It is said that for the first time the device for clogging the brackets applied in France, naturally, with the royal court. In the nineteenth century, in connection with the development of printing and typography, the stapler received a new round of development. In 1866, a mechanism was patented for connecting paper sheets using metal brackets, in a year - for thin brass sheets. However, this recognition of the taker, stapler, a stacker, a navit, a scaffler, the stapler received quite recently, especially if we talk about its construction application.

As soon as the first staplers appeared in our country, they produced a Furior in the circle of domestic elaborates. This tool was shot literally everything that the bracket could have been pierced, even there were attempts to secure plasterboard to a wooden frame.

Once it came out simply anecdotal situation. Our guys glued cork wallpapers, which did not want to stick together, because they decided until the glue would catch, temporarily grab them with brackets. It was at this time that the Customer complained to the object (very influential in our country a man) and saw how we were carrying a crossliver. He got silently cellular telephone and tested to the phone: "Ivan Ivanovich (even more famous person), And these builders you advised you, the plug on the glue sat down? Yes? And I shook the stapler ... ". It turned out, he just joked.

How stapler works

The main work in the stapler performs an uncomplicated shock mechanism. Mechanical and electric tags have in their design vitu or flat spring springwhich is eliminated by a motor or muscular strength (a stapler with a pneumatic drive is somewhat different, but let's talk about it later).

So, by pressing the trigger, or translating the lever in the extreme position, we release the bore. The latter, obeying elementary physical law, pulls out a separate bracket from the climate and drives it into the material. The brackets are charged to the pistol shop by the type of stationery, they are also (using a spring pusher) are served in the zone of the output channel. It is believed that in contrast to the office fellow, this tool simply drives the equipment to the base, but in fact there are models with a response "anvil", thanks to which the paws are bent.

In essence, the equipped taker replaces the hammer with nails, only one press is required to perform the task, instead of several separate shots. Note that if earlier the staplers shot the material only with brackets, now they can score nails and even a different kind of mounting studs - pins.

Thanks unique design, Taker has become a very popular tool that has a lot of advantages:

  • bringing materials to each other does not take a lot of physical strength;
  • compared to the use of the hammer, the installation takes several times less time;
  • in most cases, only one hand is involved, the second we can help themselves;
  • as a rule, there is no need to put pressure on the tool, which is very convenient when working in an unstable position, for example, on a stepladder;
  • the spring item is easily nailed;
  • you can "bring up" into the clamping place;
  • kinetic energy is transmitted very accurately, there is no danger to damage the main workpiece (for example, with glazing). No vibration, chips, scratches;
  • this multifunctionality due to a variety of consumables;
  • a small number of movable parts is reliability, durability, ease of operation and maintenance;
  • consumables are not subject to corrosion;
  • a high degree of security - an acute snap closed inside the case, the fuse system is used for non-mechanical devices. You can not fear by fingers.

What is the stapler

The modern stapler performs two main types of tasks. The first is the feeding of one material to another. As a rule, the basis is plastic, wood or its derivatives (chipboard, OSP, plywood), but fasten everything that the taker can break through. The second task is to cross the equivalent parts with a bend of the bracket. In any case, the compound is obtained very reliable, especially if applying a snap-in with asymmetric sharpening or melted coating.

The stapler of furniture business masters and decorators was very loved. Wide use of this tool found in construction and production. Almost everyone homemade Masters Such a car is available in the arsenal. Here are just some operations that are performed using a taker:

  • mount different furniture upholstery and structural elements;
  • drapery;
  • fixation on frames of canvas, posters, reproductions;
  • feeding to the framework of leafy materials (DVP, chipboard, osp, plywood, foil, tin);
  • making modules, subsystems and dooms;
  • installation of rubberoid I. bituminous Tiles;
  • installation of insulation materials, films, membranes and insulation;
  • facing the surfaces of plastic and wooden clapboard, siding;
  • assembly of flooring floors;
  • fixation of carpet coatings;
  • laying power and low-current electrical cables;
  • posting performance;
  • the device of filmcens and greenhouses;
  • crossing corrugated cardboard;
  • assembly of pallets and packaging frames;
  • fastening the strokes on wooden eurowindows.

Of course, not every mechanical stapler can perform all the work, listed here. But electrical and pneumatic tags are much more productive, they are capable of everything. Let's understand what the tacks differ and what is for what is intended.

Stapler mechanical

Modern mechanical stapler in its own way, as if medieval crossbow or AK-47. Take this elegant thing in your hands and you understand: here it is perfection. There is nothing superfluous in it, it is simple and infinitely relieved.

Mechanical models of staplers are characterized by the least complex design that does not require special skills from the user. They almost do not have high details, in fact, these are only springs. To maintain mechanical tags, general use lubricants are needed, simply apply them from time to time. The main advantage of such devices, naturally, is the absolute autonomy, independence from electrical and air networks, they are always ready for work. Such models are the easiest and compact, on their ergonomics there is a positive effect of the lack of network cables, hoses and batteries.

The mechanical staplers are powered by an exceptionally muscular force. However, this is not always manual machine. In the workshop production, stationary staples are often used, in which (by means of a system and levers), the drive is carried out by the operator's foot. Unfortunately, a mechanical bobbin pistol is difficult to perform large volumes Works, and not any material to them is suspended, for each device there is an irresistible restriction on the length of the snap.

The main parts of the bracket are made from alloyed or structural steel. The hobby body of the hobby can be made of shockproof ABS-plastic (RAPID-R53 Ergonomic). At the same time, it is preferable if the lever is metallic, as the main force is attached. It's believed that the best wayWhen the casing is collapsible, assembled on the screws, and not on the rivets, which makes it possible to get to the "insides" and clean the necessary repair. Durable stable case provides a stapler durability and high quality performed operations. Excellent durability / weight have cast enclosures from light alloys. All steel housings protect special coating - powder painting or nickelting / chrome.

When choosing a stapler should pay attention to the type of shock mechanism. Torsion (twisted) spring requires the application of great effort, respectively and the return from the tool is quite tangible. Spring (lamellar) spring is used in professional models. It is much easier to "divide" and provides a smaller return, but the machine with such a design will cost more. In general, the problem of returning for a stapler is very serious. To neutralize returns, all sorts of shock absorbing, damping overlays on the handles, special constructive decisions Cases when energy is distributed to the entire palm evenly. Small return and low noise directly indicate the quality and manufacturability of the tool.

