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How to develop a strong character

"Strong personality" can be described in various ways. Some of the most common characteristics of such an personality include honesty, loyalty and good knowledge of the working etiquette. To strengthen the various sides of your character, you can use sufficiently general recommendations. First of all, it is necessary to work on the development of the best features of the character, which will allow you to form your best "I". You will also not hurt to learn how to empathize with other people and express appreciation. In the end, it will be possible to start developing a strong nature, performing leadership functions and overcoming the complexity arising before you.


Work on the best qualities of your personality

    Be honest. Honesty is the key component of the character of a person. Show others that you are an honest person, and do not allow your words to disperse with the case. For example, if you tell your partner that you will have more help him in your work, demonstrate the seriousness of your words. It is possible to start regularly interested in the course of the work of a large project, which he is engaged in, or suggest to assume the responsibility of the organization for him dinners at the workplace in particularly downloaded periods of work.

    • You can also become more honest through more sincere behavior. Do not consider that you must always behave in some particular way. Your reactions should be natural.
    • For example, you can say to your partner: "I'm sorry that I have not had supported enough for you. It seems to me that it's all happening because I miss you when you are at work."
  1. Resort to self-analysis. Self-analysis allows you to know yourself at a deeper level. Having achieved self-awareness, you will understand the course of your thoughts and your own reactions. The best understanding of who you are in fact can help you in the development of your own nature. Daily allocate some time on self-analysis. At the same time, you can set up the following questions: "Why did I react to what Light said? How can I fix my own reaction next time in the event of a conflict?"

    • Meditation also excellent allows you to increase self-awareness. You can learn meditate using special downloadable application applications, visits to appropriate classes or reading books on meditation. You can even just try to sit quietly and see where your thoughts get acquired!
  2. Strengthen composure. You can develop a composure in making small changes to your daily life. For example, you can work on the control of impulsive desires to have a snack. When you pull you to see late in the evening, stop and ask yourself a question, are you really hungry. Then, instead of snack, drink a large glass of water. You have the opportunity to consciously approach the question of control over your impulse gusts.

    • It will be nice to mischievously fill the bed into the habit. This will help you to work out discipline that is useful in other life situations.
  3. Try to live on credit. Life for honor means honesty towards your inner me. If your actions do not fit your beliefs, then inside you will always boil a unresolved conflict. Remember and respese your personal values \u200b\u200band principles in everyday life. Take decisions on the basis of these principles and be adamant under the pressure of other persons.

    • Do what matches your values.
    • Think over how your solutions meet your beliefs.
    • Change the habits that go against your beliefs.
    • Be honest.
  4. Take responsibility for your own mistakes and correct them. All make mistakes, but how you react to such situations shows your character. Honestly admit if you have done something, and try to take measures to correct the situation. Depending on the specific circumstances, you may need apologize. In another case, you need to change your own behavior or correct what you have done.

    • Talk to a person who suffered from your actions to take a specific decision.
    • Weigh possible ways to correct the situation.
    • If you are mistaken or caused someone harm, accept the error and correct it. For example, you can say: "I'm sorry that I borrowed your idea. I'm going to tell everyone that her first source was you."
  5. Learn to think about risk. There are many reasons why a person can go risk, including the desire to become more confident and find new ways to achieve success. The risk can be considered deliberate only when you weighed all possible positive and negative consequences of your action. Do not make rapid actions.

    • For example, you dream to create your own photo studio. Probably, it will be unreasonably suddenly to quit work and put itself dependent on the enterprise just created. A more thoughtful strategy will be a gradual beginning with a small one. Try to work as a photographer on weekends. As its undertaking is developing, it will be possible to think more seriously about to devote all your time to your beloved business.
  6. Show patience. All people sometimes sometimes lose patience. Perhaps you even sometimes had to bite the language when a colleague could not immediately assimilate something. The development of patience will require some effort from you. Start attempts to assess the situation through the eyes of another person. Try to think as follows: "Oh, perhaps Masha does not understand what I explain to her, because she has no technical education, like me. I need less use professional jargon in my explanations."

  7. Ask for whom you trust, give you a characteristic. Sometimes it is difficult to objectively appreciate yourself. If you are seriously configured to become better, try to ask someone to characterize you. This person must simultaneously be honest and capable of constructive criticism.

    • Your best friend can be a good candidate. Contact it: "Sergey, I seriously strive to become a stronger person. Could you help me and call some strong and weaknesses of my character? "
    • Gratitude accept the received review and try to take measures to make some recommended changes.

