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What to do to be a happy person. How to be happy every day

The concept of "happiness" is studied in psychology, philosophy, theology and even in the occult. Happiness as a phenomenon means satisfaction with oneself, one's life, one's life, in the end. Happiness cannot be quantified. Happy can be a beggar whose back is warmed by the sun, and unhappy can be a rich financier who is worried that he did not have time to invest money somewhere on time.

According to the International Happiness Index, the happiest people live in Costa Rica, Vietnam and Colombia.

Thus, we can conclude that it is not so difficult to accept happiness into your life. It is enough to look at your being from a slightly different angle of view and the person instantly turns from unhappy into happy. It turns out that Appius' words are correct. Only by volition can a person become happy. One favorable event can be replaced by another, but until a person is satisfied with the state of affairs, he will remain so unhappy.

Now to the question of how to achieve happiness? Since happiness is a matter of personal satisfaction, there is nothing to achieve here. You can write plans for achieving goals for a long time, achieve these goals, and as a result you get a spiritual emptiness. On the contrary, you can look at your life in bright colors: there is a roof over your head, food in the refrigerator, there is a computer, there is a wife, there is a cat, after all. And then these facts can be rethought: half of the friends do not have their own apartment and spend a significant portion of their salary on rent. The poor people who sometimes meet on the street have much less food, and there is no refrigerator at all. I dreamed about my computer all my childhood, and now I have it, but for some reason it does not bring much joy. But there is still a TV with a hundred satellite channels (including sports), mobile phone, camera. About 15 years ago, it all seemed like a pipe dream. It was thought that there is only such a thing, and the rich. And now all this is available. Why then did you forget to rejoice at all these acquisitions?

Not everyone has a wife. Several years ago I dreamed about this particular girl, saw the future with her as a happy fairy tale. Now this girl has become a wife, so why did the satisfaction from this fact quickly disappear? And the parents did not allow to have a cat. And now you can start it. Even a dog is not forbidden to have a dog.

Aristotle considered friends to be a blessing that a happy person should have.

Through such simple manipulations, you can find in any life situation bright colors... Even at the moment when everything is objectively bad, you need to try to find a ray of happiness and cling to it, trying to find more and more reasons for satisfaction in life. In such a positive state, we need to look for more and more evidence that life is a happy fairy tale. And there will be confirmation, you just need to pay attention to them. For example, the salary was raised a little, an inexpensive vacation ticket came across, the road was repaired, and friendly neighbors settled nearby instead of brawlers.

Of course, there will be breakdowns. Watched bad news on TV, someone in social network swore, the dollar rose, the car covered with mud. You don't need to focus on this. Gradually, you need to remember your dreams from childhood and adolescence. And implement them. Did you want to go to Brazil? Now the borders are open - I saved up money and go ahead. Maybe he wanted to become a hockey player? There is an amateur hockey league with real form, regular matches and even fans in the stands. Dreamed of becoming a knight, as in one of the novels you read? You can join the reconstruction club or role-playing games... There is no money now to make some dream come true? You should not be sad, you can postpone until a more appropriate time. And an option for implementation may appear without the use of money. In this state of mind, one must spend all his life. Then you can really rightfully call yourself happy man.

Happiness is too fleeting. Just a minute ago, you felt incredible, but now you are broken. Given the fragile nature of human happiness, it should come as no surprise that only a few consider themselves to be truly happy people. Scientists and Researchers Say: It's Enough to Consider Lifestyle modern man to understand the cause of our frustration and lack of happiness. First, we must always be in touch. Secondly, we very often have to physically be in one place, mentally being in another. Thirdly, we are constantly in a society that never stops.

You must understand that even if now you are not thrilled with your life, this does not mean at all that it will always be so. Psychologists say: happiness is achievable! In order to become a happy person, try to follow the advice of the experts from the list below!

