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Feng Shui in our house. Mandarin, Mytov and other trees in Fengshui

The fact that trees can favorably influence our body and the mood is known since ancient times. There is even a direction dendrotherapy- treatment with trees of various breeds. In the ancient Egyptians, wooden amulets were spread, which were worn on her neck and protected their owners from misfortune. According to Indian yogis, trees, as it were, absorb prana coming from space, and then fueled by it. Different species of trees have various energy properties: fueled with energy, relieve inflammation, contribute to the emergence of mutual feelings, protect. No wonder at all times, people gained strength from oak, "bad" energies were given to ate, "good" energy was dug from pine. The effects of wood bioenergy can be strong enough. Even a small piece of wood of this or that type is beneficial on the human body, improves his well-being.
Celtic priests gave a special meaning of the Mystery of Tree. It was believed that each person corresponds to a certain species of wood. If you correctly establish such a correspondence, you can adjust the fate of a person, effectively carry out his healing. Exists horoscope Druidovwhere trees correspond to calendar periods:

In addition, there is a correspondence of the energies of the trees by the planets of the solar system, and accordingly the signs of the zodiac:

Here are the magical and bioenergic properties of some trees and shrubs:

Apricotit is a tree - a donor with feeding energy. Protects from infidelity and unnecessary stress in loving relationships.

Acacia- Tree donor with powerful feeding energy. Acacia - tree, nascent life. It is for her asking for the birth of a child.

Bamboo Controls outbreaks of aggression in humans, affects the meaningfulness of actions, the sequence of actions and events in the life of people.

Birch -Ged tree. Symbol of fertility. It helps to improve vision, normalizes the water balance and has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic system, activates the work of the kidneys. Constant communication with it eliminates the feeling of anxiety, fears and nightmares. This tree relieves fatigue, neutralizes the negative effects of everyday stresses, contributes to the restoration of spiritual harmony. Birch is considered a solar pure tree that brings happiness, light, joy in any home.

Hawthorn It has a powerful protective effect. Removes anxiety that improves appetite and blood circulation. The hawthorn is considered a symbol of hope and marriage. A hawthorn is especially useful in protective and love magic.

Elder . In the easter, our ancestors believed, a large magical force was concluded, and, of different character. It has active protective properties. Buzin has a soothing effect.

Beech -Simal knowledge. Helps expand the horizons, learning from others. It will help you to show greater tolerance towards others, giving them to live their lives. Increases stress resistance and ability to concentrate, and also improves blood circulation.

Cherry - This is the mascot of magical meetings, contacts, romantic adventures.

Elm - A tree for people actors, but overlooking only their strength. Elm teaches its owner to find like-minded people who will be happy to help him in all endeavors and lead to victory. Wraps from rash actions that envious and ill-wishers can be inclined.

Hornbeamit has the ability to dispel illusion. This tree perfectly suits people who are strongly extinguished at work or at home. Grab contributes to a real look at the world around the world and your abilities. Grab will help you coordinate your actions, understand the illusion of ideas about the future of some plans. Gives strength in everyday life, helps to part with ridiculous ideas, prejudices and fantasies. Grab is beneficial to the dreamers and romantics, which lack the strength and desire to act.

Pear - Mascot of luck, Fortune's favor, providing many pleasant and useful features. Adds the owner of the charming, the ability to like even those who do not suffer very well.

Oak - Sign of hardness, power, male strength. It is an anti-stress agent, which, in addition, activates blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure and reduces the period of recovery during the disease. Oak is distinguished among other plants-generators of positive energy. Oak - treats the liver, urinary system, helps to eliminate congestive phenomena in many organs. Removes dental pain. Communication with him is more shown to men than women.

Spruce- Like oak, sacred tree, as a symbol of longevity and health. Its impact is shown in edema and pain syndromes, nervous disorders and depression.

Jasmine- Whether from sudden, unexpected bad meetings, incidents and dating. Explorer in love affairs, bringing success from the opposite sex.

Willow . This tree has a huge magical force. This is rather a female tree. Slavic girls used WITH as a guide. This is a symbol of weakness, tenderness, girlish grace, calm, need for constancy and compound. Removes melancholy and sadness.

Fig - Wubble from incorrect solutions and incorrect, unreliable information. Teaches care, analysis, the ability to drain facts, to make the right conclusions. Insures from rash statements, makes pay attention to the form of its manifestation.

Elm- Returns the meaning of life and restores the strength. Moments happen when the purpose of our life loses all its charm, the reality seems meaningless, and the dream is unattainable. Karagach will help cope with such a problem. He has the ability to return strength and confidence. Karagach will weaken the upcoming depression.

Chestnuttreats rheumatic diseases and insomnia, relieves nervous tension and, as an ancient wisdom claims, even drives fears. Normalizes cardiovascular activity, has the ability to strengthen the general immunity of the body and the nervous system.

Cedar It has a beneficial effect on any person and, in particular, on people exposed to nervous disorders, stress and insomnia, as well as on people suffering from violations of the activities of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs. Cedar lives five hundred fifty years, accumulating the bright energy of the space and at the right moment gives her man.

Cypress- Mainly a male tree, affects the sexual power of men, in sexual activity and not only increases the potency in healthy men, but heals the weak. Kiparis does not perceive the female organism, but makes a harmony and novelty through a man in a family relationship.

Maple Fencing from sharpness, removes stress, helps to find the points of contact with other people. Gives forces, peace, equilibrium, frees from boiling passions. Fencing the owner from unfair attacks, unnecessary claims of others. In addition, it can very actively correct the bad character of the owner, if, of course, he believes that it possesses such.

Buckthorn Symbolizes humility, purity and impairment. Protects against negative energy. In magic, used to remove spells and conspiracies.

Leschina (hazel) Watch out from the rapidness of actions and actions, teaches insight, the subtleties of perception. Helps get rid of superfluous authoritarianism. Promotes rapid restoration of forces.

Lindenremoves stress, does not allow anyone to spend energy and protects against non-crushed intrusions. In addition, it will help with inflammation of the organs of a small pelvic and stomach disorders.

Larch. It is called a soothing tree, and even more precisely - a tree of enlightenment of reason. If you persistently do not leave fears, doubts, unfortunate concern - relief will bring contact with larch, which will help you understand the true nature of human actions, especially people close to you. It fills man with optimism. Eliminates melancholy and depression. Larch is a good anti-inflammatory tree. It is recommended to people with diseases of the respiratory tract: such as bronchitis, asthma, etc. helps with female diseases.

Olive It is a guard from stress, overvoltages, incorrect actions, as well as from inability to quickly and clearly adopt the desired solution. It helps to achieve harmony with himself and satisfying their own destiny.

