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What life priorities are. The main thing in life. "Family, debt, honor" - in this order

Of course, everyone knows what "priority" is ... This is a concept that is determining the importance of the championship. So, try to arrange the following 5 categories in priority: Your work, you yourself, your children, your partner (beloved man or your beloved woman) and your loved ones (relatives, friends).

For convenience, it is advisable to submit these categories in the form of a table and opposite each criterion to specify the number from 1 to 5 in order of priority:

I myself (herself) __________
Work ________________ Location
Children (child) ________
Husband (wife) ____________
Parents, friends ______ place

If today you do not have children, it does not mean that you do not assign them some place in your life. The same if you are alone, because hypothetically you still imagine what place will take in your life close personWhen it appears. You must answer sincerely and honestly.

And now let's understand how it really looks.

At the first place: Regardless of the floor, you should always be located (both in men and women). If a person is in order, then the other next to him will be not bad. Otherwise, this is the psychology of the victim to put someone above themselves. Manifests us as a rule "addiction" in relations and is characterized by such a state more women.

In second place: A woman should have a favorite man or husband. As soon as there is someone else between a woman and a man, someone gets ready for the fact that problems may immediately appear. If you, cute ladies, really want proximity and warm relationship, then there should be no one between you and the man! If your husband puts between you, for example, his mother, then it is necessary to correctly and patiently, with love, explain to him that it is not constructively for your relationship.

The man in second place should be work. Yes, just so and in any way. There should be no woman or children for a man more important than work. And if a woman does not have enough attention, then you need to go and make your life more interesting, respectively, it will immediately become interesting to your man. In nature, the man's desire for achievements and obtaining the result. And in fact, he tries for his family so that the family does not need anything and proud of them. Proud man is very important!

On the third place: The man of course a favorite woman. Not his mother, not his children from the first marriage. If this place is occupied by someone else, then you need to gently and patiently explain that only one adult can be next to a man. Otherwise, harmonious relationships will not work.

In a woman in third place, children. If a woman has properly arranged priorities and children are not a priority value compared to a man, then children in such a harmonious atmosphere will be easily and cozy.

In fourth place: And here the man has children in the honorable fourth place. And children from the previous marriage too. Very often, men do not share children at all on their own. They are all it.

The woman in the fourth place is close. This is, first of all, parents and parents of her husband too. An important responsibility of a woman is to build good and respectful relationships with the parents of the spouse, as well as if possible to smooth all conflicts.

In fifth place: Men have friends and relatives. If friends acquire paramount importance - look for malfunctions and problems in your relationship. Because the duty of a woman in relation to his man is to become him the most close friend.

Woman in fifth place work. A woman ideally should go to work at work, as the very same big load and main work in the family. And if there is a man next to her, who cares about her, then the work becomes most likely a kind of hobby. If the work is necessary for replenishment family budget Consequently, the woman works poorly in the family and insufficiently inspires her man to achieve it so that he could take advocate about it.

Invangible Woman usually tries to have time to "live", (take a walk, make repairs, like, etc.), I do not understand what it is necessary for what exactly do she need to do it?! 😕 She spends a bunch of time, supposedly for convenience, success, development, on self-realization, ...

And it is not even months, girls !!! And the years! 🙆 And when I ask her, "Why are you doing so many years that it does not bring you the desired tangible result?", In response, I often hear a phrase, like, "on errors learn ... The miracle does not happen ...", ... khm, oooopay But then why these errors are needed, if there is no ability to take them as experience and, at the time of the next "loss", not disappointed, but to remove the lesson?
But here, tell me where in a woman there are contradictions leading to self-deception, which makes her hurry to live? Thoughtful? I will share with you - from there, from where the woman takes confidence that the most important thing in her life has not yet happened, it is ahead. ... !!! Oh, mom ... incorrectly arranged priorities !!!

How much can you live in some future, where subconsciously, you still hope for a miracle, and do not see the most important thing in your present? Miracle is happening now !! You are a miracle))) ☺ - study yourself! I know what I'm talking about, years of unsuccessful life - it is extremely sad, believe me!