Rid your life of toxic people

Yes, it is incredibly difficult to erase someone from your life. But it can make you happier in the long run. Toxic people can sow seeds of doubt in your soul, make you say yes when you want to say no. They force you to give up your interests and goals, making you feel uncomfortable. If you want to be happy, you have to get rid of or set boundaries with these people so that you have more self-confidence, joy, and success. Take an inventory of the people around you. Do you have common values ​​and interests? Do they inspire you and motivate you to be better? Do they want the best for you? If the answer to any of these questions is no, it's time for immediate detoxification! Remember, you are the one with whom you communicate.

Eat healthy food

Happiness starts from within. If you regularly load your body do not healthy food, you are actually suppressing your potential happiness. Treat yourself to healthy foods instead - you'll be amazed at how much happier you feel.

Don't forget about exercise

Do you want to be happy? Start by lacing your sneakers. Exercise will make you feel good and increase your self-confidence. That being said, do not forget that you get not only a rush of endorphins, but also a relief body!

Be grateful

Psychologists recommend making a list of the things you are grateful for. Start, for example, with health, work, family. As the list continues, you will have to look around to write down the next item. Soon you will be grateful for the way the raindrops sit on the leaf in your garden, the way your son touches your hand right before he says "mom" 600 times in a row. Gratitude increases happiness because it comes not about always wanting more, but about being aware of and appreciating what you already have.

Disable gadgets

Most people are attached to their digital devices. This makes it difficult to see all the good that is in front of us. So if you want to instantly be happier, turn off your gadgets and look around.

Get in touch with nature

We have lost touch with nature and replaced it with technology. But research supports a link between being in nature and general well-being. According to a study published in Environmental Science & Technology, city dwellers who have increased the amount of time spent in green spaces reported that their emotional state improved significantly.

be patient

When it comes to important events that we must wait for (such as marriage, promotions, and having children), we get impatient and in too much of a hurry. This usually does not lead to anything good. Just remember that good things invariably come to those who wait.

Do not hurry

Adding to the previous point: If you want to increase the enjoyment of your life, it's time to slow down. We are in a hurry everywhere and everywhere. We rush in our cars, we rush our children, we rush our whole life in general. It is enough to slow down the pace of your Everyday life to be a little happier.

Stop comparing yourself to others

Yes, it can be difficult to give up on endless comparisons with your successful friends, neighbors with big house or people you think are more attractive than yourself. But psychologists say that it will make you happier in the long run. Comparisons can be self-defeating, minimize trust, and increase our self-doubt. And all factors play a huge role in reducing our overall happiness.

Practice optimism

Optimism can be learned. Write down what is going wrong in your life, and then brainstorm and think about how to fix those mistakes.

Show a little compassion for yourself.

While many of us manage to show a lot of compassion to others, we often fail to show the same to ourselves. Analyze the negative things you say about yourself in your head. Would you say these things to someone you love? Not? So why are you saying this to the most important person in your life?

Add frivolity

When you're feeling overwhelmed, try rephrasing negative thoughts by adding a little lightheadedness to the situation. Do you need specifics? It's simple: pick one negative thought and voice it with the voice of Donald Duck. We'll see how you try not to laugh!

Indulge in some of the things you loved as a child

Who said that games and entertainment should be exclusively for children? If you want to make yourself happier, it's time to revisit some of the things that brought you so much joy as a child. It can be sports, crocheting with grandma, playing a musical instrument.

Try a new hobby

The previous point does not mean that you should rely solely on the things that you liked before. You can try doing something new - it will make you happier for sure. Our brain loves novelty, so give it some happiness!

Accept Your Feelings

As difficult as it can be to deal with feelings of resentment, anger, or sadness, it can indeed pave the way for greater happiness in your future. Accept your difficult feelings such as sadness, anger, and anxiety, all of which are natural and normal.

Develop healthy relationships

Even if the pace of your life is too fast, try to find some time to spend with friends and family members. It can make you happier, even if the stress hasn't completely dissipated. Psychologists say: People are happy when they have strong, healthy connections with other people.

Be kind to others

Usually our first instinct, when we feel anger, sadness, we try to dump our negativity on someone else. But it only makes you feel worse. Instead, show kindness to others and you will be happy in no time.