It is not clear how manufacturers make it, but in some models, the effort to the working lever must be applied unevenly. IN extreme pointWhen work on compression is carried out by an open brush, the lever is relatively easy, and when we press it closer to the housing - the spring "resists" is much stronger, but the possibilities of the hand increase. Due to this load distribution, you can for a long time Work without fatigue. By the way, it will not be superfluous to take a look at the so-called "corner of the capture" - how much the lever is allocated from the housing (the smaller this distance, the tool is more convenient, especially for the work "weight").

The most important element of the mechanical taker is the adjusting mechanism of the punching force. With the help of a corrugated wheel (Stayer 31510) or the switch can be adjusted under the material of certain hardness. For example, a minimum force is needed for pine, whereas for chipboard or plastic will need the entire potential of the spring. This option allows you to score a bracket or a nail exactly flush with a plane, without "habitant" and without an excessive immersion, in which the target material is rushed, or dents remain from the brisk.

A highly useful feature is the possibility of double impact (reusable shot) when you can make an additional impulse on the unfailed bracket. In this case, the flow mechanism is turned off.

To drive the snap-in for a given distance from the edge of the part, all sorts of remote stops, guide elements or hooks (Bosch HT8) are used.

To bring up to the instrument in inaccessible placeThe nose of the output canal sometimes make protruding.

To eliminate the involuntary triggering of the corded stapler during storage and transportation, use the "Unstressed Descent" function. In a certain position, the lever without interaction with the spring folds to the body and is fixed with a snack or ring (Hammer SET8). It disappears the need to do "shot into the air" or completely empty the store.

About Shop. It is important that it reliably close in the equipped state. Download operations are much easier to produce, if they are inserted into the gun (by analogy with the stationery), and do not ride through the slot. It is very convenient to be able to control the number of remaining brackets in the store, without disassembling it - through the viewing window. The preservation system is considered to be the presence of a safety system requiring when disassembling the feed node flip the gun working plane (Novus J-19 EADHG).

The most important aspect of the choice of a mechanical stapler is a standard snap-in size. The classic option is the equipment of the apparatus P-shaped bracket of a certain thickness, widths, with different length legs. There are staplers "cable", which have a round groove in the working part, allowing you to put a tool to a low-current cable (4-8 mm in diameter, voltage up to 50 volts) and install a U-shaped bracket. By the way, in nature there are special brackets working with an insulating gasket, for attachment of quite large power wires (Novus J 19 OKY).

Much popularity was acquired by universal tags, capable of working with straight and rounded brackets at the same time, as well as small nails and pins that are loaded on the right or to the left of the Boyhead. Anyway, but pay attention to the maximum permissible length of the recommended consumables and the width of the equipment (the brackets with a large plane are better kept thin materials, for example, polyethylene film). To cross the cardboard, the bending brackets are used - the stapler will need with a response anvil.

A separate type of mechanical staplers are bobbin hammers (hammer tacks) that have a longitudinal layout. Work in such machines is performed under the action of inertia - we just hit the tool on the plane. The hammer stapler cannot provide jewelry accuracy of fastening, but it is indispensable on large areas, when you need to quickly shoot any thin-sheet material (for example, a runner of the runneroid or diffusion membrane). The length of such a tool is usually limited to 10 millimeters. There was again succeeded by Novus and Stayer.

Electric stapler

Takers S. electrical drive Significantly functional and stronger, compared with mechanical models, since the motor is fulfilled by the motor. Here manufacturers can apply more resistant springs, and therefore, and get at the output of a large force of impact, and, accordingly, equip a tool to large consumables. The electrical scobbler has all the useful options of a simple stapler, except other than mobility (a socket is required). The problem, of course, is solved by using the battery, but there is a question of mass and tank.

The power of electrical staples can reach 1500 W (Black & Decker KX418E), which allows you to score to snap on a very decent depth. So, for example, the RAPID EN50 gun is able to work with 50-millimeter studs. On average, the "ceiling" in length of the bracket is 25 mm, while the "muscular" machines are about 10-15 mm.

To protect against lesion, the developers applied plastic covers and rubberized overlays on the handle. Network cord and motor winding have double insulation. By the way, the solid length of the supply cable (5 or more meters) is considered to be a rule of good tone - it seriously increases product ergonomics.

The main tester nodes, and the sole in particular are made of metal, which affects the durability and functionality of the tool. However, the weight of an electric stapler (add a lot of engine here) It is often over the mark of 2 kilograms.

Naturally, a stapler with a motor has a number of interesting systems: smooth (Metabo Ta M 3034) or stepwise (Sparky T 14) Adjusting the strength of impact, protection against accidental start, safety locks, pulse frequency control, depth sensors, automatic reusable (Novus J -155 a), a device for removing fasteners, a blow of two brackets, a shot of pressure on the tip (Bosch Ptk 14 E).

Many masters have complaints on the low rate of electric staplers, therefore it is worth paying attention to such a characteristic of the tool as the maximum number of pulses during a certain time. For average models, this indicator is within 20-30 shots per minute.

In the case of rechargeable electrothekers, take a look at the battery capacity, the speed of its complete charge. Excellent if there is a second silence block, Or, if it is interchangeable with a battery from another tool of the same manufacturer. For example, the Makita BST220RFE model is completed with two 14,4-volt blocks with a capacity of 3 Ah, which are charged only 20 minutes. And Makita BST 221 Z is sold "in pure form" - at all without a charging and battery, but such a device is twice as much as the equipped analog. In general, 18-volt one is installed on this machine. lithium block BL1830 type "Slider".

As for the performance of battery cars, it is on this moment Just impressive. Staples and nails up to 30 mm long, thousands of shots from one charge, rapidity up to 30 beats per minute (Bosch Ptk 3,6 V). And this is at the weight of the stapler at 1.7-2.5 kg (Makita T221DW - 1.7 kg, Ryobi CNS1801M - 2 kg).

Pneumatic stapler

The tread, which works from compressed air is the most powerful tool among all stitches. It is not surprising that they are direct relatives of monsters who are clogged into concrete and steel mounting pins (by analogy with a powder gun) or huge nails in the wood - up to a hundredthly size. There is no main spring in their mechanism, and the main performer of the work is a pneumatic cylinder, which air is served from a pneumatic distributor managed by a pedal (for stationary models) or a chicken (for hand tool). The design of such cars is quite simple, they are durable and easy to serve, you only need to clean the tool. Inexpensive sealing rings are considered to be quickly-free details of pneumatic staplers.