    Ability to empathize and express appreciation

    1. Learn to put yourself in place of others. If you learn to empathize, you can better understand other people. You can strengthen your character search for mutual understanding with people and help them. Try to imagine what you have to go through another person. For example, your friend could recently lose his brother. Think about what he can feel and no matter how you felt in his place. Try to come up with something to facilitate a friend's condition.

      • You can even go further and try to experience exactly what another person faced with. For example, your partner can be upset due to the fact that she herself has to do the whole cooking. Try to assume the duties on cooking for a week to realize what it is so straining.
    2. Burn with prejudices in yourself and other people. Everyone has certain speculation and even prejudice towards other people. They can be both informed and unconscious. For example, you can consider people who finished only school and did not receive vocational education, uneducated. Try to set your way of thinking to a more open way and start tolerant to treat other people.

      • Pay attention to your prejudices. Having caught yourself on the compilation of speculations, note this. Awareness of possible bias is the first step in the fight against it.
      • When you once again served such thoughts, start actively to act in order to change your way of thinking. Instead of thinking that "such a person cannot be smart," think: "Wow, despite the lack of vocational education, he perfectly coped with the work. It is impressive. "
    3. Practice thanks. Gratitude is considered a part of a strong character, as it demonstrates your awareness of the contribution of other people and the surrounding circumstances. You can develop a grateful attitude in yourself with intentional inclusion in your daily life. For example, you can list three things at the end of the day for which you are grateful to fate.

      • You can also make a diary for yourself in which you will record all those things for which you are grateful. There you can make appropriate entries throughout the day or simply allocate for this 10 minutes in the evenings.
      • In the diary you can write: "Today I had the opportunity to become an animal shelter volunteer. I am grateful for the fact that I was able to do something constructive on this Saturday morning. "
    4. Do not forget to express your gratitude to other people. In a grateful attitude, there is an outer side for life. Do not forget to say "Thank you" every time someone does something for you. In the same way, you can show my appreciation and for those things that you directly concern.

      • For example, you can say colleague: "Thank you for led a new client. Rising business is beneficial to all of us. "
      • Gratitude can be more specific. Try to say: "I really appreciate the fact that you fed me chicken broth when I was sick. You are so caring. "

    Performing leadership functions

    1. Learn to speak loudly and distinctly if you are shy. Strengthen the character can be imposed on themselves for greater responsibility. This will expand its own knowledge base and horizons. Start with the assessment of how you communicate with other people. If you usually be afraid to speak, make an effort and learn to speak clearly so that your voice is heard.

      • Perhaps you are additionally engaged in the choir and have a good musical taste. If you are firmly confident that there is a certain music on the upcoming event, tell me about it and make your explanations sound clear.
      • At work, participate more in meetings. People will be more susceptible if you become express your ideas clearly and confidently.
    2. Let others speak first if you are usually talkative. Show your leadership skills can be demonstrated by restraint. If you are usually very conversational, try to allow others to be heard. Then you will have a chance to think and give a deliberate answer.

      • For example, you set a goal to learn Spanish. Resect the best ways to achieve this goal and start working in this direction.
      • You can sign up for Spanish courses in some local college or go through a special online training course. You can also take advantage of special software products for learning the language.
      • Interest what exactly you do. Do not forget to celebrate your progress.
      • Work towards clearly delivered targets will help you to develop discipline, which is an integral part of a strong character.
    3. Contact help when need it. Some people consider the appeal for the help of a sign of their weakness. In fact, it is a demonstration of character force, as you show that you can identify and evaluate your needs. At the same time, your requests should always be concrete and understandable.

      • Instead of staty to announce a partner, you need help on the housework, try to say so: "It would be nice if you periodically took the wash and walked the dog."
    4. Stress the strengths of other people. Moral support - a great way to lift the mood to everyone, including yourself. Good leaders know that support affects people better than aggressive spreads. Be sure to communicate with the team entrusted to you and make them understand that you are important for each of them.

      • Stress the strengths of people to grow, relying on them. For example, you can say: "You have a real talent for the preparation of presentations! I would not like to speak from the face of all of us?"
      • Concentrate on the success of the team as a whole, and not on your personal success. Speak with the manual about your team, using the pronoun "we", and not "I".
      • Advice
        • Resect specific features of your nature that need development.
        • Remember that your own understanding of the definition of "strong character" is not obliged to coincide with anyone else's understanding.