Authoritative methods allow everyone in just 7 days in the format of individual practice to come to what you can't come to the years ... Look for yourself as a person! Look for opportunities, knowledge, teachers! Develop, and more often ask yourself, what is more important for you now? And answer honestly! Next, everything is simple - act! 😘 And life will become rich, timely, satisfying! 👏👏👏 Speed \u200b\u200byou!

Marina Targakov:

The most important thing is that a woman wants from a man is a sense of security. This is housing security, and financial security, and the safety of her as a wife and mother of his children. A woman is entitled to demand it. A man owes her to give it, otherwise what's the point of marrying.

The science of love implies to learn to give freedom, learn to rejoice at your loved one, learn to forgive, learn not only to not demand anything from your loved one, but not even wait for nothing in return on your love.
You need to think about your beloved better, "drawing" him, and not to expose all its shortcomings, because what kind of niche man you will answer, he will take it, and really will become so.

What should be priorities in a woman in life?


A woman should put her husband in his first place in his first place. The daughter is born, the mother is tied to her. So, the daughter will be overwhelmed, but feminine, in general, normally. If the boy is born, then it becomes weak and capricious in this case. And the husband becomes disadvantaged. Head can receive love from children, relatives, girlfriends, because she is a generator of this love itself. But a man is not a source of love. He consumer in this regard. He gets the main energy of love from his wife.

If the wife switched to the child, he does not get anything. As a result, he has three options: 1) Find another, 2) Start drinking, 3) Switch to work. But the man in this case will still overtaken, because at home it is necessary to somehow relax. That is, as soon as the woman made the basis of his child's life, the family begins to fall apart. The husband is not satisfied, the child will be selfish. Therefore, a woman should know that her desire to give her life to a child is a loop that leads her to the destruction of the family. Because she must first take care of the husband, and in the second already about children. If the mother cares more about his father, then the children will respect the Father. If the mother cares more about them, then they will not respect the father.

Earlier, I already wrote about how the Jansk world affects the female nature. But even if you understand how your lifestyle has a negative effect on your health, it does not mean at all that you immediately change your life. Why does it happen: we want one, and do something completely different?

Question priorities

Do you know that your priorities have the most active impact on your life. What does it mean? You may want to dance, draw, do the needlework, do household and educate children. However, if these dreams and desires are not your priorities (and most often this is exactly what happens - our dreams are just a dream), then you will do anything, just about what you dream about.

And for women, such a placement of priorities is much more destructive than for a man. After all, making money - male duty. And the motivator for a man (in contrast to the woman) is not so much the need as a sense of responsibility for himself and his family. Thus, a man does not go into incision with her essence.

In the case of a woman, a different situation is obtained. As a rule, women are going to their desires and dreams away, deeper, bringing yourself to sacrifice. Unloved, but highly paid (or at least payable) work, an uncomfortable schedule - this is exactly what a woman attracts for which the priority becomes survival. Permanent stress, tension and discontent lead to apathy, fatigue and irritability. After all, a similar life comes against the essence of a woman.

In such a state, the woman stops seeing even the opportunity to do some beloved thing, somehow enter it into this life. After all, she is not up to such nonsense - it is necessary to provide a family.

What makes the change of priorities

On his own personal experience I made sure that the change of priorities is very and very beneficial to life. For a while, my main priority was survival. It was necessary to pay for the apartment, I wanted to buy a delicious food, beautiful clothes, high-quality cosmetics. So I worked on good work, in good office, from good people. And everything would be nothing, but I just wanted to me at all.

And I wanted to dance, knit, sew, write, photograph. I tried hard to enter all these hobbies in my schedule. But the fatigue accumulated during the day and the week did not allow this long and productive. Everything was urabs.

And then I revised my priorities. I realized that it is more important for me to get enough sleep, be free from office chart and do what I really wonder and brings pleasure.

