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Evdokia: the value and origin of the name. If at home is the mind, the full name

The female name is a kind - original and funny. This is a diminutive form from ... and ah so sounds full nameAnd what it means I will tell you in this article.

The origin of the name of Dusia.

So, the name of the soul, the full name - Evdokia. This name was born in Byzantium, it came from the ancient Greek word "Eudokia", which means "favor." It means that it is subsequent: "good glory", "incense". We had a variety of this name - Avdota, and in Belarus and in Ukraine there is a consonant name of Evdoah (Justoha). Also, often the dosy is called the Duni, Doney, Dossel. The patroness of the name is the holy sufferers of Evdokia, the princess of the capital. She was baptized and, abandoning his own wealth, intended life to serve God. It was listed that in merit for it she was marked by the gift of the wonderfulness.

Slave Dusi.

As a child, the dusya is very alive and a mischievous girl, delivering a lot of marrots with his own foulness to parents. But, becoming older, it changes dramatically. It turns out that the soul, the full name of which Evdokia, has a soft and good temper. She, usually, excellent hostess, mastic mother and spouse. In her family, peace and consent reigns, because it has the ability to avoid all conflicts and to mine the warring parties. Specifically, the unconfluousness and equilibrium of the Nrava Doss appreciate at work. Collectants see in it competent and always ready to come to the aid of the employee. And the bosses often trusts her the most responsible tasks. But Evdokia and negative moments are in life. Because there is a kind, the name of which means "good glory", is very naive, conscientious and seeking to justice by a person, it is very tormented by his own naivety and simpleness. If it is very insulted, she can forever closed inside him.

The most popular dsia

The most popular duskey is Dusa Kovalchuk, which was revolutionary and participated in the civil war in the Russian Federation. She married at sixteen years per person who was two times older than her, and bore him four kids. Dusya without the help of others mastered reading and writing. The spouse of her younger sister joined her to the underground activities of the Bolsheviks. In 1918, she became the head of the underground work of the RCP (b). Her house was a place of meeting underground workers. After the opponents of the Bolsheviks shot her associates, she organized the funeral of their own comrades. She also was engaged in collecting funds to help children arrested and shot revolutionaries. Thanks to its own decisive moral moral temper (the full name - Evdokia) hid in my house accomplices, helped to escape from prison arrested tickets. Yaraya revolutionary, she believed that it was necessary to organize uprising and demonstrating workers in large towns, while her colleagues did a bet on the rising farmers in the village. In 1919, Kovalchuk was arrested by snow-white counterintelligence and shot. Its naming is the street in the town of Novosibirsk.

This is such a fascinating and boldhever, the full name of which Evdokia. In our days, this name is not popular. And it is a pity, because it carries warm and kindness inside.

Brief form of the name of Evdokia. Evdokyushka, Evdi, Evdona, Donya, Don, Donah, Donosha, Evdosa, Doshi, Evdoah, Evdosha, Dosha, Even, Dunya, Dunyar, Dunyachka, Dunyha, Dunyasha, Eugene, Soul, Dusya.
Synonyms named Evdokia. Evdox, Avdota, Avochere, Avdoky, Eudokia.
The origin of the name of Evdokia. Evdokia Russian, Ukrainian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

Name Evdokia greek origin. Educated on behalf of Eudokia, meaning "Fale". In European languages \u200b\u200bis often mixed with relatives women's name Eudoxia, meaning "blessed". The pair male name Evdokim is translated as "enjoying good glory."

On Russia, the name came from Byzantium with Christianity. It was widespread among simple classes, but it was reedded, and it began to sound like ohdashi (Avdota), Evdox. In Ukraine and in Belarus - Justoha. Also used among higher estates. Catholics Name Day Evdokia celebrate March 1. The rest of the specified dates is orthodox names Evdokia.

Evdokia is an independent and decisive woman. Although it is very difficult for her in life, it still overcomes difficulties, achieves his and in general can stand up for himself. However, sometimes Evdokia can, as they say, "get into yourself", stop trusting people. It causes great suffering girls. Usually, Evdokia has only one girlfriend, to which the girl is very attached. Evdokia is heavily jealous of his girlfriend, and any swelling with her is experiencing. However, quarreling, the girl who is wearing this name is unlikely to take the first step to reconciliation.

Evdokia possesses beautiful person And the figure, which makes it very attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex, and she knows it. The girl is a mass of time pays his appearance, always follows the latest fashion novelties. The girl with this name is proud and impregnable, does not tolerate criticism around. In the shower she is very raven and offended.

