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A strong conspiracy to call from the right person. A strong conspiracy to call a loved one. Strong rituals to make the darling call

Many girls have been in a situation where a meeting with a handsome young man ended with an exchange of phone numbers, but in the end the guy never called back. Fortunately, not only technologies do not stand still, but also magic, and a love spell on the phone is not fiction, but easy and effective ritual. Such magic is called home or everyday, and is distinguished by its simplicity and accessibility. Few people know that with the help of a phone you can bewitch a man you like.

For the ritual, you only need a mobile phone, and everyone has it. Knowing the text of the conspiracy, a love spell can be done independently at home, without resorting to the expensive help of specialists. With the help of such a ritual, you can force your loved one to call, make an appointment and achieve reciprocity.

What are telephone spells

Having a mobile phone available, a love spell on the phone can be done in the following ways:

  • boyfriend's phone number
  • from a photo taken with a phone
  • during a telephone conversation

Having noted the obvious simplicity and accessibility of telephone magic, one should not underestimate its effectiveness and forget about the consequences. When trying to bewitch an unfree man who has a lover or wife, it is important to remember that this is interference in the life of another person, which will have its consequences. Even making a love spell with the help of mobile phone, it is important to take care of your own karmic protection. It is extremely important that the object of love itself is interested, and the love spell serves only as an enhancement of the guy's interest.

Even when making the simplest love spell using a photo from a phone, in no case should you read the text of the conspiracy from the display of a tablet, computer, or from a piece of paper. Magic involves some effort on the part of the practitioner. Before proceeding with the ritual, you need to carefully memorize the text of the conspiracy and read it exclusively from memory without hesitation and peeping.

A strong love spell on the phone is based on the energy of the person reading the plot, his determination and motivation - the stronger the emotional attachment, the more likely it is to successfully bewitch the man you like.

It is very easy to make a love spell on the phone, knowing only the number of your beloved guy, if you correctly prepare for the ritual. Before you cast a love spell, no matter by phone number, call or photo of a man, it will not be superfluous to fast for three days. After fasting, you need to visit the church and buy three candles there, one of which should be large. Small candles should be placed for your health and the health of your beloved man. You need to pour a large candle at home with holy water and walk with it throughout the house, making pauses in all corners. After all the preparatory measures are completed, you can proceed directly to the love spell.

Spells by phone number

If a girl and a guy she likes exchanged phone numbers, but the young man never called, the girl can use magic to force the man to contact her.

To do this, you need to write down the number of the young man on paper, while remembering the details of the meeting, light a thin candle yellow color and read the words of the conspiracy, standing on the balcony or at the open window. The plot must be repeated all the time until the wind blows out the candle. When reading a love text, you need to imagine how a man reaches for the receiver and dials the number of the girl performing the ritual.

“My long-awaited, long-awaited and predicted chosen one, remember how good it was with me, wish to meet me again. Hurry dial my number, and see you soon.

A telephone love spell will be no less effective if you use a plot on paper, piercing your finger and smearing the sheet with the text of the slander with your blood, after which the sheet must be burned and the ashes scattered.

It is likely that the ritual will not work immediately, but after some time the object of love will call itself.

Love spell by telephone conversation

Few people know that an ordinary phone call can serve as an excellent love spell, carried out independently at home. To do this, you need to use not so much the phone, but the very voice of the person whose love needs to be achieved, because the voice, like objects belonging to a person, can become a guide to the subtle worlds, and this can be used in magical rituals and have an impact on people through conversation.

For a love spell during a call, it is recommended to switch the phone to silent mode so that the melody does not distract from the process. Then you need to call the one whose love you need to achieve and provoke the young man into long remarks. While the man is telling something, you need to repeat the following words to yourself

Exists strong love spell on the phone, for this love spell, it is necessary to carry out such rituals, you will need not only a phone, but milk and blood. Blood is needed precisely during the period when menstruation occurs. No wonder love spells on monthly blood are the strongest, but without karmic protection it is better not to resort to them, since the consequences can be very unpleasant.

For such a strong effective love spell on a phone call, you need to use homemade unpasteurized milk and menstrual blood, which must be mixed in ceramic dishes before calling the person you want to bewitch. In addition to blood and milk, a new sponge is needed (you can use a clean piece of dense tissue from natural materials). At the time when the call is made, you need to be completely undressed. It is very important that the time when calling the beloved on the phone is not busy and can talk for several minutes, being in a good mood. The conversation during the ritual will need to be abruptly cut off silently by hanging up, or better by turning off the phone. After the ritual, it is important not to talk to anyone during the night. Correspondence is also prohibited. During the conversation, you need to moisten the sponge in the milk-blood mixture and draw it over the face, along the chest, lingering in the heart area, and then move along the stomach in the direction of the genitals.

All this time you need to represent happy relationship with those who need to bewitched.

At the end of this process, you must silently hang up the phone and say the following words:

“I am the one who, with the power of moon blood and mother's milk, binds you forever. Take my blood, and let it unite with yours. Drink milk, let it bring you to me. Now, without me, you are like a child without mother's milk and father's blood. Only by returning to me will you find happiness.

Love spell on the photo in the phone

Love spells using photographs have been very popular for many years, and for good reason - after all, a photo is a visual projection of a person. People who are far from magic and do not assume that bewitching from a photo on a phone is not only real, but simple and effective. In this case, it does not matter from what angle the photo was taken - perhaps even from the back, or from the side.

A love spell on a photo on the phone can be performed in the same way as any other friend from a photograph, but there is also a special ritual for which you will need white clothes, church candles and holy water.