Care from the office made it possible to finally make a big step forward on the path of its development. I got what I had long dreamed of - the life I had to manage myself. This does not mean that it has disappeared to pay for expenses, just now it is done with joy and pleasure and enough enough for everyone and that's it.

Life is really worth to devote her to his dream.

What is important for a woman in life: five priorities each of us has their own vision female happiness: Someone dissolves in children, someone in work, someone in taking care of yourself. Today we will talk, which is important for a woman in life, because if the priorities are exhibited incorrectly, there is a chance of unpleasant surprises.

For example, if you spend all your time with children, your husband is offended, if you disappear at work - the children will grow deprived of attention, which will turn into difficult relationships of adolescence, etc. What should women stand in the first place so that life is harmonious?

1. Health The main duty of a woman is to be healthy. Sick wife or mom will not make anyone happy. Only a healthy woman is welcome, loved, gentle and caring. Caring for your health should become main work: Get rid of OT. harmful habits; Normalize meals (more than fruits and vegetables, fermented milk products, less meat and flour); Exercise: Dancing, Pilates, Fitness, anywhere, if only brought pleasure; Watch out for emotions, do not be nervous and do not take criticism to heart. Remember! In the end, any criticism is a subjective opinion, and it should not be interested in.

2. Attraction Any woman is beautiful, it is important to prove it to yourself, get rid of the complexes. If a woman is confident, she likes his own reflection in the mirror, she will appeal to both a man. What is needed for this? Not much: attend the beauty salon as necessary; Buy yourself comfortable and beautiful clothes, do not spare money for her; Do not be aggressive - a woman in malice can not be attractive; Smile more, give light and heat around, beauty should be not only external, but also internal.

3. Being a spouse yes, my wife is not the most important thing, it's like one of the roles of a woman. The right, reliable, wise, interesting, understanding, "cozy" and beautiful is the wife that in priority three of the above item.

4. Self-development to learn is never late. Try less to sit in social networks, And in your free time, deal with useful things, because with a woman who is looking for something is looking for, learns, learns, there is always something to talk about. Read as much as possible; See movies with meaning; Reveal the creative potential: Sing, draw, knit.

5. What is important for a woman in life: to be a mother today is considered correct and obligatory to abandon their desires for children. As a result, we received a generation of fragmented egoists. Psychologists have proven that moms who, above all care about themselves and about her husband, children are more obedient and attentive. Remember. Children always and at all times raised on the examples, on what they see, first of all, in the family. As soon as the mother understands it, the grave work on the education of the offspring becomes a pleasant and easy job. Summing up Love yourself, correctly exhibit women's priorities and there will be happiness to you and your family!

School Yuri Okuneva

Good day. I am with you, Yuri Okunev.

Have you already decided on your life priorities? Decided that put on the first place, and what about the tenth? Not? Then I hurry warned - you risks to stay at old age years with a terrifying feeling that they lived their lives as they dreamed.

I really hope that this will not happen to you, but still strongly recommend to figure out what priorities are in life and what they have them. This will help you understand myself, your aspirations and send life to the right direction. Until it's not too late.

The life of a person is like a puzzle, which consists of thousands of smallest pieces - our actions and solutions, natural events and unexpected accidents. Each piece is related to a particular sphere of life:

  • Family.
  • Work.
  • Friends.
  • Rest and entertainment.
  • Study and self-improvement.
  • Health, etc.

And depending on which pieces we connect with each other and what their ratio in the puzzle, life Path Acquires certain features.

Priority is your favorite color in the picture of life, the area of \u200b\u200bactivity or principle, which captures the maximum of your time and attention. What you do first of all for what is ready to push everything else for a while.

Fates of people with different priorities add up to completely different paintings. Some have colorful and positive. Consider such a pleasure in old age. Others have non-zepaural gray, pushing the longing and a sense of deep disappointment.

That is why the problem of determining its priorities is so great and the problem of determining their priorities. After all, everything is almost impossible to have time. So what to put in the chapter of the corner, then not to regret "aimlessly lived years"? What values \u200b\u200bdo focus? Is there a universal formula for compiling knowingly happy pictures?