However, for pneumatics needed compressed air (compressor), and for some industrial instances, a separate power supply line also. It is believed that this tool is mainly applied on average and large production. The most important characteristics Pneumatic staplers are working pressure and, to some extent, the air flow per blow. There are models that work at a pressure of 4 bars, and there are such that they will require 6-8 bar. With a lack of air (consumption), there are usually no problems, because it is not a paintopult. It turns out that such equipment will fully pull the average mobile compressor With a receiver of 25 liters, which costs about $ 200. That is why pneumatic staplers have become increasingly used in small shops And on construction sites.

For which pneumatics is especially valued, so it is for rapidity. A gun scoring one bracket per second (SENCO SFT 10) is considered the norm, and this is twice as fast than any electrical analog.

Interestingly, with the abundance of metal parts, the middle pneumatic taker weighs almost as much as its mechanical fellow - near a kilogram. In addition, it is quite compact.

Naturally, such staplers have all useful properties Electric sewers, as well as a set of their features. These are blocking systems, contact and separate starts (Bosch GTK 40 Professional), impact adjustment, mechanism against stinging brackets, removable filter (Makita AT2550A), multiple blow ...

Makita AT2550A.

Many pneumatic staplers easily cope with long and wide brackets (up to 50 mm), medium nails. They are the most productive.

We will emphasize once again, no matter what kind of stapler you have chosen - pay attention to the snap-in with which it works. It is its standard size that can most of all of the true purpose of the instrument. Use exclusively "branded" consumables, only so you can count on a long service life of the taper.

We continue to choose with you professionally. Many tools have already revealed to us their secrets, but until now, the conversation did not go about the stapler. Already quite a long time, the construction stapler has become a mandatory and indispensable component of the Arsenal of the Wizard, regardless of the kind of activity. Today we consider the features of this tool.

Today I would like to tell about a very simple, but extremely interesting tool. It has a narrow specialization, but performs a thousand and one operation. It is durable and functional, but it is relatively inexpensive. Hitting - it creates. So, we meet - the stapler construction.

The stapler leads its history from the eighteenth century. It is said that for the first time the device for clogging the brackets applied in France, naturally, with the royal court. In the nineteenth century, in connection with the development of printing and typography, the stapler received a new round of development. In 1866, a mechanism was patented for connecting paper sheets using metal brackets, in a year - for thin brass sheets. However, this recognition of the taker, stapler, a stacker, a navit, a scaffler, the stapler received quite recently, especially if we talk about its construction application.

As soon as the first staplers appeared in our country, they produced a Furior in the circle of domestic elaborates. This tool was shot literally everything that the bracket could have been pierced, even there were attempts to secure plasterboard to a wooden frame.

Once it came out simply anecdotal situation. Our guys glued cork wallpapers, which did not want to stick together, because they decided until the glue would catch, temporarily grab them with brackets. It was at this time that the Customer complained to the object (very influential in our country a man) and saw how we were carrying a crossliver. He silently took out a cell phone and said to the phone: "Ivan Ivanovich (even more well-known personality), and these builders you advised you, a plug on the glue Salted? Yes? And I shook the stapler ... ". It turned out, he just joked.

How stapler works

The main work in the stapler performs an uncomplicated shock mechanism. Mechanical and electric tags have in their design vitua or flat spring spring, which is encouraged using a motor or muscular strength (a stapler with a pneumatic drive is somewhat different, but let's talk about it later).

So, by pressing the trigger, or translating the lever in the extreme position, we release the bore. The latter, obeying elementary physical law, pulls out a separate bracket from the climate and drives it into the material. The brackets are charged to the pistol shop by the type of stationery, they are also (using a spring pusher) are served in the zone of the output channel. It is believed that in contrast to the office fellow, this tool simply drives the equipment to the base, but in fact there are models with a response "anvil", thanks to which the paws are bent.

In essence, the equipped taker replaces the hammer with nails, only one press is required to perform the task, instead of several separate shots. Note that if earlier the staplers shot the material only with brackets, now they can score nails and even a different kind of mounting studs - pins.

Due to the unique design, the taker has become a very popular tool with a lot of advantages:

  • bringing materials to each other does not take a lot of physical strength;
  • compared to the use of the hammer, the installation takes several times less time;
  • in most cases, only one hand is involved, the second we can help themselves;
  • as a rule, there is no need to put pressure on the tool, which is very convenient when working in an unstable position, for example, on a stepladder;
  • the spring item is easily nailed;
  • you can "bring up" into the clamping place;
  • kinetic energy is transmitted very accurately, there is no danger to damage the main workpiece (for example, with glazing). No vibration, chips, scratches;
  • this multifunctionality due to a variety of consumables;
  • a small number of movable parts is reliability, durability, ease of operation and maintenance;
  • consumables are not subject to corrosion;
  • a high degree of security - an acute snap closed inside the case, the fuse system is used for non-mechanical devices. You can not fear by fingers.

What is the stapler

The modern stapler performs two main types of tasks. The first is the feeding of one material to another. As a rule, the basis is plastic, wood or its derivatives (chipboard, OSP, plywood), but fasten everything that the taker can break through. The second task is to cross the equivalent parts with a bend of the bracket. In any case, the compound is obtained very reliable, especially if applying a snap-in with asymmetric sharpening or melted coating.

The stapler of furniture business masters and decorators was very loved. Wide use of this tool found in construction and production. Almost every homemade master has a similar machine in arsenal. Here are just some operations that are performed using a taker:

  • fastening of various furniture upholstery and structural elements;
  • drapery;
  • fixation on frames of canvas, posters, reproductions;
  • feeding to the framework of leafy materials (DVP, chipboard, osp, plywood, foil, tin);
  • making modules, subsystems and dooms;
  • installation of rubberoid and bitumen tiles;
  • installation of insulation materials, films, membranes and insulation;
  • facing the surfaces of plastic and wooden clapboard, siding;
  • assembly of flooring floors;
  • fixation of carpet coatings;
  • laying of power and low-current electrical cables;
  • posting performance;
  • the device of filmcens and greenhouses;
  • crossing corrugated cardboard;
  • assembly of pallets and packaging frames;
  • fastening the strokes on wooden eurowindows.

Of course, not every mechanical stapler can perform all the work, listed here. But electrical and pneumatic tags are much more productive, they are capable of everything. Let's understand what the tacks differ and what is for what is intended.

Stapler mechanical

Modern mechanical stapler in its own way, as if medieval crossbow or AK-47. Take this elegant thing in your hands and you understand: here it is perfection. There is nothing superfluous in it, it is simple and infinitely relieved.

