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Psychology of strong and psychology of weak. They control their emotions. They neutralize toxic people

Both in our time and throughout the existence of humanity, people with a strong psyche are much easier to live in our world. Even the catastrophe that happened to such people although they leave their mark, but they are still much easier to transfer them. Now it has become still fashionable.

You can see various commercials and films, in almost every one of them, the main role is occupied by people with a strong spirit. But what if the psyche is far from the desired result? Is it possible to train it, to do is stronger? there is certain rules, observing which anyone can significantly strengthen his psyche and prepare for difficulties who spell up all people on their life path.

Forget about the past

Absolutely, each person can completely change his life, in just one moment, it does not need to be applied for this inhuman effort. It is necessary to constantly remember this and never remember mistakes, or missed opportunities. Need to stop looking around in the past, scroll through various missed moments. What has already happened to change it is impossible not to be afraid to make mistakes, every mistake makes a person just stronger. We must move on.

Create a desired mood

It is important to create an image of your happiness, to imagine what it has already managed to achieve and feel pleasure from what is happening. All this will give a huge charge positive emotionsThey need to use. Whatever troubles wave in life, you always need to be thoughts to stay in your dream, with a highly raised head to go further. If there is a strong desire to achieve something, then it will definitely happen. Thus, there will always be an atmosphere of well-being and happiness, gradually it will go to close to you.

Forgive everyone

You need to see the last time to look into your past and forgive yourself, all the perfect mistakes. All moments when it was possible to change everything for the better, but fear did not allow. For moments that can now be remembered only with shame. Forget all sorrow, sadness, pain that once had to be transferred. Sorry all the troubles brought by your enemies, let go of your anger, your hatred. Inability to forgive yourself and leads to the weakening of the psyche, makes a man weaker.

It is impossible to fear fear

All people are afraid of something, even the most brave have their own hidden fears. Stah is just another one of the senses, the same as joy or love. Any feelings that a man trying to avoid, make his psyche only weaker. It is necessary to determine all your fears, divide them into large and small and try not to succumb. Fear you need to perceive from the outside, as if he was going on with someone else, so he would go faster.

Pity to me

This is probably the most dangerous destroyer of the human psyche. The pity leads a person in a dead end, first appears laziness, gradually such a feeling pulls out all the energy from a person and apathy is waiting for him. Pity is just wasting your life.

Feeling pity to yourself, prevents people from taking right solutionswho could change their life in best side, man begins to walk in a circle. If a person regrets himself, together with pity he implues and all other negative feelings. Hate, anger, resentment appears. Perhaps all these feelings are directed towards a person who embedded, and maybe to himself. Scientists have long been able to prove that negative emotions The human health adversely affects, various diseases appear, such as cancer.

Do good actions

Any good deedMade for other people will give man a sense of self-confidence and in his abilities. With each such act, a person will be all stronger and more mentally. After a while, an understanding will come that there is no insurmountable barriers to the life path. Assistance to other people helps not only to them, but also to those who have decided to help.

Be optimistic in all

There are such people - optimists. Their main difference is that they enjoy any events in their lives. You need to convince in your optimism of all who surrounds you, even on bad events you can look positive. Such an attitude to life will allow a person, not only easier to endure difficulties, but will prepare his psyche to unexpected misfortunes. If a person succeeds at at least a few months to act as an optimist, then in the future everything will be obtained by itself, on autopilot.

Man should do a loved one

Anyone is truly happy, only when it is busy with his favorite business. It is impossible to go on public opinion we must exercise your desires and dreams. No need to do something, just because it is stylish or fashionable, the main thing is to get pleasure from it. In communication it is worth adhere to the same convictions. You need to communicate with people, next to which is good, and with the rest exclusively if necessary. Such actions will help a person save their nerves and time. A person always has a choice: what to do, with whom to communicate, what to choose, but to add this choice or not, each person decides himself.