Train mindfulness

Too often, we seem to be pulled in a million different directions at the same time. To combat the stress and dissatisfaction that can come with feeling like you're doing too much, try stopping and doing some mindfulness exercises. Give yourself a few minutes to meditate or just take some time to think about your day.

Get enough sleep

Even a little sleep makes a huge difference when it comes to wanting to feel happier and healthier, so make sure you get at least seven hours of sleep a night. Sleep is the foundation of our emotional health.

What difference does it make what people think of you? If you are happy with the decisions you made, then you did right choice and no matter what others say. Imagine how much energy you spend trying to read other people's thoughts, and still not guessing.

Listen to advice - please, but don't let others decide how you live.

2. Anger and resentment

The next time you catch yourself feeling this way, think about this: "Would I like to be the person I envy?" Probably not, you love yourself (even if somewhere very deep inside).

You are looking at someone else's life that you do not know. You have no idea what this person is thinking. Maybe when he dives into the pool of his private home, he hates himself or is wildly afraid of something? Maybe you, walking through the forest on a sunny day, feel much more pleasure than he, basking on the white sand in the Maldives?

Stop looking at others. If you feel good now, then everything is correct. If not, make it good.

16. Uncertainty

Happy people tend to have self-esteem (just don't confuse it with bloated egos). They are happy with themselves and exude confidence.

There is no reason to doubt yourself. If you have traits that you hate, there are two ways: accept them or change them. Every person has everything at once: a libertine, and a puritan, and a lying bastard, and a gentleman. You choose who you are.

17. Dependence on others

No one will fill the void within you. No one will make you positive and self-sufficient if you are unhappy with fate. To share your happiness with someone else, you must first become happy yourself. So don't even hope that your success is in the wrong hands. Only in yours.

18. Past

To live in the past is to bury your present. There were mistakes - okay, who didn't have them? Arrange a magnificent funeral for your memories, remember only the lessons and.

19. Total control

Sometimes you just need to relax and let life take its course. You cannot control everything, and you have to come to terms with it. Otherwise, you will be constantly nervous, but in the end you still won't change anything. There are simply things that are out of your control. They must be accepted as they are.

20. Expectations

People think that others should live up to their expectations. That's bullshit. Nobody owes you anything, just like you owe nothing. No one should be polite, attentive, neat, honest, pleasant to talk to, clean in the end. Nothing should be perfect, delicious, unforgettable, but it can be. If it will be - great, if not - you will not be upset. Be ready to accept everything that life sends you, and you will find happiness.

October 23, 2014

Happiness is a very interesting thing. If only because each person perceives it differently. This emotion simply cannot be permanent. She easily comes and goes, so people are often interested in how to be happy... Some have a black streak in life, while others just want to feel something warm and pleasant in their souls. By the way, in many cultures, it is happiness that is considered the best emotion, since it combines many other feelings (love, care, etc.)

I thought that a lot of people would want to know more about this. Moreover, this information will remain relevant almost always (unless, of course, some kind of electronic stimulator implanted in the brain is invented). I conducted an analysis of the domestic and foreign literature and found many ways, techniques and advice supported by science. Here are 7 of the best ones.

Exercise more - at least 7 minutes a day

Exercise really helps us feel happier. I can say even more: in most cases, it is the absence of such a load that determines the presence of a bad mood for no reason. Many people don't exercise simply because they don't want to. Most popular excuse: " I'm running out of time". But there is a solution. It's not for nothing that you are reading this article about how to become happier.

Now there are many sets of exercises that take no more than 10 minutes, but allow you to use all types of muscles well. For example, the very famous Tabata technique. For many people, it may seem quite complicated, but you can always find the best option that is right for you. Consider the options that best fit into your daily schedule. After all, just try doing your morning exercises as you were advised to do as a child.

