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What you need to know the tourist before the trip to Vietnam. Where is Vietnam? Geographical location of Vietnam

Vietnam noteworthy beautiful nature, ancient temple complexes and high-quality hotels with good service and low prices. Capital Hanoi and Noisy Saigon Ho Chi Minhmin, Halong Bay and Resort Fanthiet - All about Vietnam: Weather, reviews, tours and maps.

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There is an opinion that Vietnam is the same Thailand, only more natural, not so "captured" tourists. In fact, these are two completely different countries, each with their chips, and in Thailand there will be very wild corners, and in Vietnam - resorts with the most advanced infrastructure. This Vietnam is the ancient temple complexes of the departed civilizations and the natural beauty of national parks, healthy and tasty food, the cheapest diving and resorts in the world with a distinct European Fleler: how-no, the former French colony. In addition, it is possible to posstalgate in a recent one here: and the flag is almost like our former, and pioneers in ties are there, and even the leader in the mausoleum.

If Vietnam had a magical way suddenly turned out to be closer to Central Russia, the tourist flow into this country would certainly increase many times. Indeed, among the tangible minuses of this direction, only long and, therefore, an expensive flight. Everything else is solid advantages: an unusual and exciting "excursion", beautiful beaches with wide opportunities for outdoor activities, an extensive and high-quality hotel base, low prices in hotels, restaurants, on excursions.

Regions and resorts Vietnam

Vietnam can be divided into three major regions: north, south and center. Northern Vietnam is the most ancient part of the country with many sights, tea and coffee plantations, reserves and Hanoi - the capital, where the West and East is surprisingly mixed. Best time For recreation - Spring.

Central Vietnam is famous for long beaches, a pleasant climate for almost all year round, beautiful views of Dananga and the ancient temples of Hue.

South - Heart of the economy. The largest city of Vietnam Ho Chi Minh, and in it - expensive hotels, the best restaurants, numerous shops and other benefits of civilization. The main resorts of the South are luxurious Fukuok, youth Nha Trang and more calm fanticheet. More information about the tourist geography of the country is told on the "Cities and Resorts Vietnam" page.

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Approximately about a third of Vietnam is located at the level of 500 m above the sea, therefore the climate there is subtropical, and in areas above 2000 m - even moderate. From April-May to October, southeast monsoshs bring warm and wet weather to the country - except the areas protected by the mountains.

In the south of Vietnam (from Ho Chi Minhina to Fanthiet), you can allocate two seasons - wet and dry. The first traditionally lasts from May to November, the rainy months - June-August. The second usually begins in December and ends in April. For European tourists, this is the most favorable time. "Velvet" months - January and February: Soft sun, refreshing sea water. From the end of February until May, hot days are hot days without rains.

The best time to visit Vietnam when the rains are least likely: the period from April-May to October-November.

The climate of the Central Vietnam (from the Nha Trang resort before the ancient capital Hue): From February to August - it is clear, rains are rare, the temperature is +30 ... + 35 ° C. In mid-December - pouring rains, in October-November in the area of \u200b\u200bDananga and Hue are possible typhus, temperature +20 ... + 28 ° C.

In the north of the country (from Hanoi to the Sea Resort Halong), the winter and summer seasons are more clearly indicated than in the south. Winter, cool and wet, lasts from November to February, in February and March constantly there is a frosting rain "Fun". Since May, the summer season begins sharply: increased humidity, temperature up to +40 ° C.

Visa and customs

Citizens of Russia arriving in Vietnam for up to 15 days, the visa is not required, provided that during this time they will not leave the country, and on the island of Fukuok you can relax without a visa already 30 days. But in both cases it is worth it in advance to make a policy of health insurance for the entire trip.

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How to get to Vietnam

From St. Petersburg, it is possible to get to Vietnam only with a change in Moscow, Europe or Asia, but from Vladivostok in Hanoi, you can fly directly by the company Vladivostok Avia (1 flight to 2 weeks).

Two Loadosters fly from China, Laos and Cambodia in Vietnam - "Air Asia" and "Vietget Eyre".

Between China and Vietnam, two daily trains are running: Beijing - Hanoi (from 304 USD, travel time is 37 hours) and Nanning - Hanoi (from 37 USD in a double coupe, on the road - 11.5 hours). Both trains depart from China in the evening, and in Hanoi arrive in the morning. Prices on the page are shown in August 2018.

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Internal flights are perfectly suitable for moving between Vietnam's scattered at different ends of Vietnam. Low prices, the cost of tickets starts from 900,000 VND. You can go on the road and on trains, they are quite comfortable. From Hoshine to Hanoi to get about 30 hours, during this time the whole country will fly past the windows. Buses - the most budget version of travel on Vietnam, but it is better to use them at short distances, otherwise it will spend too much time.

Rent a car and moped in Vietnam

Accustomed to rent a car in distant countries It is worthwhile - the road traffic in Vietnam is organized poorly, the rules are rarely observed, entangled in signs and junctions - a pair of trivia. In addition, local driver's license will have to be issued for independent driving, and they are issued only with a visa for 3 or more months. An output can be the rental car along with the local driver.

But for rental bike or moped, you do not need rights. But this option is suitable for small resorts with low traffic, about traveling on the moped of Dananga or Ho Chi Minh City, without decent driving skills in Southwer, do not stutter.

  • What documents are required for renting a car in Vietnam

Communication and Wi-Fi

On mobile communications in Vietnam, tourists are rarely complaining. It is inexpensive and covers almost the whole country, including small cities and villages. Local calls stand from 1700 VND per minute of conversation, a pleasant bonus - roaming in Vietnam No, you can use one SIM card in any city, the call to Russia will cost 3000 VND per minute.

Everything is well in Vietnam and Internet, especially in large cities. Mobile Internet It often happens faster and more convenient to hotel Wi-Fi, but it must be connected separately, details on the SIM card packaging. The speed and tariffs of the operators are approximately the same, which eliminates the flour of choice. Free Wi-Fi is in almost all hotels and restaurants.

Vietnam hotels

In large cities of Vietnam, the hotel selection is the most diverse - from mini-hotels to Lux Categories. Service in them, in general, at the average European level. Power type - breakfasts (most) or half board, the "all inclusive" system is practically not found here. The buffet is extremely diverse. All rooms from 3 to 5 stars are equipped with air conditioning, satellite TV and telephone, options for more than more baths, hairdryer, tea and coffee making sets, safes and minibars.

Prices for accommodation are kept for about a year at the same level. Night in the hotel luxury accommodation in Hanoi will cost 1,850,000 VND per day for the room for two, in four-star - from 740,000 VND, in a good "treshka" - from 200,000 VND, and accommodate for the night in the hostel will cost 80,000 VND per day per person.

Voltage in power grid 220 V, frequency 50 Hz. Plugs mainly have flat connectors. Rooms in many hotels are equipped with universal sockets, which are suitable forks of almost any configuration. If necessary, the hotel staff will find the desired adapter.


The country's monetary unit is Vietnamese Dong (VND), in 1 Dong 10 Hao or 100 Su. Actual course: 1000 VND \u003d 2.82 RUB (1 USD \u003d 23212.98 VND, 1 EUR \u003d 26062.97 VND).

It is better to go to Vietnam with dollars and euros, the dollar rate is a little more profitable, but for small amounts the difference is insignificant. Rubles are rarely taken and enough for them. Currency can be exchanged in banks, exchange offices, jewelry stores, travel agency offices, in markets and even at airports - the course everywhere is about the same, the robber surcharge does not happen. But the street changes can deceive and instead of 100,000 VNDs to issue 10,000 VNDs in the calculation that the tourist will not notice the difference.

Paranoika note: bills of Vietnamese Dong are made of thin plastic, it almost does not mind and is not afraid sea water. You can safely swim with the "cutlet" in the messenger's melting pocket.

How to avoid problems

Vietnam is one of the safest places in Asia, but here you should fear pockets and scammers. The second meets in various places - a fraudster may be an officer on the border, requiring money for a free visa, an unfortunate pedestrian, suddenly materialized under the wheels of a bike with a tourist driving, unfair hoteliers and sellers.

As for life, it is not worth drinking water from the tap, it is better not to order drinks with ice in small cafes, not to lean on an unusual food and fruit at the beginning of the trip and keep yourself in your hands in the presence of alcohol.

What other troubles can happen in Vietnam, how not to turn your body in a solid Punchy Fire, where to change money and buy a SIM card, how not to lose the location of local residents, as well as - where to run and call in case of trouble, told in the article "How Avoid problems in Vietnam. "

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Beaches Vietnam

From north to south stretches Vietnam along the shores of the South China Sea - beautiful beaches in the country are incredibly a lot. In some, popular resorts spread and boil nightlife, others are ideal for extreme recreation - surfing, kiting or diving, and the third is gorgeous with their wildness and delicacy. Almost all the beaches of Vietnam - sandy, but in some places there is a pebble coating.

At the borders of cities and resorts, most beaches are municipal, with free entrance, changing cabins, shower and washbasins, here regularly clean the sand and remove the garbage, and umbrellas and sun beds will cost the funny 320,000-60,000 VND per day (you need to bargain). Choose your strip of gentle sand and affectionate seas will help the page "Beach holidays in Vietnam" and "Vietnam Beaches".

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Diving in Vietnam is one of the most cheapest in the world. At the same time, it is really interesting and organized at a completely decent level. The coast of the country has a lot of interesting dive sites. The best in this regard is Nha Trang, Hoyan, Condo and Fukuok Islands. In addition to a wide variety of corals, there you can see all sorts of mollusks, cuttlefish, octopus, squid, fish clowns, muren, iggobullukh, groupings, manta and barracud.

Most suitable time For dives - the period from October to April. The best season for dive in Nha Trang - February-October, and on the island of Fukuok - from November to May. Nlychang is located near the famous diving sites: Muren Beach, Raduga Coral Reef and many islands near the resort.

Condo Archipelago National Reserve consists of 14 islands and is 300 km from the coastline. There you can meet very rare mammals - Digo (sea cows), large green turtles and many endemics - animals and plants that do not live anywhere else.

Lovely Vietnam


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Legends and history of Vietnam

Here is a brief excursion to the confusing history of the Vietnamese people. For three more than a thousand years before our era on the lands of the current Vietnam Rules Tsar Dragon Lac Long Kuan. Once, pursuing a continuation of the kind, he decided to ask her hand and the heart at the poultry poultry AU Ko. The beauty did not slow down to accept the offer and bore at the prescribed period ... the bag in which 100 eggs were found, and each of each was out of one heir to the progenitor 100 Vietnamese genera. Whether a female posterity was sitting or placed in the incubator - a story is silent, but since then, every self-respecting Vietnamese responds about himself as a "Child of the Dragon, the grandson of the gods." The end of the story is very modern: after a while, the spouses diverged - Lank Long Kuan pulled half the sons and retired with them in the sea, and Au Ku killed the remaining fifs and went to live in the mountains. How nevertheless did the Lion Nikolayevich about happy and unhappy families come true!

To understand the secret of the charm of Vietnam, look at any house in a small Vietnamese town. Here it is, with a narrow, literally meter 3-4, the facade, elongated in the distance from the road (the fact is that the families are distinguished here under the houses are not square, but a footage along the street, and very small), two- or three-story. The facade is very elegant, even, perhaps, somewhat Pistenhed, bivalve doors in full swing are welcomed. Above the entrance, Naviva obscure memories of the "Dzat" CPSU Congress ", there is a red flag with a golden star in the center. The floor is higher - a small altar with dormant surrounded by smoking incense dark bronze buddha. And at the very top, on a tiny balcurity, I was biting something with small pink flower, humbly clone the head Marmara and White Virgin Mary.