It is best to tempt difficulties, confident the users of The Question project. "At a minimum, the mandatory condition is to leave the comfort zone," says Dmitry Richter. - As a rule, strong people overcame such barriers and experienced such events that we did not even dream. "

"You can never truly feel the taste of success if he got too easy," Elizabeth Lutes confirms. Also, you should not blame in your failures and failures of others, but to take them with a highly raised head.

2. Read books

Users recommend reading books completely different genres. Autobiography - In order to learn the experience of great people, a strong spirit. Fiction - to develop imagination and play complex situations that can ever happen to you. And books on self-development - to get motivation and learn useful psychological techniques.

Dmitry Sergeev offered a list of three major, in his opinion, works: Robin Sharma "Monk who sold his Ferrari", Dale Carnegie "How to stop worrying and start living" and Stephen Kovi "7 high-performance people skills."

3. Have your opinion

Strong and mature personalities are not afraid to express their opinion, even if it is very different from the generally accepted. In addition, they adhere to their own views, despite criticism. "In our age, people themselves become slaves of other people's opinions, so it is very difficult to preserve the individuality of thinking. Learn to get rid of other people's opinions and form your own objective judgment, "says Elizabeth Lutes.

Dmitry Sergeev advises to think that in life you do because you really want it, and what - under the pressure of others or circumstances. "The ability to leave the film that you do not like, and not to inspect him because the money is paid for him. Not there is a dish in a restaurant that you do not really like, and not to press because I paid a considerable amount for him. During an unpleasant conversation, get up, turn around and leave or take and silent at that moment, when I want something to "bloom" or do without thinking that someone is something "not" will think about you " , he cites examples.

4. Set goals and seek them

The goal is needed to know where to go. Write a list of what you want to achieve after a certain period - a week, month, year. Then learn the results, draw conclusions and write new goals. "More specifics that can be expressed in terms and numbers, fewer abstract causes and phrases," Dmitry Sergeev advises.

"A man with a weak character does not know what he wants. He contradictory, disorganized and constantly hesitated, "argues Artem Ivanov. Relieve yourself from nasty.

5. Speak "No"

The inability to direct and honest failures gives us a weakness of character, the users of The Question are confident. It is important to learn to take care of your time and expose personal borders. "The ability to resolutely say" no "the insignificant affairs will give you the strength to say" yes "something important," says Dmitry Sergeev. "It is very important to focus on something one, discarding all external factors. They just destroy you. Discard them in favor of truly important cases, "Elizabeth Lutz advises.

6. Updated to your surrounding

Unfortunately, not everyone likes everything if you suddenly begin to change for the better. For someone, you will stop being "comfortable", someone just envies. If you want to be strong - change the unpleasant environment. "If surrounded there are those people who do not want to become better and" pull "you down behind yourself, without developing, it is better to reduce the limit of communication with them. Or delete them from your life. Find those who are with you along the way, those who will help you and at the expense of you to get better every day, "Dmitry Sergeyev argues. "If you don't want to spoil your life, staying away from those who have already spoiled yours."

The forms of behavior, communication and human activity in various life situations are due to its character, which is a set of properties and features of the person. Character features appear and form a line of human behavior in the process of labor and household activities, communications in the family and society, in relation to other people, to themselves, things and events.

The character of a person is inextricably linked with its temperature - the type of nervous system laid at the genetic level and characterizing the natural congenital human features. In contrast to temperament, the character of a person is formed over time and under the influence of various factors defining the role among which is occupied by education. As we grow, the desire to achieve goals and more complete implementation encourages a person to self-education (i.e., attracting the desired traits of character).

Education of a strong character contributes to the personal growth of man, achieving maximum efficiency in the chosen field of activity. Each person under the power to instill damages, characterizing the power of the will and the hardness of the spirit. As an example, consider several ways to raise a strong character.

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Sports exercise

Sport raises discipline in man, teaches to overcome difficulties and contributes to the strengthening of faith in its own strength. Regular physical training improves coordination of movements, the ability to navigate in difficult situations, and also produce a desire for excellence. Classes in the team improve human communication skills.

When preparing for competitions, the athlete honle not only physical skills, endurance, but also the speed of thinking, as well as the ability to analyze action and their independent improvement. The formulation of high goals is developing leadership in man, contributes to the process of self-improvement.

Intellectual development

Getting new knowledge forms new habits in a person and improves existing, expands the circle of communication and increases self-esteem. The desire for personal growth prompts a person to master new skills, comprehending the unknown and, accordingly, brings up activity in man, the ability to overcome difficulties.