After lasting three days of fasting, you need to stay indoors alone, closer to the night, dress in all white (and preferably new), light three church candles, sprinkled with holy water beforehand and standing in the center of a triangle of candles, looking at the phone photo of a lover, read the words of the conspiracy three times:

“You are led, you will come to the one who calls. Just as candles do not burn without air, so you do not breathe without me, do not live, do not sleep, do not see the light, do not hear the birds. I am the air of your flame, I am your water, I am your life, the warmth of your hearth and half of your heart. Soft wax is stronger than stone, my words are indestructible.

After reading the plot, you need to get rid of clothes and candles, but rather burn them. After such a love spell of a man is made from a photograph on the phone, the photo of a loved one used during the ceremony must be deleted.

Telephone love spell | Real mysticism


MODERN love spell on the phone. Will you check? (Loch Patrol)

The problem when a loved one suddenly stopped calling has tormented lovers since the advent of the telephone. “Maybe you forgot my phone number,” our grandparents (youth of the 60s of the last century) listened to a wonderful song performed by Palat Bulbul Ogly. "Call me. Call me, for God's sake," the heroine of Irina Muravyova sang in the film "Carnival", which our mothers and fathers (youth of the 80s) watched more than once. Looks like you have the same problem...

How to make the person who loves (beloved) call her after 5 years or immediately (quickly)? For this, there is a quick, effective free conspiracy so that the right person writes or calls, including your dear (now, today, immediately) after a quarrel. All the details and reviews in this article. There is also a 100 plot for a guy to call you or there was a call from work after an interview, a lover and others called and yearned.

To make a man miss a conspiracy and call

In order for a man to remember you and want to call you, you need some thing that carries his energy. It can be a simple piece of paper that no one has touched except him.

Take it in left hand, bring to your heart and mentally, as brightly as possible, imagine the image of your beloved, 3 times saying a magic spell:
"My dear - be with me!
Sun and moon, sky and earth,
dove with dove
servant of God ... (name of a loved one)
calls on the third day!

If everything was done correctly, then within the next 3 days you should be called back.

Conspiracies and prayers for the guy to call

This plot must be read over a glass of water at 12 o'clock at night:

“You are water, water, let me drink,
so that the servant of God (the name of the beloved) could fall in love with me.
He can't sleep on a dark night
In sadness, longing for him languishes.
Take the phone, call me (your name),
and find love!

Then you should drink water and go to bed.

To call a conspiracy with a handkerchief

This conspiracy must be done only on a growing moon.

You need to take a new scarf and make sure that your loved one touches it.

Then in the evening, looking at the young month, you need to tie 2 knots along the diagonal edges of the scarf, pronouncing the following words;

“I tied a knot on a handkerchief,
your name, my favorite guessed.
Only your heart aspires to me,
And let my face dream about you.
Pick up the phone in the morning and dial my number!

When you tie the knots, hide the scarf so that no one sees it and at the same time it is always with you.

After the beloved calls, the knots can be untied.

Effective very strong conspiracy to make the guy call

You need to take the phone, dial the guy's number, except for the last digit, and have time to pronounce the plot until you hear beeps:

"Call - for you want to hear me,
Call - because you want to see me.
Call - because you want to love me.
Call - you can't live without me.

This must be done three times. If after this conspiracy they don’t call you for 9 days, then either you don’t want to be called too much, or you don’t have the gift of suggesting thoughts at a distance, which means that magic is not your element.

For a guy to call a plot with a phone

For this magical rite, you need to sit back, pick up the phone, close your eyes and restore the image of your loved one from memory, uttering a spell in a whisper:

“Servant of God (name of the beloved)!
You don't eat, you don't drink,
and you will find peace
When you don't call me
tell about yourself."

The more vividly you imagine the expression of the eyes, facial expressions and habits of your loved one, the more likely it is that you will be able to make him call you back.

A conspiracy to call the one who is needed, who loves, the former

Shouldn't get carried away magical rites in order to joke or take revenge.

There is nothing wrong with calling the first person you need or even your ex-boyfriend if you have something to talk about with him and what to tell him.

Conspiracies, if you can do without them, it is still better not to use them. Especially with regard to the "former". After all, fate has already once given you a chance to be together.

Conspiracy to make the guy call in the photo

A plot in a photo differs from a simple plot with a phone only in that you pronounce the right words, not mentally visualizing the image of your loved one, but looking at his photo.

Conspiracy to call Stepanova

Stepanova's conspiracies are black magic. They are effective, but you will have to pay for them with a loss vitality and health. So using them. you need to understand what you are getting into. and what will you sacrifice?

White conspiracy to make the guy call and remember

Write an SMS message with the following content:
“(Name of a loved one), please call me!”. Dial the number of this person and mentally press the "Send" function.

Put down your phone and wait. If there is no call, try again, but no more than 9 times.

A conspiracy to call a girl, friend, girlfriend, son

You need to perform the ritual alone so that nothing can distract you. Sit comfortably, take in your left hand the thing that belongs to the person from whom you want to receive news, and in your right hand - the phone. Mentally repeat to yourself the words: “(Name of the person who should call)! Call, call. Call." A conspiracy to a loved one is always effective. You should also mention "I want him to call back."

Conspiracy on a phone number to call

You need to take a sheet of paper and write on it the phone number of your loved one, who for some reason does not want to call, put an arrow and now write your phone number. By the way, some suggest to draw a butterfly, as the forum writes and shows the video, but this is ineffective.

The proposed plot for a husband, wife or woman friend to call is also suitable for the employer to call on the phone and be invited to work.

The article presents practical advice, which must be used judiciously, since all actions can have backfire. Conspiracies...