Guides in Vietnam

Entertainment and attractions

Vietnam is ready to please guests with many diverse entertainment: from riding in elephants, visits to snake restaurants with crocodile reserves, national parks and fishing to casino and nightclubs. The highlight of the country's excursion program is considered to be the partisan tunnels of Ku Chi, but also besides them, attractions here are even debt.

Vietnam is a state in Southeast Asia, located on the Indochina Peninsula and wash away from the East and from the south of the South China Sea. Officially, the country is called the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Neighboring with Vietnam states are Laos and Cambodia, with which Vietnam borders in the West, as well as China, the border with which ran in the north. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe country is 331,122 square kilometers, which is only the 65th indicator in the world. B. aboutthe next part of Vietnam is engaged in low or medium in height of mountains and plateales. The highest point of the country is Mount Fan Sipan (3143 meters) Hoanglenson mountain range. In addition, the largest Indochinese rivers Mekong and Hongha, who fall into the South China Sea, flow through Vietnam.

For a long time, Vietnam was the Indochinese colony of France and achieved independence only in the middle of the 20th century - this happened in 1945, although armed clashes continued on the territory of the country. Vietnam is also the war arena with the United States of 1965-1973, which cost numerous human victims on both sides.

Modern Vietnam is a socialist state that has chosen the Chinese development version - modernization and liberalization of the economy. According to 2016, the population of Vietnam is 94,569,072 people.


To enter Vietnam for a period of 15 days, citizens of the Russian Federation must have a visa obtained at the Vietnam Consulate, you can also make a visa directly by arrival.

In order to receive a visa in the consulate, you need to provide the following documents: passport (minimum validity period - 6 months from the end of the trip); 2 photos 4 × 6 cm sizes; 2 questionnaires filled in Russian, English or French; Invitation, tourist voucher or reservation. The visa is issued within 5 working days, and its validity period is 30 days. In addition, the consular fee of $ 25 is charged.

When receiving a visa directly on the border, in the Vietnamese airport, you need to provide 2 photos with a size of 3 × 4, one completed questionnaire, as well as visa permission from the Department of Public Security Vietnam, which is issued within 5-7 business days. By arrival, citizens must approach the window "Visa On Arrival", and from that moment on Vietnam begins.

Among other things, the visa indicates the points of entry and departure, through which the guest of the country can cross the border. To change the specified location, you need to contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City. This service is paid.

If the period of stay in Vietnam does not exceed 15 days, then the citizens of Russia do not necessarily issue a visa. In addition, there are similar rules in neighboring Laos and Cambodia (in Cambodia a visa without problems can be obtained on the border), so after a 15-day stay in Vietnam, you can go to one of the neighboring countries, and then return for 15 days. Often, when entering Vietnam for a period of less than 15 days, border guards may require a ticket to leave from the country - this is prescribed by the rules, but not always executed.

Customs regulations

At the entrance to Vietnam there are certain customs regulations. Thus, a unlimited number of foreign convertible currency can be imported into the country, but if the amount exceeds $ 3,000, then the currency must be declared, since it is possible to export no more than the amount that has been declared.

You can also proclaim, without paying the duty, the following products: a maximum of 1.5 liters of strong alcohol or 2 liters of drinks with an alcohol content of a maximum of 22 degrees; either 400 cigarettes, or 100 cigars, or 500 grams of tobacco; 5 kilograms of tea; Maximum 3 kilograms of coffee, as well as two banks of black or red caviar weighing no more than 100 grams. There are also other products in addition to this, the total value of which does not exceed 5 million VND (Vietnamese Dong).

As in other countries of Southeast Asia, punishment for an attempt to transport drugs, the most severe - up to the death penalty. In addition, it is strictly impossible to carry medications containing narcotic substances, without having permits of physicians to use them, as well as explosives, firearms, pornographic products, or an insulting local culture.

Current time in Hanoi:
(UTC 0)

Upon arrival, all tourists are undergoing sanitary and epidemiological control, and on board the aircraft fill the declaration of health. If there are no symptoms of diseases such as AIDS, plague, tuberculosis, cholera, yellow fever and others, do not find any symptoms of the arrival. Otherwise, the tourist is waiting for treatment in one of the local hospitals, and not a full-fledged vacation in Vietnam.

How to get

From Russia to get to Vietnam relatively simple - regular flights immediately carry out several airlines at once, but a list of Russian cities, from where you can fly directly to Vietnam, it's small - this is Moscow, Novosibirsk and Vladivostok. However, the tourist season (in the winter months) charter flights are carried out from other cities, for example, from Yekaterinburg (sometimes), St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk.

From Moscow to the largest Vietnamese cities of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minhin, without transfers, you can fly by airlines Aeroflot and Vietnamese Airlines.

Aeroflot carries out direct flights from Sheremetyevo to Hanoi Airport, Airport Neua Bai. Flight is very long, so passengers are provided by power twice. Almost the entire Asian continent overcomes along the path of the aircraft - Central Asia, India, etc. The time in the air is 9 and a half hours.

From Domodedovo Airport, regular flights from both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minhine performs Vietnamese Airlines Airlines - the country's main airline. In Ho Chi Minh City, planes are landing at the airport Tanshonnyat. The Boeing "Vietnamese Airlines" have all the conditions for a long-term comfortable flight, including many technical means such as screens that are built into the backs of chairs, etc. During the flight, all passengers offer hot meals, as well as a certain amount of alcohol. It should also be noted that the "Vietnam Airlines" has special rates for residents of other Russian cities that can get much easier to get to Vietnam with docking at Moskovsky Domodedovo Airport (if you fly from Vladivostok - docking in Seoul).

Representation in Moscow: Moscow, Frunzen 3rd street., 1, p. 1., Tel. 5892450, Fax 5892552. Office at Domodedovo Airport: Comn. 512, 5th floor, work time 14.00-20.00, tel. 9268661, Fax 9268661, E-mail: [Email Protected].

The S7 Airlines (Siberia) also has regular flights to Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City, but not from Moscow, but from Novosibirsk. Airplanes fly at intervals every two weeks.

From Vladivostok to the capital of Vietnam, Hanoi can fly by airplanes by Vladivostok-Avia airlines. Flight frequency - once a week, and the flight itself lasts just over 5 hours.

Docking flights

From Russia in Hanoi

  • Hong Kong Airlines airline from Moscow with a change in Hong Kong.

From Russia to Ho Chi Minh City

  • Cathay Pacific airline from Moscow with a change in Hong Kong.
  • The Thai airline from Moscow with a transfer to Bangkok.
  • QATAR AIRWAYS airline from Moscow with transfer to Doha. Often "Qatari Airlines" bribed very favorable tariffs.
  • ASIANA Airlines from Khabarovsk and South Sakhalinsk with a transfer to Seoul (Inchaeon Airport).
  • Korean Air airline from Vladivostok, Irkutsk, Moscow and St. Petersburg with a transfer in Seoul (Inchaeon Airport).
  • Japan Airlines airline from Moscow with transfer to Tokyo (Airport Narita).

There are more complex options - with two transplants. However, during the periods of the sale of airlines them makes sense to take advantage of attractive prices. For example, you can get both to Hanoi and to the Hoshin Air France Airlines from Moscow and St. Petersburg with transfers in Paris and Bangkok.

It is necessary to remember that long-term flights are associated with a certain risk for the health of passengers, poorly carrying similar loads.

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Climate and weather in Vietnam

To rest in Vietnam, it was not spoiled by weather conditions, we recommend familiar with the climatic data in the country. The climate in Vietnam is tropical monsoon, so the humidity is quite high - an average of 84% for a year. However, the climate often differs significantly depending on the region. This is due to the difference in latitudes and in the features of the relief of a particular area. The winter dry season, lasting since November to April, is dry only in comparison with the rainy season, as it is enough precipitation in these months, thanks to the monsoon winds, which is revealed from the northeastern coast of China. In the southern regions of the country, the winter is quite hot - about 25 degrees, in the north, on average, 10 degrees are colder. The lowest temperatures in December and January, sometimes reaching only 1 degrees above zero. In any case, it is more comfortable in the south of the country, where in any of the seasons the temperature is rarely lowered below 20 degrees, and in April - the hottest month - and sometimes it reaches 37 degrees.

The average annual rainfall ranges from 1200-3000 millimeters per year, and 90% of all rains occur for the period from May to October. At this time, every region of the country receives its portion of precipitation, and in the winter months in the south of Vietnam, the likelihood of rains is much less than in the north. It is also worth aware that at the end of the summer and the beginning of the fall comes the time of typhoons, often possessing truly destructive power.

Cities and regions

Vietnam consists of 59 rather small provinces, plus there are 4 cities of central subordination - these are the cities of Hanoi, Ho Chi Minhon, Haiphong and Danang. The most developed provinces from the economic point of view are in the north-east of the country, not so popular among tourists, as well as in the south of the country in the area of \u200b\u200bHo Chi Minh City.

Administrative division of Vietnam

Province of Vietnam

Howe Zyang.
Dieen Bien.
Yen Bai.
Tuan Kuang
Vin Fuk.
Thai Nguen
Tank zyang
Tank Nin.
High Zyong
Kuang Nin.
Hung Yen.
City of Haifon
Ha N.
Us dyn.
Nin Bin
Tua Theiene Hue.
Kuang us
Kuang Ngai.
Zya Lai
Bin Ding
Fu Jen.
Duck Lac.
Khan Hoa
Duck Nong.
Lam Dong.
Nin Tuang
Bin Tuang
Bin Fyok.
Dong Naia
Thai Nin.
Bin Zyong
Long An.
Dong Thap
Vin Long
Howe Zyang.
An Zyang.
Kien Zyang.

Main cities and islands Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh - the largest city in Vietnam and the economic capital of the country. There are a lot of industries; It is estimated that 40% of Vietnamese exports comes from Ho Chi Minhine. The city was founded by French colonialists in 1874 (the official foundation date - March 15, 1874). Until 1975, the city was called Saigon.

Nha Trang.

The city of Nha Trang is the capital of Khan Hoa and at the same time the capital beach holidays in Vietnam. Simply - the most popular resort of the country. About 200,000 people live in Nha Trang, and almost the entire life of local residents is associated with the tourist industry.


Halong is called the city and bay at the same time. The city itself does not have anything special, and the real pearl of this area and all Vietnam is Halong Bay. This bay is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In an amazing way, more than 1600 islets and rocks of various shapes are scattered in an amazing in the area of \u200b\u200b1500 square kilometers, sometimes very bizarre, why the bay is more like a fabulous than the real place. It is not surprising that Halong Bay is one of the most visited seats in Vietnam.


The Vietnamese Island Fukuok is located in the Siamese bay just 15 kilometers from the shores of neighboring Cambodia. The island whose area reaches 567 square kilometers, also called the "island of 99 mountains". 85,000 people employed by the maintenance of tourists or agriculture live on Fukuoka.

What to see

After links to the text, you can get more detailed information about a specific facility (description, location on the map, cost of entrance tickets, working hours, ways to get there, photos, tourist reviews, etc.). If you are interested in the sights of Vietnam as a whole, without dividing the cities, there is a special section for this.


Ho Chimina

In Ho Chi Minh City, you can see many interesting buildings - the colonial buildings, the Cathedral of Saigon Mother of God, Buddhist temples and Pagodas, the presidential palace, mosque and much more.

In addition, from Hoshin himself, you can easily get into the neighboring province of Thai Nin, where there are many beautiful codai temples, as well as in the Mekong Delta district.

As for attractions, there are several very interesting places in the central part of the city. And if you come to Ho Chi Minh City, in the period from mid-May to the end of August, then you can catch "Southern Fruit Festival" , held here every year.

Nha Trang.