Mechanical models of staplers are characterized by the least complex design that does not require special skills from the user. They almost do not have high details, in fact, these are only springs. To maintain mechanical tags, general use lubricants are needed, simply apply them from time to time. The main advantage of such devices, naturally, is the absolute autonomy, independence from electrical and air networks, they are always ready for work. Such models are the easiest and compact, on their ergonomics there is a positive effect of the lack of network cables, hoses and batteries.

The mechanical staplers are powered by an exceptionally muscular force. However, this is not always a manual machine. In the workshop production, stationary staples are often used, in which (by means of a system and levers), the drive is carried out by the operator's foot. Unfortunately, a mechanical bobbing pistol is difficult to perform large volumes of work, and not any material is suspended, for each device there is an irresistible limitation on the length of the snap.

The main parts of the bracket are made from alloyed or structural steel. The hobby body of the hobby can be made of shockproof ABS-plastic (RAPID-R53 Ergonomic). At the same time, it is preferable if the lever is metallic, as the main force is attached. It is believed that the best option when the casing is collapsible, assembled on the screws, and not on the ripples, which makes it possible to get to the "insides" and produce cleaning, the necessary repair. A durable stable case provides a stapler durability and high quality operations performed. Excellent durability / weight have cast enclosures from light alloys. All steel housings are protected by a special coating - powder painting or nickelting / chrome.

When choosing a stapler should pay attention to the type of shock mechanism. Torsion (twisted) spring requires the application of great effort, respectively and the return from the tool is quite tangible. Spring (lamellar) spring is used in professional models. It is much easier to "divide" and provides a smaller return, but the machine with such a design will cost more. In general, the problem of returning for a stapler is very serious. To neutralize returns, all sorts of shock absorbing, damping lining on the handles, special design solutions of the hulls, when energy is distributed to the entire palm evenly. Small return and low noise directly indicate the quality and manufacturability of the tool.

It is not clear how manufacturers make it, but in some models, the effort to the working lever must be applied unevenly. At the extreme point, when work on compression is carried out by an open brush, the lever is relatively easy, and when we press it closer to the body - the spring "resists" is much stronger, but the possibilities of the hand increase. Thanks to this load distribution, you can work for a long time without fatigue. By the way, it will not be superfluous to take a look at the so-called "corner of the capture" - how much the lever is allocated from the housing (the smaller this distance, the tool is more convenient, especially for the work "weight").

The most important element of the mechanical taker is the adjusting mechanism of the punching force. With the help of a corrugated wheel (Stayer 31510) or the switch can be adjusted under the material of certain hardness. For example, a minimum force is needed for pine, whereas for chipboard or plastic will need the entire potential of the spring. This option allows you to score a bracket or a nail exactly flush with a plane, without "habitant" and without an excessive immersion, in which the target material is rushed, or dents remain from the brisk.

A highly useful feature is the possibility of double impact (reusable shot) when you can make an additional impulse on the unfailed bracket. In this case, the flow mechanism is turned off.

To drive the snap-in for a given distance from the edge of the part, all sorts of remote stops, guide elements or hooks (Bosch HT8) are used.

To bring the tool to a hard-to-reach place, the output channel is sometimes made by protruding.

To eliminate the involuntary triggering of the corded stapler during storage and transportation, use the "Unstressed Descent" function. In a certain position, the lever without interaction with the spring folds to the body and is fixed with a snack or ring (Hammer SET8). It disappears the need to do "shot into the air" or completely empty the store.

About Shop. It is important that it reliably close in the equipped state. Download operations are much easier to produce, if they are inserted into the gun (by analogy with the stationery), and do not ride through the slot. It is very convenient to be able to control the number of remaining brackets in the store, without disassembling it - through the viewing window. The preservation system is considered to be the presence of a safety system requiring when disassembling the feed node flip the gun working plane (Novus J-19 EADHG).

The most important aspect of the choice of a mechanical stapler is a standard snap-in size. A classic option is the equipment of the apparatus of the P-shaped bracket of a certain thickness, widths, with different length of the legs. There are staplers "cable", which have a round groove in the working part, allowing you to put a tool to a low-current cable (4-8 mm in diameter, voltage up to 50 volts) and install a U-shaped bracket. By the way, in nature there are special staples working with an insulating gasket for fastening rather large power wires (Novus J 19 Oky).

Much popularity was acquired by universal tags, capable of working with straight and rounded brackets at the same time, as well as small nails and pins that are loaded on the right or to the left of the Boyhead. One way or another, but pay attention to the maximum permissible length of the recommended consumables and the width of the equipment (the brackets with a large plane are better kept thin materials, for example, polyethylene film). To cross the cardboard, the bending brackets are used - the stapler will need with a response anvil.

A separate type of mechanical staplers are bobbin hammers (hammer tacks) that have a longitudinal layout. Work in such machines is performed under the action of inertia - we just hit the tool on the plane. The hammer stapler cannot provide jewelry accuracy of fastening, but it is indispensable on large areas, when you need to quickly shoot any thin-sheet material (for example, a runner of the runneroid or diffusion membrane). The length of such a tool is usually limited to 10 millimeters. There was again succeeded by Novus and Stayer.

Electric stapler

The testers with electrical drive are significantly functional and stronger, compared with mechanical models, since the motor is performed by the motor. Here manufacturers can apply more resistant springs, and therefore, and get at the output of a large force of impact, and, accordingly, equip a tool to large consumables. The electrical scobbler has all the useful options of a simple stapler, except other than mobility (a socket is required). The problem, of course, is solved by using the battery, but there is a question of mass and tank.

The power of electrical staples can reach 1500 W (Black & Decker KX418E), which allows you to score to snap on a very decent depth. So, for example, the RAPID EN50 gun is able to work with 50-millimeter studs. On average, the "ceiling" in length of the bracket is 25 mm, while the "muscular" machines are about 10-15 mm.

To protect against lesion, the developers applied plastic covers and rubberized overlays on the handle. Network cord and motor winding have double insulation. By the way, the solid length of the supply cable (5 or more meters) is considered to be a rule of good tone - it seriously increases product ergonomics.

The main tester nodes, and the sole in particular are made of metal, which affects the durability and functionality of the tool. However, the weight of an electric stapler (add a lot of engine here) It is often over the mark of 2 kilograms.

Naturally, a stapler with a motor has a number of interesting systems: smooth (Metabo Ta M 3034) or stepwise (Sparky T 14) Adjusting the strength of impact, protection against accidental start, safety locks, pulse frequency control, depth sensors, automatic reusable (Novus J -155 a), a device for removing fasteners, a blow of two brackets, a shot of pressure on the tip (Bosch Ptk 14 E).