In this article:

Love magic gives a person the opportunity to solve existing heart problems.

There is a huge number of love spells, different in action, focus and other features, and all of them, as they say, are “sharpened” under different situations. We live in an age of globalization and high technology, and therefore we can find ourselves in long distance from a lover.

Most love rituals can only be performed if physical contact with the target is possible, but what if, for a number of reasons, such contact is impossible? You can solve this problem with the help of a mental or telephone love spell.

The effectiveness of such rituals causes distrust among many, and this is not surprising, it is difficult to associate esoteric traditions with modern technologies, and even more so, it is not easy to believe that such love spells will be at least somewhat effective. Nevertheless, practice shows that telephone rituals work, moreover, they have a very significant impact.

telephone magic

There are many rituals performed using the phone. In some love spells, you need to call your loved one and say certain words, in others you can use a photo saved on your phone, in others they use a mobile phone as a personal thing of the target.

Rituals-renovators do not work at all worse ways old school

Ritual by phone

This love spell is based on the personal energy of the performer. Before calling your beloved, you need to devote great attention to concentration and direct all your energy into the right direction. After that, call your loved one from an unknown number and whisper the words of the conspiracy into the phone:

“From this day on, you are mine forever, you will love only me, you will only be with me.”

In this ritual, you need to invest your energy

In order for the ritual to gain even more strength, you need to take a blank sheet of paper and draw a butterfly, a plane and an angel on it. After that, take the sheet in your hands, close your eyes and whisper:

“The forces of the air, the forces of the wind, I ask you for help, let the darling (name of the target) call me, let him need me, let him love me. Give him a letter from me, my love, all of me.

Then on the sheet you need to write the name of your loved one and a message that you want to hear him, hear his voice.

If you need to get rid of calls

In some situations, phone calls It's not something to attract, but something to get rid of. Annoying fans who have your phone number can be annoying for a long time, some of them completely do not understand that they are not needed, and they will not achieve anything with their calls. For such a situation, there is a unique lapel that will remove a similar problem.

We take a sheet of paper, write the name of the fan on it, put a bold black cross on the name and sign:

"Don't call again."

Then we take a little red ground pepper, pour it on a piece of paper and say:

“Mother Earth, help me (name), forbid (name of the target) to call, dial the number. Surround me with stone protection from him, get rid of obsession, save me.

After that, the note must again be sprinkled with pepper, folded in half and touch it to your forehead. At this moment, you need to imagine as clearly as possible that the right person wants to call you, but he drops his hands as soon as he picks up the phone. Then you need to put a note next to the phone and leave it there for a while.

Love spell on the voice of a loved one

Rituals associated with telephone conversations work through the voice of the target, as this is the only thing that binds her to the performer. There are a number of love spells, which are based on the fact that while talking with your loved one on the phone, you need to pronounce the right words (you can not out loud).

First option. During a conversation, when a loved one says something with enthusiasm, you need to listen to his voice and say to yourself:

Second option. During the conversation, you also need to wait for the moment when the beloved (beloved) will tell something. At this time, you need to concentrate on your breathing and during each exhalation you need to say “I love you”, and during inhalation - “love me”, of course, not out loud.

The presented love spells are based on the energy impact, and their effectiveness depends on the strength of the performer and his ability to concentrate.

When choosing a love spell method and having your lover's phone number at your disposal, you should not forget that magic is already hidden in yourself and in your voice.

In most cases, this is enough at least to arouse interest in the target, to persuade him to a personal meeting. There is no magic stronger than female charm and charm.


Sometimes it is unbearable to sit and wait for some kind of gesture addressed to you from the guy you like. In this situation, conspiracies that are read with the aim that your loved one will definitely call will help. They can work even if the guy does not have your phone number, but under such circumstances, of course, the chances will be less.

Be careful in reading the plot, read thoughtfully, with correct installation. Its effectiveness depends on the accuracy of the reproduction of the conspiracy. Do everything exactly according to the instructions below, and you will definitely succeed.

This article contains the most powerful and not difficult to reproduce conspiracies for a loved one to call. Although phone calls have recently entered our lives, nevertheless, conspiracies are strong enough and work the way you expect them to.

Simple conspiracies that will make a man call

Before reading the magic words, one must surrender to visualization. At the same time, they clearly and tangibly represent their sweetheart with a phone in their hand, draw how he is dressed, how he looks. You need to wish with all your heart that he called you. Thinking about this, they say a conspiracy:

“My beloved, (name), why don’t you call me and don’t talk to me? I'm a stately, handsome girl, for everyone and everything is good, but for you - a favorite. Take your phone, call me soon. My voice will respond, your heart will beat faster with happiness. Amen".

Examples of conspiracies for a call

It is not worth pronouncing words loudly, but believing in them with all your heart is a must. Your energy and the power of your thought will do their job, and the guy will definitely call.

Conspiracy to visualize

There is another conspiracy based on visualization. They are used at the beginning of the development of relationships. If you met a young man once, and there is no continuation of the relationship, you can use this conspiracy to make the guy call. The following plot should be read 9 times:

“My dear (name), who met me once, why are you silent for so long, don’t write, don’t call and don’t talk to me? Take your phone quickly and dial my number! Your soul (name) will be filled with joy when you hear my voice in the receiver!