Among the attractions of Nha Trang, you need to highlight the Longshon Pagoda, behind which there is a large stone statue of the Buddha on the top of the hill, squeezing on the lotus flower. You can also look at the tower of the XIII century tower, which were built in the Epoch of the CHAMPA State. There is also an opportunity to fuse with an excursion to the island of monkeys, located 12 kilometers of the North Island Hon Che. The excursion includes a cruise on islands, fishing, visiting the waterfall Bakho, mud and mineral sources, local crafts. If desired on the island, you can visit the circus of dogs and monkeys, the circus of elephants and bears and much more.


Mandatory item program - a walk on a boat or any other vessel on the islands. On the pier in the city you can find out in detail about all possible routes that can be both short and long and include even overnight on the ship. The usual tour includes a visit to the fishing village on one of the islands, caves, as well as the islands called in honor of Herman Titov, the famous Soviet cosmonaut, having resting here in the 70s. You can also go to night fishing directly from the boat, which, though, must be ordered in advance. But then you can enjoy the taste of your own catch! Popular islands Halong Bay are the islands of Tuan Chow and Katba.


Fukucho has a lot of beautiful beaches drawn from the town of Duong Dong to An Thoi Town. On the island a lot of beautiful hills and mountains covered with a rainforest. In addition, in Fukuoka, you can watch the sunset on the sea, which is not done at other Vietnam resorts that are addressed to the east.

Vietnam resorts

Tourists in Vietnam, first of all, will be interested in its numerous beaches and the warm sea, and then Mausoleum Ho Chi Mina and the rest. Resort cities in the country abound. Of course, not all of them correspond to the European level of quality, equipment and infrastructure. It is noteworthy that the resorts stretch across the entire coast of Vietnam - from the South Island of Fukuok to the resort of Mongkay in the north of the country.

The water of the South China Sea is quite saline - Salon than in the neighboring Siamese of the Bay, but at the same time good health. In places of flow of rivers (especially Mekong and Red), the water is more fresh.


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Movement around the country

In Vietnam, in one or another quantity you can meet and use all modern types of transport - from aircraft internal lines to long-distance buses and a taxi. Some of them are very well developed, some are not enough, but in some cases they may be indispensable. In any case, it is even possible to get even to remote places in Vietnam, even if you have to make several transplants from one type of transport to another or, say, from one bus route to another.

The following types of transport are developed in the country: air transport, railway transport, buses, water passenger transport and various types of taxis. Find recommendations for moving in the country and more in more detail with each species of Vietnamese transport you can in our special material "Vehicle transport in Vietnam: from a scooter to the aircraft."


Vietnamese is part of the Vietmyong group of the Australo-Asian Languages \u200b\u200bfamily and is a native language for Vietnov and Natoliva Kin. A large influence on Vietnamese and culture was provided by the neighboring China: two thirds of words in Vietnamese - Chinese origin.

For tourists, it is very convenient that instead of hieroglyphs in Vietnamese, Latin is used, although with the addition of vocritical signs under or above the letter, which denote one or another tone. Due to the fact that in Vietnamese speech a huge number of tones and halftone, it is very difficult to perceive it for rumor. At the same time, the Vietnamese themselves arise problems with the right pronunciation of European words. It is often very difficult to disassemble that Vietnamese speaks English.

English is the most common foreign language among the locals, which, however, is not surprising. It is studied at school, at universities, on courses, etc. Also in educational institutions Vietnam teach Chinese - the second most popular foreign language after English. Behind the English and Chinese are French, Russian and German, however, they are much less common. So, the Russians most often know adults who studied in the universities of the USSR, as well as Vietnamese vendors returned from Russia, but they have a very low language. Recently, due to the increasing number of tourists from Russia in resort zones, local residents are slowly starting to master Russian.


Vietnamese culture throughout its centuries-old history has been subjected to numerous influences of its powerful neighbors or the metropolis, but every time interpreting them in something peculiar and in its own way unique. In the development of Vietnamese culture, India and China play a special role. China brought more than half of words and hieroglyphic writing to Vietnamese (in the 20th century, replaced by Latin, and in culture - Confucianism and elements of Taoism. In addition, in the Middle Ages, the influence of Indian culture was tangible, and afterwards, after the colonization of Vietnam by the French, and French. This affected, in particular, on the architecture of many cities, especially Ho Chi Minhine. In the second half of the 20th century, many elements of culture have become borrowed from the Soviet Union with the coming to power of the Communists.

Vietnamese literature has a richest history - ranging from the ancient folklore, which includes the legend about the Dragon Dragon Lac Long Quan, Myonegsky Epos "Birth of the Water and the Birth of the Earth" and before the books of the 20th century, close on the subject of European literature. In a new time, the most significant writers in the history of Vietnam - Nguyen Tea in the XV century, Nguyen Bin Khiym in the XVI century and Nguyen Zu at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Nguyen Tea is one of the first major Vietnamese writers, as well as an outstanding statesman and philosopher. Nguyen Bin Khiym was an outstanding poet, close to the worldview for Taoism, and Nguyu Zu, who wrote the poems of the "Wedding Soul" and the "narration of Kieu" in Vietnam as a significant figure as Pushkin in Russia.

Vietnamese folk music is quite original. Can surprise a large number of vocal genres, and among the main musical instruments You can select an amazing, similar to a disk, guitar, which can be both four and five string, and also given there (three-string guitar), Dan Nor (violin of everything with two strings) and OM Diet is a Vietnamese Bamboo Flute.

In Vietnam, the theater presented in several curious genres is popular. Theo is an ancient People's Theater, in due time originated among the peasants who lived in the Red River delta. Today it exists in the provinces of Thajbin and Highing. Theatrical performances include folk music and the use of traditional folklore plots.

Vietnamese opera is called Tong. Tongoge originated in the court atmosphere and is considered a high theatrical genre, which combines dance, music, pantomime, poetry, acrobatic art and much more. By the way, there are no all scenery on stage, and a heroic character is always on the center of the presentation.

The theater of dolls on water is particularly interesting, which is simply no analogues in the world. He also arose in the Red River Delta. Dolls are moving along the water during sunset, and the whole action is accompanied by a pleasant melodic music. Dolls manage the actors who are hidden behind the bamboo shirma, so that they have the opportunity to watch dolls. The performances begin with the appearance of the boy's doll TEU, saying: "Hello everyone! I probably have no need to seem? "


Vietnam - Paradise for gourmet. The culinary traditions of this country are striking with their wealth and diversity of dishes and ingredients. Many recipes were borrowed from China, India and France, but it is impossible to say that Vietnamese cuisine is a clone of any of them.

In Vietnamese cuisine, the use of many sauces and seasonings are widespread. In dishes, prepared, by the way, only from fresh products often add seasonings from garlic, onion and ginger root, as well as purely Vietnamese sauces "Moms" and "Sky Cham". Vietnam various herbs and even bamboo are very popular in Vietnam, the young shoots whom will be eagerly use.

The most popular products used in Vietnamese cuisine are rice, seafood, pork, noodles, herbs and much more.

It is especially worth focusing on rice. This culture is one of the characters of all Southeast Asia, and Vietnam is the second largest rice exporter in the world. In addition, in Vietnam, they refused to grow genetically modified rice, so that you can not doubt as a product. In each Vietnamese family, rice is the main dish on the table, but in addition it is part of the countless amount of the most amazing and original recipes.

Vietnam also developed vegetarian cuisine, which is explained primarily by Buddhist gastronomic traditions. Among Vietnamese non-meat dishes can be distinguished with rice with roasted soybeans Dow-Fu and Rau Vegetables. In general, soy and products from it in Vietnamese cuisine are replaced by dairy products that are practically not used among Vietnamese. There are, for example, special soybean milk called Soy-Daew. Very popular soy sauce.

Various fruits are widely used, in abundance growing in the territory of Vietnam. These are Coconuts, Durian, Guaiyava, Lemons, Persian, Javanese Apple, Siamese persimmon, Papaya, Rambutan and many other exotic fruits.

As for meat dishes, the Vietnamese usually eat familiar beef, pork and poultry meat. Various insects or reptiles are currently considered rare delicacies that are not served in any restaurant.

In general, Vietnamese cuisine is rich in meat exotic. For example, you can taste meat, which is considered extremely useful. Or try a snake dish, which represents a whole action like a ritual, which can truly shock particularly impressionable. The waiter at a living snake makes a small incision, then takes out a heart from her and descends blood. A man who ordered a dish eats a beating snake heart and drinks rice vodka, mixed with snake blood. After the move goes vodka, mixed with snake bile. After some time, a ready-made dish is served - snake meat fried with spices and nuts. The head of the snake in cooking is cut off so that the poison can not get into the dish.

Among other exotics - dishes from field rats, from dogs, from cats (although there is a ban on their use) and many other amazing ingredients.


Shopping is an indispensable component of any rest. Somewhere it is developed so that it seems to develop nowhere to develop, and somewhere in terms of shopping is not the best. Vietnam is somewhere in the middle, with a roll toward the first group. Shopping here is not at such a level as in the neighboring Thailand, but with an increase in the number of tourists there are good grounds for high-quality development. Especially since Vietnam has something to offer its guests.


For calls to other countries in Vietnam, there are special negotiation points, as well as street payphones. In the hotel living in hotels, there is an opportunity to make calls directly from there, but it costs quite expensive.

International Code of Vietnam - 84.

  • For calls from Vietnam to Russia, you need to dial: 007 - the city code is the subscriber number
  • For calls from Russia in Vietnam, you need to dial: 8-10-84 - city code - subscriber number

Codes of the largest cities

  • Hanoi - 4.
  • Ho Chimina - 8.
  • Haiphon - 32.
  • Danang - 511
  • Hue - 54.

There are no problems with cellular communications, as there are agreements with Vietnamese companies in all three largest Russian operators - MTS, Biline and MegaFon. Vietnamese Operators: MobiFone, Vinafone, S-Fone, G-Tel, Vietnamobile, Viettel Mobile. The SIM card of the Vietnamese operator costs about 5 dollars, which includes 30 minutes of conversation.

Useful phones

In addition, in almost all hotels, you can check the Internet. Some have Wi-Fi. In large and resort cities there is a lot of Internet cafes.



The crime rate in Vietnam, if you believe Interpol, very low, since the existing in the country political regime Pretty successfully copes with organized crime. Robberies on the streets or murder is an extremely rare phenomenon. One of the most serious crimes with which tourist in Vietnam may face are pocket thefts that occur more or less regularly. In this regard, it is recommended not to wear cash and documents in the rear pockets of the trousers. The most optimal option is to keep them in a hotel safe, and wearing a small amount of money and a photocopy of passport. In addition, tourists should be attentive when calculating, as the Vietnamese sometimes do not mind to blow the visits.

It is necessary to be attentive if you deal with local "Jerseys of Love", which are often not averse to the wallet of their customers. In gambling, foreigners can only play in special institutions, and attempt to involve local residents in them can turn into criminal prosecution. Especially strictly punishable everything is affected by drugs - storage, distribution, use. Punishment In this case, the most severe, up to the death penalty. This is a traditional practice in the countries of Southeast Asia.

Tourists should be judged during the rest. In particular, this refers to the use of alcohol, since the tourist in Vietnam can easily get into trouble, become a victim of robbery, etc. When bathing should be followed by the ocean suit, which can be a source of danger. In the period from September to November, Typhins and serious floods in some parts of the country are often impaired in Vietnam.

As for health issues, before arrival in Vietnam, it is necessary to take care of the issue of medical insurance (usual or expanded). You can also pay a fee in International SOS and enjoy them medical services In departments in Vietnam. Address in Hanoi - 31 Hai Ba Trung in the central part of the city. Phone - 9340555.

In the Vietnamese province with sanitary conditions, the situation is not very good - both in local hospitals and in hotels. The services of the doctors are paid almost everywhere in cash, and the treatment on policies is carried out only in some metropolitan clinics. True, it is worth noting that prices in Vietnam are lower than in neighboring Thailand.