Development in any field (learning foreign languages, receiving car management skills, playing musical instruments, etc.) will give a positive effect in the formation of the personality and education of moral and volitional qualities of a person.

Fears and complexes

Insecurity and fear are those traits of character that stand on the path to success and achieve goals. It often turns out that fears are not based on experience, but on the expectation of a negative result. To remove obstacles to yourself, it is necessary to carry out decisive actions in those areas where weaknesses are felt. For example:

  • In the fear of height, it is worth not to give up the hike in the mountains, but focus on the beauty of nature;
  • A durable person who experiences fear when communicating with people is to make a report or sign up for any section.

Overcoming phobias and complexes will give determination and confidence in further actions.

Question from our reader Boris: Already more than once heard about myself the opinion of other people who said that I was a slightly accuracy. Tell me how to raise a strong character? Now I understand that when I grew, next to me there was no example of a person with a strong character who could learn. Is it possible to raise a strong character already adults?

Immediately answer your question, Boris. Yes, strong character can be formalized at any ageThere would be a desire and understanding how to do it. And now everything is in order.

Indeed, it is the character of a person in many respects determines which fate will be. In fact, it is a manifestation of an inner person, a print on the way of life of all his beliefs, principles, personal qualities, habits and external manifestations, all that he managed to know and form for his life.

What is a strong character?

Strong character - This ability to steadily follow the selected beliefs, life principles and goals, ideally, the laws of honor. Dull thoughtless stubbornness - has nothing to do with the power of character, but is only a manifestation of man, his bloated ego and lack of awareness.

Power of character - Determined by the power of the convictions and principles of man, the power of the Spirit and the power of will.

  • The power of beliefs and principles - This is a certain arranged attitude towards himself, his fate and the world around. For a samurai, for example, is Codex Bucidido. For the Russian officer - the Code of the Russian officer.
  • Strength of mind - This is a valor and other strong qualities that define the triumph of the spirit (spiritual) above the body (above the material).
  • - The ability to patiently overcome the internal resistance (laziness, weakness, desire or reluctance) and external obstacles in achieving the goal.

More discrepanted about who is such a strong person -.

Respectively, Loor-speakers - This is the lack of clear life principles, strong beliefs and brilliance. What often suggests young, cowardice, dependence, the presence of other vices and weaknesses. Each weakly accuracy person has its own set of such weaknesses.

Larkractiveness is often a consequence of bulkiness. About what is chopping -.

How to raise a strong character?

A strong character is raised either from childhood, as for example, brought up knights, from seven years. Or life itself temper the character of a person by conducting him through a series of difficulties, barriers and tests. Either a strong character forms a person himself, working daily on himself, purposefully creating the necessary conditions for this.

But to begin with, they will answer the question - how can not be able to develop a strong character?It is not possible to raise a strong character:

  • without coming out of the usual comfort zone
  • without overcoming your own inner weaknesses (laziness, fears, etc.), and hustle with all its whims, desires and vices
  • only in thoughts and dreams are also the power of character not to raise, without passing real tests in real life
  • without rhythmic workouts, without the formation of your will and discipline. Character training only by regular effort
  • without self-esteem and internal dignity. In pride and arrogance or in the role of insignificance, the true character will not grow
  • without fighting in life and overcome some external barriers. When everything is smooth and everything in the hands goes - a strong character is not particularly needed
  • without significant motivation. A truly strong character develops only when there is a worthy significant goal
  • on violence over yourself. Need to distinguish violence and discipline

So, what to do to develop a strong character:

1. A strong character is formed by working on his beliefs, education of the spirit of the Spirit and the Force of Will. Read more and with the instructions for action about this, read in the relevant articles:

2. The character is brought up not on paper and not in the mind, but in real life. Therefore, first of all, decide with your life goals, the achievement of which will require a strong character and powerful personal qualities.

3. Be sure to determine such an occupation for yourself, which will require you to continuously overcome your weaknesses. For example, engage in military arts or some other sports.

4. One of the foundations of a strong character is powerful invulnerable: self-confidence and self-esteem. Instructions here:

5. Always help live examples and images. Find this example - a historical person or kinherman, which you would like to be similar to the character. Visualize your goal. To maximize the necessary image as possible - write impressions - see the appropriate films about strong and worthy people (about knights and warriors), read books with suitable heroes.

6. A strong character is, including the ability to own themselves, tighten your passions, manage your desires and emotions. Read more:

To begin to educate in yourself, you need to start to figure it out what it is. Once this term was reflected in coin chasing, and in the modern world means nothing but the amount of person's personal qualities. This features such as honesty, courage, friendliness, openness, patient, trick are attributed here. They are both positive and negative. A set of these qualities and determines the essence of a person, his personality, what he represents. How to raise will and character?

