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Extreme points of Africa and their coordinates. Names and history. Extreme points of africa

Hello everyone! The topic of today's post will be the continent of Africa, about which we will consider the most important and basic geographical facts.

Continent Africa is the second largest after Eurasia (more about this continent). Its area is 29.2 million km 2 (with islands 30.3 million km 2), which makes up almost 1/5 of the entire globe.

Extreme points mainland: North point - Cape El Abyad, coordinates 37 ° 21 "North, 9 ° 45" East;

South point - Cape Agulhas, 34 ° 51 " south latitude, 20 ° 00 "East longitude;

West point - Cape Almadi, coordinates 14 ° 44 "north latitude 17 ° 31" west longitude;

East point - Cape Ras Khafun, 10 ° 25 "North latitude, 51 ° 21" East longitude.

The length from the northern cape El-Abyad (Ras Engela) to the southern cape Agolny is almost 8000 km, the width between the western and eastern capes, respectively Almadi and Khafun, is 7500 km.

Continent Africa in the south and east is washed by the Indian Ocean, in the northeast - by the Red Sea, in the north - by the Mediterranean Sea, in the west - by the Atlantic Ocean.

The shores of Africa are poorly cut: the largest peninsula is Somalia, the largest inflow is the Guinean one.

Geologically, a platform with a Precambrian crystalline base, which is overlain by younger sedimentary rocks, has an advantage. (Geochronological scale).

The folded mountains are located only in the south (Cape Mountains) and in the northwest (Atlas). The relief of Africa is dominated by high folded plains, plateaus and plateaus; in the interior, there are large tectonic depressions (Congo in Central Africa, Kalahari in South Africa, etc.).

Africa from the Zambezi River to the Red Sea is fragmented by the world's largest system of discharge depressions, partly occupied by lakes (Nyasa, Tanganyika, and others).

Volcanoes Kenya, Kilimanjaro ( 5895 m, the highest point in Africa) and others are located along the edges of the depressions.

Minerals of global importance, which are mined in Africa: uranium, gold ( South Africa), diamonds (West and South Africa), iron ores, aluminum (West Africa), cobalt, lithium, beryl, copper (mainly in South Africa), natural gas, oil, phosphorites (West and South Africa).

Summer average monthly temperatures are about 25-30 ° C. In winter, high above zero temperatures (10-25 ° C) also prevail, but in the mountains there are temperatures below 0 ° C, and snow falls annually in the Atlas Mountains.

In the equatorial zone, the most a large number of precipitation per year (on average 1500-2000 mm), and on the coast of the Guinean tributary (up to 3000-4000 mm.). To the south and east of the equator, precipitation decreases (in deserts, 100 mm or less).

The main flow is directed to the Atlantic Ocean: the Nile River (which is the largest in Africa), Niger, Congo (Zaire), Gambia, Senegal, Orange. The large river in the Indian Ocean basin is the Zambezi.

About 1/3 of Africa is an area of ​​internal flow of predominantly temporary streams. The largest lakes in Africa: Tanganyika, Victoria, Nyasa (Malawi).

Main African vegetation types: deserts (the largest is the Sahara) and savannahs, which occupy about 80% of the area of ​​Africa.

The coastal regions of the subequatorial zone and the equatorial zone are characterized by humid equatorial evergreen forests.

To the south and north of them there are sparse tropical forests, which turn into shrouds, and then into desert shrouds.

In tropical Africa (mainly in nature reserves and) rhinos, elephants, zebras, hippos, cheetahs, antelopes, lions, leopards, etc. are found.

Small predators, numerous monkeys, rodents; in dry areas, a large number of reptiles.

A huge number of birds, including flamingos, ibises, ostriches. And the tsetse fly, termites, locusts, bring great harm to the economy of Africa.