It is necessary to be attentive when ordering Vietnamese dishes, which is rather unusual for Europeans because of its sharpness, the abundance of spices and exotic products. If you overestimate your strength, then problems with the stomach and intestines are likely.

Where to stay

Vietnam will delight all the visitors with a large selection of accommodation options - there are not just many hotels and guesthouses, but also a big price range, and the level of service is quite high. In addition, in Vietnamese hotels there is a unique Asian flavor, adding paints to the whole rest. In total, in Vietnam there are approximately 11 thousand hotels, while not experiencing a serious drawback in guests.

Cheap accommodation include hotels in 2 and 3 stars, which in quality correspond to Turkish hotels of 3 and 4 stars, so many experts rightly note that the class of Vietnamese hotels is somewhat underestimated. Hotels 2 stars are usually located in the old 4-6-storey houses well trimmed inside. The rooms have a bathroom or shower with hot water, air conditioning, satellite TV and even minibar. Three-star hotels occupy more modern and large buildings, and the level of service and equipment in them is quite high. Prices in hotels categories 2 and 3 stars - approximately 15-40 dollars per night.

Even more budget option are guesthouses, prices in which are often below 10 dollars, and the number of them in tourist placesah is truly huge. In Ho Chi Minh City, for example, many guesthouses and cheap hotels can be found in Fam Nude Lao, which is considered a district of the backpeckers. True, it is not a fact that hot water will be hot water in cheap guesthouses and hotels.

In resort towns, in particular, in Nha Trang, accommodation is likely to cost more than in the capitals. Many tourists come to these cities, poorly dismantled in the subtleties of the Vietnamese tour business and capable, besides, it is easy to part with large amounts of money. For such tourists there are luxury hotels in 4 and 5 stars with their pools, closed beaches, etc.

For more economical lovers of Vietnamese beaches there are many bungalows. True, the convenience of them are minimal, moreover, if the walls are bamboo bungalows, then mosquitoes can be seal through the existing cracks. However, mosquito ointments may well correct the situation. In any case, the brightest memories remain about holiday in Vietnam!

Vietnam is famous for their own paradise beaches, and go there first of all for them. However, this paradise will like and dive lovers - diving Here is one of the most cheapest in the world, but at the same time organized perfectly, and the dive sites are interesting, and you can dive throughout the year, simply changing the resorts.

Those who like excursion restwill appreciate the wealth and preservation of historical monuments. Here and the medieval imperial citadels, and French colonial quarters, and the partisan catacombs of the Vietnamese war. And natural such a small country is striking by their grandeur: Giant Mekong Delta, the largest cave of peace Shondong, Bay 3000 Halong Islands. Excellent seasoning for vacation will be local kitchen With a pleasant french accent.

Tours in Vietnam

Popular resorts

Vietnam on the map is pulled through the meridian of the winding line. From above, in the north, the capital is located. In the center is the ancient capital of Hue, popular with sightseeing sightseeing.

Beach resorts It starts somewhat south, in Nha Trang, the most famous and popular one. Even further to the south follow, especially suitable sirphs and cater. Below, the Mekong Delta, as well as the Paris of the East, Industrial and Tourist Center begins.

In the extreme south, the countries of the sea is replaced by the Siamese bay. In him, the most borders of Cambodia, settled, the largest island of Vietnam. Paradish beaches with white sand and coconut palm trees It should be found exactly there on his West Bank.


The level of service of hotels in Vietnam is quite high: even the hotels of category "3 stars" in their comfort and quality of service are approaching European "fours." And local "four" and especially the "five", especially when it comes to historical hotels - this is already a real luxury.

Animation for children, children's clubs and special entertainment programs are still not available in every resort hotel, information about them needs to be clarified in advance. Also, the hotels are not everywhere in the format "All Inclusive", which, by the way, is not so much and in demand. In Vietnamese resorts, you do not want to sit the clock in the hotel, when there are so many interesting and tasty around.

Come in Vietnam, you can even book the hotel in advance. In major tourist centers you can always find free rooms right in place.

Tours in Vietnam

The prices of tours of 2 people for 7 nights with departure from Moscow



National currency Vietnam - Vietnamese Dong. Its value is such that as "little things" with me should have banknotes of 50,000 and 20,000 dongs to settle with the velaikash ("Siclo") or buy a glass of fresh juice. The largest bill is half a million of dong.

On a trip with you it is best to take u.S. dollars: They can be paid here as freely as the national currency. Euro does not have such a walk.


Visa in Vietnam need not For Russians who are going to come for a period of up to 15 days.

Those who plan to stay in the country longer, you need to get a visa. It is one-time and multiple, but in both cases is issued for a period of 1 or 3 months. To obtain a visa, you must collect a package of documents and contact the Consular Department of the Vietnam Embassy. The visa draws up within 5 - 7 business days. However, it is possible to arrange a visa upon arrival in any of Vietnam's main airports. It is faster, and easier.

Flights to Vietnam there and back

Transportes for 1 person with departure from Berlin

What to bring from Vietnam

Even by the standards of Southeast Asia, the price of Vietnam is very low, so no one comes from here without souvenirs. Russians are often brought from Vietnam Tropical fruits, medical artichoke tea and coffee, including such an exotic and expensive variety, like "Square Luvak": it is cheaper here, as cheaper than, for example, on. Souvenir classics became serpentine wine and therapeutic tinctures on snakes, scorpions and other poisonous livelihood. Men consider them useful for their health.

Women like Vietnamese jewelry From pearls from the island and clothing from silk. Many even order a national women's suit of Aosis, which consists of a long silk shirt and trousers. A traditional tapered hat made of palm leaves is perfect for it.

According to official data, in Vietnam there are 54 nationalities. However, ethnic groups are much more.

The ethnic composition of the inhabitants of the country in numbers looks in this way: Vietov lives 85.7%, tais - 1.9%, wearage and khmers, 1.5%, Miao-Yao - 2.13%, Nungs - 1.1%.

The rest of the people are represented in smaller quantities: these are Chinese, banars, sedanggi, Hoa, Secreth, Khre, Mnonggi, Sanjiu, Saniai, Rady, etc.

Official nationalities in language signs are grouped into 8 groups: Vieta, Mont-Khmer, Chinese, Tibeto-Burmanskaya, Thai, Miao-Miao, Timskaya and peoples, spoilable in Kadai languages.

Mountain peoples of Vietnam are combined into a group of Highlanders or Thyongov.

Religious preferences of Vietnamesev

Buddhists are found among the inhabitants of the country (only 9.3%), Catholics (6.7%), hao-hao (about 1.5%), Protestants (0.5%), and codais (1.1%).

The rest of the population is either atheists, or adheres to folk beliefs. They are based on the ritual "THO Kung That Tien". This is the cult of ancestors. This creed is not issued, has no clergy hierarchy. Since the ancestors of the ancestors are conducting their rites in Buddhist temples, many mistakenly consider about 80% of the population by Buddhists.

Economy Vietnam

In the late 1980s, the crisis of the economy touched Vietnam. Since 1986, reforms were launched in the country aimed at the development of market relations. At the same time, the benchmarks of socialism were not removed. Moreover, the state controls private entrepreneurship. In 15, the article of the Vietnam Constitution is recorded at the state level recognition in the country of nationwide, collective and private property.

The reforms brought Vietnam to leaders among ASEAN members in 1995-1997. 30% of all capital investments in the state amounted to investments of foreign companies. GDP increased by 8.9% annually.

In 1998-1999, the Asian financial crisis leads to a decrease in imports into the country and export expansion. Of course, the investment from the outside decreased.

Vietnam has very high property prices at low population income. The buying capacity of Vietnamese is low. Basically, Vietnamese live badly, poorly and in a dirty country. At the same time, they manage to maintain the average security level in the country, which pleases visitors. The health industry compared to other Asian countries is well developed.

According to the data for 2015, the GDP per capita has already amounted to $ 6,400.00. GDP growth rate at the same time - 6.10%. On average, Vietnamese receive about 7.5 million dongs per month. The salary of the president in the country does not exceed the average salary of Vietnamese.

The state uses for the development of its economy of the wealth of nature: manganese, coal, forest, oil, gas, phosphates, bauxites, chromites, hydropower. In the industrial industry employs 15% of the country's population. All herself about Vietnamese cell phones, office machinery and components to computers, appliances.

And the Vietnamese sew clothes, shoes, are engaged in agriculture and shipbuilding. Agriculture employs about 52% of the population of Vietnam, which is 21% of GDP. In the fields of the country we will see pepper, soy, cashews, bananas, peanuts, sugar cane. The championship in the country hold rice, rubbers, coffee, tea, cotton. Income from tea production exceeds $ 150 million. Collects the pace and development of fishing and seafood processing.

Since tourism in Vietnam also has a property of developing, then the service sector requires its reforms and effective steps. About 33% of the state's population is employed in this area.

All about Vietnam

Welcome to Vietnam!

Acquaintance with Vietnam

(description, history, visa, customs regulations)

Vietnamese flag Vietnamese coat of arms
official language
capital Hanoi
largest cities
Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Hanoi
form of government
Parliamentary republic
the president Chonong Tang Shang.
territory 329.560 km 2.
population 92.477.857
currency vietnamese Dong (VND)
airline Vietnam Airlines.
internet domain .vn.
iSO code
mok code Vie
telephone code
timezone UTC + 7.

Socialist Republic of Vietnam It is one of the most populated countries in Southeast Asia located at the Indochinese Peninsula! From the east and the south, the country is washes warm, which for centuries drove the shore as if he tried himself in the role of a capricious artist.

Vietnam lives, according to Greenwich time in time zone UTC +7. This means that Vietnamese time is ahead of Moscow exactly for 4 hours. Moreover, the shooter is not transferred here, according to which the whole country should live on summer or winter time. More recently, it was typical of Russia, now there is no such concept with us. On our site you can learn about between other cities of Russia and about

The territory of Vietnam takes only 66 lines in the world ranking. Bezenably flexing, she stretched out at 331.210 km² from the north-east to the south of the peninsula, determining the boundaries with neighboring countries. In the north and northwest, the border of Vietnam adjoins the PRC and Laos, and in the south-west it is found with the territory of Cambodia.

This is an indisputable amazing country in all respects!

It makes it so unique not only the above described, but also the fact that the development and policy of the country was extremely long under the rule of third-party states, but this, although it was largely weakened by the country, but could not fully conquer it.

Starting from the second half of the XIX century, Vietnam was a French colony, which dismispically left its incurable scars. However, the new scar will appear during the Second World War, when new uprisings, "fastened" by hatred of the United States, broke out on the territory of Vietnam to the communist management structure, quickly extending throughout South-East Asia.

In the multi-year history of Vietnam, this was bought not the last wounds inflicted by bloody wars: the first Indochinese war with France (1946-1954), and the second Indochinese war with the United States (1957-1975). The Socialist Republic of Vietnam had a new shock, which was almost completely weakened by Vietnam, who did not recover from cruel and sewing conflicts raging in Southeast Asia. The last brawler left the third Indochinese war with China, which lasted from 1975 to 1988.

The strait of the blood river, on a modern state of the state, there were terrible scars, which are visible to the naked eye, because most of the Vietnamese shrines, temples and other attractions were destroyed, looted and unfortunately it is no longer possible, and those that have been preserved and are undergoing Traces of past colonial invaders and supporters of other political views, pathos demonstrating their dubious superiority. It is well visible in the entire architectural mask of Vietnam.

Deciding to visit this country, we have a completely reasonable question :? " Reply briefly needed. After that, without the revelation of conscience, they deeper into the process of disclosing this issue, for it exists like a visa-free entrance to Vietnam, exactly as a visa.