The name of Evdokia is rare, in everyday life The girl is often called Dosi or the Duna, which for a child may seem low-apparent. As a result, the girl will either be shy rare nameOr, on the contrary, will strive to emphasize him, meaning his unusual. And the one, and the other extreme equally bad. Parents will need to be tried to bring these two aspirations into equilibrium, since it is best when a sense of self-confidence is combined with the need for self-affirmation. Assist in this will be able to develop in the girl a sense of humor and good self-irony. Evdokia is characteristic of mobility and good nature. If nothing is disturbing the pride of the girl, then optimism is in a large extent.

The logicality of at least inherent Evdokia. Girls with this name more live with a heart than a mind. Evdokia believes while loves. In communication, she is sincere and good-natured, has a good sense of humor.

Evdokia has a sufficient margin of strength and energetic, to achieve success in the chosen profession. Career is likely to be an obstacle to solid intrameal relationships.

In a relationship, a woman who is named Evdokia, more often takes the initiative for himself. Men tries to choose gentle, soft and pliable. The relationship is waiting for complete harmony, she needs either all or nothing. Marry it is late - it is too high by her plank. But in the family life, Evdokia is usually happy.

Name Day Evdokia

Evdokia celebrates Name Day January 11, February 5, February 8, March 1, March 2, March 14, March 20, April 20, May 30, July 20, August 13, August 18, August 26, August 24, September 24, September 24 September 28, November 16, December 23.

Famous people with the name Evdokia

  • Elia Evdoxcia ((mind 404) Spouse of Emperor Arkady, daughter of the Roman Army of Bavton)
  • Licinia Euddoxia ((422 - 462) daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Feodosia II and Evdokia)
  • Evdokia ((OK.401 - 460) before baptism - Athenaida; the wife of Emperor Feodosia II. Known as a talented poetess, for some time patronized monophysites. Held last years His life in Jerusalem, engaged in the construction of churches and charity.)
  • Euddoxia (Bulgarian Princess, Daughter Tsar Bulgaria Fedrinand I)
  • Evdokia Ilopolskaya ((Um.ok.160 / 170) Early Christian Holy, revered as a presovicariator)
  • Evdokia Angelina Comnin ((OK.1173 - 1211) The youngest daughter of the Byzantine emperor Alexey III., Niece of Emperor Isaac II Angela, cousin Emperor Alexey IV Angel)
  • Evdokia Dmitrievna ((1353 - 1407) Daughter of the Grand Prince Suzdal Dmitry Konstantinovich, Wife of the Grand Duke Moskovsky Dmitry Ivanovich. Known by his charity. Also known as the St. Euphrosinia Moscow (in monastic); in 2007, the 600th anniversary of its presumption was noted, to commemorate what On August 21 of the same year, a new RPC reward was established - the Order of the Rev. Euphrosynia Moscow.)
  • Evdokia Nagaya (((Um.1597) Princess, the first wife of the specific Staritsky Prince Vladimir Andreevich, the spouse of Prince Vladimir, cousin Tsar Ivan IV)
  • Devorera (in the world - Evdokia Naryshkin, nee Hamilton; Star Effectory Worker, aunt of Queen Natalia Kirillovna, Wife of the Duma Nobleman Fedor Naryshkin, the niece of the wife of Artamon Matveyeva Evdokia Hamilton (thanks to this marriage, Natalia and got on education in Matveyev's house, where the king looked up). Researchers believe that her life in the Arzamas district had a significant impact on the distribution of old-believe in the Nizhny Novgorod province. Local Old Believers preserved the memory of it at least before end XIX. century. The place of her residence was called "Tsaritsyn" or "Devorrin" and enjoyed a big honor from the Old Believers, and the devore itself was considered sacred.)
  • Evdokia Fedorovna ((1669 - 1731) The nee - Lopukhin, at birth - Praskovya Illarionna, in the ancestray
  • Evdokia Istyuric ((1799 - 1848) The legendary dancer of the St. Petersburg ballet. The pupil of theatrical school, a student of Charles-Louis Didlo, eating Pushkin in the "Eugene Onegin" 1818), "Calif Baghdad", "Evtimiy and Evharica", "Roland and Morgan", "Lisa and Knee" (1820), "Lelia Narbonskaya" and others)
  • Evdokia Rostopina ((1811/1812 - 1858) nee - Sushkov; Countess, Russian poetess, translator, playwright and prose)
  • Evdokia Saburova ((UM.1614 or 1619/1620) in the Tesle - Inokine Alexandra; the first wife of Tsarevich Ivan, the daughter-in-law of Ivan the Terrible. A year after the wedding is exiled to the monastery.)
  • Evdokia Zavaliya ((1924-2012) The only woman - the commander of the platoon of marines during the Great Patriotic War, Guard Colonel)
  • Evdokia Grekova ((1907 - 1992) Novator agriculture, Brigadier-livestock Tobleboza Karavaevo Kostroma district of the Kostroma region, twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1948, 1951))
  • Evdokia (Justoha) Share (real surname - Verkhovinets-Kodieva; Ukrainian Soviet actress)
  • Evdokia Ivanova ((1810 - 1905) in marriage - Sokolova; Russian theater dramatic actress, opera singer (soprano))
  • Evdokia Bocharova ((1913 - 1982) in the Maiden - Karabut, on the first husband - Bershanskaya; Soviet pilot, participant in the Great Patriotic War, commander of the 46th Guards night bombarding regiment)
  • Evdokia Marchenko (writer and poetess, member of the Union of Writers of Russia)
  • Evdokia (Ed) Urusova ((1908 - 1996) Soviet actress, the star of the theater named after the Yermolova, People's Artist of Russia. The hereditary princess. In the cinema became famous in the roles of Charskaya ("casket of Mary Medici") and Agnessee Ivanovna ("Courier").)
  • Evdokia Turchaninova ((1870 - 1963) Russian and Soviet theater actress, People's Artist of the USSR (1943), Laureate of the two Stalinist first degree premiums (1943, 1948))
  • Evdokia Orlova Chesmersky ((1761 - 1786) Nebield - Lopukhina; College of Chart of Alexey Grigorievich Orlova, Mother of Anna Alekseevna Eagle)
  • Evdokia Aleshina ((1915 - 2000) links of the seed collective farm "Freedom" of the Pooh district of the Ivanovo region)
  • Evdokia Nosal ((1918 - 1943) Deputy Commander of the Squadron of the 46th Guards Night Bombardment Aviation Regiment of the 218th Night Bombarding Aviation Division of the 4th Air Army of the North Caucasian Front, Guard Junior Lieutenant)
  • Evdokia Cadi (Cypriot singer, which represented his country at the Eurovision Song Contest 2008 with the song "Femme Fatale")
  • Evdokia Ingerina ((approx. 840 - 882) Byzantine Empress, daughter of the Varangian warrior from the imperial security, the concubine of the emperor of Byzantium Mikhail III)
You can manifest unscellied when forming your own image. By big account You are much more important than the quality and convenience of clothing, rather than matching her style of today today. The only rule you, perhaps, should follow - to ensure that your suit does not destroy the impressions of you, as a person deserving all confidence. After all, it is this impression that you must produce.