Many masters have complaints on the low rate of electric staplers, therefore it is worth paying attention to such a characteristic of the tool as the maximum number of pulses during a certain time. For average models, this indicator is within 20-30 shots per minute.

In the case of rechargeable electrothekers, take a look at the battery capacity, the speed of its complete charge. Excellent if there is a second power unit, or, if it is interchangeable with a battery from another tool of the same manufacturer. For example, the Makita BST220RFE model is completed with two 14,4-volt blocks with a capacity of 3 Ah, which are charged only 20 minutes. And Makita BST 221 Z is sold "in pure form" - at all without a charging and battery, but such a device is twice as much as the equipped analog. In general, the 18-volt lithium block BL1830 type "Slider" is installed on this machine.

As for the performance of battery cars, it is at the moment just impressive. Staples and nails up to 30 mm long, thousands of shots from one charge, rapidity up to 30 beats per minute (Bosch Ptk 3,6 V). And this is at the weight of the stapler at 1.7-2.5 kg (Makita T221DW - 1.7 kg, Ryobi CNS1801M - 2 kg).

Pneumatic stapler

The tread, which works from compressed air is the most powerful tool among all stitches. It is not surprising that they are direct relatives of monsters who are clogged into concrete and steel mounting pins (by analogy with a powder gun) or huge nails in the wood - up to a hundredthly size. There is no main spring in their mechanism, and the main performer of the work is a pneumatic cylinder, which air is served from a pneumatic distributor managed by a pedal (for stationary models) or a curcken (for a manual tool). The design of such cars is quite simple, they are durable and easy to serve, you only need to clean the tool. Inexpensive sealing rings are considered to be quickly-free details of pneumatic staplers.

However, for pneumatics, compressed air is needed (compressor), and for some industrial instances there is also a separate line of power supply. It is believed that this tool is mainly applied on medium and large production. The most important characteristics of pneumatic staplers is the working pressure and, to some extent, the air flow rate. There are models that work at a pressure of 4 bars, and there are such that they will require 6-8 bar. With a lack of air (consumption), there are usually no problems, because it is not a paintopult. It turns out that such a technique will fully pull the average mobile compressor with a 25 liter receiver, which costs about $ 200. That is why pneumatic staplers have become increasingly used in small workshops and on construction sites.

For which pneumatics is especially valued, so it is for rapidity. A gun scoring one bracket per second (SENCO SFT 10) is considered the norm, and this is twice as fast than any electrical analog.

Interestingly, with the abundance of metal parts, the middle pneumatic taker weighs almost as much as its mechanical fellow - near a kilogram. In addition, it is quite compact.

Naturally, such staplers have all the beneficial properties of electrical sewers, as well as a set of their features. These are blocking systems, contact and separate starts (Bosch GTK 40 Professional), impact adjustment, mechanism against stinging brackets, removable filter (Makita AT2550A), multiple blow ...

Makita AT2550A.

Many pneumatic staplers easily cope with long and wide brackets (up to 50 mm), medium nails. They are the most productive.

We will emphasize once again, no matter what kind of stapler you have chosen - pay attention to the snap-in with which it works. It is its standard size that can most of all of the true purpose of the instrument. Use exclusively "branded" consumables, only so you can count on a long service life of the taper.

The stapler consistently falls into the list of tools that must be in every home. With it, you can attach almost any trim to all sorts of surface types: furniture stapler The same well copes with textiles, plywood, film, thin plastics. But that the tool really turned out to be useful and served for a very long time, it is necessary to correctly pick up. How to do it? What criteria are considered basic when choosing a furniture stapler?

How to choose a furniture stapler? Main steps

Before you go to the store behind the stapler, it is recommended at home to determine some of its parameters. First of all, such questions should be asked:

  1. Why do you need a stapler? It's one thing if the tool is necessary for the manufacture of furniture in the conveyor mode, and completely different - if the stapler will be used for rare and small home repairs.
  2. What type of tool suitable better? It should be studied existing species Staplers and, depending on the purpose of the purchase, choose the most suitable.
  3. Specifications - What should they be? It is recommended to pay special attention to the impact force parameter.
  4. What amount will it get painlessly allocate to the tool? The market presents a huge number of manufacturers offering high-quality furniture staplers under any wallet. It remains only to find the most suitable option for yourself.
  5. What is the price and quality ratio will be acceptable? Powerful tool, equipped additional featureswill cost more than his simpler "fellow". It is necessary to decide independently, where the line passes when even the highest performance features They will not be able to become a motivation to buy an expensive furniture stapler.

The last two points is the case of a purely personal ideas about what a tool should be. The recommendations of specialists make sense only about choosing the type of stapler and analyzing its main parameters.

Furniture Stapler: How to choose - Mechanical or electric?

Most often for household needs, either mechanical or electric stapler is purchased. What is better to buy?

Top view Principle of operation Benefits disadvantages
Mechanical (manual, spring) By clicking on the lever, the user causes the spring to shrink. At the time of its rally, the bracket is clogged.
  • relatively low price
  • simplicity and reliability of the design
  • safety in operation
  • compactness and mobility
  • the need to apply physical effort
  • slow work
Electric The bracket is clogged by influence electrical Energy. The user is enough to click on the button.
  • high power and speed
  • reliability of fixing brackets
  • process automation
  • the possibility of using the tool is even physically weak
  • high price
  • big weight
  • the presence of wires and constant dependence on electricity (if the model is not equipped with a built-in battery)

Manual models are an ideal option for users who periodically need to perform a small volume. The price of mechanical staplers is quite acceptable and does not exceed 5000 rubles. (Basically, the cost is within 400-1500 rubles.) Due to the simplicity of the design, the risk of device breakdown is significantly reduced, which makes acquisition of a truly reasonable investment.

If the furniture stapler is needed to perform serious tasks (over-checking large number Furniture, insulation of premises), it is better to give preference to a more powerful and productive electrical model. The cost of such a tool is slightly higher and is approximately 2000-10000 rubles. (But there are more expensive options).

There is another subspecies of the construction stapler - pneumatic. It is often used in production conditions and is stationary installation. The brackets are rushed into the surface due to the force of compressed air, thereby ensuring high performance performance. The cost of "pneumatics" is very high, since the tool is additionally necessary compressor. For home operating such a stapler to buy unprofitable.