A visa-free entry is available not to all foreign citizens who want to visit Vietnam. Citizens of the following countries can remain in Vietnam for a period of no more than 15 days:

- Russia

- Japan

- Norway

- Sweden

- Finland

To be in Vietnam a little longer (21 days) without obtaining a visa, citizens of the Philippines can. A visa-free entry into the territory of Vietnam and the right to find here not more than 30 days have citizens of the following countries:

- Thailand

- Indonesia

- Singapore

- Malaysia

- Cambodia

As for Russian citizens who want to realize their right and relax in Vietnam for 15 days, then upon arrival in the country, every citizen must present the following documents:

Documents for a visa on arrival in Vietnam

1. A valid passport, the validity period of which should be valid for at least 6 months from the date of the trip;

2. Reverse ticket, or a ticket for departure to the third country;

3. The customs declaration that needs to be preserved until departure from the country. Filled directly at the airport by arrival in Vietnam.

If the tourist wants to relax in Vietnam longer than 15 days, it will have to worry about getting a tourist visa in advance or make it right on arrival at Vietnam Airport. Upon receipt of a tourist visa for Russians, it is necessary to come to the consulate of Vietnam. They are located in Moscow, Yekaterinburg and Vladivostok (consulate addresses in the article ")

Documents for a visa in Vietnam

With me:

1. Acting passport (its validity period should exceed 6 months before the end of the rest, scheduled for Vietnam)

2. Originals of flight tickets

3. Invitation (Recommendative) Letter from the Vietnamese side - Invitation Letter, which is prepared by the tour operator, if they used the agency service (for this a separate fee is charged, the cost of 1000 rubles, the production period is about a week from 5 to 10 days)

4. Two color photographs 4 × 6 cm format

5. Filled dialer

6. When visiting Vietnam with children under 18:

- If the journey is carried out with one of the parents:
It is necessary to receive written consent to the departure of the child from the second parent (if there is no second parent, then a copy of death certificate is provided. Mother who has the status of a "mother of a single" bring to the Embassy of an extract from the registry office in form No. 25. If the location of the second parent is unknown, a certificate from the police is provided.

- If the journey is carried out without parents:
A photocopy of consent is required to leave a child from both parents (if parents are alive, a copy of death certificate) is provided. If the mother's mother has the status of a "mother's mother", then an extract from the registry office in form No. 25 is prepared. If the location of the second parent is unknown, a certificate from the police is provided.

Upon receipt of a visa upon arrival in Vietnam, the Russian tourist presents a visa service employee of the following documents:

1. Invitation (recommendatory) Letter from the Vietnamese side - Invitation Letter, which is prepared by the tour operator, if used the service of travel agency (for this a separate fee is charged, the cost of 1000 rubles, the term of manufacture about a week from 5 to 10 days)

2. Acting passport, validity period of at least 6 months from the date of the trip

3. Two color photos 4 × 6

4. The completed questionnaire, which can be obtained directly in the plane or arriving at Vietnam Airport. The form of the questionnaire is issued at the Landing Visa rack and is free.

Getting a visa on arrival for Russian citizens is a free service!

In any country there are their customs rules, observe that each tourist crossing the border of someone else's state. So in Vietnam, the following rules apply.

Regulations of importation in the territory of Vietnam

1. It is allowed to import an unlimited number of foreign convertible currency. At the same time, if the total amount exceeds $ 3.000, then the currency is subject to compulsory declaration. In the customs regulations of Vietnam, it is noted that from the country it is impossible to export more than the amount of money that has been declared.

2. The duty is not charged to the import of the following goods:

- 1.5 liters of strong alcohol or 2 liters of drinks with an alcohol content of not more than 22 degrees (for example, 2 liters of wine or liquor (up to 22%));

- 3 liters of beer;

- 400 cigarettes, or 100 cigars, or 500 grams of tobacco;

- 5 kilograms of tea and no more than 3 kilograms of coffee;

- 2 banks of black or red caviar, whose weight does not exceed 100 grams;

- all personal tourist technique (expensive video cameras, laptop and other photos, video technique) is subject to declaration so that then it does not arise extra problems when it is exported;

- It is allowed to carry out other goods, the total value of which does not exceed 5 million VND (Vietnamese Dong);

- You can not interrupt any narcotic drugs and medicinal products, in which there are narcotic substances. Without a written prescription (recipe) from a doctor on their application for health, such medicines will be impossible to transport! By virtue of these reasons, you will definitely get permission from the attending physician;

- You can not carry explosives, firearms, pornographic products, or an insulting local culture on any media (whether it is a small harmless flash drive, which you mistakenly forget to lay out from the pocket);

Being still on the way, being on the boron of the aircraft, each passenger fills the declaration of health. Upon arrival, each tourist must voluntarily pass sanitary and epidemiological control. If, after that, the arrival does not find any symptoms of such diseases as AIDS, plague, tuberculosis, cholera, yellow fever and others, and all the above-described customs regulations will be met, then you can safely cross the Vietnamese border and enjoy the deserved holiday. Otherwise, the tourist is waiting for treatment in one of the local hospitals, and not a full-fledged vacation in Vietnam.

Rules of export from the territory of Vietnam

Each tourist is obliged to remember that not all the goods he acquires in Vietnamese stores and shops can be taken out of the country to their homeland. It is very unpleasant to learn about this being already at the airport, when a smiling and excessively kinds of an employee in Uniform asks you to say goodbye to the thing you like, for which a solid amount of money was paid. Well, if she was worth a penny, but the code it comes to more expensive things, what to do then?

Then we suggest familiarizing yourself with, firstly, with a list of products that Vietnam over the border will be categorically impossible:

- You can not export rare exotic animals and plants, as well as stuffed turtles

Including it is impossible to export in large volumes a variety of stuffed animals, bones, teeth, feathers, bird nests, bird eggs without appropriate permission (if they do not belong to the category of rare, disappearing, exotic). If there are too many such things, then the tourist can take for smuggler.

- It is impossible to export untreated corals

If you bought a processed piece of coral in the store, then the seller must demand not only a check, but also a special certificate for the selling products (the goods must be licensed). If there is no such certificate, it is better to give up such a purchase.

If the tourist bought gold or jewelry (from gold inlaid by gems), then everything that weighs more than 300 grams is subject to compulsory declaration and is required to additionally get a special permission from Vietnam State Bank. In addition, one foreign citizen can take from the country no more than 5 sets of jewelry.

If there were antique things or works of art in the store, representing artistic and historical value, it is necessary to take out of the country to worry about their documentary. You can check out the purchase under license from the Department of Fine Arts. Such licenses may be available in the store with sellers.

Secondly, always keep the check on purchased goods!

It is also important to remember the weight of your luggage. With the flight of Vietnamese airlines, the allowable maximum weight of baggage is no more than 30 kg. Aeroflot limits baggage weight up to 20 kg.

The culture of Vietnam originates deeply at the origins of Dongshonian culture, which originated, as historians assure, during the bronze age. People of this culture were eaten in food and for these purposes, they turned the Delta of the Hongha River to a large rice field. Dongshones, cultivating rice fields, were able to master the art of preparation of exquisite rice dishes. In Vietnam, rice is an indispensable dish that adorns any table!

Dongshon culture is the first indocidant civilization. Its disappearance occurred after when in II century. BC e. The Chinese invaded the territory of Dongshonov. They almost completely destroyed this culture, leaving after themselves the fragments of the past, which are currently being archaeologists in the province of Thanhoha, located in the northern central part of modern Vietnam.

With its roots, the cultural tree of Vietnam is closely walled not only with Dongshon culture, but also, respectively, with the culture of China and India, thereby becoming part of the South-East Asian cultural sphere.

In the X century after independence, the territory of Vietnam began to grow. It was decided to master the southern territories, which ended in the seizure of the state of Truepa or Chapma, which existed the VII-XVII centuries in the territory of the modern Central and South Vietnam, and part of the Cambucauds - the feudal state of the IX-XIII century, which occupied part of the territory of modern Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand and Laos, with center in ankor. As a result, cruel meetings took place with local residents who did not welcome strangers on their lands. This led to the fact that the cultural tree began to gradually grow and new magnificent exotic branches appeared, which brought their own characteristics into culture.

But all this is not that compared to other powerful branches, which were arranged on the tree during the times of French colonization of Vietnam. Due to this, the chain grip of European culture was able to not only affect the local architecture and religion based on Catholicism, but also to make their changes in writing. It turns out that Vietnam is the only indocidant country with official writing based on Latin.

After the overthrow of the monarchy since 1945, until 1976, the cultural tree of Vietnam finally strengthened, and now, having gained a powerful wood camp, it finally blossomed under the influence of socialist and communist countries: the USSR, DPRK, Cuba and others.

All this was indisputably reflected in all cultural reservoirs of Vietnamese life: literature, music, theater art, etc.


Currently, Vietnam's literature is presented in mythological appearance in the form of legends about the Dragon Dragon Lac Long Quan, about the birth of the first people from eggs, a bogatyr fairy tale about Fu Dong, in the form of legends about the construction of the Koloa Fortress, about the warriors sister Chung. Until our days, the cycle of epic tensions of Oton, telling about the "birth of water and the birth of the Earth". In the XIII-XIV centuries, court poetry was developed.

Suppleed literature new works that literally breathe patriotism and humanism, virtue in verse, prose, poems of Vietnamese poets, figures, philosophers. Among all this varnish, works are a mansion:

- Nguyen tea, who was not just a writer, but also by the statesman, philosopher, historian;

- Nguyen Bin Khihema, who in his verses challenged the contemplative light and tremble love for all living things;

- NGUEN ZHA himself, thanks to his works, could bring Vietnamese to honed perfection, talking about touching, severe trials in the lives of the most simple fragile people with a great and difficult fate;

- The poetess, who used the pseudonym Ho Suan Hyong, was able to disguise the manyness of human lichni and masks in their frank erotic verses, under which true human faces are hidden. Thanks to the game of words, Ho Suan Hyong gave new ones not so that no similar peculiar works, which are admired and in now.

In recent decades, the 20th century, the genres of literature Vietnam gradually "infect" by particles, from Europe and America distributed throughout the world and are becoming increasingly popular Prosaiki Nguyen Hong (1918-1982), then Hoai, Le Lyu, Nguyen Mag Tuan, Poets Suan Zieu (1916-1985), those Lan Viene, those Han, Poet and playwright Nguyen Din Tha.

Among the modern Writers of Vietnam, the writer Nguyen Hyui Thaiyp (stories "Breeze over Hua Tatom", "Retired"), enjoy the greatest popularity. One of the most popular writers in the genre of science fiction is Wu Kim Dung (VU KIM DUNG). Biologist for education, he in his work "Beauty Returns" predicted cloning of living beings.

Dance and musical culture

For Vietnamese, as for many other peoples, music and dance is a refined way to transfer your most intimate feelings, emotions. Yes, so that no words will no longer be needed! Music is a thin thread of inspiration, stimulating people on the feats, giving hope for the best and allowing to touch what has never been a material appearance, and the dance is a light shadow that colors the melody into other more motley tones, even more clearly passing all the subtleties This is not a faceted diamond consisting of a fountain of feelings and emotions. That is why, in Vietnam, there is a huge number of diverse musical instruments with its own unique voice, characteristic only by him.

Among the ancient tools in Vietnam museums can be found: bronze drum; Bamboo Langhen; Stone instrument "DAN Yes", consisting of eight neatly treated stone plates; disco-shaped four-five-string guitar; The three-string guitar is given there; Dual-end violin Dan NE; Bamboo flute om diet.

Theatrical art

Vietnam record holder in the number of scenic genres. The most popular spectacle among foreign tourists is theater theater, where tiny puppets, dacked sex ducks, deft frills, play whole fragments from life on the water ordinary people and fabulous mythical characters. This type of art appeared in the era of the board of the Dynasty of Lee in the XI century. For theater theater, all dolls are made in manual, all actions played on the stage are performed only under the live music of the present orchestra, and the curtain is located directly on the water stroit of the lake.