Compatibility of the name of the soul, manifestation in love

Dusya, you often forget that family life incompatible with the preservation of the status of "friend for all". You can be sincerely in love and are tied to the subject of their sensual aspirations and at the same time try to "attach" their personal relationships to the already existing public. As a result, you can lose the second, so really and without creating the first. If you feel that love is really important for you, give it entirely by installing the framework and borders. Then you will become an excellent beloved, while remaining a good friend.


Your nature of the idealist makes you indulge in the movements of the soul and the desires of the hearts that are aimed at improving our imperfect world. You disagree to the smaller. Emboss on trifles - do not intend. If there is at least a completely fantastic opportunity to enable humanity, you will choose it, refusing what literally lies under your feet.

It often seems to you that no one in the world is able to truly understand you, to appreciate your motives and grand ideas. But if it grieves you, then just a while. What do not sacrive for the sake of a great goal?

And you - sacrifice. Often - "not looking". And, as a result, losing the "on the way" much of what could make your life more "earthly".

Often your actions bring real fruits, sometimes - just stunning. But it may be necessary to think about the fact that you have more strong links with the outside world, your ideas about his needs would also be more realistic. And the results of actions are more valuable.

The meaning of the name of Evdokia: This name for a girl means "having sympathy", "useful than good glory", "good glory," favor. "

The origin of the name of Evdokia: of Ancient Greece. In Russia, the name of Evdokia received its distribution along with Christianity.

Reduce form name: Evdona, Donya, Donata, EDDOS, Dosa, Evdosha, Dunya, Dunyatka, Dunyasha, Avdonia, Avdosh, Viguya, Dusya.

What does the name of Evdokia mean: Dusya can wear insinuistence mask. The work does not bring her special joy, after marriage, as a rule, becomes a housewife. The girl named Evdokya will stop his choice on a gentle and compliant man.