Exercise really helps you feel better. This is supported by experiments related to the treatment of depression. Sean Akor's book describes a study that involved three groups of patients with different shapes depression. One group was given only medication, the second was forced to exercise, and the third combined the two. The results even surprised me, because I was not completely sure about the effectiveness of each of the techniques.

Despite the fact that everyone had a positive result, the final results are radically different from my ideas. Those who took only medication began to correct the situation, but within 6 months 38% of percent returned to their original state of affairs. People from the third group showed better results: only 31% of them slipped back into depression. But in the second group, where they were engaged only in physical exercises, this indicator was (!) 9 percent! This is really amazing. Girls from that group are unlikely to be interested in those how to be happy.

You don't need to be depressed to experience the benefits of exercise. Not only will it make you happier, but it will also help you relax, make your body more attractive, and even increase your brain performance. A study in the Journal of Health Psychology found that people began to feel noticeably better, even if they had no changes in their bodies. That is, you do not need to go to the gym and pump your muscles to become happier - you just need to do some physical activity at least somehow.

16 men and 18 women were divided into two groups and took the parameters of the figure, lifestyle and body weight. Then one group was asked to exercise 6 times for 40 minutes, and the other to read books during the same time. The studies that went after the test showed that there was no change after reading the books, however, exercise brought really good results. So here is the answer for those who want to know how to become a happy person- just exercise more.

I researched this in a little more detail and found out what exercise does to our brains. If we talk simple language then they just release more endorphins, which make us feel happier. This can be seen in the image to the right.

Sleep more - you will become less sensitive to negative emotions.

Probably everyone knows that sleep helps our body feel better, rest from the physical, spiritual and mental stress experienced during the day. Good and healthy sleep allows the brain to focus better and becomes more productive. It turns out that this is another important component of our happiness. In NatureShock, authors Poe Bronson and Ashley Mariman explained how sleep affects our well-being:

Negative stimuli are processed by the tonsils; neutral and positive - with the hippocamus. Sleep deprivation affects the latter much more than the former. If a person does not get enough sleep for a long time, he better remembers negative events. Pleasant moments are slowly erased, and bad ones, on the contrary, become clearer and more distinct.

Also known is one experiment in which a group of subjects were told not to sleep for two days and to memorize certain words. The results were quite surprising: the participants memorized 81% of words that had a negative connotation, such as "cancer" (read about) or "war". At the same time, only among the positive and negative words, the participants remembered only 31%. This proves once again that sleep has a profound effect on the happiness we experience. Just sleep more.

It is impossible not to recall an experiment conducted by BPS Research Digest, which was able to prove that sleep strongly affects a person's susceptibility to negativity. Scientists put cameras in front of the workplace of employees of a Japanese company without warning them in advance. The research took about a week. The task was to determine what emotions each person experiences and to systematize the data obtained. So, those people who did not take a break for sleep became much more sensitive to anger and fear by the end of the day.

As you can see, the duration and quality of your sleep directly affects your positive emotions... Of course, do not confuse the sensations immediately after getting up and throughout the day. Surely in the morning you are very aggressive and negative, but over a longer period of time, this difference is noticeable. In the picture to the right, you can see how brain activity decreases during the day.

Try to move closer to work - a few minutes drive is more expensive than a new home

Our trips to work can have a surprisingly powerful effect on our happiness. In fact, the fact that we have to do this twice a day, five times a week and about 22 times a month throws a plus into the piggy bank of the credibility of this fact. Even if in the beginning there is nothing to worry about, over time, stress and negativity will accumulate, making us less and less happy.

According to research in The Art of Manliness magazine, many people simply do not understand how negatively long commutes affect us. There are many conditions that negatively affect our long-term happiness. People are unlikely to get used to long and tedious work when there is more interesting ways pastime. As well-known Harvard psychologist Daniel Gilbert put it, "driving in a traffic jam is an example of the daily alternative hell."

As a rule, we try to compensate for this stress by having a good car that we can ride comfortably or big house, where you can relax after tiring work, but these compensation simply do not work. No need to say " I want to be happy " you just need to try to make your job and the road to it more attractive.