Countries in Africa: Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Djibouti, most of Egypt, Congo (Zaire), Zambia, Zimbabwe, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Congo, Cat -d'Ivoire, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Mauritania, Malawi, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Swaziland, Senegal, Somalia, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Central African Republic, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, South African Republic (South Africa), as well as the territories of Western Sahara, Ceuta and Melilla.

On the islands belonging to Africa, there are the following countries: Comoros, Mauritius, Madagascar, Sao Tome and Principe, Seychelles, and Reunion, Saint Helena.

More than 700 million people live in African countries, or about 15%. Africa is inhabited by hundreds of large and small nations (). 107 of which have more than 1 million people each, which is 86.2% of the total population.

Representatives of nomadic tribes and nationalities migrate across the territories of other countries. In the north of the continent, the largest African ethnic groups are the Arabs (Moroccan, Algerian, Egyptian). In South and Central Africa - Bantu, in Tropical Africa - Hausa, Yoruba, and Oromo, Amhara.

For example, the Bantu includes more than 40 nationalities, and each of them has more than 1 million people. Also in African countries, there are many immigrants from Asian and European countries.

In South Africa, immigrants, especially a large part - more than 5 million people (Italians, French, Afrikaners, or Boers).

More than half of the continent's population lives in rural areas. They are engaged in cattle breeding and agriculture. The largest part of the urban population (over 50%) is concentrated in Djibouti, South Africa, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Mauritius, Reunion.

Many residents in rapidly growing cities are employed in the service sector (service, trade). Most of them are civil servants.

On the African continent, high level unemployment. A large number of citizens live off odd jobs.

The inhabitants of mainland Africa profess different religions... In the north of Africa, Arabs mainly profess Sunni Islam. Christianity and Islam, as well as local traditional beliefs, are common in Tropical Africa. South Africa is dominated by christian religion(Protestantism and Catholicism), and also there are followers of Hinduism and other religions.

Thus, we found out that the continent of Africa is very rich in various minerals, the most beautiful and rare animals and birds, and many different nations with their own customs and cultures.

summaries of other presentations

"Description of the geographical location of Africa" ​​- D. Livingston. Vasily Vasilievich Juncker. Cape of Good Hope. Features of the mainland. Discovery and exploration of the mainland. Physical and geographical position of the mainland. Plan for describing the mainland FGP. Geographical positioning techniques. Determine how the mainland is located relative to the equator. On the Upper Nile. Vasco da Gama. The natives. Physical map of Africa. Egyptian pyramids. David Livingston. Sunset on the Nile River.

"Information about Africa" ​​- History. View of Africa from space. Groups of hunter-fishermen lived in the Sahara. Khafra's pyramid and the Great Sphinx on the Giza plateau. Africa during the Stone Age. The uniqueness of Africa. Africa was part of a single continent. Animals of Africa. Origin of name. Ruins of Carthage. Africa. Human Origins. Extreme points. Terracotta figurine, Nok culture. The population of Africa is about one billion people.

"Africa is the hottest continent" - Namib. Africa. The hottest continent. Passage of the cold Benguela current. Climate. Constant winds blowing from tropical latitudes to the equator. Constant winds. High air temperature. Circulation. Solar continent. Known deposits. Kalahari Desert. A place where it doesn't rain for years. Geographic cross. Desert. Passage of the warm Mozambique current. Lines on the climate map.

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"Description of Africa" ​​- Africa. Snakes (mambas, pythons), lizards, frogs and invertebrates can be found everywhere. The most common are Arabic, English, French and African languages. Crocodiles are common inhabitants of the rivers. African Marabou. The modern population consists mainly of two races: Arabs and Anglo-South Africans. Animal world Africa is amazingly rich. Birds: African ostriches, marabou, secretary bird that feeds on snakes.

"Geography" Map of Africa "" - Sahara. Wet equatorial forests. Extreme points. Madagascar. Somalia. Geographical position of Africa. Forms of recording GP. Heart of Africa. Eurasia. Unique Africa. Conclusions about the climate of Africa. Geographical position of Africa. Atlantic Ocean. Strait of Gibraltar. Suez Canal. Choose the correct statements. Mainland characteristics plan. Climatic zones. Desert life. GP plan. Africa. What cards are required.