Need to count only on yourself

Psychologists of the whole world noted that people with a good psyche differ in faith in own forces. This means that they are confident in perfect actions and consider their achievements by their deserved skill, and failures are written off at the chance of fate.
Such people are more resistant in difficult situations, their self-esteem is based not only on successes and achievements. Difficulties they perceive as a chance to experience their strength and even in case of failure, it is easy and with optimism relate to their defeats. They do not consider shameful to ask for someone else's help in solving their problems, and on the contrary, more often than others enjoy friendly support.
Whatever the path has not chosen a person, it is necessary to remember that a happy smile and self-confidence, better than anything will be able to place to themselves and help in achieving any goals, and maybe even help to fulfill the dream.

How to become a strong spirit? This dilemma is disturbing many personalities, because most dreams of a powerful inner force. The inner force is difficult to develop quality, to achieve which a strong desire and domestic reserves are necessary, which will change the quality of life.

How to become a strong spirit of a person if there are everyday difficulties, sank hands, no strength to overcome life obstacles, to implement the desired plans and achieve goals. To begin with, it is necessary to define what the power of the Spirit and who is such a strong spirit man. So, the power of the Spirit is the harmony of the psychological and physical component of the individual. Therefore, it is important when a person develops physically, not forgetting the development of intellectual and psychological factors.

The person's strong spirit can independently resolve questions that appear in her life, unlike the weak personalities who live at the expense of strong. If weak negative experience applies to the weakening of itself, turning into an unfortunate sacrifice, then a strong spirit and character, a person adequately comes out of any established unpleasant situation. In strong personalities there are many plans and desires, and weak a lot and needs.

A strong spirit man always has his own opinion. But the way of life of a weak personality is always to be protected. A strong person is able to defend himself and his way of life is cooperation and influence on other individuals. Most individuals live in templates. A man who endured the spirit, above all templates and any controversial, traumatic situation will not respond to a conflict pattern.

A strong spirit of the person is not a coward and turns out to be stronger than his fear. This does not mean that such individuals are not scary, they just know how to be stronger than their phobias and prejudices.

The stronger the spirit of the person, the more significant cargo of negative experience, it is capable of perceiving and decent to survive trouble. The weaker personality, the smaller dose of trouble, it can perceive normally.

How to become a strong spirit and character

In Iceland, there is a wonderful proverb: "All who stood on the legs did not firmly, had long blown into the ocean." Therefore, developing itself physically and psychologically, you can answer the question of how to become a strong spirit man.

Below are specific advice, how to become a strong spirit to a person:

- It is necessary to surround oneself with personalities with positive setting for life, since long-term communication with, contributes to becoming the same as they;

- It is important to maintain relationships with spiritually developed and competent people who are inherent in a positive charge of energy;

- It is required to find faith in yourself, it will give strength and confidence in their actions, clearly follow the principles defined for itself. Without clear ideas about life, it will be difficult to create a specific strategy of actions, which in turn will enable chaos;

- should be learn to personal experience From his own life, because it is possible to master significant experience and acquire knowledge;

- It is important not to be afraid, but to learn from your mistakes; To do this, you need to analyze your actions more. Extracting knowledge from his experience will make a person carefully and smarter in the future;

- It is necessary to be able to resist adversities, since mental stability is important in stressful situationspredetermined by fate, so in unpleasant situations it should be learned to be flexible;

- you need to be prepared for negative outcome options for events and not to pay on this occasion, losing weight and common sense, and even if something went wrong, it is impossible to lose the time you need to solve the problem;

- It is necessary to be able to look at fear of eyes, because they subconsciously affect life, even if the individual does not think about them;

- spending time for self-analysis, rash, why the fear arose, you can get rid of it; To do this, you need to do what is afraid until finally fear will disappear. So most individuals get rid of many phobias. If the identity can not do what is afraid, you should try more often about fear, and then he will pass himself;