Angel Day and Saint Patrons named: The name of Evdokia twice the year notes named after:

  • 14 (1) Martha - the pretext of Evdokia first led sinful life, then turned to Christ, fifty-six years old began in the monastery and died martyrdoms in 152.
  • 17 (4) August - the pretension officer for the spread of the faith of Christ in Persia after the torment is beheaded in the IV century.

Signs: March 14 - Evdokia-Iluchem, Podoga, Skistoga, Spring, Savyd. What is Evdokia, Takovo and summer: either clear or cloudy. If Grach flew to Avdoti, to be a fly of wet, and the snow will come down early. Avdoti Day red - on cucumbers and freight harvest. However, I also get a dog in Evdokia to get a snowman, and the frost will win - it sits on the nose!


  • Zodiac - Fish
  • Planet - Jupiter
  • Color - blue
  • Favorable tree - Iva
  • Cherished plant - violet
  • Patron - Seal
  • Stone-Talisman - Turquoise

Characteristic of the name Evdokia

Positive features: Dutch is distinguished by diplomaticity, the ability to adapt, but at the same time maintain their "I" in any living conditions. The owner of this name is striving for harmony with me and the world.

Negative features: The woman who is the name of Evdokia can adapt to the environment, it is ready to obey the generally accepted rules, but knows how to apply unexpected and strong response strikes, to implement the place of revenge.

The character of the name of Evdokia: What features of character determines the meaning of the name of Evdokia? She has a good character and not very irritable. It is inquisitive and purposeful, calculating and often envious, thinks out every step. A woman with this name is strongly developed a sense of justice: the desection of someone in a lie, it worries it as a great shock. Evdokia is a very homemade woman, there is no more enjoyable classes for her than to equip your accommodation and take care of anyone. Young owned by the name is very good person And it is capable of everyone to forgive everything.

Evdokia and her personal life

Compatibility S. male name: Favorable named after Averyan, Akim, Anania, Anania, Vavila, Gerasim, Dementy, Evgraff, Evdokim, Emelyan, Kasyan, Oest, Parafen, Pakhomom, Ratibor. The name Evdokia is also combined with Fedot, Fotim. Complex relations Probable with Artem, Wennedikt, Vladislav, Vszlav, Izyaslav, Kustodia, Nikifor, the Sumor, Philaret, Whotislav.

Love and marriage: Does the happiness promise the meaning of Evdokia's meaning? IN love sphere DUSA requires stability. A woman who bears the name Evdokia attaches a great importance to calmness. But to improve its external charm, it needs a stimulus, so the Dunya sometimes starts innocent romantic connections.

Talents, Business, Career

Choice of profession: The girl is successful due to his ability to collect and analyze information, correctly understand people (she, as a psychologist, sees people through), stubbornly, gratefully bend its line and wait for a favorable moment to implement their plans. Of these people, as a kind, good lawyers, diplomats, advisers, consultants are obtained.

Business and Career: She can be an excellent business partner, because it really looks at life, knows how to make profitable deals. attaches a huge value of intuition. It successfully manages the commercial enterprise, knows how to avoid trouble and solve complex financial problems.

Health and energy

Evdokia Health and Talents: Dusi can be loosened bone system. Probabous problem with teeth, osteoporosis.

Fate Evdokia in history

What does the name of Evdokia mean for women's fate?