When these words are read, you need to think exclusively about the guy whose voice you crave to hear on the phone. You need to imagine how he picks up the phone and dials your number. To enhance the effect of visualization, it is better to pick up some thing that belongs to him, or at least something that was in his hands. You can understand whether your appeal to magic has worked if you hear a call in the near future.

call in a relationship

If you have a great relationship, which is overshadowed only by inattention on his part and the minimum amount calls, you can use a conspiracy to call the right person. Young people do not perceive the absence of telephone conversations as tragically as girls. A guy in general can wind up and not even think about how a girl suffers without talking to him. If you have been waiting for a call for a long time and to no avail, you can correct the situation by reading the following lines:

“Strong, strong, strong, strong, I speak a servant of God (name) to a quick call. I dare him from other things and urge him to come to his senses. Let his thoughts renounce everything, and let his hands reach for the phone. Let trouble not happen to him, and he will return alive. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

This conspiracy is not just aimed at making a person call, it also protects him from all possible dangers. While reading it, you should imagine how a man calls you, mentally remove all obstacles from his path. You need to put all your emotions into these words and repeat them several times. Then the result will not have to wait long.

Restoring Relationships

How to get back an ex relationship
Sometimes a call is needed not in order to start a relationship, but in order to restore them, return the lost, make peace.

  • In this case, you need a fairly strong ritual that can make serious changes. To perform such a ritual, you need a photograph.
  • And the fresher it is, the better.
  • In order for a loved one to overcome resentment and his anger, you should be well prepared for reading the conspiracy so that he calls.

A prepared photograph is placed on the shelf, candles from the church (2 pieces) are placed next to it, a mobile phone and a sheet with your phone number are placed next to it.

Candles are lit, look at the photo, remembering beautiful time spent together. The following is a conspiracy:

“(Name), remember our joy, remember our happiness! Remember how you were desired! After all, I am your happiness, joy and love! Take the offense, dial my number, return our happiness!”

The words are repeated 6 times. Then the picture is hidden, and a piece of paper with a written phone number is burned in a candle flame, the ashes are carefully collected and thrown into the wind through an open window.

Strong rituals to make the darling call

The rituals given here have a much more powerful effect on the target.

  1. A man should stop doing any other business until he talks to you on the phone.
  2. And that's enough strong influence to fate.
  3. So such actions can end unpredictably and lead to unexpected consequences.

But they are ideal for those girls who do not intend to wait and urgently want to hear the voice of their beloved.

Very effective conspiracies

First, you can try to make a strong nominal call, in most cases it is enough for a dear person to call. Having prepared a large red candle, it is necessary to make an inscription with black paste on a clean white sheet of paper. It should be full name person. Then the leaf is set on fire from the flame of a candle and the following words are read:

"Body and soul on fire until you call me!"

The text is repeated 3 times. This must be done faster than the sheet with the inscription is completely burned.

If the above method does not work, you can use black pepper. First you need to correctly count the peas. There should be as many of them as your dear has lived in the world for years. Peas are thrown into a hot frying pan, where a little vegetable oil is first poured. Once the peppercorns are hot, they will bounce on the surface of the pan. In doing so, you have to say:

“How this pepper jumps and toils, so let (name) spin until he calls me!”

The absence of a call after such a conspiracy for the guy to call speaks of how bad and painful he is in this moment and he just can't muster the strength. So before carrying out such a ritual, you need to think carefully, is it worth doing so that your husband or just a loved one experienced suffering?

A simple conspiracy to call

First turn on the memory full power and restore before your eyes the image of a loved one or husband, as if he were in front of you in reality. Remember all the small details: facial expression, twinkle in the eyes, posture. Then nine times you need to read aloud the following words.

The goal is a conspiracy to get the guy to call. You need to re-awaken feelings in a man that will lead to the fact that soon he will want to call and do something nice.

Conspiracy to call with a candle and a photo

If you have a photo of the man you love, it makes things a little easier. When there is a picture of her husband before her eyes, this frees up the resource.

There is no need to keep the visual image in memory so diligently. Take the photo in your left hand, and in your right - a church candle, which must first be lit.

  • Another detail of the conspiracy is to open a window or window.
  • First, the absence of barriers in the form of a wall or closed door contributes to the establishment of an invisible energy connection between a woman and a man.
  • Secondly, it is a strong gust of air from the window that must extinguish the flame of the candle - for this conspiracy to work, it is not recommended to extinguish the candle on your own.

Conspiracy to call with a photo and a ribbon

A beautiful ritual for which you will need to pick up an exquisite red ribbon. The ribbon is a symbol of your feelings and connection with the desired person. Therefore, approach her choice consciously, do not take the first one that comes across. It's important that you like her.

  1. This time you have to go to bed after midnight.
  2. Take a photo of your loved one and tie it with a red ribbon to your phone.
  3. Think about how imperceptibly, but irreversibly, a thin invisible connection is established between you and your chosen one and the circulation of energy is activated.

Then put the phone with the photo under the pillow next to you and start reading the plot itself. After the conspiracy, immediately close your eyes and try to sleep soundly.

Conspiracy to call the one who needs

You need a photo of your loved one, as well as a blank sheet of paper. Write your phone number on the sheet and attach a photo so that the face matches the inscription. After that, immediately read the plot.

In the morning, take a photo off the paper and burn it. Scatter the ashes in the wind. The ritual is aimed at making a loved one put aside their affairs and remember about you. Also, this conspiracy can help if you have been married for a long time, and your husband is always busy with business - after the ceremony, he realizes that he wants romance again. Whatever happens in your personal life - get ready for a date soon.

A Few More Important Notes on Conspiracies

What do you need to know? Main features:

  • Don't do anything just out of curiosity. Use magic only when you are completely sure of your strong desire, the need to make the chosen person your own.
  • Don't tell anyone. The less girlfriends learn about the conspiracy after reading it, the better. Ideally, no one should know. The fact that you performed the ritual for the guy to call you is your personal secret.
  • You need to read the plot with a sincere heart.