- It is necessary to become a leader, not a thinker. Personality S. strong character Do not wait until events occur in their lives, they themselves actively. It is necessary to participate in events being admired, and not passively respond to everything that happens. It is necessary to work and try every subsequent day to do more than in the previous day;

- It should be started to live today and do not think about the future; Thinking a lot about the future, a person postpones a lot of things for tomorrow, it concerns and leisure, and important cases;

- It is necessary to understand that tomorrow it is already today, so it was time to embody plans to life. Only strong personalities live today;

- It is important to realize for a person not the ideality of the world, it will make it possible to do more for yourself and not be distracted by secondary things; Often, people think about life is very different, therefore it makes no sense to move or re-educate other individuals, but it is necessary to relate to their weaknesses condescending.

Only a strong spirit man really overcome vital tests: dangerous and complex. The strong spirit is brought up for years and all efforts aimed at this are worth achieving is rare and valuable quality.

So, the main rule, how to become a strong spirit and character is not to run from the fact that the individual is afraid, but to look at his own fear into the eyes, directing his gaze to what he fears most. And when the individual starts to overbabor - it will disappear, and the person will become stronger in spirit.

An example, how to become a strong spirit. Consider such a case: a person will have parting with his beloved. He is so afraid that mentally, scrolling parting in the head, comes from it into horror and subconsciously tries to avoid those unrest, which are very afraid of. And in order to become a strong spirit man, it is necessary, without interrupting the imaginary picture of parting in all details to present the entire scene of parting. Initially, the horror will turn away from what is happening, the person will suffer at that moment, but after the horror will disappear, and with him fear. A person will stop in reality to be afraid of parting, as he has already lived in his head. So his power of the Spirit will increase, and he will be ready for everything.

Another example, how to become a strong spirit man. It is very important in life not to resolve yourself to regret. When an individual, staying in a difficult situation, regrets himself, angerly surrounding and fate, blame them in what happened, he spends in vain forces on an ungrateful case, which only multiplies negative energy. Therefore, you should not regret yourself, but to direct all your energy and strength to solve the problem.

Do not need to be clinging for the past, and it is required to live by the present. Taking what happens in life only now, the individual is able to live, despite anything. For example, a person overtook a disease that is difficult to cure. It is necessary not to think about how good without it. It is required to take a parable, learn to cope to live with him. It is for this that the power of the Spirit is required, which is brought up due to the fact that a person understands the need for solving to live in the present time "here and now." It is necessary to "save" positive memories, good life moments, impressions. It will save in any critical situations, even in the absence of improvements. Only joyful memories give an individual hope that they will happen in the near future and for this should believe it.

It is important for a person to learn to forgive and then he can become strong personality. Forgive, man is able to go ahead. The power of the Spirit doubles after every bold, honest act and helps to cope with the upcoming, subsequent difficulties, so it is important to catch this simple logic and start helping yourself now.

We all had moments in life when we thought that they had reached the limit and could not achieve more. Life silenced in his usual bed. We felt broken, broken, unpromising. But there is a category of people who look at the difficulty of hassle. What do they differ from the bulk? The thing is how we look and feel the world. If you are a psychologically sustainable person, you can be in the most different situations. If you want to be one of these people, here are a few things that they do in order to be successful:

They control their emotions

Psychologically sustainable people do not allow their emotions to manage them. This does not mean that they have no emotion. They are. They just do not let the emotions to take possession of them in one situation or another. Such people have the ability to rely on the logical component of the situation, while maintaining emotions with themselves.

They have their own point of view

Instead of looking at obstacles, as problems, psychologically sustainable people see them for learning. They do not see the tragedy, they see the celebration. They understand everything could be worse. They know that other people are in an even worse position than them. Thus, they look at the situation in positive light.

They retain calm in any situation

If they face the crisis, they are not stripped into all serious. For example, if they find out that they are going to fire them from work, they are not immersed in deep or do not begin to cry and shout about it. They just breathe smoothly inside themselves, and they say that it is for the better. With this, these people take immediate measures to solve the resulting problem (for example, begin to look for a new job).