Pyramid Maslow

Discussing the issue of life priorities, it is worth remembering the famous table of human needs, compiled in 1943 by American psychologist Abraham Maslu. If you draw up a list of natural human needs, it will look like this:

  1. Physiology (food, water, heat, need for breeding, etc.)
  2. Safety (protection against everything that represents a threat to health, life).
  3. Love.
  4. Respect (recognition by other of your value, importance).
  5. Cognition and creativity (as an indispensable component of self-development).
  6. Aesthetics (man needs beauty and harmony).
  7. Self-realization.

Such a sequence corresponds to human nature, and therefore is quite natural and correct. No matter how you strove to the beautiful, basic thickening of hunger and thirst will be priorities. After all, to argue about high matter, being on the verge of hungry death, you will not be able to at least for purely physiological reasons.

It turns out that based on natural needs, priorities may look like this:

  1. Work as a means of obtaining earnings and way to get food, heat and safety.
  2. Native, close, friends and all those you love / who loves you.
  3. The need to recognize oneself by society.
  4. Study, creativity, self-development.

However, even the oil itself emphasized that the position in this hierarchy different people Can move as they think necessary. To interpret the components of the list, too, everyone will be in its own way. So, for someone to satisfy the need for food - this is a snack lovely holbe and a glass of milk. And for someone - to dine in a luxurious restaurant with culinary delights with difficult-to-see foreign names.

In addition, there are other models, definitions of life priorities. Someone puts a debt for first place, someone God, someone enjoying feelings.

And all because everyone is a unique system of worldview, a unique set of values, beliefs, principles, beliefs, knowledge, skills and expectations from life. Moreover, our aspirations are influenced by age, the current social and natural environment, life events, other people, actual difficulties, etc.

As a result, it's simply impossible to talk about some single method that was equally good for each individual seized in the planet. So how do you still put priorities so that the quality of life is in the height you need?

Time to make a choice!

If you realized our dissatisfaction with life, then it's time to change something. Imaginely, but at the same time thoughtfully weighing everything "for" and "against". After all, you do not want to stay at the broken trough, right?

Step 1 . Frank conversation with paper

To do this, take several sheets and answer the following questions in writing:

  • What do you think the most important in life? Determine no more than two or three positions, highlighting one as a dominant.
  • What do you spend more than all time? Make a list of classes that prevail in your routine of the day.
  • What do you want to achieve from life? Imagine yourself after 10, 20 years. What () are you externally? Where do you live? What do you earn? How to relax? Who communicate with? Do you have a family and in what part? The image must be truly close to you.
  • What does that require? Take into account the physiological abilities, character traits, knowledge and skills, the presence of certain dating, documents and money, place of residence, etc.
  • What prevents you from getting the desired? And now on items - everything that is lacking for conformity to the dream.
  • What is an intolerable value for you? That, without which you can not live, from what not to refuse. For example, "I will not throw a job", "I will not go far from my parents," I will always take care of the children. "
  • What are you ready to sacrifice? And here - on the contrary, that is less important.

To make information visual, use lists, graphics, tables, schemes. So learn the data will be easier.

Step 2. Analyzing it!

For example, in priority to be implemented in the profession. You dream of becoming an illustrator. To do this, you need to create and improve the technique, communicate with other artists, participate in competitions, exhibit work for public criticism, etc.

In fact, you got married early, the baby gave birth to the baby and after leaving the decree, work as an administrator of a neighboring hairdresser. Thirst creativity is sublimated to the creation of "home" comics for a child and congratulatory posters for colleagues. Your drawings are terribly like, but you understand that you want more hot. So it's time to urgently correct your life!

Call the boss to report your dismissal? Very stupid! You wanted to change your life for the better, and not destroy it. And for this, you need to act correctly and consistently.

Step 3. Action Plan.