Two Swiss economists considered the degree of satisfaction with these compensations to argue that they did not work at all.

Spend more time with family and friends - will not regret on his deathbed

One of the most common regrets among dying people is that they did not have much contact with their loved ones. If you don't trust enough that it really helps make you happy, let me introduce you to a few scientific research that prove this fact. Only then don't ask how to become happy and loved.

Chatting with loved ones is a very valuable time for you when it comes to happiness, even for introverts (people who prefer to be alone). Moreover, this largely depends not only on relatives, but also on friends with whom you would like to spend more time.

Daniel Gilbert, mentioned above, explains it this way: “We are truly happy when we are surrounded by family, we are truly happy when we are surrounded by friends and many other things. We think other things make us happy, but deep down in our hearts we understand that they are not. " It is difficult to disagree with this statement.

  • Family;
  • Health;
  • Time;
  • Goals;
  • Friends;

Go outside more often - the temperature of happiness is 13.9C o

However, such statements were not only made by him. In one study, it was shown that 20 minute walks are not fresh air help not only to noticeably improve mood, but improve memory function, and also expand thinking.

This good news for people with a very busy schedule. Perhaps everyone can find 20 minutes. You can spend them during your lunch break or just walk from work to home. Research from the University of Sussex (UK) also conducted an experiment that showed the beneficial effects of outdoor exercise on positive emotions.

It was published in 2011. In the course of it, the students were divided into two groups. One was asked to stay at home as long as possible, while the other, on the contrary, was asked to spend more time on the street. At the end of the experiment, the second group felt much better. So if you want to know how to be happy without a man then just try to spend more time outside.

Also, the American Meteorological Society conducted an experiment in which the self-perception of people and weather conditions was investigated in order to identify the relationship. It turned out that people feel happier when the outside temperature is at around 13.9 degrees Celsius, a small warm wind blows, and the air is at an average humidity level.

Help Others - 100 Magic Hours

This advice is one of the most common in the psychological literature. I remember even a small quote like:

When will I be happy?
When you stop thinking only about yourself and start helping others.

Well, perhaps that makes sense. Moreover, a person really begins to feel better when he realizes that his actions are of great benefit to others. By the way, many social programs are based on this principle. However, this is a topic for a separate article. If you don't want to miss new posts, just subscribe to blog updates.

Here is what Sean Ahor writes about this: “Researchers interviewed more than 150 people. They were asked about their recent purchases, as well as about the emotions they experienced in this moment... So, charity concerts and exhibitions of emerging artists brought maximum satisfaction. At the same time, buying new clothes or equipment was more neutral. "

From all this, we can conclude that spending money on someone is actually more enjoyable than spending on yourself. Of course, if we are talking about voluntary donations and you know that you are helping people. As you can see, there are such ways to be happy... It was also found that non-financial help also makes us feel much better.

You don't even need to conduct experiments to see that the volunteers smile much more often, are more sociable, are always ready to help and generally happier people. You can see for yourself if you find a real volunteer who has been engaged in this activity for a long time. Beginners will not be suitable, since many people like voluntary help only at the beginning, and for a long time only a few remain in this area.

How to be happy - smile more often

Even if you smile on purpose, you will still feel much better. Exceptions, perhaps, are only those situations when you try to please the person and smile through force. In this case, it is unlikely to evoke positive emotions in you. But in other cases, it can really help you. Try it now - go to the mirror and try to smile for a minute. You will see, it will become a little easier for you.

In addition, a smile will help eliminate many negative emotions and including getting rid of pain. And on this, perhaps, it is worth ending the article about how to become happy in life.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments. There you can also express your thoughts on this material. Don't forget to subscribe to updates. Bye Bye!

Hello, friends! Sasha is on the air ... Today I want to raise the question that millions of people ask themselves - how to become a happy person: psychology to help you, my dears)

In general, this is from a series of those questions to which there is no single answer. Everyone strives to get into this wonderful world of happiness, but no one knows for sure what kind of world it is, where to look for it and what they are looking for in general.

