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Soviet hospitals during the Great Patriotic War. Soviet hospitals during the Great Patriotic War How to find a hospital during the war

The fighting always leads to losses. Man, wounded or patient, can no longer fulfill its tasks fully. But they needed to be returned. For this purpose, medical institutions were created throughout the promotion of troops. Temporary, in close proximity to combat battles, and constant - in the deep rear.

Where hospitals were created

All hospitals during the Great Patriotic War received at their disposal the most spacious buildings of cities and villages. For the sake of saving the wounded soldiers, their fastest recovery of the school and the sanatorium, the audience of universities and hotel rooms became medical chambers. For the soldiers tried to create the best conditions. The cities of a deep rear turned into the refuge for thousands of soldiers for the time of illness.

In cities that are far from the locations of battles, hospitals were stationed during the Great Patriotic War. The list of them is huge, they covered the entire space from the north to the south, Siberia and on the east. Ekaterinburg and Tyumen, Arkhangelsk and Murmansk, Irkutsk and Omsk met expensive guests. For example, in such a distance removed from the front, as Irkutsk, there were twenty hospitals. Each point of reception soldiers with advanced was ready to carry out the necessary medical procedures, the organization of full nutrition and care.

Way from wound to healing

Wounded during the battle soldiers did not immediately appeared in the hospital. The first concern for him was pinned onto their fragile, but such strong female shoulders of his nurse. "Sisters" in a soldier's form rushed under a squall enemy fire to pull out his "brothers" from under the shelling.

The Red Cross, Naughty on Sleeve or Kosynka, was given hospitals during the Great Patriotic War. A photo or image of this symbol is clear to everyone without words. The cross warns that a person is not a warrior. The fascists at the sight of this distinctive sign are just an animals. They were annoyed by one presence of small nurse on the battlefield. And how they managed to drag under the sighting fire of hefty soldiers in full uniform, simply led them to rage.

Indeed, in the army of the Wehrmacht, such work was performed by the most healthy and strong soldiers. Therefore, they opened a real hunt for small heroines. Only flashed the girl's silhouette with a red cross, and a number of enemy trunks were injured on it. Therefore, death on an advanced nurse was very frequent. Leaving the battlefield, the wounded received the first help and went to the sorts of sorting. These were the so-called distributional evacuation points. Here were the wounded, contudate and patients with the nearest fronts. One item served from three to five directions of hostilities. Here the soldier was distributed by their main injury or illness. A great contribution to the restoration of the combat force of the army was played by military-sanitary trains.

Waxing could simultaneously carry a large number of wounded. No other sanitary transport could not move with these locomotives of rapid medical care. From the sorting points of the wounded sent to the internal areas of the country into specialized Soviet hospitals during the Great Patriotic War.

The main directions of hospitals

Among the hospitals there were several profiles. The most frequent injuries were considered injured in the abdominal cavity. They treated especially hard. A fragmental hit in the chest or stomach led to damage to the diaphragm. As a result, the chest and abdominal cavities turn out to be without a natural border, which could lead to the death of soldiers. For their cure, special thoracoabdomominal hospitals were created. Among such wounded, the percentage of survival was low. For the treatment of extremities, a femo-articular profile was created. Hands and legs suffered from injuries and frostbies. Doctors have tried to prevent amputation by all imaginable ways.

A man without hand or legs could no longer return to the system. And in front of the doctors put the task of restoring combat force.

Neurosurgical and infectious orientation, therapeutic and psycho-neurological departments, surgery (purulent and vascular) threw all their strength to their front of the fight against the diseases of the fighters of the Red Army.


Medics of different orders and experience became the service of the Fatherland. Experienced doctors and young nanitars came to hospitals during the Great Patriotic War. Here they worked for days. Among the doctors were not frequent but it happened not from lack of food. I tried to feed well and patients and physicians. Doctors often lacked time to distract from their main work and eat. Every minute was on the account. While lunch continued, it was possible to help some kind of hut and save his life.

In addition to the provision of medical care, it was necessary to cook food, feed the soldiers, change the dressings, clean in the wards, washed. All this performed numerous staff. I tried at least somehow distract the wounded from the bitter doom. It happened so that the hands did not have enough. Then unexpected assistants appeared.