A phone call is never an end in itself. This is just a sign that we are interesting to this person, he is interested in us and has a strong desire to meet. What will happen in reality, on a date - again depends on us. Will it be possible to capture the attention (and with it the heart) of our chosen one, will he become a loved one, and in the future - a husband? All this is in the hands of the girl.

Rituals using additional attributes

For any item that was in the hands of the chosen one or the chosen one:

“I lie down, I pray, and when I get up, I am baptized. Under the ground are worms, and above the ground are animals. The sun and the moon have risen, and I am alone. So may the Lord bless me and help me in my work. Key. Lock. Language".

For phones connected with a red thread (your phone and the device of the chosen one or chosen one, the thread must be cut into two parts, one of which should be left with you and the other should be placed on your loved one):

“The bell is ringing for me. I want to hear my beloved voice every hour, every day. Let him need me like stars in the sky, like a river in water. Let the love spark fly between the phones, but it will get stuck forever. May it be so!".

To your phone:

“Servant of God (name of the chosen one), you don’t eat, don’t drink, but you will find peace when you call me, tell me about yourself.”

For any object of the chosen one, so that he calls within half an hour:

“(Name), you are interesting to me, you are pleasant to me, but why don’t you call, don’t talk to me? I am stately, pleasant, unusual, pretty, kind to you, interesting to you. Take the phone, dial my (your name) number. My voice in the receiver will respond, and your heart will fill with joy.

On the photo to call the one who loves:

“My clear falcon, my long-awaited, my beautiful! Remember how good it was for us, open my heart, open my soul. Quickly remember my number, make an appointment as soon as possible!

On a napkin or scarf with knots tied diagonally, which was held in the hands of the chosen one (it is read exclusively on the growing moon, during the ritual one must look at the sky):

“I tied a knot on a handkerchief, I guessed your name, my beloved. Your heart aspires only to me, and let my face dream to you. Pick up the phone in the morning and dial my number.

To the phone (on your device you need to dial the number of your beloved and pronounce the words):

“Call - because you want to hear me. Call - because you want to see me. Call - because you want to love me. Call - because you can not live without me.

Strong conspiracy to call

If contact with a person occurred relatively recently or there was only an acquaintance, then the conspiracy to call should be read according to different rules. In order for the right person to call now, you will have to prepare and make a stronger ritual. In situations where communication occurs regularly, you can apply simple methods impact (on your own phone or object).

Ritual example:

the table should be covered with a cloth of bright red color
in the middle of the table you need to place a red candle in a candlestick or on a saucer
put your phone in front of you (screen up)
looking at the phone, one must not only remember the person’s face, but imagine the upcoming dialogue as realistically as possible (the words must literally “hear”)
after such actions, the words of the conspiracy are read three times:

My beloved and sweet voice, I want to hear you. You stole my heart, but sunk into my soul. Dial urgently my number (phone number), because it is important to me!”

Gypsy rite

For the ceremony, you will need a glass filled two-thirds with red wine, a red thread and a ring without stones. From the ring and thread you need to make a pendulum, light a candle.

  • Having said your name, you must wait for the ring to hit the walls of the glass as many times as there are letters in the name (after which the pendulum must be stopped).
  • Similar actions are carried out with the name of the chosen one or the chosen one.
  • The ring on the thread must be lowered into the wine and wait for the candle to burn out or its flame to go out.

After the ceremony, you need to drink wine and mentally imagine the long-awaited dialogue.

How to read spells correctly?

Conspiracies for a specific person to call are read at any time. For the ritual, you can use your own energy powers or apply some attributes. Getting a photo of a guy or a girl is now much easier.

You can use, for example, social networks. If a person is interested at a meeting, then you can prepare in advance for a conspiracy by letting him hold a sheet of paper (even an ordinary napkin will do). The main rule of the ritual is to believe in the success of the ritual. In the absence of self-confidence, the result may not meet expectations.

Rules for reading conspiracies on a call:

during the ceremony, it is necessary to clearly present the facial features of the man or woman on whom the conspiracy is read

when performing the ritual, the atmosphere around should be as favorable and calm as possible (there should be no children, animals, or other objects nearby that can distract from the ceremony)

  1. if there is an object that was held by the chosen one or the chosen one, then when reading the necessary words, you must hold it in one hand, and in the other - a lit church candle
  2. you can’t use a conspiracy for personal gain (for example, if a person has established his personal life, and you want to destroy it)
  3. if there is no candle, then it is recommended to read the plot after midnight on the street or on the balcony three times (so that the wind blows over the face during the ritual)

the call to the call refers to love magic, so use it too often on different people not worth it (may have negative consequences)

it is recommended to read the plot as many times as the candle burns (or until its flame goes out)
if a mobile phone is used in the ritual, then while reading the plot, one must imagine the numbers of the number of the beloved or beloved, the music that is on the call, and also try to mentally reproduce the person’s voice

pronounce the words as confidently and clearly as possible (stammering, incorrect pronunciation of words or other similar factors can significantly reduce the magical power of the ritual)
simple conspiracies

Without using additional attributes

  1. can be read at any time of the day, repeating words 3 or 9 times in a row
    if there is no photograph or object that the chosen one held, then when reading the plot, you must hold your cell phone in your hand
  2. when using a conspiracy, it is important to remember that the ritual does not bind right person, does not affect his feelings, so the upcoming telephone conversation can be on almost any topic (working moments, discussion of any situation, etc.)
  3. Despite the fact that call conspiracies are considered one of the safest, and it will not be difficult to perform a ritual even in the absence of experience, it is difficult to call weak rituals.