Juniper It has a strong cleansing potential. But his strength is mainly directed not to people, but on the items around us. It can clean the unfavorable aura in the apartment, perfectly acts on the "unkind" things, even on jewelry. A man Juniper can also help with the removal of the evil eye or damage, helps to get rid of the action.

Alder. Especially well helps how to protect women, making them elegant, charming. It strengthens related ties, all members of the family, it is typical of it to combine people in the genus. This tree for women is the custodians of the hearth, the "Big House" tree. Olha will help you to "bind" a husband to the house.

Nut- Victory tree over external circumstances. Helps the rapid restoration of forces. Provides many faithful associates. Makes a person persistent in the most unforeseen situations.

Aspen - Tree absorbing negative energy. It has the ability to remove different pain (head, dental, radiculitis, osteochondrosis) and cure various tumors. Clean your aura from harmful influences. Communication with aspen helps with nervous states, obsessive thoughts, unreasonable fear. But should not be too diligent using its healing properties. Ospen has both powerful vampire abilities, sucking energy with long contacts.

Fir Eliminates the depressed mood, helps to calmly relive the "black strip" of life, increases endurance and vital activity. It has a healing effect on respiratory organs, increases immunity, strengthens visual acuity, increases blood pressure under hypotension.

Rowan Protects from the evil eye and damage, evil will. It is believed that Rowan is aggravated by perception and develops the gift of foresight. Effectively cleanses the body from slags and toxins. For people of freight and nervous people can be a soft donor feeding energy. Contact with Ryabina is able to wake a sexuality dormant in a woman. For Ryabina a favorite female age about 40 years old. It gives such women in love especially warm autumn, full strength.

Samsit - The tree is unusual. Strict and strong, wise and impustful at the same time. Sugit is used to make protective faces from evil forces. It protects sleep and protects from energy vampirism.

Plum - It is a wonderful charm of accidents, from assassination assference. He teaches its owner not to dwell on situations that disturbed him vanity and do not treat aggressively to those who wish them good, but elects for this emotional form of influence, forcing reacting and mind, and emotions.

Pine Soothes, relieves mental tension. Beneficially affects the heart and respiratory organs, normalizes the composition of the blood, gives cheerfulness. Excellent assistant for those who want to lose weight. Pine is able to clear the aura of a person from an outsider exposure, partially remove the damage. In the old days it was believed that the smell of pine helps to get rid of guilt.

Shipovnik Responsible for the emotional side of love. He introduces tenderness, mental passion, unity of shower. If you often lose defeat, he will help you.

Apple tree - Women's strength, female sexuality, awakens in a woman sensual side of nature. She is more willing to share her forces with young girls. Under the influence of the energy of the apple tree, the girl can imagine the image of the perfect man suitable for her, and in a dream to see the narrowed. The effect of the apple tree is very necessary for young, inexperienced and insecure girls. Apple tree is a tree with a powerful feeding energy.

Ash It helps to achieve the crystal clarity of consciousness and make the right decision in a difficult situation. The ash personifies the connection of the fact that at the top, with the fact that below, that is, the connection of the world of gods and the world of people or the world of spiritual and the world material. It helps to understand our destination, sometimes his energy awakens the ability to clairvoyance, allows you to know the future, but helps only those who are sincere in their desire for knowledge. Ash - help to find inspiration.

Feng Shui -this is not a religion. Feng Shui is a centuries-old science of harmony in the house.

Harmony in our house helps in life and attracts good luck.

The inner positive attitude and talismans play great importance - assistants - activation of certain zones (sectors) in our house - who are responsible for the other region of our life (health, career, love, wealth, etc.) and attract good luck in this direction.

So, tuned to positive and make a decision, which we lack for happiness, harmony and well-being.

To begin with, it makes sense to activate precisely those sectors who are responsible for whatver today is the initial and most important, meaning. And gradually you can activate the less important sector at the moment.

The main thing is not to fuss and do not rush the events!

We decided, intensified the sectors and forgot about it. Live relaxed and calmly!

All zones responsible for well-being in Feng Shui are distributed on the sides of the world.

To determine the parties of the world in our house, it is necessary, naturally, get a compass.

Stand up, in the possibility, in the center of the apartment and put a compass on your hand, determine the parties of the world.

Some Feng Shui experts advise to get up for this back to the entrance door.

But according to the experience, it is more convenient to produce metering, after all, being in the center of the apartment.

Red arrow always looks north!

Sometimes, when in an apartment or house there may be errors in determining the parties of the world (it happens more often in panel houses due to reinforced concrete structures).

Make a check mark, while on the street.

Those. The small circle in the center is the central sector, the big circle captures the whole apartment and it, without capturing the central sector is divided into equal size of 9 sectors. Each of which is responsible for the specific area of \u200b\u200bour life.

Defined the parties of the world, in which sector they fall out, enter them there for accuracy.

It is in these parts of the apartment (at home) we will activate the necessary success sector for us.

A more detailed description of how to do it just below.

CENTREapartments (at home) is always responsible for health and well-being.

NORTH - Career and life path.

SOUTH- Glory and reputation.

WEST - Children and creativity.

EAST - Family and support.

NORTHWEST - Assistants and travel.

NORTHEAST - Wisdom and knowledge.

SOUTHWEST - Love, marriage and relationship.


Determine the most important for you and your loved ones living in this house, directions and activate them with the help of Feng Shui methods.

I note immediately, regardless of your interests and desires, zones HEALTH (center) and Assistants (North-West) are perhaps universally important for any person.

Because No health, neither love, no money, no career of joy and happiness will bring anyone.

And the active zone of assistants can move any stagnation in the area you are interested in. The phrase "I just achieved myself" very relative and erroneous.

People help us, we are helped by the case, higher forces, providence, God - as you want to call, but something from us independent is always able to give or select. The case is a myth, no accidents, everything that happens has been subordinate to some laws.

In order for everything you need to be easier, be sure to activate the assistant zone.

It has a special meaning if any crisis situation has occurred in life.

You can not believe it first, just do what Feng Shui advises - the results will not make it wait.

Another universal for everyone without exception advice - before activating this or that direction, disassemble, existing in any housekeeping house, especially if they are in the zone you are interested in.

Divues and dust - This is a stagnant negative energy.

Cleansing of duties and cleaning - lead energy forces in motion.

Bear things - what has not been used for a long time and did not wear, throw it away or better - give in need or give to anyone. Good Feng Shui - things must serve, and not lie. If the thing serves you once, but still quite suitable - let it serve to other people.

Giving something you exempt the place for the new and more.

