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Miron What a name when baptism. Photo gallery: famous personality named Miron. The value of letters in the name of Miron

When in church calendar Name Day Mirone: August 30 - Miron Kizic, August 21 - Miron Cretan, Bishop.

Characteristic Birthday Mirone:

Of ancient Greek - exulting fragrant world, fragrant (cf. "Miropomanazing" is one of the church rites).

Miron is a very kind, dying and hardworking person. Last quality distinguished him as a child. Looks like a mother and belongs to her with great warmth. Honesty, commitment, loyalty to the word - these characteristic features always attract people, so it is not surprising that he is the leader in the team. In addition, the Miron is extremely extremely charming and spiritually gifted. Despite the seemingly softness, he persistently in matters and always without unnecessary fuss will bring the work started to the end.

If you can say about the man "home", then this is the Miron. He does not like long-distance and long trips, tied to the family, home, selflessly devoted to children. Nevertheless, in marriage, Miron is often not lucky. However, the divorce is not for him, for the sake of children, he will patiently demolish all the family troubles. Unfortunately, now rarely who calls Son Miron. And sorry is a very kind name, soft and radiating heat.

Congratulations on the name of Mirone:

Do not forget to celebrate the name of Mirone and congratulate Mirone on the day of Angel.

Good-natured, generous he,

Our beautiful friend Miron!

We want to congratulate you,

Deliver pleasure!

With name days, Miron,

Cliche flies from all sides!

Happiness, joy, love,

And still a hundred years you live!

You are free and active

But you are not naive!

Strong, brave and welcome,

And to others - not indifferent!

You - Comrade is very faithful,

The husband is sensible and approximate!

Women are all like alone

Mirone crazy!

Friend we congratulate you

To be rich, wish

Walked from luck,

Take Congratulations!

Long with her husband could not decide on the name for the Son. In the end, called the baby Miron. The husband believed that the kid with the same name would be a large, state-in-one word Bogatyr. I liked the meaning of the name and the features that it believes its owner. Although it is necessary to admit that at the beginning of us the parents of the spouse tried to dissuade from this behalf. And the reaction of acquaintances when they learned the name of the kid, too, was a stunning "unusual name", "What is such a name?" But now we are not even able to present our crumb to another name.

So, here's the value of this name: Male name Miron has occurred from the Greek word "Miro", meaning the name of the incense oil. It is translated as "fragrant" or "exacerbating world." Widespread B. european countries It does not have, in Russia, the name of the Miron also meets much less often than the surname that occurred from him.

Characteristic named: The character of Mirone can be called soft, but volveva. In life, he goes with a great sense of philanthropy, radiates charm and goodwill, but in fundamental issues is always able to defend his opinion and position. IN childhood Miron is a shy and kind boy. Difficulties in his upbringing, as a rule, does not happen, as he always listens to his parents, it is responsible to his home and school duties, never lies and does not do bad. Friends near young Mirone quite a lot. Though he behaves modestly, but always has a great prestige among the boys. It is for him that everyone goes for advice, because he can keep secrets and knows how to help in any business. Adult Miron is very calm, externally always a little sad, kind and generous man. He is hardworking and executive, it can be reached on it in everything. In communication, the owner of this name is modest, but pleasant. He immediately attracts the interlocutor with his reliability, principle, honesty, the ability to keep a word, erudition.

Compatibility with zodiac signs: the name of Miron will suit the boy born under zodiacal sign Virgin, that is, from August 24 to September 23. Virgo is also diligent, modest, sociable and insightful as Miron. It practically does not change his character, but will add to him initiative, practicality and ability to analyze

Pros and cons of the name Miron: What are the pros and cons of the minuses in the name of Miron? It is worth noting that it is almost never observed for flaws, because it is rare, deeply symbolic and beautiful name Very gently combined with Russian surnames and patronymic, and also has several harder cuts and diminishing forms, such as Mirka, Mirchik, Mironich, Miroha, Mironushka. The character of Mirone, thanks to the golden middleness between softness and hardness, is also excellent, so parents finding a name for their son, this option can be advised to be safe.