With the help of such spells, you can even remind yourself of a person whom you have not seen or heard for many years. The only condition for success is that the chosen one or the chosen one has your phone number.


For example, the first stage of your communication is a telephone conversation. For many, it happens on its own. In the case when a man does not want to dial your number in any way, it is worth doing a love spell so that the guy calls.

This is not a complete captivity of the individual, but only the launch of a program in his field aimed at one action. A call is not a one hundred and eighty-degree turn of your whole life, so you won’t have to answer for it.

And after the conversation, a date can happen, then a second, and so on. The call can serve as the start of a natural romance. You just need to "help" the client - to inspire him with a desire to dial a number. How to do it? Yes, it’s not difficult, given that he has these cherished figures.


1st ritual to get a guy to call
Pick up your phone in the evening. On a small piece of paper with a red felt-tip pen, write its number. Attach to your device. Say a spell:

“The swallow flies south to find out what his dear friend wants! Returns home, says that he is with me! You fly, beauty! Let (name) not cope with longing! You inspire him with need, but deep sadness! Let him not fall asleep without my voice! Let the phone ringing disturb him in his dreams! And talk to me, let him dream!”

Place the device under your pillow and go to bed. Watch what images your subconscious mind throws at you at night. If the impression of sleep is pleasant, he will call soon. When gloomy images come, it means that the person thinks badly of you! This is a warning sign. It's better to abandon your plan. If you didn’t dream anything, repeat the ritual on the second night.

2nd ritual to get the guy to call

Sit in front of a mirror. Take a photo of the person you want to bewitch. This is to reinforce your imagination. You must wear red.

  1. If there is no completely scarlet dress (suit), then throw a piece of red fabric over yourself.
  2. Need a background. Light red candles on the sides of the mirror.
  3. It is necessary to position the phone so that it falls into your field of vision.
  4. Focus, introduce your counterpart. It is necessary to create his image "dense".

That is, to practically feel his presence next to you. Project this imaginary "clone" into a mirror. When you reach such a state that it will seem to you that the guy is sitting next to your reflection in the mirror, imagine that your foreheads are connected by a wire. It is easier for people to imagine a cord or rope. Do it the way you feel most comfortable. It is only necessary that a line of communication be created from your forehead to his.

Now imagine a situation where he just needs to contact you. The essence depends on your attitudes and imagination. Give him what you can think of. For example, he urgently needs to contact you in order to find out information about mutual acquaintances. Transferred? What is the answer? You will feel it. Only at first it will be so elusive that it will be necessary to repeat the procedure in order to recognize what your victim is broadcasting.

  • As soon as you catch reverse effect, look at your tube and "send" energy into it. If you couldn’t feel anything, then just look at your phone and say out loud: call!
  • That's all. If you do everything right, you will hear a call signal in the near future.
  • If something failed, then you can repeat at any time. This love spell for a guy to call can be performed at any convenient time.
  • Experts advise to spend it in the evening, realizing that in the silence and comfort of semi-darkness it is easier for a non-specialist to concentrate.


I must say, despite the fact that the effectiveness of such a ritual is not too great, but, as a last resort, you can try. Keep in mind that you will have to make every effort to turn the situation in your favor. It is desirable to "organize" a real thread that will connect you. That is, use mutual acquaintances, social networks or something else.

If there are absolutely no real connections between you, then the effectiveness of the ritual will be in question.

  • There is a way out: find his account in in social networks and knock on your friends, write a message or send a gift.
  • If you do not want to log in, then do it incognito.
  • It doesn't matter if he understands that it's you.
  • It is necessary to achieve such a situation that this person pays attention to your energy.

The ritual is carried out to the wind. If it is not possible to go to the mountains or to another place where a hurricane is raging, then turn on the fan. Just create a more powerful flow. Point it to an open window. Get in the flow. Create a mental image, the essence of which is: your feeling at the moment when the guy calls you. That is, it is tedious to imagine that you are already talking to him. What are your sensations, thoughts, feelings and so on? Detail everything, down to the smile on your face. Ready? Read the spell aloud, straight into the stream:

“I invoke the power of the wind! Come make your dreams come true! Capture my desires, endure my aspirations! I call on the power of the wind! Carry my order, inspire it that hour! Let the Slave (name) suffer, languish from desire! I order! I punish! So that Slave (name) thoughts do not calm down, do not stop until they receive the words of my gifts! Amen!"

When you read, mentally "let" your feelings into the created channel. This is an exercise for the imagination. Can you imagine that the wave goes through the social network or through mutual friends, others in a suitable way. If you do everything right, then answer all calls. Will definitely be desired. Just keep in mind that the object can simply be mistaken with the number. Don't get lost here!

The power and magic of a conspiracy to make a guy call

What determines the strength of a conspiracy

A conspiracy to make a sweetheart call is one of the most harmless ways of influencing a person’s desires and feelings. Despite the fact that love spell elements are most often used in this conspiracy, their power is directed only to certain actions of a person, which make him later think about feelings for a girl.

It is quite clear that if a young man calls a girl, then she is interested in him, and on a subconscious level, the young man has just such a picture that, without the involvement of magic, makes him delve a little into his soul and decide on a relationship.

The power of a love spell on a young man’s call does not oblige him to anything at all. The conspiracy does not force the young man to change himself, act radically, or even influence the fate of other people. He will just pick up the phone and call, and what could be negative in a simple call. In addition, it is in the hands of each girl to translate the conversation into right direction so that the next time the young man wants to call at his own request.