The same applies to money - without giving up, you will not get.

Feng Shui recommends spending money with joy and never regret the spent. Be generous (as far as your financial opportunities allow) - do gifts, leave tip, give to charity.

It is conditionally believed that it is necessary to give for these goals at least 10% of the earned by us, then we will return much more. It is like a fee of the highest forces for the resulting.

Just give for good. To give a drug addict at a dose or just throw money on the garbage or good things - is not considered.

Another important meaning in Feng Shui plays our internal attitude for the best and greater.

With the psychology "I have enough, I am enough" for development and growth do not count.

After all, if you have enough and nothing else is needed, why do you need to give it. In this case, it is "something" - health, money, family happiness, a large apartment, travel, etc. - They will give someone to someone who wants this "something" is stronger. If you need a little bit, then get a little bit.

Always strive for greater and better, just demand more and more from life.

Tell the highest forces thanks for having and for what they gave you or allowed to earn, and "demand" even more.

Therefore, all affirmations for attracting positive energy in Feng Shui (affirmations - internal attitude to the best, kind of autotraining), are written and pronounced as a certain beneficiaring fact (although you still just strive for it).

If we do not have enough health - we say "I am a healthy person, but I want to be the most healthy" if we want to be richer, talking to yourself and another "I am a rich man, but I want to be very rich", etc. The main thing - I want and I will!

Flowers, fountains, light, decor elements.

Flowers. Flowers should grow up, Feng Shui does not greet down hanging plants and wields that are crawling along the walls. Our life and our well-being should strive up, and not follow the sluggish existence.

The house should not be sluggish, unhealthy colors and even more so dry flowers (dead flowers do not really contribute to the lives and the development to which we strive).

It is better to have artificial flowers or images of colors.

Use plants that are popular with carriers of any positive values.

Feng Shui does not welcome Cacti in the House. It is believed that they cut off energy with their needles. Put cacti only in the place from which you want to burn out - can a negative environment outside the window, a toilet or garbage chute in an important sector, etc.

Then the cactus can serve a good service and takes off the admission of negative energy or a loss of positive.

Pictures, statuettes. These principles "up and forward", "Life, not death", "joy, not sadness" concern all images or symbols in our house.

Figurines or paintings with an elephant or horse image, for example, should be with a raised head and case, and not omitted.

Images or symbols of laughing and happy people, and not the opposite.

Water. The same applies to water in the house. Water is a symbol of life and an energetically very strong element.

Therefore, elements with water in the house are very important.

Water should be clean, fresh and should also strive up.

Therefore, waterfall with water flowing down or its image is not very good feng shui and aquarium or vase with stubble water too.

Some Feng Shui zones require the presence of water elements.

It is better that water elements or their image symbolize clean water, and better water in motion, and even better water, aspiring up.

Fountains (or their image), not waterfalls. Pure river, calm sea (or their image), not a pond.

However, more water or symbolizing items does not mean better.

Measure should be in everything.

For example, it is believed that the aquarium in the bedroom is not very good.

Because Water itself is a symbol of the element and a very energy-strong element, a large aquarium on a metaphysical level can prevent the rest of the home owners.

Light.Lighting in the house must be distributed so that the house does not remain dark areas. Especially if any of the important sectors falls on them.

Fencing light and daylight lamps are not welcome in Fencing Shui, such a light is considered cold and dead.

Crystal chandeliers and the use of various crystals and everything that gives a fold, a rainbow or "bunnies" on the walls is very welcomed.

Such a game of light symbolically proves the acquired house, especially wealth and well-being.


The door is an external face of a house or apartment.

The entrance door should be beautiful and solid.

From the outside, the entrance door must be well lit and the number must be attached to it.

Otherwise, how will luck and wealth find us?

Another important requirement - if a mirror weighs next to the house in the house, the entrance door should not be reflected in it.

Otherwise, all htched in the house seems to be out of it.

It is believed that the fan also helps from the evil eye and from the negative impact of other people.

This will help protect the house from the arrival of unkind people, and if any, still arose on our threshold, they will not be able to spoil the aura and good Feng Shui of our house.

If there is some of the important sectors of Feng Shui at the entrance door - it is also very bad.

This situation can be slightly corrected - hang on the door from the outside of the mirror.

Thus, you cut off, reflect this territory.

And the zone itself and the necessary accessories for its activation are located nearby.

In Feng Shui, such tricks are admissible and even welcome.

The main thing is that the mirror hangs so that in it the image of the highest person in the house is fully placed. Otherwise, we symbolically compress its life growth, in the sense of development.

This applies to all mirrors in the house. It is better to stretch more than a little bit.

In addition, hang at the entrance to the house wind music with hollow tubes. They will also cut off the exit of favorable energy from the house.

Toilet, bathroom.

In order for what we demand from life and get from her, it was delayed and leaned with us in the house and did not go through the fingers of the sand, you need to do the following.

In any house there is a garbage chute or trash can, as well as plumbing communications.

Feng Shui It is believed that with water in the bathroom or toilet (also with garbage), the accumulated positive energy (this applies to all areas of life - both money, and health, etc.).

Therefore, if there is some of the important zones on the bathroom or the toilet - it is very bad.

Use the reception "Mirror", as described in the case of the inlet door.

It is believed that by placing these elements in such places, everything is symbolically washed off and leaves the house along with water.

Watch the toilet to always stay closed!

A red ribbon symbolically blocks the release of positive energy and the valued values \u200b\u200bof a different plan from the house along with water and garbage.


The kitchen in the house symbolizes homemade hearth.

The kitchen is the stove - a home heat symbol, a dining table - a symbol of the union, a refrigerator - a symbol of the well-being and satiety of the family.

Support the kitchen and especially those important characters for family clean.

Very good on Feng Shui to hold in the house or office VAZochka with nuts, with candies or fruits (even artificial fruits) are for money and well-being.

Place a vase with chocolate candies in the monetary sector with chocolate candies, oranges, and better lemon. And even better, a whole candy or fruit tree, let an artificial one. These are now on sale.

The kitchen should be well lit as, however, all the most important sector for your family.

Refrigerator .Periodically release the refrigerator from the nonstability or long-stored products.

To keep a bottle of champagne in the refrigerator very well, even if you do not drink in your family. Champagne in the refrigerator is a symbol of the fact that the house is always ready to celebrate the next achievement or a joyful event, as well as ready for the arrival of good guests.

Table. Feng Shui believes that the round table is preferable rectangular.

In addition, the kitchen table must be solid and durable. Because The table is a symbol of family hearth, well-being and unity. It is not recommended to put a table from transparent glass in the kitchen.