Realizing your true desires, put goals - long-term (for 5 years, 2 years, year) and short-term (month, week, day). First, take the problem in the global sense. Then, every task is disassembled into several subtasks, and they are for even smaller goals, whose achievement can be started tomorrow. For example, to be an illustrator need:

  1. Find the appropriate work (in the state or freelancer).
  2. Create resume.
  3. Send resume in the company / potential customers.
  4. Create a bright portfolio.
  5. Select ready-made drawings.
  6. Draw new ones.
  7. Buy photoshop or paper and paints / pencils.

Step 4. Act!

Start with solving the most simple urgent tasks, constantly referring to the main course. Change the reality around yourself gradually, but with confidence.

Remember that in the future you can vary the task list, goals and even change the priorities at all. It is absolutely normal.

Step 5. Lighten the art of juggling

Few people are ready to abandon everything for the sake of one single dream. Behind the priority number 1 there are also points number 2, 3, 4, etc. And they are also important for you. For example, a loving mother and wife will not be able to leave the family and leave the head in drawing.

Therefore, you will have to master the skill of juggling with their own life priorities. You constantly need to replace the crystal balls "child", "Husband", "Creativity", "Health", trying, so that none of them fell and did not crash.

As you can see, the definition of priorities, drawing up an effective strategy of life and competent followed by it - the tasks are not simple. Not everyone managed to solve them correctly. Designed by me - this is your opportunity to decide on true desires, put everything in its place and make the first steps towards happiness, harmony and self-affirmation.

And if you still have any questions, I invite to individual advice. Details.

All resolve to decompress. With you was Yuri Okunev. Ahead - a lot of interesting and useful. Make a subscription to miss anything. To new meetings!

In this article, I will collect all the key information about how to arrange priorities. Right prioritization It plays a very important role in the life of any person, it is important in all spheres of human livelihoods and in life as a whole. Properly arranged priorities allow in any case, to realize all their own and dreams.

Prioritization is one of the most important - the time of management of time. Very often, people do not have anything, do not fulfill the right things, do not reach the goals only because they do not know how to put priorities correctly. They rush to fulfill all the case at the same time and as a result, no one can do one of them, especially since the most important and necessary cases. Avoid this error and will significantly help the correct placement of priorities. First, let's see what it is.

The priority arrangement is to sort all the tasks of importance in order to fulfill them in order of priority, and in order for the most important, the most priorities are always performed first and have been fulfilled.

At first glance, nothing complicated. But in practice, everything is not so simple ... If you often do not have time to do something important if you are constantly postponing important things for later, if you are constantly enough for several things right away - you definitely should think about how to put priorities correctly. And then I will offer you for this whole line Tools of varying degrees of efficiency, of which you can choose and use those that like and suit specifically.

Methods of prioritization.

So, consider the diverse methods of prioritization. Some of them signed in more detail in other articles, so I will give links - go through them to get acquainted in more detail.

Eisenhower Matrix. Very popular I. effective method Completely arrange priorities, which is actively discussed in various literature, at seminars and. The essence of this method is to distribute all the necessary tasks in two criteria: according to the degree of importance and urgency. Thus, it turns out a kind of matrix - a table, in which the priority of execution of cases decreases from the upper left corner to the right lower.

Using the Eisenhuer matrix, you can almost completely eliminate the likelihood that some important and urgent case will not be fulfilled, and this is not enough.

Drawing up lists of cases. Many people thinking about how to express priorities, we use this method, because it is very simple, understandable and affordable. The essence is to plan your time by drawing up lists of affairs and following this list. At the same time, the most important things should be put at the beginning of the list, and further, as the priority decreases.

Pareto rule. You can put priorities correctly with the help of the famous rule (or law) Pareto. Its essence is that only 20% of efforts bring 80% of the result and vice versa: 80% of efforts bring only 20% of the result. The prioritization of priorities in this case is very simple: it is necessary to allocate its 20% of the most effective affairs (based on the analysis of already available data) and concentrate their efforts on them. They will be for you the most priorities, and all the other 80% are secondary.

You can read more about the action of this law and its application in the article.