They are not worried about what they are unable to change

You must pay taxes. You can not change it. You must pay a mortgage if you want to save your home. You can not change it. You must communicate with your spouse or colleagues. And you can't change them. All you can do is accept what you can not change. That is how, they do that psychologically strong people. They know the difference between what they can and cannot change. And they just take it, because they understand that otherwise everything will end a bunch, in an empty time spent, and nerves.

They appreciate what they have

I know a lot of people who have absolutely wonderful life, they do nothing, but constantly complain that they are missing something. Morally sustainable people do not come so. They know, they are lucky. They look at what they have and grateful for it. The sense of satisfaction is one of the strongest, and it brings more good to your life.

They will not focus on the negative

Instead of reasoning, half empty or half full, spiritually strong people always see the full glass - half of the water and half of the air. They are focused on solutions. For example, if they have problems in marriage, they focus on what they love in their halves, and not on the fact that they do wrong.

They assume personal responsibility for their thoughts and actions.

If something goes wrong in their lives, they do not show your finger on other people. A psychologically sustainable person knows that he is the only one who is responsible for his successes or failures. He never sees himself as someone's victim.

They love themselves

Many people think that love for himself is the same as the vanity or inflated ego. This is not true. People who sincerely love themselves will not tell others what they are wonderful, just because they do not need to do that. Surrounding and so already know that these are people, because they see all with their own eyes. Strong people love themselves and believe that they are able to do anything.

They remove lessons from the past

Many would like to shove their heads in the sand and ignore the past - especially when these memories are unpleasant. But strong people know that their past made them to whom they are today. They look at what was done not so in the past, and do it better in the future. They do not look at the past from the point of view of "mistakes" or "failures", they look at all this as an invaluable experience.

They change to the better what can

As we noted above, there is something that you can not change. But most things in life can be changed. If a psychologically sustainable person does not like his work, he is looking for another. If you should talk to a person to settle disagreements. Such people do not agree to be in a state of stagnation. They continue to move forward, implementing positive changes.

They continue to move forward

Psychologically strong people never give up. They do not accept defeat. If things are not on the plan, they just do new plan. These people are not stuck. They always move forward to the best future.

If you think you are not strong man, do not worry. You can become them. It is only necessary to do this. And practice. But it is quite real. Take the decision right now. For your success!

Human spirit forces leads him to harmony in a personal life that helps fight various life troubles. This suggests that the mental strength is much stronger and more important than physical.

How can I balance your spiritual health?

Knowing that the psyche of man will not let him down, he will be able to overcome any problems and stress. It is worth considering the strengthening of the power of the Spirit in more detail.

1. Expose your weaknesses.

The most important fact is considered to recognize that you have problems with the psyche. If you find yourself in our weaknesses, then the motivation to combat them will appear by itself. Do not release your fears on the will.

2. Currently to support native people.

Do not be afraid to ask for loved ones about help. In recognizing that you have problems, there is nothing terrible. The family will certainly respond to your call and will surely help deal with all failures. Similar people are attached to get rid of adversity.

3. Start otherwise to treat others.

Our behavior in one situation or another depends on the perception of the surrounding world. In order to manifest confidence and calm, you need to learn how to control the mood. And then the power of the Spirit will begin to gradually strengthen.

Even recommendations to make the psyche healthy:

4. The conclusions from what is happening.

In the evenings, before bedtime, try to analyze everything that happens to you throughout the day. Follow the moments and situations that are complex for you, and those with which you have successfully coped. This will help prevent possible incorrect solutions tomorrow.

Such thoughts will completely change your perception of life and help to realize some of its values.

5. Stand more active.

You should not wait for any negative: try to predict the situation and turn its outcome into a positive channel. This will help develop a good reaction at the right moment. Do not try to control absolutely everything and everywhere, because there are such things that should flow on their own stream.