Bad, if the table is moved to the wall and family members sit face to this wall.

This symbolically blocks the energy growth and development of sitting at the table. The expression "as in the wall rested" - about such a case.

The same applies to our desktop or desk of our child.

It is always necessary to sit back to the wall and so that the entrance door is in the zone of our ferris.

Plate. If it allows the area and financial capabilities, Feng Shui recommends installing a plate - a family center in the center of the kitchen, so that, as and to the table, all family members were free. This will benefitly affect the family atmosphere and the well-being of family members.

If in some of the life spheres, especially wealth and well-being, there was a stagnation - urgently "hope" the slab. Believe me - helps.


The bedroom is a place in our house where we have to rest in order to charge the force and energy for future achievements.

Accordingly, everything in this room should meet this important principle.

There should be no dawns in the bedroom, cabinets with a large number of unused things - negative stagnant energy.

Window. Opposite the bedroom windows, there should be no sharp external objects and angles - dry wood without foliage, spire, high-voltage line, acute angle of the neighboring house, tower crane, etc.

Also, adverse items of the environment of our house are monuments, highways or railway, cemetery or ritual bureaus, water towers, garbage dumps, etc.

The same rule applies to other windows in the house, apartment.

More about the colors and their impact on the psyche of a person, look at the site of Crasus in the section "Color. From the color history. "

A large amount of water or water elements is also not welcome for the same reason. Water is a carrier of strong energy that does not contribute to relaxation.

Mirrors.The fan-shui mirror is an aqueous element and, accordingly, the carrier of the power of water.

A large number of mirrors are not welcome in the bedroom.

Another requirement in the mirror should not reflect the bed, the more reflection, the worse.

Bed.The bed must be convenient, it is natural. It is recommended to sleep in a well-safe direction for each person. It is determined by uncomplicated calculations on Feng Shui.

The bed should have a free approach from two sides, if you live a couple and especially if you dream and strive to find your pair.

Over the bed It is recommended to place pictures or images of colors (peonies, but not spiky roses), hearts, photos of happy couples and other symbols of good family, loving people, love, romance, image of a pair of swans, caravals or storks, etc.

Above the bed should not be any shelves, cabinets, beams, another tier, etc. This "gives" the positive energy of growth and does not contribute to rest. This is danger, albeit on the subconscious level.

TV, computer . Feng Shui does not recommend putting in the bedroom this window into the world. It is believed that the bedroom is needed for recreation and charging positive energy and combining two loving hearts.

The TV is a transmitter to our home and our brain is not only kind and positive information, but also of all world problems and misfortunes, sometimes horrors.

Therefore, if we cannot refuse your favorite box in the bedroom, for a good feng shui in the house and the wonderful state and mood of his inhabitants, let's try to watch only good, romantic, peaceful programs and films in the bedroom.

If the unfriendly or negative information still fell into our bedroom, before bedtime, ventilate the room for 20-30 minutes. It will restore and good Feng Shui in our bedroom and will have a beneficial effect on our health and recreation.

Adhere to this principle and in other rooms at home, where there is a TV.

The same applies to the computer, especially if it is connected to the Internet.

Sector Feng Shui.If there is any of the Feng Shui sectors on the bedroom, do not strive to overload it to the necessary details to activate this zone. Make a little bit so that the area of \u200b\u200bsleep and rest is not too active. It should remain quite calm, but creating a start for new achievements and development.

Circle of creation - elements.

In each sector of our dwelling, office, etc. The definite element is dominated by the development of this direction of our life. There is an item that helps him (nourishes it), and there are the elements that they damage.

These elements six, they constitute the so-called Circle of creation.

Nourishes the tree feeds, fire + tree gives Earth, Earth creates, metal gives Water.

In turn, the fire damages wood, earth and water can be killed (sliding) fire, etc. This is logically understandable.

Always consider an important factor - a tree, of course, cannot live without water, but a large amount of water can kill the tree, the bay of it.

Those. In all, you need a measure and weighted calculation.

Consider what is a symbol of a particular element. This will help activate the sector in which this element is dominant.

A certain color scheme corresponds to any element. If the water is blue - then shades of blue, etc.

. Water symbolize:

Aquarium, fountain, water in a vase (graphics, pile, etc.), water images - sea, river, lake, waterfall, etc. Sea symbols - fish, shells, dolphins, pebbles.

Mirrors, Crystal.

Colors - shades of blue.


Flowers, living tree or his image, artificial tree, statuette in the form of a tree, wooden items, swirls, twigs, bark, leaves and the like.

Colors - shades of green, shades of brown.


Fireplace, candles, matches, paintings with image of fire or sun (sunrise), sunflower or his image, etc.

Colors - red, yellow, golden.


Flowers in pots with land, image of the planet Earth, globe, pebbles, pebbles, image of mountains and sculptures, pyramids, products from jade and other stones, crystals, clay figures, pots, etc., ceramic products, dishes.

Colors - shades of brown, terracotta, gray, ocher.

Metal products - bell, horseshoe, coins, candlesticks, bowls, sculptures, figurines, etc.

Colors - metallic, silver, gold, bronze, aluminum, brass, etc. White, gray, yellow.

Create a circle of creation anywhere in your home. It is better to do this in the zone that is for your family the most significant - the sector of wealth, the family sector, etc.

How to do it?

Determine the place where it is possible to place several uncomplicated items according to the scheme described above - table, shelf, shelf, windowsill, etc.

Items should stand in a certain order "WATER - Tree - Fire - Earth - Metal - Water" and closes in a circle.

Now we know that it symbolizes these elements, so now we connect fantasy and imagination.

For example, water - we put a vase with water or a fountain or a picture, etc., near the tree - flower, a wooden object, a tying, a picture, etc., fire - candle, matches, earth - pebbles, clay figure, crystalline and etc., Metal - coin, bell, metal hilt, etc.

Our Circle of creation Created, now he will work on the well-being of our family.

In order for this work to be active, place this circle on a red napkin (red activates).

Now, more about Feng Shui sectors in our house (apartment, office, etc.).

As we agreed, first of all activate HEALTH and Assistants.

Each sector is favorable, helps, damages or relaxes a certain of the elements.

Each sector corresponds to a certain number.

Each sector is favored by a certain form.

Each sector has "favorite and useful" and "harmful and dangerous" talismans and elements.

How to use this information?

With the talismans and symbols of this or that sector, everything is understandable.

The number, form, color is all elements, their design and the environment must match these parameters as much as possible.