Cartesian square. A rather complicated method of prioritization, which requires more temporary and mental costs, in comparison with the rest, but also more accurate, more efficient. It is best to use this way to place priorities in a global plan, for example, for a year, for several years or even for life. For daily planning it will be uncomfortable.

How to apply this method For planning? You need to consider each goal from four sides:

  • What will happen if I do it?
  • What will happen if I don't do it?
  • What will happen if I do it?
  • What will not be if I don't do it?

Each of your response you can give a certain weight, and in the amount of these scales to express the priorities of your activities: from greater than less.

ABC method. Very simplified, and therefore available way The prioritization of priorities, which lies in the distribution of all of their affairs in total on 3 categories of importance:

  • A - very important;
  • B - not very important;
  • C is not at all important.

Accordingly, things from the category A will have the highest priority for you, followed by the case from category B, and last time - cases from category C. Despite all its simplicity, the ABC method almost completely eliminates the possibility of "losing" and not fulfill an important Task, so it can be used.

Olympic system. The priority layout on this principle occurs through the consistent pairs of "competition" - comparisons of tasks in order to determine the finalist-winner.

Suppose you have 16 tasks (the number can be any, what you need). You spend between them a pairs of "tournament" - 1/8 finals, choosing from each pair more priority task. It remains 8 cases - you are just as arranged 1/4 finals, in which 4 semifinalist are determined. Then 1/2 finals for determining 2 finalists. And finally, the final, where the purpose of the winner is determined. It will have the highest priority for you, the second semifinalist is the following in the degree of importance, the quarter-finalists are the next, etc.

Parent comparison method. This option is similar to the previous priority, but a little more complicated, since it is necessary to compare the tasks here in several criteria that is most important for you. Each of these criteria is convenient to give its weight, let's say on the scale from 1 to 5.

The concept of "priority" is used in different areas Life. It often uses employers in appeal: "Arrange the priorities!" This means that the activities of a specialist in a particular professional field must be permeated by a single idea and serve as a particular purpose.

The meaning of the word "priority"

The word "priority" has Latin roots and in translation means "senior". His availability in life allows a person to separate the main thing from the secondary, choose the right direction in the career, is correct to the definition of major values \u200b\u200bin the personal sphere.

If you look around, then you can make sure that the philosophical meaning of the concept of "priority" is constantly present in everyday life. After all, each event, independence from scale and importance, is due to the preferences of the relevant persons, that is, those people, making decisions that determines the direction of movement of a process.

The main priorities are also in the state policy of each country (directions are determined economic Development, agriculture, education, etc.). In relations relating to the mutual activity of people, it is also impossible to do without preferences. It is they who become the reasons for the formation of sympathy and antipathy, cooperation and rivalry, friendship and hatred. Without prioritization it becomes impossible to draw up business plans that determine the direction of the development of entrepreneurial activities.

Ability to arrange priorities - one of the most important characteristics both for separately developing personality and state policy.

Life priorities

If you apply this word to a separate person, the priority is a set of interrelated life allegations, thinking about which and follows a lot of time. Moreover, the individual on his own initiative prefers the specific type of activity or the move of thoughts, as it is valuable for him and determines its entire life path as a whole.

Priority can be family well-being, material support, a certain kind of passion, movement career stairs. This kind of preferences determine the character of a person, his lifestyle and behavioral characteristics.

State policy priorities

In legal politics, priority is a complex of priority tasks, the solution of which should be carried out immediately and in the closest perspective.

One of the most important properties of legal policy is its imperative character, due to the fact that it is based on the right and all processes are subordinate to its implementation.

In connection with frequent violations of the basic personal rights today, the main state priority is to create and preserve optimal conditionsAllowing each citizen is guaranteed to receive all the elementary rights (on life, health, safety and other).

The most important priorities include the development and implementation of measures to induce the order in the structures of power.

Unconditional can be called the task of strict compliance with the norms of law. It should be performed at the level of all organs, institutions, officials and citizens.

An important priority is the development of activities to overcome the phenomena of legal nihilism and idealism. They are equally served by a serious obstacle in the formation of legal culture in the state.