6. Sport with nature

The power of nature is great. Stay in calm beautiful places Energy charges you. Thoughts soothe and felt inner harmony.

Do not forget that to strengthen the psyche need to be prepared for a long process. There will be periods when you find doubts about success, but you have to deal with them. The main thing is to remember the ultimate goal and never give up.

You are tired of life vitality, the constant problems of the house and not work, are you tired of eternal stress and you have ever more often to attend depression? So you are weak spirit and something in life you need to change and learn how to become morally stronger.

Many believe that you need to throw everything and just leave somewhere. Yes, maybe it is not a bad option, only here is what to do after you return and after some time a period of time, depression will be walked again by surprise? Only one thing remains here. You simply simply, it is necessary to become stronger in moral terms (see).

Get stronger moral and physically

If you work on yourself in order to become stronger than morally, it will give you much big and significant "investments" in your future. Why do you ask? Yes, everything is clear here: if you run away, in the literal sense of the word from your life problems on rest, then this is just for a while for a while, then your problems come back to you again. And if you decide to become morally stronger and achieved this, then you will be easily cope with all the difficulties constantly.

So, what should be done, what would be morally stronger?

We offer you the following rules, the execution of which will allow you to strengthen the internally and spiritually and look at life completely on the other side.

  1. Working day layout. It is very important in order to correctly organize yourself and your body. Be sure to think about the entire course of the events of the future day on the eve. It will bring you pain of confidence that and how to do tomorrow. To some extent, it will relieve you from the extra panic and give you a bit of confidence. After all, living, knowing that you are waiting for tomorrow much easier than not to know it.
  2. Never put in front of you hard to reach tasks. You need to seek not rush. This does not mean that you should not be a careerist or content with small. Of course not. Just to achieve some big goal, you must start with the execution of small tasks. Thus, you are nothing the seam from unnecessary problems and stress. Because, solving any task according to your level today, you protect yourself, therefore, from stress. If these stresses are, it is still, they are present in moderate doses for you, compared to the fact that you immediately put an unbearable task.
  3. Each task in your life must be divided into small subtasks that need to be addressed in a timely manner, and most importantly - which are always analyzing and identifying and identifying what problems and difficulties arise at a certain stage of the decision of the subtask.
  4. Try to succumb, for some time, on the persuasion of friends to go drink beer or sit in karaoke bar. Because, a morally stable person should be able to cope with his whims. You should always be able to say and not and protect yourself from excessive "gravity" in my head, especially if you have some important event related to the solution of your tasks and subtasks.
  5. Start playing sports and just self-improvement. As they say, in a healthy body a healthy mind, and this definition is absolutely truthful (see). Start walking in the sport hall or do fitness. You will make sure that the influx of positive energy will affect your life everyday life. Yes, besides, if you look great outwardly, then you will give you great self-confidence, which leads to hardening the moral.
  6. It is very important to have some goal in the life to which you could go. If there is a goal, the real purpose is always there will be ways and strength for its implementation. The goal produces a moral spirit very much, because, the goal is, in fact, there is a stimulator of "hardening" the moral side of the body of any person.
  7. Try to be concentrated in everything. Do not lose a minute, do not let yourself relax. Your concentration aimed at solving your tasks should pass anywhere: in transport, in the stadium or somewhere else. It will greatly strengthen your moral spirit and bring faster and high-quality results.
  8. Sometimes, it is simply necessary to bypass the situation on the side or just be outside it. If some problem appeared, then it is not always necessary to dive into it with your head. It is enough to simply analyze it and take some measures to solve it.
  9. And most importantly, do not be afraid of anything. To protect ourselves from various problems and stresses, of course, it is extremely necessary, but it is also very important to safely go through life and nothing to be afraid. Thus, you will form in yourself and learn how to properly and adequately take any life situation.

After reading this article, you probably have a desire to become stronger than morally, because it's not so difficult. However, this does not mean that you cannot modify these rules or add something your own.

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