  1. Evdokia Fedorovna (1669-1731) is the first spouse of Peter I, the daughter of Boyarina Fedor Lopukhin.
  2. Avdota Meshcherskaya (1774 - 1837) - in monastic - Eugene, nee - Tyutchev; Igifications, the founder of the Boriso-Glebovsky Anosina of the Women's Monastery.
  3. Evdokia Pludya, Evdokia Spring, Evdokia Capaliznica, Avdota Podoga Threshold, Avdoty Golustoga, Evdokia Pludya - National name of the day of the memory of the Holy Reverend Martyr, who Orthodox Church Notes March 1/14.
  4. Evdokia Strelnikova (1739 -?) - One of the first dancers in the Russian ballet. It was considered one of the best soloists of the Russian ballet, arranged fusano and later Landa, whose student she was. She participated in Locatelli and Sakko ballet ("Orpheus and Evurdika", "Foxal in London", "Apollo and Daphne"). Since 1748, the service of imperial theaters has consisted.
  5. Outi Alanko-Kakhiloto (Ry.1966) - Finnish politician.
  6. Evdokia Chernysheva (1693 - 1747) - nee - Rzhevskaya, the general, according to the nickname "Avdotya Baba" given to her Peter I; Countess, one of the mistresses of Peter the Great, according to Vilboa, "the disorderly behavior there was a harmful effect on the health of Peter"; Mother of the Black Summer Brothers - prominent figures of the Board of Catherine II.
  7. Evdokia Vorobyova (1768 - 1836) - nee - Volkova, in some sources - Yankovskaya; Opera Artist (Soprano).
  8. Evdokia Elagina (1789 - 1877) - nee - Yushkov, according to first marriage - Kireevskaya; Mother I.V. And P.V. Kireevsky, the hostess of the famous socio-literary salon, translator.
  9. Evdokia Glinka - Russian poetess, prose, translator, wife F.N. Glinka.
  10. Avdota Golitsyn (1780 - 1850) - the neborn - Izmailov, known for the Night Princess Nocturne ("Night Princess") and "PrincessE Minuit" ("Princess midnight"); Princess, one of beautiful women His time, hostess of the literary salon. Until 1809 - the wife of Prince S.M. Golitsyn, the owner of the estate of Kuzminika.
  11. Evdokia Mikhailova (1746 - 1807] - Actress, Opera Artist (Soprano) and Drama, one of the first Russian dramatic actresses; Mother actress E.V. Mikhailova.
  12. Evdokia Mauriciyevna and Avdota Nikitichna - the comic pop duet of the actors Vadim Tonkov and Boris Vladimirov, which existed in the USSR from 1971 to 1985.
  13. Evdokia Panayeva (1820 - 1893) - Russian writer, memoiristka.
  14. Evdokia Smirnova (Ry.1969) - Writer, TV presenter, film director, author of numerous articles and essays.

Evdokia in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world

Name Name different languages It has a little different meaning and sounds a little different. On the english language Dunya translates as - Eudoxia, on german language: Eudokia, in Italian: Eudossia, in Danish: Eudokia, on french: Eudoxie.

Names and their values \u200b\u200bdepend not only on the origin, but also from the time of year, when the child was born. Recommended, as affects the character and fate name and familiarize yourself with the list of names, suitable all signs of the zodiac.

It is important to know what the name means that it is harmoniously combined from its owner - on the sound and phonosemantic significance.

What is the complete name from the mind? Posted by the author Realize The best answer is Origin: The name of Evdokia appeared in Byzantium, it was formed from the word "Eudokia", which is translated from ancient Greek Means "Fale".
In Russia, the name of Evdokia received its distribution along with Christianity. Simple people I reincarnated the name, it began to sound differently - Avdaty. Holy - patroness of this name - Reverend Martyr Evdokia, great Princess Moscow. She took her baptism, then refused wealth, devoted himself to God and received the gift of the wirals.
Meaning: "incense", "good glory".
Character: B. early childhood Evdokia mischievous and stubborn, mother and grandmother usually do not listen, only a father who is afraid and respects. This girl is easily offended, climbs, and soothe it is difficult. Little Eddokia is very curious, even curious, she needs everything to know everything. She is a cunning and inventive, this girl is constantly being born some ideas. Evdokia is capable, it is easy to study with interest, but nonsense and therefore not always among the first.
Evdokia is kind, economic, caring, soft and compliant. She always tries to avoid conflicts, as it does not like to quarrel.
Listen only to what her heart speaks. Created for love and seeks to her all his being. Very kind person. In life, it often has difficulty, but she learns to overcome difficulties and achieve their own. Gradually becomes practical, learning soberly approaching life. However, Evdokia is often closed in herself, ceases to trust people and suffers greatly from it.
She usually has one girlfriend, to which Evdokia is very attached and therefore jealous of it. This woman does not like to work, but performs their duties. Evdokia is not just attractive - she is beautiful and knows great.
After marriage, Evdokia usually dismissed from work, but it does not really like to do household chores, not very accustomed, but it cooks well. Often gives children to kindergarten Or to "extell" at school, but the weekend spends with them. Much of time pays for its appearance, follows the fashion. He loves to walk with her husband to visit, to the theater, to concerts, at the receptions - in short, wherever can demonstrate their toilets. Rarely changing her husband.
Spring Evdokia calm, shy, gentle. She is friendly, sociable, has many friends. This woman is hard to experience their failures, trying to find his ideal, goes through many fans. But marriage joins the love, happy in family life.
Phonosemantics: The word Evdokia gives the impression of something quiet, fast.
Talisman: Filieca
Color: blue
Stone: Turquoise
Zodiac sign: The name is suitable for twins, devices and weights