Types of conspiracies to call a loved one

A conspiracy to call a person does not require any complex rituals. Sometimes it’s enough just to say words on the phone so that after a while the long-awaited call rings out.

The power of the word is obvious and what we think about often comes true, so you need to be very careful in your desires.

If, after a previous meeting with a young man, some object of his remained, for example, a lighter or a handkerchief, a pen, or even a personal item of a girl that he touched, then a conspiracy can be made on this subject.

You can also conspire to the young man's phone number, which you just need to write out on a piece of paper and read the conspiracy on him. To conduct a conspiracy on an object, you must pick it up and read the following words over the object 9 times:

“My dear, (name of a young man), why don’t you call, don’t write,
why won't you talk to me?
I'm beautiful, I'm nice, the best and prettiest,
for you I am kind and the most interesting.
Take your phone and dial my number,
and when you hear my voice, then peace will appear in your heart, joy in your soul, and sweetness in your body.

After these words, the desired man should have some memories associated with the girl, and after a short period of time he will dial her phone number.

The simplest plot for a man to call is carried out on a handkerchief made of cotton or linen. At the tip of the scarf, you need to tie a knot and say 3 times on it:

“I tied a scarf with a knot, and tied my desire with it. Help me higher powers, help me young man(name) remember me, yearn, dial my phone number. I tied a scarf with a knot, I told you my desire. Soon everything will come true, my phone will wake up, from the long-awaited call, the sweet voice in the receiver.

Carry a scarf with you until the young man calls, then it must be burned.

Ritual if you know the phone number

Take the thing that he touched, or his photo, or write his phone number on a piece of paper. At night, show what you have chosen to perform the ritual to the Moon. And say such a conspiracy for a love spell:

"How the moon looks at me, how the night yearns for broad daylight,
So you are a servant of God (name of the guy) longing for me, run to me.
I am beautiful, illuminated by the moon, I am handsome, placed in your thoughts.
As the breeze murmurs in the foliage, so my voice lives in you.
Run faster, bring your speech.
As soon as you hear my native voice, your heart will fill with love longing!”

They said a conspiracy and go to bed, putting the thing that they slandered under the pillow. If everything is done correctly, the next day the desired call will definitely be. The main thing is that the ritual must be carried out with conviction, without even a shadow of doubt. Then everything will definitely work out. Your thoughts will be transferred to the guy. He will remember you and be tempted to call you.

Conspiracy on the phone if there is no number

If you don’t have a phone number or a guy’s things, and you really want him to call, you can use the following plot. Take your cell phone. Well imagine the situation when he calls you. You can visualize his photo on the phone screen, you can - the music of the call, you can - your feelings. And if it works out, it's better to do it all at once. This will be much more efficient. Now, looking at the phone seven times in a row, read this conspiracy:

“My beloved (name), you miss, you yearn, you look at the phone - you are jealous! You were offended, you pouted, turned away from the phone! My beloved (name), you take the phone in your hands, call your beloved (your name)! As my voice sounds in the receiver, so your heart will beat! love in your body will flow, as my voice will respond! My beloved (name), call! Unite our hearts! Amen!"

After reading the plot seven times, save the visualization of your conversation for a while. So the connection between your energy bodies will be stronger. If everything is done correctly within three days, the guy should call you.

Conspiracy to call a guy who does not know your number

This plot is used if you met a guy, you liked him, but there was no continuation of the acquaintance. In order not to suffer and suffer in the unknown, you can do a small magical ritual to remind the guy of your existence.

  1. Usually, even if he did not ask for your mobile number, the call will certainly follow. (All within reason, if he has the opportunity to get your phone number from mutual acquaintances!)

    Get in front of big mirror. You must see yourself to the waist. Reflection should not occupy the entire surface of the mirror.

  2. Take a good look at your image and think about what could attract his attention (face, eyes, lips, etc.).
  3. Now imagine that your Guardian Angel is behind your right shoulder, and the guy you like is behind your left.
  4. Read the plot nine times in a row, trying not to lose the images in the reflection:

“Any (name) got lost, got lost in the deep forest! My angel, follow him over the mountains to the forests, or fly to heaven! May the Servant of God (name) be found! He will turn to me with news! My angel, don't let me down! Bring the servant of God (name) to me! Amen!"

After reading, you need to cover the mirror with a handkerchief for a while so that the energy is preserved. If the guy knows your phone number, after the conspiracy, he will definitely call. And if there is no opportunity to recognize him, then he will try to meet you at the place where you met. So go to meet your destiny exactly where the acquaintance happened!

Conspiracy to get a guy to call and apologize

And if you are in a quarrel with a guy, and you want him to call first, then you can use another conspiracy. You can, of course, be the very first to go to reconciliation without resorting to magic. It's even better.

  • So you will look both wiser and more feminine. But this is not always possible.
  • It happens that the circumstances are not clear to you and you cannot understand what is happening. Then you can refer to magical powers for assistance.
  • Perhaps a little push on your part will keep the relationship strong and lead you both to happiness.

For the ritual, a photo of a loved one is used. You need to carefully look at his face and imagine that he is currently talking to you. Then take a piece of paper, write his phone number on it. Cut the leaflet with the number so that only the numbers remain on it (the edge should be as small as possible). Put a piece of paper with a number to the photo (it should represent a mobile phone). Read the following words three times:

“As a stork flies south, as a fish swims in the ocean,
As the earth cannot be without a clear sun,
So you (name) without me (name) do not sleep, do not eat, according to my words, you yearn.
Like a nightingale in a grove chirps, sings songs, love calls,
So you (name) miss my speech (name), remember me with your heart!
As you hear my answer in the receiver, so your anguish will get cold. Amen!"