Health: Mirone's health is good, however, he can quickly get tired and have problems with his back.

Love and family relationships: in family relationship Miron shows home adherence and economic activity. He does not like trips, noisy parties, moving, so the wife chooses a woman to become very calm and value homemade. In the house of Mirone, it is not customary to scream or find out the relationship. Children grow exclusively in a relaxed, cheerful atmosphere, surrounded by the attention and respect of parents.

Professional sphere: in the professional sphere of Miron attracts the work complex, requiring significant mental efforts and ability to work. From it can be a successful surgeon, chemist, physicist, biologist, financier. Also many Mironov attracts work related to theater and cinema.

Name Day: Name Day orthodox calendar Miron (in church spelling also Mironi) celebrates April 2, August 21, August 30, September 30.

Another saint named Miron is a presbyter Miron Kizic. He lived in the 3rd century in Ahai. He was very meek and merciful. Once at the Big Day of the Nativity of Christ, he committed worship. At that moment, warriors broke into the temple along with the local ruler with an antiparter. They wanted to grab believers and execute.

Holy Miron stood up to protect his flock, began to expose the antipatra in cruelty, then it was grabbed and betrayed with torment: he was first hung. Then began to strict the body with iron ridges, and then threw into a hot furnace. At the same time, the Lord retained the life of the martyr, but there are no 150 pagans nearby, they were laid fire from the furnace.

Seeing this, the ruler began to force the saint to renounce Christ, but the Holy Miron did not wish to become traitors and apostate. The antpact after this ordered the belts from his skin, the presbyter Miron took one of these belts and threw a tongue to the face. He, in turn, came into rage and commanded to give the martyr to the existence of wild beasts. But the animals were not touched by St. Miron. After that, feeling defeated, the Antipatra committed suicide, and St. Mirone transported Kizik, where they cut off the sword's head.

Men's name Miron formed from the Greek word "Muron" and in translation means "Mirra", "Miro", "Pomazan Mirt", "fragrant", "fragrant resin mirate Tree" There is another version of the origin, according to which it is considered to be the Tajik form of the Persian name Miran and matters "Vladyka", "Lord", "Emir". Despite the beautiful sound, charisma and creative power, the name has not been widespread.

Astrology named

  • Zodiac sign: Virgo
  • Planet Patron: Proserpina
  • Stone-Talisman: Gray Marble
  • Color classification: Gray
  • Plant: Myrt.
  • Animal: mouse
  • Favorable day: Wednesday


IN early age Mironka is a little mischievous, a smart boy, but he learns well, does not conflict with children. Bogatvita Parents, especially Mama, listening to her advice. From childhood, it enjoys the pleasure of labor, actively participating in the Olympiads, sports competitions, conferences. It simplifies him promotion career stairs In adulthood.

The owner of the name Miron has a pleasant appearance. He is gallant, responsive, compliant, business. Any business started brings to a logical end. It laid such character traits as peacemaking, impressiveness, correctness, friendly attitude towards people. Its internal equilibrium can violate only the shallow lies and irresponsibility, which cause a sharp protest in it. He will not swear, find out the relationship, but will make conclusions and will forever strike out of his memory of such a person.

Miron carrier confidently and easily moves through life. It can not be called a fatalist. At the same time, he is confident that there is no moral evil in his fate. The constant positiveness of thinking, humanism causes genuine interest and respect for those around people.

Psychologists are confident that the characteristic of the name largely depends on the birth of the child. The world that appeared in the summer is endowed with stubbornness and vanity. The formation of its nature depends on the family relationships, life priorities Parents.

Hobbies and hobby

Such a man is interested in everything that can benefit or, on the contrary, serves as a "school change" between work and domestic worries. It has not only "golden hands", but also in life enjoys the "golden rule". If the Miron is set to build a house, then it does it. If decides to go fishing on the banks of the river, then he needs it in order to change the occupation and get a new charge of energy. But he will never go rest away from home and family. This is a test for him, not a vacation.