The beginning of the performance is always the same. Under the accompaniment of fun music and drum fraraty, a doll-boy Tau appears in a loined bandage and says: "Hello everyone! I probably have no need to seem? "

No wonder the puppet theater is located on the water. And the point here is not only that all glare from the setting sun and color lamps, which distorted, bizarrely reflect on water strokes paint their magic landscapes, but also that water is a portal in other worlds, where the dominance of their own rules and laws alien to the human world. Water is not only a source of life on Earth, but also a mirror, reflecting in which you can influence your destiny. Thus, if you "play" some kind of plot, which will "see" water, then you can change your destiny in which there will be no place for those troubles that were played in the plot.

Another favorite locals genre of theatrical art of Theo, the folk melodies accompanied by tricky dances. The basis of the performance Theo is based on folklore plots, plots of popular narrative poems. Theo Theater and currently occupies an important place in the cultural life of the Vietnamese village.

The side and opera art, which found its response in the Vietnamese classical opera - TUON, considered to be a "high" theatrical genre. Speaking of "Classical Opera", we present how the maestro swears with a wand, the orchestrous whisper is heard, involving us in the stream of rustling melodies, and then we hear beautiful and unique singing ... So, the classic Vietnamese opera is completely different and something unimaginable. The entire view is based on the combination of music, pantomime, dance, poetic words, acrobatics and fencing. Artists demonstrate a lot of skills, and their performance is akin to a technically complex circus show. With one difference that complicates and without that complex performance complicates, there are no decorations on the stage, the curtain, there is even no certain designation of time and place unfolding on the stage of action. The task of the actor is that all "missing" to fill, overnight only with its game.

In the center of the play of Tongue, there is a heroic character, making a feat in the name of the country and the emperor. What undoubtedly raises patriotism and love for the youth. The representations of the TUONE are based on the principles of grotesque, conventions and symbols, which are traced in the poses, gestures, grima, stage traffic.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Kylong Musical Theater appeared. Kailyong introduced many modern folk melodies to his performances and adopted a number of Western theater accessories. The musical part, the orchestra were modernized, decorations, curtain, scene, the actor's game became more natural. The repertoire was formed not only at the expense of traditional plots, but also performances on modern topics.

Almost simultaneously with him appeared and Kitna - "Spoken drama". This genre is close to Western European similar genre.

Flight to Vietnam

(Flights, travel time, airports)

In Vietnam, many airports discontinued on the type of appointment and services provided.

From Vietnam, regular flights are carried out by the following airlines:

- Aeroflot,

- Vietnamese Airlines,

- Transaero,

- Qatari Airlines (Qatar Airways),

- Turkish Airlines (TURKISH AIRLINES),

- Singapore Airlines

In the peak of the season (in the tourist season), you can fly to Vietnam not only from Moscow, Novosibirsk and Vladivostok, but also from Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg and Krasnoyarsk. As for the second, the direct flights to Vietnam for tourists will be seasonal. Therefore, it is possible to clarify this information directly from the airport staff themselves or via the Internet.

You can get more accurate information on this issue thanks to the search for air tickets below. Here you can find a cheap ticket to Vietnama by those flights that you most interest you.

Air travel flights on regular flights Moscow-Hanoi and Moscow-Ho Chi Minhine are carried out in the evening or night time, therefore, the time in the way flies imperceptibly.

departure / destination airfare time note
Moscow / Ho Chi Minh City about 9 o'clock direct flight
Moscow / Hanoi about 9 o'clock direct flight
St. Petersburg / Ho Chi Minh City about 10 hours with a change in Moscow
Ekaterinburg / Hanoi about 12 hours with a change in Moscow
Ekaterinburg / Hanoi 9 hours 30 minutes with a change in Beijing
Novosibirsk / Hanoi 7 hours 20 minutes direct Avireis
Novosibirsk / Hanoi about 8 hours with a change in Beijing

Concerning flight cost to Vietnam, prices are very much different. Direct flight, of course, will be much more expensive than a flight with transfers. The average cost of a direct flight from Moscow to Ho Chi Minhine will cost approximately 1000 euros (40.500 rubles).

In Vietnam, a lot of different special resorts are satisfied, suitable for any purpose, for every taste and wallet. If you like to be the center of attention and adore in the swirl of events, then you are a straight road in Muin, where the entertainment industry is developed so much that fun can delay even until the morning. He does not lag behind him and the nurse, which is literally impregnated by the club atmosphere. However, in the high tourist season, this is not so easy to leak and the matter is not even at the high cost of the tour, but in the lack of tourist destinations. But this is from the words of travel agents. According to our alone in Vietnam, you can get at any time, especially if you choose an independent holiday in Vietnam. In the New Year holidays in Vietnam, a large number of not only Russian tourists go, but also a solid part of European tourists.

But it does not matter. If you are pretty fed up noisy, halting hordes of curious tourists, then welcome to the Bola of Vietnam's secluded places: Phanant, Danang, Relaxation Paradise. Fukuok and in lovers "savages" in the depths of numerous coves and bays. Moreover, you can find a quiet place even in the most noisy places, because some beaches of Vietnam even in the peak season can be semi-empty.

But after all, the trip is never limited to an empty, talent spending time, when in another country we deliberately lock themselves at the hotel and just do that we eat, drink and sunbathe. This tourist has time for the maximum and the country to see and show yourself!

We also celebrate the fact that not all the resorts of Vietnam with their infrastructure will meet high European requirements. Vietnam is a developing country that only tries himself as a hospitable hostess, seeking to offer a tourist not only something, but also trying to meet the adopted standards. Therefore, do not be surprised if at the arrival of Vietnam, the hotel with the stated 4 * will not fit your expectations, and the nearby two-star hotel will not only surprise you low cost for accommodation, but also offer much better quality services.

But you should not be upset in advance, since even now you can choose online the hotel you like and book a room, then read all the reviews. The good booking feature is good. To do this, in the next search form, fill the necessary fields and click on the "Find" button. After that, in the new window that opens, a list of inexpensive hotels with free apartments will be generated.

Here, as lucky and on what tour operators will be pushing. Cat in the bag could always buy and everywhere. It is a pity, of course, but so far excessively trusting people have been made, they will not be exhausted and those who seek to put a fortune on this.

Although, at present, another feature was identified - the deterioration of the quality of residence and servicing tourists in those hotels, which for the year they had time to "be a name" name. Therefore, something specific advise is extremely difficult!

For now, you think and choose any of the resorts of Vietnam, we will try to help you with a choice.

List of resorts Vietnam
Tui Hoa
Danang about. Fukuok
about. Katba Haiphon.
Cantho Halong
Lockey Hanoi
Longhai Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)
Muin Hoian
Nha Trang. Hue.

Climate and weather Vietnam

Speaking about the weather in Vietnam it is impossible to say clearly that such weather prevails calendar winter here, in summer such something, and in the offseason such. The weather can be a variable, capricious and even cunning. And all because in this country a rather diverse landscape.

In the north, as a rule, it is always colder, in the mountainous areas of the calendar in winter, the air temperature can fall below zero and several months in the mountains lies the real air white snow. In the south and on the islands, warmer weather, which allows you to enjoy the rest and get warm sunny baths throughout the year. Another thing is the central region that serves as a transitional cannon for mixing weather paints, there may be wet hot days and cool rainy weather, looks like our warm summer. In addition, it is not even uniform. For example, in the north of the country, the sea is always colder to several degrees, and in winter it can cool to +20 "C, +22" C. In the south, especially in the area about. Fukucho Sea is always warm, you can swim in it all year round.

Speaking of weather, we always conventionally divide Vietnam into 3 regions: Northern, Central and South. In addition, every month brings his innovative decision onto the mainland, which in the root changes the picture of the weather. Yes, so that in one part of Vietnam there will be a squall wind, threatening to grow into a real sea storm, and in another dark night or early in the morning. Solid The wall of the rain, the traces of which will instantly disappear under the scorching rays of the friendly Vietnamese Sun, and in another part of the same rains can even flood individual areas. Therefore, it is important to know about when it begins not to spoil your vacation.

So that our readers have a common idea, we recommend considering:

Sights of Vietnam

Vietnam is a great place to stay. Here you can relax both the family and in a noisy company, armed with awkward ideas, which can be implemented almost at any resort. That up, then things are loss here. The most preferable for family holidays with children will be resorts located in the south of Vietnam and on the southern islands. Here all resorts offer children entertaining entertainment, allowing you to fully relax not only to the kids, but also their parents. In addition, in the south, more favorable and warm weather, which also adds its tangible plus to a full and comfortable holiday With children in Vietnam.

For the smallest will be an interesting visit Islands of monkeys. This kind of cruises are not limited to a simple trip to the island in order to familiarize themselves with their abode. Tourists are invited to take part in fishing, deposit to mineral and mud sources, admire the beauty of wild places near the broken waterfalls, as well as visit the circus performance.

Well, and what is this holiday without attractions? IN amusement Park "Vinel-Land"(Vinpearl Land) It is proposed to test the mass of the rides from the most popular, up to very exotic, admire the show of the singing fountains, try out itself in the role of skillful climbers and conquer the improvised vertex, and why not ride along the cable car! Various holidays and.

What to see in Vietnam Monkey Island

Literally in every city and at the resort of Vietnam there is something to see and have something to admire. For example, if you stop near Hanoi, then you will definitely visit Village to Loawhere the ancient military citadel preserved. In the vicinity of this village, there are quite a few monuments such as: Temples of Naiai; Community house NSU Chieua Zii; Pagoda Bao Sean. A little mysticism will add on a tour and monuments such as the flag tower, the well NGO and the NSU Ca Cast.

If you want to test yourself for strength, then welcome to the village Lemat.where they grow different types of snakes even such that represent potential danger For a person, for their poison is fatal. After reading the different crawl reptiles, the fight and navigate them taste. Yes, yes, you are not mistaken. The village Lemate is a major serpentine meat supplier and supplies it to all provinces and large cities of Vietnam. The village is famous not only by the craftsmen of chefs, but with its zmeyesov's signs, which, based on the serpentine poison, conduct therapeutic procedures and rites. Read more about Hanoi's attractions from the article: ""

But after being in the summer in Ho Chi Minh City, you can not only rest, but also taste the most amazing and exotic fruits, because here since the middle of May and up to the end of August is an amazing useful fruit festival. On the exhibited fruit "exhibits" you can not only admire, but also be sure to try them! It is very easy to do so, since the organizers of the festival follow the observance of an important rule - all products must be available at a price. At this time in Ho Chi Minh City, it is extremely beneficial to buy fruit-vitamin bouquets for quite attractive pricesFor 20% stand, and then 40% of the market value.

Continuing the conversation about the sights of Vietnam, we are obliged to mention islands Cream Cruises. On Halong Pier, sales agents will gladly familiarize you with all possible routes that have almost all the islands. During such excursions, you will definitely introduce you to the life and craft of ordinary fishermen, whose fathers and grandfaths of the time of centuries earned fishing skills. Some excursions include a mini-guide fisherman with the use of special Vietnamese "tricks", whom you can greatly improve your result of the catch of sea fish. Caught independently, the fish will certainly be submitted to evening meal.

For adventure lovers will have to do Secret bunker (Kinh Thien), located within the city of Hanoi, which was built in 1967 according to the design drawings of Soviet specialists. All visitors can go through catacombs and expand their knowledge about the history of Vietnam.

Pleases the eyes and amazingly diverse nature. Numerous national, will demonstrate a different world, falling into which it is impossible to remain indifferent. Thanks to peculiar excursions, the guides very often raise the problem of the ecological state of numerous natural monuments. This is especially true of coral reefs, which over the past 7 years largely decreased and do not expand. Corals are gradually dying at the time that they are accurate receptors on the general environmental body of the planet Earth, judging by which you can learn about the state of "health" of nature.