Assistants doctors

Oversight and pioneers, individual classes provided full assistance to hospitals during the Great Patriotic War. They served a glass of water, wrote and read letters, entertained the soldiers, because almost every every day left the sons' daughters or sisters brothers. Touching peaceful life after the bloodshed of terrible everyday life at the front became an incentive for recovery. In the military hospitals during the Great Patriotic War came from famous artists with concerts. They were waiting for their arrival, they turned into a holiday. Call for brave overcoming pain, faith in recovery, optimism of speeches has a beneficial effect on patients. Pioneers came with self-identity. They put the scenes where the fascists ridiculed. Song songs, told poems about the ambulance over the enemy. Such concerts were wounded with impatience.

Difficulties of work

Created hospitals during functioning with difficulty. In the first months of the war, a sufficient supply of medications, equipment, specialists were not organized. Not enough elementary - wool and bandages. I had to wash them, boil. Doctors could not change the bathrobe on time. After a few operations, it turned into a red cloth from fresh blood. The retreat of the Red Army could lead to the fact that the hospital turned out to be at the captured territory. In such cases, the life of the soldiers turned out to be threatened. Anyone who could take weapons in hand got up to protect the rest. Medical staff at this time tried to organize the evacuation of serious and contused.

It was possible to establish work on an unsuitable place by passing through the tests. Only the dedication of doctors allowed to equip the premises to provide the necessary medical care. Gradually, medical institutions stopped experiencing a shortage of drugs and equipment. The work became more organized, was under control and care.

Achievements and omissions

The hospitals were able to achieve a decrease in patient mortality rates during the Great Patriotic War. Up to 90 percent returned to life. Without attracting new knowledge, this was not possible. Doctors accounted for the latest discoveries in medicine to check immediately in practice. Their courage gave a chance to survive many soldiers, and not even just stay alive, but also continue to defend their homeland.

Died patients were buried in usually on the grave installed a wooden plate with a name or number. Working hospitals during the Great Patriotic War, the list of which in Astrakhan, for example, has several dozen, were created during large battles. These are mainly evacuity, such as №379, 375, 1008, 1295, 1581, 1585-1596. They were formed during the Stalingrad battle, taking into account the dead did not lead. Sometimes there were no documents, sometimes rapid movement to a new place did not give such an opportunity. Therefore, it's so hard to find the burial places of the dead from the Russian Academy of Sciences. Until now, there are still missing soldiers.

102th Guards Fighter - Anti-Tank Artillery Regiment 11th Fighter-Anti-Tank Artillery Brigade of the 2nd Ukrainian Front ()

Vladimir Leontievich Burdasov
Enrolled forever
Born in 1921 at the Chakin Station, now Rzhaqsinsky district of the Tambov region. Russian.
Candidate member of the CPSU.
Hero of the Soviet Union (24.3.1945).
Awarded the orders of Lenin,
Red Star
During the Great Patriotic War, Guard Lieutenant Burdasov, the battery commander, among the first, joined the Moldovan village of Taxoba, which is on Prude. Now at the school of this village there is a pioneer squad named after Vladimir Burda.Sova.
His name and secondary school of the railway village of Chakino on Tambovshchina - Volodya Burdasov studied in it.
In 1937, Volodya entered the Moscow Railway Technical School. Before the war, he is a dispatcher at one of the stations in the suburbs. And at the beginning of the war, the cadet of the Podolsky Artillery School. In October 1941, he was among those cadets that helped to stop the enemy on the approaches to Moscow.
Guards Lieutenant Burdasov distinguished himself particularly distinguished himself.
From the first day of this operation battery Guard Lieutenant Burdasov from the 102nd Guards Fighter - Anti-Tank Artillery Regiment 11th Fighter-Anti-Tank Artillery Brigade of the 2nd Ukrainian Fronttook an active part in the battles. Acting together with the rifle units, the batteries successfully suppressed the firepoints of the enemy, shot his tanks and thereby cleared the path of adventant infantry.
On August 23, after the main forces of the enemy were in the Yaskovo-Chishenese boiler, the pursuit of the enemy on the territory of Romania began. Bourdasov battery As part of a motorized detachment with infantry planted on the car, burst into the army. The artilleryrs of direct vendor destroyed enemy firepoints, shot his infantry. The Nazis did not stand the hit, began to retreat. The batteries captured five guns, the tank, a lot of carts with military property.
In the course of further persecution of the enemy, the battery with the case of the infantry burst into the outskirts of the village of Chorteshti and entered into battle with the superior forces of the enemy. The hot contraction broke out. Artilleryrs destroyed two more enemy tools, several machine-gun points.
The Nazis took the counterattack. A few hours continued the fight in the village. Artillerymen safely joined the fights with enemy tanks and guns. The battery commander repeatedly became a tool and beat on the enemy direct vending. Soviet warriors kept the Natisk of the enemy, did not retreat either a step. But in serious battle fell by the death of brave artillery officer Vladimir Burdasov. Buried him in a mass grave in the village of Taxoba of the Faleshtsky district of the Moldavian SSR.
By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, he was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
On the building of the Chakinsky Agricultural Technical School, a memorial plaque is established in his honor.