Profession and business

Miron is successful in many areas of activity related to accurate knowledge, mathematics, chemistry. He can find his calling in such professions as a builder, architect, engineer, designer. He is waiting for success in business, if it is associated with the formation of technologies, models, production facilities. In these areas, he managed to apply personal knowledge, creativity and hard work, which bring recognition and material wealth.


Miron need to fear injuries, supercooling and burns. It is necessary to exercise caution in extreme situations. His health can threaten overwork and overeating.

Sex and love

The sexual capabilities of Mirone are big, however, it is capable of revealing them only thanks to harmonious and sincere relationships with his beloved woman. In his perception, sex should be filled with feeling. Such a man is constantly looking for a response, tenderness and friendly understanding in intimate relations.

Family and marriage

For him, life without a family does not make sense. The mystery of the name of Miron is hiding a price-in-law, affectionate and responsible husband and father. Congenital home admiration places the center of his interests in the family circle. He creates a strategy for the existence of his home ownership, studying patience, is considered to be the opinion of his wife, decent, confident that serves as an example for children. But if the spouse does not appreciate his efforts, takes everything as proper or abuses patience, a break may occur. Miron does not leave the family for the sake of children, but lives only for them. He becomes another person with a different character.

The male name of Miron occurred from the Greek word "Miro", meaning the name of the incense oil. It is translated as "fragrant" or "exacerbating world." It does not have widespread in European countries, in Russia, the name of the Miron also meets much less frequently than the surname that occurred from him.

Characteristic named Miron.

The nature of Mirone can be called soft, but volveva. In life, he goes with a great sense of philanthropy, radiates charm and goodwill, but in fundamental issues is always able to defend his opinion and position. In childhood, Miron is a shy and kind boy. Difficulties in his upbringing, as a rule, does not happen, as he always listens to his parents, it is responsible to his home and school duties, never lies and does not do bad. Friends near young Mirone quite a lot. Though he behaves modestly, but always has a great prestige among the boys. It is for him that everyone goes for advice, because he can keep secrets and knows how to help in any business. Adult Miron is very calm, externally always a little sad, kind and generous man. He is hardworking and executive, it can be reached on it in everything. In communication, the owner of this name is modest, but pleasant. He immediately attracts the interlocutor with his reliability, principle, honesty, the ability to keep a word, erudition.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The name of Miron will suit the boy born under the zodiac sign of the Virgin, that is, from August 24 to September 23. Virgo is also diligent, modest, sociable and insightful as Miron. It practically does not change his character, but will add to him initiative, practicality and ability to analyze everything.

Pros and Cons name Miron

What advantages and cons will be noted in the name of Miron? It is worth noting that it is almost never observed that there is almost no deficiencies, because it is a rare, deeply symbolic and beautiful name is very gently combined with Russian surnames and patronymic, and also has several harmonious cuts and diminishing forms such as Mirka, Mirchik, Miron, Miosho, Myronushka. The character of Mirone, thanks to the golden middleness between softness and hardness, is also excellent, so parents finding a name for their son, this option can be advised to be safe.


Mirone's health is good, however, he can quickly get tired and have problems with his back.

Love and family relationships

In family relations, the Miron shows uniteness and economic activity. He really does not like trips, noisy parties, movements, so in the spouse chooses a woman to become a very calm and value-valued homemade comfort. In the house of Mirone, it is not customary to scream or find out the relationship. Children grow exclusively in a relaxed, cheerful atmosphere, surrounded by the attention and respect of parents.

Professional sphere

In the professional sphere of Miron, the work is attracted by a complex, requiring significant mental efforts and ability to work. From it can be a successful surgeon, chemist, physicist, biologist, financier. Also many Mironov attracts work related to theater and cinema.

Name day

Name Day for the Orthodox Calendar Miron (in church spelling also Mironi) celebrates April 2, August 21, August 30, September 30.