How to choose a stapler furniture for the main parameters

On the features of the work of the furniture stapler affect its specifications. By choosing, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

1. Stroy force. It depends on the type of stapler: the smallest of the mechanical model and the largest in pneumatic. But among any category of tools there are staplers who clog the brackets better and worse. Looking through the range of building stores, you should stop on models that are capable of working with a greater length of the bracket: it is this characteristic that indicates a powerful blow strength. For example, choosing between a 4-8 mm stapler and 4-14 mm, it is better to give preference to the last option: it is possible to reduce the strength of the blow, and zoom is not.

2. Safety. Although the furniture staircer is easy enough to use, they can be injured. Usually manufacturers care about the protection of the user, equipping the tool with these functions:

  • inclusion only in the case when the stapler pressed to the surface;
  • autoCill with incomplete entry of the bracket into the material.

3. Ease of operation. If you have to work the stapler longer than fifteen minutes, the comfort of using the tool will become a really important criterion. Such characteristics are most important in this sense:

  • features of the handle. Comfortable handle - an indisputable advantage when choosing a furniture stapler. It is recommended to hold the tool in the hands before paying for it;
  • the presence of an impact power regulator. This feature is almost in every staplete and allows you to adjust the tool depending on the type of surface treated;
  • the ability to visually monitor the number of brackets. It is desirable that the selected stapler is equipped with an observation window. The user will be able to control the stock of the bracket in the process of work and understand how soon will have to "refuel".

4. Staples. Conventional brackets are suitable for working with soft materials. If the upholstery is planned with a cloth, you should give preference to hardened. P-shaped volts of type 53 were the greatest distribution.

Among manufacturers producing furniture staplers for home use - Sigma, Bosch, Stanley, Novus, Neo, Topex, Ultra. By purchasing products of these companies, the user can be confident as a tool.

A good furniture stapler is always useful. Even repair work It is not so often carried out, the tool will justify the cost of the purchase: sooner or later it will be found.

Furniture Stapler is enough universal toolWith which you can not only perform the procedure for the upholstery of furniture, but also a number of other construction operations.

To date, there is a different interconnection on the principle of operation:

  • pneumatic,
  • electric,
  • manual.

Pneumatic stapler is used in industry, and electric and manual - in everyday life. Models belonging to the last type are the most common in the furniture industry in mind their mobility and ease of operation. Let's take this example, consider the principle of operation, operation and repair of furniture staplers.

However, before moving on to this procedure, I would like to say a few words about brackets and their varieties.

The main indicator on which is focused when choosing a bracket is its depth. Depending on the nature of the work done, this indicator may vary from 4 to 14 millimeters.

So, for example, in order to implement the furniture upholstery procedure with a cloth, it will be enough for a bracket with a depth of 8 millimeters, whereas for fixing thicker materials should be selected with a greater depth.

Also, depending on overall dimensionsThe brackets are divided into the following types:

  • 53 - It is the most common. Logs of this type have a width of 11.4 millimeters and a thickness of 0.7 mm. The depth of this mounting element varies from 4 to 14 millimeters;
  • 140 - possessing the following characteristics: width - 10.6 millimeters, thickness - 1.2 mm, depth - similar to the previous type;
  • 36 - this marking indicates that the stapler can shoot brackets having a semicircular shape and used, mainly for mounting the cable;
  • 300 - These are special nails, destined only for a stapler.

When choosing a bracket, the structure of the material from which it is made should also be taken into account.

Conventional steel brackets are perfectly suitable for working with ordinary wood. However, if you are dealing with chipboard or plywood, then you should purchase brackets made from tempered steel, as the usual can just bend.

Handmade construction stapler has a store in which the clip is loaded with brackets or special nails. In the bracket beats the battlefield, which is attached to the drill. The size of the cooler in the instrument depends on the dimensions of the consumables used (brackets). The drummer, in turn, concerns the spring, the degree of compression of which is regulated by a special screw. Harvesting is made using a shock absorber, which is inside the stapler.

See the stapler on the diagram:

Device stapler with twisted combat spring

Twisted combat spring is installed on low-cost models.

Handheld stapler with lamellar (spring) combat spring

Stapler with a lamellar spring is more powerful and expensive.

How to use the stapler


In order to make the stapler refueling with brackets (i.e., to charge the stack), it is necessary, first, to push the spring intended for their pressure. The brackets themselves are accommodated in a special yellow, in which, in fact, they must be placed. After that, the spring is placed in place. The tool is fully ready for work.

Video: How to fill the stapler brackets

Now you know how to insert brackets into the stapler, we can move directly to work.


In order to fix the desired item, the device should be tightly attached to the place where the bracket is planned. After that, without opening the device from the surface, you must click on the button (lever) of the starting mechanism. In the event of a successful data of manipulation data, you will hear the characteristic sound and see the bracket entering the material.

In order to protect yourself when working with a construction stapler, some rules should be followed:

  • In the case of using a mechanical model of the device, it is necessary to adjust the screw controller. Perform this operation should be on a piece rough material By rotating the screw from a minimum to the maximum. If the bracket entered to the end from the first shot, you can proceed to work on the "final". Otherwise, repeated adjustment is required;
  • In order to drive the brackets at the same distance, you should first mark the necessary places with a pencil or a ballpoint handle;
  • Hold the material with a free hand, in order when he was shot, it did not shift with a pre-planned place;
  • Follow the amount of brackets in the "store" to not remain without a single fastener element at the most inopportune moment;
  • After the end of the work, lock the handle by the fuse to avoid spontaneous or random shots.

In addition to all of the above councils, you may also need assistance to repair this building toolsSince the staple, however, like any other equipment, tend to break.


The most common reason for the failure of the stapler is breakdown of the shock mechanism. However, in order to get to it, you should first disassemble the instrument. You can do this by following a number of simple operations:

  • Remove the adjusting screw;
  • Remove the spring;
  • Remove the protection cover;
  • Remove the pins;
  • Remove the lock washers.

If the list of action is not clear to you, how to disassemble the stapler, then you can see it below in the video.

After committing all of the above manipulations, you can see the drummer, who, for the most part, fails due to the development of its resource.

In order to repair this item, it is necessary to extract it in vice and using an ordinary file to give the initial shape.

Everything, the repair is over, and the tool is again in full combat readiness.