What does it mean "to become a happy person", and what is not happiness at all?

"Are you happy?" Have you ever heard this question? Or maybe they themselves asked him - "Am I happy?" And how many can confidently answer this question? I think no.

Let's, before talking about how it is, where to look and all that, let's talk about what is mistakenly considered happiness and blindly chasing a "ghost."

Often, the search for the best reminds of some kind of game of a blind kitten, which rushes back and forth in search of his fish, and finds - either slippers or a dog bone, which clearly does not please a hungry cat.

And now he, disappointed, begins his journey again, rushing from corner to corner. But everything is useless, because he does not even know what this very fish looks like, he does not know what he is looking for, and therefore he can spend his whole life, but never find anything.

And what is also important is not the fact that this fish is happiness. Maybe he needs milk, but he doesn't understand it.

Many people think:

  • I'll buy myself a new cool smartphone
  • I will go to another country
  • I will get a new job
  • Change wife (husband)
  • Make tons of money ... and be happy!

But all this is just a temporary satisfaction of desires. One will get tired, there will be a need for something else and again blind searches.

So what is happiness and where to look for it?

Happiness is not something external. This is not a purchase or a change of residence or partner. It is within us. This is harmony with oneself, confidence, the ability to rejoice and look at the world positively.

But it is not enough just to understand that it lives in us, like "aa, I understood and now I will be all so joyful!" No, if until today you have confused the concepts of happiness and temporary satisfaction, then you have a lot of work to do!

If you do not experience a drop of happiness where you are now, among the blessings that you have, everywhere and everywhere you see only the bad, you blame all your failures on other people and circumstances, then you will not see happiness anywhere and never!

Sounds like a sentence, right? But not everything is so scary, there is a way out - here the main thing is to admit to yourself that you need to change yourself first of all, and not the external attributes of life.

If you do not admit this to yourself, then you will rush about all your life in search of some kind of ghostly happiness, until you are covered with sad wrinkles on an eternally dissatisfied face.

All of the above does not mean at all that a happy person does not have desires and needs for some external benefits. He also wants to have strong family, Good work and other joys of life.

The only difference is that he does not depend on his desires. The absence of something does not make him unhappy and embittered all over the world. He also strives to improve his outer life, but without fanaticism.

He calmly goes to his goal, without destroying himself from the inside. He doesn't panic if his wife isn't as slender as his neighbor, or that he still doesn't have a three-story cottage and a private jet.

I'll try to give you some tips, which for me personally are a kind of cheat sheet, from the moment I “got lost and lost” ... It helps me and I believe that these tips will be useful to you too.

1) stop complaining about life

There are people who are just waiting for the moment, as it were, to sit in someone's ear and cry about their unhappy fate. Are you sure that someone is interested in this?

Well, yes, yes, psychologists say “speak it out, it will become easier” and somewhere it’s true, he burst into tears and seemed to relieve himself a little, but damn it doesn’t mean that you need to bother everyone with your problems! People have enough of their own!

And in general, I think so ... it's one thing to once speak out to a friend (friend) or a psychologist, and another thing to infuriate everyone every day ... and ... if you endlessly beat someone's brains with your life minuses, then you are not able to cope with them at all.

And this is not a fig not good! And if so, then something needs to be done about it.

Try to analyze in your head everything that bothers you so much. Think, is it so scary and serious? Does this or that situation have a solution? Can you influence the improvement of this negative moment?

If you understand that you can fix the situation, then go ahead! Correct, change, act in the end, and do not cry for yourself!

If you understand that you can't change a damn thing, that nothing depends on you at all, then think - is it worth it to worry at all? Accept it as it is and try to switch to something else. Why pick a stone fence with a toothpick (?)

To understand the complexity or simplicity of the negative, I would advise you to be alone with yourself. Chop off nafig everything - phone, TV, Internet and even your favorite book, put aside (if any).

Take everything away and think about what is bothering you. Consider everything and accept the only thing for yourself the right decision- “I can fix it or I can’t”, and further in the text above.