What is the name of a person's character?

It should be started with the fact that the basic characteristics of the person are laid at the genetic level. The next stage is the education of the child. But you should not stick to the opinion and say: "What has grown, then grown", any qualities can be quite consciously instilled. Or even on the contrary, get rid of the flaws that interfere with living. Here in the game comes self-education, hardening character, raising the power of will. Even the most modest and insecure people can become strong personalities, to raise the will and dedication. There are many ways to raise in yourself.

What is it worth starting?

To begin to educate all the necessary qualities and figure out what your strength is, it is necessary to determine what this character is consisting of. First of all, these are the factors that give a person to control themselves, their instincts, emotions, withstand the temptations due to their beliefs. It is worth noting that the power of character is freedom from prejudice, tolerance, respect for others and so on. Before starting to develop a strong character, you need to answer two main questions: why do you need it, and what value it is for you the power of character. The activity raising in nature is based on the following principles.

What needs to take into account?

To start raising in yourself, you need to understand the following:

  • Will and character power will give you the opportunity to achieve all the goals set, will help overcome obstacles on the way, to perceive failures easily and move forward. Ultimately, you can achieve everything that just want.
  • You no longer want to whine and complain about and without it, how many do it. A strong character will allow you to analyze your state, mood and in the shortest possible time to eliminate the causes.
  • You will work more productively, since the nature of character is the courage to recognize their own mistakes, analyze the weaknesses and build a new volitional personality.
  • Another important life quality is the ability to keep a sober mind when circumstances turn against us. You get to sail against the current and move on, no matter what. So did all the great people.

Once you decide which of the listed characteristics are primarily, start the process of self-education will be easier. Step by step, bricks behind the brick. Now you have a painstaking work on yourself and there will be no way back.

Learn to sympathize with others

Such qualities like empathy, the ability to love people around is no less than yourself, help to feel first of all harmony with yourself. Especially these qualities should be manifested in relation to weaker. But it is not worth confusing empathy with sympathy. The bottom line is that for the first option, it is characteristic of the fate of a person, helping not in a word, but what. While sympathy is a passive reaction, which implies emotional consolation. As psychologists say, helping others, you will grow and develop as a person. Developing and educating training is the basis of sympathy.

Head to resist fleeting impulses

This includes such banal things like a craving for sweet, constant postponed for tomorrow and so on. An Aristotle wrote that each person was inherent in the following fundamental qualities: love, hatred, desire, fear, joy, sadness, anger. In essence, each of these qualities is normal for humans. But here not everything is so simple, there is a certain share of cunning, because they can be even higher than our mind. And here we, such smart and highly intelligent personalities, we begin to eat everything without parsing, to make unnecessary purchases, to give the will fleeting anger, emotional gusts. We are all people and each of us have their weaknesses and passions. And only raising the character and tempting the power of the will, you can stop being a slave of your habits. Potting by fleeting desires - a sign of weakness and only the ability to restrain the whims and passion is already a sign of the force of will and character. Only so you can bring up in yourself.

Appreciate what you have

If we constantly think about the fact that somewhere the sun is brighter, the grass is greener and everyone around live better, happier and richer, you can simply not notice how we will stop pleaseing what is around. Remember that every person has its own problems and this is just your assumptions about how others live. Do not look at others, focus only on yourself, look only good around. Probably, it is from this that you need to start upbringing a character.

Control your feelings and emotions

Only common sense and rationality can also lead you in everyday life. Only a person with a strong character can look at everything that happens only from the position of a reasonable perception, with a rational attitude towards each little things, and not through the filter of his emotions. Rise up the ability to leave emotions in the second plan and control the chaos of emerging sensations. At first it will be very difficult, and even sometimes it will seem impossible, but even this can be learned to control, suppress. Restraint and common sense is the basis of the will of the will.

Leadership skills

Pessimists rarely achieve something truly the Great. But here it is not enough to be just an optimist. As they say, the pessimist will whine that the wind began, the optimists will wait for him and only the leader will do everything possible to establish sails and will be ready for any weather conditions. It is said that the leader is born, but psychologists argue that this is not. You can bring up in yourself the nature of what is suitable for your style of life and for your goals.