Tips why the stapler does not work and how to fix:

  • If your tool does not hold (does not finish) a bracket, then try tightening the spring, it may have weakened;
  • If the construction stapler is oppressed by the bracket - try adjusting the spring tension bolt (relax or tighten, experiment). Another probable cause of a malfunction is the inconsistency of the type of material structure of the material - for chipboard and plywood, it is recommended to buy braced steel brackets;
  • If the staples do not leave the stapler, but bent and stuck inside - possibly the batcher (tongue), which pushes them, rounded and should be treated;
  • If the mechanism itself works, and the brackets does not shoot - maybe it does not capture the bracket, erased the batter. Try to cut the batchers and turn the other side of the damper.

How to repair the bracket with your own hands, look in the video.

Video: repair stapler do it yourself

How to disassemble a furniture stapler, what to do if he jammed. What could be the reason to do if the construction stapler does not shoot brackets:

In real-time video, steps are shown how to disassemble the stapler, what could be the reason for the breakdown and how to fix it with your own hands, as well as how to assemble the stapler.

Video review staplers

You can also see small video On the review of furniture staplers, as well as the principle of their refueling, settings and work with them:

All homemade masters good luck will have questions - write!

Today we will tell about a very simple, but extremely necessary and interesting tool. And although it has a very narrow specialization, but at the same time performs "1001" operation. This tool is durable and functional, and hitting it, it creates. We hope that you guessed what it is about, of course, is a stapler. When you need to make a pack of paper, we use stationery stapler, And if you need carpet to the floor to quickly attach or drag furniture, then the construction stapler comes into business, otherwise, taker. How to choose a furniture stepper most suitable for a particular task, we will also tell me further.

Scope of construction stapler

The stapler leads its history from the 18th century. For the first time, this tool was applied in France to clog brackets. And in the 19th century, in connection with the development of printing and typography, this amazing tool received a new round of development. In 1866, the mechanism itself was patented for connecting paper sheets, and a year later, a mechanism was patented for connecting thin brass sheets.

This recognition of the taker or the stapler received quite recently when it began to be applied in construction. It is easily replaced by a hammer, and it makes it very efficient. In addition, if earlier tacks shot material only with brackets, now they can score nails and even mounting studs - pins.

What is the stapler?

Modern tool performs two main types of tasks:

  • Bringing one material to another. As a rule, the base is the basis of wood or its derivatives (plywood, chipboard, OSP), plastic, and they are attached to the base all that the stapler can break through.
  • Stitching equivalent parts with a bend of the bracket. The connection is very reliable.

The stapler was loved by masters of furniture and decorators, the tool in production and construction is widely applied. Here are just some operations that can be implemented using a miracle tool:

  • Drapery.
  • Fastening furniture upholstery and structural elements.
  • Fixation on frames of canvas, reproductions, posters.
  • Installation of rubberoid and bitumen tiles.
  • Facing the surface with various materials.
  • Bringing to the framework of sheet materials (chipboard, fiberboard, OSP, tin, plywood, foil).
  • Installation of insulation materials, insulation, films, membranes.
  • Assembling flooded floors.
  • Fastening the headquarters to the windows.
  • Making modules, crates and subsystems.
  • Fixation of carpet coatings.
  • Installation of film greenhouses and greenhouses.
  • Laying power and low-current electrical cables.
  • Stitching drywall.
  • Pragwalk.
  • Assembling pallets and packaging frames.

With all the above functions, the mechanical stapler may not cope, but the electric or pneumatic taker is much more productive. Therefore, we will look at how to choose a building stapler, depending on the task.

Advantages of tool

Due to the unique design, the construction stapler has a lot of advantages:

  • Bringing materials to each other does not take a lot of physical strength.
  • Installation takes at a minimum of time compared to the work of the hammer.
  • When working with a tool, one hand remains free and it can be supported by material.
  • High security. All sharp tool details are hidden inside the box. For non-mechanical devices, the fuse system is applied.
  • No need to press tool. It is very convenient while working in an unstable pose, for example, standing on the stepladder.
  • The possibility of use in uncomfortable and hard-to-reach places.
  • Spring item is easily nailed. If the parts navigable is spring, the taker can easily cope with it, in contrast to the hammer.
  • Accurate and clear shock transmission does not damage the workpiece, for example, when glazed.
  • The tool does not vibrate, so it will not appear on the surface either chipping or scratches.
  • Multifunctionality. Consumables There may be diverse: brackets, nails, selflessness, due to which the functionality of the tool is diverse.
  • Reliability, durability, thanks to the small number of moving parts.
  • Easy to operate and maintain.
  • Consumables are not subject to corrosion.

Types of staplers

There are three main types of tools:

  • Mechanical stapler.
  • Electric.
  • Pneumatic.

What exactly to choose a building stapler is better to solve, based on specific needs.

Mechanical scaffold - inexpensive classic

This is the easiest option in a constructive plan. It was this type of taker that fell on the soul of homemade crafts. It is only three details:

  • Lever arm.
  • Spring.
  • Case.

Principle of operation: squeezing the muscles of the lever, we bring the spring mechanism. Running, the spring scores and nails.

Important! Mechanical stapler is optimal option For household needs. With it, you can make small repairs, collect new furniture After delivery from the cabin and use for other "homely smallest things."

The advantages of the mechanical tool:

  • Simple design.
  • No special skills are required during use.
  • Does not have high details.
  • Simple care. All you need for mechanical tool- from time to time to lubricate it with a simple lubricant.
  • Absolute autonomy. The tool is always ready for work, it does not need hoses, batteries and batteries.
  • Easy, compact.

What to pay attention to when choosing a tool?

  1. Double strike mechanism (reusable shot) will not be superfluous for mechanical tools. It is used if the bracket has not completely entered the surface of the material. This feature makes it possible to make an additional impulse in the unfailed bracket. The flow mechanism in this case is disabled.
  2. To bring up the stapler into a hard-to-reach place, choose a tool with a protruding nose.
  3. If you need a tool that works with straight and rounded brackets, then pay attention to the universal taker. The tool can also work with small nails and pins.

Electric stapler - quickly, reliable, but more expensive

Unlike the mechanical tool, the electric stapler is significantly more and stronger, since all heavy work Motor performs for us. The electrical scobbler has all the advantages as a simple stapler, apart from course autonomy, as a socket is necessary for its work. A battery can solve the problem, but there is a problem with mass and capacity.

Important! The power of the electric tool reaches 1500 watts, which allows you to score a snap to a very greater depth.

To protect against current damage, manufacturers are used by plastic housings, and the handle has rubberized lining. Network cord and motor winding have double isolation.

The main assemblies of the electric taker and the sole are made of metal, which affects the functionality and durability of the tool.