November 03, 2017

Knowing the extreme points of Africa and their coordinates will help you better understand the features of geography different parts this so diverse and mysterious continent... Despite the fact that Europeans have been studying the continent for several centuries, it still keeps many secrets.

Extreme points of Africa and their coordinates

Each of the extreme points of the continent is located on the territory of another distinctive country. For example, the northern one is located in Tunisia at the tip of Cape Blanco, which the locals call Ben Sekka. Lovers of noteworthy natural sites will be able to get to the cape from Bizerte, the nearest town with a population of over one hundred thousand people. The coordinates of the extreme point of Africa, located at Cape Ben Sekka, are equal to 37 ° 20'49 ″ s. NS. and 9 ° 45'20 ″ in. This makes it the northernmost point of the continent.

All other extreme points of Africa and their continents are located on the territory different countries such as Somalia, South Africa and Senegal.

East Africa. Cape Ras Khafun

If it is quite easy to find yourself at the extreme point in Tunisia, then some will require incredible efforts from the traveler. For example, Cape Ras Khafun, which is considered the extreme point in eastern Africa, is located in Somalia, a state torn apart by civil war for several decades.

The coordinates of the extreme point of Africa in this region look like this - 10 ° 25'00 ″ s. NS. 51 ° 16'00 "in. e. On them you can find a low promontory jutting into the sea for forty kilometers. This remarkable geographical feature is located in the very north of the Republic of Somalia.

This geographic location is vulnerable, as tsunamis often occur in the Indian Ocean. Most strong consequences caused by a wave in 2004, when the fishing village, located on the headland, was completely destroyed. Today, the fishing village is home to more than two and a half thousand people, most of them belong to the Ottoman Mamud clan.

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South Africa

The extreme points and their coordinates are necessary knowledge for the harmonious development of ideas about how the world works and what place this or that country occupies in it.

South Africa occupies a significant part of the southern tip of the mainland, it is not surprising that it is on its territory that the most extreme point of Africa is located and its coordinates are 34 ° 49′43 ″ S. NS. 20 ° 00'09 ″ in. And these are not the coordinates of the Cape of Good Hope, the most famous cape on the continent. The southernmost point of the mainland is Cape Agulhas, also known as Agulhas.

One of the most dangerous areas for seafarers is located in the vicinity of the cape. The fact is that an underwater sand spit stretches along the South African coast, originating in the immediate vicinity of the cape. This area is called the Bank of Agulhas.

The name of the promontory and the entire area surrounding it was given by Portuguese navigators in the fifteenth century. According to legend, the needle of the compass, which was then played by the needle, pointed strictly to the north in this place, since a magnetic anomaly was observed in the region at that time. By the nineteenth century, the direction of the anomaly had changed to the west.

Senegal. West Africa

The geographical coordinates of the extreme points of Africa are also of interest because they are often used not only by sailors, but also by desperate travelers who seek to visit the maximum number of exotic places, which, of course, include the extreme points of the continents. After all, it is from this point that you can take a photo that will remind you of a wonderful event all your life. The extreme western point is Cape Almadi, located on the territory of the Zelenyi Peninsula 34 ° 49'43 ″ S. NS. 20 ° 00'09 ″ in. etc.

The fourth extreme point of Africa and its coordinates are located on the territory of Senegal, a state located in the very west of the continent. Until recently, it was in this country that the route of the world famous Paris-Dakar rally ended, but due to political instability in many countries through which the rally route passed, the race was transferred to South America.