2) Take responsibility for yourself and your life

Finally understand that you yourself are responsible for your life! No one is to blame for the fact that you went the way you would like.

No, well, of course, they eat such tyrant parents and even wives who are trying to impose on you the lifestyle that they consider right. But learn to resist in the end!

This is your life and only you can decide how you live it! And to say that someone spoils it for you and all that - well, at least the words of a weakling. Can't you say “I don’t want that!” ??

Do you know who most often teaches “to live”? As a rule, these are those who themselves have not achieved shit in life and are now trying to convey their supposedly conscious mistakes to you. They think it will help you.

But they are not at all interested in what YOU want! They think they know what's best for you, and you most likely believe it. Not worth it. You have your own life and only you know what you need and what you want.

And only you yourself are responsible for yourself!

If you don't like something in your life - change it! Stop looking to blame for your failures. Nobody decides for you how you live !!! Remember this.

Tell yourself “I am responsible for myself, only I decide what my life will be like” and stop justifying your failures by hiding behind someone! ? Not? Stop crying then!

3) don't regret the past

Why torture yourself with the past, regret something, what has been done and what has not? Eating yourself won't make you feel better.

Accept past mistakes as an experience from which you need to draw conclusions and not step on that rake again.

Memories and regrets can hurt! Do you need it? Let go of the past and live in the present and the future.

4) Do you have a purpose in life?

Most people live by the principle of "how it goes". Those. They just live, they don't set themselves any goals - woke up, went to work, went to the store in the evening, came, had dinner, went to bed.

A kind of groundhog day. The maximum they strive for is a vacation once a year and a pension at the end of life. But at the same time, many are experiencing insane for more successful people, whose life is much more active and interesting.

They are jealous, but in no hurry to change something ... They are afraid to deviate from the course of habits and try something new. And it is this new thing that often saves a person from boredom and the feeling "I am not happy."

5) Learn to ignore the opinions of others you do not need

People love to advise, criticize, and even laugh at the goals and actions of others. But is it worth focusing on this and giving up doing something just because someone thinks it is not "right"?

Stop being afraid of what people think of you! Live your life with your head. I'm not saying that you need to completely and completely spit on society, but ...

6) Positive thinking and the ability to be happy is a daily work on yourself

You can't become a happy person overnight just by listening to some advice. Only daily work on yourself can lead you to this world of happiness that you dream of.

Learning to look at things differently, to see not only the bad in what surrounds you is not so easy when a negative attitude towards everything has become a kind of habit.

People who are in the same conditions can feel completely differently.

And let both have a yacht on the shore of their own beach, or both will heat the stove in a remote village - the perception of the surrounding world in the same conditions will be different.

Simply put, one will be happy to chop wood, while the other will cry over his fate. Or one will rejoice looking at his beach, rejoice that he was able to achieve success, while the second will not be enough and he will still feel unhappy.

7) being unhappy is much easier than being happy

Returning to everything written above, we can unequivocally say that it is more difficult to be a happy person than to be unhappy. If only because you need to work a lot on yourself.

It can be very difficult to admit that you have shortcomings and that no one but yourself is to blame for your misfortunes.

Learning to look at the world differently, to think somehow differently - all this is not done in one day. It seems I have already started repeating myself.

Don't try to change everything at once

Surely you now have hundreds of questions in your head “where to start? how to change everything at once? " etc. No need to try to change everything in your life at once!

Go through the points, you can even make a plan for yourself and follow it.

And the best thing is to start by recognizing the true reasons for an unhappy life and wanting ... really wanting to change everything! Only by wanting something really, you can achieve what you want!

This is where I will probably finish my article today. Thank you all for your attention!)

I hope I answered the question of how to become a happy person and now, together with you, I will continue to follow the advice and become happier!)

There are still many interesting topics ahead, so subscribe to everything new, I promise not to fill up your mail with rubbish!)

See you soon! Be happy! And take care of family, friends and loved ones ... This makes them happy.

Always with you, Sasha Bogdanova