Note the advantages of the instrument:

  • Functionality.
  • High performance.
  • The speed of operations.
  • High reliability of fixation.
  • The ability to score to a greater depth.
  • Durability.
  • Various impact strength adjustment: smooth, stepped.
  • Protection against accidental start.
  • Pulse frequency control.
  • There is a device for removing fasteners.
  • Ability to automatically reusable.
  • The ability to hit two brackets.
  • The shot is made from pressure on the tip.
  • There are depth sensors.

Disadvantages of electric stapler:

  • High price.
  • Work space is limited to the length of the cord. The solid length of the supply cable - 5 or more meters, is considered a rule of good tone.

Important! The weight of any electrical model is greater than the mass of the mechanical counterpart. The weight of the electrical tool sometimes over 2 kg (add a lot of engine here).

  1. When choosing a device, first of all, it is necessary to repel from rapidity, that is, the maximum number of pulses for a certain time. The models of the average price segment make 20-30 shots per minute. This is an indicator for the average model.
  2. If you decide to choose a furniture stapler with rechargeable battery, pay attention to the container and the speed of the battery full charge. Excellent if the device model has a second power unit or can be replaced with another battery of the same manufacturer.

Pneumatic stapler

The tool works from compressed air. All tasks perform just lightning. This is a very powerful stapler, because it is not surprising that such a tool is a relative "Monster", which scores in steel and concrete mounting pins or huge nails (to the hundredth of size) in wood.

In the mechanism of a pneumatic stapler, there is no main spring, and the aircielder is performed for it, to which air from the pneumatic distributor controlled by the pedal (in the stationary tool) or the curcken (in the manual version) is supplied.

Important! Despite its power, the design of the technique is quite simple. The stapler is easy to maintain, it only needs to be cleaned. The tool is durable, the only detail that can fail - is sealing ring. But the rings are cheap and easily replaced.

Tool advantages:

  • Instant fixation, regardless of the density of the base.
  • Easy to use and maintain.
  • High rapidity. A gun that scores one bracket per second is the norm.
  • Middle Weight does not differ from the mechanical tool and much less from electric. The weight of the pneumatic stapler is within 1 kg.
  • Compactness.
  • High performance.
  • High rapidity.
  • Perfectly copes with long and wide brackets.
  • The presence of a blocking system.
  • Contact and separate start.
  • Ability to adjust the impact.
  • The possibility of repeated impact.
  • There is a mechanism against stinging brackets.
  • The presence of a removable filter.

Disadvantages of the device:

  • Together with the stapler it is necessary to buy a compressor.
  • Limited radius of action, depending on the length of the hose.
  • Compressed air is needed, and for some models, a separate power supply line (for industrial).
  • Suitable only for fixed work.

Important! Pneumatic staplers became increasingly used in small shops, in the furniture factory and on construction sites, where the workers have their own equipped places, because neither the compressor, nor the stapler to carry anywhere. All operations will be produced lightning, and the brackets will be scored hard. Pneumatic staplers are considered better in terms of performance.

What stapler is better?

Regardless of the choice of tool - mechanical, electric or pneumatic, be sure to pay attention to the type and size of the equipment (bracket). It is this parameter that indicates the true purpose of the instrument.

Consider the main varieties of building staplers, and for what work they are suitable, it is easy to determine.

Classic taker

Suitable for home repairs. It has a mechanical shock mechanism. Starts by pressing the lever. Fasteners: nails and flat-type brackets.

Important! It's hard to work with such a tool for a long time, since the hand tires.

Cable stapler

Used for fixes on walls, plinths, electrical wiring furniture with a diameter of 4.5-7.5 mm. Voltage is allowed not more than 50 volts.

Important! Such a tool usually use when laying communication equipment or local computing network.


The tool is necessary to work with boxes of corrugated cardboard. Staples fasten paper much more reliable than scotch. This stapler is two types: mechanical, pneumatic.

Window stapler

It works not with brackets, but with stiletto metal. The mechanical device can score studs with a length of not more than 1.5 cm, and electric - up to 2.5 cm, pneumatic - up to 5 cm. The length of thin nails depends on the type of taker.

Skobooking hammer

The hammer-shaped tool is used on the roof when laying the runneroid or for insulation of the floor base. It is advisable to choose a building stapler of this type to use where the speed is needed. Staples are clogged at each blow of the hammer by material. Fixing brackets occurs due to inertia.

Stapler for a staple corner

The tool is applied when you need to cut two parts at a certain angle, for example, a frame for a photo or picture. This species The taker has the shape of the letter "V".

Impact force

If it is necessary to determine which construction stapler is better, the impact force becomes the defining characteristic. If you choose as a whole, then the smallest impact force in mechanical models, and the most powerful - at pneumatics.

But if you choose among two models, then you can calculate the strength of the strike by the largest bracket that the taker can score. For example, in a technical passport indicates the length of the brackets from 4 mm to 14 mm. You should be interested in the maximum value, because it is it determines the strength of the blow.

Important! If you have two models and one length of the bracket varies from 4 to 10 mm, and the second is from 4 to 14 mm, it is naturally preferable to take the second model.

However, it is necessary to remember that the maximum of the brackets is still dependent on the material being processed.

Important! For example, in a soft pine, a bracket of a length of 14 mm is simply perfect, but in oak wood, well, if you can score a bracket by 12 mm. With an increased hardness of the material, the impact force becomes much weaker, and the depth of scabing is less. It must be remembered to correctly choose a building stapler for specific needs.

  1. If you need a tool for homework, then choose a model that can score a 12 mm bracket or a little more. This will be quite enough.
  2. Use exclusively "branded" consumables to extend the service life of the instrument.
  3. When choosing a stapler, pay attention to the caleness of the store. The more consumables in it enters, the less you will have to fill new ones. This is especially true if there is a large amount of work.
  4. When buying a tool, pay attention to the magnitude of the handle. The length of the handle must be approximately equal to the width of the palm - then there will be a slight pressing.
  5. If you are going not only to work with a home instrument, but also to carry it, then purchase a storage case. It is better to purchase a model in the branded case that the tool is easy to store and transport.

The cost of the construction stapler directly depends on its type. So select the device for your needs:

  1. If you are looking for a reliable assistant for household needs and cosmetic repair, then inexpensive mechanical models at your service.
  2. For a private house or for work "On the way out", buy an electrical model.
  3. And if you want to open your business, you should spend money on a high-quality pneumatic taker.
  4. Each model is good in its own way and has its own specific characteristics that are not characterized by another model. Successful purchase!