If the number of sectors wealth 4 - Put 4 coins in it or better 4 bills, a favorable cylindrical form or rectangular or wavy - use something of these forms (vase, sculpture, etc.), favorable color - purple, purple, green, red - Use a purple fountain, a green frog or a red napkin.


And you can simply cut the 4 rectangle from the green (lilac, red) paper, put them in the wealth sector (southeast) or even glue them under the closet, behind the bed, etc., if they are in this zone.

In Feng Shui, it is not necessary to put everything on the display, the characters work, even if the stranger is not visible.

HEALTH and Welfare - CENTRE - Central part of any house, any apartment.

Main Element - Earth

Feeding element - fire

Damaging element - tree

Weeding Element - Metal

Number of sectors - 5

Favorable colors - earth colors (description above)

Dangerous symbols - color green, black, blue, rectangular shapes.

Talismans - Globe, fireplace, bamboo, peaches (symbol of health, youth, longevity), funny things and humorous pictures, circle of creation, big crystal chandelier, table with red candles, turtle, caravel.

Assistants and Travels - NORTHWEST.

Power Element - Earth

Damaging element - fire

Weakening element - water

Sector number - 6

Favorable colors - metal colors

Dangerous symbols - candles, fireplace, red and green, triangular shape, excess water symbols.

Talismans -metallic bell or horseshoe, pebbles, portraits of mentoring people or the "strong world of this", circle of creation, crystals, god Ganesh, Hottea, Buddha, icons (for believers), images and souvenirs from distant countries, clay and metal objects, dolphins.

It is very useful to create in the sector of helpers Collage(photo or clippings from magazines), where images of your most cherished aspirations and a dream will be placed: Laughing healthy baby - if you want children; Beautiful wedding couple - family; expensive car, beautiful house, diamonds - wealth; Chic resort - travel; Photo of the head of a large corporation - Career, etc.

Suppose only six photos.

Let this collage be in a metal frame or on a gold (silver) background.

Assistants will "know" what exactly we need to help first. In addition, if the collage is made with a diligence, fantasy and do it yourself, it means that we really need this help.


Power Element - Water

Damaging element - metal

Weakening element - fire

Sector number - 4

Favorable colors - purple, purple, green, red

Favorable forms are cylindrical or rectangular or wavy.

Dangerous symbols - fireplace, candles, a lot of metal, triangular shapes, a lot of red.

Talismans - fountain, aquarium with goldfish, fish in a cylindrical column, Crassus flower (money tree with rounded foliage), flowers with round leaves, circle of creation, large amethyst, Chinese coins, Chinese gods of wealth - Hottey, starry elders, dogs, turtle, Three-way toad with a coin in the mouth, a sailboat (directed by the feed in the house).

How to activate the zone of wealth? How to attract good luck and money in our house?

Disassemble the grooves in the house, wash the stove and try to do and think, considering previous tips on the device at home and the feeling of yourself and your desires.

If the monetary sector falls in your apartment on a bathroom, a toilet or an entrance door, connect the tricks described above and activate the money zone in the living room.

Feng Shui works as an activation of maxi space (the entire apartment or house) and mini space - a separate room.

All the necessary sectors can be activated in a separate room, most often visited - such as the living room.

In this zone, put crassula tree Or another flower with rounded foliage, the larger, the better, hang on it Chinese coins, you can put it on a red napkin or four bills.

Install Fountainbetter with backlit, better with the image of coins or throw money into a fountain.

You can put an aquarium with goldfish, or just a photo goldfish in frame.

Be sure to purchase a figurine Three-legged toad (She is the lunar princess), sitting on coins and with a coin in the mouth. It can be a Chinese coin (hieroglyph up) or a coin of a wallet (up the coat of arms).

Three-legged toad in Chinese mythology is like a magician of the Tsarevna-Frog - in Russian.

Better put it on a bill of wallet and never run it.

Another important symbol of wealth - etokotor in Chinese mythology is considered the god of wealth. But he does not need to pray. It is believed he comes to a house with a bag and money, brings well-being and wealth, and the problems take care of them.

It's like Russian Santa Claus - always kind, cheerful and generous.

Laughing hothouses also brings and happiness.

Hotty has an assistant - star old man Fuk. He holds a big golden chinese coin in his hands. There is no money much - find a place for him.

Put several coins or bills in a vase, do not change them.

Draw on a vase (even nail polish) icon "Grille" as mobile - this Chinese hieroglyph means "a lot." Put a vase with money on a red napkin - let the money multiplied.

Very useful will be purchased model of sailboat. Install it so that it is feed from the entrance door or window to your home. Be sure to put coins on it (for example, 4) or cash bills.

Do not forget about pro the effect of "sunny bunnies", Especially in this sector.

It can be a crystal chandelier, a lamp or crystal candlestick, crystals, or with shiny pebbles. The main thing is that there were choppers or spectra on the wall (ceiling), etc.

I have a small mirror with the image of the hieroglyph "Earth" - this is my sign.

The mirror has corrugated edges and early in the morning, at sunrise, the wall in the monetary sector in the living room is covered with multicolor bunnies - very good Feng Shui and just beautiful.

You can put a vase with Four lemons (can be artificial) or their photo.

You can place a tree from sweets or fruits (oranges, lemons - let artificial).

You can create Circle of creationWe talked about him above.

Do not forget about good Lighting In this sector, turn on the light here, even if you do not need it.

Regularly rub dust here. Good use Aroma oils.

You can sometimes (in extreme cases) to light a candle here.

It is believed that the burning candle is a strong energy activator. Use it in other zones, especially where the presence of fire is welcome.

In the zone of money it is better to be with this careful. The symbol of the monetary sector is a tree, the fire can kill the tree (with a lack of water).

If a money is needed very, very much and many The following is very useful - on the four corners of the living room or room, which accounts for the money sector, decompose four Red (Green, Purple) Convert. In each of them, put four cash bills of any dignity (4 dollars, 4 euros, 4 hundreds of rubles, 4 thousand rubles, etc.). What they are larger, the better. Do not run them!

If you dream about an expensive car, get the model of your favorite machine and put this toy into the cash sector.

If the dream is a cottage, put a photo of your dream home in the frame.

And better make cunning. Create whole Collage Of those material benefits that you can only dream of. "Raddle" several magazines. Stick the symbols of wealth on a separate sheet or tablet. Do not fragrant, let it be the most expensive house, machine, yacht, private aircraft, diamonds, gold jewelry, fur products, etc.

Make it against the background of the desired color or in a wooden frame of the desired color - use all the symbols for the money sector.

It is better to place this collage in the visibility zone. Every time, looking at him, in our subconscious, the installation on visible benefits will be activated.