Go forward in no way

Absolutely anyone always thinks about his interests first. This can occur both at an unconscious level and absolutely consciously. Do not let anyone impose your opinion and do not do it yourself. Each person is worthy of living his life as he wants, and not a pointer of other people. Just accept for yourself how the basis is the fact that each person has the right to his own opinion, to its truth. As they say, you are not a million dollars to like everyone and will never be so that everyone around will take your point of view, your opinion. Determine the correct course for yourself and follow your goals and principles without departing.

Learn to avoid conflicts and create good

It is possible to live in harmony with yourself only if there is harmony with the world and others. Strive for this all your thoughts, with your soul. And this can be achieved only by raising the power of will and character. Going along the heads, building a goat and ignoring everyone around - not the best and certainly not the only way to get to the cherished goal. In search of exclusively personal gain, people often come into conflicts, make themselves enemies that sooner or later turns against a person. Boomeranga law, simply speaking. To satisfy your 100% needs, you need to think about what your actions will entail.

Calm, only calm!

First of all, take care of your inner state, only calm will give the opportunity to make the most concentrate and assemble with thoughts to act rationally. And here everything is interconnected - internal silence and contemplation leads to the possibilities that, in turn, make it possible to achieve success. No matter how strange it seems, calm is the first condition for raising a strong character. The oversupply of emotions, following the fleeting weaknesses is all the absence of the inner state of silence. This is such a kind of power regulator and will and the opportunity to raise in itself.

Only positive and faith in their strength, and not in the villain of fate

Good luck and faith will bring only positive emotions, leave the whole negative overboard and remember only good. Even the doctors say that the best that the patient can do for themselves during the disease is not to think about their problems, but to enjoy life and believe in the best. It is not for nothing that they say that with the help of the wills of the will, it is possible to drown even physical pain, you only need to distract yourself to other things. This applies to every day in life. If you think about the bad constant, then the daughters will be sad. Only hand you can bring paints and joy every day. Each person himself is responsible for his life and for how events develop in it. Do not think that everything is predetermined by fate, and you are not able to change anything for the better. Do not refuse the initiative, change yourself and the world around. And remember: no one will do it for you.

Be patient and overcome all fears

Only a strong character and the power of the will give a person to overcome all the difficulties in spite of everything. Do not think about the fleeting pleasure, especially if it is to harm the most important goal. Learn not to indulge your emotions, learn to wait. Try to educate the strength of the Spirit and overcome fears. Unfortunately, many of our fears are the main enemies on the way to success. And we are afraid of something more often than a contrived, based on superficial observations. As soon as you overcome even the smallest fear, faith in your own strength will increase several times. Thus, and is brought up in itself.

Clean mind and be honest with others and with yourself

Every person can be called a gardener. We all grow themselves. Therefore, what needs to be done first to get rid of weeds to give an opportunity to germinate something clean and beautiful. Take yourself something exciting, new and interesting. By what helps to develop and grow, bring up will and character. Be honest before others and in front of you. What kind of nature can we talk about. Love to tell a lie - this is primarily failing.

It's time to act!

Now that we have dealt with how to bring up a strong character in yourself, it's time to start acting! To engage in self-education The task is not simple. In any case, when you want to quit everything and surrender, remember next:

  • The principle of raising nature - try, try and try again! No one will answer the question how many attempts have to make the desired result and bring up power in themselves. But one thing is exactly accurate - you need to do as long as it is not possible to make a conceived.
  • Take the defeat and never lower your hands - the principle of raising learning nature. There will be no power of will and character if you do not learn to overcome defeats. The ability does not give up after a turn of failures - what should raise parents in the nature of the child. Error or failure is the way to comprehend the truth.
  • Get rid of any negative impact on you from outside, remember that no situation or event should affect the state. Put the plan of work on yourself and learn to speak correctly. Lexicon is one of the principles of education.
  • Enjoy yourself with people who are similar to you for targets and aspirations so that they help you stretch up.

Of course, there is no classic recipe to raise the power of will and character. Try, strive, learn.

What will help on the way to the goal?

To bring up in itself one character trait is not the task not from simple. Take a note on the following rules:

  • Overcome difficulties, no matter what. Character temper difficulties.
  • Read books and not only favorite, experiment with different genres. Grow and develop.
  • Have your opinion and express it.
  • Put goals and, most importantly, achieve them. A man with a weak character knows what he wants. Contradictions, doubts, oscillations interfere with live bright and full-fledged life.
  • Learn to say no. Inability to answer the answer directly - a sign of weakness.
  • Form your environment correctly.

We educate ourselves, grow and develop. Do not drive into the angle and form strength and perseverance.