Heroes of war and peaceful everydays. M., 1980. P. 53 - 55.
Dyachkov L. G. Heroes of the Soviet Union - Tambovtsy. Voronezh, 1974. P. 165-168.

Dear user! Handbook of Distribution of Hospitals of the Red Army in 1941-45. Composed by specialists of the Archive of Military Medical Documents of the Military Medical Museum of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in 1972. In the future, a certain number of copies of the multi-volume typewriter was transferred to the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense, where for several years of work they were neatly rewritten by manually researchers of Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Murmansk regions. , Tatarstan and Udmurtia. In 2001, a complete electronic version offered to your attention was created from these fragments.

Its features are:

1. Dislocation places are indicated by those that managed to identify archival workers in the military-medical museum of military medical museum of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation documents of therapeutic institutions of all types (except for medservants of divisions, corps, armies, fleets and flotilla, medical teams - they are in There is practically no directory).

2. If any item is absent, and you know that in it the medical institution (for example, the hospital) was exactly some time during the war, then this means that there were no mention of this paragraph. In this case, click the "Make Supplement (Changes)" button and inform the data with reference to a reliable source (and without reference, if you do not have a document source). After that, the supplement will later be subsequently made with reference to you.

3. Only one number is often known (for example, on 11.10.42) or just a month (for example, for May 1943), or a year (for example, in 1944), in which this therapeutic institution was at the dislocation site. In this case, the "Notes" field indicates: "in the directory so: on ..." or indicated the first number of this month or the year (for example, 01.05.43).

4. The administrative belonging of some settlements is not established and therefore there is no data in the "region" region.

5. There are no many medical institutions in the directory at all. This means that on the storage in the archive of their documents there is no or in the dislocation data available, data is not revealed. This largely relates to those hospital institutions that have come to the environment. On the other hand, it is hard to explain the lack of documents of those medical institutions that were in the deep rear.

6. Some reference books according to the same number and types of medical institutions may contradict each other. This is explained by the fact that the administrative belonging of any settlement could not always be immediately known to the leadership of the hospital, and therefore the same number of hospital as it were, for example, in the Lithuanian SSR, and in Eastern Prussia, being on their border, i.e. Both regions could be indicated in the documents. Unfortunately, the post-war thoroughly unlocking locations was not carried out.

7. Part of the regions was formed during and after the war. However, compilers of the reference book in the archive of military medical documents of the Military Medical Museum of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation considered it necessary to give the administrative affiliation of some settlements on new administrative division. For example, the Kaluga region was formed from 07.07.44, Bryanskaya - from 07.07.44, Novgorod - from 05.07.44, but the dislocation of medical institutions in their territories in 1941-43. Dana on a new division, i.e. With the indication of Kaluga, Bryansk, Novgorod and other similar areas. On the other hand, part of the settlements is given to the old administrative affiliation, for example, in Eastern Prussia. The system is not observed here. Therefore, it remains to be assumed to the toastness, attentiveness and knowledge of users.

Reducing the names of therapeutic institutions and their decoding are indicated. On the existing roughness in the field "Supplements" do not pay attention, over time they will be corrected.

If you found any information and confident that the information provided here is incorrect, you can fix the existing data. Information about all corrections will be delivered to for detailed consideration. You can add supplements.