To summarize, we can list the following extreme points of Africa and their coordinates:

  • Cape Ben Sekka in the north, 37 ° 20'28 ″ N NS. 9 ° 44′48 ″ in. etc.
  • Cape Agulhas in South Africa, 34 ° 49'43.39 ″ S. NS. 20 ° 00′09.15 ″ in. etc.
  • Cape Almadi in the west of the continent 14 ° 44′41 ″ N. NS. 17 ° 31′13 ″ W etc.
  • Cape Ras Khafun in the east of the mainland, in the Republic of Somalia with coordinates 10 ° 25'00 ″ s. NS. 51 ° 16'00 "in. etc.

The material contains a table with the exact location of the extreme points of the mainland. The article gives an idea of ​​the capes, on which there are landmarks in the cardinal points relative to the location of Africa. The data complements the knowledge already gained about the continent.

Extreme points of Africa and their coordinates

As can be seen from the table, the extreme northern point of Africa is considered Cape Blanco .

Cape El Abyad (Engela) , otherwise called Cape Bely - the northernmost point of the continent. It is located on the Mediterranean coast in Tunisia.

Rice. 1. The northernmost point of Africa.

Geographers do not believe that the name "Blanco" (from Portuguese means "white") was assigned to the cape only on the basis of its northern position. The name was given because of the color of the sand that is characteristic of this Mediterranean coast.

- represents the southern tip of the mainland. Geographically located on the land of the state of South Africa. Located 155 kilometers away in the southeastern region near the famous Cape of Good Hope. In addition, it is a kind of completion of the spit, which stretches from the Cape mountain peaks. There is a lighthouse on it.

The southernmost point of Africa is the generally recognized division boundary between the Atlantic and Indian oceans.

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Rice. 2. Cape Agulhas.

Sailing past the cape, it is very difficult to notice it. But the stone pyramid serves as a visual reference for exact location. southern edge Sveta

The extreme southwestern point of the African continent. Some people incorrectly assume that this cape is the southern point of the African continent. It is known for the fact that the continental coastline here for the first time bends to the east. The famous waterway from the Atlantic Ocean to the Indian Ocean opens here. In 1497, the famous seafarer-traveler and explorer Vasco da Gama, bypassed the Cape of Good Hope and paved the sea route to the coast of India.

Cape Almadi is located on a peninsula called Cape Verde in Senegal and is the western tip of Africa.

Cape Ras Khafun represents the extreme eastern tip of Africa. It is recognized as the lowest-lying cape of all. Its length is 40 kilometers in length. Geographically, the cape is located in the northern part of the state of Somalia. Speaks towards the Indian Ocean.

Significant points of the African continent

The most significant points on the continent are represented by the following capes:

  • El Abyad;
  • Needle;
  • Good Hope;
  • Almadi;
  • Ras Khafun.

Africa is called the high mainland. High relief forms dominate here. It is these landforms that frame and outline the boundaries of the continent, and it turns out that the plains are localized in the central region. Africa, viewed from above, looks like a kind of plate with sides.

Rice. 3. Cape of Good Hope.

Due to the fact that Africa is conventionally divided by the equator almost in half, this explains the peculiarity of its geographical coordinates, an impressive amount of solar radiation is concentrated on the surface of the continent. Total ratings received: 185.

This is perhaps the most mysterious of the great contrasts that the science of geography studies with interest. Africa is the planet and the highest. Many tribes and nationalities live on its territory, each of which speaks its own language.

This article will focus specifically on Africa, its nature and population.

Africa: coordinates of extreme points

It is the second largest continent on our planet. It covers an area of ​​30 million square kilometers. Africa is connected with Eurasia by the narrow Isthmus of Suez.

8 thousand kilometers - this is the distance that the continent of Africa stretches from north to south. The coordinates of the extreme points of the continent are as follows:

  • North - Cape Ras Engela (37.21 degrees north latitude).
  • South - Cape Agulhas (34.51 degrees south latitude).

7.5 thousand kilometers is the distance between the western and eastern outskirts of a continent like Africa. The coordinates of the extreme points of the continent are as follows:

  • Western - Cape Almadi (17.33 degrees west longitude).
  • Eastern - Cape Ras Gafun (51.16 degrees east longitude).