(Public transport, taxi, scooter rental, etc.)

In addition to bus tours and flights to Vietnam, you can get by train. It is a pity, however, that only a few trains walk on two international routes. To get by train to Vietnam you can buy a train ticket coming from Moscow to Beijing. At such a "pleasure" will take about a week. Collecting the suitcase, thereby finally decide what to take in Vietnam, we are determined with one of the trains:

1. Fast train "East" 020s, Moscow - Beijing "

- Departure from Moscow 23:45

- travel time: 6 days 3 hours

- runs on Saturdays

2. Fast train 004Z, Moscow - Beijing

- Departure from Moscow 21:35

- travel time: 5 days 13 hours

- running on Tuesdays

3. Right train 004. Moscow - Beijing

- Departure from Moscow 21:35

- travel time: 5 days 12 hours

- running on Tuesdays

4. Train 020h Moscow - Beijing

- Departure from Moscow 23:45

- travel time: 6 days 2 hours

- runs on Saturdays

Trains 004Z., 004 Pass through the territory of Mongolia, where you can enjoy the "enjoy" a monotonous landscape of the Gobi desert, and the territory of Katya. Accordingly, the border posts of Mongolia and China will have to cross before Vietnam, and this is already complicated by visa fiber. On the way there will be several long stops with transfers. During this time, tourists in the passport will appear a few stamps and there will be a sediment from not very pleasant travel ...

Trains "East" 020, 020ch. Follow the other route, go to Mongolia. Go to a small circle, so they cross only the Chinese border on these trains.

Arriving in Beijing, transplant to the train, going on the Beijing Hanoi route (during a tense relationship between China and Vietnam, this train was canceled, and then restored again). The train goes twice a week on Tuesdays and Sundays. After that, it remains to be lost about two days and we are in place! Welcome to the capital of Vietnam - Hanoi!

It is also worth understanding that there is quite high humidity. Therefore, the first impression of the country is not quite successful. Often, tourists complain of a sticky, stigpous all the body of a sultry spirit, which despite the clear sky, without any hint at the rain always delivers a lot of inconvenience. You can not blocked up not only during the rain, but also just being on the street under the scorching sun. Therefore, not everyone can feel good in Vietnam, and the process of adaptation (acclimatization) can be largely delayed.

Upon arrival in Vietnam, we pass the usual registration procedure, and there you can already go to any point of the country on all sorts of available transport.

In Vietnam, the transport system is quite well developed. Here you can go to the local public transport, so the goal to ride with the breeze on the rented car, bike or bicycle. Bicycles can be obtained free of charge in some hotels provided that you are their guests. To do this, it is enough to go down down, in the lobby at the reception, smiling girl all plunders in detail.

By the way, the scooter is much more popular. It is worth remembering that with a private journey on a bike in the country, get into an accident - a piety. And it is not necessary to think that we exaggerate, for experienced tourists whose driving experience exceeds 5-7 years old on motorbikes, turned out to be direct participants in an accident with varying degrees of complexity. In addition, without a helmet, you can't get behind the wheel of the bike! Vietnamese roads are faster than Russian, can bother any small pebble, which at high speed looks like a crash bullet ...

It is still complicated by the fact that good, the good road is laid only between large cities and resorts of the country, but the country dear can even know what asphalt is.

But it is worth telling about everything in order.

Taxi in Vietnam

The most amazing phenomenon is, perhaps, Taxi in Vietnam. Surprisingly because there are those who consider their duty to contemporable an extra penny with a gullible tourist. Therefore, with them you need to keep the Ear East! Order a taxi and negotiate the cost best in advance.

Usually, if you want to drive along a long-distance route or around the city, the final cost will depend on a kilometer. The calculation is approximately like this: for the first kilometer take from 10,000 VND, and then the price tag decreases somewhat and for subsequent swelling kilometers is charged from 8.000 VND per 1 kilometer.

As for the cost of a trip by taxi from Hanoi Airport to the city and from the city to the airport, the price will be another. For such a service, taxi drivers take from 250,000 VND to 400.000 VND. Again, we agree in advance about the cost of the trip, otherwise they booted into a taxi with the thought of one price, and, unloading, we were silent by the fact that the price tag for an incomprehensible reason took off up.

Among tourists is also popular vilotxi (or Veloiksha).

But this is for those tourists who love to travel lightly and prefer quick driving more slow to enjoy attractions and diversify their holidays, for this type of transport can not be called practical. More often, taxi drivers in Rickshah will be taken out of tourists far from scenic places, and without the revelation of conscience they pave a route through popular and expensive outlets. For such a "curve" route, they receive a certain percentage from sales. What is noteworthy is that literally years 2-3 years ago, this taxi was worth a penny, but now, because of the increased popularity, the taxi drivers began to lay down. The real cost of a trip on this type of transport does not exceed 10.000 VND. But for a trip to the velaiksha, someone requires 100,000 VND from tourists for a watch ride. Therefore, before placing the velaiksha and get a job more comfortable in advance!

Mototcix.As we have already told a little earlier, it is a very convenient type of transport, but it is also dangerous. The average cost of one-time trip from point A to point B does not exceed 15.000 VND. If the tourist makes it clear that his route will be long and important to visit several places within, let's say, the day, he will kindly offer its services in a very reasonable price. So, never agree to such a proposal! For even if the price arranges and will be agreed in advance, the final "payback" will still be different, as the taxi driver will require an additional fee for "simple" from the tourist. The price for simply, as a rule, is always very high and exceeds 30% of the total cost for the service of exhaust.

Public transport in Vietnam

Bus The network in Vietnam is developed very well. You can plan the route to anywhere in the country. Tickets are not expensive, but here there are a lot of nuances, without complying with the tourist risks paying at times more than it is required.

The cost of the ticket depends on the length of the route, and bus messages between cities cost within 7.000 VND. Routes within the city do not exceed 5.000 VND. Payment is made right in place during the landing. We recommend all the tourists to prepare a trifle in advance, otherwise the fussy conductor is simply not surrepending with large bill Motivating this by the fact that he does not understand your English, he has no little things and so on. In addition, a children's ticket is cheaper than an adult, but conductors can contemplate for a children's ticket as an adult. Prove the conductor that his calculation was incorrect - it is useless. It is better to pay at once the whole amount without passing than to suffer and interrupt with the conductor.

As for routes. Hanoi from the airport to Kim Ma station (Kim Ma) walks at number 7, from Hanoi Airport to Long Bin Station (Long Bien) walks the bus at number 17.

The most unusual and, perhaps, the most exotic will be a trip on the so-called Slip Basakh (Sleeping Bus). On buses with an equipped bent and air conditioning. Usually the route of their following is very long. For example, the bus follows from Hanoi to Hoshimina (Saigon) with numerous stops. The road is delayed and due to the complex situation on the roads, for very frequent phenomenon among the participants in the motion - ignoring all rules of the road. Sleeping places in such buses are located in two rows, like film car. True, this type of transport is designed for not very high people who have no overweight. Otherwise, the trip will be uncomfortable and uncomfortable. You can buy a ticket for this bus directly at the hotel. If the hotel does not implement such tickets, you will definitely advise and tell where they can be purchased. Usually, Vietnam's private tourist companies are engaged in a similar type of exhaust (SINH Tourist. Site: and buy a ticket, of course, better directly from them or in any of their branches that are crushed through all major resorts. Intermediaries can largely do the price.

3 years ago in Hanoi started know-how among the tourist exposure. it Electric vehicles.

Buses on electric traction, eco-friendly and look very funny. The number of passenger seats does not exceed eight. Buses on a given route, a length of 7 kilometers to the final station, located on the northeastern part of the lake of the returned sword. The route is purely tourist, as commissioned to familiarize tourists with the main attractions of the city. You can take a bus only after pre-buying a ticket and on any of the stops. The cost of such a transport is approximately 15,000 VND.

In addition to the above, inside the country is also well established water transport. Of course, pleasure is a relaxing and more designed for tourists, for the local prefer to dissect on motorbikes or use buses.

Car rental and Motobike in Vietnam

Do you want to rent a car in Vietnam? Immediately say: "Do you need it?" Only a taxi flashed from passenger cars on the roads. As we have repeatedly spoke, the situation on the roads of Vietnam is extremely tense. Almost everyone "flies" on the roads as debris without compliance with the rules of the road. Why "ride with the breeze" with all the desire it will not work. For tourists there is a special service - rent a car with personal drivers. But I warn you, stand in traffic jams - the usual thing. For passenger cars, an extreme left band is highlighted, but it is often "clogged" with yurt vocabusers.

The cost of renting a car with a personal driver does not exceed the money amount given for the simple car rental and is approximately 250.000 - 400.000 VND per day.

The best and most common transport in Vietnam is a motorbike (scooter), a bike. Between cities, it is better to move around the bike, if you like the active view of the rest, on a scooter, by taxi (which will fly into a penny), by bus. Faster, of course, on the plane, but why a tourist who wants to meet the country to fly through the whole country on the plane? Another thing, if the trip to Vietnam is purely business and time becomes equivalent to money.

Rent a scooter or bike can be literally at every step. It is not much difficult. The cost of renting a scooter per day is from 140.000 to 250,000 VND. The cost of renting a bike per day is 50.000 - 70.000 VND.

Documents for rental transport in Vietnam

From the point of view of the Vietnamese law, rent a bike without the Vietnamese Rights of the category "A" - it is impossible! But this is the most frequent ban that tourists violate, because many firms give bikes without any obstacles. Therefore, most tourists go on bikes without documents.

To get a scooter for personal use for a certain period of tourists may require the following set of documents:

- International passport

- rights (Russian and if there is, then the rights of the international sample) are provided)

No documents like an act-reception of the transfer of leased transport is not compiled. Therefore, if suddenly you will be able to demand money for some scratches, dents that were left on the case are not in your fault, then pay for a fixed, specified tax and just go.

Another point, in connection with the frequent cases of the hijacking of bikes from under the nose of tourists, some firms demand to leave a passport. This precautionary measure passes all borders, because the passport may not be returned until the tourist will put on the paw over the amount that was owned. Compensate the full cost of the stolen scooter and should also remain. If the tourist begins to be outraged, he is frightened by the police and threaten to finish them, because the tourist traveled around the city without the right.

Several useful tips to tourists

Tips for those who rent a bike

1. Without a helmet behind the wheel of a bike, you can not sit down. This applies not only to the driver, but also its passenger. For it may be fined, although at the same time they will not require law ...

2. Choosing a scooter, do not focus on its appearance. Externally, the scooter can sparkle and look like a new one, but the filling will be just rotten ... The most important thing is "running" quality. Scooter should be primarily good! It would be nice to carry out a test drive and make a trial trip. Check everything: brakes, speedometer, the number of gasoline in the tank (it must be complete), suspension (they are completely "killed"), whether external damage is available (than them are less less problems With a refund), whether Claxon is working, whether all the mirrors are in place and so on.

3. Movement around the city is limited to 30 km / h, or even less. Although faster to go and do not work out, scary to disgrace to drive in such a road forming chaos.

4. At the first trip by Vietnam, try to hold the side of the curb and do not repeat the "feats" of the experienced scooters who practically do not slow down the speed of the next intersection.

5. If they became a member of an accident, then consider yourself automatically guilty if only because it does not matter Vietnamese rights.

6. Do not forget to use the rear view mirror, if it is at all on your scooter.

7. You can park not everywhere where you please. For arbitrary parking near some shop or shop while returning to the scooter, with a tourist can be requested by the annon amount of money for the right of parking in this place.