Hang in the monetary sector Wind music Of the four hollow tubes. Regularly lead it in motion, it stars stagnation and hurry the money into the house.

Over time, be sure to purchase Crystal pyramid or handsome Crystal.

Wallet. Buy a new monetary wallet or the color that brings us good luck (it is calculated in a simple way, about it later).

The money will not tolerate a disrespectful relationship and they may not like us - all bills must be folded in a certain order ascending - the face to us, in no way crumpled.

Put Chinese coins knitted in the wallet with a red ribbon, bills with three-four seven or our individual money number (I will tell you the calculation later).

Draw on the inside or to put the "lattice" - the hieroglyph "a lot."

Invest your personal trigram in the wallet (I'll tell you).

If you prefer to go without a wallet, buy money a beautiful moneypit for money.

Put Chinese coins under the phone, fax, computer, etc. - Assistants in receiving income. Put the master's money on your desktop on the desktop.

Never feel a sense of guilt, From what you strive and want to be rich. Never blame yourself that you have more than that of another.

Do not be ashamed, love them, praise money - "My you are good, my sweet, go to mommy (daddy) and call girlfriends", etc.

If we give us a sense of awkwardness before other or worse than the marched money, the highest forces will give them less, so we were not bad. And do we really need it?

Choose optimal methods and talismans to attract money and act!

The main thing, after do not twitch and do not fuss: "When will the money come, when will the money come?". Relax, live quietly, confidently and happily - everything will be!

With the richness of you!

Love, marriage, relationship - SOUTHWEST.

Feeding element - fire

Damaging element - tree

Weeding Element - Metal

Sector number - 2

Favorable colors - pink, red, beige, ocher, shades of brown

Favorable forms - square, triangular

Dangerous symbols - images of lonely people, green, blue, black colors, rectangular shapes.

Talismans - Two red candles, chicken with aromatic candles, crystals, pebbles, images of mountains, peonies (for young couples), fresh flowers, 2 hearts (red or pink) - objects or images, photos of happy couples, chocolate candies, circle of creation, vases Red or yellow, Chinese red lanterns, wind music, trigram, lunar fairy (toad), symbol of double luck, "mystical node".

In this sector, all items must be pair - a pair of pads, two vases, two candlesticks, two clarification of the mandarinks, a pair of cranes, a couple of swans, a couple of storks, a pair of anchor, a couple of pigeons, two jade or crystal eggs, two hearts, etc.

To begin with, if you are a lonely man, bring something attractive for women to the house - a women's magazine, a houseplant, a pink comb, a frame with pebbles or any cute baubles that can be delighted and losing your potential girlfriend.

For a girl (women), dreaming of a satellite of life - buy a pleasant men's toilet water, a male towel, a large sized slippers, a razor, a male magazine, etc.

Naturally, do not use these items - let them wait for their new owner.

Remember about the bedroom (section "Bedroom"), regardless of whether you dream of love and marriage (marriage) or have already created a family.

If you only dream to find your half, it is recommended to do the following.

Take a sheet of red paper or ordinary paper, but nested in a red envelope.

Divide it into two parts and write to the left - positive qualities and features that you would like to see from your future chosen one (chosen), right - negative, but permissible for you.

Moreover, write specific and clear requirements and in the present time - as if this person is already next to you.

For example, on the left - "Thank you for being with me is my half - he is 30 years old, he loves himself and respects me, he cares about me, he protects me, he is tasty cooks, he loves children, he does not drink, he is kind, He makes me a lot of gifts, he brings me 10,000,000 rubles every month, he brings me a fragrant coffee in bed every morning, he weighs 100 kg with height 2m, he is a beautiful blonde (brunette), he made me a sentence to play a wedding in a week of dating and t .. - To whom you need.

On the right - my chosen one smokes (if you admit this weakness), my favorite was married, he is not a very big boss, he snores, etc.

When we decide that we still want to want to meet and live with him a lot of happy years (if we strive for a long relationship), then the providence will be easier to push us with that person that we are most close.

Roll a red sheet with detailed characteristics into a scroll and tie out a red ribbon.

Put this scroll or in the Love Sector, or in the Assistant Sector.

Relax and forget about him. Sometimes the chosen one is near, sometimes so far that a whole series of events and "cases", which will lead it to you.

Be happy and loved!

Family and support East.

Chief Element - Tree

Power Element - Water

Damaging element - metal

Weakening element - fire

Sector number - 3

Favorable colors - green, brown, black, blue, red (moderately)

Favorable forms - rectangular, cylindrical, wavy

Dangerous symbols - fireplace, candles, triangular shapes, many red, many metal objects.

Talismans - Living plants with leaves up, the green tree of myrtle in the tub - "family" tree, bamboo or bamboo sticks, water image, family photos, circle of creation, jade eggs, goddess fu-blue with child and peach fruits, moon goddess, green dragon, Dragon with pearls, sculptures of couples and kids.

To begin with, check that all the doors in the house are easily opened and no grooves accumulated behind them.

If several doors are found in a small corridor, hang there wind music (with 5 hollow tubes), it will turn out negative energy.

Please note that all family photos have radiated happiness, joy and love.

Place such photos in this sector, better - in green frames.

Make sure that family photos are not located opposite the entrance door, entering the bathroom or toilet (especially - not in these rooms!), Opposite the garbage chute, etc.

Remember the rules of laying beds, cabinets, canopies, paintings and views from the window.

Remember the kitchen as a family hearth center.

Remember the love sector - love is needed by our family!

Below, look at the tips about the children's sector - what family without children!

And of course, the health sector, wealth - as our family without it!

One of the most important guards of our family well-being is The Dragon.

Place in the east of this indispensable defender of the family and family hearth - the dragon figure or its image.

Flowers. Be sure to place a family tree here, and because The number of sector 3 is better place three flower or plants.

If you know the symbolic plants, purchase it or come up with that.

Mirt, Mytov Tree - Family Wood,

Crasusla - money tree

Mandarin, orange tree, decorative pen is to well-being and satiety in the family.

Maybe there is a tree of health or a tree of youth, look.

The main thing - the flowers must be healthy and fresh, leaves up.

Forget about cacti - only for protection (Flowers section)!

Water.Place a fountain or water vase here. It activates the sector and will help our flowers to remain healthy.

Put three bamboo sticks in the ground or glass with water or bamboo image.

"Site" on the money from the wallet Lunar Goddess.

Purchase a statuette or sculpture (or picture) depicting a romantically tuned pair, and better family idyll (happy mom, dad, kids, dogs, etc.), put it on a red napkin.

Glory and reputation - South.