Speak while imagining that he is already dialing your number. You can even imagine that music is playing from your phone's speakers, which usually means it is ringing. Visualization must be very convincing. Now roll up a piece of paper with his phone number into a small ball and tie it to your mobile phone with a red thread (or yellow, white, green). The color of the thread will depend on the desired relationship.

  • Red - ardent love,
  • yellow - romance,
  • green - friendship,
  • white - marriage proposal.

Keep the balloon tied to your phone until it rings. You won't have to wait long! Then it is better to burn the paper so that it does not fall into the wrong hands. This is a magical attachment that can be used to destroy your relationship.

The second conspiracy to call when parting

This plot is used in case of parting. When you broke up “forever”, and you want to save the relationship, if you can’t take the very first step, but you really want to continue pleasant communication, then use this slander:

“Crows flew in, we fled to the sides! The birds have flown away - let the beloved (name) return! Holy Mary, help! Save our love and save! Servant of God (name) Let the servant of God (name) send a message. Holy Mary! Send his heart flying! Let him not toil and suffer, but rather dial my number. Amen!"

You need to read five times in a row, well imagining ex boyfriend. There is one indispensable condition, you must stop being angry and offended by him. What's done is done, you need to move on without anger and negativity. Remember all the good things that happened between you, and read the plot. Your favorite guy will definitely call you! If, for some reason, the conspiracy did not work, there are other stronger conspiracies for reconciliation. Use them.

Today, gadgets and all kinds of technologies, girls are increasingly trying to use phones for use not only for their intended purpose, but also for the purposes of magic spells. For example, a love spell on the phone or a ceremony for a call from a loved one. It is clear that bewitching a man with the help of a photo is the most common occupation of magicians. But will the conspiracy work if it is done on the phone, and not with the camera? Certainly!

You can perform a love spell on the phone or perform a ceremony on a call from a loved one.

The benefits of such a spell

It will turn out even better than real photo, as more alive and more, so to speak, in direct contact with the object. Saved large quantity its particles. Not every love spell will work on the phone. Indeed, sometimes a photo needs to be burned or buried, combined with another image or an inscription on it. Therefore, before you start bewitching, choose best option. It should not be forgotten that for such rituals it is desirable to choose night time. A call at midnight is less real than during the day. We offer you several options for a love conspiracy that can be used using the phone.

Love spell on the phone - what is it? There are several options for how to bewitch by phone: simple ones, such as whispering when talking with the person we need, and specifically more complex magical actions. With the first option, everything is so clear and simple.

  • Outgoing call to a boyfriend or girlfriend.
  • When you hear the voice, ask a question to be answered for a few minutes. During this time, you will have time to whisper the necessary words - a love spell on the phone implies this action.
  • The main thing is concentration on the spoken words, and not on the voice of a loved one.
  • It is desirable that the subscriber's number has a photo with his image in full growth.

The main thing here is not to get lost in the words of the conspiracy, since it is harder to recite when they answer you.

The main thing is not to get lost in the words of the conspiracy

Examples of common whispers to bewitch the person you need.

  • “You don’t live without me, you don’t sleep and you don’t eat. You wait, you wait, and you dream about me all the days.

It cannot be said that they will work immediately, but if you do everything right, then success in a love spell is guaranteed to you.

Preparation for the ritual

  • Fast for three days.
  • Go to church and buy three candles, one of which should be the largest.
  • Set two of them (small ones) to the Mother of God and for the health of your chosen one.
  • Bring a large candle plus holy water home. Sprinkle the candle with this water in the evening.
  • Get your matches ready.

The ritual implies some important nuances.

  • Put the call on your phone to silent mode.
  • Include a photo you have taken of your loved one in your phone.
  • Put on everything clean white color. Never use silk items.
  • We light a candle with matches.
  • Place the candle between you and the photo that should look at you, and say the words of the spell three times:

    “You are the one who is waiting for me and will come. This love spell will be eternal, and happiness will find us with you.

  • Cross the candles three times yourself, then photo. Looking at the picture, say:

    “I close the candles with wax, I burn out the fire. It will be as I say. Amen".

  • Extinguish the candle with your fingers and hide it in a dark place.
  • Go to sleep without talking to anyone.
  • The ritual must be repeated for three days.

For the ritual you will need a photo in your phone

You can also bewitch with a printed photo that was taken on the phone. But in this case, the object of desire must pose for you so that the face and eyes are visible. All the charm and simplicity of rituals with phones is that a photo for them can be taken from afar or from the back. It won't play a big role. The main thing is that a person should be in full growth on it.

Phone as a savior

If a guy or girl doesn't call you for a long time, then the phone will help this grief. It seems to be indecent to make a call yourself, especially if you just met, but you really want to continue communication. It’s impossible to bewitch right away, but it’s real to speak the phone on a call. Light a candle, preferably a church one, close your eyes and imagine that the guy reaches for the phone, picks it up and calls you. All this is required, as realistic as possible to imagine. After pronouncing the words written on white paper:

“You are my long-awaited clear falcon. Remember how good it was, open your heart. Remember the number, invite you on a date!

You can also try this spell:

“Why didn’t (name) call. Don't want to talk, don't want to hear? I will become your favorite, the sweetest. As you hear my voice, the heart will beat faster, all the rest will be forgotten. Amen!".

For him, you only need to concentrate on the phone and imagine the image of your loved one. Read at least nine times.

From the foregoing, it becomes clear that with the help of a mobile phone, almost unreal things can be done. Don't waste time and hasten your destiny!