The length of the mainland coastline is 26 thousand kilometers. This is very small for a continent of this size. The reason is that the coastline of Africa is very poorly dissected.

It should also be noted that the extreme points of Africa have other names. So, Cape Agulhas is sometimes called Cape Agulias. And Cape Ras Engela is sometimes called Cape Blanco. Therefore, these place names can also be found in the scientific literature.

Unique. The fact is that the equator crosses this continent almost in the middle. This fact leads to two important consequences:

  1. First, the continent receives a large amount of solar radiation, since it is located between the two tropics.
  2. Secondly, in terms of natural features, South Africa is symmetrically (mirror-like) similar to North Africa.

Geography: Africa is the highest continent on the planet

Africa is often called the high mainland, as high landforms dominate here. These geomorphologists include plateaus, highlands and plateaus, as well as outlier mountains. It is interesting that these landforms seem to border the mainland, while the plains are located in its central part. In other words, Africa can be thought of as a shallow saucer.

The highest point of the continent is Kilimanjaro Volcano (5895 meters). It is located in Tanzania, and many tourists have an irresistible desire to conquer this peak. But the lowest point is located in the small country of Djibouti. This is Lake Assal with an absolute height of 157 meters (but with a minus sign).

Mineral resources of Africa

Almost all deposits have been explored in Africa known to man mineral resources. South Africa is especially rich in various minerals (these are diamonds, coal, nickel and copper ores). As a rule, foreign companies are engaged in the development of deposits.

The bowels of Africa are rich in iron ores. Many smelters in Europe and North America use ore mined here.

Known for its numerous oil fields and natural gas... The countries in which they are located are very lucky - they live quite well. First of all, we note Tunisia and Algeria.

Climate and inland waters

The longest river in the world, the Nile, flows through Africa. Other major rivers on the mainland are Congo, Niger, Zambezi, Limpopo and Orange. Deep lakes formed in tectonic faults - Nyasa, Tanganyika and others. The state called Chad is home to the continent's largest salt lake of the same name.

Africa, as mentioned above, is the hottest continent on planet Earth. Due to its location, the surface of the continent receives a lot solar energy and gets very hot.

In Central Africa, as well as on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, a large amount of precipitation falls. In the territories to the south and north, climatic seasons are already clearly traced - dry winter and rainy season in summer. Farther north and south, very little precipitation falls, which leads to the formation of deserts. Africa is home to the largest desert on the planet - the Sahara.

The population of the "black" continent

Africa is indeed dominated by blacks. Moreover, the conditional border that divides the Negroid and is the Sahara Desert.

Today, Africa is home to nearly one billion people. At the same time, the continent's population is growing rapidly. Scientists predict that about 2 billion people will live here by 2050.

If you look closely at the political map of Africa, you will notice one interesting detail. The fact is that the borders between many states are drawn along straight lines. This is a kind of legacy of the colonial past of Africa. Such a careless drawing of borders (without taking into account the ethnic characteristics of the regions) today leads to many conflicts between tribes and peoples.

The average population density in Africa is 30 people per square kilometer. The level of urbanization is also low here and is only 30%. However, there are enough large cities with a population of over one million. The largest of them are Cairo and Lagos.

Africa speaks a thousand languages! Swahili, Fula and Congo are considered indigenous (purely African). In many countries of the continent, the following languages ​​have the official status: English, Portuguese and French. If we talk about the religious preferences of the African population, then the majority of the inhabitants of the mainland profess Islam and Catholicism. Many Protestant churches are also widespread here.


Africa is the hottest continent on the planet. The reason for this is the special geographic location continent.

Africa is as follows: the mainland is located between 37 degrees north latitude and 34 degrees south latitude. Thus, the equator cuts Africa almost in half, due to which its surface receives a huge amount of solar radiation.

Now you know the main natural features continent Africa, the coordinates of the extreme points of its territory.

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