Dominant element - fire

Power Element - Tree

Damaging element - water

Weakening element - land

Sector number - 9

Favorable colors - red, green

Favorable forms - triangular, rectangular

Dangerous symbols - Water objects and water symbols (mirrors, etc.), wavy forms.

Talismans - Fireplace, red candles, paintings with sunrise, plants, red triangles (better than 9 pieces), green objects, images of flowering sunflowers or poppies, personal list of achievements - diplomas, awards, cups, personal wish list, creation circle, crystal sconce , Crystal pyramid, image of a rooster or peacock, feathers (peacocks, cocks, pigeons), horse with head raised or body, etc.

This sector is important for those who seriously think about life success and recognition.

If you correctly activate the southern sector, several important events are implemented:

Happy "random" opportunities for growth and development

Success and recognition is easier

It is easier for a common language with people.

People will trust you more.

Disassemble the ruins in this sector.

Place more fire characters ( candles, for example, ignite them more often) and of red color.

All existing diplomas and awards Family members will be transferred to this sector.

Place here photo The famous and famous people whose success admires us and pleases, royal people, emperors, heads of state, etc.

As can be more red color!

Add gold Accessories,what is not gold accompanied by glory!

Very good symbol for this sector - Eagle. Hang it in the south of the apartment or southern living room wall. Your luck will take off above the Sun!

Horse aspiring up - Place cash coins on her neck or back. Make sure our horse strive to house, and not from it!

Crystal pyramid - A symbol of constant aspiration of up and development.

Tsarist and imperial symbols, symbols of aristocracy - crown, throne, heraldry, fan (better gold).

At the same time it is believed that fan Helps from the evil and from the negative impact of other people.

Big coin Talisman.This symbol of wealth can be placed both in the south and in the south-east. Because Money is always accompanied by fame, and career, and fame.

It will be very good to hang this amulet over the dining table, then in the family will always be wealth and money.

Career and Life Path - North.

Chief Element - Water

Power Element - Metal

Damaging element - land

Weakening element - tree

Sector number - 1

Favorable colors - blue, black, blue, white

Favorable forms - winding, wavy, round

Dangerous symbols - red, earth colors, square shapes

Talismans - Fountain, aquarium, aquatic symbols, a metal bowl with water, metal horseshoe, a circle of creation, mirrors associated with a red ribbon Chinese coins, wind music, turtle, fish and their images.

In Feng Shui, the northern sector helps us to realize your life goals and aspirations, achieve success in your career.

Try to sit so that your back is always protected.

Calculations of these areas - see other advice on Feng Shui.

Watch that when you work, sharp corners and open shelves are not directed.

Wisdom and knowledge - Northeast.

Chief Element - Earth

Feeding element - fire

Damaging element - tree

Weeding Element - Metal

Sector number - 8

Favorable colors - yellow, terracotta, orange, beige, sandy

Favorable forms - square, triangular

Dangerous symbols - green, black, blue, rectangular shapes.

Talismans - Globus, books, circle of creation, crystals, wealth pot (with gold or imitation), wind music, snake, crystal pearl (symbol of concentrated knowledge), crystal egg (eternal life and update).

Children and creativity - West.

Head Element - Metal

Power Element - Earth

Damaging element - fire

Weakening element - water

Sector number - 7

Favorable colors - white, silver, golden, yellow

Favorable forms - Round, Oval, Square

Dangerous symbols - candles, fireplace, red and green colors, triangular shapes, excess water symbols

Talismans - bells, horseshoe, metal products (vases, cups), children's photos, exhibition of children's drawings, circle of creation, moving toys (mobile), crystals, crystal egg, child with peach.

Elephant (Elephant's figure or its image) is one of the favorite talismans in Feng Shui. It is believed that the elephant brings good luck to the owners of the house, ensures the fulfillment of all desires. In addition, elephants strengthen the children's sector, serve to care and support the younger generation.

You can place an elephant image both in the West and near the entrance door. The main thing is that the elephant be with his head raised and looked into the house, and not the opposite.

If you dream about a child, do not forget the main rule of Feng Shui - if you want to get "something", then imagine that this "something" you already have.

Therefore, you want a child - start buying children's things, toys, etc. (Contrary to prejudices and superstitions).

You can place in the sector of the children of the angels and put near the toys, as if you already have children.

Feng Shui advises not to vacuuming during this period under the bed, do not produce capital repairs, etc., because The birth of a new life does not like unbalanced energy.

In Germany, newlyweds are mandatory to plant a tree or rose bush. Near Leipzig, there is even a whole "city of blooming trees", here since 1700 there was a strictest law, according to which the marriage did not conclude if six fruit trees were planted.

In the Czech Republic there is a very touching custom - before the wedding in the yard of the bride plant a tree. It is traditionally decorated with the foral ribbons from the satin and decorated eggs.

In Switzerland, newlyweds in front of their home are squeeze pine, which is a symbol of good luck and wealth.

During the wedding ceremony in the Maldives, it is customary to plant a palm tree, which is a symbol of the future long family life. Palmmes tie the signs on which the pair names and the date of the wedding are indicated.

Two fruit trees are taken on the island of Java, as a sign of well-being and family prosperity.

In Thailand, the wedding ceremony is completed by planting a love tree, and in the Philippines this rite is carried out during a wedding.

Residents of the Bermuda islands on a wedding bake a cake, the top of which is decorated with a young church. After the end of the celebration, the bride and the groom planted a seedling in the yard of her house. According to believe, the marriage will last so much time as the tree will grow.

To this day, in some countries a touching custom has been preserved. If the guy brings dugout in the forest in the forest and puts it under the beloved window, it is perceived by a girl as a proposal of a hand and heart.

In Russia, the newlyweds, the planting of the young village, in the honor of an unforgettable event of their life, thereby laid the foundation of family well-being. The tree became a symbol of love and a family warrant for long-to-many years. Mustache, the village grew and every year the relationship between spouses was attached.

Frequently for the landing chose trees that were considered symbolic. We present several trees that are particularly popular with newlyweds:

  • Oak from ancient times means strength, endurance, courage, fertility, longevity, loyalty and nobility.
  • The lime was honored as a tree - charm, it was guarded by love and mutual understanding in the family.
  • Hawthorn - a symbol of marriage, hope and chastity. This is the tree of the goddess of love.
  • Pine appreciated as a symbol of longevity and marital happiness.
  • Spruce - tree of eternal life, hope and fertility.
  • Rowan - guarantees happiness and peace in the family.
  • Kalina - symbolizes the Music Love and loyalty, this tree sincerely was considered to be "wedding tree".

In recent years, an ancient tradition of planting a tree of love on the day of the wedding began to reborn in Russia again. Each young couple can plant any tree chosen at the request, and thus, for many years, leave a living memory of the happy moment of creating a family.