8. Be careful on Vietnamese roads and turn your head for all 360 "!

Communication and communication

Vietnam is not such a well-developed tourist country, so it is not in all parts of the country there is a good Internet. In a number of hotels, even if there is Wi-Fi, then it works on the last spray.

However, the situation is improved every year. Currently, in the largest resort cities of Vietnam, there are practically no problems with the Internet and telephony issues and, as on yeast, due to high tourist demand at every corner, Internet cafes and clubs have grown.

As for telephone communication in Vietnam, only 4 cellular operators offer their services.

  1. viettel.
  2. beeline.
  3. vinaphone.
  4. mobifone

You can buy a local SIM card at any corner. It is not expensive and after activation on the account there will already be an enon money amount, allowing you to enjoy the long-awaited communication with relatives.

By the way, it is better to call tourists in Vietnam to Russia independently, because the callback from Russia in Vietnam is extremely expensive. The price difference is quite significant. A minute of conversation with Vietnam exceeds 70 rubles, and a minute of conversation with a local SIM card will be held within 5-10 rubles.

Read more about the telephone communication in Vietnam in the article ""

Arriving in Vietnam, many tourists may encounter a serious problem - not understanding. It is very difficult to reach the personnel that does not understand us. Of course, on the largest and most popular resorts among tourists and in hotels, the staff is quite well spoken in English, but such a miracle may not be everywhere. What to do then? Then save, in which all the most frequently used phrases are collected for all occasions. If necessary, it can be printed and always carry.

Vietnam's kitchen is a sort of vinaigrette, where several species of dishes from National Kitchen of China, France, India, were mixed. Among the diverse menu, you can easily find Russian restaurants with soup-in, dumplings, dumplings, boiled potatoes Salted herring in oil with onions, fed up in Russia mashed potatoes With a cutlet and so on.

But we are not going to eat in Vietnam to eat what we eat in my homeland. We are submerged exotics, yes more! And with this most exotic, there are no problems here: fried crocodile meat, shark fin, baked in foil cooked on open fire Snake-pod, fried locust and some incomprehensible beetles, turtle soup, gentle frog paws with vegetables, and terribly, but the fact is a dog meat.

All this is served with a good portion of an incredibly tasty rice with a sharp oyster snack in the form of a fried with garlic of grass Raoul Muong!

Without rice, almost not one Vietnamese dish costs. Fig, as if our potatoes or bread. Without him anywhere! Any seafood, roast, vegetable casseroles, pickled meat and sharp sauces - all this is served with a garnish in the form of rice. The ending rice from Vietnamese, it is customary to "reappear", which the locals do, and our tourists do not even think to repeat.

But the most important difference between Vietnamese cuisine - everything should be fresh! Any seasoning, spicy grass, meat, row, seafood, vegetables and fruits that are ingredients of dishes - everything should be fresh! Moreover, the Vietnamese prefer to use as little oil as possible and are not strongly roasted (or they are not treated at all thermally using oil) additional ingredients for complex compound dishes. They are better than the meat, the same meat is labeled in an acute-spicy marinade, which they reappear or get ready to prepare a dish from the leaving or frozen meat or fish. And this directly suggests that Vietnamese food is useful and not very calorie. True, if you move all this yummy, then you don't expect anything good.

At first glance it is impossible to distinguish Vietnamese cuisine from Asian. And there is nothing surprising. The proximity and community of Vietnamese and Chinese cultures affect. Therefore, the most delicious sushi, rolls can be found not only in China, but also in Vietnam. All the freshest and awesomely delicious.

What else is noteworthy and famous Vietnamese cuisine?

Of course, tasty and at the same time as the same smelly fish sauce-moms! It is added to many dishes. By the way, the boiled rice is also refueling with this sauce from which simple rice "bash" becomes incredibly tasty. The most delicious and ransom sauce is prepared on about. Fukuok. Many tourists are specially going to Fukucho behind this sauce. Although this is done, the miracle is pretty simple. Fish fishes are laid in more containers or barrels and sprinkle with salt. All this layered solid salty "pie" languish on the scorching Vietnamese sun within a few months. You understand that while the fish gets drunk and transfers in the sun, "juice" stands out, which later also becomes the excellent sauce whip-to us.

I will not forget to mention and about FD soup, which is found in different variations and is as popular in Vietnam, as we have soup. It can be both with beef and with any other meat. Its main ingredients This is a necessarily welded meat broth, rice noodles, vegetables, a lot of greenery (although in some cafes and restaurants of greenery can not put so much), ginger for sharpness, onions, cilantro and other spices depending on whim and fantasy chef -Well.

Kitchen Vietnam Fo Soup Bo

I met the FD soup to the imagination with mushrooms, which turned out to be superfluous and spoiled the taste of soup. Still, the mushrooms are strongly "lubricated" the fragrance, inclusion with its not interrupted by a notch in the overall composition. You can bargain to different names of SUPA FO, although its name depends on the "filling": Fo with beef - Fo Bo, with chicken - pho ha, with mushrooms of pho chai.

Do not skip the Nam's pancakes, prepared from rice flour. This one more yummy, which can not be loved. Watch into pancakes can any ingredients this and: seafood (royal shrimp, mollusks, etc.), vegetables, various combinations with meat and cheese, greens and spices are used. More often stuffed pancakes roasted, but sometimes served to the table without heat treatment, as in the picture. What is also very tasty.

Kitchen Vietnam Pancakes Nam

Overgrowing with soup FO, which Vietnamese eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and nem pancakes, you can taste another masterpiece with a multifaceted rich taste - this is a rice noodle boon bo! Bun noodles, filled with sauce whip-to us (or together with noodles bring a pile with a sauce), served on the table with meat, nuts and vegetables. It looks all this beautiful and simply, and it is eaten so quickly that you do not have time to notice where everything is happening ...

A more refined and expensive dish is the crab. Exceptionally crab, not lobster, which largely loses the favorite of the delicious race - crab. In self-esteem, restaurants and street cafes will never get a dish from the cracked crab. Prepare exclusively from freshly detected! This is the basic rule, otherwise, all other fraud in the kitchen with non-stop crabs equal to blasphemy.

(currency, addresses and mode of operation of stores, what to buy, souvenirs, gifts and other)

First, before switching to the disclosure of the issue of souvenirs and other spontaneous purchases made by tourists, it is necessary to decide how much money to take in Vietnam. And secondly, it is important to remember about a number of secrets that will help to make the most profitable purchases.

How much money to take in Vietnam

Let's start with the fact that every particular tourist resting in Vietnam, the budget calculation is based primarily on his personal preferences. Some love to light up until the morning, others love to plan independent travel In the country, the third is overly overweight and will not make external television, if it is not included in the main tourist package, the fourth want to try everything and immediately, and the fifth replenish the ranks of frantic shopaholics, sweeping all that and do not need from the shelves of souvenir shops. That is why, give a clear answer to the previously delivered question will not work, although it is still possible to reveal the averaged data.

Thus, for quite a comfortable weekly rest in Vietnam with minimal entertainment costs (2-3 excursions, visiting the water park, etc.), accommodation and food will leave no more than 350 - $ 450 per person. From this money, you can also carve several dollars to buy souvenirs, clothes, leather goods, textiles and other dust collectors who are reminded of lived happy days On the expanses of sultry Vietnam.

But it happens that not all tourists can meet the financial framework specified above. This is explained by the fact that, first, not in vain say: "How much money will take with you - so much and spend", secondly, any tourist is curious and gullibility than you enjoy smiling and extremely benevolent Vietnamese. We are accustomed to, coming to rest, relax, not to notice a negative brilliance, periodically flashed in a teaching crowd to themselves similar and carefree.

And the flasher negative is waiting for a tourist always and everywhere, especially in Vietnam. Vietnam is generally famous for its bad temper, for small deceptions, theft and sell, which are becoming more and more sophisticated every year. We somehow spoke about this in the article "" and tried to tell about all the features of rest in this country. Even compared, trying to determine where it is better to spend your vacation.

But this unpleasant moment is unable to completely lubricate the overall positive picture obtained as a result of staying in Vietnam. And so that our readers hold the Ear Egor, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the main useful advice of tourists who will help save some kind of money.

Tips for tourists in Vietnam

1. Never buy souvenirs during excursion tours. In such outlets through which major tourist routes are laid, the price is strongly discharged. The price difference may exceed 200.000 - 400.000 VND, and the total markup to the goods exceeds 100%.

2. Buy seafood best on the evening or night fish markets. Here all products are not only fresh, but also quite affordable. However, remember that the locals sell goods at a normal cost while the tourist will always say the price much higher.

3. Therefore, always trading! The highest prices for street traders and from those sellers who implement the goods on the beaches.

4. When buying something in large supermarkets, do not forget to be checked with the price tag and count the total amount of goods put in the cart or basket. It turns out that tourists are easily cheating here. The seller at the checkout can once again pierce the same product, when weighing the goods, the calculation leads according to pre-rewritten price tags, of course, can delight, calculate. And all this is done with a cute smile on the face.

5. Buying any things, it is important to approximately know their market value. So it will be much easier to bargain with the gloomy sellers. Not so high. It is for this that those who deliberately overstate the cost of their goods are calculated.

6. Traveling around the country, keep your pockets under the supervision. Schipachi masterfully obscure the pockets of tourists and so that the loss is found only after some time, and there are already no traces.

7. Vietnamese easies easily and allocate a potential "sacrifice" from the crowd. Therefore, the easier you are dressed, the less expensive accessories, jewelry and expensive equipment - the less problems you have.

This is, of course, not all. The list can be expanded at times. We also led the most common examples of deceptions and gave the most trouble-free advice to tourists.

Now it's time to talk about. But to begin with, we will remind readers that it is best to pay for purchased goods in the local currency. However, there may be their own nuances. The fact is that externally can be very similar. Tourists, leaving in Egypt, faced a similar problem. Egyptian bills are all bright and seem completely indistinguishable from each other. So with Vietnamese money. Covers with dignity at 100.000 VND is similar to billing at 10,000 VND. It is not difficult to guess that many tourists in dubious checkpoints of currencies in a similar way more than once were deceived.

What currency to take in Vietnam

Being still in the homeland, exchange rubles for dollars, and at the arrival of Vietnam you can exchange dollars for local currency - Vietnamese Dongs.

It is very difficult to find a profitable exchange rate that allows you to exchange rubles to dongs. It is much easier to exchange dollars. In addition, in local stores, cafes and other areas of mass accumulation of tourists can pay dollar bills. They are willing to take them.

Complete euro - ungrateful business. It is too much lost.

Using any public transport, it is important to pay for the passage only in the local currency in order not to guess and not overpay the extra.

What to buy in Vietnam

As for other frequently purchased goods in Vietnam, this is definitely souvenirs: magnets; figurines; Ceramic products and dishes; Local national ritual and traditional everyday Vietnamese clothing; Shoes and hats; leather products (crocodile, snake); branded clothing, stitched in local factories (Adidas, Nike); bijouterie; Jewelry encrusted with precious, semi-precious stones and pearls; Silk products ( linens, paintings, fan, decorative umbrellas); Natural tissue clothing (flax, cotton) sold at low prices in local markets; Exotic fruits; handmade products from bamboo, cane; a variety of sweets; green coffee and tea; Small and large household appliances and much more. Total do not list! Vietnam is akin to Thailand, reveals a lot of opportunities for tourists, which can be implemented at acceptable and attractive prices. All this can be bought not only in the markets, but also in decent.

You can talk about Vietnam indefinitely for a long time, because it is one of those countries that remains forever in the memory of tourists. Vietnam is another Asian fairy tale, which always pays a few tricky mysteries, to solve which only the most avid and torture tourist, who has been the whole world.

We wish all our expensive readers to join the stream of fascinating travel and replenish the ranks of those who were able to celebrate another country on the map in which he visited!

All pleasant travel bringing unforgettable, indelible impressions and emotions!