I want to wish every family so that it was like a strong tree, firmly ingrown roots in the ground, and not what bad weather, winds and frosts, she was not terrible.

Our ancestors knew about the energetics of trees much more than now. What is proven by modern science was transmitted from generation to generation in the form of folk admission.

Here is a small toliary of ancient knowledge for those who want health, good luck, love and well-being in the family. And you need to choose a little, which is enough to put near the porch or under the windows at home. His Egretics, phytoncides will bring a lot of benefits to the hosts. Different can give different benefits - read the article and choose your own!

Good sign - planted near the house vishni This is an unpretentious plant who needs the minimum of care, while it blooms beautifully and smells in the spring. The cherry is considered a symbol of fertility and wealth, especially read this tree in the east. It is believed that it is a charm, bringing good luck.

It is said that the bonfire under the cherry during its flowering time increases wealth. You can plant the cherry in the place where you are going to prepare kebabs and other summer dishes on the fire and mangale. This is a good solution from the point of view of attracting material goods.

- Juniper - This is one of the most powerful plants that protect from the guidance of the attitude, damage and evil forces. If you put it near the house, the plant will protect all the members of your family. It is believed that it is necessary to place it in front of the house, and not in the backyard. You can join this from time to time to burn indoors to drive with negative energy from there.

- Shipovnik It looks beautiful at any time of the year. In addition, he guards the well-being of the family, near the house of which is growing. He attracts love and strengthens relations in the family. This is an exceptionally positively configured plant that will not bring you anything wrong. The main values \u200b\u200bof rosehip in magic are love, passion and durable, stable family ties.

- Larch Especially attractive looks autumn. Its influence is necessary for those who are constantly experiencing unfortunate doubts, fears and anxiety. Larch, if you put it near the house, helps to cope with depression, melancholy and other psychological problems. She helps to look at life positive and restore spiritual powers.

- Acacia Positive affects the continuation of the kind. She treats infertility of both men and women. If you can not start a child for a long time, try to put acacia near the house. In addition, it relieves stress and increases the mood.

- Pear - symbol of motherhood and love, stability and durability. It can be near the residential building, because it also gives positive qualities - the ability to communicate and raise friends.

It's believed that spruce - Energy vampire, and plant this tree near the house can not. But it is not so. Spruce absorbs energy throughout the summer, and in the winter it is divided into her. It is shown to those who experience the winter lack of vitality. A spruce near the house protects the family from the quarrel, helps to restrain emotions, removes the unpleasant feeling that everything goes wrong. But near the house it is still not worth it, because her roots can even wrap the house. Place coniferous trees away from buildings.

In some regions, it is believed that her fir displaces men from the house. This refers to the birth of only daughters, widowing and divorces. Foured to plant a fir near the house of newlyweds, because it could deprive their heirs. But in the regions where coniferous trees are common most, they do not believe in such signs.

- Kalina - A good version of the plant in order to plant near the house. It calms the nervous system and helps to recover in case of disease.

- Maple Near the house will help you to remove negative energy, quarrel less with your family members. He brings longevity, love and material wealth to your home. The life of people living in the house near which Maple grows, will be calm and measured. Maple is calm and confidence.

- Rowan Save your home and seven from black witchcraft, unclean strength and any negative energy. It develops extrasensory abilities, especially in children. Ryabina teaches to control their feelings and show only when it benefits. If you think about whether it is possible to plant a rowan near the house, it will take a negative color about this tree.

Women older than 40 years old can give the second youth. It also brings the ability to enjoy the physical side of love and good luck in relations with the opposite sex. It is best to plant a rowan near the windows.

Excellent option for landing near the windows of a young girl bedroom. She gives beauty, charm, faith in yourself, good luck in love and happiness in family life. Apple tree is also connected with eternal youth and longevity.

Believe in these signs or not - to solve you. But why not rely on the wisdom of ancestors, if you are not yet sure which tree choose to land at home?

If your finance, as they say, in a famous statement, sing romances, then we need to look for methods and ways so that they will be asleep for you "cha-cha cha". Opportunities to attract money, in fact, a huge variety, and they all twist every day around you, feeding signs that it's time to take action. You can resort to the magic, simoner, work, in the end - because all the methods are good in their own way. And you can resort to the miraculous power of plants, which in the people it is customary to call money trees. So, for example, if on your windowsill will appear crassusShe is a fat man, he will soon notice how the wallet gets fat or the bank account is filled.

Crassula tree - frequent guest of our dwelling

The most common appearance of this plant is Crassula Ovata (Crassula Ovata), shaped resembles a tree, and we all know what energy trees have, including to attract money. The juicy and bright leaves of the Crasus are similar to round coins, thanks to which the flower deservedly received its second name -, and is actively seated in millions of flower pots to help attract financial well-being to many people of our planet.

But it should be noted that crassus It works as a magnet for money only if you believe in its magic force, sincerely love and carefully care for.

Cars for Crassus as a way to financial stability

The most reliable and proven by many way to activate the main miraculous property of the money tree is to bring stable revenues, lies in the careful care of this plant.

Or Crasus, does not require titanic efforts to grow it, it suffices to provide good lighting, sufficient, but not excessive, moisture and low temperature.

It is advisable to plant the cracks in low pots, as its root system is small. For soil, it is enough to mix the turf and large sand to mix, you can also add flat mail and humus in small quantities. On the bottom of the pot, for better drainage and enhance the magical properties of the plant, experts are recommended to put three coins in national currency. This ritual will give Crassus a signal that you expect from it.

Water flower is moderately, as it does not like excess moisture. In the summer, make sure that the soil is all the time to be a bit wet, it is enough to water every other day or twice a week, but in the winter you should water the flower even less often so that the soil can dry - about once a week.

Cravulus multiplies quite simply, it is enough to break the processes or even a sheet to root it in a new pot. Leaves allow the roots right in the ground 2 weeks after disembarking. It is said that Crasuslah, like any other flower, is growing better if the processes take someone unnoticed, simple words, stolen. Therefore, if you see your friends or relatives a beautifully growing money tree, reject his movements for yourself - in the financial position of his owners it will not affect anyone, but you will bring success in cash matters and, which is not once already noticed, family.

Crassula transplant is rare enough, as the plant grows slowly. It is not necessary to do it every year, but once every two years, Tolstyanka still follows. It is best to do this in the spring, then the high probability that your tree will bloom, which means a rather serious increase in income, perhaps even completely unexpected.

Give love and care to your tree and it will delight you with pleasant changes for the better in many areas of life.